HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-22, Page 31 • Nov,. 22 1890 Tewri. Directory, Mibvutbn O,Lunpll,--Sabhath Servioos at 1l a m and 6;30 p, m. Sunday Sehogl at 2:80 p M. Rev. John Ross, Y3 A, aster, Se, Jons'a Olcnnen,•--Sabbabh esrviaos at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday 80h00 at 2;80 p. m. Rev. A. B. Griffin, blown - bent: Mn'rlloDl6'I,' Onoaml.-Sabbath Seryloeo at 10:30 a m and 6;80 p m, Sunday School at 2130 p m, Bev, G. H. Cobble - dick, al A, E T?, pastor.. ROWAN QATIIOLIo Cuui oil, -Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10;80 a In. Rev Joseph J snnedy, priest. SALVABs3 Annix,-Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 to m on Sunday and every eveningin the week at 8 o'olook, at the barraeka. Ono Fsuaows' Lonofs every Thursday evening, in Grabam'a block, 81450355 Lopes Tuesday at or before full. moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lonna on the 8rd Friday 'evening of each month, in Blas. bill's block. 0 0 F Levan 2nd and Last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaehilpe block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday In Odd Fellows' Hall, L 0 L tat Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONS of SooTLANn, 1st and 8rd Trope. days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T'. M. Lonna, 1st and era Thurs. days of each month, in Vanstone blook. Hone MULE, 2nd and 4th. Friday even- Inge in Bleenill's Han. POST Orman.-Oftioe hours from 8 a. M. to 6:30 p. m. Mno0ANlas' INs!ITOTe.-Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 8 to 8 o'oloak p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 • and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Town Oourtorn,--W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W.11. MoOraoken, Robert Graham, R. Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Sonora, Bo4nn.-Rev. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo: Treae., 14. Ross. Meetings and Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC SanoOL: THAOHRRa.-J.,11. Cam- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss • Downey and Miss Cooper. BOARD of HsAvru.-Reeve Bern, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. CAMPAIGN SONGS. Some months ago the Executive Com- mittee of the Federation of Liberal Clubs of Ontario advertised a campaign song competition, offering prizes for the two beet songs which might be submitted. After careful consideration of the large number received, the oommittee have de. aided that the following are the two beat ,nbe author of "Rouse, Ye Liberals," is Mica Eliza Wills, 47 Pembroke-st., To- ronto, and the author of "Marching to Viotory" is A. McKillop, a blind poet, of London. MAIRCHnie TO VICTORS. (Air-"Marohiug Through Georgia.") Ring the knell of boodling, boys, we'il sound it long and loud ; Ring it with a spirit that will wake and thrill the throng Ring it like true Liberals, a thousand thousand strong, For we are metalling to victory. Chorus. Hurrah 1 Hurrah 1 true Liberals are we. Hurrah 1 Hurrah 1 this country shall be f ree, Freemen, rally round us from the centre the sea, For we are marching to victory. The taxingmen, aorruptionists, the tyr- , ants and their tools, Coerce, oppress and gather pelf by wretch- ed tariff rules, Most wickedly they squander it and think that we are fools, But we are metalling to victory. °horue. Rouse we then the people, boys, enlist them one and all; Let every Liberal be brave and true to duty's call ; The useless Senate we will .send forever to the wall, For we are marching to viotory. Chorus. While "Union" is ourmotto, boys, as we go hand in hand, To banish bribing boodlers moat loyally we stand Around the flag that never shades a slave onsea or land, Tor we are marobing to viotory. Chorus. Come then, all honest citizens, electors free and. true, Come join our loyal ranks and vote as we Reformers- do, Prosperity and peace shall mark the aouree that we pursue, For we are unveiling to viotory. Chorus. God bless the cause, the, righteous cause, for which Reformers pray. And when the N. P. monkery shall all be swept away, On Canada, lair Canada, shall dawn a brighter day, For we are merohing to viotory. Chorus, ROME, 015 unsure. (Air "Sooae who hue wi' %rellaoe bled.") Rouse, ye Liberals, one and. all Hardt 1 it is ybur country's call ; Break each chain that would enthrall Canada and thee. Joined together heart and hand, Lib'ralo for free trade shall etand, From our fair Canadian land Banish tyranny. Lo 1 from farthest east to west, Ye, at Canada's behest, Rally round her to attest Uwe and loyalty. 'Worthy sone of nollla sires, Whose devotion never .tiros, • iieep alive the beaoon fires Lit by liberty, "Canada for God and Right 1" ''h1Wgoar wstobword an the fight ; Speed vire day when right and might Wedded aye shall be, Speed the day and aped the boor, When, beneath the ballet's shower Shrouded shall be Tory flower, On to. victory. THE SEORE'1) OB' SUCCESS. One day, in huckleberry time, when little Johnny Plalle And bale a doges other boys were start- ing with their ppails • To gather berries, Jobnuy'e pa, in talk. ing with ]vim said That he Gould tell him how Ip pick- so he'd sons out ahead, "First, find you hush," said Johnny's pc "and then stick to it till You've pinked it clean. Let those go chasing all about who will In search of batter bushes ; but We ing toile, my eon - To lopicok kiatng fifty0318b,"ushoe doeen't count like And Johnny did ae he was told, and sure enough hefonnd, • By sticking to his bush while all others abased around In eeareh of other picking, 'twas as his father said ;. For, while all the others looked, he work- ed, and soon came oat ahead. And Johnby recolleoteli this when he be- came a man ; And first of all he laid him out a well - determined plan ; So, while the brilliant trifles failed, with all their brains and push, Wise, eteadygoing Johnny won by "stickingto hie bush." FRIENDLY ADVICE. IR •1111: auct.NS cif RENEWED HI3.1L'I'li TO A OFFERER. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Succeed Where Doctors hast ranted For Thirty Years -The Suner•er One or Northumber- land Co's. Best Known Hen. From the Trenton Advocate. John Frost's OEM 18 a most remarkable one. He is one of the best known resi- dents in the county of Northumberland, being a retired farmer of most ample means, and baying financial dealings with hundreds throughout the townships. We have known him intimately for over tan years. From him we gleaned the following feats in February :last :-"I was born in England and at twelve years of age arrived in Canada withmy parents who settled in Prince Edward county: and remained there for three years. We then moved to Rawdon township in the neigh- boring county of Hastings. For thirty years I wan a resident of Rawdon, three years I resided in Seymour township, and and am at present, and have been for the past ten years, a resident of Murray township. For thirty years I have been a martyr to 'rheumatism. During that time I have been treated by scores of dootora and found partial relief from but one. I have during the same period tried Getting into my Rig was Agonising. innumerable remedies, but all failed to cure me, Saarooly a month passes that I am not laid up, and frequentlyI am confined to bed six or eight weeks, un- able to move hand or foot and suffering untold agonies. Two well known doctors told nib onetime that I would have to have an arm taken off to save my life. I tell you I have been a great sufferer in my time and I would give anything to find relief. My business causes me a great deal of driving, and getting in and out my rig is agony. Knowing hie story to be true, and anxious that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should have a severe test, we prevailed on Mr. Frost, much against his will, to give them a trial. He got six boxes and commenced to use theta. At the start be smiled at our confidence in the pills. We saw him after he hadused the first box and he admitted some relief and said he believed there was something in the remedy. He continued their nae .and by the time he had finished the six boxes he was assound and proud a man as could be found in five counties. A couple of months have passed since the once was effected and we deferred giving the history of the ease in order that we ;could see for a certainty that the bore was permanent. We seee him several tunes a week actively attending to his bus!- ness and at all times loud in his praise of Pink Pills. All who know Mr. Frost know that his word is as good ae:hie bond. Yesterday we said to him, "Now, Mr. Frost, do you really feel that you are oured of rheumatism ? Do you feel any twinges of the old trouble at all ? He re- plied, "1 am oared," The Pink Pills have thoroughly routed the disease out of my syatem and I feel a new man. The use of the pills bas given me new life and I am tolling exeryone I meet about the aura." Such is the case, and hnving known Mr. Frost for years, the sufferer he was, and seeing him ..now, active, and almost youthful again, the rapid change Prom sneering to health seeme almost a miracle, However we are not at all .sur.. prised, for on all sides we hear of cities effected by the use of Pink Pills. The druggists remark their rapid sale and. the satisfaction they give their customers. "I escaped being a oonflrmeddyspeptic by taking Ayer's Pills in time," This is the experienoe of many. Ayer's Pr115, whether as as after•dinuer pill or as a remedy for liver oomplaint, indigestion, fiatnlenoy, waterbrash, and nausea, are invaluable. THE DRITSSELS 0 IS MI MIX, OF A ]4AiflI.. The ranks of iite'e battle are Open to all, the iowiy 88 well as the great, and though in the oonlliotfull many must fall, you may roaoh to an braoned estate, Press up t0 the front, with a resolute mind, and struggle with all of Your might, or soon, to your ebame and confusion, you'll findyou are but the tail of a k 1 It Leads 'them All, THE WEEKLY GLOBE of Toronto easily holds its place ae the best of the metropolitan weekly newspapers. It ex. Dela in freshness and. vigor in all ire varied departments. Especially as a purveyor of newe it loads all its oontem. poraries in enterprising methods in deal. ing with great Canadian topics and events of epeoial interest. It takes a broad, liberal, candid view of all quos tions of general importance, and as a result its influence ie wholesome and far- reaching. THE WEEKLY GLOBE has a firab•olase commercial page, an up-to- date agrioultnral department, a variety of good etoriee, a live telegraphic service and a large staff of epeoial contributors, HOW THEY DIFFER. A man is a creature of oast -iron habits, woman adapts herself to oiroumsbancee this is the fonndation of the moral di1- ierenee between them. A man does not attempt to drive a nail unless be has a hammer ; a woman does not hesitate to utilize anything from the heal of a boot to the back of a brash. A man considers a oork-eorewabsSlute- ly necessary to open a bottle ; a woman attempts to extraot the oork with a pair of soiesore ; if she does not succeed readi. ly, she pushes the oork into the bottle, since the essential thing is, to get at the fluid. Shaving is the only use to which a man puts a razor ; a woman employs it for a ohirpodist'e purposes. When a man writes everything musb be in apple-pie order ; pen, paper and ink must be jest so, a profound silence meet. reign while he accomplishes this import- ant function. A woman gets- any sheet of paper, tears it perhaps from a book or portfolio, sharpens a penoil with the ecieeore, puts the paper on an oldatlas, crosses her feet, balanoee herself on the chair, and confides her thoughts to paper, changing from pencil to pen, and viae versa from time; nor does she care if the ohildrea romp or the cook 000580 to speak to her. A. man storms if the blotting -paper is not conveniently near ; a woman dries the ink by blowing on it, waving the paper in the air, or holding it near the lamp or fire. a man drops a letter unhesitatingly in the box ; a woman rereads the address, assures herself that the envelop is eeal- ed,the stamp secure,' and then throws it violently into the box. A man oats out a book onlywith a paper butter ; a woman deftly inserts a hair -pin, and the book is oat. For a man "good -by" signifies the end of a conversation and the moment of his departure ; for a woman itis the begin- ning of a new chapter, for it just when they are taking leave of each other that women think of the most important topica of oonvereation. A woman ratnaaoks her brain trying to mend a broken object ; a man puts it aside and forests that for which there is no remedy. Which is the superior.? ROAST DISEASE RNLIBvnD EV 80 MRS- uxss.-All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80minutes and quickly cured,' by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. A. sup of muddy coffee is not whole- some, neither is a bottle of muddy meld!. cine. One way to know a reliable and skillfully -prepared blood -purifier is by its freedom from sediment. Ayer's Sarsap- arilla is always bright and sparkling, because it is an extraot and not a decoc- tion. RHHaNATISM OMRRD IN A DAY. -South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically 00558 in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the pause and the disease immediately diaappeare. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman: WESTERN ADVE Ti !.1l E 33rd Year 3Elmt cub 'Fo+zrig Glp 731V'05. The best and brightest Weakly Paper published in any of the cities of Canada. Sixteen Pages Every Week Now IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. . . Only $1 Ngo Jail. 1, '97 Special Rates to Clubs. Good Inducements to Canvassers. Address all oommuaieation8- Western Advertiser, LONDON. ONT. B911 CURE • THAT i G SWITH, HIL0�fZ. 26 ole„ One eta. and HC U R E Bottle c sent a dose TAKE THE BEST It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It cures Incipient Consumption and 15 the beat Cough and group Cure. Sold by .1.15. OIIX, 'Draaelet, lie I,Osele. Featherbone Skirt Bone FOR GIVINGA. hghb, pliable, elastic bons made from .quills. It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving Style and. Shape proper shape to Skirt or Dress, 7 O P The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. Lathes' Dresses, The Celebrated Featherbono Cor- sets are corded} 1'itll this II atelia l i. 10-21 For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. SPAM CtJt2E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BAST. Certain in its offsets and never blisters. Used proofs below, E1QALL3S SPAVIN ©UM Bex52 Oarmau nonderson Oo., 111„ Feb. el,'AS. Dr. n. 0. rbo'DAea ilp. ROia Rid oblitc Msend n named n gre t your Lends-11's ap0an, Ouse 01tb good success • 1t la a wonderful medicine. I 00001 d a mare Mob bud sus (Moult Slimy In and ave bottles eared her. I keep a bottle on band all the time. Yowl truly, ones. P0R7at. KE ALL9S SPAN N DUDE. Dr. B. J. 8atm va Co. Oto uox, Mo., Apr. 9, T2. Danr Sirs -1 have need several betides of your think ft he bast Lint Cure. with I lever used. 05 success. ,a buctone curb, ono 111ead. 611110111 and killed oo.. Ilene epaviue. Have recommended It to n anal of my friend. who are much pleased 0ith and keep 11. Respsctfuny� 6. IL Ly, P. O, nos917, For Sale by uliDruggiate, or address •. 14. J. XEN11tiLL 0O7, PAHA; E N035UROH FALLS, Vr. • I have a fine, new and well selected stock of Eorse Blankets, Licht and Heavy Har- ness, Oollalls, &c, Trunks and Bags at Low Prices, 'IC Si }Bila make 0 sVatl mart oY7,013'Y --- MPS: PRODL•OIIS Tan 40000 000010000 001310001 50. 1I000I aurae ail SOM.., rSena,r SlOsnlvse. 1 noes. Failing memory, Aifyhtlr '08430 0, Stems. :emboss, Impotent, eta *mod br prat comas. gives vigor and size to 05000 5 arouse ami suloldy but surely restrroe Le n.+i5L eo 10 old o0 ODOg. Uoo?LOO2I0D4> A ,1.:,pwr (trona end haacaro yat eelad ,t o ob,err,.Woo. pig ;. carried In vest pocket Prise 1. a r.eSrro eh: for ea. Send money U. either o000030(10. i 1>d letter: Address all h1.ire I. EP_:00, 05R51st, WOODa'roc., " i e.--, f ti.a De- minton of 000040. - i MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6' Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying vhen required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. tm '� �ar'-ikl. i 1I of Toronto, CANCER ON THE LIP CUMED TOY `'J r"v 4 Sarsa- parilla 11110010.0000 "I consulted doctors who prescribed for Ing, but to no purpose, I suffered in aSany seven long years. Filially, I began taking dycr'a Sarsaparilla. In a week or two I noticed a deckled improvement. Encour- aged by this result, 1 persevered, until in a wail or so the sore began to heal, and, raw using the Sarsaparilla for alk months, the ]1st CO of the cancer disappeared;'- 3AAIL3 E. Nr000L3otr, Florenoevllle, II. B. Ayer's Sersapaiilla Admitted at themesWorld's Fair. SFE'1:r3 1'ZLL5 .Itcgrc1ato Sko Bowers. When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —OALL AT— H iii'TER' Hardware Store ' Where you will, from this date, get a DISCOUNT of Fin PER CENT. Offal! Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in an-vasin Stook, A. HUNTER. Established 1871. The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished on application. , Ell, Agee, Brussels. GREAT BARGAINS IN Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jag. Fox and combined it with my own, I have nolo the m;i Largest, Cheapest and Best Display ever made in;;,Brussels. Special Bargains Given during this lt[on.th To save trouble of moving. in cornice- ._ tion with the erection of new store, You can save Dollars by dealing with ins in Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades. Pa'petr Ranging done in First-c1as3 Style. W RODDI a,