HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-25, Page 8a11 PaAerl We have a large stook of Wall Papers -a greait deal larger than we wait, In order to reduce the stock at once we are offering Speauall Ba swine For the next month. If you have a room to papal: or a coiling to decorate it will pay you to see our samples. We have a splendid assortment and at the prices we are quot- ing they are sure to go, headman & McCall, Druggists, Booksellers, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eOnTSERN EXTENSION W, G,-& D. Trains leave Braesels Station, North and South, as follows; GomaSovTn, • GoxnoNonTH. tfati 0:50 0.n,, I Mixed .. 0:45 a.m. Exorcism 1150 a.m, Mail 8:18 pan. 'Axed .,,,.,,•,'9:00p.rri. Express 0:48p.m, 'Aide Stivs .Sifts, A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it. CONDUCTOR LILLIS-i8 on the eiok list. MoNTata Horse Fair next Thursday. SALT has advanced to $1.00 per barrel. DRESSED hogs are occasionally .coming to market. LARGE quantities of grain and potatoes are coming to town. . AMENT BROS. factory roof i8 receiving a coat of fire proof paint. PAs9ENGun traffio and freight on the G. T. R. is having a boom. DISTRICT PASSENGER .AGENT DOORBELL, of the 0. P. R., was in Brussels on Thurs- day. Si'Ecnxfreight trains were ran this week to accommodate the shipments of live stock. FROM 1 to 2 columns of interesting Dia - Mid news is given every week on the in- side pages of Tan POST. NEw subscribers continue to drop in to Trot Poem. 51.00 in advance gets it until Jan. let, 1897. Don't borrow any longer. D.STEWART has been wielding the painter's brash on the residences of sev- eral Seaforth oitiaens. He does his work well. D. A. LowaY is completing the finish- ing coat on the walla of the new school this week. The building will soon be ready for occupation. House of Refuge Building Committee will meet in Clinton on Friday a. m. of this week, the meeting being postponed fromTnosday, as announced last week. INSPECTOR Ropim,c called on Several towns on the W. G. & B., this week, rela- tive to the additional mail service. Brussels business men are a unit in ask- ing for it. A HUNTne's excursion ticket will be good on the G. T. it. to Muskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay, and Nipiseing Districts, from Mondoy next, 28th inst., to Nov. 2nd, inclusive, going, good toreturn until Dec. 16th. Several from this locality talk of taking their annual outing. A aware/LER for the Walkerville Brew- ery named Metcalf rewerynamedlYfetcalf slipped on some ice on the sidewalk last Tuesday morning and gave his ankle such a bad sprain that a Dr. had to be called to give relief. Mr. Metcalf was compelled to return to his home for a temporary rest owing to the accident. A WROXETEI correspondent says: Last Friday evening, while Mr. and Mre. C. W. Andrews were returning from Brussels, the horses started to shy out of the road just after passing a small bridge near Brussels. The night was very dark and having no light they were upset into the ditob and the rig overturned on top of them. Mr. Andrews has a bad scalp wound and Mre. Andrews was also in- jured. Goon AvERAOE.-In the 10 day test as to mail matter from Brussels that would be more expeditiously forwarded if a mail were carried on the noon train, it was ascertained that there was an aver- age of 3171 letters and oards and 8 parcel poet transmissions. The above figures would be very largely increased if this extra mail accommodation were granted. We hope it will be and at as early a'date as possible. CARE on TanNns.-To the Master Work- man and Officers of Anoient Order of United Workmen, Brussels :-Gentle- men,-I beg to acknowledge, with many thanks, the receipt of your check for $2,000 for myself and sisters, the amount of insuranoe held by my father, the late Peter Thompson, in your Noble Order.. A month only bas elapsed sine his death. The promptness, and kindness on the part of your Lodge of United Workmen calls for our highest appreciation and commends your association to every one. Signed in behalf of myself and sisters. Brussels, Oot. 15. In) Zone. SUDDEN DEATH. --Tues .morning Charles Alderson and wife, of Oranbrook, drove to Brussels with their eldest duugh. ter, Mary E., 91• years of age. She wnt feeling poorly and although able to dress herself bad a violent beating of the heart.' When about a mile from town the child hada fainting spell and 15 or 20 minntee after they arrived at Dr. 'CoNanghton'e office the little girl was a co •pse. While not very robust elle had no been ill, and the sudden demise was a vary sad blow to the parents. The Dr. thinks effusion of fluid around the heart was the pause of death. Hard aS it was for the parents to think life had fled they were tenderly sympathized with by Dr. and Mrs, Mo. Naughton, and after the remains were ooiSned the body was removed to het home. The funeral took plane on Thurs. day afternoon, interment being made at Brussels cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ald. croon have the sympathy of theeemmua. ity in their sudden and trying bereave• relent,.. TSU+., BRUSSL3 PUS MRS, 'uolurso]i has had a weed ebod built adjoining bee here W, B;, 11100storrsa shipped a Oar of potatoge from Brueselt this week. A. fimaexag interne put1iug a furnace in for improving the heating of hie large °011711 live estpine lreintwoo Ore begnewt f Brueuele, A Potters" dooked oar of liege wee ship. pad from 13kuseele last Tuoeday by 'Mee. ere, Clegg & Dames. Ir le hinted that the private bathing business will be Continued in Brussels af. ter the removal of Meeere. Gil1igs & Smith. MoNraim Horse Fair, the first for We sforeasonget, lt.will he held sot Breeeels on Thurs• day Of next week, October 31st. Don't Tan first ratepayer to pay hie taxes this year was James primates, who called on Oollector Rose last week with the requieite oaeh, "Miami" did not start at Louisville on Tuesday although she might have taken let money without any trouble judging by the time made. Doe's forget that the Brussels Woolen. Mill and ()entente will be offered for sale on Friday, Nov. let, at 3:30 o'oleok• F, S. Scott will be the auctioneer. Tam snow etortn Of Saturday and Sun- day morning has set people thinking in earnest about Winter. The roads were not improved by the fall of the beautiful. COMPLIMENTARY. -A subscriber et Beav- erton writes, in renewing his subscription, "Tim POST reaches us every Saturday p. m. and no paper is more gladly welcom. ed," A mum:ensure has been formed between A Baeslaugh and Fred. Burgees and they have leased the wellknewn photo. studio of Farmer Bros., Hamilton. We wish them eucoese. Does killed a number of well bred sheep belonging to Neil MoLauohlin on Wednesnay night and worried others. If about half the dogs in town were put ant of the way nobody would suffer. HYefENEAI..-By notice in another column it will be observed that Miss Ella Mulholland, formerly of this local- ity, was united in marriage to. Edward Phillips, at 'Vancouver, B. C., on Sept. ember 22nd. The bride is the third daughter of A. Mulholland, who recently removed to Holmesville. Tan Posts ex- tends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Phillipa. Was CLOSE AT 7. -By mutual ooneeot the Dry Goode houses of Brussels will oontinue the rale always adopted during the Summer, of closing their doors at 7 o'clock eaoh evening, Saturdays excepted. This is it good idea, for as a -rule the busi- ness done after that hour amounts to little or nothing. If: a plan could be ar- rived at whereby they would olose on Saturday nights at 9 instead of 11 and after, every medical purpose would be served and late shopping put an end to. PRIZE Room AND VEOETABLEe.-Conn. oilier Mo0racken has one of his grocery windows ornamented with a fine display of roots and vegetables, some of . which did duty as prize winners at the various Fall Fairs this season. Mr. McCracken woo 152 prize tickets this Fall ae follows : Wingham, 18 ; Seaforth, 17 ; Brussels, 43 ; Wroxeter, 27 Gorrfe, 21 ; Blyth, 6 ; Dungannon, 20, Seaforth and Brussels Fairs cowing on the same days hie exhi- bit was divided. He did not show at Belgrave this year. Mao. is hardly tap to his record, as he captured 200 prizes in 1894. BEN. DAVIES DEAD. -It ie with exceed - fug regret that we learned of the decease of Ben. Davies, of Ethel. Be took a situ- ation some months' ago in the city of Brantford and had excellent prospects of promotion. Typhoid fever set is and he was taken to the hospital, where the best possible attendance was bestowed, but be died Saturday, his mother and father being with him at the time. Ben. wee a bright young man of about 19 years of age and was a universal favorite. ile clerked in the drug store of J. T. Pepper, Brussels, for a couple of years. The funeral took place last Sabbath to the Brantford cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Davies and family are deeply sympatbiz. ed with in their Borrow. BRUSSELS PosTossr0E STATISTICS. -The following was the output of Brussels postoffiee daring the week ending Oct. 5th :-Letters for places in Oanada,1519; poet cards for places in Canada, 529 ; papers, book packets, samples, patterns, eta., 1 cent for every 4 oz., 74 ; 6011 class general merobandiee, 1 cent per 1 on., 8 ; letters forforeigncountries, iooluding U. S., 105 ; poet cards for foreign' countries, including U. S, 28 ; deeds, photos, mueic, printer's copy, etc., 1 cent for every 2 oz., 43 ; parcel post, 0 oente for every 4 oz., 2 pieces. Total amount of postage on above, $54,57, Brussels post - office is a busy place and the large amount of mail matter coming and going keeps Postmaster Farrow and Deputy Ross from spending many idle hours, Ten Nov. number of the Delineator is called the thankegivingnumber, and Mum. tratee a bewildering wealth of Autumn and Winter fashions, the oolleotion of stylish and becoming garments being par. tioularly complete. A novel departure in Millinery is noted, and the colors and combinations in the season's' dress goods and the glint and glitter of their spangled and jewelled trimmings are attractive- ly described. Mrs. Roger A. Pryor furnishes a gossipy and oironmetantial account of Dinner Giving in Society, and Juliet Corson writes interestingly on Domelike Service as an Employment, The beat kind of Thanksgiving Dinner ie described, with recipes for all ite dishes; and a timely article on Carving tells just how to gracefully diemember the Noble Bird that occupies the place of honor in the menu given. Helen Marshall North details the varied industrial instruction to be had at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Both children and adulte will be delight- ed to learn just how the Crepe Paper Brownlee are made, and with the pictures of these amusing little figures, Harriet Keith robes shows how Burnt Work Decorations may be applied to Friezes, Portieres and Furniture, and Sarah Mil. ler Kirby daeoribee and defends Froebel'e Own Manual of Kindergarten Work. J. Bell Landfear gives illustrated inetruot- ions for a beautiful Greek Pantomime Drill. There id the usual entertaining Tea,.Table Chat, as well as Papers on. Oriental Ruga, Some Aartialio Soreens, Floral Work for the month, a Novel Entertainment, and the latest ideas in Knitting, Tatting, Laoe.Makfng, &o, Address all communioatione to the De. 'inflator Pabliehing Co. of Toronto, Limited, 33 Richmond St. West Toronto, Ont. Subscription price of the Delinea• tor $1,00 per year, or 15c per single copy. • 1IOneeeea 'a' 911 ul 10n@ are o Feldene: Division Court woeheld in town Thursday of this week, Judge Doyle Presiding. CANNED goods appear to be taking a prominent plane with Our grocers this Fall, owing to the Shortage in the fruit R. Lnemmaetpo was awarded the cam tract of supplying the necessary "(leeks and,"Chaim for the *0s 05 the teachers In the new sahooi house. LIVINgeroti 13Noa„ Baden, are building wither largo elevator Weide the brink lvarebouge built somoyears ago. It will be the same glee at the other. A Fllut ENGINE and fwo hose carte are being got ready at the Ronald Works for shipment to New Brnnswiok where 00*'. Ronald has made another lade, A TeeswArnR oorreepondent says of a forma, Bruaselite :-Albect.Glvere, blank. emitb, has built a fine brick ''louse, next to Kirkby's, at a oast of $1,500, 'Paan, are over 40 applioatione in al. ready for the vacanoios to be on the teaching staff of Brueeole Public sollool. They will be dealt with next Olonday ev- ening by the Board. Messes. Wisdom & Ewan bad a bonfire of old buggies on Wednesday afternoon to clear up the yard and eeoura the iron. It wee unusual fuel bat probably the easiest way to get rid of them. THURSDAY Of last Weak "Wanda" won the 2,26 trot at Lexington in 2.19, taking three straight beats. She starts at Louie - villa this week. "Wanda" is a good mare and will reach a very fast mark if nothing happens her. THE two new checker boards have been placed in the Public Library and Reading Room. '. Person° using them, particularly boys, are cautioned against making too much noise as it interferes with other visitors desirous of reading. BANQUET AND JvoIL7aE,-The Salvation Army in Brussels will have a very speci- al time Oct. 288h, a banquet and jabiles. Tea will be served from 0 to 8, after which E4sign Dowell, of Palmerston, ao- oompanied by a Musical Troupe and Scratch Band, will oonduot a jubilee in real old-fashioned style. Tickets for Banquet and Jubilee, 15 cents. Child- ren, 10 cents. Proceeds to help Brussels corps. FOURTH-. DIVXSION Counte.-Tharaday forenoon Court was held in the Council Chamber before Judge Doyle. The fol.' lowing oases were disposed of as follows -Thompson vs. McPhee primary debtor, Wright garnishee. Judgment against garnishee for 51.35. Smith ve. Hewitt and Ashton. Adjourned ,until next Court i" la-, mit serving on Hewitt, prim. ary debtor. 1lockehutt Plow Company vs. Erb, 'primary- debtor and Dunbar garnishee. •Verdiot for plaintiff for $29.• 50, paid into Court by garnishee. The local lights in the persons of Meagre. Sinclair, Taylor, and Blair were present. Mrs. Lee attended the. Court and had a private consultation with the Judge the particulars of which are not known. ON TEE Tem -Friday afternoon: the races spoken of in last week's POST game off on Brussels Driving Park. In the named rages the following horses started "Grasshopper Dan," owned by John Hewitt ; 'Livery Tom," the property of R. Williams ; "Grey Bird," belonging to Beattie Bros. ; "Azole II." a recent pur- chase by Doc. Warwick ; and "Strath- alien," Alex. Straohan's- young pacer. "Azole" had tbe pole but "Strathallan" ontfooted the party in both let and 2nd beats, Rich, William's horse took the 3rd heat and Alex. Straohan'e horse the 4th and the race. The track WAS in fairly good condition 'and the beat time was 1.34 for the half mile. Between the. heats "Paddy," a very likely colt belong- ing to J. Roach, Seaforth, paced an ex. bibition half mile, and 'Costumer," P. Scott's well bred stallion, also took a whirl around the course. K. Roach act- ed as starter and the number of time. keepers was beyond count. The follow- ing ie the summary :- Strathalleo 1 1 2 1 Livery Tom 2 2 1 =2 Grey Bird Grasshopper Dan 4 4 4 44 Azote IL 5 5 5 de If the weather will permit there will, be other local raoes before Winter sets in as some of tbe'owners of fast equines want'. to try the mettle of the "goers" on a mile s`retoh. • Business Locals. DRY stovewood atMcCracken's. Ottawas on hand at McAlpine's, Loao,.clear bacon at McCracken's, Is you want robes or blankets oall on II. Dennis. Simianharness very low in .price. L 0. Riohards. SEE our Robes and Blankets, best value in town. I. 0. Richards. LARGE stook of light barnees sold at low prices. H. Dennie. OUn horse collars are all warranted. H. Dennis. San our, long boots, band made, very low in prion and splendid quality. I. 0, Richards. GRAIN BAGa.-Large size, full 10 oz., only 51.00 per dozen, at Smith & Ma. Laren's. APPRENTICE wanted to learn coat mak. ing. Apply to M. ltichardaon, over Mo. Gowan & Cc's. store., Do you want to stop using tobacco 7 If ao, use No -To -Bao. Werefund your money if not as stated. G. A. DOADMA)T. A NUMBER of second hand road carts in good condition for sale at low prioee. Also a few buggies. Jas. Walker, Brum. eels. • Mne. MoOn8E wishes to notify the public that she still does Carpet, Weaving at her residence, nearly app. Dr. Mc. Relvey's. Satisfaotion guaranteed. Samoa's Cure, the great bough and croup care, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 oente. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Tara Is CONCENTRATION. --One pill a dose, one box 25 Dente. One pill relieves constipation. One box cures an ordinary case. One pill taken weekly neutralizes formation of uric acid in the blood and prevebte Bright's kidney disease and diabetes, True only of Dr, Chase's Kid. neyLiver Pills. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S, A., San Diego, Cal., says :-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the fled modioine 1 have ever found that would do me any good." Price 60 ciente. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, lirus• eels. Peurame: The undersigned will take any quantity of fowl for trade in grocer• lee, crockery, &e, The highest prices paid. „ See him before bringing them in, so he can advise you how and what days in the week to kill. W.11, IVloOrtacREN. 8214XD4RD /p7• 1✓► r .F,4V.[,I l/l,' V4✓Y4,1)4. HEAD OFFICE, * TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Miliitn Doliars) $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authoriped) • . - 52000000 uld Agencies in all princilialgioints tat'17ntar a, O¢ceT ec,lliia7tGtoba, United St e be now so aliCri that ft go no, at s tt`0at land washed, el Capital oidea to un, washed, Boaidos you 'maw bwhat oleaulinees i@ next to. OCT. 25, 1895 SOAP A .General Banking 13eeinoss Trauoatted. Farmers' NotesD .iso Drafts Issued and Collections made on fs41 pointe,' °uu SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT: Ieteroe1 allowed on depoeits of $1.00 and Upwards from scat of deposit to dat withdrawal and oompp coded half yearly, SMIOIAL ATTENTION OWNS TO TUE Ooromonex or FAMINES' SADA NOTES, Every facility afforded Ouetomers'ivillg at a dimtanoe.;., • 3, A. STEWART MANAGE A. very nice Cake Toilet Soap, 5c tel. Baby's Own Soap, ..,10c a of R. ramixonmeirsput ILLI ;S SMUt tT 33 : z 7 rtiy 33 IR) TT st s .-1,=.t .dJ 1S`.. t Transact a General Backing Business. Drafts 1,3nught and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DIS(,OUNTFD. SALE NOTES A•3FD°-MORTG'A-GIi'S' ASPECIALTY. Sam e Barg thipseraes.yr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com. pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Monthe of Ootober and April. Special Arraegements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write Insurance In aid Eeigltole or Canadian Companies, or In Mut. Companies -as laity be desired. AGENTS FOE CANADA AND UNITED STAAa : THE CANADIAN BARE OF 0011ox5n0E I aev1 ordered a largo stook of window shades and certain poles which I. will sell very cheap. We put them on your windows. All goods delivered free. R. Leatberdale.. KAnt's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25 ote., 50 ots. and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Braseele. Sawa made 10 cut fast and easy. Seo. ond•haud saws bought and Bold, 'Point- ere given on saw filing and the Dare and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Saws. TF you have an organ that wants Olean. ing or repairs, or, a piano that wants tuning leave your orders here as I have made arrangements with a piano tuner. All work guaranteed or no pay. R. Leatherdale. LADIES, clean your kid gloves with Josephine gloveoleaner, for Bale only by Ferguson & Halliday. Sole agents for the Perrin Freres kid gloves, in lane and button. All the most desirable shades, FLEURY PLOWS. -Hugh Williams & Son are the Agents for the 'well known Fleury plows. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable, Brussels. The Fleury plow received the gold medaland diploma at the World's Fair, FAlumana' CENTRAL" INSURANCE Co. -- This new and very prosperous Fire In• auranoe Co. during the past year issued over 800 polioiee in Carrick, Bowiok, Culross and Greenock. Rates on farm property vary low. J. A. CnEleaTON, Agent for Morris and Grey. A REnrAnhenLE Cnna,-J. W. Jennison, Gilford, spent between $200 and 5300 in consulting physicians ; tried Dixon's and all other treatments but got no benefit. One box of Chase's Catarrh Cure did me more good than all other remedies, in fact, I consider myself cured and with a 25 cent box at that, WELL -DIGGING AND Damznvo. George Birt has all the necessary maohineryfor digging and drilling wells and as prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a, way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et.,.Brussels. 34-1f Mre, Joseph Young,Port Stanley, was killed by falling through a trap door in her residence, FIRE. About 7:80 Thursday: evening of last week a disastrous fire occurred at Hensel'. It appears a man wag deliver- ing a load of flax, and in some way up- set the lantern, whioli exploded, igniting the flax. Two barns in commotion with the flax mill and about 2,000 cords of wood all belonging to Geo. McEwen, Beverly. House and stables ; also Stacey's stable were burned. The loss will be heavy. MORN - MANaER.-In Howiok, on Saturday, 12th inst., the wife of. Mr. Jas. Manerof a eon. HUNT. -In Howie's, on Monday, 14th inst., the wife of Mr. Jno. E. Hunt of a daugdter. Gamma -At Carthage, on Oot. 14th, the wife' of Mr. Samuel Gamble of twine (boys.) SErnoR.-In Elms;, on Oot. 3.310, the wife of Mr. David Seiler of a son. Eoxamn_ Io Jamestown, on Oct. 21st, the wife of Mr. George Eckmior of a daughter. , M.A.R1,2.S3E7a, LEONLAD-HONE,-In Listowel, on Wed- nesday, Oot. 901i, by Rev. Wm, Coop., er, B. A„ Mr. James Leonard to Miss Mary Jane Hone, both of Elma. PEmLrPs-MULaoLn4ND.-At the residence of Mrs, Moroney, Vancouver, B. 0., on Monday, Sept. 22nd, 1895, by Rev. Archibald Watson, Mr, Edward Phillips, of Oorno, B. 0., to Mies Ella, third daughter of Mr. Adam Mulholland, formerly of Brussels. xixba- ALDnoeoo..-In Brussels, on Oot. 22nd, Mary E., daughter of Chas. Aldet- son, Cranbro'ok, aged 9 years and 6 months,. Fox. -In Grey, on Oot. 23rd, Margaret, beloved wife of Miehael Fox, aged 55 years, 8 months and 19 love. .A.ITC'rxoir sit x as. WEDNESDAY. Oct. 80th. -Farm stook. Lot 8, con, 8, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Bobt. Garr, Prop„ Geo, Kirk. by, Alio. Tnuisoay, Oot. 31st. -Farm stook, im- plement*, etc, Lot 6, con. 1, .Grey Sale unreeervcd at 1 o'olook sharp, R. H, Cntt, Prop„ Geo, Kirkby, Ans. ®r, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.- First mortgage, farm security. Apply at THE POST Publishing Rouge, Brussels, -L DUNG DRIVING HORSE, Top Buggy and Single Harness for sale cheap. Apply to 14-tf N16L8010 CDRRID. I1ARMS FOR SALE. -.TUE UN• sale ndto rent easy termer inaTownships of Morris and Grey. P S. SO OTT. Brussels B AM LAMBSFOR SALE.- 'Pure bred Shropshire, from Jo bo Campbell's - Woodville, well known stook. Apply to dNO.Ba1ITH., Lot8 eon. 6, Grey, Brussels P. 0, 1iy,tf. BRUSSELS POST OFFIOE Savings Bank takes' Deposita from 51.00 to $1,000 and. allows 9} per cent. interest. T. PARROw, 87-8m Postmaster. Q TRAYED FROM THE PREM- zens of theundersigned, Sunday morn- ing, Clot, 13th, a 4 -year old bay mare, with bleak mane and tall ; some white on one hindfoot, Any information leading' to her r eeoveiy will be thankfully received, ISAAC GILL, Stile( TEAVING. - THE UNDER - signed wishes to notify the people of Brussels and surrounding country that he isnowprepared to attend to the weaving of. carpet.: ANDREW MoKAY, Thomas. St„ Brussels, 10.4 W est of Queen's Hotel. ERKSHIRES .'010 SALE. The undersigned, breeder of Large 'English Berkshire pigs, offers a large nnm- bar of prize winning boars and sows for sale, Terme reasonable. Address James Don- Seaforth P.0., or apply on Lot 20, Con. 5, MoBillop. 14.4 JAMES DORRANCE, Prop, HONEY FOR SALE. -FRUIT is scarce and so is honey but we have succeeded in buyinga nice lot of the latter which. we can sell at thefollowing low lees : lO lbs, for $1.00, or 40 lbs. for $3.75. Come quick if you want some. BRADMAN &. Mo0ALL, Druggist, Bookseller &c. 1,7 TRAYED ON THE PREMIS iJ ss of the undersigned, Lot 31, Oon.16, Grey, lamb r Tho owwner isrequested ems rove property, pay expenses and take them away D, MOTAGGART, 14-4 +^ , Monorieff P.0 Snap for I tanufaoturera Brussels Corporation will offer for ante by.. public Auction, on November 1st, 1886, at' 8.90 p. m„ a fine brick building, 50E00 fent, two storeys and basement, with. boiler house 20x80 feet; located on Main street ; suitable for any manufactory • .$ret-olaee 08 h.. p. Wheelock engine and 60 h, p. steel boiler • also a one -set. woolen mill plant that would be. sold with building if wanted ; splendid. loeatioaforbusiness; -.fine agricultural, sec- tion • immediate possession, Address F. 8. SCOTT, Village Olerk ; or W. 8, KERR, Reeve, Brussels, BOAR FOR SERVICE. -TAP undersigned w111 keep for service on Lot a, Don. 8, Grey, the imported Chester White boar, "Illinois Chief," Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms -01.00 to be paid at the time of service with privllege of returning if necessary. 18-8 54.8. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. ,B OAR FOR SERVIOE.-THE -aJ undersigned will keep for service,on Lot 11, Con. 5, Grey, a tboro'- bred hst6 White boar, from imported stook on both sides, pPurchased from the wall known breed- er, D. De0oursoy, Bornholm, Pedigree may be seen on application, Terms -$1:08 to be paid at time of service with privilege of neeesvo- turning if eary, 16 -if ANGUS SHAW, Proprietor, mAMwORTH AND CHESTER L WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will ]seep for service on North Half Lot 20, Con, 7, Morrie, a thea' bred Tamworth Bear, reoently purchased from the well known breeder, Jno, Bell, Ate- 81.00tobep°d at tit ogle rvee with Terme, i loge of returning if necessaryy. 90-tf 5, WALl5IiiR,Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERV1OE,-THE Lot 26II Ona 6,g4forris, ll he tlafor bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar 'Selected;' brad from J. E. Brotbour's ewes etukes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms $1.00 Oto be paid at the thin of service with privilege of re- turning If neooseary, Pedigree may be seen on applioatlon. SORT, NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVICE, -THE Undersigned win keep for eervloe, on Lot 80, Con. 6, Morrie the thoro'.bred Large English Berkeblre hoar, 'Captain John." Zile mother Is a buil Meter to the let prise sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on application. Terme-$1,00 to be paid at time of Bervloe with privilege 0f returning 11 rieoeseax 14 -dm JA6. 8PE1ki, Proprietor, Heliotrope Soap, Oatmeal •• Soap, Buttermilk •Soap, Thenwe. have .,.ice •„roe .,100 WILLIAMS' SHAVING SOAP, OUTICURA, SULPHUR, CABBOLIC, 'SILVER SOAP, PEARS' UNSCENTED. Pura White Castile Soap, 15o, per ib. AT --+soar• FOX14 Drug Store, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. •1-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, -code Solicitor and 0onveyanoer, Colleo- tione made, Office-vanetone's Block, Brum- eels. 21-3m ,SM• SINOLAIR, • Solleitor, Uonveyanoer,NoteryPub - lie, &o. Office-'yangtone'e Bleak,' door. north of Central Hotel, Private Funds- to Loan. MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of 0ameron, Hell & Cameron, Barrister and Bolieiter,'Gaderioh, Ont, O5oe-Hamilton Bt„ Opposite Col- borne Hotel, G F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Prou4foots Solicitor, Goderi H.) fOmoeoyer Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. B R• 0DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Grown and Bridge work a specialty Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Oleg over Barrett': barber shop, Turnberry 8t Brus- sels. •/ VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals, to a com- petent manner, Part,oular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Calle promptly at- tended to. Office andinfirmary-Four doors north of bridge 'Turnberry et,. Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. T M A. MGNAUGHTON, . D. iC.M., L. R. C,p., Edinburgh, M. O. P S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilaon'e Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Phyeielan, Surgeon, Aeoouoher, eta. Graduate of Toronto- University Medical Faculty, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OFSIOE-100x1 door to MoDonatd & Go„ Walton. Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORAOKEN,VY • aorrbrEt reQeat his roep urnnerysee,Bussllss N. BAIRRETT, • Tonsorial Artist- Shop -Neat south of A. M, McKay & Co's had wae t rex Ladies' and cliildrene hair cutting especially ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSUEANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFF10E AT. JEWELRY STORE. la'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. 'WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN. envenoms efected0on alit Tow no a1840. arm Property at very low 50005. 10.6m J. A. O1t1IGRTON, Agent, Brussels.. ALEX, 3UNTER, Olork of the Fourth Division Cour Go, Huron. Oonvoyancer, Notary Pablio Land .Loan and Ineurance.Agent. Funds invested and t0 loan. 0olleotione made Office in Smale'a B look, B ruseole MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental Mush) on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingliat Tues. day and Wednesday of each week, Reel - deem on Prineeae Street, Bruasole. m _ A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. .L • Organist In St, John's oburah Brne eels and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A. W.Thayer,Mao. Doo„New York,will give lemons to pupils either on piano or organ, eels. hie parlor lessens also Smith'sivestore, nod- erate, AUCTIONEERS. (1 FORGE KIRKBY, W LicensedAuotioneer, Nabs oonduot ed on reasonable tome. Ferree and farm Moodie mieeialty. Orders left at THE Pon Publiehing8oase,Brosaele,or lentto Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention, .8. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION- -IL' ••Ennawlll Bell fOret b ter e charges boater o 'er lase timeand MaioHe on than any abhor Auctioneer g Maid Huaod Or he cawon't chargways anything. Date°Moo ordure ean'a l app be tionnged at this offioo or by p Ore0nal application. STONE ! STONE Any quantity of Building, Ooxnor, Rubble gill and Bridge Stone ,for Salo, quarried ready for loading at Bruasole Quarry, For price and termsappsyto 8 tf Box 150JED, MITCHELL, Drueeele.