HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-15, Page 4E ERUSSET'•S. SOS
New Advertisements.
Soap—G.A. Deadman,
7GPvals -H It. Brewer,
Locale Tae, McAlpine.
Locale --nit, Leatherdale,
LPeal—Parkor'e Dye Works,
Condition pewdors—Jas, Fox,
Farm for sale—W. M. Sinclair.
Remnants ---Ferguson & Halliday.
Tenders wan • te.
d.-Mo1wilcobu l r 0h
Cold weather goads --A. Strachan.
gonsumption Conquered—Dr, Willi.
FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1895.
Ax, of Newfoundland,
is to visit this Dominion with the expeo-
tation of negotiating terms foe confeder-
IT is expeoted that England will im-
mediately send troop to Aehantee. The
majority of the troops sent will be color-
ed men. The rule of the African. Xing
in that country ie pronounced to be die,
helical in the extreme.
Tan Prince of Wales completed his
54th year on Saturday last. Her Majesty
the Queen is now in her 77th year, and
the condition of ber health is so preoari•
one that the appointment of an assistant
pbysioian•in-ordinary is considered neces-
To Provincial Board of Health has
been wrestling with a complaint that cer-
tain persons in Toronto the "good" are
purchasing worn out horses and convert-
ing them into sausages, The Board will
make a thorough investigation as the To-
rontonians don't want their palates tick-
led with old "hoes." It's too bad the sup-
ply of felines has not proved equal to the
A. Magma, woman, on whom devolved
the duty of supporting a sister and some
small Children, has succeeded for some
years past in eking out a living for them
by donning man's clothes and thus ob-
taining work. Ou Saturday she was
dragged before the Recorder, sentenced to
a month's imprisonment and fined $10.
There is no pardon or excuse for crimes
like that.
IT is stated that a convention of the
Patrons of East Huron will be held in
the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday of
this week, at 1 o'clock, p. m. for the
purpose of considering the advisability of
placing a candidate in the field to con.
test East Huron for the Local Legisla-
ture. as East Huron is not yet vacant
n the Lo: al Legislature, and the only
grouni IS for supposing so based upon
rump', our Patron friends cannot be
ebarl eft 'pith dilatoriness in the matter.
Re4.L1. Baine, Belfast, Grand Master
of the Orange Institution, replying to an
address by the Orangemen of Cork, where
he is at present sojourning, said Orange.
men were not opposed to any fair system
of Iooal government which will put Ire.
land in exactly the same position ae
England and Scotland. Re regretted to
see a statement that the Government
were diep osed to boycott Orangemen, so
far as the administration of patronage
was Concerned He Could not believe
that any minister would actually say
over his own signature thaw because a
man was an Orangeman he could not be
appointed to an office for which in other
respects he was qualified.
Tas editor of the Wingham Advance
displays very bad taste in our judgment
by continually "harpooning" Dr. Mc-
Donald, M. P. If he were an outsider
there might be some excuse but to nag
away at an honorable and useful citizen,
as the Dr. has been proven to be
by his election to both Reeveship
and Mayoralty ; the interests he has
manifested in the industries of the town,
and the investment of his money in the
erection of the finest block in Wingham,
is surely not agreeable to any fair mind-
ed resident. Dr. McDonald is a public
man of course, and his actions as such
are open to criticisim, but it should be of
a manly character and not merely for
political animus or a desire to work up a
little cheap notoriety. The doctor needs
no recommendation from us or anybody
else as his long residence in Huron and
unimpeachable character speaks foriteelf.
A Great Home Paper.
Toronto turns out some excellent home
and general newspapers, but none that is
superior fn any reepeob to THE WEEK-
prise is well known, and its reliability ae
a medium of information has always been
its proud distinction. No Canadian
journal devotes more specie to purely Can.
adian topics, or deals with Canadian
more fairly nor more thoroughly. Every
Canadian home is the better for the weak.
ly visite of this great paper,
Harley Davidson, "the Toronto rider,
reduced the button's record to 59 sec-
onds at Peterboro.
Michael Patterson was sentenced to
six yours in penitentiary at Cayuga Aeeiz.
es for attempting to murder his wife.
11 is reported that leading Conserv-
atives are engaged in a movement to
force Sir Mackenzie Howell to retire
from the Premiership.
Father Dumertier, the venerable priest
connected with the Church of Our Lady,
Guelph, Ont., died Friday night, A few
months ago the jubilee of Father Du.
mortises priesthood wag celebrated with.
gt e.tt cotemony.1
A Special Anneunoeanent,
THI/ BI1USSELS POST will be giveal
MAR o _ iv abs ''h ':l' from tzl 'lze
t 1qe l? pza 4z fir naw u t
let of January, 1897, for ONE DOLLAR,
Tae Peer and Wraiany Grpnn will be
given to Now Subsvribere from new until
let Jaunwry, 1897, for ONE DOLLA1I
Here is an offer of one of tbo best local
papers in Ontario and the best city week'
ly for lose than the price of one paper,
These ilguree do not make
for the coat of
preduotion, but we ma a this very liberal
offer with the hope of largely increasing
our subeoription list, knowing that most
of those we get will remain with up for
many years.
Let each subscriber show this to his
neighbor who does not now take THF.
POST and inane() him to eubeoribe.
Surely this is not too much to ask of our
old friends, •
A very large number of our eubscribers
have taken advantage of the advance
price, but a good many have not done so.
As the past year has been hard and mon-
ey scarce, we make this special offer
Any subscriber who has not yet paid for
the present year, but who will pay BE.
for this year and' next year, we will ae.
opt two dollars for the two years ; that
is one dollar for the present year as well
ae for next year.
Every subscriber who does not do this,
but who is still in arrears on the first of
January next, will MOST POSITIVELY
be charged at the rate of ONE DOLLAR
We make this liberal offer, hoping . it
will be taken advantage of by many.
Any, therefore„who have to pay the long
price must blame themselves and not us.
Any who are two years and over in
arrears on the 1st of January nest will
have their accounts placed in court for
collection, as we must have our books
cleared off.
Send remittances by Post Office Order.
It is the safest way and only costs a trifle,
Receipts for money are only valid
when issued from the office.
mR•r1 sssm .m M .m mr 'ni-
Fall Wheat
Spring wheat
Barley........ .......
Batter, tubs and rolls 15
'Eggs per dozen .....,13
Flour per barrel.- .. 4 00.
Potatoes (new) 15
Hay per ton12 00
Hides trimmed 5
Hides rough........... 2
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00
Sheep skins, each 40
Lamb skins each 15
Apples per bus, 1. 00
Hogs, Live 3 50
Dressed Hogs 4 50
Wool 18
4 50
14 00
3 75
4 75
Dcxix M,ncsrs.—Liverpool —Cheese
steady ; demand moderate ; finest Ameri-
can white, 41s ; finest American colored,
41s 55 ; Sept., 45e. Butter—Finest U.
S., 95s ; good, 60e. New York -Butter,
steady ; State dairy, 12o to 21c ; do.
creamery, 200 to 13c ; western airy,
10io to 150 ; do. creamery, 140 to 23c ;
do. June, 150 to 210 ; do. factory, 9c to
14c ; Elgins, 23c. Oheeee, easy ; State
large, 7}o to Hie ; do. fancy, 100 to 10}o;
do. small, 790 to 110 ; part skims, 3io to
7 0 ; full skims, 2,10 to 30.
LoxnoN, Nov. 11.—The Mark Lane Ex-
press in its weekly review of the British
grain trade says ;—During theweekEng-
lish and foreign wheats have declined 6d.
Sales of California cargoes have been
made et 26s 9p, Oregon at 27s, and No. 1
Duluth at 25s ed. Corn has been dull.
American cargoes selling at 15e 95. Bar-
leys have been firm ;, California No. 1
brewing sold at 22e. Oats, beans and
peas have been quiet. To -day English
wheats were slow at the above reduotion.
Foreign wheats recovered 3d on the bet•
ter political aspeot. English and Ameri-
can flours were 6d lower, brewing barleys
6d down and oats 3d off, Corn, beans
and peas were steady.
TORONTO, Nov. 12.—Market quiet.
Wheat—The offerings are fair, and the
market is a little lower ; cars of red off-
ered west at 69c ; white ciaoted to the
northern at 70o ; Manitoba wheat is
steady, at 700 forcers of No. 1 hard, To-
ronto and west, and 690 for cars of No. 1
northern. Flour quiet ; two cars of
straight roller sold, Toronto freights for
Newfoundland at 93.20. Millfeed—The
offerings are small, but the demand is
poor, and the market is steady at 913 for
cars of shorts west, and $11 for bran.
Barley is quiet ; cars of No. 1 -quoted at
44o to 450 ; extra choice No. 1 at 46e,
and cars of feed at 310 to 32o east. Buck-
wheat easier ; cars are obtainable at 34o
on the Northern. Rye—Home distillers
are now pretty well supplied ; there is no
export demand, and the feeling is easier ;
cars outside quoted at 45o. Oats steady ;
ears of white sold on northern at 25o ;
cars of mixed, G. T. R. and C. P.R. west,
quoted at 22.ac, and white et 28}c to 240.
Peas steady ; two cars sold on Midland
at 52o ; cars north and west quoted at
• EAST Burrer,o, N. Y., Nov. 12.—Cattle
—The supply wasiight today ; about a
load of fresh sale stock, and but few held
over from the sales of yesterday ; market
about steady ; outlook no better for good
and heavy steers. Hogs—Receippts, 85
cars ; market fairly active ; Yorkers,
fair to choice, $8-80 to $3.85 ; roughs,
common to good, 98.25 to $3.40 ; pigs,
good to choice, 93.75 to 98.80. Sheep
and Iambs—Receipts, 22 oars ; market
fairly steady ; lambs, choice to prime,
98.90 to 94,25 ; Canada lambs, good to
best, 94 to 94,25 ; sheep, choice to eeieot•
ed export wethere, 93.25 to $8.50 ; Dolls
and common sheep, 91.25 to $1.75. Cat-
tle closed steady, with about all sold.
Hoge closed strong and firm. Shoop and
lambs closed firm ; best Canadas sold at
$4.25, and prospects are fair for the bel -
mice of the week.
Torola7o, Nov, 12.—Receipts of live
stock on the Toronto market were fair,
being 58 cars, including 1,111 sheep and
lambs and 2,000 hogs, Export cattle
were dull, owing to the small number of
choice stock offering. Good ones are
wanted. Hall a dozen loads were taken
at 3$o to 39e per pound. Butchers' cat..
tle were rather odder, at 3o for best stook,
2ic to 290 for good. Stockers are quiet;
farmers have got all they require, Feed.
ore are not in such good demand, ant
buyers are about *plod, and !Toronto buy.
era are nearly supplied, Przoes ruled
from 2.ho to 8o per pound, Bulls are
wantecl-for export and aro quoted at 8o to
8go—the latter for fanny lots, Sheep and
lambs are unolsangod, tit 90 for best, and
2to to 2fo per poundformedium, ()aloes
are.quoted at 82 to 95, Milo}z flows and
springors are slow, at $20 to 885—the
latter for olioioe; bot there were very
good offered, Hoge are in good demand
and steady. The best price obtained for
good bacon Loge was $3 05 per owt, ; 90
per pound for sows ; 8 o for Oskarfat ;
stags, 8o p9r pound,
The London Young Liberals elected of.
finers Priday night, Dr, Geo, 0, Davie
being ohosen President,
Fire damaged the oontente of J. W.
Hill's storage warehouse in Montreal to
the extent of $100,000,
Lumber stealing has been going On ex.
tensively in -the woods along the Detroit
and Lake Erie Railway, and Detegtive
Canapes was sent out from Windsor to
investigate. He found that quite a num-
ber of people were squatting in the bosh
and cutting down trees whenever they
caw ft, selling the timber in loge pr
manufacturing it ipto axe handles- or
spokes. The products were boldly
brought into Chatham and sold there
quite openly. 80 bold had some of the
thieves got that the farmers, whose tim.
ber was being stolen, were afraid to do
anything, and it was only when a pile of
spokes lying at Syoamore siding, and
owned by 0, Donohue, of Detroit, were
stolen boldly, that steps, were taken.
Detective Pompon has two men, Thos.
McKay and 0. Smith, under arrest, and
they were committed to the assizes.
White Steer Line
ItoxAI5 99Ali, suA;alslllr$,
Iietweou Now Rork and 'Liverpool, via
f~Zgeaeatown,ovory Woduosday.
As the etoamers of this line Carry .o01y
atriotly Ilmitod number is the 1)0087 004
Bantam CABIN apoou n{odation0, inten402g
passengers art xominaosl that an early 05.
pleatlou for borthe 1s necessary at this eau.
stn. Pox pions, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brnasele.
Mt G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds •of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
r 'Skop over luetowan'sStore.
Wet and Cold
Weather Goods
Circulars, Umbrellas, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers,
Underclothing, Flannels, Dress Goods, Hos-
iery, Gloves, Mitts, and Fur Collars, Muffs,
Capes and Coats.
Suits, Overcoats, Boots, Rubbers, Heavy Sox
and Rubbers, Fur Caps and Coats.
Agent for Standard Patterns.
November Fashion Sheets to hand.
Call and get one FREE.
Sed Praise is oo ReowlirIafloll
Our business is not done in the Newspapers, nor is our
work done in our minds. We work in earnest foryour
trade and we get it, at times. We feel very grateful
for your patronage and would like to tell you that we
are doing well, only that we see others bragging and
blowing about the immense business they are doing.
In these days of "Brag and Bluster” the truth is very
small in comparison with a lie. It is very easy for a
merchant who does not intend to fulfill his promises
to promise much. There is nothing visionary about
our methods of doing business. When we have any-
thing special to tell you we tell it in as plain English
as we can and you know just what to expect when you
And in order to clear them out we will place them on Sale
Saturday morning next at 9 O'clock,
at sure to clear prices. No thought of cost—wo must clear
them out—over 300 ends, containing Dress Goods, Prints,
Flannels, Cottonades, Shirtings, Flannelettes and Factory
Cottons of every kind and color, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 yards in
a piece, all conveniently arranged on tables so that you
can come in and pick for your self without our assistance.
The price will be marked on each piece in plain figures so
you can look them over and see is there is anything in
thein for you. Lengths to suit all ages.
Be on hand sharp on time Saturday
morning. No sales before 9 O'clock,
Ferguson & Halliday.
High, ; Price Paid for Good Roll Battori
December Fashion Sheets can be had FREE at the
Look Out !
Look Out i
Stand From Under
are again entrenched behind a bulwark of
Dry Goods,
Readym,ade Clothing,
Boots and Shoes
and are prepared to do battle against all Com-
petitors. We are bound to give the rising gen-
eration a chance and will tumble. the Prices
Down. Here are a few more of our
• tlnmiatcha'ble Fritos
Boys' Blue Serge Knee Pants, ages 5 to 13, 40c, regular
price 75c. Youths' Long Pants, all pure wool remember,
75c, regular price $1.50. Boys' Overcoats at $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Boys' Suits at $1.0042.00, $2.50,
$3.00 and $3.50, Lowest Prices, quality considered, and for
Men's Overcoats we will allow the walking advts. speak.
16 oz. Grain Bags at $1.90 per dozen.
Piles of Grey Flannel from 106. per yard up.
Underwear—Men's Shirts and Pants, 20c. each.
The Best variety in Men's Top Shirts and Cardigans.'
Our Tables and Shelves are loaded with Boots and Shoes,
Overshoes and Rubbers. We have sole control of the
celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes. They
wear like iron.
Smith & McLaren.
Having been advertising our fine line of
Stoves and Ranges
for some time, we now call your
attention to our fine assortment of
Hanging, Vase
AND Hand Lamps,
the best assortment ever shown
in town and at Prices that
everyone can afford.
We also keep fv full line of
of every Description.
Big Bargains.
of all full linea
Hardware and Tinware.