HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-22, Page 44 New Advertisements. Leea1.-J01in Tait, LooU --B. Laatherdnle. Looms—I C.1,iiebarda. 1Vlusio—Prof. 73. Dunker. Oloeing sale. -Irwin ,k Co. Eines goad-1Miss Lowry, X'aota—A. McGowan Su Oo. Leeal—Parker's Dye Wortse, Priendly advice•. -Dr, Williams, Enron County Cour:OD—Wm. Laps. Housekeeper wanted—Peter Wateou. Where 7 What 7—Deadman tb 1MoOall, important acnopncemout—Alex, SOIL. phap. CYjRrxrgsels at,,.: PRTD4I:Y, Nov.y22, 1895. "P1oAIao God from whom: all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost TUE Patrons of Weet Wellington have nominated James Tucker asoandidate for the seat in the Legislative Assembly va- cated by George Tucker being unseated and disqualified. Tnonsair, December 12th, is the date fixed for the bye•election in North On- tario for the Commons. Mr. Gillespie is the Liberal candidate. The Conserve. tive standard bearer is not yet in the held. What about West Huron election? Tire Ontario Department of Agtioul- tare is engaged collecting the agricultural manufactures of Ontario for exhibition in the Imperial Institute, London, Eng, The collection will consist of native wines from prominent growers ; oanned fruits, in ordinary trade tins ; honey in the comb and strained, besides many other artioles. Thr exhibit will doubtless draw the attention of British buyers to Cana- dian markets and is a further proof of the practical work being done by the Ontario Government. Tim special committee appointed to choose a site for the county House of Refuge, in Lambton County, have select- ed three of the various sites proposed, and they will be presented to the council at the December session. It is impos• Bible to ascertain the location of the sites favored by the committee. Although it is not known what site will ultimately be chosen for the House of Refuge, it is safe to predict that the Lowrie farm, at the outskirts of Sarnia, on the London read, will be the choice of the council. At all events the committee favor that site. It's time Bruce and Perth counties got amove on or they will be relegated to the tail end of the procession. Qum a noteworthy experience has been the lot of the residents of the town- ship of Low, Quebec Province. They re- fused to pay arrears of taxes due the County and when bailiffs went to seize to enforce the law the ratepayers raised a mob and dared the officials to proceed. The military was called out from Ottawa, both horse and foot going by special train to the disaffected section. This bad the desired effect and the taxes are now being handed over. Their little exploit has cost them over 50,000 for the unsolicited par- ade of the soldier boys, an amount ex- ceeding the total taxes they were kicking about. The management of Low munici- pal affairs will now be vested in a Com- mittee of seven men chosen at a mass meeting held by the residents. Experi- ence is a wise teacher, but the fellows who dance have usually to pay the mnsi• dans. Patsy Casey is Rend. Patsy Casey, of East Bridgeport, of whom so much has been heard lately, on account of his abnormal growth, is dead. Patsy, as he was known, in August last was only five feet in height, but in two months he grew fifteen inobes, bringing his height up to six feet three inches. His growth seemed to 'cause a general break -down of the system. His appetite was ravenous and he could not supply the demands of a frame growing at suoh a rate. A month before death Patsy lost his speech. The physicians who studied the case of this astonishing growing boy, however, were more puzzled by the un- evenness of his growth than by the sur- prising rate of the growth itself. ' Pet- rick grew faster upon one side of his body than on the other. The most surprising and unaccountable feature of this strange ease was that, a short time previous to his death, Patriots Galley's hair turned from red to black. Where it had been of an auburn tint it became as black as a raven's wing. It was jet black at the time of bis death. After death the hair grew at an astonishing rate and the phy- sicians wished the body kept to study it in the interests of science, but the parents objected. One hundred men from the Ottawa Garrison were sent out to Low Township on Sunday. Twenty rounde of ammuni- tion was served out to eaoh man. The display of an armed force had an im. mediate effect on the delinquent tax pay. ere anile conference was immediately suggested. Friday afternoon the body of ttfiss Elizabeth Clash, of Stratford, was found in her room over Dutton's drug store, in an advanced state of decomposition. The position of the body seemed to indicate that she had been taken suddenly ill and fallen to the floor, and from its condition' it is surmised that death most have tak- en -place three or four weeks ago. She was upwards of seventy years of age and lived alone. The neighbors had missed her, but presumed ebe was visiting a relative in a neighboring town. After viewing the 'remains Coroner Rankin considered an inquest nnneoessary. A. Special Announcement THE BRUSSELS POST will be given to Now Subscriber's from now i,ntit the 1st of January, J$97, for ONE DOLLAR, Fula Pon and Weamr,r Gunn will be given to New Sabsoribers from now until 1st January, 1807, for ONE DOLLAR AND PIETY OENTS. Hare is an offer Of one of the best local, papers in Ontario and the best oity week, ly for less than the pries of one liapor. These figures do not pay for the cost of production, but we make this very liberal offer with the hope of largely increasing our subscription list, knowing that most of those we get will remain with us for Many years, Let each subscriber show this to his neighbor who does not now take THE POST and iudnce him to subscribe, Surely this is not too much to ask of our old friend. A very large mmnber of our subscribers have taken advantage of the advance Arice, but a good many have not dope eo. s the past year hoe been hard and mon- ey scarce, we make Dile epeeial offer : Any subscriber who hoe not yet paid for the present year, but who willay BES FORE THE lar OP JANUARY NEXT for this year and next year, we Will ac- cept two dollars for the two. years ; that is one dollar for the present year as well as for next year. Every subscriber who does not do this, but who is still in arrears on the first of January next, will MOST POSITIVELY be charged at therate of ONE DOLLAR AND A HALL' PEit YEAR. We make this liberal offer, hoping it will be taken advantage of by many. Any, therefore, who have to pay the long price must blame themselves and not us. Any who are two years and over in arrears on theist of January next will have their accounts placed in court for oolleetion, as we hiust have our books cleared off, Send remittances by Post Office Order. It is the safest way and only costs a trifle. Receipte for money are only valid when issued fromthe office. W. H. KERR, P17eL I913rR. TA RING! PI. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. f"Sltop over tiieuowan'e Store. OUR MOTTO : The Best is the CHAPEST 1 A. stock of the best makes of Saws and Axes, "The 'Leader' Leads" says one. "The `Maple Leaf' for Ever" says another. A STOCK OF Lamp Goods Surpassing in Quality, Beau- ty and Cheapness any hith- erto in the market. Secure the Safety Lantern and les- sen the rate of Insurance. A new line of Whips that surpris- es the purchaser in price. A Choice stock of Mitts & Gloves for Fall and Winter wear. Silverware, Paints and Oils, Pocket and Table Cutlery, "Sunlight" Stove Polish, Shelf and Heavy Hardware always in stock at low prices. In stock the best brands of Coal Oil—American Water White and Canadian Water White Carbon Oil. °Cash for Hides, Sheep Skins and Furs, lt/L NcKaY T 11 1 fto I RUSSET, 0 'S ;' Have decided to close up their Business in Brussels and will have a G-enuine Closing Out Sale to end on a More than Half of our present stock is New Goods, bought for this Season's Trade and all will be sold at -Clearing Out Prices. Vote some Prices we are Giving, Everything in the Store will go at Similar Reductions A lot of Dress Goods worth 25c & 30e ,Sale price 15c A. lot of Fine Tweeds & Serges worth 50e " 35c A lot of 75c " 50c All our Dress Goods worth $1.00 75c Dress Trimmings. Velvets and -Ribbons at one- third of Regular Prices. Good Grey Flannels, All Wool Grey Flannels All Wool Grey Flannels Extra Fine Grey Flannels Heavy Cottonades, Table Oil Clothe, Men's Waterproof Coats, Men's Waterproof Coats, Tweeds in Suit Lengths, Men's Heavy Shirts & Drawers „ It It tt t( • it Canton Flannels, Canton Flannels, Canton Flannels, Canton Flannels, - • Sale price 130 worth 20c tf 17c 19c tt n 25c 21c " 21e " $9.50 " 7.50 65c " 75c & 80c 65e 50c 8c 10c 12c 16c 25c 35c 25c " 28c " $12.00 " 10.00 1.00 1.00 85c 75e l0c 121c 150 20e It it tt tt tt It Special 'Value in Towellings, Towels, Flannelettes, Blankets, &c. All oitr Groceries at very Low prices to clear. hop r it re We also offer the following Shop Furniture 9. large Safe, cost $120 for $50 : an 8 -foot Show Case, silver joints, oval front, cost $20 for $12 ; a 3 -foot Show Case, oval front, silver frame, cost $7.50 for $4.50 also Shop Lamps, Chandeliers, Mirrors, Scales, Tables, &c, Everything must go as we positive- ly close up at the Date Mentioned. Butter and Eggo Taken as Cash at Highest Mak ?rico, The store at present occupied by us to rent after above date. I R W I N & CO., BRUSSELS. No^ o�� tett �k Look ,;a. 242, 1896 Stand From -Under SITH Mcty REN are again entrenched behind a bulwark of Dry Goods, Readymade Clothing, Boots and Shoes and' are prepared to do battle against all Com- petitors. We are bound to give the rising gen- eration a chance and will tumble the .: Prices Down. Here are a few more of our ` 7nmatchable Prices Boys' Blue Serge Knee Pants, ages 5 to 18, 40c, regular price 75c. Youths' Long Pants, all pure wool remember, 75c, regular price $1.50. Boys' Overcoats at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Boys' Suits at $1.00, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, Lowest Prices, quality considered, and for 1\ren's Overcoats we will allow the walking advts. speak. GRAIN BAGS ! 16 oz. Grain Bags at $1.90 per dozen. Piles of Grey Flannel from 10c. per yard up. Underwear—Men's Shirt§ and Pants, 20c. each. The Best variety in Men's Top Shirts and Cardigans. Our Tables and Shelves are loaded with Boots and Shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers. We have sole control of the celebrated Granby Rubbers aucl Overshoes. They wear like iron. Smith & McLaren. Having been advertising our: fine line of Stoves and Ranges for some time, we now call your attention to our fine assortment of Hanging, Vase AND Hand Lamps, the best assortment ever shown in town and at Prices that everyone can afford, We also keep a full line of CUTLERY of every Description. Sa Big Bargains. v of all kinds and a full fine of Hardware and. Tinware. N 0 GEHRY, I33ER,v SSMIJS.