The Brussels Post, 1895-12-6, Page 3a. 8,, 1$9 T H $ B TovrA Directory., ltlmlvlzrm Cessna•—Sabbath Serviette at 11 a fl and 6:90 p. m. teenday School at 2130 p w, Rev. joint Rasa, Ii 'A, paster• SO.1oulv'g Cnener ,-,Sabbath Services at 11 e m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohoel at 2;801?, ni. Rev. A. K, Griffin, (noun• bent, Muxnonsee Onnote—Sabbath Services at 10:80 a m and 0:80 0 in. Sunday Solrool at '2;30 p rn, Rev, G. H. Cobble, disk, M A, B D, pastor, RoaNAN OA'TII0bIc Cn0n011.-Sabbath Servipe third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m. Rev Joseph leennpdy, prieet. SAteeeeroa Anter. -•Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the bareacke. Ono 1 emeows' Lonna every Tbureday evening, in Grebam'e block, MASONIC 1J0n40 Tuesday et or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Donee 0 on the 9rd f!',riday evening of each month, in Bias. hill's block. 0F Loren on 2nd and last evenings of eauh month, in $lashill's block, I 0 1', 2nd and last Friday in Odd Follows' Hall, L 0 L let Monday in every month' in Orange Hall. Soliso>r 600TLAND, let and 3rd Tues. days of each month, : in Odd fellows' Hall. H. 0. T, M. LODaA, let and 8rd Thurs. days of each month, in Vanetoge block. Hone Crnonn, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill'e Hall, Pose Orreen.—Office hours from 8 a.. m. 20 6:80 p. m. M401tAMoe' INsxrruxz,—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 trnd.6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw, Librarian, TOWN Covnoir,—W. H. Kerr,. Reeve'; W. H. McOraoken, Robert Graham, R. Leatherdele and B. Gerry, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the let ,Monday in each month. Samoa Boenn.—Rev,.Ross, (chairman,)' Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and 3. N. Kendall ; Seo: Treae„ ,Roes. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Pnnnro SonooL TEAoIIEae.—J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mies Downey andMiee Cooper. Bosun of .Hanan.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNNangbton, - Medical Health Officer. Grey Council Meeting, Council met at Long's Hotel, Oran. brook, Nov. 28, 1895, pursuant to ad- journment. Members were all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. A communication was read from Garrow et Prondfoot re suit Oliver vs. Grey: Mov- ed by James Turnbull, seconded by Jae. Lindsay that Messrs, Garrow 2 Proud foot be instruoted to defend said suit in .gfta'•alfpf this Council. Carried. Ap• plieti,e,:,of Rev. W. J. Waddell, silting the .Council to co-operate with the Metho. diet congregation, Ethel, in building a shed on the ground in the rear of the Township Hall. Laid over for further' consideration. Dr. MoNaughton pre- sented an aoconnt for 36.50 for attend - ante and medioine to the family of Mre. E. Fox. Moved by Wm. Brown, second- ed by Jae. Turnbull that no aotion ,,be taken, as this Oonnoil is not responsible for anything more than the regular monthly allowance already granted to Mre. Fox. Carried. Jne. Greig applied for gravelling on boundary Grey and Elms, between the 10th and 12th con. cessions. Moved by Wm. Brown, sem ended by Jae. Turnbull that this Council grant the elm of ,310.00 provided the Elea Couueil grant anequal sum, and that Mr. Greig and otbere agree to do one third of the work themselves• Carried. A By-law was,paeeed to provide polling places and appoint Depnty Returning officers for holding elections during the year 1896. The following accounts were presented, viz. Robert Bishop, culvert on sideroad 1, ton. 5, 35 ; Thos. Straah as, expenses taking paupers to House of leafage, 325 ; W. H. Herr, part payment on printing contract, 1896, 420 ; Gideon Brown, award ditob boundary Grey and Elms, 311.70 ; Jas, Wendt, cleaning award ditoh boundary Grey and Alma, 26o ; Wm. Smith, onlvert and grading boundary Grey and Elma, 34.75 ; W. S. Molleroher, insurance on Township Hall, 31.40 ; A. Robertson Sone dr do„ the for culvert, $1.46 ; L. McDonald & Co„ lum- ber For culverts, 36.68 ; Jae. MoNair, tile drain, lot 20,oon, 14, $8 ; Wm. Rieley, gravelling on eideroad 1, con. 6, and re- pairing approach to Betz bridge, 318.89 ; John Cardiff, cleaning ditoh and burying dead horse, lot 3, son. 7, 34 Jae. Mitch^ ell, repairing 'railing and flooring of bridge on eideroad 1, con. 12, 311,26; Jas. Greig, part payment for ditch at lot 84, con. 10, 340 ; David Brown, ditoh at lot 82, ton, 12, $9.50 ; Wm. Cook, tile drain at lot 11, ton. 4, 38 ; Wm. Millan, repairing culvert on Henfryn'road and covering culvert at eon. 8, $9.16 ; Donald Scott, gravel, 3102 ; Geo. McDonald, gravel, $4,20 ; W. . Coombes, award ditch at lot 4, son. 1, 36.70 ; Alex. Mc- Key, award ditab at lot 6, con. 14, 317.- 22 ; Wm. Millan, culverts at lots 80 and 31, oon. 11, $8.90 ; Wm. Telfer, repairing road Scraper, 31.86 ; D. Ewan, wrenoh and bolts for bridge at 1ot11, con. 15, 32. ; Thos, Al000k,oulvert on eideroad 1, con. 14, 33 ; Flank Lesooe, rag bolts, 31,50 ; Joseph Faulkner, refund statute labor charged oh roll, 31.60 ; David Sinolair, cleaning government drain No. 1 lots 12 and 13, oon, 15, $82.90 ; Riohard Car- diff, ditch on eideroad 2, ton. 14, and putting stones in oreek, 39.60 Geo. Clark, gravel, $5.76 ; D. McMillan, re• pairing onlvert on eideroad 2, con. 17, and culvert at loot 0, con.'' 17, $8 ; ' Mrs, Ritchie, supplies to Legate family, indi- gents, $18.26 ; 3ad. Bishop, Cleaning out culvert on boundary Grey and Morrie, non. 7, boo ; Wm. Annett, cleaning award ditoh on boundary Grey and Elma, 32.- 76 ; Alex. ll'Ieleay, culvert and ditch at lot 85, con. 14, $21.26 ; Jas. Barrie, out. vert and material at lot 0, oon, 18, $6 ;. George Baker, culvert on sideroad 3, con. 12, $2,50 ; Alex, Straoban, clothes for paupers souls to Heine of Refuge, 367.- 42 ; John Miller, clothes for Wm.,hlhllin, pauper, 312,60 ; Alienee Redacts& Smith,, hat for aggio Nichol, a pauper, $1,60, Moved by Jae, Turpbtill, eoopnd- ed by Wm, Dreier: that the above Mt, taunts be paid. Carried. poonoll then adiourned, to Meet again in the Town - shit) Ball, en Monday, the lOtll day of Deeembor, 1895. Wu, SrnNdn, Olork, Morris Council, Meeting, Tho Council loot a000rding to adjourn- ment in the ()Pencil room,' Morrie. oil Nov, 11th, 1895 ; members all present, the Reeve in the ohaie ; minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by',Geo. Hirkby,eeoonded by Thos• Code that Wm, Iebieter end Jae. Bowman be in. eteuoted to attend to the matter Of taking the Mime Exford to the 134u0e of Refuge at Clinton, 00 tut 14th inet, Carried. Moved by Wm. labialise, noontime by Thos. Code that the following persona be appointed Deputy Returning Offioere, to take the vptee in case a poll be required at the coming Municipal election, viz.:— Sab•divieipn No, 1, W,>C. Laidlaw ; No. ;Z, Alex, MoOall ;. No. 8, Ohhas, McCrae ; No. 4, M, M, Cardiff No. 6, J'no, I91s- ton ; No. 6, Joseph Bowman, Carried. Moved by Wm. Iebieter, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that the Reeve be instructed to attend -to the matter of taking Mary Hays to the House of Refuge at Clinton, on the 14th inst. parried, The follow- ing amounts were p`reeented and ordered to be. paid :—puff & Stewart, lumber and repairing approach to Clark's bridge, $10.86 ; Wm. Elston, wood to Ihrforus, 33,60 ; Ilowiok Insurance Co„ aeeeee- ment on Hall, 80 oente ; Thos. Aitkin- eon, gravel during the last font ensure, 314.75 ; Thos. Maunders, ,.loaning drain on East gravel road, 32,50 Geo. Thom - sou, supplies to Mary Hays, 38.50 ; W. 11, Kerr, printing notices of °entreat on East gravel road, '75 Bente ; L. MODon• ail & 0o., lumber, 316;88 ; Jno. Roland, putting in culvert, 32.00 P. Moarthur. ditch and culvert, $4,00 ; Jno. Johneton, approaches to culvert on sideline between lots 26 and 26, ton. 8, $20.76 ; Jas, Poll. oak, cleaning drain, $2.00 ; Slater se Sime, repairing scraper, 76 cents ' Jas. Timmine, gravel, 37.80 ; Jae. Shnrrie, do., $3.15 ; Jno. Barr, do., 31.96; Wright eetabe, do„ $9.62 13, Jackson, do., 33,- 20 ; eeleatare of furore each 34.00 • Jae. Marshall, Engineer's services, 370.'00 ; S. Welker, digging Engineer's drain,. 311.- 66 ; Mr. George, tile for drain, 80 cents. Ou motion of Win. Iebieter, seeondedby Jae, Bowman the Council thea adjourn. ed, to meet again on the 16th of Dec. next, at 9:80 a, in.; Wu. Onamc, Clerk, Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met at Wiugham, in the Presbyterian ohuroh, on Nov. 19th, and was constituted, Rev John Rose Moderator, Rev. F. A. Mao. Lerman, Clerk, pro tem. Elders commissions were received horn the following Birk Seseione :—Teeswater, in favor of John Gordon ; Wroxeter, Jas Wylie; Pine. River, John Ballantyne ; Dungannon and Port Albert, John Ben- net, and their names were placed on the Presbytery roll. A request for leave of absence till New Year from Mr, Anderson, of Wroxeter, owing to ill -health, was granted. Statistical and financial returns and minutes of the General Assembly were distributed. Seeslon records of Pine River, Belgrave and St. Helens were ex- amined and attested as carefully and ooze redly kept. Mr. ,MacLennan presented a unanimous call from Huron congrega- tion in favor of Rev. Roderick MacLeod, of Kenyon, Glengarry, accompanied with a guarantee of stipend of 31,000 per an- num, to be paid in quarterly payments in advance and free use of manse or rented house. Mr. MacLennan spoke briefly in support of the tall. John S. MeDonald, M. P. P., Francis McDonald and Johu MaBitohie, oommissioners from the Ses- eion and congregation, were also heard in support of the call, which is subscribed by 104 communloants and 176. adherents. The Moderator's conduct in the matter was approved and the call suetained as a regular Gospel tall. Reasone for the translation of Mr. Mao. Leod from Kenyon congregation to Huron congregation were read and approved. Rev. D. B. MoRae, of Cranbrook, was appointed by Huron congregation and. this Presbytery to prosecute the mall be- fore Glengarry Presbytery. The Clerk was instructed to forward the 'call and relative documents to Glengarry Presby. tory. Provisional arrangement was made for the induotion of Mr. MacLeod, the Moderator to preside, Mr. Whaley, of St. Helens, to preach, A. MacKay to ad - drew the minister and Mr.. MacLennan to address the congregation. A committee,' consisting of Rev. D. B, McRae and A. M. McKay, of Brussels',_ was appointed to visit the eongregetion of Walton to see If it is possible for them to increase the minister's stipend and find out the financial strength of the congre- gation. Mr. Roes called the attention of the Presbytery to the fact that next March will be the jubilee of the Rev. Mr. Stith. °eland, of Ripley. A 'committee, consisting of Messrs. Murray, Malcolm and MacLennan, was appointed to consider Mr. Sutherland's jubilee and rspote at the neat ordinary meeting of Presbytery. Communications from the Home and Foreign Mission Committees of the Gen- eral Assembly were read, intimating that the former requires 31,400 and the latter 31,100 from this Presbytery. The esti. mates from these committees were en- trusted to the Finaucial Committee of Presbytery. Mr. Hall aelced permission to have some members of the Session of Calvin church, ]]est Wawanosb, as aeeessard at .Belgrave until' new elders are ordained ; the requeeb was granted. The uaniee of pastoral charges entitled to seed aomniisstonere to the Genetal Ae- eeinbly, to numb ,fn Toronto next June, worn announced as follows ;—To Bond ministers, Dungannon and Port Albert, Belgrave end Galvin, East Wawanoeh, Wroxeter, Huron, Ghalmer'eehurch,liili• oardine township, and Bervio; and to sand elates, B1uevals and Radios, Lack - Knox thumb Kincardine, Pine River, Whiteobnrch and Lamgeido. The next opedinavy meeting of Frothy. tory will be held at Winglram, on Tues. day, Jan, 21st, 1890. Jet% M,toNinn, Clark, Lnoknow, Nov. 23, '06. HEART Drowns ltnniavon ie 80 MIN. vette.--AI I cased of organio or gym pathetio heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly eared, by Dr. Agnew'e Clore for the Heart, One .dose 031151noes. Sold by G. A. Deadman, f/auatd# ,ln, N+e"vrrr . i•' S S .,L'•1, L$ 1 O John S. Brown, it former of Dover township, wllilo under the indueeee pt liquor,' was frpxeh to death 111 a bush near big home, n'0h. Kr, Laurier, 130n, David Mille, O, S, Amite and obhere addreeeed a big Liberal meeting at Leollins 0h Seterday in the intereebe of Mr. Oharhonneau, the candidate for Tacques Cartier, If you are anxious to And the meet re. liable blend-pariaer read, le flyer's 41 - mama the teetimoniele of theee who bath been cured of Baan terrible dleeaeee es Werth, rl•lettmatiem and sorofula by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Then govern yourself Accordingly. Two carmen witch were oapbured from the French fora00 bbe Plaine of Abree ham, have arrived at 5*, Thomas, They were ebipped to Col. Sbaoey over the G. T. R. by the Militia Department, and will be mounted and plaoed lo bile' Drill Shed'tbere. etneneireemer Oveno I5 A DAx. -South American Rheumatic) Care for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radioally cures in 1 to 3 days, Its aotion upon the syetem ie rem,. kab r 1p and mysterious, le re- moves at once the cause and .the disease immediately disappears. The fleet dose greatly benefits, 76 tents, Warranted by G. A. Deadman, Grain prices in Manitoba are a good,. deal higher then in Dakota and Milne. seta across the line, At Crystal City, for instants, oats sell for from 18 to 16 oents a bushel, while in the town actress the border, only a mile or two away, the highest the farmers tan get for the' same oate is.nine cents, Wheat prices were also ooneiderably higher on this (side of the line. The Teeswater News says :—The stile• what unusual speotaole of a train load of tattle was witnessed at Teeswater station. The consignment was made up of 650 young tattle (one and two yeare old), a few cows, a number of thoroughbred bulla and 90 Oxford Down rams. All were purchased for the Christy & Ferris Co., a firm extensively engaged in ranch- ing at Fort McLeod, N, W,T, The train consisted of 16 oars. The tattle will re. quire to be unloaded for feeding and watering at least three times before reach. ing their deebination. We understand that the ,average prioe paid for the young animals was under eight dollars. The Anal beat in the stalling match between Hanlan and Bubear was witnes- sed at Galveston, Tex., Thursday, by e small but enthusiastic crowd, who cheer- ed lustily ae Hanlan brought himself in a winner. He has won three of the Ave heats in the rage for the championship of England and a 31,000 puree. There was a heavy rain failing' at the time. The withers went away well together. Bubear got a Blight lead on the return, but did not keep it long, as Hanlan, by one of his oharaoterietio spurts, tame right up with bim a short distance from the goal, and came home two boat lengths tmthe good, thereby winning three heate out of five, the puree and the champion- ship.. The time was 9:55. Bubear says that he will immediately challenge Han- lan for another rase. Friday proved Muskoka to be the bent. Br's paradise, when 100 deer were 'landed at Muskoka Wharf by the Muskoka Navi- gation Company's steamers, 90 coming from pnints on Lake Joseph, and 10 from Lake Rosman, among them being a fine buck weighing 245 pounds, shot by Mr, Allan, of Essex, near Roseau, and one by Dr. Jones, of Kemptville, shot on Lake Joseph, weighing near the same. They are without doubt two of the larg- est shot this season. Gerhard, Heintz. man and party, of Toronto, headed the list, with 16 very Moe ones, eome of which would go over the 200 pound mark. Some parties were not so sucrase. fat, having a camber of small ones of 40 and 50 pounds ; but, taken altogether, Ghey were as fine a lot ae anyone would wish to see, and the largest number seen iuthis vicinity at one time, 'Hunters have been there horn all parts of the Province and were highly pleased' with their sports. SHINCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles Ar1n— North Shore Pine and Cedar FON, SALE AT THE Brussels Planing J Tills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estiniatee Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship; and Material Gnaeanteed. J. & P. AMENT, WESTERN ADVERTISE R 33rd Year I =tat 000 Youaag' ® - I art 2E1'u'ew. The beet and brightest Weekly Paper publiehod 10 any of the cities; of Canada. SiXteexi Pages Every Week NOW IS THE TTMl7 TO SUBSCRIBE.. . onIy $1 w Jan. I1107 Special Rates to Clubs. Good Inducements to Canvassers. Andreae aliaommualoabion5— Western Advertiser, LONDON; ONT. EVERY AY TA THE BEST CURE THAT COUG.H, WITH • SHILOHS 25sts. �� Soots, and 0) OneOmitdose.CURE Itis sold on a guarantee -by all druggist/Eh 18 °urea Incipient donsamptioa and ie the beet Cough and Orono Onre. SolIl by JAS. F,OX, Drllesist, ttMASCO, r.=.111=1;,,,,;(1.4==.—.. n.; maxis ...._- Kl;wD.ALL PAM C1M T 1-1 1JYOSr SUCCESSFUL BEMEDY FOR MAN OR E::AST. Curtain n5 its 00ects and never blisters. Iteadproofe uet010 t CUM KE DALL'S SPAVIN CUM Dr. B11°." J. ibcoos6O C�rmanbo, Ileadersoa Coe n1.,Fob.,".1, '04. ,Sac Dmr�r Slrs'-plaoae send oto °"r or your Horse KDooas an Spatnn, Ibaveusedagoatden1efyour wonderful Spann Coro lith 0000 suocaea • it 1a a an Crest medial,. I oucoll d 0150.0 that had as Oaab tt•e boar lo and ova 80108,. euros her, 1 Pana a bctIlo on bund all the time" Cods. Pow r,, KENDALL'S SPAYIN GUDE. OA.vro2,31o., dpr.0,'00. Dr. D, J. 0004.2,0 Co. Dear Stra—I have usedoeveral battles of your. think it the beat L1 Oulu"withI ourr used.auHave ra 6notorious Ourb, one Blood Opn,9a and killed 100 11.,,w Spav1.M. navq socolnmeaaed it to un rhoepnl a imy r1t. Reaper0 0,0Lv0,,mucII 110800d ttltb S'.73.1.1tAY, P. 0. DosOtd, For Salo by all Druggists, or address 7Jo•. 11, d-. KE1V'D4.LL COrn'AaV1,- CNosounaU PALLS, VT. CURED BY TAKING AVE E esSarsllm patella "1 was afitioted for eight years with Salt Rheum. During Hutt thne, i tried a great' many medicines which were highly rec- ommended, but none give me relief, I was at Inst advised to. try Ayyer's Sarsa- parilla, and before I had Oldshed the fourth bottle,my hands wore as. Free from Eruptions as ever they were. 11ty-business,,. width is that of 1r eab-tlrivar, requires me t0 he out in cold and wet weather,often without gloves. hot the trouble has never returned."—Tnolets A, Jomrs, Stratford, Ont. Ayer's only Safsaparilla Admitted at the the Worl 's Fair. dPos•'s .(Fids Cleanse the ZovesEs. When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, --CALI, .1T -- H T Hardware Store Where you will, froni this date, get a DISCOUNT of FIVE FCR CENT. Offal! Cash Purchases, Fine Ronan, Artists' Can• vas in Stock. A. HUNTER. 1 1 Featherbone Skirt Bone FOR GIVING A light, plial0 , elastic bone made from quills, Itis soft and yielding, gStPcontormin6 re adil to folds,Y o fSi 1, n yleandShaperoper shape to Skirt or Drees, TO The only Skirt Bone that may bo wet withoab Injury. Ladies' Dresses. The Celebrated Ceatlierbone cor- sets sets are corded with this ;auto mt. 10 21 For sale by Ieading Dry Goods Dealers. Fall and Winter I have a fine, new and well selected stock of RM/' hes Morse Blankets, Light and Heavy Har- ness Collars, &c. Trunks and Bags at Low Prices, H. DENNIS. PILO! IiJ'f3l amtt�.0 a well roan of YOU f noon Ylionllwso Tnn he000 01.000800120000001000*. Pl0000 name as nervone 0tnauoo.5. Blorplant, note, Fnnina Memory, Nlgbtly r;.nlm.tone, epat.00. 10rrb000, Impot0007, *moodoto., oaod by Dts1 551250e: given vigor and sire ro shrm,kcn olycuo. and er10511.1ms onrolyy reetarce i.O1 d'Lt tn000. to 0110 or Tonal:, 'Una PI000ICod you aaOl prow tireng and happy agalu. gent by mail In plain '420 pe0 Naelly carried. In v at pa0Le1, Price,' 51` 0 311084115. ahr for s5, Sad 15000710 Bitb r 00lbl or 50,101,1,. od letter, eddr0'B an let. re to d,,tor ;It 0'Y, Drn Blot Wa000ro0S, U.1,. 4.541. tor '0100DO- minion o0 Canada. •.iIONE' TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter,. Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Rt and a Largo Stock of Toys AT f. ost" Bookstore. Soo aur Bibles, Albums, Shav- ing Sets, Comb & Brush Sets and Toy Boobs. Beautiful Dolls, Dishes Irons for Girls. Drums, Trumpets, Har- monicas, &c, for Boys. Bicycles, Sleighs and a, host of other. articles,, CALL eN > POST Bookstore