HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-15, Page 3Noir, 15, 1895
TQW I Directory.
lill?ia mule f nnteu,-Siabbath pervieee
at 11 a m and 6;30 p, M. Sunday School
at 2;30 p m, Bev, Jgllp Reath 13 A,
Or, JOHN'S OHONCH,.--Sabbath Services
at 11 a in and 7 p m, Sunday Sebool
M 2;80 p. m. Bev. A.1 , Griffin, imam..
MII UOnlar CurnpH,-Sabbath Services
at 10:60 a m and 6186 p m. Sunday
Sohmol at 2:30 p m, Bev, G, H. Cobble,
dick, 211 .A, B D, pastor,
Bono O,truoilo OHano11,-Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a m. Rev , Joseph . Kennedy,
Simi/Amon Al Y.-Servio3 at 7 and 11
a in and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the work at 8 o'olook, at
the tarraoks.
ODD Pninown' LOON every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block,
MAsoNIo Lanais Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 T W Loma on the 3E4
Friday evening of eaoh month, in Elea -
hill's block.
C 0 P Down 2nd .and Iaeb Monday
evenings of east month, in Blaehill's
I 0 1', 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L U L let Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.
Sons or SCOTLAND, 1st and 3rd Tues•
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
B. 0. T. M. Domini 1st and 3rd Thurs.
days of oath month, in Vaustone blook.
Henle 0raon1, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blaebilt'e Hall.
POST OPFIpk.-Affioe home from 8 a.
m. to 6:30 p. m.
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. in. Wednesdays and 3:80' to 6
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw,
Town Oouirom.-.W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, B..
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors
F. S. Soott, Clerk ; . Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rosa, Collector. Board meets the 1St
Monday in each month.
800001 Boann.-Rev. ROSS, (chairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ;' Seo.-Treas.,
lt. Boss. Meetings 2nd Friday evening,
in each month.
Pura Son00L TEAOnERs.-J. H. Cern.
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Mise
Downey andMiee Cooper.
Bonne of HEAITu.-Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer,
And Ireland'-771nerald Isle ; �.
Then swell the song, both lead and long,
Till woke and foresp quiver,
God save our green and Beavers bloae
The Maple Loaf ,forever l
SURE: SIGNS T11A'I' FURE"1'I5f/1,.
Hoar frost is a sign of rain,
gold autumn a short winter.
Trees grow dark before a storm,
If rate and mine he restless, rain.
After a warm autualn a long winter,
It will surely rain if moles oast uphill
A clear autumn brings a windy winte
The more snow the healthier the natio
Bearded froebs is the forerunner o
Ilxpeot fair weather from one night
A green Christmas makes a whit
17 aster.
A fog in February lndioates a frost i
Bain is frequently auguered by bearde
Tulips and dandelions close up before
The note of'a sand mole is a sure sig
Of frost.
If it rains after 12 at noon it will rai
next day.
If it rains before sunrise expect a fai
A green Christmas will Make a full
Three white frosts will bring a storm
every limo.
If it rains before seven it will cease be-
fore eleven.
If gnats are plentiful in Spring, expect
a fine autumn,
If October is warm the following Feb
ruary will be oold.
Fluttering bate and flying beetles fore.
cast fine weather.
When rain comes from the west it will
not continue long.
Rain long foretold, long last ; short no-
tioe, soon past.
A rainbow in the morning in the shep-
herd's warning.
When wrens are seen in winter, exposit
plenty of snow.
Doors and windows are hard to •shut in
damp weather.
If a 000k brows more than usual and
earlier expect rain.
Early frosts are usually followed by a
long, hard winter.
IE it rains'when the sun shines it will
rain the next day.
Neste of hornets hung near the ground
mean cold weather.
Heavy white frost is a sign that warm-
er weather is coming.
Black front is a forerunner of a spell of
dry, cold weather,
Thunder is indicated by many falling
stars on a fine night.'
The early arrival of katydids mane
severe winter weather.
If birda in autumn grow lame, the win.
ter will be too cold for game.
When wild duolee fly to the south it is
a sign that winter is Doming.
SOMETHING FOR CHILDREN.: Look out for cold weather if the wood-
pecker disappears in the fall.
If the November goose bone be thick,
so wilTthe winter weather be.
Bxpeot oold andhardtimes if squirrels
lay in great euppliee of nets.
Partridges drum only in the fall when
a mild and open winter follows.
Scarcity of squirrels in autumn indi.
cater] the approach of cold winter.
Aching oorne, raging toothaches and
distressing neuralgia presage rain.
Black birds flocking together in the fall
indicates a cold spell of weather.
The first three days in January indicate'
that of the coming three months.
No falling stars on 0 bright evening
mean a continuance of bright weather.
If ice will bear a man before Christmas
it will not bear a mouse afterwards.
Chipmunks that disappear early are
sure ,signs of cold and extremely ugly
When the leaves of the trees curl, with
the wind from the south, it indicates
An unusually clear atmosphere when
distant objects may be easily seen means
Turkeys perching on trees and refusing
to descend indicate that anov will shortly
When the birds and badgers are fat in
October a very cold winter may be looked
If the prow flies south cold weather
will follow ; if north, a warm spell may
be expected.
If October brings heavy frosts and
winds the following January and Febru-
ary will be mild.
When rheumatic people complain of
pains and aches then look out for rains
and donna.
If cattle leave off feeding and chase.
each other round the field you may safe-
ly expect rain.
If:All Sainte' Day will bring out the
winter, St. Martin's Day will bring out
the Indian summer.
If golden rod blossoms early you will
need heavy clothes, for bitter cold weather
will prevail.
When the hirde of passage arrive early
in their southern passage severe winter
may be looked for.
If spiders spin the filaments of their
webs long the weather will be serene for
ten or twelve days.
The whiteness of the breastbone of a
goose indientes the amount of snow that
will fall during the Winter.
A good hydrometer is a pieoe of hemp.
Roll it into a lamp, and when it is damp
it prognoetioatos rain.
Guate flying in compact bodies in the
beams of a Betting sun mean that the
weather wilt be fine.
Onion skins very thin, mild winter
coming in ; onion skins tbioll and tough,
owning winter cold and rough.
If birds preen their feathers and wash
themselves, afterwards flying to their
nests, rainy weather is indicated.
The twelve days between Deo. 25 and
Jan. 5 arethe keys to the weather for the
ensuing months of thab year.
' From, that occurs in the dark of the
moon kills fruit, bud and blossoms, but
frost in the light of the moon will not
When honey bees are busy laying in a
supply of food you can depend on. it that
the winter will be a "corking" oold one,
When potatoes ;nature early and buck.
'wheat grows bushy branches oold weath-
er is
eath•eris ahead -and not very far ahead at
If the moon is rod or liar many red
spots expeot a cold and stormy winter;
but if only a few spots are visible, the
Winter will be mild.
When muskrats build their hooses two
On merry England's far farad land feet thlok and begin early you clan de.
May kind Heaven sweetly smile ; pond on it that the winter will be a long
God bless old Scotland evermore and mighty oold one,
There's enough for you children to do in
the hones, s
To keep you as busy as any old mouse,
There are errands to run,
Little tasks to be done
That will do much to lighten your moth-
er's hard. work.
So, children, don't shirk,
But do what you can ;
You'll be glad when you're grown.
To a woman or. man.
There's enough for you children to do all
If you try, yon will very soon find some
work out.
There are chickens to tend,
Little tasks without end
You will find you an do if you just take
a start.
So, ohildren, be smart,
And do what you can ;
You'll be glad when you're grown
To a woman or man.
There's enough for you children to do
So hurry arbund and do each your full
And just see how bright
You. will feel when at night
Yon oan think you have done what is
honest and fair,
So, children, take care
To do what yon can ;
You'll be glad when you're grown
To a woman or man.
And, children,' whatever you do, do it
People always, in looking it over oan tell
Ifyou hurry right through
Whatever you. do,
Not caring at all if it's done ill or well ;
So whatever you do,
Do the beet that you can ;
You'il be glad when you're grown
To a woman or man.
In days of yore, from Britain's shore
Wolfe, the dauntless hero game,.
And planted firm Britannia's flag
On Canada's fair domain 1
Here we wave, our boast, our pride,
And joined in love together,
The Thistle, Shamrock, Rose entwine
Tho Maple Leaf forever I
The. Maple Leaf, our emblem dear,
The Maple Leaf forever 1
God aa'e'our Queen and Heaven bless
The Maple Leaf forever 1
At Quoenaton Heights and Lundy's Lane
Our brave fathers, aide by aide
For freedom; homes and loved ones dear,
Firmly stood and nobly died ;
And those dear rights which. they main-
tained •
We swear to yield them never,
Our watchword evermore ehall be
The Maple Loaf forever I
Our fair Dominion now extends
From OspelBaoe to Nootka Sound ;
May peace forever be our lot
And plehtous stereo abound p
And may those ties of love be oars
Which disoord cannot sever,
And. flourish green o'er Freedom's home
The Maple Leaf forayer I
Cacaos :
The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear,
The Maple Leaf forever I
And flourish green o'er Freedom's home
The Maple Leaf forever 1
Consumption Conquered,
A. 1:'. r;.. 00/A110 LADYifINSTORSO
TO 011411111,
Atttackte'd Vrit11 tt ILIUa!{All; tltggb, I,O86
4t' Appetite and General Feeling 40.
I,aseltu,ie-,Tule I'3lle Iteatlr'e4 Mier
Health Allier Doctors failed,
From the Obar'lettotowa Patriot,
Times withont number have we read
of the wonderful cures efi'eoted by Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, but generally the
testimonials telling the tale had laid the
scene in some of the other provinces.
This time, however, thematter is brought
directy home, and the testimony promo
from a muck respected and Christian
woman; Mrs. Sarah Strickland, now
residing in the suburbs of Charlottetown,
has been married many years, and Wee'
sed with a large family, and although
never enjoying a reboot oonotitutiou had,
until a Yasr ago, been
in comparatively
good health. About that time she began
to feel "run down," Her blood became
thin, and a general feeling of lassitude
took possession of both her mind and
body. Her family and friends viewed
with alarm the gradual development of
her illness, and when a oough—at first
inoipient, but aftewarda almost constant,
espeoially at nights -set in, doctors were
summoned and everything that loving,
tender oare and medical skill could do
was resorted to in order to save the af-
o<''� fr��i As
��,,_�•� GIVES
A!t \ GNI
t1luk3? 11/
V j t,
-r:;e.�c SKIN.
XI' .'1.112EEFAATI6.071:01103rimiwnr
An Agreeable Laxative and 0 01137E TO17IO.
Bold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 260., 60o.,
and 31.00 yp�er package. Samples free,
KO ® Tho Favorite 30038 POW E3
for the TeothaudDreatb, a
Sold by JAS. 1E0X, Drusolsi, ltrusaels,
Style and
Ladies' Dresses, seV�Nt1Ais The Celebrated Fealherbone Cor.1 , Bels are corded with this nlaiei1101.
10-21 Por sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
A light, pliable, elastic bone =ado
from quills. It is soft and yielding,
conforming readily to folds, yet giving
proper shape to Skirt or Dress.
The only Skirt Bone that may
wet without injury.
11 C1s643
Joking their Mother 001 her Appetite.
feotionate wife and mother, whose days
appeared to be numbered. Her appetite
was almost completely gone. Food was
partaken of without relish, and Mrs.
Strickland was unable to do even the
ordinary, lighter work of the household.
She became greatly emaciated and in
order to partake of even the most dainty
nourishment a stimulant had at first to
be administered. While this gloom hung
over the home and the mother sorrow-
fully thought of how soon she would have
to say farewell to her young family, she
was induced by a friend to try Dr. Wil.
hams' Pink Pills.. Though utterly die-
oouraged, and almost disgusted with
medioine aha yielded more in a friendly
way than in a hopeful spirit. After us.
ing the pills for a short time, a gleam of
hope, a wish to get well again took poo•
session of her and the treatment was
cheerfully continued. It was no false
feeling but a genuine effort nature was
making to reassert itself, and before
many boxes were used the family were
joking their mother on her appetite, her
disappearing oough and the fright she
had given them. The use of Pink Pills
was continued for some time longer and
now Mrs. Strickland's elastic step and
general, excellent health, would lead you
to imagine that you were gazing upon a
different woman, not one who had been
snatched from the very jaws of death.
She was never in better health and
spirits, and no matter what others say
she, is firm in her belief that Pink Pills
saved her life and restored her to her
wonted health and strength.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an unfail-
ing ours for all troublea
resulting from :poverty of the
blood or shattered nerves ' and
where given a fair trial they never fail in
oases like that above related. Sold by
all dealers, or sent postpaid, at 60 oenta
a box, or 6 boxes for 82.60, by addressing
the Dr. Williams Medicine Company,
Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y.
See that the registered trade -mark is on
all paokagea,
urns. -All cases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
quickly oared, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One .dose ooaviness. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
You may oat cheap food and not be
seriously hart by it; bot you oannot take
cheap medioines without positive injury.
If you use any substituto for Ayer's Sar-
saparilla, you do so at the peril ofyour
health, perhaps of your life. .Insist bn
having Ayer's, and no other.
OATAIleAH RnLIEvnn HI 10 TO 601111/00100.-
'Onb short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Cabanas Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, 10 relieves instantly, ani permanent.
ly cures Oatarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaoh a, Sore Throat, Tonsilihis and
Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman'a.
..33rd Year
Hut ars 'Yo'L•Lrsg
0—_. ___. :mid 2=7vrem,
The best abut brightest Weekly Paper
published in any of the cities
of Canada.
Sixteen Pages Every Week
Only $1 Nxol Jan. 1, '97
Special states to Clubs.
Good Inducements to Canvassers
Address:all oommunioatione-
Westeru Advertiser,
Certain in its effects and never bunters.
Road proofs below:
not 12tOosmnn Hend0rsoaCo.,ID.,Fob.20,
Dr. R J. knusALc bo,
Pear Sirs -mouse send mo one at your Horse
Hooks and oblige. I harassed agreat deal of yourKenaall's Spawn Cure with good mamas; it 1s a
wonderful medivine. I coca load a mare that had
an° 1t gamin and five bottles oared her. I
keep a bottle on baud all the thee.
Teursstrain 011x. Powro,
Dr. B. T. Ka00ALL Co. ddnTON, 9fo., APP, e, gee.
Dear hire -I have used several bottles or your
'Ke ,doll's
Spavin Cue vith math success. I
think It the hest Liniment I ever used, Hamm re-
m teed one Corn Blood 'Olinda and killed
twa sono Spa i,o, -Have roebmmeodod 10 to
111 ao oral of my irlende who ere mush ploasodwith
aaa hoop it. Respeatrult{yy
For Solo by all Druggists, or address
�D,'. z. J. x 20D FALLS Vxr�.xr,
000S 80 RGN FA LLB. VT.
I have a fine, ne iv and
well selected stock of
®Y'S� E1an1Gt
Light and Heavy gar-
` Hess, Collars, Bac,
Trunks and Bags
at Low Prices,
PI 0081
Will make
a well Haan
of YOU 1
rt0055 ri1DD4c110 TRn An0TS
a50010e m 0000 waan0.
R'IOCSI aUrae an Nervous Dleeraes, Sisopl toot.
Dom, Fenno blamoro', Nfahtlyles!oa S-wcna
torrkoo,4 vigor and els., ashen b0 po5 a'buuas
gives and elze to shrunken organo, 00,f
quickly but sorely eotoran Los: ]f oe, in ale
or y0000, 0the001110052 and you v,al 0000 01000,1
andel haDPy allele. Sant by mtD L, plan 0703000;
sad eocaroy sealed. hen e, aerratfen, le, Sit
fcarried Se Vast Docket Price, a, a p0ukagt els
or EL ..end money in either smearxyy or register. ed letter. Address 011 lottars co A3.gent T. for1the Id
W00501000,, oar., .Assiut for the Id of Canada
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 c 6i .Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk. Brussels.
d " d
"I was afflicted for eight years with Salt
Rheum. During Mot time, f tried a great
many Medicines which were highlyfea-
ommendod, but none gave ole relif. I
was at last advised to try Ayer's Sorsa-
gorilla, and before I had finished the
fourth' bottle, my hands were as
Free from Ert pt ons
as ever they were.lily business, which
IS that of a lab -driver, requires me to
be out la cold and wet weather, often.
without gloves, but the trouble has
never returned."-THOb2AS A. Jeanie,
Stratford, Ont.
flyer's., Sarsaparilla
Admitted at theaW'orld sFs Fair.
.Olt ear's J'iiZS Ol3oaa.ase tha,e /Jou:el&
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware. or IIard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
—CALL 01—
Hardware Store
Whets you will, from
this date, get a
Off all bash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Can.
vas in Stock.
i ai"'i til 9tl�Ai
lrfslvtilli r� I :'` t �r1l }lfi'`Ct '
40 m'
c0a -w
00 0
o o0
0 0 ~
0 0
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It, leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
11. acEria, Agenic, Brussels,
Raving purchased the Wall Paper stock of jail RC
and combined it with my own, I have now the
Largest, Cheapest and Best •
Display ever lnacle in Brussels,
Special Bargains Given during this Monti)
To save trouble of moving in eonnec-
tion with the erection of new store.
You can save Dollars by dealing with me in
Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades.
Paper Hanging done in First-class Style.
W. ODDIC e .