HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-22, Page 8ore'? What Tbsee two goestieue will aeon be uppermost in the minds Of many. Where 40) I buy my X11145 prep. ants, and what shall they he ? A,0 to where yen of oouree would unboei- tatingly say from Pe. We have geed reasons for saying so, Oar °took is well assorted and pf pxoepent veluee. As to what they shall be, well our deportment 000tltille numer•One things. suitable for either Ladies or Gentlemen. The list would be too long for this epees, should we enumerate them but if you will Dome early you will have more to choose from, Why not moms now and make your select - bone, and they van be put away till you etre ready for them 4 Deadman & McCall, Druggists, Booksellers,5,. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION w• 0, & 13, Trains leave Brussels Station, North , and South, as follows; (*DING SOUTH, Garda Nonni. Mail 6:10 a.m. Mixed 9:45 a.m. Express 11110, a.m. Sunil 5:10 p.m. Anted 9:00 p.P1..1 Express 9:40 p,m, Taal Rays #.ems. A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' feith.he'11 prent it. ONLY 40 more days in 18955, CEmoTo .00 comes on Wednesday. Wu arelieving a tittle touob of Winter. THANKSGIVING Day is a public holiday. Monnet last Messrs. Clegg & Dames shipped two cars of live hogs Eastward. Two oars of hogs were shipped from Bruseele on Tuesday by Messrs. Backer & Venstone. BRUS$EL$ Monthly Horse Fairwill be bend on Thursday, Deo. 8111. A large number of buyers expected. Jams O'LEanY is driving "Florence G.," as well as "Maple Leaf" and "Pad- dy," They are three good odea, R. N. BARRETT has taken the place of Will. Roddick, deoeased, in the Metho- dist Sabbath school Orchestra and will play the trombone. MONDAY forenoon a wedding was solemnized in the R. C. church in this place, the contracting parties befog Mr, Sloan and Mies Ryan, of McKillop. JAS. Fox, agent for the Bell Telephone Company here, applied for and has re- ceived a cabinet to enclose the telephone at the Central whereby greater 080190)' will be guaranteed to persons using the line. GEORGE PARKER made a shipment of three cars of horses for the Old Couutry market laat Mooday, Brussels and Palm- erston being the shipping points. Joseph Fisher, of town, accompanied the ant. male, Mr. Parker will send other con- tingents later. OAIM o1 THANKS, -Ws desire to public- ly express our thanks to the many kind friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness of our deceased brother. We wish to make special mention of the Odd Fellows end blau:abees, who proved themselves to be brothers indeed. Their thoughtfulness and help will never be forgotten. MISSES Ronnroa, Brussels, Nov. 19, '95, Tau horses attached to the Seaforth stage took another trip on their own se. count on Monday morning, running away from the postomce here. They were etopped near the cemetery, little or no damage being done by the escapade. A farmer coming to town with a load of bogs got off hie wagon near the Southern boundary of the corporation to stop the runaways, but instead of doing this his team took a hand in the race and were naught on the 12111 non. of Grey. HEALTH LECTURE.-TOeeday afternoon of last week Mre. S. 0. Aineworth, repre• senting the Viavi Company, of Toronto, gave en address On "Health" to a Large company of ladies in the Foresters' Hall. She handled her subject in aclever, lady. R' like manner and showed herself to be tboroaghly conversant with her topic.) JC' The lecture was illustrated by numerous al1ar18 and many intricate questions G made clear thereby. Mre. Ainsworth left Q on Friday for Listowel, baying appoint- ed Mies Joan Rose as the local agent re. presenting the Viavi Co. and the treat. meat prescribed. Flow ie ybnr atlbsprtption to TEE 1?oer? OooNTB Cou.N9rx,.�Will mend at Clinton 00 d,lhlireday, December 5111, at 10 00 m, Ger ready for the Ohrieklnas trade, Watoh Tina Poso for, holiday 911)011n98• .ntente and thereby We money. A oven job was done 1hie week in scrap• inkup aevoral wagon loads of mud on the Main street and having it beaded away, Wim, the SkatingRink be ready for busineee next Winter to the important query asked by a number of young pea. plc, Sam na poeto0ioe will be open on Thanksgiving Day from 8 to 8:30 a. M. and from 5 to 6180 p. m. for the dietri- btltionof mail. THE balance of this eeRSOn'9 make of Brussels Cheese factory Imo been Bold to Mr, Wilson at 9i cents, It will probe)).ly be ahippod Nue week, WATSON ABU= bee had the lot in sen. neeti0n with tee late Hnox church plow. ed, harrowed and levelled, preparatory to fenoing and moving the building into position. SEVERAL. pere0ne froth tbie looalily have gone' to Lietowel during the peat week to hear evan9eliet Sohiverea who is oondnobing a series of union services in that town. Ti:r^, three supposed crooks who visited Brassele last week were arrested in Lark.. now for stealing a ledieo' gold watch` fronraresidenneinthat town and worn committed for trial. its Tfeather beds, rocking °hairs and elating of Mre. Wallace, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Lee, were shipped last Monday from Bruesele to the House of Refuge at Clinton; Our trio appears to be fairly well contented with their new quarters. TER Gast Huron meeting of the 3i'arm• et's Institute will be at Brussels on Jan. 27th and 28111, The following are the speakers on the list 1 -Prof. J. H. Reed, Guelph ; 0. 0. Gaston, Oraightet bimpeon Bennis, Milliken, and looml talent. Further particulars will be "giv- en later, A Htue io.-Tboe. Newsome, barn builder, does not allow the grass to grow under his feet and has this season's con- tracts about oompleted. Next year prom- ises to be a busy one for him, as already he bas contracts for 2 barns in Logan ; 6 in Grey ; and 2 in Morrie township. His work gives tiptop satiefaotion. SUDDEN DEATH In HAn8IOTON.-A Her- rieton correspondent writes of a former Brueselite 1-A veryeadden death occur- red in Harriston .early on Thursday morning, when Mre, a. L. Sturdy, wife of the proprietor of the Queen'@ hotel, vis- aed away. Mrs. Sturdy had been com- plaining for some time back,. but nothing serious was looked for. About midnight on Wedneeday she was seized with apo. plexy, and rapidly sank. The deceased was a highly respected lady and had many good quatitiee, besides being a kind and attentive beaten to those who patron- ized the Queen'e. A husband, eon and daughter are left to mourn her loss. ROUSE OF REFOOR.-There are now 40 inmates in the Huron County House of Refuge. The following ie the list with age of persona as far ea known and the municipality from rebirth they were sent, names being arranged in the order in which inmates were received at the House : NA1IE. AGE. MUNICIPALITY. Wesley Sutton, - Exeter Donald Ballantyne, 97 Bayfield Elizabeth Wallace, 68 :Brussels Sarah Williams, - " Sarah Lee, 56 " Margaret McGuire, - Goderich town Jane Knight, 74 " Tp. John Denby, 77 '1 Emma Cruse, 48 Colborne Margaret Nichol', 35 Grey David Kinsman, ' Christina McMartin, 82 John Connolly, 82 Wm, Mullen, 67 Maggie Logan, 00 Quintin Logan, 50 James Logan, 75 Kate Zimmer, 20 Janet Zimmer, 23 Joseph Charrette, 35 Louie Smith, 82 James Harvey, 68 Rowick Joseph Saunders, 62 Mary Hays, 50 Morris Andrew Crawford, 68 Stanley MaloalmloGregor, 78 Wm. Egleson, 65 Stephen James McLellan, 81 Seaforth Wm. Currie, 40 Ashfield Wm. Ray, 67 Wm. Johne, 67 Tuokerentith Richard Rands, 72 obert Lowery, 61 Turnberry ]Sdward Sadler, 58 Wingham ohn Sadler, 56 eorge Williams, 72 " eorge Smith, 78 Wroxeter amen Cook, 41 E. Wawanoeh hrie. Dulmage, 80 Goderich ohn Moorehead, - Exeter This list will be increased before the win- ter is far advanced as several persons are declining to go thinking they can paddle their owe canoe. A trial will convince them that a comfortable home at Clinton is preferable. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON FIRST PAGE.) . Business Locals. St Hay, Ters Christmas number of the 'Stand- ard" Delineator is a veritable surprise. The artietio cover is rendered peaeonabie by the addition of a wreath of holly, the colored fashion and millinery plates are handsomer than ever, end the new de- signs for ladies' misses' and ahtldren'e ,costumee cannot be surpassed for style and beauty. In addition there are ex. oel'eit articles, beautifully illustrated, on Fancy Drees, Christmas Gifts and How to Make them, Presents for the Little Ones, Leather Work, Cookery and Eti- quette, Floriculture ie by Eben E. Rex- ford, the well-known authority on the subject, and a large amount of interest- ing fiction gives a holiday air to 111$ whole number. Itis a genuine treat to be able to procure eo interesting a mega. eine for the small atm of 10 cents, and every woman who wishes to be up to the tflnee will find real help in the veriou0 departments. POINTERS ABOUT NEweDAPERntEN A St, Geo. Hawkins hes improved the appear- ance of the Listowel Standard by chang- ing the form to an 8 page and putting on a new dress of type. -The Ridgetown Do- minion is the name of ills new paper Met issued by P. H. Bowyer. It is an8 page, 48 column paper, -The f '-,ude of Hugh Olark, of the leinoardine ,'$view, are de- sirous that be should he 1 ea°ndidate for the Mayorahip of that t.„vn,-The firm of Senders 49 Dyer, publishers of the Exeter Advocate, bas been dissolved. Mr. Sandere continues the business. -It it said Listowel may have a third paper. -S. G. Brow9, of Watford, has purchas- ed the Wingham Times and takes pos- session next January. We have not learned what Aro. JDlliott:purposes doing. We will be sorry to see him leave Huron COutlty.-The Blyth Standard intendsto adopt the cash in advance system with Re subscribers or. else °barge 91.50 per annum, Gnoonanlle at McAlpine's, Der etovewood at M00racken'e. Logo, clear bacon at MoCraoken'e. ORoa19 and piano to rent. R.Leather- dale, PICTURE Frames for sale at Brewer's studio. le you want robes or blankets call on H. Dennie. CnRiennrae gifts in the way of photo- graphs at Brewer's studio. 2 OR 3 good second-hand Organs for sale cheap at R. Leatherdale'e. Lulea stool, of light harness sold at low prices. H. Dennis. 81No1E harness cheap, and a good stook always on band. L C. Richards, Bones, blankets and belle vary cheap. h 0. Riobarde, Sawn your rubbers, boots and shoes to us for repairs. We do them cheap and good. I. 0. Riobarde. BUTTER AND EGGS -The highestmarket price, in 0ash, will be paid for any quantity of good roll butter and fresh eggs at John Tait's egg store, Brume's. Opposite American Hotel WORE GREASED. GLOVES SEVEN YEARS. - John Situp, mason, Aulteville, Ont., had salt rheum e0 severe that forseven years he wore greased gloves. He writes :-"I need a quarter of a box of 0base's Oint, ment. It cured me. No trace, of salt rheum now."- Ohaee'e Ointment cures every irritant dieease of the skin, allays itching instantly, and i0 a sterlingremedy for piles, AVOId imitations. 60 cents, per b tx. (1'51 T 49774.7V7)4.8.D IMXI' OF C4,71e,AOD4 HEAD OFFIOE, - TORONTO, ASS1axS,(Seven Million Dalian) 97,000,009 04131 'RAL {Aut oo'ieed) 92,400,900 A10n9058 ift all pringipab paints in Ontario, Quebec, 5?anitoya, United States 46 Rupland,. APEAS';°,VAS lionves. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Pigmented, Drofte resiled and Oolleptions made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Intoreot allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards front diet of deposit to date of withdrawal and .9ompounded half yearly. 5TEOIAL ATTENTION e0TEN TO THE OOLLE61103 OF FA111931Ue' SALE NOTES, Every feoility afforded puebomere living at a`dietanoe. J. A. STI3WART Maisaera, Oun bores collars are all warranted, H. Dennie. BOOTS and shoes cheap and good, I, O. Richards, Pune hind crayon enlarging done up A 1 at Brower'e gallery, Smith, block. GRAIN Bos. -Large size, full 18 oz., only $1.00 -per dozen, at Smith & Mo' Laren's, JAS. MaALPINE luta put in it line of Groceries. Everything now and fresh, no stale goods. a Toa awn get Organs from $20 and up and sewing ma011Ine9 at equally low prime at R. Leabherditle's, THEY don't keep wash tube or eorub brushes, bat just w1391 yon want in the Grooery line at sMcAlpine's. • Do you want to stop using tobacco ?' If so, use No -To -Bao. We refund your money if not as stated, G. A. DeannooN, A NUMBER of second hand road Darts in good condition for sale et low prices, Also a few buggies. Jas. Walker, Brae: Bele. 518141'5 glover Boot, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and 'olearnoes to the oomplexion and cures constipation, 25 ons, 50 one and $1.00. Sold by Jams Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Simon's aura is sold on a guarantee. It aurae incipient consumption. Itis the beet cough sure. Only one Cent a dose. 25 cue„ 50 ots. and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Lames, clean your kid glovee .with Josephine glove cleaner, for sale only by Ferguson & Halliday. Sole agents for the Petrie Freres kid gloves in lade' and. butt. u, ,t 11 the rneetdesirable shades, 00450 ILaee 'O ant last and easy. Sea. and hand Saws bought and sold. Point- ers given on saw filing and the care and management of eaves, an Queen street East, by T, IlloGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Saws. POULTRY. -The undersigned will take any quantity of fowl for trade in grocer - lea, °rookery, &o. The highest prices paid. See him before bringing them in, to he van advise you how and what days in the week to kill. W.H. MoOlito N. Mite, T. S. HAW:5M, Chattanooga, Tenn„ says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." r consider it the best remedy for debilitaed' system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Prioe 75 ons. Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. IF you are in need of anything in the furniture, pioture framing, wiudow shade, curtain pole, piano, organ or sewing machine line come and get my prices be- fore you boy. It will save you money. No trouble to allow goods. R. Leather. dale. FLEURY PLowe.-Hugh Williams & Son are the Agents for the well known Fleury plover. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable, Brussels. The Fleury plow received the gold medal and diploma at the World's Fsir, 'FAR.IIBRS' CENTRAL" INSURANCE CO:- Tbie new and very prosperous Fire In. suranoe Co. during the past year issued over 800 policies is Carrick, Bowiok, Culross and Greenock. Rates on farm properly very low. J. A, CREIGHTON, Agent for Morris and Grey. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING. -George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling welle and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper. share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of 'Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-11 HoneHHor,n economy means saving at the point of greatest expense. If your Damask, Repp, Chenille Curtains, Piano and Table covers have loot their delicate colour effects, let us help you to rejuven. ate them. It wouldn't surprise us if you liked the new effect better than the old, Parker's Dye Works, Toronto, do fine work. Agency at Skene's general store, A Goon DEAL IN A FEW- WORDS. -.I paid a Toronto specialist on catarrh a large sum of money but I got no benefit. I tried them all, but finally, almost in despair, and assuredly without any faith, 1 tried Chase's Catarrh Cure. It is all. that it fe recommended, whioh is saying a good deal in a few words." Joel Rogers, clerk, Division Court, Beaton. Improved blower iu each 25 cent box. ao34MO FEAR. -In Morrie, Morrie, on Nov. 15th, the wife of Mr. Samuel Tear of a daughter. SHELTON.-In Morrie, on Nova 16th, the wife of Mr. Wm, Skelton, of a eon. NlanoL.-In Lime, on Nov. 9th, the wife or Mr. Jas. Nichol of a sen. BREwEa.-In. Grey, on Nov. 1715, the wife of Mr. William Brewer, of aeon. xa.aRMexaa, M00AULAY-BneeEY.-On Wednearl ay, Nov. 18111, by the Rev.. W. J. Brand. on, of Orton, Mr. Jas. R. tMoOaulay, of Hamilton, to Mies Lucinda,. daughter of the late Hiram Seamy,; of Erin Tp. Tool,-1,70TIr8N: On Nov. 6' h, at Bloor Street, west, Presbyterian church, To' sante, by the Bev. W. G. Wallace, Mr. John A. Took, M. D., of Gorrie, to Mies Florence Maggie Notman, daughter of the late John No1mau, J. P., of Toronto. ScoTr-SCOTT.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Nov: 12th, by the Rev. W. T. Ball, of Belgravo, Mr. Wm. Scott, of. Westfield, 80 Miss. Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr, David Scott, of East Wawattosh. HUNTER-OAOEMORE,-At the residence of the bride's parents, in Morrie, on Wednesday, 18th inst., by Rev. T. E. Higley, of Blyth, Mr, John Hunt• er, of Morris, to Mies Mary, daughter of Me, Wm, Oaeemore. 0 Slow -RYAN, -In the R. 0. o'hurcb, Bruseols, by the Rev. Fr, 5snnedy, of Seaforth, Mr. G. Sleep, of Dublin, Ont., to Mies Mary A.,, eldeet (laugh, ter of 114 r, Pabriolk Ryan, MoKillop, ROSE-5LENNr-At'the reoidenoe of the bride's permits, on Nov. 14611, by Rev. Mr. MoKenzie, Mr, W.:1'„ third son of Mr. D. Bose, of Bruseele, to Mies Mary 36., daughter of Mr. Wm. Glenn, all of Ohesley, . 9=a77. STEwA1tT,-Io Oranbroak, on Nov., 17th, John Stewart, aged 55 years, 6 mos. and 12 days. MoNToontEnY,-In Turnberry, on Nov.. 181h, Mary Aun Iblpntgomcry, of Wroxeter, aged 48 years and 10 months, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat..:, Barley Peas Oats22' 28 Wool 18 Butter,, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel..,4 00 4 60 Potatoes (new) 15 Hay per ton.,,.., ....., 72 CO 14 00 Hides trimmed e 5 6 Hides lough 2 2i Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 Oe Sheep skin0,each 40 50 Lamb eking each 15 40 Apples per bus 1 00 Hoge, Live 3 50 3 60 Dressed Hoge. 4 50 4 75 Wool 18 20 56, 66 63 65 28 . 32 48 40 18 15 14 EAST BUFFALO, Nov. 18. -Cattle olosed steady, with bulk sold. Hogs closed dull and weak, with a large number unsold - some in the oars not unloaded ; late sales of good hogs generally at $8.65 ; common thin Miohigans, $3.50 to $3.55. Sheep and lambs closed weak, with fully 50 loads unsold ; a few extra export sheep brought $3.50 ; Canada lambs, $4.10 to $4 26 ; fancy, $4.30 with 19 loads unsold. MONTREAL, Nov. 18. -Dairy -Cheese, 80 to 9o. Butter -Townships, 18oto20e; western, 140 to 16o. Liverpool. -Cheese quiet, demand poor, ; finest American white, 440 Gd; finest American colored. 46s. Butter -Finest United States, 95e ; good, 50s. New York -Butter quiet ; state dairy, 12e to 210 i do. creamery, 170 to 225,0.; creamery, western, 14o to 23o ; do. June, 150 to 210 ; do. factory, Oo to 140 ; Elgin$, 23o. Cheese steady ; state large, 7}oto 105,c ; do. foamy, 100 to alio;do. smell, 740 to Ile ; part skims, 84c to 780 ; full skims, pie to 3o. Everything pomt0 to a season of cheap hog prodnots, says the Toronto Bulletin, and lower prices are predicted by every- one in the trade. A private letter from Chicago dated Nov. 12101 says :-"It is evident there can be no object in buying far ahead at present, the large receipts of hogs since the commencement of the new season indicating that what I mentioned to you about the low price of pork during the coming season ie about to be realized. I do not predict that the price of cash mess pork will touch the low level reach- ed in December 1878, when it sold down to $6.02,}, and lard dropped to 45.38*, but I firmly maintain that we are going to see the lowest Floes during the uext six months that have been experienced for a cumber of years., Moxmnt.An, Nov. 18• There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, 60 calves. and 1,000 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the east end abattoir today. The butchers were present in large numbers, aid there was an active demand for any thing choice for Thanksgiving .Day, but common and inferior animals were neg- lected, and prices continue very low with the probability of a considerable number not being sold to day. A few choice cat. tie were sold at from 8,}o to Seo per lb. ; pretty good animals sold at from .2(o to 85,o per lb. ; Common dry cows and thrifty young stock sold at from 2c to 24o, and the leaner beasts at abort 15o per 1b. A driver from Irish Creek sold a mixed load of young cattle, with a few old scale, wag cows among them, at 912 per head for the lot. Calves sold at from 290 to about 4c per lb Three calves, (Gallo - ways) brought from near Toronto, sold at Bic per lb. ; thoy weighed 1,010 pounds. Shippers paid to day about Sc -per pound for good large sheep, and itisprobable that no I110110 sheep will be wanted for shipment from hero tills season. Lambs sold at from 290 to.85o per Ib., a few choice ones sold at 890 per lb. Fat hogs jug come off the oars, sold at from 40 to 45o per lb. ME PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 5 ROOMED COTTAGE ON Turnberry threat ler sale or to rent, Apply to 1H08, BALLANTYNII, Brusne10, TIOUSEI%EEPER WANTZ+;D. -work l bt W 1 gb and t o PETfaintly. - For fur - Let 8, 0rtioR0, 0 applyy,W l :: PETER. W,1'110-3 Late, Ce,, 70, Grey, Walton P. 0, 10.8 MUSIGI plum, B. DUCKER will visit Brussels every 'lhur0day. and Friday and tape pupils on violin and guitar, Leave your mime :with H. Jackson, get f111 partic- ulars, 10. STRATED PROM THE PREM. - Isms o1 the undersigned, lot 82, con, 1 Groy, ou or einem Aug. 70th, one owe and. tbioc iambs. The Mite's 3,A. on loft side ie 1)1a40, Any information,leading totheirrecovery will be thaukfully received, GEORGE: ARMSTRONG, 10'4 - mole ewerth Nor, 1895 ONDITION POWDER. Increase the Value of your Stock �°-rte..` ....:. __ ... .w*.,!w,wwo,..• by liming some of our Superioa? Condition Powder WE HAVE ON NAND HA -.YARD' S O.DOQ3$IUT7E9E. N'$ MOTEL, DICK'S a n d FOX'S. FOX'S DRUG STORE • BR•IVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.- 1&ulIe,iyrelat TEM OOTPbiebng House, I�1ARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN DER$IONED bas several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in d'ownsbipps of Morris and Grey. 0' 13, SOOTT,Brgseels 'B RUSSELS POST OFFIOE Savings Bank tattoo Deposits Iron, 81.00 to- 61,000. and allows 34 per pent; interest, T. FARROW, 87.8m Poetmasbor. IrjRON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of the Comity of Huron will meet in the Town Hall in the Town of - Clinton,. on THURSDAY, DEO.8th, next. at 10 o'clock a, in. WM. LANE, Dated Nov.18,1891. Co. 01801. SALT RHEUM. -ORDERS BY mail aro conning in for our Salt Rheum Ointment. ,It never fails to cure Salt Rheum. If you are troubled that way or know any one who is get a box or tell them about it. DEADMAN & AfoCALL, Druggist, Bookseller dm. REAL ESTATE. ]1ARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- nEnsroNEn offers b10 loo aoro farm, be- ing Lot 10, Con. 0, Grey, for Dale. There are. about 75 acme under cultivation. On the premises area log house, good- barn and other neoeeeary out -building t, also good or- chard. School honee on corner of lot. Ina mediate possession.. 24 cores of Fall . wheat iu.Also hay and straw on farm. .Easy terms. For pile° ocnditions,050., apply to ALEX, BREMNE'R, Proprietor,Ethel P.O. B05.13 FOR SERVICE. -TAP undersigned will keep for service on Lot 0, 0on.' 8, Grey the imported Chester White boar, "Illinois Chief." Pedigree may.. be seenon application. Terms -81.00 to be. paid at the time of service with privilege of returning ifneoeesar 18.8 JAS. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 11, Don. 0, Grey, a tbero' bred Chester white boar, from -imported stock on both sides, purchased fr om the well known breed- er, D. Deooureey, Bornholm. Pedigree may be seen on apnlloation, Terms --$100 tobepaid at time of eervloo with privilege of re- turningif necessary. 10-tE ANGUS SHAW, Proprietor, TAMWORTH AND CHBSTHR JL WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. Tho undersigned will keep for service. on North Half Lot 20, Oon, 7, Morris,a thorn' bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased from the well known brooder, Jno. Bell, Ain bar. Also a Chester White Boar. Terme, 41.00 to be paid attime o f service with priv- ilege of returning0/necessary. 50.10 S. WALKER, Proprietor. BOAR .FOR SERV10E.-TEE Undersigned will keep for eervloo on Lot 20, Con, 5, Morrie, the there' tared im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,' bred from. J.Jii,Brothour's sweepstakessow at Chicago Pair. Terme, 51.00 to be paid at .the time of service with privilege of ire - turning if nems; eery. Pedigree may be seen on application. _ ROM.. NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE, --THE und0rsigqned w111 koop 0qr sorvieo on Lot 80, Oen, 0, 90001ie, the thero'-bred Large English Berkshire .Boar, 'Captain John." His mother is a dell sisterto the 1st prize sow at the World's Fair, Pedigree will be 113Od1800d on app]ioatiou. Terms -81.00 to be paid- at time of service with priydego of returning it uecessary. 148m JAS. SP1)Ili, Proprietor. JUDICIAL SALE -OF- VALUABLE FAN PRI EM IN TOE TORNSNIP OI` GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Pursuant to it Judgment in the Quceu'e Bench Divieion of the High Court of Justice in a ooltein action of Sample vs. McLaughlin there will bo'oiforedtor sale by Public Aun. tion by S. Mnloomson, Require, Muster at Goderioh, at the QUEEN'S HOTEL in the VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, 011 Wednesday, December 411i, 1805, • at the hotubi 1 0 0100k ,fit nn., the following valuable Property, namely :- All andatagular that eortaln parcel or tract of land and promises situate lying sad being in the Township of Grey, in the flaunty of Huron and Province of Ontario, being core. posed otMot number thee° In the sixth Oon• oeeeion of the aforesaid Township of Grey, containing by admeasurement cue hundred mires of land, be the game more or lose. The soil is clay loam, about eighty-flye acres are cleared and In a geed state ofcul Ovation, and the balauoo i0 bush laud oou- taining hard and soft timber, The property is veil situated in a good farming locality about three uneaten of a mile from the gravel road andaboutthroe miles from the Village of Bruseele, Thom is e, good frame house sod frame barn noon the manatees' and the fences aro iu a fair state of repair, The property will bo sold subject to a re served bid, The OondiIione of gale will be the stand- ing conditions of the Moll .Court of Justice.Further partldulare will be made Know n at the time of the sale pr maybe obtained from Al. G. (Women. Eeq., Goderteh ] G. F. BLAIa, Esq., limen le. or the Votrdor's Solicitor. W, ht. SIN(1LAIIt, - '8, metsomSON, Vendor's Solicitor, Master at 18.8 Gaelich, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER; • Solicitor and Conveyancer, Oolloo• tiene made, Onion-Vaustono's Block, Brue- sale. 31 -bin � T M. SINCLAIR, Y 9 s Solicitor Conveyancer,NotaryPub- '' iio, &e, 0itloo-'Vanetore'e Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. G. 0AMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & OtBrs-itn6ticsteonO ticBarrister ,Oppoi�O� borne Hotel, G• F. 13LAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, deo. (late of Garro &' Proudfoot'e Office, Goderiob.) offloo oyer. GilljOoo a Smith ot s Bank, Brussels, n. 47 DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal 0o1lege Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a specialtyy Moder- ato Satisfaction ,rutBarrs barber shop, ee1e. . VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, 9 Honor Graduate of the. Ontario Vetmiaary College. is prepared totreat all diseases of domesticated. animals in a 0003' patent manner. Particular attention paid ID asterinary dentistry. Calls promptl at- tended to.. Office and Infirmary -Four Moore north of bridge •Turnberry et., Brueee,a, MEDICAL CARDS. TA. MONAUGRTON, M. D. ti • 0. M., L. C.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P: 8 Ont. Residence and oflice in Wilson's Block, corner o1 Mill and Turnberry Ste. M. ARMN1 STRONG, . D. J•' Physician, Surgeon Acooucher, etc, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty.. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. OFFICE -Next door to McDonald &Co„ Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORACKEN, • Zssurer of Marriage Licensee. Offiee at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels. N. BARRETT, R•N • Tonsorial Artiet•'Sho-Nex south of A. M. McNay & Oo's hardware store. Ladtes'and ellildre0e hair cutting a apeoialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1Ne0RAN5E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE. l'ATo Witness Required," T. FLETCHER, Brussels, 'TELLINGTON MUTUAL IN-. auilANOE Co.' Jdetabliahed 5840, In. surancea effected on all Town and Farm. Property at vary low rates, 10.Sm J. A. OIt1IGHTON, Agent,: Brussels. A HUNTER, Olork of the Fourth Division Cour . Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary, public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds. invested and to loan• Collections made 011100 331 Bmale'e Sleek, Brussels MISS O'CONNOR, R. T,, Teacher of instrumental mu010 on Piano or enealcekotinay and Wdyvisit each weTues- nay on Minims Street, Brussels. 9• •A. HAWKINS, M. 0, S. M. . Organist in St, John's Church, Bros eels, and pupil,in the Art of Teaahiugq of A. W,Thaver, us.Doo„Now York,' will give lessons to pupils either On piano or organ, at hie parlor over A, It, Smitb'e etoro,Btus- eels. Vocal loosens also given. TOMO mod- erato, AUCTIONEERS. f`i EORGE KIRKBY, VI. Licensed Auctioneer, Sat oe:,3,0 001 t et on reasonable ly. terms. Parma au$ form stook specialty. auee Orders loft en to Poen P. S., ling House peompt a, to tion. Walton P. b„ will roaeiye prompt attention, --ii�•(;;11 S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION - L' •' REn, will son for better prices, to better mon, in leve time and lose °bargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and. orders can always bo arranged at this Moo or by personal application. STONE ! STONE I Any quantity of Bending, Corner, nubble, Sill and' Bridge Stone for. Salo. Quarried and ready for loading at Bruesele Quarry. For price and terms apply to .07.01 Box110JNO. MITCH L,sele.