HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-1, Page 8N 1SULT Do not take it lie an insult when wo aelt--Do you 000 Kap1 Our, goasone fprnaeking :mob it sues. kion le because we have extra bergaioo in Soap. You can have your choice of any of the folios- ing fOr O. A. AK ilelootropo, Oatmeal, k,00don Boqueb, Glycerine, Tar, Sulphur, Castile and Palm. Castile Soap, when properly made, and from proper ingrodiente, le good for general use. We have it at 13C. PER or 26o, for a 2 pound bar• We know it will pay you to bey your Toilet Soap from ue, and we soiledyour paterDag°. Deadman & McCall, Booksellers, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eooxmauN EXTENSI09 17, 0. & B. .. Trains leave Bruseele Station, North and South, as follows : Goexo Sorra. GOING NORTn, &Tall ,m 6:00 a,a Mixed.. 0:45 .m... Salmons11:59 a.m. Mail. 8:18 p,m. Nixed......... 9:00 p,xn. Express 9.48 p.m. Dal .C.th" C11tS. A elders amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll pent it. Neveatnma. Consort, meeting next Monday evening. TEE flax mill resumed operations on Tuesday. Wnooi'nw Gough is taking its innings -among the juveniles in Bruseele. TEN next Horse Fair will be held in Brussels on Thursday, December 6th.. AN interesting letter on ''Pioneer Life" ' is crowded out of this issue. Watch for ft next week. THE new Meneely bell for Brussels was oast at Troy last Saturday and is expect- ed here tbie week. Oun thanks are due to the Clinton New _Ern for the use of the out of the House of Refuge and Qontraotor S. 8. Cooper. THURSDAY of this week was the first of the monthly series of Horse Fairs. Quite a number of flee animals were on sale. Dog'r forget the auction sale of Bons - eels Woollen Factory Friday afternoon of this week, on the premises, at 9:30 o'elook. Musses. CLDGG & LAMES shipped a car of cattle and a car of sheep from Brussels on Thnreday and 2 ears of lambe from Belgrave on Wednesday. .Now that the repairs to theboiling pan at the Enterprise Salt Worsts are com- pleted, salt making will begin again next Monday. The supply on hand is about • exhausted owing to the lively shipments of late. Nov. 23nn.—Owing-to their lease of the building not expiring notil this date Messrs. Gillies & Smith have decided to keep their private bathopen in Bruesela • until tlen for the convenience of pereone indebted to them. After the 23rd all un- • oolleeeed amounts will pass into other hands. Mr. Coasley is still la charge. MATnraloarex.—Oupid added another victory to his rapidly increasing list last Tuesday morning, when, at the residence of the bride's mother, Hanover, Will. J. • Climie, of Bruseele, and Mise Edith ' O'Neil joined hands and hearts in a mat- rimonial alliance. Rev. Mr. Craigie tied the double bow knot in the pre00aae of a micacompany: Misses Maud and Annie O'Neil, sisters to the bride, were the bridesmaids, and Rae. and Will. H. Olimie, of Lietowel, brother and cousin to the groom, performed the offices of groomsmen. The bride was neatly and becomingly attired in a travelling cos - tome. Many valuable wedding gifts were presented to the bride. After the ceremony Mr. and UrnClimie left for Listowel where a reception was held at the residence of the groom's father from 0 to 8 o'clock. The evening train convey- ed the happy twain to Brussels where they have taken up their residence on Flora etreet. Many good wishes are ex- pressed for the fetters happiness and pros- perity of Mr. and Mrs. Olimie in which TUE POST heartily concurs. We extend a hearty welcome to them as citizens of P Bruseele. e AY JANE DIDN T GET THE1ta.—In tlte gunlong If et of applicants for the Primary rd Department of Brussels Pablio School, was the following from "Mies Mary Jane Haig," of Toronto township, which speaks 1 for itself. Ite appearance among the L' staid, well•written applications caused considerable merriment at the Board ;— Scltule hoard, Brussels : Gmeenn rsso,—Haven eaw your adver- tiser in the Globe of the 19th instanter for a Maher for the lowest apartment in your 'tabula, andyour offer of such a payee sum as 226 dollars i can not re- . Crane from offerin my self, to be your taoher and so i send in my applie. f have a first pleas' county board sirtifikate a and have been'ingaged in tacbin for Ito twinty foive years come Meas but you ro can see at a glance i am np to date in me fe rigbtir, ,i will promise to tech the child- 11 her in your Belittle as well as the beat of pr them is taabed, i love the angles. Be• sides i will promise to make a .handsome present to all the men on the board out of me big wages at the iud of me tirm -wid you. i have been taohin in me present :lobule for tree weeks and a day and the ohildher are so far on they will need no more taohen for many a day. I put into this a testifier f 'ore me priaint board. Hopin.,to'here ,'rov1 you soon. '.N, B.—I am a stanch methodieter by perewayehen. Yours ';Toronto Tp.'Oot. 22, '96.MAnY JANE Haiti: lVi e 'The followtng ie the "testifier" referred. ki ''+to :—Genteloren,—Tbie is to make tare. in ,.to all the boorde in want of a gold teach- 00 -sr that we ken weel that Miss Haig hi 8 ag sera guid youngiaesie as we has haen ber mi hired for a spell an she brooht the bairne fo +1n weal in nor :lobule 'an we feel. Oafs in .rel rgivin her a guid recommend tee ony no boord in avant o' alp to teach the puir clo rise° bairns. JAti. I1d0Bene, Seo, Trees. ni ,Box 718, TO.onto, Ont, pl Bauseeta eentingent for the Renee of Rtfage will go an Monday, 11ti1 inst, Been rade]: of Tin: Peer abOUld toil Put for the new advt. of Meeeie, Wilton & Turnbull.next iyeelr. A NtllMen of sleighs and cutters were in town on Wednesday, Old Sol, soon put a stop to the sleighing. `Cana new fgrnoee are being piacod in tate sellopl Moises, Messrs. Wilton & Turnbull have thgooutraob. Den's` be afraid to lot the public' know about what yen have to sell. Pleat an advt. in Too Pen if you want the ear of t111.0 hpublic, 10 o$NTs in advance gets Tnn Poer for the balance of 1805. Balance iof the year free to new subscribers for 1890, Now is the time, Juno: DoYL$ aaye our naw aehool building ie a credit to the citiyeus of Bruesela. He takes a great intsreot in educational affairs. 'Pun POST welcomes D, B. Moore end family, of Morris, to Brussels. They moved into the residence purohaoed from Dr. Cavanagh, on Thursday of this Week. ICIOat$gs•—A junior foot ball team from Seaford) came over to Bruseele last Saturday afternoon and played a match with the school boys on Yiotoria Park. In the hour's play the visitors scored 8 goals, two of them being secured in the first half hour, Brueeole failed to get the ball between the flags. Seaford) att. pears to be congenial soil for foot ball and lacrosse and the eleven youths com- posing the team on Saturday were well up to the etondnrd, kicking well with. both feet and mouth. The following. wore the players and positions ocoupied ; nRpee0LO, eneFonria. McNair Goal Wright Gerry - 1. -Backe . Hammett I1err Wilson Dere McLeod 0ousley,,,�...... Ralf Bathe ....,. Broadfoot DanfRoehe - Smithery Rocha Centro � WBda Grewax' }.Loft WIng { Kendall Murray Drleue Huenwt } .]t, Wing {......... Stephens MoOracken Jackson A, Forbes, Referee. If the weather is favorable next Satur- day our boys have agreed to play a re- turn matoh at Seaforth, when they expect to make a better showing. House of Rumen OoaieaITTID$.—Tile Building Committee of the House of Refuge, consisting of Messrs, Either, Mo- Ewee, Kennedy, Holt, McDonald, Cook and Kerr met at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, on Friday morning of last week, the meeting being held there owing to Division Court oa0upying` the Cuunoil Chamber. After going through consider- able correspondence, in the way of a re- port from Mr. Hears, an expert plumber of London, who had made an official visit to the Honda of Refuge in connection, with the heating and plumbing ; a letter from Government Inspector Ihamber- lain, Toronto,-tating that he would in• epeot the building prior to the opening of the Local Legislature, so that the 25%. grant from them on the cost np to $16,• 000 would be included in 'the estimates the reading of the architect's report, an other lettere of minor importance, sev eral acuounte were ordered to be pail an an adjournment was made fur dinner Messrs. Hardy, of Exeter, and Ryoae, o Goderich, who bad been coned upon on previous occasion to investigate cartel deficiencies concerning the roof, visite the building and reported that the con tractor had made the necessary alter atione and improvements as recommend ed by them. The Committee, aoeom Denied by the aroblteot, contractor, care taker and matron, made an official io epeotion of the new house and ite belong loge and were well pleased with th quality and character of the work. Th Committee, in behalf of the Co. Council took the key from Contraoter Cooper, re taioing $1,500 until the December eeeeio of the Council as a guarantee regardin the proper working of the heating appar atue, &o. 30 sea grave mattresses to fi the Bingle bedsteads were ordered from J W. Chidley, of Clinton, at $1,00 each It was decided to light the House o Refuge with incandescent eleotrio Iigb and a contract was entered into for 50 lights, at 0180 per annum, 5 year term with the Clinton Eleotrio Light Co., th work of placing poles and, stringing wire to be done forthwith. Ap agreement was also entered into with the Bell Telephone Go., for connection with their system on a three year contract, at $60 a year, the Company to build the line. Mr. French and wife, of Exeter, who are to fill pod bone of caretaker and metros, were authorized to enter upon their dutiee forthwith so se to get the place in order for the coming of tbe inmates. W. Goats of Clinton, who ie to be the Inepeotor, received similar notifiontion. An ineur- 5005 of 010,000 onthe house and $2,000 on contents was ordered to be placed and till contractors for furnishings and sap- lies were notified to have them forward. d at once. The following le the plan eoided upon for the reception of in- ates, the various municipalities in the county being grouped alphabetically :— ommenoing on Monday, November Lth, the persons from Ashfield, Bruseele, lyth, Bayfield and Exeter will be races. vel. Tuesday, Nov. 12th, Colborne,. Clinton, Gnderiah township, Goderioh and Grey. Wednesday, 13th, Hay, Hall. ett, Howiok and MoKiliop, Thursday, 14th, Morrie, Stanley, Stephen and Sea - forth. Friday, 15th, Tuckeremith, Turn - berry and Qeborne, Winghatir, East and West Wawanosh and Wroxeter, on Saturday, 16th. Each inmate is to be provided with a wood snit of clothes and good shoes, also change of underclothing. In' addition a trunkthey may bring a bureau and eking &lair, also a feather bed or U $ La FUST i$274X.AdleD" B4XIC O2' C4JV'4D4, Nov, Z, 1896 HSAD QFFIOE, „ TORONTO. ASSETS (Seven Mignon Dollars) . 07,000,000 QAPI:TA4, (Authorized)' - - • §2,000,000 Ap0116108 iii 44 principal pinta in ()Marie, Q1ao5ac, A?anitpba, United States .td Hopton ;Vla'rastad&e DAew,Ne. General flanking Business Traneaoted. Farmers' Notes Drafts Issued and Qolleotione made on all points. Discounted SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Intereet allowed on deposibe of $1,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to, date o Withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Senora, ATraNxrog GIVIN ro run Corms T1uN Op FAiT,rsit' Sons Norse. Avery facility afforded Oaetotners living at a distance. J. A. STEWART MANAGED. CosLING.--In the grouping of the varix ous Purling Clubs under the direction of the Ontario A5eooiatiou Bruseele is alae. lied with. Walkerton, Orangeville, Fergus and Durham. The umpire named is Walter Moore, of Iiarriaton, WAAT'6 INA Notre ?—There's a pa 1 pa 1 at Paw Few, Michigan, and if the afore- said daddy had the alteration in spelling names be would likely ,bave it "Angel" instead of Engel, We hope, the young appreutioe will prove a blessing to the home. IT ie expected that the new 0013001' house will be ready for occupation in about three weals. What to do for a play -ground while the open weather lasts is a conundrum as the [wheel yard is now covered with the olay removed from tbe large-baeement and will not be in condi. tion for nee this Fall or next Spring. Mase Mnsxrio MoNAUouron, the new Librarian of the Public Library, has mastered the details of her position and is very desirous of seeing many new members enrolling their names. Every parent in Brussels who is at all desirous of securing good reading for the family should band in a dollar and secure the liberty of using the splendid library for a whole year. A xownetzAN packed his grip the other evening with the necessary outfit for a day and night away from home, and be' fore going to the depot to take the train attended one of the many lodges in this plane. About train time be hied away, finding bis coat and grip in the ante- room as he had left them. Tbis state - merit toned out, enytbiog but correct however, fur on arriving at the lodging place and opening hie "Saratoga" he found stored away underneath bie night duster a full sized brick. The recipient is extremely grateful for these undeserved oonrtesiee by his brethren, and hopes, in a small degree, to be enabled to reward their thoughtful and gracious kindness in so willingly supplying the additional d ballast mentioned above. They Bay it was not on account of its intrinsic worth, • &o. d I Enrrort'e DDLIGn9',—There are many dlInge in managing a uewepaper ealoe. f luted to worry and annoy the editor but a 000asionally there are bursts of sunshine o and when these "bursts" are worth a' d dollar a piece that lonesome, orphan feel- ing leaves our pooket. Tuesday of this week fortune smiled upon THD POST. A - letter came from an old subscriber in the - Northwest containing a"$10.00 bill ac- e. companied by s tetter instructing De to - pay arrearagee and credit the balance. The result is this thoughtful man has his e sUbecription paid to January 1st, 1901, or a 511 yeare in advance. By the same mail , was another letter with $2.00 to pay for THE POST for the next two years to a resi- n dent in, Clinton. This ie the kind of g book-keeping we like and we hope a large • cumber of subsoribers in Manitoba and t the West, as well as many in Ontario . will take the hint and wipe out old scores. • We want to adopt the cash in advance f plan of running our paper and thereby save you and us trouble. (An»rrmNAL LOOAn ON 1ST PAGE,) Business Locals. other pillows, on the guarantee of clean. nen by the Reeve and att. oval of the Caretaker and Inspector. On motion a committee, consisting of Meaere. Either, Kennedy and Kerr, was drafted to arrange for formal opening exeroieee on the first evening of the County Council, viz., Thursday, Deo. 6th, in, the town of Clinton. The intention is to have the Go. Councillors visit the House of Refuge in the early evening and on re. turning to town 0, free musical and liter- ary program will be presented in the Town Hall. The members of Parliament, Count officials, e, prase, &o., will be in. ted. Thos. Jackson, . a Well-known oder in musical Mettles, was &eked and ndly consented to prepare a.program of asic. Mayor Holmes wag added to the mmittee, Rev. J. W. Holmes reed to not as convener of the Clinton nieters and other' church workers in rmulating a plan for the conducting of igioue services each Sabbath after.' on at the Hauge of Refuge. The ck was about ready to chime the mid- ght bout when the Committee own - ()ted thole labors. Dar stovewood at MoOraeken'e. OYSTERS on hand at McAlpine's. LoNG,clear bacon at ItfcOraeken's. IF you want robes or blo.nkebe call on H. Dennis. Saaeen harness very low in price.. I. C. Richards. Sun our Robes and Blankets, best value in town. I. 0. Richards. LARGE stook of light harness sold at low priose. H. Dennis, OUn horse collars are all warranted. H. Dennis: Sng our long boots, hand made, very low in price and splendid quality. I. 0. Richards, Gnaw Boos.—Largo size, full' 16 oz., only $1.90 per dozen, at Smith & Mo. Laren's. Do you want to stop using tobacoo.? If so, nee No -To -Bao. We refund your money if nob as stated, G. A. LEAnALIN. A NUMBER of second band road carte 'in good condition for sale ab low prices.. Also a few buggies. Jae. Walker, Brea - sets. MoCnAit wishes to notify the public that she still does Carpet Weaving at her residence, nearly opp. Dr, luso. Kell/eyes. Satisiaotion guaranteed, KAen's Clover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and olearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 26 eta, 50 eta and $1.00. Sold by James For, Druggiet, Bruseele. HEED THE WAI1NINo, The common and ever present warning of kidney trouble, bank -ache and weakness in back, are quickly relieved by Dr, Chase's Pills. The original and only 25 oent Kidney - Liver P111. When all other remedies fail they euro. Tem delight Of dyeing ie =teal with Parker and Parker's patrons. The re. putation of this greatdyeing and, clean. ing establishment is founded on reliable work at most reaeouable, prices. The constant aim is to pleaee patrons, The result ie a business grown from a email beginning to the largest dyeing house in the Dominion, Unrivalled work has won our unrivalled suooese. Parker's Dye Works, Toronto, do fine work. Agency at Skene'e General Store, Brueeols. C. Donnelly, prop. of the well-known and popular Windsor hotel, Alliston, Ont., was tronbled for yenta with dolling piles. He was persuaded by Jas. Mo. Garvey, Alliston, livery man, to use Chase's Ointment, wbioh he did, was onred, and has bad no return of them, and highly recommends this Ointment as a eoverign ouzo for piles. Summer: ours le sold on a guarantee, It three incipient ooneumption, It ie the beet pough ours. Only one cont a dose. 20 ote,, 50 eta, and $$1.00. Sold by Jainee Fox, Druggist, Brussels, Poorrn9.—.The undersigned will take any quantity of fowl for trade in grooer- iea, °rookery,&o. The highest prices paid, See him before bringing them in, so he can advice you how and what days in Abe week bo hill. W.H,M001A01111N. I new ordered a large stock of window shades and curtain polos which I will sell very oheap. We pub them on your windows. All goods delivered free. R. Leatberdale. SAWS made to oat fast and easy. Sea. ond•band saws bought and sold. Point. ere given on saw Sling and the care and management of caws, on Queen street East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Saws. Mne, T. S. HAwltues, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble ib T) excels. Price 75 ate. Sold b Jas. Fos -%WAY- OF CONDUCTIN.O PILL ROLLING BUSINESS' To `t4 do it sight,. ride the prices fight and treat the peo- ple right. You needn't take our word for it but drop, in and see for yourself, and if not satisfied you can got your money lack. We keep lots of things you need and we want you at all tinges to feel that you are perfectly welcome in our place whether you wish to purchase or not. BY THE WAY, HAVE you rrn p -_ -, Fox's Syrup. of White Pine & Tar 101? COUGHS AND COLDS ? It is giving immense satisfaction—In fact ' a li C guarantee it to do this orlmoney cheerfully refunded. Price 25 Ots. For sale only at Orroslii FOX'S DRUG G 1 91 ORE. QUEEN'S Hor$L, STORE. J! V OUNG DRIVING HORSE, Top Buggy and Single Harness for sale cheap, Apply to 14.01 ' NEL80N unman, DRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savinge Bank takes Deposits from interest.o 61,000 and allows 8i 11, cent. 87.Om Postmaster. TRAYED FROM THE PREM - 08n8 of the undersigned, Sunday morn- ing, Oot. Mb, a 4.year old bay mare, with black mane and tail; some white on due hindfoot. Any information leading to her reaoveiy will be thankfully received, ISAAC GILL, Ethel, II;RKSHIPES 1oOR SALE:— yThe undersigned, breeder of Large Druggist, Brussels. peeled) Berkshire pigs, offers a: large num- Ir you have an organ that wants clean• Termeof preasonable boars and - Dott- ing or repairs, or a piano tbab wante RANGE, SeaforthP.O., or apply on Let 95, Oon.5, MoHill op. 14.4 JAMES DO RRA NCE,Prop, tuning leave your orders here as I have made arrangements with a piano tuner. All work guaranteed or no pay. R. Leatherdale. LAnnas, clean your kid gloves ,with Josephine glove cleaner, for sale only by Ferguson & Halliday. Sole agents for the Perrin Freres kid glovee, in lace and button. ,All the moat desirable shades. FLEURY Plows.—Hugh Williams & Son are the Agents for the well known Fleury, plows. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Gall at Williams' Livery Stable, Bruseele. The Fleury plow received the gold medal and, diploma at the World's Fair. "FARarnns' GsNrntL" INSURANCE Go.— This new and very prosperous Fire In. suranos Co. during the past year issued' over 800 policies in Carrick, Hewlett, Culross and Greenock. Ratee on farm properly very low. J.'`A. GREninroN, Agent for Morrie and Grey. WELL.Dicoruo AND DRuLLnNG.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction - Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge west aide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-0f RORS4 ENGEL.—In. Paw Paw, Michigan, on Oct. 18th, the wife of Mr. John. Engel, formerly of Brussels, of a son. F1TEELL.—In Turnberry, on the 11th Oct., the wife of Mr. Noble Fitzell of a daughter. MoGnneon,-In Wingbam, on the 12th Oot., the wife of Mr. A. G. McGreg- or of a daughter. Knotainti.—In Wingham, on the 23rd Oat., the wife of Mr. Sidney Kinsman of a son, Gmnrrls,--In Fant Wawanosb, on the 17th Oct., the wife of Mr. P. Gib. bine of a SOD, W8EE14E11.—In Turnberry, on the 28rd Oot., the wife of Mr. Arthur Wheel. er of a daughter. FYFE—Tnnaco.—Ab ..the Manse, Wing - ham, on Oct. 23rd, by the Rev. D. Perris, Mr, John Fyfe to Mies Maria L. Treaoy, all of Turnberry. W$se—HANNA.—At Mildmay, on the 1st Oct., by Bev. J. Lacock, Mr.. W. H. West, of Westbourne, Man., to Miss Mary Ann Hanna, daughter of Mr. John Hanna, of Morris. CLIum-O'NErn.—At the residenoe of the .bride's mother,. Hanover, -on Oot. 29111, by Rev. Mr, Oraigie, Mr. W. J. Olimie, of Brussels, to Mise Edith O'Neil, of Hanover. EDRNra1AN—HNoxsTEP.—In Blyth, on Oct. 230d, . atthe residence of the bride's brother, Mise Lucy Huck - step, to Mr. Keroigban, of Detroit. axfua- BAINns,—In Morrie, on Oct. 28th, James Baines, aged 66 years, 6 months and 28 days. A'r7"CT0015' TUESDAY, Nov: 12.—]l'arm stook and im- plements, at Winthrop. Sale comminute ab 12 o'clock. A. Govenlook, proprietor. WEDNESDAY, Nov, 19th —Farm stock, implements, &o. Lob 10, con. 17, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'oloaksbarp, A. J. Carter, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auc, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 5 ROOMED COTTAGE ON Turnberry Street for sale or to rent. Apply to THOS. BALLANTYNE,:Brussels, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.- Firstmortgago, farm security,Apply at THE POST Publtshiug House, Beie, j1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DDRB G ID I N a Das Several O0 lewo sale and to roof, easy t 5, S0 in 9MwaeM is otMorrie and Grey. P S,StlGTT,Brusaels RAM LAMBS FOR - SALE.— Pue0 bred Shropshire from John. Campbell's Woodville, won known stook. Apply to Campbell's, mina, Lot 8`Oen. 8, Grey, Brussels 2.0, 16-tf TRAYED' FR01t1 THE PREM– t,5000 of the undersigned, lot 82,eon, 1, Grdy, ;'on or about Aug, 10th, one 5180 and three lomba, The inhale J, it, on loft side in black. Any Information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. 10-4 GlflORGiIaums110ONC}, 'taoleswortb le 0. }J ONEY FOR SALE, -FRUIT succeeded in buying a nige lob of bboel tier which we nun sell 0.0 the following low ices : 1011m. for 61,00, or 40 lbs. for 08,75, Come quick if you want some. DEADMAN &.MOOALL, Dlvggiet, Sookbeller &o. ko'l'TRAYED ON THE PREMIS- Rs of the undersigned, Lot 21, Con.10, Grey, on or about Oot.151, an aged e .ve and. one lamb. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenees and take them away. D. MoTAGGAitT, 14.4 - Moncriefr P. 0. Snap for Mannfaaturoro, •Brussels Corporationwill offer for sale by Public Auction, on November 101, 1805, at 8.80 p.m,, a fine brink building, 00500 feet,. two storeys and basement, with boiler house 20x80 feet ; located an Main street ; suitable for any manufactory• first -aloes 88 h: P. Wbedlock 05gine and. 60 h. p. steel boiler ; also a one -set woolen mill plant' that would be sold with building if wanted; epleudid location for business ; fine agricultural sea. tion • immediate poeseseiou, Address F. 8. 800'0T, 't7Rage Clerk'; or W. H. SERB, Reeve, Brussels. OAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 0, undersigned 8, Grey the keep Ohosber White boar, "Illinois Chief.' .Pedigree may be seen on application.Terms-81.00 to be. paid at the time of service with privilege of. returning it nee esea 18-8. JAS, ELLIOTT, Proprietor. 'ROAR' FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 11, Oou. 5, Grey, a tboro' bred Chaster White boar, from imported stook on both sides, purchased fromthe well known breed- er, D. De0ouraey, Bornholm. Pedigree may. be aeon on application,: Te1•ms—$1.00 to be paid et time of eorvie° with privilege - of re- turning if necessary. 10-tf ANGU8 SHAW, Proprietor. mAMWORTH AND' CHESTER 1. WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. The or service on North Half Lot 20, Cone 7, will kepMorris, n thei o' bred Tamworth BOar, recentlypurchased from the well known breeder,. Ono, Bell, Am- bor. Also a Chester White Roar. Terme, 61.00 tobe paid at time of service with priv- ilege of returning if nocuseary. 80-tf 8. W&LIEEOR, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 20 Con, 0, OXo Morris, ll he nthere' byredoiionn- prot•ed' . White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," brad from J. E. Brsthour's sweepstakes sow at Chlaago Fair. Torras, $1.00 to be paid at the time of &mole() with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. ROBT,NIOHOL,...- DSERVICE.—THE FOR SRVIOE.--TETE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 80, Oon, 0, Morrie, the tl1or0'-bred Large English` Berkshire Boar, Captain John," His motleer is a foil sister to the 1st prize sow at the World's Fair, Pedigree will bo produced on ap licence. Terme—$1.00- to. bepaid attime ofService with privilege, of. returning If i,eosesary. 14.Om y 1.410. SPEIR,Proprietor, AUCTION SALE —OF— 'EIIY'm Stook The undersigned will offer for sale by Pub- ic Auetion on his promisee at W18411lt01', TUESDAY, NOY. 12th, 1895, DAM o'cloek (noon) shard, The following valuable property, vis.: two span Matched Dxivore, 4 years old, off Olear Grit Stoek and aired by Carlisle; 8 Dolts, Olear GI•ib, stock, rising 2 years, and oeveral young working homes ; 2 newly ;salved cows, 4 to calve in November, 4 to calve in Deo, and Jan„ and 8 others to calve later on, all in calf to a thorn' bred bull • 1 t 1 Dor ' o bred Durham bull, with as rodal steer ;1 thretieing year Old etooa and sev oral ung st xiemea years • also e numb dr of young stook, Nearly all the above have been raised by the red. bol and have been most carefully bred. aro' b It liege *weighing am 70 lbs• 21p 11 thorn' ; 0 Berkshire boar about Ove mouths old ; 20 Well bred Loiceetor and Southdown lIwet' 1 eight horse power and jack and a lob of other farming implements too numerous to mention. Lumber-A1ot of Mob, two Men and scantling, suitable for bullding, etc. Tnnate,—Ari autos Of $5.00 and under oath ; oyer that amount 1l months oredlt will bo giVsn oa furnishing approved joint notes. 7 Por.oent off for cash on credit amounts. A. __– TLOOI, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 140 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer, Callao.. tions made. Guice-Vauetonc's Block, Brus- sels. 21-13m M. SINCLAIR, lio, do S`Ofes—Vansto a eo Block, 1y doer north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. ItifG, CAMERON, • {Formerly of Cameron, Holt Be Cameron,) dmrteter and 8olioitor, G0derioh, Ont. 011ice—Hami)ton 80,, Opposite Col- borne Hotel. GP. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Eco. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's Moe, Goderteh.) Office oyer. Gillies & Smith's Bank,Draesels. Money to Loan. 14. DENTAL. DB.DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto - University, Licentiate Royal college Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridgework a specialty. Moder- Bar Fees. barberSatisfaction Turnberry 6t,, Brass Bras - eels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, ispreparedto treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a cora- potent manner, Particular -attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Oflloa and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •lurnberry et„ Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MONAUGHTON, M. D.ty • O.M.,L.E,O.P„ Edinburgh, M. O.P. S. Ont. Residence and office in Wileon'e Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. J - M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Phveiolan, Surgeon, Accouoher, eto, Faculty Member of Oonto lingeo01 Phyeeiicians and Surgeons, Ont. OBFIOID—Next door to McDonald & Co„ Walton. Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. V VH. MoORAOKEN, • Millis Grocery,Poufruborrygstrreet, Licensee. -p ` N. BARRETT, A.%J• Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door south of A. U. MoSay8e Oo's hardware store. Ladies'and ahiidrenehair mating a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INBiiRAnen,' FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ' T, FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage licenses' , OFFICE AT JswsLRY STORE. 'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Bruseele. NATELLINGTON MUTUAL IN. ' e4a, i on Co. llstablished 1840, In- surances effected on all Town and Farm Property at very low rates, • lO.Sm 3, A. CREIGHTON, Agent, Brussels. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Oonr Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Laurance Agent. Funds invests ed and to loan. Collections made Office 011Smalo'e Block, Brusools jiSS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teaoher of inetrumental music on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of Saab week. Reid - donee on Prinoees Street, Bruseele. • A, HWS, T • OrganistAIn 30. IKINJohn's O huroD, D1ue eels, and papal, in the Art of Teaching 01A. lessons to, us.Doo„New Fork, Will gine lessons tr pops either h' o re organ, overe, at his parlor r A, R. Smith's tore,Drus- gels. Vona! lessons also given. Terme mod- erate. AUCTIONEERS. 1EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales-oondnot ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a enecialby, Orders loft at Tux Pon Publishing Hoase,lru mels, or sent to Welton P..0., w111 receive prompt attention, .1-41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. . DOR, will eon for bettor prioae,to hotter men in lase time and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in Haat Huron er he won't charge anything, llatee and ordere can alwaya be arranged at this office ar by personal applleation, STONE ! STONE ! dill u:tattyof Building, Corner, Bubble, 8 and Bridge. Stone for. Salo, Onarri1S andready for leading at Bi-uosele ttluarryr For vele° and forme applyte 67.11 JNU, lutrot ELL, i3ox'100 Btuskvlst