The Brussels Post, 1895-11-8, Page 66 •---I8 BUAL08I00n••-.-.� EVERY FRIDAY MORNING flu time for tbeleaily 0001isl at "2'ho POO" Stalin PubliBhlxS Kouoe, Tenripnllax Sr., Buvsszo, Oxo, Timm 'o1 SvDsoun"rrozr,.•-ono dotter a Year, in aclvanoe, Tlie;date 80 which every subsetiptian 10 'gala is denotes by tbo date on the address lapel. AnvAnwisouo IB8uuL—Tbe following rates will be aliened to these wlrp ailyertise by the year;. 58A 80 1 1 I'll, . I e DM. 8 Mo ne ;Column _ 86,QQ. $86,00 $20.00 "` 10,00 "_2.00 Quarter "" ( 20,00 12,00 8,00 Eighth 12,00 .8,00 6.00 Eight ciente per line for first insertion, and three cents per Imo for each subsequent in. section. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 linos to the inch, B2s12ee3 Cards, eight 11055 and under, $6 per annum, Advertisements without specific diroo. Mans, will be i0eertsd until forbid, and charged a oordingly, Instructions to change or discontinua an room °;Tai PoST n b0 laterbthan Tu s1aY of each week This is imperative. w, ail.. ab{IG+ R.R., Editor and Proprietor, Virroacetei'.. It. Blank received in a oar load of wheat last week. • John Smith, has moved his borne on to a good stone foundation. R. J. Ramhas taken up house -keep. ing in the Hazlewood outage. Doe. Fortune and A. H. Moffitt were in Walkerton last week on business, Rev. R. Paul of Broseele,000upied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sun- day evening last. A party of hunters left here last week for Muskoka. They were J. H. Ball, J. Gofton, T. Rae, J. W. Sanderson and Robert Yeo. Mrs, John Earner passed peacefully away on Tuesday of last week, Afr, Earner has the sympathy of the entire in his sad bereavement, ]Lueltuo-cv.. Davin Sheriff has gone into the grain buying business, and will personally be present at No. 4, or the old Campbell storehouse, Among 24 competitors Oole Wilson, of the Hamilton bank was let in the 33rd Batt. matoh at Smith's Hill. R. E. Truax, of Walkerton, the popu- lar representative of South Bruce in the Ontario Legislature,sent a liberal donation to the finances of the Laoknow curling club, of whioh himself and Mrs. Truax were elected Patron and Patroness. On the evening of Oat. 28rd, a very pretty home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Grant, at Hemlock City, Ashfield, It was the marriage of their daughter, Miss Isabelle, to Allen McKenzie, now of Chicago, but formerly of this vicinity. ]3'ord�vic h, Alex. Orr bas erected an addition to the Albion Hotel. Herbert B. Wallace, M.D., O -M., has opened' 001 a practice in Fordwioh. A. Strome is erecting an addition to his new house occupied by Wm. Adair. It is boarded in and the roof is on. The Fordwioh Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society held its annual meeting on Wednesday evening, Oot. 23, in Trinity church. Milton Carter has been re.engaged as teacher in S. S. No. 10, also W. R. Ma. hood is re engaged in S. S. No. 11, How. ick, for the Doming year. Edward Fair, who has been a resident of this vicinity for about 20 years, left on Wednesday of last week for Blenheim where he intends to make his future home. Robt. Wallace, Thos. Littlejohn, Wm. Armstrong and his son, Louis, left on Thursday morning of last week for Sault St. Marie, Ont., where they intend to spend the winter. Sea Iorth Harold Jarvis, the celebrated tenor of Detroit, bas been secured for a oonoert here this month. Mrs. Bright and Mrs. Logan were dale• gates to the W. C. T. U. convention at Hamilton this week. Dr. Naemytb, who has resided in town during the past couple of months, has purchased the practice of Dr. Cottermole, of Milverton. Mayor Gray returned from Manitoba bast week. He says there is a surfeit of grain but not a great deal of money in that country. A little son of John Roach fell on an uprisen spike in the sidewalk, the nail penetrating' bis forehead about an inch, making a painful and ugly wound. At the Bruce Assizes held' reoently at Walkerton, W. G. Glenn, who kept a res. tauranb here a few years ago, in the old Strong block, was sentenced to two years in the Kingston penitentiary for forgery. The members of the Seaforth Mebho. dist church choir have presented Miss Galloway, a late member, with a very nice sonvenir,in the shape of a large group photograph of the members of the u heir. GOk'1`ie. 8, A. Seaman, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Wm. Dunlop, who has been making cheese in Manitoba this Summer, bas re. turned borne, Mr. Green, manager of the'4Wingbam Elootrio Light 00., was in town talking up eleatrio light for Gerrie and Wroxeter. At the last regular meeting of the Presbyterian W. R. M. S. held ab Mrs. A. Smith's, the ladies of the Auxiliary presented Mrs. S. T. Fennell with a beautiful gold ring, on whioh was en- graved the initials of the Society and also an address. Many of our readers will remember Geo. Johnston, who lived on lot 8, on the fish eon., and Who moved ani to Manitoba about 16 years ago. Mr.: Johnston is living near Sbsppardville and on Ont. 21u1 met with a very serious lose by. prairie fire, which destroyed bis stabled, about 1000 bushels of wheat, three etaoke of oats and three hay etaoks. The house, and also the granary which con - TRS 3ltiTSS4 tailed about coven hundred bushels of Wheat, leas only saved by bard world, being dovaaoedhby the titre, (Wave .'r vd'ohti ton ie left without a mouthfii 25 Papa for Eta horses or stook. " Hie old frjendo around here will be sorry to bear of Mr. Jolrneton's misfortune, One of hie neigbbore lost (met' 40 stacks of grain be" Oise implemonto,:obo„ by the same flea, Wm. 01. Jphnebop, formerly blaokemith of this village, ohm Damp 0.ear being a loser by the same Are, ft�'o ifillop, Wm, •Laokbart, of MalSiliop, -a few days ago raised a parsnip out of hie garden, which measured three feet, seven inobee, TAN MoKroLoo IS :MAN= COMPANY.—A, meeting of the direotore of the McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Company was held ab the Commercial hotel, Sea1ortb. A goodly number of applioatione for membership were aooepted, Aresolution of condolence was peeped, regretting the death of the late president, Donald Ross, of Stanley, certifying the high appreoi• ation in whioh he wee held by the mem- bers of the board, both 00 an ofiioer and a gentleman, and acknowledging hie faithful and oonsoientioue 558010ee in be- half of the oompauy, of which he was so long a member and officer. The snore - Lary was instruoted to have this reso- lution insoribed in the books of the company and to forward a oopy to the relatives of the deceased. Geo. Wath, of Hallett, vine -president, was appointed president In Mr. Ross' stead, and Jas, Broadfoot, of Taokersmitb, was appoint- ed •vioe.preeident: The company has been very fortunate so far this season, as it basnot had'any serious fire losses. C Olutola. It is expected that the eleotria light will be in use in St. Paul's church soon, S. S. Cooper is using H. Stevens' faob. ory until he finishes up oontraote he has on band. A. young son of Mr. Todd, accidentally ran a couple of nails into his knee the other day making a painful wound. On Thursday evening Clinton Council room was. enlivened by a fraternal visit from H'olmesville Council R. T. of T's. Business ab the Organ'Faotory is fair- ly humming, and a number of new hands are being taken on to eopplythe demand. The strong wind of Mondayoaused Mr. Forrester a loss of about 5100, by blow- ing over the Flax Mill smokestack, and injuring it so badly that a new one is necessary. A Junior Epworth League of Christ- ian Endeavor has been organized' in, emaciation with the Ontario St. Metho. dist church. It begins with 54 members which is growing. A new barber shop bas been 'started in town, at least it's a bair.outting estab lishment, opened in Blaokall's stable, where a maohine for clipping horses is in daily use, the operation being quickly and neatly performed. The new dynamo for the electric lig and all the other appliances were put plaoe last week, and the machine pot i 1s - he 00 b, he w & SO S. 0.l of el to it g is rt d Y mf y lin Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a n• great surprise and delight on aoeount of its exceeding. promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quiok relief and onre this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. s>lspethneit Qait.t'sg00000i,•--Win. Ben. 040, of Tom*, Offen prtsoe for liege* tables, oto„ growls frogs .seede proan85d from him. WM, Warnock, of Gadorioh, boats all oompetitors with hie mammoth. squash. 105 100ads the list of slit win, nem( 220 downito 585hpounds. ranging won fust prize fee a pumpkin weighing 155 lbs, Other winners In this oounty are t—a'as. Afusbard, Hippel, first for threela ' c ' rf,esb a}robs, 24 lbs, G. H. David, BelgraV', 2nd for three largest nymphia dahlia; .Robb, Arnasbrong, Qon. stance, 0th for .largest ytold from one basbel'Siberian oate, 2,584 lbs, Thos. Roliaway, Clinton, was one of the oom- pebitore in the carrot competition, Exe>Cor, James .,Teokell has purchased the old rectory property situated on Victoria' street, paying 'therefor, 5050, Thie is cheap property, W. H. Deeding, milkman, informed the Advpoate that he harvested no less than 17 loads, or over 500 bushels of turnips grown from a quarter pound of seed. Tbe seed was sown among man. golds anil•many of the turnips weighed from 12 bo 15 pounds eaoh. This seems to us a big yield.. Halt, or I'll blow your brains ouG, was the startling sound that brought the night watchman, Tilos. Biesetb, to an abrupt standstill on Friday morning about 1;00 o'olook. He was on We regular beat, and when arriving in front of Rollins and Williams' flouring mills was oonfronbed by a rough looking character, who pre. seated a pistol ab bus head and bade him halt. Just then two more ruffians ap- peared upon the scene, when one of them sbruok him a severe blow on the left. temple which brought him to the ground. He finally regained his feet but staggered, and almost fell again from the effects of the shook. They then wanted him to go into the mill, but on refueal one of them grabbed the large etiok.he had been carrying and struck with terrible force at his head, but Mr. Bissett, notioiug his movemeuts, dodged his bead to one side, and thus evaded a blow which would doubtless have laid him low. They again tribd to induce him to enter the mill, but on his refueal they grabbed him and tried to force him up the steps, hat finding this ineffectual, and Mr. Bissett' yelling for help, they decided to dsoamp. Mr. Bissett then started for help,. but • when returning no trans of them oould be found. On examination it was found that they gained entrance to the mill by prying open the front door, and had pounded the safe with a sledge, bruising it 11p badly, but did not suooeed in opening it. How. ever, there was nothing in the safe but the books. Out between the woodpiles was found two punabes, whioh evidently had been left by them. The tools had been taken from D. Braund's blacksmith shop. • Emma tx Six Houle.—Distressing kid. nay and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the ""Great South American to operation. It gives excellent sat faction, being muoh superior to t former machine. It has been decided to take the a lights out of Rattenbory street ahem and light the church throughout by t incandescent systsm. A couple of eie foroaoes are also to be pct in by Davis Rowland. Some slight obangee are al to be made fu the seating arrangement W. Cantelon met with a very painf accident. He was lowering a barrel syrup, and had plaoed an empty baro for ib to fall upon, and thus break i fall. Instead of the barrel doing this, allowed the other to slip forward, rollin upon his leg. Hie boot was Out from b foot entirely. In addition to being the hub of th County, Clinton also seems to be ""th marriage centre," and we will say for tb benefit of the unmarried publio that bb supply of handsome, amiable, genial an able -to -work young ladies is practioah inexhaustible here ; in fact quite a na her of them have already the promise o life engagements. Rev. R. M. Craig, of Melville church Fergus has been called to the pastorat of the First rresb3terian Church, o Santa P5 New Mexico. Mr. Craig is a old Clrntonian and bas had a very enc oessful pastorate in Fergus. Ile spen last winter in New Mexico, and it is onl on a000unt of his health that he consent to a change now, having accepted the call G ode rich. The machinery will begin to go into the bioyole factory next week. Tbe G. T. R. shipments out of here last week amounted to fifty carloads. Mrs. Caldwell's appearance here on Thanksgiving evening will be one of the musical events of the season. Three carloads of slabs, for kindling the firesin the G. T. R. engines in the morn- ings, have arrived from Wiarton. Catherine McDonald, an old resident of Goderiob, whose years had reaohed the century mark, died Tuesday of last week. R. R. Bellows, the well known loan! photographer, has, with G. 0. klaedell, late of St. Louis, Mo., formed the Gode- rioh Photographic Co. 1(0, G. Cameron, barrister, was at Bar- rie last week, having been retained by the Government to oonduot the criminal bug. neseat the assizes there. Ogilvies & Hutchison have received this Fall at the mill bare 180,000 bushels of Manitoba wheat, and expect to pat in about 80,000 bushels more before navi- gation Moses. This will be stored in the G. T. R. elevator, whioh is being over- hauled and largely rebuilt by a big gang of men for the past two weeks. Ab pre- sent the mill is using up about 1,800 bushels of wheat pot day, and all this is making quite a stir at the docks. Tus Bonn BLooic.—:Baohanan & Rhy- me haven large gang of men ab work on the framework and roof of the -second story of the Albion block, over the stores formerly ooaupied by Snell & Go., W. T. Murney and W. O. Goode. Harper & Lee, who have the roof to put on, are pushing the work so as to got done before Winter sets in. It all depends on the weather whether the whole block will be rebuilt this, Fall or, next Spring. Prom what we hear the building is to bo larger and more imposing than before. A large amount o has been taken ken out, un- injured " b the fiery ordeal through h Which it passed. '1.'be. West wall, whioh had gagged, fell into the sellar. A number of men. are employed in clearing the debris'. from the (teller and freeing the brick from the old mortar. The safe and furnace have been freed from rubbish, bub are is the cellar yet. To Smoker's - To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuokett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Oct., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of 6 SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, ora 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous T & Er' brand of pure Virginia To- bacco. The fin tug "'I' Ss 8" is on every piece, Heart Dsturbanoe There: is more heart' disturbance now than ever. Present day modes of ing burry, excitement, worry, pro- mote tt. You needn't have heart trouble because you can keep from having it. Cott's a3. sae arilla -.ag0311rIDm-! Palpitationor sintering of the heart, smoth- ering spells abnight,swellleg of the toot and ankles, shortness of breath, pain in the loft side, fainting spells mean that :the heart' is oppressed—elroulatlon is out of order, DELAY IS DANGEROUS Note, the papers daily chronicling the demise of soros one by neglect of those a warnings— result, e °sal heart ailuro, disturbance bBaraaparg the a idbdng new by wsr, equalizing circulation, 00Molmitering nerve grower, au 2 plying115 burden, pure. blood and relieving the heart of its burden, .. USE SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP in Tour Rath, oS C'OS'T s^��•a fl 2 Ward, A LIFE SAVED BY TARING f 9', CHERRY i p- a PECTORAL "Several years ago. I caught a sovore cold attended w111 a terrible Dough that allowed me no rest, either day or night. The doc- tors Pronounced mycase boneless. Afriend learning of my trouble, sent t e a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. By the time I bad used- the whole bottle, I was completely cured, and I believe ft saved my life."—W, 1'1. WARD, 8 Quimby AVO., 1 0ovell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral F1iahest Awards at World's Fair. dyer's Pills Woo Best family Physic, White Star Lire. ROYAL MAIL! STEAMSHIPS. Between Now York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, eydry Wednesday. As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number In the Brn5T and 4n00c1D calix aeoommodatione, intending. passengers ap- plication bertre reminded s Is necessary at early sea- son, For plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. .Kerr, Agent, Brussels. X10081 Will make a well Damn o:5 YOU! rt005I reen005s Tea esonn Brae 05 m Fella 000000. 0000FOOSI ling cures eory, Nlahtly Dia aasoua, ee11Monica. ma. tnrrtaon, impotonoy, oto., enueod by peat 58050a- Slsea V1000 050 aloe to ohruntoa 1055, 50 Sutokly but ooroly raetorea Loo 10.001005 fa ofd or yenng. gas I and you w01 grow strong and happy oyqall. San dent by mad In plata wrapper and oeeoroly coaled 13.001 sbeorvntpac, Bestir carried in Pont pocket. Price, y1 a 00.00055, est for 55. sand money in oitherartsasrrsy or 10200- 55letter. Addrore alt 1o11sra to 3.'0. 010 100., Drs •Slat rfAcgrua (1, 000., Agent for 00 Do- mtaiun of Canada. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Clowns Clerk, Brussels. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND— North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing dills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. abip and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT McLEQD'S S3rete L nenovator AND o 011310 --- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Por Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleesneee, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loos of Memory, ]3roachftie, Con. snpsption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Dance, Female irregularities ulariti g os andon G sial De: bility. LABORATORY BODERICN, ONT. T. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer.. Sold by JAMES F010, , Druggist Brussels. ine TAILORING. Do you have your Clothes made by Me - Bain ? If not, why not ? Other people do and are always well suited, and why shouldn't they be ? They are Stylish, well made and the price is all right. To do your work and to do it well and Cheap is what we are here for. A Ch.oioe stock of Cloth always hand to select from. ern°. 11[c. s MERCHANT TAILOR, BRUSSELS. 0 TO w.. r ■ Art Emporium, p , :brussels, For High Grade Work. Pastel, Water. Color and Crayon, Portrait; . . ALSO American -finished Photos. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WORD GUARANTEED, WITH PROMPT` DELIVERY, BY BREWER, THE ARTIST, 01 up lies SUCH AS School Book, Slates, Pencils, Ink., Pens, eget., Always in Stook at "The Post". Bookstore. New (Stock of BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, TOILET OASES FANCY Girl ODS CALL N—unaggil. POST Bootslore.