HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-15, Page 88
Did You See it `?i
Our edvertissment about Beene
ill a regent Mons of this paper.
We are still•seliing at saws prides.
Just think a mement-
Casti1e Soap,
a 2 lab, Bar for 25o.
That Heliotrope Soap which we
are gelling for 5a, a cake ie a
great bargain. It would surely
be worth your while to lay in a
stook of it, We have othere also
viz. ; Tar, Sulphur, Glycerine,
Castile, &o, Same prices. Come
and see,
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, Bookseller[, &
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
Rad South, as follows:
tdail 0a;m. Mixed 0:45 a.m..
Express 11;69 a.m. I Mail
;60 8:15 p.m.
Nixed 5:00 part. Express 9:49 p,m.
.Arai Pins Items.
A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Base Concert next Tuesday evening.
51,00 in advance Bemires Tim Poem un-
til January 1897. •
BRUSSELS Public School Opening on
Wednesday, 27th inst.
BauesWLS Monthly Horse Fair will be
held on Thursday, Deo. 51h.
THE Pm gives the news of East
Huron. Read the District news on in-
side pages.
THE winter's supply of coal for the
fire hall was received this week, Wm.
Martin supplying ib.
W. M. Stigmata, G. F. Blair and F. S.
Scott attended the Assizes at Gaderioh
this week. They went on Monday after-
Ino. Walston has removed his feather
renovating machine to Listowel, where
he will run it in the interests of the
house -wives of that town and locality.
TaunsDAY of next week will be Thanks-
giving Day SO THE PoeT will be issued on
Wednesday next week. Will advertisers
and correspondents kindly note this
change next week.
HAMMY BENNETT took the house by
storm in rendering a comic ohmmeter
song entitled "The Bill Poster." The
audience was ,kept in continual roars of
laughter by his antics and comical say-
ings. -Toronto Mail.
THURSDAY evening of this week W. T.
Ross, more familiarly called "Tom," of
Cheeley, joins hand and heart with Miss
Mary E„ the worthy daughter of William
Glenn, of the same town. The groom is
the third eon of our townsman, David
A VERY correct photogravure of Brus-
sels Young Liberal Glee Club appeared
in.laet Saturday's Toronto Daily Globe.
This hustling newspaper does a lot of
very excellent work in this line. J. Fox,
the local news agent, disposed of 50 extra
copies of the "dootohman's Bible" on
Drzn.-Samuel Mark, brother of Mrs.
Hugh Williams, Brussels, died at his
home, near New Hamburg, Last Friday,
aged 64 years. He had been ill for the
past few months from a stomach trouble.
He was a member of the Episcopalian
church. Mrs. Walker, his niece, of this
place, attended the funeral,
H. M. BENNETT left a good impression
with the residents of Mitchell. The
clever manner in whioh he rendered his
comic selections won him rounds of ap-
plause. The song, "You get more like
your dad every day," deserves epeoial
mention, his impereonation of the old
man, both in voioe and facial expression,
was extremely good.-Mitohell Advocate.
Sotto suspicions looking charaotere were
seen in town last Monday and the atten-
tion of lobe police was directed to them.
They left before the evening. Our resi-
dents would do well to avoid harboring
strangers,as several gangs of thieves are
known to be at work inthis Province.
Safe cracking, till lapping, &o., are on
their program. A bull dog attachment
to their coat tails or the application of a
few pounds of shoe leather is warranted
bo effect an entire cure.
FOR THE REFUGE. -Reeve Straohan ac-
companied the inmates of Grey town-
ship to the House of Refuge Last Tues•
day afternoon. There were eight individ-
uals. in the party, viz., three of the Lo -
eau family, who are deaf and dumb ;
Miss Charity McMartin ; Jno. Connelly,
Miss Maggie Nichol, Martin Mullin, and
David Kinsman, the latter tailing train
at Bluevale. Jno. Stewart, Hugh
Stewart and some other old
friends went along too to
smooth the way for some of the above
who did not care to go. There won't be
many municipalities that will be more
largely represented at the Home.
Tent Nn, 24, K. 0. T. M. -Whereas, It
h,,e pleased our Heavenly Father in His
wisdom for the first time and by the
hand of death to remove from us our be-
loved brother, Sir Knight Wm. Roddick,
be it therefore . Resolved, That while we
recognize the Great Being who "doeth all
things well" we are impressed witb the
fact that this is not our oontinuing place,
end that we are passing on one by one to
the great future, and that it is our solemn
duty to be ready to ansv,,.r the summone
when it comae t0 "ren•, ,r our amount
with joy and not with e• NV and by a
coneietent life we be ale , ready to follow
our beloved brother and air Knight, who
in many ways bas endeared himself to
this fraternity. Reeolvsd, That we tend.
er to the bereaved eisters our sympathy
in the great Ion they have sustained in
the death of their brother •;. that our
Charter be appropriately draped for
thirty days ; that a Dopy of these reso-
latione be sent to the sorrowing family ;
that they be spread lipon the records of
the Tent and publisbed in our offrnial
paper. W. F. VANeroNE, Com,,
J. 3, Guam:, R. K.
Brussels, Nov. 18, '05.
lflkssns. STEwaica & GRAUAA1 ebipped 7
ears of Leas to I.'ortleed for exhort tbie
"WAWA," Beattie Brae,' fest /rotting
mare, may be sold in the neer future to
an American. Sbe'e a good one,
A Henna has arranged a gandervabory
at his reeidenee, Alexander etreet, and
bas a fine oolleotion of ,flowers, plsnbs,
bulbs, &o.
Amens. BAENsn & VAN:To=m 'shipped a
Oar of live boge on Thursday. Some
hogs is the shipment weighed se high as
000 pounds,
Janne H, METOALFE, M, P., of Kingston,
has disposed of Ohloe, the mare whish
trotted at the Brussels meet last Spring,
to J. Lowry, of Montreal, for 01,100•
The mare was purobaded for bbe English
TEE Seafortb stage home ran away
last Tuesday evening from the poatofioe
being frightened by some boys playing on
the sidewelt. The tongue of the stage
was broken and ether alight damages
Mr, BENNETE was indeed very funny,
the audience laughed till their sides
aohed. They fairly =earned ab his ren•
dition of "I Oouldh't help but laugh,"
and "The Grass Widower." In all his
make ups there are no two oharaotere
alike, We hope he will oome again."
-Norwich Gazette,
A mien offhand musicale was given at
Barrett's tonsorial parlor Thursday even-
ing of last week by the three Rowe Bros.,
of Listowel, W. Grewar, Chas. Sager and
R. N. Barrett. It was firet•elase. The
Howe boys were here aseietinglthe Band
at W. Roddiok'e funeral. They are a
great trio on braise instruments.
WE are pleased' to announce that about
December let A. Oousley will open an
office in town for the purpose of money
loaning, selling farm and village prop-
erty, eolleoting aceounbs, &o. Mr. Ooue•
ley will no doubt do well as he is well and
favorably known and all business traps -
Rations entrusted to him will be carefully
and eatisfaoborily attended to. Until the
23rd be will be in obarge of Messrs. Gil-
lies & Smith's private Bank.
J. D. RONALD will address a public
meeting at Hanover Friday evening on
the question of fire protection. They
have bad a couple of fires lately to ranee
them to aobien, as the village is reap.
plied with fire fighting applianoee,-A
second test of the Ronald steamer at Ao•
ton will be made next week as they have
their water tanks completed. -Toronto
refuses to deal with the Merryweather
and will probably purchase another Ron.
ald steamer. They will show their wis-
dom if they do.
Mies MINNm O'CONNOR is arranging
for a first-class °omen in the Town Hall,
Braseele, on Friday evening, 29th inst.
A mixed program, consisting' of vooal and
instrumental musie ; cantata, May Pole
dance ; hoop drill, &c., will be gives.
Mre. (Rev.) Hunt, of Exeter, and talent
from Wingham are expected to take part.
Mise O'Connor has had marked success
in concerts in the past and this promises
to be better than any of its predeoessors.
Since the above was written the concert
has been indefinitely postponed owing to
the serious illness of Mrs. O'Connor.
BAND CONCERT. -The town Band has
annonnoed a grand concert to be held in
the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday
evening of next week, when H. M. Ben-
net, she humorous vocalist and character
impersonator, will make hie first appear-
ance in Brussels. Mr. Bennet has just
returned from an engagement of 95 weeks
in touring the United States with Hey-
wood', Celebrities of New York. Prof.
B. Ducker and daughter, Mise Jessie, ex-
pert violinists, who bear an excellent
name for Roe music, will also take part.
The Band ,will play a number of selec-
tions. Admission only 25 cents ; child.
ren 10 cents, Plan of Hall at J. Fox's
drug store, where seats may be reserved
by paying the above fee. Concert begins
at 8 o'clock. The press opinions of Mr.
Bennet are very flattering, some of
them may be read in this issue.
CoSIPLIDtENTARY,-The Clinton New Era
gives the House of Refuge Committee the
following recommendation :-The New
Era wishes to bear its testimony to the
faithfulness and•fidelity of this Special
Committee. Publio men do not reoeive
many thanks for their labors in the pub-
lic interest, and we think the mission is
one that, at hetet, calls for some recogni-
tion. We have had an opportunity of
watching the work of this Committee at
various times, as it met here, and we
want to say that, without an exception,
every member of it did all that was pos-
sible in looking after the interests of the
county. lar. Eilber made an excellent
chairman, and any member of the nom•
mates could nob have done more if
furthering their own personal interests,
than was done in furthering those of the
county, and we have no hesitation in
saying they are at least entitled to the
cordial thanks of the community, and
some expression of appreciation from the
County Council
MATBItfoNleL,-Saturday morning, at
9 o'clock, Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A.; tied the
matrimonial knot making Jno. Stuart
Black, of Umpteen, Ont., and Mise Bate
A. Cormack,e,well known young lady of
this plane, husband and wife, in the pres-
ence of a seleot company of near friends,
at the home of A. Reid, the bride's step-
father, Elizabeth street. The bride was
very neatly attired in a green elotb
travelling suit trimmed with fur. After
the wedding breakfast the health of the
bride was felioitocsly proposed by the
officiating clergyman and ably seconded
by Mr. Tilley, of Toronto. The groom
made a very appropriate reply in behalf
of lila wife and himself. Mr. and litre
Black left for Toronto on the noon train.
where they will spend their' honeymoon,
before proceeding to their home at Chap -
lean. Mr. Black is a native of Sather.
landehire, Scotland, who came to Oanada
early in the eighties under the employ of
the Hudaoo Bay Company, He was
stationed for some years at the most im•
portant poet on Lake Superior during the
construction of the Canadian Pacifico
Railway-Micbip000ten-to the engine-
ers of which he lent valuable aid tbrough
bis knowledge of the country and intro..
oaoies of the 1Vlinhip000ten river, and
which became the main highway of sup.
plies fer the oonsbruetion of the road on
the North ehoro of Lake Superior, At
present be is the ohief fur trader between
the great lake and James Bay.. No white
man, living to -day, has a more intimate
knowledge of that country, His head.
quarters at preesnt ie at Ohaplean, a'
lively little town on the main line of the
C. P. R., a divisional point of the game,
with .large 'machine and repair shops.
Tim PosT eohoee the sentiment of the
people of Brussels when we wieh Mr. and
Mrs. Black long life, great prosperity and
increasing happiness.
Noy, 15, 1895
A5214i7VD4RD 234iNIC OF C4X4.D4,
ASSETS ,(Seven Million Dollars) .. 07,000,000
CAPITATA (Authoriued) • - • • • 02,000,000
4penoiea tin ail,prfnoipai flodnts in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Unifed IStates eG Newland,
ldF?w5"i5TI4B Dl ittAN7 ik
A General ,Banking Bueinese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dieeountpd,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
A. Srit wetN, merchant, will adopt the
Dash system of doing business on Deoem-
ber let, His circuler to the public set
out the case in a fair and convincing
Sumo rates are announced on the G.
T. R, for Thanksgiving time, Return
tiekete will be issued at single fare, good
going on Wednesday, 20th ineb, and re.
turn on Monday, 25th.
IN lobe Midway Plaisanoe season, Har-
ry Bennett, as a Dutch comedian, was a
host in himself. Hie droll ways and
funny make-up kept the people in eon,
ebant roars of laughter. -Toronto Satur,
day Night.
Tna Sons of Scotland in Brussels will
not bold their annual concert next Jana.
ary, bat will have a local, free entertain-
ment, at which the objects and aims of
the Society will be set forth by some of
the prominent officers of the Order.
VOTERS' LIST Oomvr.-His Honor Judge
Doyle held Voters' List Court in the
Oounoil Chamber Wednesday afternoon
for the purpose of making the necessary
corrections and additions bo the Ontario
Voters' list for Brussels. The names of
D. B. Moore, as owner ; and Hugh Mc-
Martin, Wm. Bishop and Chas. Wake, es
tenants, were added ; also Colin Shaw,
Wm. Stewart, Len. Downing, Geo. J.
Rogers. Jno. Kendall, Alex, McKay and
Harry Stevenson, as Manhood Franchise
voters. The names of Geo. Barkley,'
Harry Bond, Wm. Lowry, Thos. Gill and
Wm. Han000k were struck off de they
have removed from town, and Wm. Tait,
who die 1 'asb May.
Lanai, -At the Chanoeryeibtings at
Goderich tide week, before Justice Street,
the following oases of local interest were
beard :-Semple vs. MaLauohlin- In
this matter judgment was entered, on
consent minutes to the effect that all in.
cumbrances against the land are to be
paid and the balance divided equally
amongst the four defendants other then
the executors. Erb vs, Erb -This notion
was settled out of court, defendants to.
pay 01,100 in fall of all claims of defen•
dente, each to pay their own omits. Scott
ve. Stratton, was an action brought by
the aseignee for the Smith, Malcom &
Gibson company against Jas. Stretton on
account, The Judge ordered all matters
in dispute to be referred to the Local
Mester under Section 102 of the Ontario
Judicature Act.
House or RerusE.-The first inmate
to the House was an old man named Bal.
lantyne, of Bayfield, who is 97 years of
age. 20 inmates were in by Tuesday
night. It is expected that the numbea
will mu tip to 70. -THE Poem is sending
a complimentary Dopy to the House of
Refuge, commencing with this week.
Will all the Huron Co. publishers kindly
do the same and thereby establish a free
reading room- for the I
nmates ?-very
arrangement is being perfected for the
formal opening on Thursday evening,
Deo. 6th. An interesting program of ad-
dressee and music will be given. It is
suggested that a small admission fee of
10 dents be charged and after the neoes•
Bary expenses are, paid the balance be ap-
plied in purehaeing Bibles and hymn.
booke for the Home. -Keeper French
and wife are proving themselves worthy
of the good name they have previously
borne and will do well.
Business Locals.
GROCERIES at MoAlpine's.
Dux stovewood ab MoOraeken's.
LONG, clear bacon at MoOraoken's.
Pioruni Frames for sale at Brewer's
Iv you went robee or blankets call on
H. Dennis,
SnionE harness very low in price. I.
0. Richards,
SEE our Robes and Blankets, beet value
in town. I. 0. Richards.
Cmrsv,usgifts in the way of photo.
graphs at Brewer's studio.
2 on 8 good esoond-hand Organs for
sale oheap at R. Leatherdale's.
LemGE stook of light harness sold at low
prices. H. Dennis.
Gun horse collars are all warranted.
H. Dennis.
FREE hand crayon enlarging done up
A 1 at Brewer's' gallery, Smith block.
SEE our long boots, band made, very
low in price and splendid quality. I. 0.
GRAIN BAGS. -Large size, full 16 oz.,
only 01.90 per dozen, at Smith & Mo•
JAB. MoALPINE bas put in a line of
Groceries. Everything new and free/,
no stale goods.
Do you want to stop using tobacco ?
1f so, use No-To•Bao. We refund your
money if not as stated. G. A. DEADMAN.
MRs. Mollusk wishes to notify the
publio that she still does Carpet Weaving
at her reeidenee,: nearly opp. D. lklo.
Ifelvey's. Sabiefantion guaranteed.
KArnn's Clover Root will purify your
bleed, clear your complexion, regulate
your'bowele and make your beadclear as
a bell. 25 eta., 60 ots. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Snnoon'e flare, the great Dough and
croup ours, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty.fivs doses ; only 25
Dente, Children love it, Sold by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
POULTRY. -The' undersigned will take
any quantity of fowl for trade in grocer•
iee, orookery, &o. The highest prioes
paid, See him before bringing them in,
so be can advise you how and what days
in the week to kill. W. H, MoOnAmtEN,
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U, S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says ;-"Shilob's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good," Price 60
outs. Sold by Fox. druggist, Bus.
Yon can get Organs from 020 end up
and sewing machines at equally low
prices at R. Leabherdale's:
THEY don't keep wash tube or scrub
brushes, but just what you want in the
Grocery line at Mc Alpines,
r, A NUMBER Of second band road carts
in good condition for sale at low prices.
Also a few buggies. Jas, Walker, Brue.
SAws,made to ont feet and easy. Seo•
ond•haud saws bought and sold. Point -
ere given on saw filing and bbe care and
management of saws, on. Queen street
East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont.,
Master of Saws.
LADIns, clean your kid gloves with
Josephine glove cleaner, for sale only by
Ferguson & Halliday. Sole agents for
the Perrin Freres kid gloves, in lane and
button, All the most desirable shades,
Ii you are in need of anything in the
furniture, picture framing, window shade,
•curtain pole, piano, organ or sewing
machine line oome and get my prices be.
fore you buy. It will save you money.
No trouble to show goods. R. Leather.
FLnoaY PLOWS. -Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plow,. They also keep all the Deemer),
repairs. Call at Williams' Livery stable,.
Brussels. The Fleuryplow received the
gold medal and diploma ab the World's
This new and very prosperous Fire In-
surance Co. during the past year issued
'over 800 policies in Carrick, Howiok,
Culross and Greenock. Rates on farm
' property very 'low. J. A. CREIGHTON,
Agent for Morris and Grey.
OLD curtains are oleaned at Parker's on
very short notice to look as fresh as new.
A epeoial process for Damasks, another
for Repps and Chenille, and whatever is
badly faded oan be dyed over into some
other fashionable shade. We will gladly
send you a little book which tells bow
much we oan doat very little expenee to
you. J. G. Skene, Agent.
-In Bath, Ont., Chase's KidneyLiver
Pills are a standard remedy. Joseph
Gardner, of this town. suffered for 40
years with indigestion and its ever
present accompaniments -constipation
and headache. K. & L. Pills ere the
only remedy that gave him relief. 25
oente a box, of all druggists. One pill a
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is proper.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to biro
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells oleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residsnoe
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34-tf
Ruoenio IT IN. -Never nes a liniment
for rheumatism, says a high medical
authority. Don't rub it. in -drive it oat.
Take something that removes lobe acid
poison from the blood -take something
that will improve your digestion, and
build up the body to the perfection of
robust health. That "something" is
Soott's Sarsaparilla, a remedy that ob-
tains the beet results in the shortest time.
$1 of all druggists.
I/suture-On Friday, Nov. 8th, the wife
of Mr. John Ritchie, of Mb. Forest,
of a daughter.
BowLme.-In Wingbam, on Nov. 2nd, the
wife of Mr. Edward Bowles, tanner,
of a daughter.
Scomv.-In Clinton, on Nov. 1st, the wife
of Mr. James Scott, barrister, of a
COATEe.-In Constance, on November 2nd,
the wife of Mr. Albert Goatee, of a
WELLS. -In Hullett, on November 8rd,
- the wife. of Mr. James Wells, of a
OnrcH.-In Tuekeremitb, on Oot. 28th,
the wife of Mr. Herbert Oriels, of a
LAoTENenarge,-Iu Hullett, on the 2nd
inet., the wife of Mr. S. Laubenslay
er, of a daughter.
BLAox-COnmAOR,-Ili - Brussels, at the
residence of Mr. Adam Reid, step-
father of the bride, on Saturday,
Nov. 9th, by Rev, Jno. Ross, B. A.,
Mr. John Stuart Black, of Obapleau,
Ont., to Miss Kate A, Cormeok.
WAnwron-Anteernoxo.-At the residence
of tire bride's parents, Ord line Mor•
rig, on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, by
Rev. A. K. Griffin, Mr. Thos. War-
wick to Miss Sarah Jane, daughter'
of Mr. Richard Armstrong.
MOBATN-DUNN,-On Wednesday, Nov.
9th, at lobe residence of the bride's
father, Listowel, by the Rev. Wm.
Cooper, B.A., assisted by the Rev, J.
13. McBain, B. A., Mildmay, Mr, 3,
A. MoBain, Atwood, to Miss Miriam
Agoes,Idaugbter,of Wm.Dunn.
roan i z.
TILT. -In Goderich, on Sunday, Nov. Ord,
George Homewood Tilt, aged 15
years, 6 months and 15 days,
!JTurnberry : Street for gale or to rent.
Apply to 10105,. BALLANTINE;Brussels.
to rens of the undersigned, lot 82, non: 1,
Grey, on Or about Aug. 10t11, one ewe and
throe. lambs. The initald J, A, on left side lou.
black, Any information leadingto their
recovery wilt be thankfully receivrs.
18.4 ilfoleswerth P. 0.
Increase the Value of your Stock
by ming some of our Superior Condition Powder
DICK'S and
0i' Bros
First mortgage, farm security, Apply
at TSE POST Publishing House, Brussels,
L' DEBSIONED be.seayeralgood Farms or
sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships
of Morrie and Grey, F B. SOOTT,Bruseele
Savings Bank takes Deposits from.
51.00 to 51,000 and allows 8,} per cent.
interest. T. FARROW
97.8m Postmaster.
., Tenders will be received until Saturday
noon, 29rd inst.,' for the erection of sheds on
the groande of Melville church, Brussels.
For PBartioulare apply to
. 18-1 D. HOGG, Brussels.
mail are coming in for our Balt Rheum
Ointment, •It never fails to cure Salt Rheum,
II you are troubled that way or know any
one who is get a box or tell them about ib.
Druggist, Bookseller &o,
nune0GNEt offerable 100 acre farm, be-
ing Lot 10, Con. 6, Grey, for sale. There are
about 76 acres under cultivation. On the
premisesarea log house, good barn and
other necessary out•huildingi, also good or.
shard. School hones on owner of lot. Im-
mediate possession. 2,4 nares of Fall wheat
in. Also hay and atiaw on. farm. Easy
terns. For price conditions, i&o., apply to
ALEX. BREMNER, Proprietor, Ethel P.O.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lob 6, Con. 8 Grey,the imported Chester
White boar, "IllinoiChief.' Pedigree may
be seen on application. Terms -81.00 to be
paid at the time of service with privilege of
returning if necessary.
19.8 JAS. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service, on
Lot 11, Con, 6, Grey, a Moro' bred Cheater
White boar, Prom imported stock on both
sides, purchased from the well known breed.
er, D.Deooursoy Bornholm. Pedigreemay
be seen on application, Terme-$100 to be
paid at time of service with privilege of re -
tinning ifnecessary.
16•tt ANGUS SHAW, Proprietor.
The undersigned will keep for service on
North Half hot 29, Con, 7, Morrie, a tboro'
bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased
from the well known breeder, Lie. Bell, Am-
ber. Also a Cheater White Boar. Terms,
81.00 to be paid at time of nervine with prix
liege of returning if necessary.
89.11 S. WALIOIR,Proprietor,
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 26, Con. 6, Morris,' the there' bred im•
proved Whits Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from J. E. Brotbour'e sweepstakes sow
at Chicago. Fair. 'Terme, 61.00 to bo .paid
at the time of soreness with privilege of re-
turning if necessary, Pedigree may be Been
on application.
undersigned will keep for eorvie° on
Lot 90, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'-brad Large
English. Berkshire Boar, Captain. John,"
His mother is a full Meter to the tet prize.
sow at the World's Fair, Pedigree willbe
produced on application. Terms -81.00' to
be paid at time of service with privilege Of
returning if necessary.
14 -em JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor.
• —00—
IN Ton TosNsnte 00 GnEa, ne Too
000NTY.. or Hmtoar.
Pursuant to a judgment in. the Queen's
Bench Division of the High Court of Justice
in a certain nation of Sanipie vs. McLaughlin
there will be offered forsale by Public Ave•
tion by S. Maleonison, Esquire, Master at
Goderieh at the 1q 0EEN'8 HOTEL in the.
Wednesday, December 4tI1, 1895,
at the beer of 1 n'cloak p, m., the .following
valuable property, namely :-
All and singular thateer'haln parcel or traeb
of land and premises situate lying and being
in the Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron and Province of Ontario, being com-
posed of Lot number three in the sixth Oon-
oeasionofbbe aforesaid Township of'Grey,
containing by adm easurement one hundred.
sores of land, be the sonic. more or less.
The Boil is a clay loam, about eighty -flys
ebree are cleared and in a good state of cul-
tivation, and the helium le bush- land con-
taining hard and soft timber.
The property ie wen situated In a good
farming locality about three quarters of a
mile from the gravel road and about three
miles from the Village of Brussels. There is
a good frame house andframe b am neon the
promises, and the fences - are in a fair state
of repair.
The property will be sold ' sabjeatto a re
1he.Conditions of Sale will be the stand-
ing conditions of the High Oeuro of Justice.
Further particulars will be made know n at
the time off' the sale brmay be obtained from .-
M. G. CAasnnoN. Bag, Goderich ; G. F. BLsnn,
Ben„ Brussels, or the Vendor's Solicitor.
Vendors. Solicitor.'.' Master at
18'0 - Goderich,
Solieitor and Conveyancer. COneo•
tions made. Office-5naetone'B Moak, Brae -
sole, 51.9m
• Solicitor, 0onveyaneer,Notary Pub -
Ito, &o, Office-Vanstone's Bleak, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Panda to
.M •
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron.) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderlah,
Ont. 00Me-Hamilton Ste Opposite 0o1 -
borne Rotel.
G•F. • Solicitor, &o, (late of Garrow &
Proudfoots Office, Goderich.) Office oyer
Billies & Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan, 44
teolallgo Toronto
Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Office over
Barrett's barber [hop, Turnberry St., Erns -
ex • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all •
diseases of domestioated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention .paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors
north of bridge Turnberry et„ Brunets.
• O. M., L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P
B. Ont. Residence and office in Wileon's
Block, corner oI 11111 and Turnberry Ste,
5)T •
GradPhysician, Surgeon, Accoucher, etc.
uate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Phyelalane
and Surgeons Ont. Orman -Next door to
McDonald & do., Walton Ont.
Isenrer ofafarriage Licensee. Office
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels,
Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door'
eolith of A. M, McKay & no's hardware store.
Ladies'and ahildreus hair cutting a specialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
L No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels,
suraneee of oted0on Established To cno and Farm
Property at very low rates.
16.9m J. A, CREIGHTON,
Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Corm
Oo, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publio'
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collootione made
Office in Smaio'e Bleak, Brussels
Teacher of instrumental music on
Plano or Organ, Will visit Wingham. Tues•.
day and Wednesday of Saab week. Beet.
dance on Prinoose Street, Brussels,
A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
. Organist in St. John's Church, Broso
eels, hay pupil, in the Art of Teaching, k,vof give w. Thayer, pupils either
sr York, will give
lessons to pupils either on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A. R. Smith's etore,Brus-
eels• Vocal lessons also given, Terme mod -
Liceneed Auctioneer. Wee conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Panne and farm
stook a specialty. Crdere loft at Tan PoeT
P ubll shin gHonee,Bru sole, or sentto Walton
P. 0,, will reoeive prompt attention,
non, will sell for better prioeo,te
better men, in loss time and loss (Merges
than any other Auctioneer In Ea et Huron
or he won't Margo anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this officio
or by pereonal application.
Any quantity of ]3uildin Corner R
Sill and Bridge. Stone for Bale Quarried
and ready for Joadiug at BruoeolsQQuarey. '
For price and terms apply to
87-tf Box.150 Brants.