The Brussels Post, 1895-11-8, Page 8There is lots of it just now ae. Seeidted, With a cough and generally known 85Wheoping Clough. Mow die. tresaing Ib ie. both to the Child who baa it and the ueiploes parent or guardian who van betil;eee and beer them.: No wonder when, a remedy gen be lead, that nothing Will pr vedt the anvieus Mather front getting a bottle, We are putting up a Propel/019u which bee given euoh good restate la Toronto. If Yon or any one belonging to you are troubled with this troubleseme complaint, the 'Whooping Cough, By all means get it bottle of this remedy, If in any particular case it fella to relieve we Have another preparation whioh also is highly recommended and whish will be given without extra Charge. Deadman & McCall, . Druggists, l3ookeellers, &o. STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 50008051555 EXTENSION W. G. & n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: 6o1110 SooOa. G°INo NCR7H, Mail 0:50 a,m. Mixed 0:45 am. Purees 11:64 a,m I Mail - 8:13 p m, l zed 5:00 p.t^i. JJ111 Express .,.;,. 8A9 p.m. rural. gtius A ahiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it. INDIAN Summer, Sonora, Board on Friday evening of this week. THE grooeryof Jas. Smillie hae been olosed this week.. Mr. Smillie is not in town. JAITES BALLAriToNE imported a ear' of winter apples from Prince Edward Coun. ty last week. ADVERTIeo your strayed stook in THE Pose. We have been very successful in aiding owners in this way. Dunne the month of October 189 corn. morale! travellers visited Brussels by rail. Surely the Drop is good this season. RunoR has it thata wedding will take place shortly in a Northern town and the coming groom was a former well known Brusselite. Tun woollen factory was not sold last Friday as the reserve bid was not reach- ed. George Howe offered $1,500 for the factory and contents. NEXT week will seen. G. Wilson, con- tractor of the new school Image, ready to hand over the key to the Sohool'Board. It is 0first-class building. WALTEn Suers has a snuff box 100 years old. It belonged to his grand- father. He has also a bunoh of straw from Scotland over 20 years old. THE school children are getting up a few choruses for the opening exercises of the, new school. Hon. G. W. Roes, Min. ister of Education, is expeoted to take part. PASSED AWAY.—Mary Jane Reid,wife of Wm. Fergason, Wallace township, died on Wednesday night of last week and was buried at Listowel on Saturday. Deceased had been ill for about two years, having three strokes of paralysis in that time. She was 66 years of age and bad been a member of the Methodist oburch for a long time. Mrs. Ferguson was the mother of Mrs. George Edwards, of Brussels. Both Mr. and Mrs.Edwards attended the fantral. Tuts week shipping has been lively at the G.T.B. Among the outgoing freights were 3 care of wheat ; 2 care of peas; a double decked .oar of bogs by Messrs. Backer & Vanstone; a double deck of hogs by Messrs. Clegg b Dames ; also 3 oars of Iambs by the same firm ; 2 cars of oattle by 0. Schlegel, of New Ham- burg ; 8 cars of salt from the Enterprise Salt Works ; kcar of lumber by L. _Mc- Donald & Co., Walton ; 1 horse to the Salvation Army Farm, Toronto, by H. Beam ; a ton of dressed poultry. AOcIDENT.—As Alex. Bird was return- ing from Wroxeter on Monday, whither he had gone on a business trip for Mes- srs. Cochrane & Johnston, in whose. em- ploy he is, he was thrown from the wagon seat to the hard road on his head and when found by Rev. Mr. Fisher, of Gor- rie, wasin a semi-unoonsoious condition. He was taken to Jamestown, where his horse load been caught and afterward conveyed home. A physician was sum- moned and his injuries dressed. While a severe blow was evidenced by the wound on his bead, no serious results are ex- pected to follow. Onrr.—The stern and relentless death messenger called the spirit of Thomas Stewart away Monday night about 10 o'- clock. He had been failing all Summer from a urinary tronble bat had only been. confined to bed for about two weeks. For several days before his decease he was unconscious and refused to tette nourishment. Deceased was born in Perthshire, Scotland, and came to this Country about 60 years ago along with. his parents, He lived in Carleton Coun- ty, where, in 1841, he married Bliss Jeanet Hart, who survives him, although nearly 80 years of age. For about 23 feihlived oBrant, r4t from which they moved too4 h line Morris township, where Mr. Stewart purchased a 130 acre farm from Fred. Hood. When he sold out 12 or 14 years ago to Dr, Pyne, of Toronto, he had bout $4,000 in cash, buta large portion of this was spent in several trips to,Mani- toba, on one of whioh he removed his family, intending to settle, there, hub was not satisfied, so returned to Brussels, where he continued to reside up to his death, Out of a family of seven child. ran only two survive, vie , Alexander, of Morris, and John, in Ai .citoba. About 30 years ago deceaeed 1! ud a severe at- tack of fever, one result of which was the loss of his bearing, whioh proved a great iaoonvenienee, Mr. Stewart had a fairly good education and should have done well on the world had his temperament been of a more give and take character. The funeral took place on Wednesday after. noon, Rev. J. Ross conducting the ear vice, Mre. Stewart will make her home with her son Alex. She is quite frail and the wonder ie how she has to -reneged to get about ae well ae elle has uring the past few weeks of Mr. Stewart's illness. Mr. Stewart wee 77 years of age. "6011 and Creep depouateatien were held In many Owen. "B $,runes" W, A1, Sinolair'e New. fonndland dog, heir gone to dogdom through receiving a dose of miser: trona some quarter, Battiest= Veter' Ljsd Court will be held in the Town Hall Wednesday of next week, 4ommeneing 012 o'olo8lt;, bo- fore Judge Doyle, There are 23 appeals on the list, TUN Clinton New Ere says :—"Wen, da," the Breeeelearlare, whish le winning SP muoh money at raoea on the other side, was bred by W. a, Paisley, of town, who regrets now that he ever sold her. POOR funeral notices up In one oley is a very unusual sight, but such was seen in llrussols onWednesdy, when notion of Thos, Stewart, Mre, Geo, Howe, Wnl. Roddiok, and W. A. Haslam, ofBelgrave, appeared. BAooamttraN HoeanOw shacked out 51 eommeroial travellers' trunks in 24 hours during the pest week. George hag a Samoujr mne0le on him from the frequent exercise of handling the luggage of the drummer, Tse new town bell arrived here from Troy on Tuesday and was at once put in Plaaein the:tower at the Town Hall. It weighs 1,200 pounds and has a fine tone. The old bell was removed to the new sobool house tower, where it will do duty, D. 112oNaughton bossed the job. Bl umrelon CAE,—The exhibition car of the Canada Pacifio Rahway was in Bras. eels Saturday of Last week, Doming at noon and leaving at 9 p, m. It was in °barge of L. O. Armstrong, travelling emigrantagent of the company, wlto has been with the ear singe 1885. The oar contained a magnificent collection of grain, grasess, roots and vegetables, from the fertile prairies of Manitoba, and a Choice assortment of fruits, minerals,` timber, eto., from British Colombia. The whole was very nicely arranged, and while here the oar was visited by hnn- dreds of farmers and others. Onelarge squash from Algoma weighed 188 pounds. Interesting literature was freely distrib- uted and the agent was very obliging in answering the many goeetions asked. Law.—The Listowel Standard says :— Mayor Featherstone was served with a writ at the instance of John Watson, of the Listowel brewery, in oonnaotion with the lease of the Roth property along the Maitland river for the purpose of a pond or reservoir, whioh last year's Council bad under consideration, a lease having been entered into, but which wee sub- sequently annuled by a By.law repealing the former By-law passed by the Council respecting the lease of the property. A writ has now been issued from the Chancery division with the object of quashing the By.law repeating the form. er By -lacy, and to enforce the lease, also to recover damages from the town. .Mee. ars. Morphy ,i's Oartbew are the plaintiff's solicitors. We understand that it is the intention of the Mayor and Council to retain the best legal talentto be had to defend the snit. WRpnmo,—An Auburn correspondent gives the following account of a wedding, in which the bride was for some time a oitizen of Brussels :--Mr. Chapman, of British Colombia, has been visiting friends around here for the past week. Before bringing bis visit to a close he called upop our village official for a per- mit to change hie lonely situation. Al. ter depositing the necessary fee, the reali- zation of the consummation of the errand. of his journey began bo dawn. The Rev. Mr. Baugh's services were procured, re. anitiog in Mrs. Hoare, of East Wawa. nosh, becoming Mrs. 'Chapman, of Van• conver. They started for their distant home the same day, Oot. 30th. A long journey for those who have passed the allotted spaoe of the three score years and ten. A etar of hope seems' to have arisen to cheer those lonely damsels who load almost reached the point of despair. Mr. Chapman'' eon married Miss Minnie Hoare about a year ago and they made their home in British Columbia. CALLED AWAY,—After a brief yet severe illness of a few weeks Mrs. George Howe pulsed quietly away to the spirit land on Tuesday night, eq the age of 46 years and 7 months, the cause of her decease being acute nervousness. The best medical at- tendance was proonredand relatives and friends were unremitting in their at- tentions, but the taper of life was extin- guished and in her, robust womanhood our friend was galled away. Mrs.Howe's maiden name was Jane Kitchen and her birthplace was Greetlaud, Yorkshire, England. About 29 years ago she was united in marriage to her now bereft, partner and they came to Canada in 1874. Heepeler was their • home - for several years, after which they moved to Brus- sels 13 years ago and purchased the: woollen faotory. Four daughters and one son are left with the father to hold in loving remembrance the life of a kind mother and true wife. Mrs. Howe was a bright, intelligent woman and was very highly esteemed byall who knew her. Her sudden and unhooked for demise has galled oat the sincerest sympathy for the bereaved family. The funeral took place On Thursday afternoon, Rev. G. H. Cob- Mediok eonduoting the service, ENTERED INTO Baer.—A familiar fade is missing from our streets to -day, and a well known resident, in the person of William Roddiok, will be seen no more in time. As quietly and peacefully at a child would go to sleep did he pass away on Tuesday about 11 a. on, Rig health had been failing for the past year but be was truly oonfined to bed for a few weeks. Lash • Sunday he lapsed into an nnooneoious state out of whioh' he never. awoke, Mr. Roddiok was born in the township of Hamilton, Co, of Northam. berland, and came to Broesele 25 years ago. Ilia father died when Will. was 5 years of age so he was early in life thrown on his own resources in making bis way in the world. For a good many years he followed the painter's trade and , was widely known in this enation. Deceased was a big hearted, obliging man who made friends wherever be went: He had a particular fanoy for young boys and many a good word of advice and armour. agement he gave them. Deceased took an active part in mueioal oirores, being a member of the town Band for years; ate active' worker in the orchestra of the Methodist Sabbatheohoot in which school be was a faithful teacher for many years, and he was ever ready to lend a hand to any deserving object. His death wag the result of Bright's disease. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon, the Odd Fellows. and Maocbeee, of whioh deoeased was a member, attending in a, body, headed by the town Band. Rov, Mr. Cobblediok conducted the service. The oommunity sympathises with the sorrowing relab'iVes, 8T4XD42W . B4X,,' dnel'I .A.zp.I,`,2;I;f'Ee: ,i= 0.w75 READ OFFICE, -. TORONTO., ASSIITS, (Seven Million •Dollars 4APITBII (Authorized) ) $7,OOO;oOG Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Qnelloo. At' A General Banking lius#noes Transacted. x'armers'to . Drafts Issued and Ogllaetione made on all points, a D#eoounted. p Rte, SAVINGS BANK PSPARTMFNT, Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from dat pf'depobit to date of withdrawal and compounded half,yearly, Br401A1i ATTENTION O WEN To TUE Cogdaol ort Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distanoo. J. ,A. STEWART MANAcnn. 52,000,000 nitoba, United States obinglasld, Or PAlingli5' SALE NOTES, • Cne Rio Braman fell into the open trap door leading into A, Sbraohan's cellar, on Xing street, last Tuceday morning and out his head so that several stitches had to be put in to ohne the wound. The oellar-Sway was open ona010nntofmasons being engaged putting in a furnace. B3usin,ess. Locals. Dna stovewood at McCracken's. Creams on hand at Moalpine's, Lo550-, clear bacon at MoOraoken's, lir you want robes or blankets call on H. Dennis, 81150'0,15 harness very low in prioe. I. 0. Richards. SEE oar Robes and Blankets, best value in town, L C. Rioharde, Linen stook of light harness Bold at low prices. H. Dennis. Oun horse collars are all warranted. HDennie. SEE our long boots, hand. made, very low in pride and splendid quality. L 0. Richards. GRAIN BACs.—Large size, full' 10 oz., only $1.90 per dozen, at Smith & Mo. Laren's. Do you want to stop using tobacco 2 If so, use No•T0-Bao. We refund your money if nob as stated, G. A. DEADArAN. A IMBIBER of second hand road Carts in good oondition for sale at lowprices. Also a few buggies. Jas. Walker, Bruit. Bal)ie- rs. MoCnoo wishes to notify the pubua.ih. t she still does Carpet Weaving al her reside,wo, nearly opp. Dr. Ido. IIelvey's. Satisfaction guaranteed. IIARL's Clover Root, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and olearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25 ate, 50 els and $1.00. Sold by James For, Druggist, Brussels. • Ssmon'e cure is sold on a guarantee, It curse inoipient Consumption. It is the beet cough cure. Only one Cent a dose. 25 ors,, 50 Cts. and 91.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. POuLTal.—The undersigned will take any quantity of fowl for trade in grocer- ies, orookery, 5,3. .The highest prices paid. See him before bringing them in, so he Can advise you how and what days in the week to kill. W. H. M,xoCam I Iinvoo ordered a large stock of window shadeg and ourtain poles which I will sell very cheap. We put them on your windows. All goods delivered free. R. Leaiherdele, SAwe made to out fast abd easy. Sec. ond•haud saws bought and sold. Point. era given cm Saar fling and the oars and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. MoGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Saws. 141ae. T. S. Hewxnes, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shilob's Vitalizer. "saved my life." I consider it the best remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney ,trouble it excels. Price 75 ots. Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. IF you have an organ that wants clean• ing or repairs, or a piano that wants tuning leave your orders here as I have made arrangements with a' piano tuner. All work guaranteed r L pay.satherdale. LADIES, Clean ves with Josephine glove cleaner, for only by Ferguson Halliday. Sole agents' for Moe Perrin Freres kid gloves, in lase and button. All the most desirable shades. FLEURY PLOWS.—Hugh Williams & Son are the Agents for the well known Fleury plows. They also keep all the necessary repairs. 0611 at Williams' Livery Stable, Brussele. The Fleury plow received the gold medal and diploma at the World's Fair. "FAnt7ERe' CENTRAL" Irian/Ulm Co.- This new and very prosperous Fire In- surance' Co. daring the past year issued over 800 policies in Carrick, Howiok,. Oulross and Greenock. Rates on farm property very, low. J. A. 00no0n00N, Agent for Morris and Grey. WELL-DIo0mo Awn DermaxO.—George .Birt has all the neceeeary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to liim in a .way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable, Residence second door north of . the bridge, west side of Turnberry-et„ Brussels. 34-tf Erna.—In Howie's, on Oat. 23rd, the wife of Mr, Earnest Xing of a son. I0W055.—IpCarrie, on pat. 26th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Irwin of a eon. Bnowl.—•In Wingham, on Oot. 26th, the wife of Mr. P. ,Brown of a son. KEaNER,—x15 'Wingham, on Oot. 29th,' the wife of Mr. P. H, Kerney of a son. Rz.Lron>l.—In Turnberry, on Oct. 2511s, the' wife of Mr. Wm. Elliott of a sop. 1Vr-filtaSTSZieta. T1EtriN—GRABAm.—Qn Cot, 80th, at the residence of the bride's father, How. Mk, by Rev, J. S. Fisher, Gerrie, Mr. Alonzd Tremain,. of Listowel, to Miss Mary Grabatn. ELLIOTT—MASON.—At the residence of Mr. W. S. Harland, Ol#nton, on Oot. 80111, by Rev. J. W. Holmes, assisted by Rev. W. 3. Ford, Mr. Matthew 11. Elliott, to MissEmma, second laugh- ter of Mr. Robb. Mason, both of Moa Wawanosh. ELLIOTT—Snersox.—At the residence of Mr• W. S. Harland, Clinton, on 001. 80th, by Rev. J. W. Holmes, aasieted by Rev. W. J. ford, Mr, James El. 11011, of East 'Wawanosh, to Mies Carrie Simpson, of Clinton. BENNETT—BLADE.—At the manse,' Wing ham, on Wednesday, Oot. 8001, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. William Bennett, to Miss Margaret E. Black, both of East`Wawanosh. Woof—WIL90N.-In Elms, on Oat. 32th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Jno. Ball, Mr. William A. Wood, of Sault tete. Marie, Al. soma, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Mr. Hugh Wilson, of Blma. WE8t—PlanzasoN•—At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Jos. Pugh,. Bluevele, on Cot. 806h, by Rev. W. H. Moss, Mr. Wm. Weir, of Gods - rich township, to Mrs, Jana. Patter. son, of Bluevale. CnAFAIAN—Hoang.—At the residence of Mr. John Hoare, on Oot. 29th, by Rev. ' W. Baugh, Mr. Emmanuel. Chapman, of British Columbia, to Mrs. A. Hoare, of East .Wawanosh, en2f7D- Fox.—In East Wawanosh,' on Oet. 26th, Margaret Fox, relict of the late James Brox, aged 82 years, 9 months and 12 days: IInifs: —In Wingham, on Oot. 24th; Sex Tone Hos Proem IN Aco55Y.-"I was troubled with blind itching piles for 20 years ; was unable to work and tore my fleeh in agony, United States and Can- adian dootors failed to relieve. Chase's Ointment I am a bet- ter an tbaa n 20 iny ears, as a nd am able to work every day.' Phillip, Wallace, blacksmith, Iroquois, Ont. Chase's Ointment cures piles'eczema, and irritant diseases, 9.I1 druggists, 600. a box. Tun delight of dyeing is mutual with Parker and Parker's patrons. The re. Mutation of this great dyeing and clean. Ing establishment is founded on reliable work at most reasonable prices. The constant aim is to please patrons. The result is a business grown from a small beginning to the largest dyeing bonne in the Dominion. Unrivalled workbag won our unrivalled seams. Parker's Dye Works, Toronto, do fine work. Agency at Skene's General Store, Brussels. BAD BLOOD BETWEEN TEM—The ever. slaving farmer's wife, her delicate Bider in the city, suffer more than they care to tell. The dark rings mond the eyee, headaches, . dizziness, palpitation, or rheumatic twinges, betoken a rundown system. The blood is poor, end ie a bar to enjoyment of life. Scott's Sarsapar. lila purifies the blood, strengthens and vltalizee the system, and speedilyrestoree' the bloom of health to the eheeke, It mires when all others fail. bus Kent, aged 74 years and 10 months. o'.t8ANnu5.—In Wingham, on Oct.. 31st, Martha James, wife of Audrew Mo Monona, aged 58 years and 10 months. H0wE.—In Brussels,' on November. 5th, Jane, beloved wife of George 'Howe, aged 46 years and 7 months. HAe0Atr.—In Devil's Lake, North Dakota, on Nov. 2nd,- William -A., son of W. Haelam, of Bolgrave, aged 31 years, 9 menthe and 10 days. HvNT.—In Gorrie, on Oct. 23rd, Joseph Runt, aged 67 years, 9 months and 2 days. Eatfsn.—In Wroxeter, on Oot. 29th, Mrs. John Ramer, aged 32 years, 5 months and 13 days. HENDEneoN.—In' Morris, on Saturday,. November 2nd, 1895, Isabelle, be- loved wife of GeorgeHenderson, aged 28 years, 10 months and 8 days. MONAIrt.—In Grey, on Sunday, Nov. 8rd, James, youngest son of James Mc- Nair, aged 20 years, 3 months' and 27 days. Bonnlex.—In. Brussels, on November 5th, William Roddiok, aged 46 years, 4 months and 15 days. • STEwAR0.—In Brussels, on November 4th, Thomas Stewart, aged 77 years. FEnausot.—In Wallace, on Oot.' 31st, Mary Jane, beloved wife of William , Ferguson, aged 66 years. .A.'r7'C'SSOST SAS SATD0DAY, Nov. 9th.—Household goods, 50. Lot 13, oon. 15, Grey. Sale at 2 o'olook, Jno. Stewart, Prop., F. S. Scott, Auo. TDEenAY, Nov. 12.—Farm stook andim- plements, at Winthrop. Sale commences at 12 o'clock. A. Govenlook, proprietor, WEDNnseek, Nov,. 18th.—Farm stook, implements, do. Lot 10, Con, 17, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock sharp. A. J. Carter, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Ano. TE0RSDAoe, I'lov, 14th.—Farm stock, implements, &e. Lot 10, oon, 7, Morris. Sale unreserved' at 1 o'clock, sharp. Adam Soott, Prop., Geo, Kirkby, Auo. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 5 ROOMED COTTAGE ON Apply toou05006 BALL TYNE,Bxuedoles, PRIVATE FUNDS' TO LOAN,— Pirstmortgage, farm security, Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Breese's, FARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN- A. easy terms, indTownshipgs ofMorris and Dray, F S. SOOTT,Brusdele RAM LAMBS FOR E,— Pure bred Shropshire, from tohn Campbell's, Woodville, wolf known stook, Apply to JNO. SMITH,, Lot 9 'Con, 0, Grey, BxuaselO P, 0. 1 -tf ST RAYED FROM THE PRE M- rums of the undersigned, Morn - lag, Oot, 19th y o d ear. 1 a 4•Sunday mein• hw mare, with black mane and tail ; Some white on ono hind foot. Any information leading to her recovery will be thankfully received. I55A0 G1LL,16bbo1. TRAYED FROM THTU PREM— )..JToms of the undersigned, 1ot92, eon, 1 Grey„ o8 or about Aug, 16th, one owe and three- lambs, The initaln a. A.. on left aide in Mack. Any information leading to 'their 150015 ry rv1l1 be thankfully reached. 19 4 enonon ARMS0orb'It0Nlt P,,0 • MoieswG, UR WAY OF CONDUCTING A - .L'TLL ROLLING BUSINESS I g You needn't take our word for 1t but dl and Is to do it right, make the prices right and treat the pee - see lie light, , for yourself, and if not sstisflecl ou can et op money Y g your' money back. Wo keep Jots of things you need, and we want you at all times to feel that you are perfectly welcome 111 our place whether you wish to purchase of not. BY THE, WAY, HAIM YOU TRIED_ sq, Fox's Syrup of White pine & Tar FOR COUGHS AND COLDS? It is giving immense satisfaction—In fact .weuar00ltee it to do this ol'Inloney Cheerfully refunded. P1ice 25 pts. For side only €16 OrTasrTE FOX ' S DRUG STORE. YOUNG DRIVING HORSE LEGAL AND CONVEY 144f mop Buggy end Single Harness for CONVEYANCING. sale o heap. Apply to Is. TAYLOR?;, BARRISTER, Soliotbor tl NELSON annum. R. an Copveynnoor. 0oi1 . Mons mads. Office-Panstoue's lilcolr, Brus:' eels. 21.9m BERKSHIRES VOR SAKE.— The English erundersigned,i,°gbreeder aof rge - nuio- her of prise winning boars and sows for sale. Terme reasonable. Address Scums Don- n4NOE, Seaforth P.O., or apply on Lot 26, Con, 6, Mol0illop, 14.4 JAMES.DORRANCE,Prop. QALT RHEUM. —ORDERS' BY ointnmeob ItneveirfailstoeursSaltRheum If. you are troubled that way 0r know any one who is get alum or tell them about DEADMAN & MOCIALL, Druggist, Bookseller &o. STRAYED ON THE PREMIS- ns of the undersigned, Lot 21, Con.10, Grey, lamb r he owner let, s requested to and property, pay expenses and take them away. 144 D, MOTAGGART, Dionorielf P, 0. Voters' ,List Court Notice le hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to `The Voters'. Lista AOt," byHla Honor the Judge of the County Court of the county of Huron, at the Town HALL, BRusaoL5, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th Day of November. 1896, at 12 o'clock Noon, to hear and determine the several aomplaiate of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Brussels for 1896. All persons having business at the Oourt aro- required to attend at the said time and. place,; F. S. 806TP, Clerk 7th f Ny18 REAL ESTATE. FARM FOR SALE,.—THE UN- DEns5ONEi offers his 100 acre farm, be. ing Lot 10, Con. 6, Grey, for sale, There are about 76 acres under Cultivation. On the premises are a log house, good barn and other necessary out.buildings, also good or. chard. Schoolhouse on coiner of lot. Im- mediate possession. 2A sores of Fall wheat in. Also bay and stimv on farm.. Easy terms.. For price, conditions, I&e. apply to ALEX, BREMNER, Proprietor, Ethel P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—Teti, UndLot 5, Oone 8,1gGGrey, the willed eimported Chester White see onr, u plication, Terms- 8x100 to be paid at the time of sorvioe with privilege of returning ifnecessary. 11.8 JAS. '00' LLTOTT, Proprietor. R OAR FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for aervioe, on Lot 11, Con. 6, Grey, a Moro' bred Chaster White boar, from imported stook on both aides ,ppurchased from the well known breed- er, D. DeOoursey, Bornholm. Pedigree may. be seen on application. Terms—S1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. 1541 ANGUS SHAW, Proprietor..- rrAMWORTH- AND CHESTER' 1 WHITE BOARS FOR SERVIOE. Thb undersigned will keep forservice on North Half Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, a there' bred Tamworth Boar, recently parchaaod from•tbe well known breeder, Jno, Bell, Am bor. Also a Chester White Boar. Terms- , 51.00 to be paid attime of service with 'priv- ilege of returning if necessary. 58-M S. WALIIoIB, Proprietor.' BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will heap for servloo on Ig,ot 20, Con, e, Xenia, the thoro' brad ire - proved White J.10. Yorkshire swespstalce ,sow at Ohiaaggo Pair: Torras 81.00 to bo paid turning if necessary. y eP Torra s, may lis of On application, �.,ROBT.NIOHOL.- B OAR < FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for service. on Lot 90, Con, 0, lfbrrie, the thoro'•bred Large English Berkshire Boar, "Captain J0011n,". sow mother the Worlds Os'air. Pedigree swills Ue produced' on appllootion. Terms -3000 to be paid at time of service with privilegeof returning if necessary, 14.Om_ JA5, sprint, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Parra Stook) Etc. The undersigned will otter for sale by Fob - 110 Auction on his promisee at r, vlNTMft11)(•,. TUESDAY, NOY. 12tH, 18116, at 12 o'oleok (noon) sharp. The following valuable property, viz, :—Two span Matched Drivers, 4 years old, ell clear Grit Stook and sired by Carlisle; 9 colts, Olear Grit stook, rising 2 years, and several young working horses • 2 newly ,calved cows, 4 to calve in Novemltor, 4 co oa1Ve in Deo. and Jan,, and e others to Calve later on, ail 115 calf to a thorn' bred bull ; 1 t)lero'bred Durham bull, with registered pedigree; 1 throe year old steer and several steers Tieing 2 years ; also a number of young stook, Nearly all the above have been raised byrho undersigned and have been most carefully bred, About 60 hogs weighing from 70 lbs. up 1 1 thorn . bred Berkshire boar about 5158 menthe old; 20 Well bred Leicester and Southdown Ewes ' 1 eight horsepower and jack and a lot of other farming implements too Humorous to mention. Lumber—A lot of inch, two lnoh. and seantliag, suitable for building, 010, Tpnffis.--AI sum8 of 85.00 and under oath; over that amount 11 menthe Credit will be given on inrniehing approved joint nett*. 7 per 00nt off for oast on credit amounts, A. GOVBNLOCII, Patailu 1To11, M. SINOLAIR,. • Solicitor, Uonvoyaneer ,NotaryPnb- &o, 051°a—Vanetorea Bleak,1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to" Loan, M G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, ..Ecu .& Cameron,) Barrleter abd. Soloitor, Goderich, Ont. Offieo—Hamilton St., Opposite Colo borne Hotel, E. BLAIR, BARRISTER, G• Solicitor, &o. (late o1 Garrow & Prondfoot's.Othse, Goderich.) Ofloe oyer Gillies & SmBith's auk, ilruseeis, • Money to Loan, 47 DENTAL. DB. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Licentiate Boyal College Dental Surgeons. s. Crown and Bridge work a specialty, oeg- atel�eos. Satisfaction Assred. o over Barrett's barber shop, Tnrnberry St., Bras - eels, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, . CI •• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat an diseases of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at - north of to. a Purnberrry str, Brueeet �oore. MEDICAL CARDS. A..-MaNAUGHTON, M. D. cif• 0.M., L.R.O:P., Edinburgh, M. C.P. Block Ont. ro11 and Turrnbuny Stleeoh'e JM. ARMSTRONG, M, D. • B2 • Physician, Surgeon Accoueber,ate, Graduate of Toronto Unwersity Medical Faculty, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons Out, Orman—Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. XT H. MoORACKEN, at hiIsomer of3farriageLleeneee. Office e Grocery, Turnborrg street, Brnseele. B•N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. 140. MoRay & Oo's hardware store. Ladie5'aad ehiidreus hair cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINQHAM- lrleunAuen, FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Li � tenses, OFFICE AT JEwELRY STORE. ' f. 'No .Witness Required, T. PLBTCHTIR, Brussels. ELLINGTON MUTUAL IN V 501ANOE Go. lstablithad 1830, In- surances effected on all Town and Farm. Property at very 10w rates. ...16.9m - J. A. 010EIGHTON, Agent, Brussels, ALEX, HUNTER, 01erk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Hu -on, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Ineuranoo.Agent. Panda' invested and to loan, Collections made :Moe in Sreale'a Block, Brussels• MIsS O'OONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrument Piano or Organ. Will visit el music: s - day and Wednesday of each week. we eek. TRogi,, armee on Princess Street, Brussels. TA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. • Organist in St. John's Church, Bine eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A. W. Thayer, Mull—boo., New York, will give leeeons to pupils either on iso 005 organ, atsole 1Voealleassovsaiso,given. Tering1Rnod- orate. AUCTIONEERS. (`t,EORGE KIRKBY, Lieeneed Auctioneer. Sales oondtiet °doh reasonable terms, Farms and farm' stoo1Sa Opoolalty. Orders left at Tion POST PtibliehingRouse,Bruesele,or sentto Walto ' P. 0., will receive prompt attention, n .i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - A. • nun, will sell for better prioos',to better men in less time and lets (Marge'. than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or •ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders emn'aiways be arranged at this. Moe' or' by personal application,, STONE ! STONE Any gnentity of Building, Corner, 'Bubble, Sill and :Bridge Stone for Bale, 'Quarrie and ready for loading at Brueoois Quarry. For price and tonne an/Alto. 87.12 Bok 100 JN), MITOEf Br ssels.