HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-25, Page 6Cot XXP$S,eJ0 Nobe m.^ -7s rusnteuun —� .Z1T 31 PBIDAX 1VOBNING din gale for thelearlY maiiel at tlueetiOndrawerprodueed a number of Very pertinent and interesting gneetione, which wore answered pr(noipally by W. Broolienehire, of Wrngllam, P. 0. T. The proceeding0 wero vary pleasantly In• toreporsgd by ploge0 of Pinging by Meal - bete Of Sepoy Ledge, and len oi:cellent re0ltation from the Plietriot Viee.Te0np. otThe root'? Steam rllbliehint Renee lar, Miss McIntosh, of Oonstanae. Tho delegates were very' suitably and hospit= ably vntgstaiood In the temperance hall, where the ladies of Sepoy lodge hell ar,, ranged very appotitiiag spreads for both dinner and supper. In the evaning a Philo meeting woo hold in the town hall, which Wee to have been addressed by W. Brookenshire, P. 0. T., and Rev. W. PI. Madill, of Watford, G, S. nnfortunatoly Mr, Brookenabire had to go home on the eix,o'olook train on en, count of Eioknees in his family, and Rey, Mr, Madill, who arrived on the foar train to fulfill hie part, took suddenly very ill, abont an hour before the meeting, and, had to be placed under Mediae" one, We are pleased to be able to gay that be has aine recovered. The OOmmitt ea , the deprived a ep i¢ad of both speakers on whom they wero depending, were platted in an Unenviable position, but they resolved to make the best of it and,entertain as best they coold, the large audience assembled. The program was nota long one, but it never lagged, and from start to finish the interest was kept up. J, D. Murdoch, 0. C., of Sepoy lodge, 000upied the chair and did so very aooeptably. Short speeches were delivered by Rev. A, Mo. Kay and J. G. Murdoch ; excellent reci- tations were given by Misses Aggie Law- son, Aggie E'indlater and Libbie MoDon- aid ; well .rendered solos came from Misses Jennie Lyons, Minnie Thompson and J. G. Murdoch, and the choir filled their position with m number of choice temperanoe:selections. The only fault Ile very orderly and appreciative audi- ence had to the program was that it was not long enough, but all felt that the hour had been spent pleasantly. The next dietriot meeting is to be held at Auburn. 'fvnnBOnitx Sa., BEttsssas, ORx, TEntis "00 Snnsaurnxro2,--0ne dollar a year, in advance; P The:4050 to which every onbtlia Odd e48 poll 10 denoted by the elate ADVEIt7'IOIIin B4TE8.^Wife follpwingg ratan will bo charged t0 those who advertise by the year: 8040A 1 12R, 51 mg, 1 8 mo One Column. 5500.00 500.00 1I 520.0'0 Quarter i' 20.00 02,001 18.00 Eighth ........ 12,00 8.00 2,00 Flight outs p er line for first insertion, and three wants per Ane for moll enbsequeatin, sertlon, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 nes Non n li to the i off, Business Bards Dight lines and under, 50 per (10710111. onO, wisemente without specific direo. tions, will be tnsertea until fornid, and phoned accordingly, Instructions to 'Mange or discontinue an adycrtloement must be left at the mounting xoom of Tint pon not later than Tuesday of each week. This le imperative. W. I1. Yi]mRa, Editor and proprietor. Mistri t etas. G ort<ie. L. 0, L. concert on Nov. 5511. Joseph H. Tornio has wedded a Toron- to young lady. Mr. Copeland has' rented one of Mr. Perkins' grain warehouses and he and Mr. Perkins will be on the market. About 150 invited guests assembled at the residence of Geo. Gregg, Springbank, to witness the marriage of hie daughter, Mie Minnie, to Mr. Harkness. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Belgrave, brother•in-law of the bride, assisted by Rev. Mr. Harvey, of Clifford. Miss May Gregg, sister of the bride;filled the important position of brides -maid and Mr. Knight, of New. bridge, assisted the groom. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and useful preeento from her many friends. Thoe. Fennell, of Gorrie, intende mov- ing to Shelburne, where he has purchas- ed a barbering business. Exeter. The furnaces for the new Main Street Methodist church were placed in position by MoClary Bros., London. D. Spicer, who is gifted with consider- able inventive genius, has just patented a combination fruit pinking and step lad- der. Robt. Sweet, while standing in front of J. A. Stewart's store, aooidentaily fell and put his arm through one of the large panes of glass. Squirrel shooting is now the order of the day. They seem to be plentiful this season, judging from the number brought to town by our sports. .Mise Ida Mitchell, daughter of John Mitchell, is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. This ie the fourth one of the family that has been .stricken down with that dreaded disease this Summer. Alex. Tait, foundryman, ie carrying his arm in a sling these days, the result of a painful accident. He was engaged in running a planer and in some way a piece of timber dew from the machine and struck him on the hand, badly brais- ing it and breaking his thumb. He will be unable to nee it for some time. Clinton. A Horticultural Society has been or- ganized bare. The new dynamo for tbe Electrio Light Oo., arrived here the other day. The jewelry business of Horaoe Jaok- son hoe been bought by W. G. Doherty, second son of W. Doherty. Jos. Clark, assistant editor of Satur- day Night andbrother-in-law of Joeeph Ghidley, is laid up at Toronto with. ty- phoid fever. The Exeter Times says :—lir. and Mrs. D. French leave in a few days for Olin. ton to enter upon theirrespective duties as caretaker and matron of the County of Huron House of Refuge. Frank Turnbull has again suffered a relapse, and his condition is regarded as. unfavorable ; he has been in Berlin htspital for eight weeks, under care of the beet speoialiets, and was thought to be in a fair. way of recovery. The Huron Medical Association held its quarterly meeting in the town ball here on Wednesday, 9th inst. ; in the absence of the president and vice-presi- dent, Dr. Taylor, of Goderich, 000upied the chair : patients were presented and examined, and papers read and disclosed, and, on the whole an excellent time was passed, which must be of great benefit to the members. LIa ekrrow. Ben. Tennyson, formerly of this vii. lage, has purchased a barbering business at Hepworth, Bruce County. J. M. Cliff is attending the Sanitarium at Battle Creek, Michigan, for stomach troubles. A eon of J. W. Murray, cattle buyer, was returning home from Hemlock City Mills with a largo load of gristing, and when going down a hill several of the bags slipped forward, throwing the boy off the load, between the horses and the wagon, Whether the wheel passed over him or that he was kicked by one of the horses it is impossible to ally, but one side of his head le terribly out and brills - ed. ES was uucouscions for 800)0 time. DISTINCT MEET/NE Or L 0. G. T. No. 24,—A meeting of District Lodge, No. 24, L 0. G. T. was held in the Town gall, Luoknow, on Tuesday, 15th fast., which was attended by delegates from Clinton, Constance, Blyth, Auburn, Oulross, Para- mount, Wingham, Fit. Helens, Port Al. bert and Lueknow. 13. B. Chant, of Clinton, was in his place in the chair and ably filled his position. Tbo reports re- ceived from the various lodges: in the district, with a few exceptions, were of a very encouraging nature. Sixteen lodges were reported in good standing With a present membership of 017. Steps were taken to put an organizer and led. tures in the field during the coming Winter, and efforts will be made to keep the order before the publio by constant agitation of its principles, "Total ab - ninon for the individual and probibi• thin for the State," The toe of the oclerielz, A young son of Jae. Mitoheli has been taken down with diphtheria, A walk along the breakwater allows it to be in a deplorable state of neglect and decay. Mrs. Price, Montreal et., net with a' serious accident by running a wire nail into her foot. Gypsies are fregnent visitorsin town, a tribe of them having pitched their Bents on Sande' farm across the river. In the schedule of the Ontario Curling Association for the coming season, group 13 consists of Seaforth,Kinsardine, Luck - now and Goderich. Jae. Robinson's special prize of 56 to the exhibitor winning the largest number of first prizes at the Northwestern Fair was awarded to John Salkeld, Goderioh township. At the instance of the leader of the Liberal party of Oanada, the Ron. Wil. frid Laurier, a Convention of the Re. formers of West Iluron will he held in Dungannon, on Friday, Oat. the 25th. We are pleased to learn tbat Mies Edith Marsden was among the successful candidates at the supplemental matrion- lation examination at Toronto University, held at the beginning of this month, and has entered upon her studies ae a regular undergraduate. Otte alor tit. J. W. Livingston left on Saturday for Toronto, to resume his medical studies. Robert Logan, private banker, left for Winnipeg, Carberry, and.other Manitoba pointe on a. business trip. R. McLeod left for Pueblo, Colorado, where he will spend the winter in the hope of recruiting failing health. John Mnldrew has resumed hie studies at Knox Oolle e, Toronto, after having spent the past few months preaching in Manitoba. The tender of Johnston Bros. for rub- ber coats for the firemen being the lowest they were awarded the contrast at 34 25 eaoh. Messrs. Hinebley & Lamb have dis- posed of their seed business to Robert Scott, whowill have the stook removed to hie old stand. Mr. Pope, who was for some time eci enee master in the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, and who lately occupied a sim- ilar position in the Stratford Collegiate Institute, was the other day preeeuted with a gold -headed oane on the event of his leaving Stratford for Kingston. Lieut. MacLean, of the 43rd Battalion, Ottawa, bee been appointed aide-de-camp to Major -Gen. Gascoigne. This ie the first time a Canadian has been appointed to the position. Mr. MacLean is a nephew of M. Y. MacLean, of the Ex- positor. Commenting on the 29th of September and continuing nntil the 5th of October, each postofffce in Canada kept a record of all the stamps cancelled at their re. epective offices, and on the enumeration the salaries of the postmaster are based. The result at the Seaforth post office was as follows,—Lettere to Oanadian pointe, 3,194 •,lettere to foreign pointe, 525 ; garde to. Canadian pointe, 1,205 cards to foreign pointe, 268 ; papers, 292 ; photos, deeds, no., 120 5th class matter, 82 rests. tered lettere, 75. Total amount of post. age on above matter was 3184 07. TILE C001YNG CHANGE. The Dominion needs and is ready to command a change of managers at Ot- tawa as soon ae the general election fe brought on. That much is foreshadowed by recent elections. Ponder on the following faots The mon in power have not won a, seat from the Liberale in the dozen or more bye -elections which have taken pine eines Sir John Abbott wasPromier. The Liberate have captured the follow- ing constituencies : vandreuil, Quobeo. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Antigonieh, N. S., the seat held till his death by Sir John Thompson). In Weetmoroland, N. i3., tho majority of over 2,000 polled for the high tax can Witte in1891 was reduced by over 1,400 in the recent bye election. The 1100 in power at Ottawa were strongly opposed to Premier Blair, of New Brunswick, and in tbe recent Prov vinoial general elections thehigh tax press and the influence of the Ottawa Government wero thrown against him. Result: Premier Blair is sent bake to power with a following of 37, while his opponents have only 9. These remits aro more than straws ;. they are the strongest of indioatione, The country needs a change, T'22E 23 �? S T, OPT. 20, . 95 IIIWIL'VY LONDQ N, London bee a larger area than New York, Berle and Berlin all pat together, Ten I41li004 01 gels are 000100. ly Pen, sNmed In London. , London fog coats 039,000 for oxtra gas horned. In London 891 streets aro named after the Queen, boeidee which there are 107 9"4" alnoen etreeta. 4 thooeand piano organs are played in the London streets daily. TWO dopa not include eomtnon band organ, Ton.daye of London fog goat 26,000 peoplo on bods 0f eiokneoa, About 1,250,000. artiolos are pledged with London pawnbrokers weekly. London ooueumee 4,000,000 pinta of poriwinklee oaob year. There are 200 periwinkles to the pint, Total, 500,000., 000 poriwinlclee. What b000nieel of :the shells? About 2,500 arose suite aro hired out in London eatili night. There are 90,000 paupers in London, ' There are more than 4,000 pledged abetainere among the London cabmen, The London lam trade provides am- ploymantfor 10,000 people and 65,000 totes of sugar are used yearly in the trade, More than 1,000,000 ready-made gig- arottee are smoked is London each day. Twelve thousand people are employed at the London theaters. Tn the year 1894 some 18,000 pewter beer pots were stolen from North London publio houses. They are need to make counterfeit money. A London oonfeetioner says that he is often galled upon to furnish wedding cakes weighing 1,000 pomade eaoh and puddings of a size sufficient for 600 hearty appetiteo. A single firm in St. Paul's ohuroh yard once reoerved anorder for 1,000,000. ladies' mantles from a retail customer.. London contains 250,000 working Bin- gle women, whose individual earnings do not average more than 25 oents a day. On an average every London police- man arrests but seven people a year. London streets are very, long and each one is oroseed by an unlimited num- ber of other streets running at right angles from it or gutting it diagonally or otherwiee. From this it results that there are an unoonecionable number of street oorners, eaoh one the junction, of two streets, or three, or four, as may be, You may stand at any one of them with- out being told to move on and take in tbe vista of that portion of the town in whioii you happen momentarily to be. In this way the eye may grasp the perspectives of two, three or foar streets successively, almost simultaneonsly, without as much ae changing the position of one's body, in fact, by Simply turning one's neck. • Robert, Gardner' was sentenced at Owen Sound to one year in the Oentral for counterfeiting. Mrs. Bell, wife of Major W. R. Bell, Manager of the Bell Farm, Indian Head, N. W. T., is dead. Mrs. Shortie gave evidence in her eon's behalf at Beauharnoie. Dr. Anglin, an- other witness for the defence, pronounc- ed the prisoner in sane. REAM DISEASE RELIEVED IN 80 MIN. tTEs.—All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cored, by Dr. Agnew'e Oure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. 'IATATraate, a well ,moos of YOU Mao �ammoQe"reoTOM NA paary o5 aue reraueat wpeee neo?Cgaa u e nl ce6prn, 81o,pleoe, etoaory, 81.410 Ewtaelonn.00erala+ 10rrl,oge, or ee nqx, o. 0a4004 ty p o pd0 0f alma ytaoo nod 000 to at0onlc0p oreane, 0000 qulou ata ecraty edorpp L0e0I100ou4 p In old 00Young, 11,o R3000boo4 you will mow 011180, an happy o001u. sept y 1141 la plutp Syrappor nod 000001)' ,00l!1.01000 obgorr01100. Eagnv 000104 Io yeo4 ra' t ffi.e, 1. a package atx [qr ed. 6oua mOnoy ll chant A .1lnOry^ or rng(ator, 1)rog tor. WOOsg on ,costo t. Agent. 000 0*0+jVe nru*lalet. ijaff. oaa, QnT„ Agent fur rho Ua 111n oa o Oauadq. White Star Lille. ROYAL 14iAIi. STEAMSHIPS. Bettye w Yoe en No tic and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday... As the downers of tills Ane carry onlya etrictly limited number in rho 10/ENT and mono - 0A1IN apeonaa odatione, intending pessengere are reminded that au early up- pllpation for berths is 00088eary at thie 'na- tion. For rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. CURED BY TAILING AVE Sarsar parilla avmas. "I. was afflicted for eight years with Salt Rheum. During that time,1 tried a great many medicines which were highly rec- ommended, but none gave me relief.. I was at last advised to try A1'er's Sarsa- parllla, and before I had finished the fourth bottle; my hands were as . Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My business, which is that of a cab -driver, requires me to be out in cold and wet weather often without gloves, ,but the .trouble has. never. returned,"—Tao,OAs A. Jouare, Stratford, Ont. Ayer s Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. liver's Pills Cleanse the Dowels. 1. 77 e0 FURNACES, RANG -ES. If you want a good Stove of any kind or make, See our Stock. Tinware ans. Granite vara 1 A Complete Stock a ways on .Hand. Hardware ! In Hardware we keep everything in the Trade, including Shelf and Heavy Hardware, . Paints— ready mixed and dry, Oils and Varnishes, Cut- lery, etc. Prices low down to snit the times. SILVERWARE f .A. fine line to choose from. SEE OUR LAMP GOODS. We have also a quantity of Shingles and Lath for Sale, Livetro°aghilig a, . Speoia1ty. N. & N. Gerry. ILK CANS . • ... ..A1V ..1J a. 4/ inery Cans We have in stock a large assortment g o fMilk supplies of every description. If you want a good article We can give you the Best that's made. If you require anything in this line call 011 'us. All Kids oI Jebbing Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously. EAVETROUGHING, , IRON ROOFING AND FURNACES Our Specialty. All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory,. Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We handle Cook, Coal and Box Stoves of the Best Manufacture and soled at close margins. Special Attention given tor. 'ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian Coal Oil, Ccosto--r Oil and Machine Oil. A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for, WILTON & TIIRNBULL. Schon' plies SUCH AS - School Book, Slates, Pencils, Ink, Pens,= 8ca., Always in Stock at "::cIt yr. Post" g�%L Bookstore. New Stook of,g, BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, TOILET CASES FANCY GOA DS CALL IN—mall POST Bootsiore.