HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-11-1, Page 711ShcIl 1;'" �.$ai'
Iatteroatingrlems Aheltt Our Alvis laounerri
Gireat Rrltadn. the nutted litotes, anal
Alt parts of the Glelte. Conolename au4
A isortrel for Baer fleadlrua
Stratford kr to have a $30,000 trunk
A Winnipeg carpenter, lvlr, Brown, fall
seventy feet and will recover from hie
in erica,
The. Cabinet has appointed S,olioitor-
Goneral Curran a Judge, of the Superior
Court of Qaobe°,.
Shipmepte of eattie from Manitoba and
the Northwest this year already number
15,000 head,
At St, Catharines a seven.year.old boy
named Orin W, Filkiris was drowned by
falling into the canal.
Mr. Ouimet has granted the sufferers
rendered homeless by fires in Ohatham,
N. B., the use of the public buildings.
The report that Chief el natio Sir 13'enry
Strong is about to retire from the Supreme
Bourn is emphatioallydenied in Ottawa..
The trade returns for September show a
decline ae compared with the corresponding
month of the preceding year of $1,oi5,-
Rev. Canon Towuaend died at Amherst,
N. S., in the 88th year of his age, For 61.
years he was rector of the Parini' of
Lord Alfred Douglas who figured so
prominently in the Osoar Wilde 00000 in
London, it at present at Niagara Falls with
his wife.
Miss Lillie Stewart, a patient in St,
Joseph's hospital, Hamilton, jumped from
a' indo into third t e
. window h 's or She is in a
V, critical condition. y
f�Tbo Winnipeg Grain Exchange passed
a reeolutign protesting against the action
of the Dontition Government in raising the
inspection 0000 on grain.
The Dominion Government is being urged
to put a tax upon natural gas, whioh is
heiog piped in large quantities from Canada
to pities in the United States,
Mr. William Kyle, the Toronto man who
was arrested at Niagara Fells, Ont,, on the
charge of attempted bribery of 50 alder-
man, died on Friday afternoon at the latter
Fullback Morin of tho Ottawa Univer-
sity Rugby football team, the champions
of Canada, wae seriously injured at praotioe
and the clubhoe summarily eloebd it0
A young man named Carter, a son of
Mr. Wm. Carter, of 50 Bay street,Toronto,
was accidentally drowned in Rock lake,
Man.. on Sunday ovening,by the upsetting
of a boat.
Hoteikeeper Maybee of Grimsby, .claims
the reward oUered for the apprehension of
Teller Palmer of Hamilton, onthe ground
that he told the police where' the 'man
A writ of quo warrant° to unseat Mayor
Villeneuve, of Montreal, was applied for
on Tuesday, on the ground that the Mayor
is interested to e, firm that eupplios lumber
to she city.
A oiroular has been issued by the Cus-
toms Department at Ottawa to the various
collectors, nailing their attention to the
fast that the French treaty is now in fall
force and effect.
A despatch from Regina states that W.
Curren, who ie in ok5rgeof the Dominos
Public 'Werke Office, hes been arrested on
a charge of ineendiariem. His arrant has
ceased a sensation.
W. B. Palmer, defaulting teller of the
Bank of Commerce,and Fred. A. Filgiano,
defaulting cashier of the Grand Trunk at
Hamilton, were each sentenced to three
years in penitentiary.
At the inquest into the death of John
tayug it was ehowu that his reason for',
wfahing to marry Nlies Robson was that he.
knew she would eome at for valuable,
property when site" came of age.
The repairs to the city of Toronto Water
Works were completed on Friday and an
ample supply of perfectly pure water is
now coming through the imine. The cart
service has been discontinued.
Two shipments of Canadian tomatoon to
England, made as an experiment,have been
reported upon. While notentaresttooees,
they have demonstrated the possibility 0t
developing an important trade to this
While "Charles Peal was engaged in
tearing down a brick struoture yesterday
in Hamilton the wall collapsed, burying
Peel in the ruins. When 'reooued he was
uocousoiou5, and died shortly after his
arrival et the hospital. - The deceased wae
twenty-four yearsof age.
Dr. Bell, of the (:landfall Geological
Survey, who has just returned to Ottawa
from a trip to.Jamea' Bay, reports having
discovered a river i0 the north which he
claitne to be the sixth of the great rivers of
the world, and charaoterizos as the Nile of
the Nora..
Application will be made in Parliament
next ee0Bion for an no to incorporate the
Cauandiau Electric Railway & Power Com-
pany, - with power to operate an electric
railway from Montreal to • Windsor, via
Brocltville, Kinget0n, Belleville, Toronto
and London.
The finances of the General hospital at
Il,ingeton show a dehoit of 83,000 this year,
aud,the authorities have issued a oiroular
asking for a 0000euau0 of opinion regarding
the curtailment of the salary of the euper-
ioteudent,ae in the cape of the superintend.
.;iii• ent of nurses.
Further news of prairiefires in Manitoba
i M' have reached Winnipeg. 'Near Shoal Lake
the flames spread over the country for about
Un ,a ten miles, running at a fearful- rate, and
many people had narrow enemas. Two
young men Were 0o badly injured that
they cannot live.
Victor Talioreti, a Montreal drug clerk,
has been arrested on a charge of abducting
a young lady with whom he was in love
on the eve of her marriage to another man.
The girl was missing from Monday till
Thursday, and when found had evidently
been given drugs to render her powerless
The death to announced at St, Valentin,
Que., of Mr, Joseph Noel, aged ninety.four
years. He was a veteran of the war of
181`0.15, being one of tho last survivors of
that stlring time along the frontier of the
Quebec province. As a boy ho tools part
in the defense of Leone Mill.
Tho missing will of Mr. Tilos, Young, an
elderly citizen of Hamilton, Ont., who watt
killed on the railway trash, and whose
funeral took place on the day fixed for his
marriage with Mist Tessie Atkins, of Dub -
elook An Saturday, The doomed left' all
IAN Witte to alas Atkins, who has taken
out a gavot 441110 letters of admiuietra•
tion being leaped,
The Bev, I+ldwin'Pelmer, P, D., Arch-,
deacon of Oxford, la dead.
The Queen will reteru to Windsor castle
from Balmoral on November 10,
Mr, Berber Wllberforoe has been
appoinbed aids to Lord Aberdeen,
The Q neon laid the foundation et anis o
the Duke of Pi if&e Diglalaod reeidenoe,
English sooioty is hurrying homeward
r the London season, whioh promisee to
be ao unusually brilliant ouo,
The British battleship Victorious was
launched at Chatham on Saturday. It has
afifteen thousand bone displacement.
Sir Charles Lees, Governor of British
Guityna, has been aummoned to London to
eoneult with Mr, Chamberlain on Venezne-
Ian claire.
Dr. Geuther, bite well-known head of
the dopertineut of zoology le the British
Museum, retired on October I, owing to
the age regulations,
The Prince and Priam:se of Wales begin
holding 'receptions at Sandringham house
thie woek, The house will be full Until
after Christmas.
Mr. William Kenny, Q, C., who was
recently appointed Solicitor -General for
Ireland, is a Roman Catholio Unionist, a
rare thing in Ireland.
It is dated in official circles that England
intends to lend troops on some part of
Turkish territory if the,Armenlan reforms
are nob ionourabfy exeouted.
The oothpebitian of Canadian cheese in
the English market is so keen that the
agricultural papers are writing very pee.
simiatio artieleo on the subject.
The British court hes received bhe worst
advioes concerning the Czarewitah, who is,
the victim of consumption. It fa not ex•
pected'that he will survive the winter.
The, North German Lloyd Steamship
Company has ordered from a shipbuilding
Orin at Govan, a euburb of Glasgow, two
steamships, the dtmensione of which will
exceed those of the Campania and
The report that Lord Salisbury had sent
an ultimatum to the Presidentof Venezuela
i0 confirmed, The Cleveland Admiuietra.
tion at Washington is said to be interesting
itself in the matter.
A number of the friends of Mr. Tim
Healy, who was reaeotly read oub of
the Irish par by, met inLondonon Saturday
andsubsaribed $2,500,000 for a new daily
paper is Dublin, to be started at once,
with Mr. Healy iu control.
Prince Henry et . Prussia, brother of
Emperor William, and Prince Obviation
Victor meetly a thirty -mile bicycle
race from Balmoral to Braemar castle for a'
prise given by the Queen. Prince Christian
won by half au hour,
The Fishmongers' Company are seeking.
to prohibit the eale in London of frozen
salmon from British Columbia, alleging
that the fish ie salmon trout, the sale of
which is illegal in the United Kingdom,
between the months of October and Feb-
The following members of the Imperial
Parliament have been raised to the peerage:
Sir Algernon Borthwaite,proprietor of the
Loudon Morning Poet; Baron Henry de
Wurme, formerly Under: Secretary of State
for the Colonies; and the Hon. Horace
Curzon Plunkett.
Lord Rosebery, in a speech on Friday,
delivered at the opening of the new club at
Scarborough, said that to hie mind the
primacy obstacle to all reform and the
greatest danger to the stability of the
State lay in tee present constitution of the
House of Lords.
Ferdinand Meier, a retired general of the
German artny,00mmitted suicide in London
on Sunday evening by taking prussic acid
on the 'Tames embankment. He bad
become reduced to beggary through: the
failure of Jabez. Baliour'o Liberator Build-
ing and Loan Companies, in whichall hie
money was invested.
It ie said that George J. Gould has in hie
possession twonty.tbree paintings of his
Thirty Mormon saints leave Philadelphia
on .Saturday on 5' proselytizing tour of
Mise Frances Willard nye that the
bicycle is a great factor in advancing tem-
Mr. Joseph Ramsey, jun., of St. Louie,
succeeds Mr. Hoye as General manager of
the Wabash .Railway.
Jsmes Dixon, accused of the murder of
Capt. Phillips at Tonawanda, N. Y., hanged,
himself in his rail.
An Explosion of dynamite on the Niagara
Falls Gorge Railway demolished the boiler
house and injured several men,
Mrs. John Langdon, who lives' six males
from DeltaOhio, has given birth to five
children, ail boys, and they are doing well.
:The strike of bicycle makers in Toledo;
0.; was on Friday morning turned into a
look -out, withthe result thatthere are
five thousand men idle in the.mity.
Tho Superintendentof Insurance in
Springfield, 111., on Saturday, granted a
Iloense to do beakless in .Illinois to the
Supreme Court of the Independent Order of
Foresters, of Toronto,
It is uncle:stood that tho postal officials
in 'Washington have aske 1 the Dominion
Government for permieaton to run United
States mail oars with clerks ou board
through Canadian territory, and they are
sanguine that the permission will be
The Duke of Marlborough was arrested
in Central Park, Now York, for boasting
rapidly down a hill on his bioyolo with his
feet on the handles. The Duke aoopmpani-
ed the policeman to the station, where
Roundel -nen Ryan, who was 10 charge,
discharged hint after warning htm' not to
repeat the offonee.
Rev. Peter J. Rowe of Sault Ste, Marie,
Mieh„ who was named Blehop of Alaska in
the Epfseopalian House of Bishops at Mln-
neapolie, wae born in Toronto 38 years ago.
Re entered Trinity College, and graduated
with the 13. A. degree, and has since been
granted the M. A. degree by the tome'
college. He wae for a number of years a
miesionnry in Algoma. -
Commercial advises from the' United.
States report business for the week just
ended to be somewhat more quiet than hoe
been the case lately. There has been a less
active movement generally, with an irreg.
ular, though fairly wide, demand for
goods. Baltimore appears to be an exoep.
tion, for there trade ie reported most
satisfactory, due largely to the favourable
conditions at the South. The manufactur-
ing industries show no change, but central
lin, Ireland, was found seoretod in an old and Western cities find a better demand
for shoes, The enquiry, for iron and steal
le easter, and alight detainee fu prism are ex.
pporienood, Waelleu inamifretut'ae are dull,
but eetteo goede are lo active Pedant at
steady or adveuafug //Pieta, :The eon-
ditiena of the week bane not been shearing
for the apoeulative Inorkmte, and further
bbipmeute of gold arafeared,
Six hundred eoldiere were 1i111ed in an
ealpleeion an a eteameh p near Kinehow,
Ring Menolek of Abyssinia was struck
by lightning and either killed or para,
A Frenolt company has oonoluded an
agreement for a now Atlantis sable from
.Brest to New York.
Great Britain line sent au ultimetgm 10
the King of Aehantee, who le amused of
violating treaty obbigatiotie.
It as oliiolally aanounood in Madrid that
twelve thouaaad additional troops will
apart for Cuba next Tuesday.
Sir Edward Maio, the retiring British
Ambaoeador to Germany, wae entertained
at dinner by Chancellor Prince Iloheuloho,
irade has been promulgated in Turkey
annonneing that the Sultan has signed the
Armenian reform scheme demanded by the
In the storm that swept over Newfound-
land a ohuroh • wee blown down, forty or
fifty veseele driven ashore on the emote
and several lives lost,
The Popo has written a letter to the
Catholic hierarchy of America, condemning,
religious congresses suoh ae were held
recently at Chicago and Toronto,
The Sultan hasiuformed President Faure
of his intention to ooatribute 500,000 fr. to
the subsoriptioue-opened for the erection
of tt masque in Paris.
According to the latest information' re.
ceived in Constantinople from Crebizonde,
Armenia, four hundred persons were killed
during the recent rioting there..
It is reported the Czar has informed the
Japanese Minister at St. Petersburg that
lbussia will never abandon Corea, and will
protest her against all anoroaobmonts.
The Governor of Goa, Portuguese India,
has cabled to the Minister of Marine in
Libeon that the,Portugueee troops have
joined the inanrgente and were pillaging
the town and country.
The insurgents of the Province of Santa
Clara, Cuba, have circulated a pamphlet
advising the inhabitant's not to use the
railroads, as they have determined to blow
them up with dynamite.
Itis reported as one of the warlike signs
of the times that Turpin, the inventor of
melinite, has beensummoned from Paris
o Constantinople, to assist in fortifying
he lioephorue ant the Dardanelles)
Newfoundland's revenue for the Septem-
bar quarter was 5315,700 being .$32,800less
than the same quarter of last year before
the oommerctal crash, and an improvement
of $100,000 on the previous quarter of this
The Emperor and Empress of Germany,
accompanied by ex -Empress Frederick,
participated on Friday is the ceremonies
attendant upon the unveiling of the
Emperor Frederick; monument on .the
battle field of Woerth.
News is received in London 01 the death
of lvlakololo, one of Ltvingstone'e most
faithful followers in Africa from 1851 to
1864. What makes the taking . off the
sadder is the fact that he left fortyfive
widows to mourn hiro.
It is, reported that the summer eesaoe at
Monte Carlo, whioh .has just closed, has
been an almost complete failure. The
attendance at the games was so small that
the number of roulette tables in use wae
reduced fromelevento three.:
Sir Phillip Currie, the British Amhassa•
dor to Turkey, has received from an
Armenian source a warning that the Young
Turkey party will probably induce some
Armenian miscreant to attempt his life in
order to disgrace the Armenian people.
A Caledonia harbor Cuts 101e Wire's Throat
and Attempts to Cnt His Own—Tire
"Woman May fele.
A despatch from Caledonia, Ont„ says:—
A terrible tragedy was enacted here about
11 o'cloch Saturday night, which may cost
a We. Pars Pattison, a barber here, a
married man, out his wife's throat so that
her windpipe wasvisible,and if rile had not
knocked the weapon from hie hand it would
have been instant' death. Pattison was
shaving a man when he said it woe too hot
to wort:. Then, trembling, he put a razor
in his pocket and went into the house,
locking the doors -after him. De was not
in very long when the people in the: shop
hasru a scream of murder. They tried to
break the doers ih, but failed. In n short
time they heard a rattling noise, cud, the
door opening, Mre. Pa. tison same out,
bleeding terribly at the throat. She said a
"Save my children." The people ran in and
saw Pettieon trying to cut his own threat.
Porbunately,tn the fight, Mre. Pattieoahad
managed to break the razor, and his attempt
at suicideicide was not aseme althoughh he
managed to cut himself terribly. Doctors
were aummoned,and dressed the wounds of
both Pattison and his wife, after whioh the
former was taken to the look -up. He was not
in very long, however, when be was caught
trying to knook out his brains on the stone
wall, Re was taken out and had twelve
stitches put in his head. Mrs. Pattiecn
will live if blood poisoning does not Bet in.
Jealousy was the mese.
They Got There.
John (sheepishly)—I-I s'poee' you'll be
gettia' married some time.
Betty (with a frightened air)—Oh, I -I
guess not,
Mehby I'll get married some time.
Mebby we ,night both get married at the
same time.
`Vouidn't.it be awful, John, if the min.
Teter Bhonld make a mietoke an' merry us
to eaoh other ?
I—I shouldn't mind.
No—neither, should L
The West Ahead.
Eastern titan—The boasting of you West.
errors makes me tired. When you out up
your quarter asebions into town Jots, and
sold 'em at a high prise, it was to the llaet
that you looked for buyers, wasn't it?
Western Man—Jus' so,
Then 1t was Eastern 'capital that put,
money into your pookete wasn't 101
Of course,
Then what have you to brag of?
We brag of our amartOese in keepin' that
money in our pookets instead of bugle' bank
Om lots al half price when you Eastern
capitalists wanted to sell,
A dyeloln lrlttoh Amords A Otivenae 1000.0
B, Ribbentrop, Inepeeter.0enel'al ;ef
iforeste ler Ladle, arrived at Sau'.napoleon
receptly, Mr. Ribbentrop la away on .an
eighteen menthe' leave of ebseooe, and is
showing hie daughter some of the sighte to
be seen on a tour of the world, They have
been through Auetralia,and arrived yeet0r-
day on the steamer hllonowei for a tour of
the United States and Europe. Imaiden
tally, Mr, Ribbentrop propoeee to 000
something of the big forests of the world.
"After .eighteen years of legislation," lie
Bald, " we have suu:ooiled in getting th0
kind of laws we need i0. India for the pros-
ervation of our forests, 'finder the system.
now in vogue tho permanency of the bi
forests in India is assured, and the Govern-
ment will get a handsome and permanent
income from them. Last year the Govern-
ment received 170 lakbe of repave from the
sale of timber; One lakb ie euppoee'd to be
010,000, but it isn't, on aomount of the
However, the profit to large. Of the 170
lakhe of rupees, 70lakhs were clearrofit
"The Government of India is gradually
obtainingi, possession of all the forest lands,
We now have 80,000 square miles of wood.
ed country under our supervision, in
which all claims have been proved and
permanently settled. When the English
took Iodta the forests were in a bad way.
Under the Hindooe they were well cared
for, and then followed 800 years under
Mahometan sway, when vast tracts of
woodland were burned to 'create grazing
Made fon ilooke. When the English mate
Dr tide of western' civilization set In. Rail-
roads were built and houses were eon.
etruoted, and these improvements wrought
suoh a sad destruction of the forests of the
country that the Government deemec it
advisable to take prudential steps.
" The Government at intervals gives
notice that it intends to take a certain
piece of forest land am many miles in size,
and claimants have six months in whioh to
appear and prove their claims. An In-
dividpal or a town, probably, hasa
prescriptive right to take building timber
from the forest in' question, That right is
proved and
and therefore only such trees that are ea
marked by the inspector can be cut. We
bandlethe matter scientifically, and in
such a mauner that the forests are being
continually renewed.
" The study of forestry in India is
different from what it is in Europe. In
all Europe there are not more than seventy
different kinds of forest trees. InBurmali
alone we have between 1,000 and 1,100.
Some are very valuable,and many are not,
and itis the propagation of the valuable
species and the weeding out of those that
are useless that requiree much of our
" 1 spent some time in inepeoting the
forests of Australia. I admired them.
greatly, but I cannot say that I admired
the:nanner in whioh they are looked after.
TO first question 1 was asked when I
arrived in Australia was in relation to
Australia's prospects for shipping timber
to foreign tnarkete. The people there
would cut down any stink of timber if they
could profit by ib. In India we think Bret
of preserving our forests and look toile
profit afterwards."
Strong and Unreserved Testimony of the
CurativePowers of Dr. Agnew's Cat-
arrhal Powder.
Actions speak louder than words. Mr
John')laaInis of Washabuok Bridge, N,
S., made use of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder and Bays : "I used the medicate
according to directions and found it to be
a wonderful cure for catarrhal deafness. I
out hear as good ae ever. You will find 60
oent0 enclosed for which please: send me
another bottle. After reoommending the
ostarrhal cure to my neighbor, ehe
eeeiug the wonderful good it has done ma,
wants a bottle, so you will please send -a
bottle and blower to her also."
One short pail of the breath through the
blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thie
powder over the surface of the nasal pas-
sagea. Painless and delightful to use. It
relieves in ten minutes and permaoenbly
cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache,
sore throat, tonsilibia and deafness, 80
outs. Sample bottle and blower renton
receipt of two three-oent stamps. S. G.
Deletion, 44 Church St., Toronto.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Measuring Starlight.
An English astronomer named Minohin
has invented an instrument which accur-
ately measures the quantity of light given
out by a star. Stars are designated as
being of the first down to the twentieth
magnitude, socerding to the intensity of•
the light given ouo The magnitude of a
lstar has hitherto been judged by the eye,
and anything like exactitude could not be
'obtained. By the new invention the rough
designation of magnitude ae represented
by numbers which give the exact ratio of
ono star to another is light -giving powere.
The star Arcturus, for example, is esti-
mated by the new promise to give 75n times
the light of Regulus. This instrument
will be of great use not only in astronomy,
but in meteorology oleo. The amount of
light wliioh.reaches the earth from the
stare varioe according to the state of the
atmosphere, and the fuventor mlaima that
foreeaete of weather oa0 be obtained in this
way whioh will be far more accurate Mon
those obtained at present.
A Woll•kuown Donmarlr Nobleman
Makes' a Statement Which Will Prove
of Great Interest and Value to
Under date of September lata 18314
Count de Dory writes as follows from
Neepawa, Man,:—" I have been ailing
constantly for six m' 501511 yearaiwith
severe kidney and bladder trouble, 1 have
doctored during all this time with phyei.
01000 in different countries without any
relief. During my travels I was 1n41100d
to try South American Kidney Cure, from
which remedy I received instant relief, I
most heartily endorse thio remedy, as l: do
not think it has an equal." South American
Kidney Cote invariably gives relief within
etx house after first dose is taken,
Sold by G. 4. Deadman.
Giv01/ Hie I"rwper'1enoo With Oxgaglo
insert Pieoitso-ilio Dread lq;alady en
tug Zot ensu
For many yoare my greatest enemy has
been organic heart (Meese, Munn an iau-
oasineaa; about the heart, with palpitation
more or lees severe, it had developed into
abnormal notion, thumping, ilutteriug, and,
ohokieg soneetione, Dull pain with a
peculiar warm feeling worn ever present
near the heart. 1, have tried many pbysi.
clans and taken numberless remedies with
very littlebenefit. Seeing Dr ,Aersw's0ure
for the heart advertised In the Kittanning,
Pa papers, I purolursed a bottle and began
its use, receiving almost instant relief, I
have now taken several boWes of the remedy
and can speak most highly in its favor.
The choking, abnormal floating, thumping
and palpitation Have ahnoat entirely die.
appeared, The remedy is certainly a
wonder•worker, for my sage was chronic,
Rev. L. W, Showers, )Alderton, Pa,
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Hardy Perennials.
There ore lots of blooming flowers,
That the frost nips in the patch ;
But we've other kinds of bloomers,
That the frost can never catch,
Another Hamilton Citizen Cured of
Rheumatieni in Three Days.
Mr. 5. McFarlane, 256 Wellington street,
Hamilton t "For many weeks 1 suffered
intense pain from rheumatism— was so bad
that 1 .mould not attend to businee0. I
procured South American Rheumatic Oure
on the recommendation of my druggietaud
was completely cured in three or four dove
by the nee of this remedy only. It is the
beet remedy I ever saw,"
Sold by G, A. Deadman.
For Twenty-five Years
'Fired but Sleepless
1e a condition wbioll gradually wears
away the strength, ' Let the blood be '
purified and enriched by flood's Sar, i
saparilla and this condition will cease.
"For two or three yearn T wee subject to
poor spells, I always felt tired, could not
sleep at night and the little I could eat
did not do me any good. I read about 1
Flood's Sarsaparilla and decided to try it.
Before I had finished two bottles I began
to feel better and in a short time I felt
all right and had gained 21 pounds in
weight, I em etronger and healthier than
5 have ever been In my life." Joan' W. '
Co0GatIP,Wallaceburg, Ontario,
Hood's 8:;:.
Ifs the ®rely
Tr1 P rlfaer
Prominently in the public eye today. Be
sure to get Rood's' and only Hood's. Do
not be induced to buy and ether. ti
Food's'Fills omen Veering ,bllloue.
nese, headache. 25c.
Many Tongues.
What language does our: Polly speak
Our precious baby tot ?
So many languages unique
We oall her polyglot 1
Hon, Reuben E. Truax, one of
Canada's ablest thinkers and states-
men, a man so .highly esteemed by
the people of his district that he was
honored with a seat in Parliament,
kindly furnishes us for publication
the following statement, whioh will
be most welcome to the public,
inasmuch h R s it i s one in whioh all
will place implicit confidence. Dir.
Truax says :
I have been for about ten years
very much troubled with Indigestion
and .Dyspepsia, have tried a great
many different kinds of patent
medicines, and have been treated by
a number of physicians and 100105
do benefit from them. I was recom-
mended to try the. Great South
American Nervine Tonic. I obtained
a bottle, and I must sayI found very
groat relief, and have since taken two
more bottles, and now feel that I am
entirely free from Indigestion, and
would strongly recommend all my
fellow,suddurers from the disease to
give South American Nervine an
immediate trial It will cure you.
" Walkerton, Ont,"
It has lately been, discovered that
certain Nerve Centres, located wear
the base of tho brain, control 'and
supply the stomach with the Hones-
sal'y nerve farce to properly digest,
tits food. When these Nerve Oen:
Ai bEAD11I,i.N IV alondo
tree are in any way deranged 014
supply of nerve force is at once
diminished, and as a result the food
taken into the stomach is only
partially digested, and Chronic Indi-
gestion and Dyspepsia soon make
their appearance,
South American Nervine is so
prepared that it acts directlyon the
nerves. It will absolutely cure every
case of Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
and is an absolute specifio for all
nervous diseases and ailments.
It usually gives relief in one day.
Its powers to build up the whole
system are wonderful in the extreme.
It cures the old, the young, and the
middle-aged, It is a great friend to
the aged and infirm. Do not neglect
to use this precious boon; if you do,
you may neglect the only remedy
whioh will restore you to health.
South American Nervine is perfectly
safe, and very pleasent to the taste.
Delicate ladies, 15 not fail to use this
great.oure, because it sill put the
bloom of freshness and beauty upon
your lips and in your cheeks, and
quickly drive away your disabiiities
and weaknesses.
Dr, W. Washburn : of New
Itiollm.ond, Indiana, writes t "I have
used South American Nervine in
my family and proscribed it its
my practice, It ip a unoat'oaoeli01d
and Retallts,b,gent for Izr.ln;