HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-29, Page 5Noir29, 1890 T H g 13 R U b'S. oar ct e;triv5, Wa1Eon. Mo)oneld Bros. will :get ant a large quantity of lugs two Winter for their mill hero, MUM Ash and hrotlier, of Brantford, were visiting their Sister, Mrs, Chas. Sage during the poet week, A huge oongrogatiert 00 Sunday night lase attentively listened to an earnest sermon in tho,Methodiot church, Walton 000de a good public hell for holding enterteinmente as there is no suitable building for that ppurpose. The members and Emends of the Metho- dist oharoh at the Bethel end Walton ap. pointmente remembered their peter,. Rev, W. M, Pomeroy, on Thanksgiving Day and pro:eoted Mm with abogt forty lcusbele of Date and other acceptable gifts. Mr. Pomeroy wished to .express bis gratitude and appreciation of aha many laindneesos he haa reoeived from hie people. The Ladies' Aid and MissionarySo. Mety of Sb. George's ohgrch have been working for some time past fertile parish ofImsdalein Algoma, making quilts and other useful artiolse, They will goon send their hale away, but before doing no they will give an exhibition of their work in the Orange nail on Thureday evening, Nov. 5th, et 7:80 o'olock. Addreeees wilf be given by olergymen, a000mpanied by a musical program of song, &o„ to whloh the Misses Sage and Mr. Hawkins, of Bruesele, will take part. Refreshments will be served at the close. 0, 0. P. Cowoenx.—Next Tuesday even- ing the oonoert of the seamen will be giv- en in the eohool house here under the auspices of the Canadian Order of For - eaters. The talent is A 1, and consists of Mies Jesaie Duolcer, an expert violinist and pianist, Prof. Ducker, violinist and guitarist ; M. Floody, comic vocalist ; looal talent, and an address on "Forestry" by D. D. H. 0. R. Moninnon, An ener- getic committee, of which W. J. Smith is Chairman and R, N. Campbell Score. tary, is making every arrangement for a good time and no one should mise the musical treat. . Miss Maggie Grant is visiting relatives at St. Mary's. Miss Mary Sample was visiting in Wingham last week. Mre. John Brown is expected home from the West tbie week. The minutes of the township Council is unavoidably crowded out this week. It cost over 6100 to fit out and convey the Grey inmates to the House of Refuge. Mrs. MoNeil, of Oranbrook, spent Thanksgiving Day at Mr. MoBlain'e, 4th con. B. Walsh has again leased the old Tindall farm from Thos. Moore, of Brus- sels. Speoial services are being held at Whit - field's ahuroh, conducted ' by Reads. Messrs. Waddell and Keine. The Township Council will very pro- perly defend the threatened suit by Con- treater treator Oliver over the big ditch. A public examination will be held at Whitfield'e School House, S.S. No. 10, on Friday of next week. Carl Engler is the teacher. Angus,5haw spent 'Thanksgiving day at Beeoliiille with Wm. Bishop, an old and well known former resident of Grey township. ,r Wm. Reid, 6th con., lies leased bis farm to Will. Lowe and will remove with his family to Grey County, wherel he will go in for barn oontraoting. The trustees of S. S. No. 1 have ro engaged W. H. Stewart for Blest year at' an advance on lest year's .salary. He has done good work in the school. Moses Doll's horse, attached to a cov ered bogey, getout of his control in Lis- towel street one day last week. Mr. Doll was thrown out end reoeived• a flesh wound on the face. The cover and buggy. box were thrown off and the horse itself was cut up somewhat by the debris. BAxRm1oratx. Again Cupid hes been victorious and on Wednesday afternoon .Thos. Learmobt, con. 14, a well known young man, and Mies Flora R,anoanson were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's father. Rev. D. B..MoRae tied the marriage knot in the presence of a large company. The bridesmaid was. Mise Maggie Stewart, cousin of the groom, and the groomsman John Damen - son, brother to the bride. 'Useful, valu- able and handsome were the many wed"' ding gifts received. After an elegant spread the guests spent a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mre. Learmont will reside in the new home ereoted last Burn - mer by the groom on the 14th oon. May happiness and snoaese attend therd is the wish of a large circle of friends. .Fltwood. Onr nubile library now has a member- ship of 180. A phonograph in Dr. Kidd'a vacant store entertained a number of citizens last week. Rev. Dr. Moffatt, agent of the Bible Society, occupied the Methodist church pulpit Sunday evening. Mies Bettie Jackson, daughter of Widdis 1ackeon, deputy -reeve of Elms, has gone to spend a term at Whitby Ladies' College. A carload of cinders from Wingham Ma dumped into the G. T. R. live stook yards here Met week, after removing the mud therefrom Photographer Lee, of Listowel, took a snap shot of the Public school with the youngsters arrayed in front of the build- ing. Hodgson Bros, and A. I'. MoLaren shipped three carloads of cbeese from Atwood station to the Old Country' last week, purchased of the factories in nim= townebip. The anneal missionary meeting' in cou- neotion with 8t. Alban's oburoh,- At. wood, was held last, Monday evening, Addressee were given by Revs.D. Deacon and R. Williams, of Stratford. The Stratford Kerald says "Wading - day afternoon feat Polies at agistrate 0'. Loans was 000upied in taking evidence as to the mental condition of a woman who is said to be hopelessly insane. Sarah Jane Hanna. residing with her husband, John Hanna, and family on lot 1, Oth oon„ Elmo, near Henfryn village, is a woman 80 years ofd and the mother of ten children. The husband and other members of the family deposed that the unfortunate woman suddenly became in- sane eight days before and has continued to show unmistakable signs of mental ab. erration. She is madly jealous and ap. pears to be laboring under deep delusion, fauoying she has been selected by the Divine Being to undergo a forty, days' feet, and- positively 'refusing to take neurishtnent, Her feat tae already Den' tiat,ted' eight Jaye, Previous to dais she was a sensible, lotelligaut woman and e member of the Methodist oburoh, The deluded svenlatt baa to be carefully watofied, god the family is anxioue to have her removed to acme plass where proper provision is made for the treat. menti of each eases. Pollee 'Magistrate O'Loaso Tbursday'Committed the un. fortunate woman, Mrs. Fianna, who was Wsdnesdey afternoon arraigned as a per• Son of unsound mind and unsafe to be at large. She will be removed to London asylum in the regular therm." Ov a,nb rAol c. R, F. Cameron was home from Toronto for his'Phumasgiving turkey, Mrs, McDougall is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs, Hinohley, of Cpnstauoe, Mies Annie Slemmop was visiting in Seaforbh and Oromarty last week, Miss FM, Dunoan, of Clinton, is visit. ing her podsine, the Miaees Mohair. Rev. Mr, Robinson, of Prowbridge, preached in the Methodist church ,Met Sabbath afternoon. Mise Jane MoNeil is beak from Este- von, Manitoba. She has been visiting With her sister, Mrs. Duncan. We are sorry to hoar of the illness of John McIntosh, a well-known resident,' but hope he will soon .be better. Principal Wynn has been re•engaged as teacher of the public school here for the next year. He's a good teacher. Thos. Bird arrived home from Portage- la•Prairie, Manitoba, or) Thanksgiving Day. no has been in the West for the past three years. There was no school here on Wednes- day afternoon as Principal Wynn and Miss McLachlan wore at Brussels atthe new school opening. A public school examination will be held here on Friday, Deo. 20th. A mus- ical and literary 'entertainment will be given in the evening.. W oaceter. Allen Rea is having fine times with hie Great, Dane in harness and sled these days. David and Mrs. Hastings spent Thanks- giving the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rano. C. F. Doty, of Oakville, was visiting. his sister Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Kerr for sev oral days. Alex. Ross and Robb: McAlpine, of Brussels, spent Sunday with Robt. Mil. ler and family. R. H. Fortune's sign was thrown down by Tuesday morning's wind and wrecked one of T. le. Miller's windows. Miss M, Hall, of Belmore,' and Mise E. E. Herr, of Brussels, spent several days at the Methodist Parsonage. The village bell was rung at the hours of the services of our churches. This is unquestiooally a move in the right di. rection, The sad news of the death, in Brook- lyn, N. Y., of Mies Maggie Sanderson, reached her friends here on Monday evening. The family have the sympathy of the community. A soaial, under the auspices of the Bel- more Methooist church,. was bald on Tuesday evening and proved very enjoy- able. The League in raising funds for the thorough renovatnu'of the ehuroh edifice. S rvioe was oonduoted in the Presby• teen oburoh on Thanksgiving Day. Rev, Mr. Demill, of Oshawa, presented the claims of his colleges at the meeting, also asking for Protestant o0 operation fa higher oulture of the youth. Rev. W. E. Kerr preached a Thanks• giving sermon on Sabbath evening. The new choir' which has been organized with Miss Elda. Hazelwood as organist, took their places for the first time Sunday evening and added greatly to the service. The Salem Epworth League gave a social reception to the Leagues of the Methodist ohorobes of Belmore and Wroxeter on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. The oburoh was well filled and a very enjoyable time spent. The home League furnished an excellent program.. At an enthusiastic meeting in the Town Hall, on Mondayevening, the scheme of lighting our village by electricity was laid before the. electors. Some strong speeches were made on both sides of the question, but on division of the house the vote stood 45 to 81 in favor of elec- tric) light. With accustomed promptness Manager Green, of Wingham, gave an order for the poles to Jae. nestle and the work will be pushed forward, without de- lay. It is proposed to put tbree•lighte on the Main street, at the Commercial, the corner oftMill and Front St. and at the switoh otiossing. Gibson Bros. engine will furnish power. We are a progres- sive, prosperous people. lLLorrlez• Mr, McGill, 4th line, is dangerously i11 with dropsy. George Bielby has been re-engaged as teacher in Geeman's school for 1808. Mrs, Jas. Dodds and eon, of Blyth, were visiting at Joel Sellers', 2nd line. Mrs. Jas. Kerney is home after .sepend- ing a fest/ weeks with her son in Wing - ham. Dave. Hamilton has returned to his home in Wingham, after spending the Bummer on the Ond. Chas. Mollie, 8th line, had the mis- fortune to have half the roof blown off Lis barn early on' Thursday morning. Some of the boys who weut to Mani- bobs have returned to their homes. They report an exoelleut crop and good prioee. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Shedden end daughter have moved to the lace .they bought from Adam' Soobb, where they intend to reside in the future. James Duman was away to Soarbori last week where he disposed of a 50 acre farm on the 4th con. of that township' belonging to members of his faintly. The Millar Bros. and Welter Coultas have been finishing off the stables under Robb. Yuill's barn. Mr. Yui11 will have one of the largeeb barns in the bownehip, The Labor Excursionists who went West;last Summer are now returning. Frank Bell returned' on Saturday and Chap.. Tuevey. and Isaac Jewitt a week earlier. Wm. Hopper, erd line, has bought the old Bethel church, one mile and quarter Last of Belgrave, fie has pulled it down and intends moving it home to build a dwelling house for his son. An entertainment will be given in Button's sohool house on the evening of Friday, Dec. l8bh. A good musteal and literary program will be arranged, pa'- cseds to be applied to providing eohool apparatus. } 117 P 0 S Doting the progroee of a prairie are at Babbwell, :Ilan., We Fall Reba, and a ns. Forbes, former residetaba of blprris, ill Attempting to plow fire gnarls-areuod ,heir hay sboolte, lost their horses, bar. news, 00 tone of hey and 50 cordo of n»ird. Wood. The boys Mee ran a very narrow ohanoe for their line. Their total Ince was about 0400, They reeolyed 000 from the farmers who set oqb the tiro. Ma'sont00000.—Itev. A. X. Cli' hlin, of Brneeels, wee the o$ioiebing glorg,yman in it very interesting matrimonial event ab the residence of Joseph Smith, Gib line, last Wednesday evening, when his daughter, miss Kate, joined hood and hand with Geo, Oaldbiok, .a weli•to-do young farmer of ,hie township, The bride was attended by Miss Mary (Mid. bink, both ladies being neatly and be- oomingly attired. David Smith support. ed the groom. After doing ample justice bp an elegant dinner the evening was joy- ously spent. The wadding gifts bespoke the popularity of the bride. Mr, and Mrs. Oaldbiek begin ,married life with many good wisher) for their future in whioh Tun Pon joins. .4'ntttef. Principal Dobson attended the school opening at Brussels lee* Wednesday af• ternoon, ' Old Mre, Sharp is very poorly. She is in her 86th year and baa been a very hearty woman. She lives with her daughter, Mrs. L Gill. Oneiron Bx,ossonte.—The Leoknow Sentinel says :—An interesting event m- atured at 0 o'elook p. m. on Wednesday evening of last week at the reeidenoe of Dan. Webster, jneb West of the village, when his daughter, Mary Ann, was unit. ed in marriage to J. M. Baynard, of Sahel. Rev. Mr. Wallwin, of the Look. , now Methodist church, performed the oeremony,Miss Winnie Baynard, sister of the groom, assisted the bride as bridesmaid,' while Thos. Webster, brother of the bride, did all the honors of best man. After the marital knot wee firm• ly tied, the large number present sat down to a magnificent dinner, prepared by the hostess, mother of the bride, after which those present enjoyed them. selves in various ways. One pleasant feature of the evening was the presence• of the. Luoknow band, the members of which gave some fine and highly appreei• abed selections. They were handsomely` reoeived and hospitably entertained by the groom, bride and hostess. Among the large aid beautiful array of presents, slowing the popularity of the bride, was one from James Young, dealer inlive stock, a 050 bill enolosed in a glass case. The bride was dressed in a fawn colored tweed travelling suit, trimmed with white fur. The bridesmaid in pale blue, trimmed with -white Moe. The happy young couple left for Ethel next morn- ing amid the usual showers of rise . and old slippers. The first brain load of farmers return- ing from the North-west arrived at To. ,ronto Saturday. Tbsre were over 200 in all and they ars those who went out wee b in the spring and worked during the harvest time. Others went op' there to bny farms, but they changed their minds and Dame back again to Ontario. The Cheabest Cash Store ii' the County, SOME OF QURCOMPETTOR3 in business appear 'to be very much exercised in their minds over the amount,of business others are doing, They stand in judgment upon it and characterize it in no mild terms. We would say to all such. p "Judie e Not that ye be Not. Judged." We do not look into other people's doors or stand upon the door steps to see what our Competitors are doing, v;e find plenty to do in attending to our own business and by, buying from the best manufacturers and Wholesale Houses in Canada and selling for Cash or the equivalent. We are in a position to do the very best for our customers: We are getting the trade "not at times" but a steady increase every month since we opened our doors for business here. Face are ° tibborn Things incl we state 1L few that you would do well to ponder ove. 1t is a fact, that we are selling an all wool Serge Dress Goods, very fine weave, heavy weight, for 25o. per yard, worth at least 35e. Compare this line with any others are asking the same for, we ' care not where. ' It is a fact, that we are selling Wool Plaid Double fold Dress Goods at 20c. per yard worth 30c. Thoee Plaids are guaranteed to wash and keep the color as good as.new .. It is a fact, that we are selling double fold Melton Cloth at 14.c. per yard worth 20c. It is a fact,that we are selling Factory Cotton at lo. per yard, worth at least 7c. Compare this line with any others are asking 7e. for in town or county., It is a fact, that we are selling Flannelette at lie. per yard worth 8c. This line is a surprise for. Cheapness to all who have seen it. It is a fact, that we have the Newest stock of Reaclymade Clothing in the County. It is a fact, that we are selling a Heavy Wool. Tweed Men's Winter Suit for $5.00. Compare this Suit with any others are asking $7.00 for. It is a fact, that we are selling an all wool Frieze Ulster Overcoat, 54 inches long, storm collar, slash- ed pockets strapped back, for $7.00, worth ,at least $10.00. It is a fact, that we are selling I lb. tins of Cook's Best Friend Baking Powder for 5c. worth 10e. Tt is a fact, that we are selling four cakes of Old Brown Windsor Soap for 5c. 1t is a fact, that we are selling nine 10 -oz. bars of Our Own Electric Soap for 25e. We might go on and quote prices in every line and department but enough has been said to show you. the advantage of' dealing in a Cash Store and where we sell goods as we advertise. �--- BRUSSELS. We Always Pay llighest Price for Farm Produce. Important Announcement Change in Business ATS On and after the 1st of December our Business will be Conducted on a StridllyCasliBa! Butter, Eggs and other produce such as we usually handle taken in exchange for goods. We will, also pay Cash for same at their cash market value. We will sell goods at the Lowest possible living profit, consistent with paying 100 cents on the dollar. One price to all and everything marked in plain figures. This is the foundation on which we intend to build our future busi- ness and have no apology to offer for taking this step, as we consider it the only common sense and right method of run- ning a successful business. We ask your valued aid, encouragement and good will in carrying out this plan, knowing that it will bo to the advantage of both buyer and seller. Reduced prices on and after December lat. Everything down to Cash Value. We have not time nor space to enumerate ar- ticlos and prices, but we invite a call to compare and inspect. Agent for Standard Patterns. A complete stook always on hand. The most reliable and up-to-date fashions in the market at Reduced Prices. December Fashion Sheets to hand. Call and get one FREE. STRACHAN THE STORE WHERE YOU GET THE MOST CHANGE BACK u`.T.d„4 it ej. utati n 110 YOU WANT THE BEST ? We lay especial stress on the Excellence of our Goods, al- ways keeping the Quality up to the Highest Point And while maintaining our Reputation in this respect, we go to the other extreme in keeping Prices Down to the Lowest Point. We know that nothing builds up business like the selling of First-class Goods. We sell them, always sell them, and don't sell anything else, A GRAND ASSORTED FALL AND To select from and worthy of Your Immediate Attention. 3 Non's and, Bogs' Ordered Clothing, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO.