The Brussels Post, 1895-11-1, Page 6THE BRUSSELS gbit Nxtoge5root .—T-•-08 0 0LreULp '- '. LIVERY 'llIIIA ' MORNING Iia woo for the:m.4y matte; at A'T1ie roan 880000 i'ft'Jli$hlul 1OMuM% TommeanY ffx., Boura8xs, ON1•, •• Weans -on 8oasoa lwXox,—One driller a eubloiipt pviiale paid i0 Oenebee4 bylthedevery. on the a4drede Babel• An3Tan1XeXNa B44310, -,The fotlowing rates 3vi11 174 ()barged to those who advertise by the year:-. erA011 1 1 x11it me. » 3p Oce 041umq $8800 $0.00 820.00 Half 1500 20,00 12.00 Quarter 0 (.. 20,00 12,00 8.00 lsiglrttt " f 12.80 808 6.00 'Bight omits per limiter first insertion, and three Denteer line for Gaol,. eubsequont in.. sertlon, 421 advertisements measured as Nonpareil-121inoe to the inch. Business 0ares,eigbt lines and uudor, 42 per ammo, ,adverbieeuaeute without epooiflo dire°. tions, willbe inserted until forbid, and .charged a()oordingly. Instructions to change or di000401nue an advertisement must be left at the counting 8000302,01011200,0 not later- than Tuesday of each week Thie is imperative. W. I1.A+`Zi]t7r, Editor. and Proprietor. rItOPOSED COUNTY OP OURON 13E111' LINE. A committee of pa/alio-spirited °Jtizene of Goderioh contemplate the formation of a company to build a belt line of dee. trio railway through theoounty of Huron, with the town of Goderioh as the chief centre of trafao. The route suggested by the committee is ae. follows Taking Goderioh as a starting point, a radial line running through Nile, Dungannon, Luoknow, Wingham, Brussels, Seaforth, Egmond- ville, Bruoefield, Varna and thence re- turning via Bayfield to Goderioh, a total distance of from eighty live to ninety Miles. The total population of the vil- lages tributary to sucha line would be about 20,000, and the population of the county itself about 80,000. The One would give connection with the C. P. R. at Wingbam, end the G. T. R. at the pointe indicated on the map. By these connections considerable business in freight and express goods would be spar- ed to outside points, with the carriage of the mails along the route of tbe belt it- self. The regular local freight and pas- senger traffic to euah places as Bayfield, Dungannon, Varna and other villages not now on any line of railway, would be an item in the traffic returns ; while the light freight from Goderioh to the tribu- tary towns in fruit, eggs, butter and pro- duce in such a fertile district would be large, basing calculations on what has been done in the case of similar roads in other parte of Canada. The organ fac- tory, the bicycle factory and other indus- tries of Goderioh will contribute their quota. The Bummer excureion traffic in a place like Goderioh is an important item. On this subject one of the members of the committee says "County exoarsione to Goderioh during the summer months would be very large and of daily occurrence, and from all points the Saturday passenger traffic to Goderioh, to remain over to Monday, would be specially heavy. We are pro- viding for accommodation to a large ex- tent over former years for Americana end others frequenting our town as a summer resort, as we contemplate would need to run trains both ways oat of Goderioh at least every hour during summer, and it would require two passengerooaabee and one freight at least upon every train to carry tbe traffic "Steamers on Lake Huron would feed the road, especially in passenger traffic, and hundreds of visitors would take daily advantage of the 'round trip,' whiob would pass through the finest agricultur- al aoanty in Ontario. Goderioh being the county town, there would be a steady traffio to and from it the year over for business purposes, and the connections would easily be such with all pointe that people Gould come, transact their business and return home the same day, which can now only be done from two or three points. With regard to fruits, in a good season we can easily ship baekes fruits by the oar load, and now that the young orchard area coming into fruit is larger than in almost any other county, it is reasonable to oaloulate upon largely in. oreased trade. Besides all this, the fact tbat Goderioh is a solid town and one of the few growing rapidly, with an asser- anae of yearly inoreaeed population and accommodation for Summer visitors and fast beooming an important manufactur- ing point, prospects of increasing trade are assured." Considering these many advantages and the fact that good water power cal be had at five different pointe on the line, the proposed Goderioh belt line should yield a good return to street railway in- vestors.—Canadian Engineer. MUNICIPAL STATISTICS. From the annual report of the Bureau of Industries for the Provisos of Ontario• for the year 1894, which has just been leaned, we glean the following informa- tion :—The total municipal assessment in the Province of Ontario for the year 1893 was $825,580,052, being an increase of $181,149,898 eines 1886. The manic'. pal taxes imposed for all purposes in 1898 amounted to $12,522,600, being at the rate of $5.56 per bead of the population, whereas in 1886 it wag only $4.93 per head. The bonded debt of the several Municipalities in 1898 was 448 083,243 or 428.17 per head of the population, having increased from $16.87 per head since 1886. The several u-nnik/panties paid in 1808 42,603,691 in interest, this iters hav- ing increased nearly three-quarters of a million since 1886. The population of the Province has increased from 1,828,• 495 in 1880 to 4,910,050 in 1898. The increase, however, has been entirely in the towns and cftles, as the township• population has decreased in that time from 1,1.48,058 to 1,090,981. Coming down 10 our own country we find that in 1893 the rural munici lities of 9 13uron C� paid in taxes for all purposes the sum of $100,91.8, while the town and village ma• nioipalities paid $79,788. Tho amount of taxation per head of the population wag, as follows :.'-'Ashfield, $4,17 ;• Colborne, 44.76 ; Goderioh township, $4,41 ;. Grey, 44.05 ; Hay, $4.11 ; Howiok, $3.82;, Hullatt, $4.25 ; 1PIoK;llop, $8.60 ; ,Morrie, 44,29 ; l tanloy, 44,89 ;• {Stephen,3 49,00 q i Ttlelkeeemith $3,80, Tarnherry,44$ 81 'Oeborrin, 04,49 I Dait Wawanoeb,1$4,081 West Wawanpall, 44.26 , Gudooioh, $6.49 Clinton, 94,79 , S400000), 44.56 ; Wink ham 44.94; Bayiiold,K42.78 ; Myth)44 06 ; Beinte01e, 49,141 Ettetor,11144.20 ; Wroxeter', $2,01, . The average for the townsbipa 1e $4,21 and for the towns and villagee, 85,17. The average ln'lthe neighboring ooan8y Of Pert' was, :for rural naunioipalitlea, $5.18, Rua for:the tpwns and villages, 45.91, Hibbert was $4.75 and Logan, 45.54, In Middlesex, the average for rural menial. polities was 46.74, and for towns and vii. 'ages, $4.97. Taking the Proving° ae a 341010, the taxes in the rural munieipal- ttiee averaged $4,22 per head or 10.25 Mills on the dollar 20888ement ; in towns and villages, $5.94 or 19.97 mills on the dollar, and in ranee, 413.82 per head pr 21,09 mills on the dpllar, /The total pop. ulatfon pl this comity in 1893. was 60,467, being an increase of 186 in the year.. There was an '001182 a in the rural npopa- lati f 207ease of 22 'n the o a mid a decrease i ha urban population, The population of the several rnunioipalities ie given as follows:. Ashfield, 8,482 ; Colborne, 1,791 ; Gode- riob Twp., 2,441 ; Grey, 8,673 ; Hay, 3,767 ; Howiok, 4,250 ; Huilstt, 2,882; MoKillop, 2,914 ; Morris, 2,809 ; Stanley, 2,212 ; Stephen, 3,591 ; Tuokersmith, 2,686' ; Turnberry, 2,315 ;'Cl 'borne, 2,441 ; Haat Wawanosh, 2,124 ; Goderioh, 3,698; Clinton, 2,428 ; Seaforth, 9,438; Wing - ham, 2,159 ; Baylield, 689; Blyth, 908 ; Brussels, 1,149 ; Exeter, 1,689 ; Wrox• stet, 479. The total liabilities of the county of Huron are $287,116, while the meets are 9270,462. The total liabilities of Goderioh were $129,012, with sinking fund investment of 414,820 ;' Clinton, 929,500, with 41,444; Seaforth, $61,060, with $23,460 ; Wingharn, $69,621, with $18,922 ;' Bayfield, $225, with no invest. meats; Blyth, $10,514, with $2,700 ; Brussels, 032,280, with 95,900 Raster, 318,800, with no investments ; Wroxeter, $4,134, with 41,409. The township mon- icipalities hero no liabilities to speak of. There are many other items of informa- tion which we might glean from thiein- teresting volume, but we fancy we have given as many figures as moat of our 2003820 will digest in one week. Potatoes are selling by the load at 20 cents per bushel in the Luoknow market. D. 0. Taylor and wife 'attended the Sunday School convention at Toronto last week. Isaac Ensign, of Le halsh, brought a White Elephant potato to the Sentinel ofiioe that weigbed two pounds and eleven oze. It is a beauty. Jno. McRae, who left here about twenty years ago, and settled near Pincher Creek, Alberta, Northwest Territories, gave us a call on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Mo. Rae is engaged in cattle ranching and speaks in glowing terms of the country. They have very little winter and the cattle and horses graze on the prairie all the year round. Wine 1aornm. From a letter received by P. S. Link - later from J. 3. Anderson, of Melita, Manitoba, we learn that Mr. Anderson has had an immense Drop of wheat this year, but most of it has been damaged by frost. Re says that ;n his district there is no number one hard wheat this year He has 8,000 bushels of number two in the elevator, and 20,000 bushels that will have to be sold for number. two frozen, and will bring 28 Dents per bushel. Be- sides this, he has the wheat off 100 aoree uatbreehed, in stooks. It is badly frozen but will do for seed another year. Mr. Anderson las 170 aures of oats in etaolia, after threshing 800 bushels. The thresh- ing has been a long job this year, the metalline being at Mr. Anderson's nearly four weeks. Ther are 12-r1, n Them e and 8 horses with the machine and it took seven teams to draw in the grain from the fields and live to draw the wheat to the granary. Had the frost kept off Mr. Anderson thinks he would have had 85,- 000 bushels of number one hard wheat. 1011ar'to3x. Fmk.—Wednesday afternoon, 23rd ult., the plaining mill owned by S. S. Cooper was a hive of industry, turning out work to complete bailding contracts still unfinished ; the same night at 11 o'olook, it was a heap of ammo/daring rains, every piece of maohinery in it— and it was well stocked—completely ruined. The fire was discovered at 10:30 o'clock ; the very nature of the building. and its contents were euah that it was impossible to obeok the flames ; west of the building considerable lumber was piled, but the wind was blowing . fiercely to the east, and thus the lumber escaped. On the east side, a short distance away, is Geo.'Emereon'o house, and it was only by prompt and hard work that it was saved after being on fire s couple of times. Mr. Ste- vens' house to tbe south also had a nar- row escape. S. S. Cooper was oat of town at the time of the fire and only got bank Thursday. The workmen lose all tbeir tools, as nothing whatever was say.. ed• Quite a lot of finiehed material ready to go out was also destroyed. Alex. Cooper went into the factory at nine o'olook, using no light, and et this time everything was all right. A man who passed at 10 o'clock saw no signof the fire, so that its origin is unknown. The property was valued at 46,000, and wall only insured for $2,000, one policy for $1,000 expiring the let of Nov. With bis obaraateriotia posh Mr. Cooper goes at once to Crediton to secure brink, of which the new factory will be built, to be mom plated before Christmas—anti. in running order. This is the kind of enterprise and spirit the public like to see displayed en- der the circumstances. Hume Daimon Remora IN 30 MIN 0Tt.s.—All oases of °rganla or sympathetic) heart disease relieved in 30 minutiae and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. The only permanent Duro far ohronio Catarrh ie to thoroughly expel the poison from the system by the laithfal and . per. 8islent nee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, This wonderful remedy proves snaoes0101 when all other treatment has failed to relieve the sufferer. A sad burning fatality occurred on Monday night of last week at the resi- dence of Chas, Culham, Brantford, An. Hie Karr, aged four years, daughter of John Kerr, of the Coekohutt plow works, was go badly burned by playing with fire that the died' in the hospital a few days. after. , QC 4111,aa'tlriiatatltG 1im :-.fa, four deaths fror0 tYpboid fever occur. BeIn lOrautfora in $0 hears, The fattens 00 Compton Geunty have nominated 3', V. Willard for the ':;anent. ion ROuso, W. J, Ohapman, 00 Drayton, fs obarg. ed with embezzling money from the Singer Sewing 111aohine Company, Thos. McDonald has said the Great Wesberu mills at Woodetook to ,Tames Ireland, of Owen Sound, for 911,600. It, EL. Killingeworth, St. Thomas, pro. priator of Ekfrid milia, has made au as- signment for the benefit of his creditors. The whooping Gough is prevalent around Kirkton at present. Thirteen obildren one day attended school out of 75, the neual number. LGu e'T3ig1a4 has nearly 80,000 heads' of oabbags growing ou,his farm, coo. 12, East Zorre. The cabbages are the prep. arty of a Mr. Masters, of Chicago. Burglars entered the postoffioe at Zur. lob and graoked the safe, but got nothing. Entrance as w et#pedby c t nip the opening poetoffce door with a crowbar. g Gong; wbioh persists day after day, should not be neglected any longer. It Means something more than a mere boat irritation, and the sooner it is relieved the better. Take Ayer's Ohorry Pectoral, It ie prompt to act and sure to mere. Harding McConnell, of East London, is 89 years of age. He had an eye.tooth drawn last Spring and a full, sound tooth has singe grown in its place, This is most extraordinary, 000si,lering bis ad vanoed age. A laborer on the Flouter street tunnel, Hamilton, for the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway, named Turk was fatally' injured by being' crushed between two iron buokete. He died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, Turk leaves a widow and several children, Mrs. Lizzie Laivison,..aged 20, of Pike Creek, near Windsor, wasfound dead in bed the other morning. She had retired in her usual good health, It is supposed she was acoidootally smothered by the bed clothing. She leaves m11000114 and one child, 021re12aan =DIEM) IN 10 To 00 0IINOrn0.— One abort puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with eaah bottle of Dr. Aggew'e Catarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface, of the nasal passages.' . Painless and ' delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, Headwall e, Sore Throat, Tonsilitfs and Deafness 60 oente at G. A. Deadinan's. The mail and baggage sootion of the Southwestern express on the Pensyl- vania Railroad, due at Pittsburg. Pa., at 8:80 a. m., struck a cow near Hunting- ton, Pa., about 2 o'clock Friday morn- ing, Oot. 24th, and was completely wreaked. Engineer Johnston and the fireman were crushed to death and it is reported that two mail clerks were also killed. The wreck naught fire and was consumed. On Wednesday night of last week J. 33. Lawrason, 80. -George, was found lying in an nnconecions oondition on the roadside. It developed that his horse had become frightened at some object and shied, throwing Mr; Lawrason and his lady (companion to the ground. The injured man was partly restored to consciousness, after which a .neighbor, John Kenny, drove him to his home. P COSI Will ;Rake' a well man of YOU! P:C05IPn0Atrees Ila Yn d A o imams 1,r 2roaa wears. ? TOOSN cures ell Nervous Discoaoa, Sleepless. t,tawicnlochOfl .lyY 0Ftiute1r902a11n0adIm0y 5seipzsetoNrtmeg,a 'gr Lolir0F.1kmbiyenaln41o0e0oog1,e e1,tb0ceo11r0m00 000o-4' oy0uay 4aelitI mYtu IwmprowwMnrp8org and to sad. treat observation. NOM: cardlanebsket.trgayoa'twat. Oed cosleiheordinrrregisster hr ed idiot. Addroes all letto,, co J. '2'. PIDPPID.R, Druggist woo0000511, 003„ Agent for the Du - manor. of Canada. To Smokers To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Taokett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T SMOKING TOBAGC0 This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer cue 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent' piece of the famous "7• ra g" brand of pure Virginia To bacco. Thetin ins' 1ST .0 I3" is on every piece. cart Dista ba: no Thera is more heart disturbance now then ever. Present rlay modesof11,P inn hurry, excitement, worry, pro- mote it. You needn't have heart trouble, because you, can keep from having it. a napalrilla Palpitation or fluttering of the beat, emotb- erlog spells 1,t night, swelling of the lent and ankles, 01ottues0 of breath, pain in the left sale, fainting spells moan that rths heart Oppr0esod—Olr1lllatiou ie Ont of Order, DELDAAYNT'1s PLOtJS Nota bo 0 t 0 rapers etof ;hos the dings p Y b sm g of sumo bet hbye a neglect of those warnings -- result, lilacres heart failnro, eeoby a equalasap izing ilia sorbs boort disturbance bpower.lisup- the ai.rou re blood , restoring nerve power, sup- plying pure blood and relieving the heart of Its burden,.. USE.SOOTT,s SKIN' SOAP ltl-1 ,X1, Voter Bnib, U St 00M'101.EG Rutei 0npt4 Sick Headache CORED PERMANENTLY 88 TAKING er's1. ills ^I was troubled a long time with sick headache. I tried n ggood many remedies recommended for 11110 complaint; but it 1011011001111011 5 Begat; taking Ayer's Pills that 1 received permanent benefit. . single box of these pills freed me from headaches, and I am now a well man' —C. II. Piwreisixos, East Auburn, Me. Awarder! Medal at World's Fair Av/er's Sarsaparilla in the Best. White Starr Linea ROTAG MAIL STEA313111PS. Between Now York and Liverpool, 'via Queenstown, every Wednesday.. As the steamers of this line ()any only a strictly limited number in the weer and 83100x3 .04.3210 accommodations, intending peseen90r0 are reminded that an early ap- plication for berths le nebea0ary at thio. sea- son.. Lar plans, rates, eto„ apply to -, W. H. Kerr,' Agent, Brussels. G Po od 41 Altr.1 g 0,4° ps.'drgp W a e bwy fi malnil0 sign0.:4�mP °ppb„pro m 3: n, p1, p•�'O mOi N Oi aoa ,0y� � p r o40R�pr '1 E i'iP1°'I' �'� Gla p,k pm g 5 ,s',9 uVI eT ” R' 4'7, 1' 6$ m 3 a .'111i11,4!". ,g=h'iy° MM Sold in Brussels by r. A, D2AP3CA21, Druggist. MONET TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'village' Pro • perty at 1 6�'6 Per e C ent., early. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, DivisionCowlClerk, Brussels. SHINOLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles .9224--- , 84—, North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TIM Brussels Planing ills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furniebed for all kinds of Bnildinge. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. • 1J . & P. AM 1' NT, ? MoLEO D'S System lien.ovator tan 0114008---- - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impover;sitod Blood, Dyspepsia., Sloepleesnese,'alpata- 'Won of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stone8, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Douce, Female Irregularities ulttrities and General De. bility. LABORATORY CODERICH, ONT. I. M. MaLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMS FOX, Druggist Bronchi. Nev. 1, 1896 IL..K CANS Creamery Cans Wo Lave in stock a large assortment of Milk supplies of every description. If you want a, good article we can give you the Best that's made. • If you require anything in this line dill on us. A� Kids of Jbiug, Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously. EAVETROUGHING, IRON ROOFING AND FURNACES. Our Specialty, All Wor1l; Guaranteed Satisfactory. Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We handle Cook, Coal and, Boz Stoves of the Best Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention given to Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian. Coal OR, Castor Oil and , achi7ie OiZ. A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for, WILTON & TURNBULL 01 SUCH .AS -.per School Book, 'Slates, Pencils, Ink, Pens, &c., Always in Stock at St" :Bookstore. New Stook of ---- JI • LES, HYMN BOOKS, TOILET OASES FANCY GOODS CALL I N .-. on POST Boo[s1ore.