The Brussels Post, 1895-11-8, Page 5,Nov. 8, 1895 la Belmont r i vat aerviaes have eleeed They were lignplly helpful, WParoberey congregationaliete held a literary meeting Monday evening in their ohareh. 'They hpd a splendid time. Clark Hayden has taken Hueter'e old stand and is prepared to wield the barn. mer to the eatiefaotion of hie patrons. Me. Armstrong, of the 0th eon, of Turnherry, who hoe been dangerously ill for some time, ie able to be about again. A number of lllebhodiete attended the Quarterly meeting in Bellmore on Sunday. All pronounced it one of the hest Quart- erly services ever held on the eirouit. 131 seta: Robert Howard intends moving title weak into his private residence on Dins. ley street. The first of our monthly horse and cattle fairs is to be held this season on Nov, 12th. On'Monday evening the regular meet- ing of the town Commit was held in In, duetry hall. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Pentland, of Dungannon; offtoiated in the Methodiet church here. The ohange in the weather the past few days has enabled our farmere to get up their rootorops. On Saturday the funeral of the infant of War. Begley took place, the remeine being taken to Union cemetery for inter., went. On Wednesday evening Rev. H. D, Steele delivered a very interceding and in. etrnative leotnre in the English oheroh on the history of the churoh of England, to a very fair oongregatiou. On Friday afternoon, at a meeting of the direotore and members of the Morrie Branch Agricultural Society, held e.t the Queen's hotel, it was decided to dispose of their grounds to the Blyth Public School Board. Le adb um- v. It is our duty this week to mention the. death of August Stimore, whioh took place, quite suddenly, on Friday, Oeb. 25. He had been confined almost steadily to his bed since July with rheumatism and other serious troubles, and although death was known to be near yet no per- son looked for it eo soon. August was a kind, intelligent and industrious boy and well liked by all. The sorrowing mother, brothers and sisters have our sincerest sympathy. Boson Rsrowr. The following ie the atandiog of the pupils of S. S. No. 9, Mc- Killop, for the month of October, based on demeanor, regulerity of attendance end proficiency ;—Sr. Fourth—Christian Rae, Aggie Wilteie, Maud Davidson, Grace Smith. Jr: Fourth—Ida Oakley, Maggie Davideon, Etta Petrie, James McCallum. Sr. Third—Olara Crawford, Maggie Ross, John Cook, Janet Ida Dav- ideon. Jr. Third -Rose Smith, Mary E. Haekwell, Elizabeth McCallum, Thomas Eackwell.. Sr. Second—Anna Bell Pet- rie, Ellen McCallum, Emerson Dania, violet Petrie. Jr. Second - Emerson Fulton, James A. Rae, Harvey Young, Nellie Dennis. Part IL—David Hall, Roy Howlett, Harvey Wilteie, Loyd Dennie. Part 1.—Addie Hall, William MoNab, Milton Young, Thos. Leeming. Wai. fins, Teacher. lathe 1. J. M. Davies spent Sunday at home. Prof. Ducker spent Sunday at M. F ogal'e. John Imlay returned from Muskoka fast week. ' The C. P. R. Exhibition Oar was here on ',Monday y ht0r. and Mrs Fisher, of Logan, .visited at Mrs. Eokmier'e this week Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, of Lnaknow, spent Sunday with John Patterson and wife of this village. Mre, A. Willie left on Tuesday of this week for Muskoka. Mr. Willis is in the employ of Milne de Heffernan there. The Preebyteriane intend having a Xmas tree on the Friday evening before Xmae and the Methodists on Xmas Eve. A grase widower in our village ie allow- ing hie whiskers to grow which we take as a sure indication that he is beooming resigned to tie lot. A long felt want in Ethel has been some one to teach a class in singing. Prof. B. Dunker, of Palmerston, will, we understand, start a olaee here at once. Mr. and Mrs. Cole removed from our , village this week to Kinburn. ' It is said that we are shortly to lose Mr. and Mre. D. Sproat, as they intend moving to Bel. grave. Seldom have we listened to a more forcible sermon than. that delivered by Rev. 0. C. %iaine on Sunday evening from the text "Trust ye in the Lord for- ever for in the Lord Jehovah is" everlaat. ,¢ng strength. Gerems. • Wm. Work bad 28 rows of potatoes, 40 rode long, and from this space he dug over 800 bushels. The regular quarterly meeting was held in the Whitfield oburoh last Sab- bath, A very enjoyable service was par- tioipated in by the large audience. Walter Belden, liveryman, Wingham, has dieposed of his farm, on the 4th con- cession of the township of Grey, about five miles from Brussels, to Wm. Hogg, who resides near the farm. We under- stand Mr. Belden eeoured a fair price for ft, ' Alex. Bremner is here from Astoria,, Waehington Territory. He ivae a00011. panted by Mies Clara Barker, who will visit relativee and friends iu this local. ity, Mr, Bremner offere hie 100 aore farm for kale in this township and in- tencls returning to the West. RsronT.—The following ie the report 01 the standing of the pupils ot S. S. No. 1, Grey, for the month of October Primary, total, 600-11. Switzer, 405 ; M. Calder, 470 ; T. Switzer, 420 ; B. Mo- Nnb, 425. P. 1 Leaving, total, 850--J. Blake, 292 ; A. McNab, 241. ; 1. Riehard- son, 162. Fourth clues, total 460—A. Oaldei, 890; A. Switzer, 289 ; E. Card• ifE 810 N. Modallum, 157 ; M. Cardiff, 281 ; W. Armstrong, 277 ; 3,. Davidson, 283 ; 8. Crerar, 888. Third class, total, 800-0. Armstrong, 164 ; A. McNay, 2001 J. Farqubareon;° 214 ; V. Arm- strong, 480 ; A. Duncanso, 280 ; F. Blake, 855. Second olaee, total, 400— W. Farquharson, 806 • M. Hollinger, 240 ; A, Diokson, 282 ; ,Coates, 189 ; W. Glaeeler, 271 ; G. Blake, 360 ; D. Davidson, 307i W. Switzer, 198 ; E. Hollinger, 259 ; B. Davideon, 258 •; E. Blake, 205; B. Bands, 202 ; M, Rands, 180, Piret olase, total, 8Q0 -T -M, Cardiff, 220 i Ia, Diolgsan, 280 ; J. Bands, 104 ; 1.'. Davidson, 286. donors—al. Switzer, M, Calder, B at or Y. Armstrong, W. Farquharson, 0Blahs, D. Davidson, L, Dickson, 21'. Davidson 1 W. H. Showed., Teacher, Onxr,—..Leet Sabbath afternoon James, youngest eon of James' and ]Miry Mo. Nair, 14th eon„ paased over to the great majority in hit 21et year. He had been poorly for the past 2 years but bad, only been oonfided.tobed for about 0 weeks, Consumption was the °aurae of hie death, Deeeaseti was born in this township and Fats a moot worthy youngman, who en. Med the esteem of the community: The fonelal took plane on Tueeday af' ternoon, interment being made at Cam - brook cemetery. Rev. D. B. Mo1aS conducted the service. The parents and other relatives are deeply sympathized with. W fxtsea ain. Button & Peasant are now running ab full capacity, The typhoid patiente in town and nun, try are fast approaching recovery. W. J. Chapman hes enough orders ahead for gloves to keep hie employeee busy for'eeveral months, TUU!+, BR YS S Maunders, Lizzie Davie, Clava Smltb,1 Willie Attlee, tythoi Pipe, Willie matt, Dave Walker, Jasele Greenelado, Charlie Barrie, Jimmy Iloogard, Sr, Pt. 2n4.— BeiO4 Sll t o, OarrY GP eir Minnie e Walker, Mary hoCoto aonFif 1 elms examinations T'renk Oloaltev, Robert Malodors Miele I uthumx f'eaoher, Schon Beroar,-.The teaming is the etandingof the [AVM fn S. S. No, 3 for month of Ooteber, in order of tnerit Sr, 401i,-.-41ton Wheeler, Maggie Yuill ; Jr, Oh,—Minnie Cameron, Xete sleek, Ann ()entices, Mary Michie, Reggio Wat• son, jest, Yuill ; Sr," 3111--NellieWilson, Russell Wheeler, Willie Cantlon, Lily .Kellington, Ernie Wheeler, Bert. Wet, son, Jas. Miller ; Sr, 2nd—Bobbie Kell. ington, Aggie Speir, jos. Hanna, Wesley Stephenson, Stanley Wheeler, Martha Oloakey, Soloman Cloalley, Gordon KM - bury, Ann %pair ; Jr. 2nd—Robbie Douglas, Willie Douglas, Jennie Shed, den ; Sr, let—Bessie Wateop, Andy Miller, Gustie Wheeler, Jas. McCracken, ,Alex, Stewart, Lily Henderson, Annie Henderson, Lennie Wheeler, Willie Clark, Maggie Shedden ; 1st olaes—Tom- mie Camerae, Annie Doiiglae, Alex. Speir, Jae, Michie, Minnie Gibson ; Jr, let olaee—Eleie Speir, Wellington Gib, eon, Bezel Embury, Willie Little. M. BxAox, Teacher. C, nISperling is S d'n g res sale ready 1 for the baled straw which he is bringing into town. It ie brought from Chatham. A new tanbark sidewalk has been put down on the Eaet side of Josephine street, from the Grand Trunk crossing to Char. les street. John Dearness, Public School Inepeo- tor of EastMiddleeex, spent part of Sat- urday last with J. A. Marton, ot town, "botanizing" in this vioinity. sextue Sent, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents or the town, died on Thursday of last week, aged 74 years and 10 months. The deceased was born in Staffordshire, England. Geo. McKenzie eaye that if the oitizeoe who subscribed $500 for a flax mill to be erected here will stand by their offer he will give the site as promised, the mill and barns to be .equal in capacity to either Blyth or -Brussels mills. l31-0evale. Mrs. J. Messer is visiting friends in Brussels: Sam. Scott, of Manchester, was iNtown on Monday. Miss Rose spent a day or eo in Gode- rich last week. Mise Margery Abraham is visiting her aunt, Mre. McDonald. John Messer has returned borne after ep ending some time in Manitoba. Mr. and. Miss Jeffrey, of London, are visiting et R. 0. Xing's at present.' - Alf. Duncan hasgone to stay the Win- ter with hie sister in Grand Valley. The balance of this season's make of cheese was Bold at 95 cents per pound. Rev. Mr. Rice is at present the guest of Rev. W. H. Moes, at the Parsonage: Mre. Moline/gin, of Wisgbam, ivae the guest of Mrs. John Diament this week. Mrs. Beading, of . Wingham, was re- newing old acquaintances in Bluevale on Tuesday. Mise McPherson, of Detroit, has come to keep house for her brother, It. Mo. Pherson. There ie.to be a shooting match on Friday, with supper at John Burgess' in the evening. The supper at MoDonald'e "Hotel on the Bib of November was a great enemas. Everything served in first-class style. Jim MaHardy had the misfortune to smash his finger last week. ';It had to be taken off at the first joint. There was a very quiet wedding at the residence of Joe Pugh, it being the mar- riage of hie sister, Mrs. Patterson, to Mr. Weir, of Green -Bank Farm, Olintou. Her many friends wish her meati hap- piness. Bev. Mr.1 Mose performed the ceremony. Morriss. Township Council next Monday.' A strange ooinoidence in the history of the Baines brothers was that Henry died in November, aged 64 years ; William in' November, aged 66 ; and James in Oc- tober, aged 66. Adam Scott, jr., has purchased the seven acre plot on the Huron Road, be- tween Sealorth and . Clinton, from John Wynn, of Brussels, paying 5400 therefor: He will remove to his newly acquired property this Fall. • He has leased hie farm, lot 16, oon, 7, to Robert MoCut. elation for 5 years. Mr. , Seott has an- nounced a clearing &notion Bale for Thurs- day afternoon of next week. We wish Mr. Saottand family prosperity in their new home. Omatunx.—Isabella Lowry, 'beloved wife of George Henderson, 8rd line, pass- ed away to the spirit world last Satur- day, aged 28 years, 10 mouths and 8 days, leaving e, family of 4 little children, the youngest an infant, to the Dare of her husband. Deceased was the daughter of the late Wm. • Lowery, of Hallett, and was united in marriage to her now bereft partner about 12 years ago. She had been poorly for several., months, a com- plication of ailments causing her death, The funeral took place on Monday 'after- noon, Rev. J. Ross conducting the ser- vice, Iubermentwas made at Brueeele cemetery. Mr. Henderson is deeply sym- pathized with in his bereavement. George Pollock, well known on the .dth line, died last Saturday at the residence of hie parents,' Auburn, and was buried on Sunday, Rev. W. Baugh oonduoting the'eervice. George had been working with I. Brown, mason, in the early Som- mer but along with Juo. Robb and Geo. Pratt went West on one of the Harvest exoureione. While away he aontraoled fever and had to be brought home by his oompunione, who wore unremitting in their attention to hili on the homeward journey, about two weeps ago. Deceased was 28 years of age and was a general favorite with the young people and where. eeer he worked, His early demise , is elnoorely regretted. Sanoon REPORT.—Tho following is the standing of pupils in S. S. No, 4, Morris, aoeording to make obtained during the month of October ;—Sr. - 4th-Ettie Davis, Lyon Pipe. Jr. 4th—Norah Maunders, Ida Mooney, Lulu Davis, Maud Haggard, Geo. Oardiff, Willie Cloakey. Sr. 3rd—Susie Manning, Wil- lie Johneton, John Oloakey, Sae. Innes, Geo. Inas, Joe retell. Jr. 8rd-Mi1- ton Sherpa, Earnest Mooney, David Me. Catohcon, Riobard Cardiff. Sr. 2nd -- Mary Kornaghan, Pearl Pipe, Clara Mooney, Bertha Nichol, Geo. Davie, Joe McOutoheon, Myrtle Nichol. Jr, sea— l/label Nichol, Minnie Mooney, Nelson L,isitowe*. Mre. Grieve, wife of the M. P., is in poor health, A traneient trader's license in town will hereafter cost $160. The ladies of Knox church' intend giv- ing iving a first class concert some time next month. Editor Climle, of the Banner, has been confined to hie room during the pkat week with an attack of quinsy. The Orangemen celebrated the anni- versary of the Gun Powder Plot, by giv- ing et free iv-ingetfree social and entertainmentin their hall on the evening of Nov. 6th. J. W. Meyers & Co. are erecting a new mill office in front of the water -works. building on Inkerman street, The offioe will be 24x20 feet, one story, and will be built of brick. '.: John Livingstone, sr., left on Monday morning of last week on his extended trip to the Pacific coast. He expecte to spend the Winter with hie son, Henry, in Southern' California. The direotore of the Mechanics' Insti- tute have seoured Miss Annie Louiee White, who is styled the "Queen of L'n- tertainere," to give an evening of recitals in the Town Hall on Nov. 19th. The brickwork of the new McDonald block is now finished and the fine struc- ture is being feet closed in and got in readiness for plastering. Some of the massiveplate,glaae for the store fronts baa Arrived. Sunday, Nov. 10th,, isthe day fixed for commencing the evangelistic eervioee under theauspices of the Ministerial As. negation 'in -this town. Ferdinand Soli. vera, who will °enduot the services, aided by the pastors and churches, is well known in Ontario. N. Purcell, on going into hie cellar one'. evening,- noticed an earthenware jar which was sitting near the wall moving. On going to examine he found "a large musk rah lodged therein. The neck of the jar was,very email and the mystery is how the animal got into it. The steamship Oanadia is ashore at Little Merle light, 175 miles below Que- ben. The annual meeting, of the Montreal Street Railway Company was held on Tuesday. Detective Dubois of Peoria, Ill., was robbed of a gold watch, diamonds and 5300 at Hamilton. Wm..dlendenneng & Son, Montreal,. have assigned. The Banque du People is therinci al creditor. The engineers employed by the Clyde -shipbuilders have etruok, oat of sym- pathy with the looked -out employees. A true bill was found at Winnipeg against Farr, the 0. P. R. engineer, on a charge of attempting to burn his wife and family in their beds. Mrs. Fred Collins, landlady of the ho- tel ah 'Putnam, and her sister, Mrs. Bonlding, were terribly burned on Fri- dayby the explosion of a lamp, fol lowing the fall of the obandelier in the bar -room. FIRE i FIRE The undersigned is prepared to Insure all kinds of Village property at the lowest rates in the following Bret -close companies, viz.: •'Lancashire," of Manchester, Capital S Million Pounds Stirling. "Sim," of London, 3lstablieue0.A.D.1710. - Capital 7 Million.. Dollars. "W e1IIugtolt ritiit'uaf," of Guelph, Eetabliehed 1040. Also 620,000 to Loan on good par= security et Lt and 6 per cent. for 0 or le years. i J, A. Creighton. I2 , I rx lam( EVERY FIt1DAY FROM TORONTO RUN A Through ough, Uph,olzterod Tourizt Car TD THE Pao c' Coast. Paeeongere from BRUSSELS should leave ttt 0.00 a.m. T. FARROW, AG1ml'1.T, BRUSSELS. QST CgOW&U: & The Cheapest Cash .Store in the County. Our steadily Bnsiness Don't mean that people come to us for fun or ` out of compliment. No ! People are not built that way now -a -days. They come because they realize the advantage of DEALING IN A CASH STORE y:>s Where they get the Goods they want f' At the Right Prices And where their Dollar will go the farthest. We don't ask anyone to pay here for losses sustained, the same as those have to do who do a cre- dit business. Whatever platform is endorsed by the people—Whatever Policyis pursued by the Government in regard to the finances of the Nation, we have adopted the only safe and sensible platform for retail trade ie. a gold and silver basis to the exclusion of all fiat business and all promises to pay of every description. It is upon this basis we are building up a trade that is second to none in the County. Call and have a look through our immense stock, compare Prices and Values with any we care not where, and you will see we do as we advertise. wan & R BSli 4J SSELS. • We Always Pay Highest Price for Farm Produce, OUR MOTTO : The Best is the EAPEST A stock of the best makes of Saws and Axes. "The 'Leader' Leads" says one. "The `Maple Leaf' forEver" says another. A STOCK OF Lamp GoodA Surpassing in Quality, Beau- ty and Cheapness any hith- <, erto in the market. Secure the Safety Lantern and les- sen the rate of Insurance. A. new line of Whips that surpris- es the purchaser in price. A Choice stock of Mitts & Gloves for Pall and Winter wear. Silverware, Paints and Oils, Pocket and Table Cutlery,. "Sunlight" Stove Polish, Shelf and Heavy Hardware always in stock at low prices. In stock the best brands of Coal Oil—American Water White and Canadian Water White Carbon Oil. 'Cash for Hides, Sheep Skins and Furs. A. I MeKay ILL1-ERY M ? ESSIVIAKINC We aro showing Trimmed Hats and Millinery Novelties in all Latest American and Domestic Styles. The department is under the management of MISS BARER, a milliner of great taste and experience, and we will be pleased to meet all our old customers, and we hope many new ones will favor ll. us with a call. We do Dressinaluzn4 in aZZ the .Nezvest Fi'e7nc:72 and el7YLer'iea72 Fashions. MISS LO VC7.1 LY. itive Gold Cannot Buy A Better Overcoat, Suit, Trousers or any kind of Clothing than I will snake for you. Prices are always right. Styles and Fit Guaranteed. Before going elsewhere call on i. S. 33 OW= EMT. THE TAILOR, - ETHEL . iLT , N .. TURNBULL, B E i ` JDS STC—V"=, 1VLFT1\11- , Are to the Front with a large stock of Stoves. -0 wa Co— Having o- Having a thorough knowledge of what is required by the people of Brussels and vicinity, we have selected our stock with a great Ileal of care, and are prepared to offer the best linos of Stoves iu:an- ufactured in the Dominion. IN 000K STOVE. —: _ ,.. We handle the superior line manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing Co., also Book's Celebrated Cook and Par- lor Stoves. The Garland line' -by Bowes, Jamieson & Co., always in stock. IN HEATING STOVES—imam. ,. We have the Lyndon Heater, by the new process, manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing Company, 'called the Ferris Steel. In Coal Stoves we have the well-known "Favorite." tH All our stock will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices to sult'the times, Lamps and Lamp Goods in groat variety. WILTON 4 TURNBULL.