HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-25, Page 4New Advertisements. Looal—Jee. Walker. Fall goods—J, G. Slane. Tailoring—duo, McBaip, Local—W. H. Mg0raeken, Local —Smith te lkfoLaren; Clothing --A, Mopowan & Co, Boer for eetvioe--Angus Sllaw, Huntere' Exoureione—G. T. H. A positive fact—W.. S, Bowden. St. Vitus 1a000—Dr. Williams, Wallpaper.—Deadman & McCall, Berkshires for sale—Jae. Dot'ranoe. Snap for manufaeturere—F, S. Scott. tI.e ritsseIs AO, 1PRIDAY, OCT. 25, 1895. VENEacELA 18 next On the lien of old Britain and unless they offer some speedy settlement the mistress of the seas will Rend a few iron olads into their porta. The U. S. Government le busying itself considerably over the matter, but Eng- land does not appear to be badly disoon. eerted. Tun naughty "Grits" have scored again, This time it ie in an eleetion held Tuesday to fill the vacancy in the Quebec Legislature for Montreal Centre, caused by the death of the late member, Patrick Kennedy. The result was the eleotion of Dr. Guerin (Liberal) by a majority of 1,- 261 over 0. A, ,McDonald (Government). Ie is officially announoed that W. B. Soarth, a Winnipeg ex -M. P., has been appointed Deputy Minister of Agricul- ture for this Dominion a8 auooeseor to Jno. Lowe, who has spent a quarter of a century in the public service, and now, at the age of 71, goes into the haven of rest, viz., the superannuation list, at the close of next month. MANS and varied are the devices of the man nnwilliug to work, whereby he may make an easy living. One of the latest comes to hand from Toronto, where two men have been arrested for cleaning and re -selling old postage stamps. The gents will likely board out for a year or so, Kingston being their poatof&se address. R. S. WRITE, M. P., of Montreal, has resignedhie seat in Cardwell. He gives pressure of business as the reason but an Ottawa correspondent says he has had the promise of the Collectorship of Cus- toms at Montreal for over two years and is determined to bring the. Cabinet to time in keeping their word. In addition it is hinted that Mr. White is favorable to the eetabliehment of Separate Schools in Manitoba and would probably vote that way in the House while Cardwell is very strongly Orange and opposed to in. terference with Manitoba's rights. To throw open a oonstitnenoy just at this particular time and under these peculiar circumstances is said to be anything but pleasing to the Dominion Cabinet. WE -understand that several of_.the leading business houses in Brussels, who `are not now doing so, intend •conducting baeinees on a oaeh basis on the opening of 1896. This is right and is becoming more convincingly apparent every day. Long credit bas bad its day, and the up. to•date merchant and tradesman are rapidly falling into line on the payas- yon•go principle. Wbolesale houses de. wand the cash and theonly way they can get it fa by their eustomere securing returns for their goods or labor prompt. ly. In addition to the comfort of being out of debt people will be better friends, as many serious squabbles bave origin- ated over old amounts. The cash ons• tomer has the advantage of making his purchases where he pleases and ie under obligation to na one. Those of our oiti• tens who have tested the cash style of. doing business say it is infinitely superior- to the old, played-ont long credit. Gr ey Council Meeting. Council met at the township hall, Oot. kith, 1896, pursuant to adjournment, Members all present. Reeve in the chair. The clerk being absent from the meeting through°{ illness—it was moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by James Turnbull that A. Hislop act as olerk pro tem. Carried. Minutes of last meeting were then read and approved, Communioation with copy of resolution from the Turnberry Council re repairing the boundary be. tween Turnberry and Grey was read. Moved by James Turnbull, seconded by Wm, Brown that this Cantil expendthe min of $15.90 provided the Turnberry Commit expend an equal sum. Carried. Applioation of Mrs, shine for an inorease in monthly allowance for . keeping Far. gaharson'e two children. Moved by Wm. Brown, eeoonded by Jae. Turnbull that no notion be taken in the matter. Carried, Appliontione of Walter Riohardeon, Jas. A, McLauchlin, John Mandl, Jacob Reenter, Peter Sinolair and John D. Mo. Neil all for the position of Collector for south division of the township, and the application of Samuel McGeorge for tbe. collectorship of north divielon of the. township. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Jaotee Turnbull that Samuel McGeorge, be reappointed oolleotor for the north division and thebJaoob Kreuter be reappointed collector for the south division for the year 1805, provided they each .furnieh the neeeneary eeourity, Carried. A by.law Wae passed confirm, ing the above eppointmente. Petition of Joseph Whitfield and seventeen others preying that the award ditob commencing at lot 34, con. 14 and extending to lot 10, con. 14 be °banged to a municipal ditch, NO notion was taken in the matter. Moved by ,7amee Ternball, eeoonded by James Lindsay that A. Hielop be author. ized to have government drain No 1 cleaned out on lets 12 and 18 and on toed allowanee opposite lob 16 all in the 15th oon0eeeion and that She cleric levy Me coat of .snob work on all parties interested • in osis Government'Prale No,, 1, Carried, Applidatien of 111019rd Qarenbell and Wm, 1141;02 to have mnniolpal pertion of award .ditch at lots 38 and 34, eon, 10, ,completed a000rdipg to award, Moved by James Turpbull, seconded by A, Melop that Mr. Lindepy. be instruoted to attend to the matter, Carried, Movrd by Wm, Brown, second: ed by 3 amen Lindsay that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorised to borrow from Raobel Spence the cum of one hundred dollars for two monthe for township purposes. Carried, Moved by A, Hislop, seconded by Wm. Brown that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized tc sec that the oolieotore furnish ample bonds before aommeneing their dutiee. Carried. Moved by James Lindeay, eeoonded by Wm, Brown that James Turnbull be enetraoted to have an outlet to Silver Corners drain. Nfr. Lindsay to attend to the matter. A number of amounts were, passed. The Connell then adjourned to meet again at Long's Hotel, Cranbrook, en Saturday, the 23rd day of November, 1895. Wo. SPENPE, Clerk. Fall Wheat .. 64 66 Spring Wheat 64 65 Barley 80 36 Peas .. 48 00 Oats 22 23 Wool 18 18 Butter, tubs and rolls ,., 18 14 Eggs per dozen 12 13 Flour per barrel•, ,. 4 00 4 50 Potatoes (new) 16 10 Hay per ton.........,., 10 00 12 00 Hides trimmed 5 G Hides rough..,........,2 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00' Sheep skins, each 40 Lamb skins each 15 Apples per bus.:,1 00 Hogs, Live 3 75 0 00 Wool 18 20 00 50 40 Loom Oct, 18th.—The consignment of 5,540 barrels of apples brought by ,the steamer Usk from Halifax wore sold here to day. King Tomkins brought from 158 to 20e per barrel; Blenheims from 15e to 18e, and Grevensteine from 18s to 16s. The consignments by the steamers Auglomanand Nessmore, from Montre. al, comprising 1,459 barrels, were sold at Liverpool. Of this fruit, Kings brought from 16s to 23s ; greeninge, from 12s to 16s, and various other kinds from 14e to 188 per barrel. The demand was good. No California fruit has been received. TORONTO, Ont., Oct. 22.—Receipts at the Toronto cattle market today were lighter, and buying was somewhat better, but in most lines the feeling was only firm. There were 65 car loads of stuff, which inoluded 1,342 sheep and lambs, 1,413 hogs and 26 calves. Export cattle. —The feeling was improved in this line, on the strength of better cables from Britain and a slightly better quality of the stuff offered. Prices ranged from 3gc to 4o per pound. Too many big rough cattle, not fat enough, are offering. 10 Is likely that there will be some demand for exporters all winter. EAST BIIruALo, N. Y., Oct.. 22. -Cattle Receipts light, only two cars ; the market ruled with a light demand and the feeling was none too strong. Hogs Receipts, 8 cars ; market slow ; Yorkers good to choke, 84.10 to $4.15; roughs, common to good, $3 to $3.50 ; pigs, com- mon to fair, $8.50 to 34. Sheep and lambs—Receipts 16 cars ; market ruled steady ; quotations unchanged from yesterday's prices. Cattle closed steady, with sales of good 1,390 pound steers at 84.50. Hags closed dull, with late Bales of Yorkers at 84 and all sold. Sheep and lambs—Twenty-seven cars on sale, about half Canadae • market fairly active for lambs throughout. Sheep rather dull ; best Canada lambs, 84.10 to $4.40 ;' bulk sold at $4.25 ; fair prospect for balance of week if weather keeps fairly cold. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 18.—Cheese, firm ; demand fair ; finest Amerioan white, 40s; finest American colored, 39e Gd. Butter, Finest United States, 90s ; good 65e. New York,—Butter steady ; State dairy, 12c to 210 ; creamery, 2280 to 23o ; west ern dairy, 100 to 150 ; areaway, 140 to 28c; June, 16c to 210; factory, Bic to 14o ; Flgins, 23c. Cheese firmer ; State large, 7e to ego ; fanny 98c to 93o ; small, 7}o to 1080; part skims, Sic to no ; ` full skims, 280 to 30. Ingersoll.—At the cheese market held here to -day 8,000 boxes September andbalance offered. No sales ; 9c highest bid ; salesmen holding for higher prices. Peterboro.—At the cheese board to day about 5,700 boxes of October cheese were offered. The market was brisk and all sold. Hodgson took about 800 at Pio to 98 ; Madden, 800 at 9j}a ; Warrington, 2,500 at 9 8)i6c ; Can, adieu produce, about 1,200, at 9 3/160; Wrighton, 600 at 9 8/16c. The board closed for 1895. LONDON, Ont. 21. -The Mark Lane Ex- press, in its weekly review of the British grain trade says :—New English wheats have been in fain demand and steady'. Foreign wheats bave been firmer, Ameri- can spring wheat on passage being quoted at 24s 9d, and 26s for winter shipmente ; Manitoba, 25s 8d ; California on passage, 26e,9d, and Oregon, October shipment, at,1,27s 61 Corn—Cargoes bave been firm ; American on passage have been quoted at 26s. Oats have been irregular, with a lower tendency. Barleys bave been firm and a tura dearer, while rye has advanced Od. To day new English wheat was in request, but scarce, and is dearer, and foreign wheats were held for Gd advance. American flours wore 61 dearer. Foreign oats and feeding barley rose 31 and fiat corn 3d. Milling offals rose 61 per ton, and rye 2e 61 Linseed 'wag in the seller's favor. TORONTO, Oct. 22nd. -Market quiet and .firm. Wheat firm ; one oar of white wheat gold on Northern at 67o and red offered G. T. R. east at Ho ; No. 1, Manitoba hard was in demand at 5980, Toronto and west, and 700 asked ; No. 1 Northern quoted at 68t0 to 600. Flour, quiet, and steady ; etraight rollers, To- ronto freights, quoted ab 32.95 to O. Millfeecl steady ; bran, Toronto freights, quoted at $11,50, and shorts at 818 to 8.60. Peas firmor ; twenty caraboughb one firm, at 490 north and west and 500, middle freights west, Oats lftliet and easy ; car lots of mixed, high freights west, quoted at 21c to 2180, and white at 220; on Northern about lc more would be., paid. Barley—Car lots at interior points cant quoted at 45o bid, and 40a asked ; car lots in demand west at 46o. i3uokw'hoat—Car Iota sold west at 96e and east at 86e. TEE` ELS' A S T MGL: O D' S $yrs sl nonoviatoz TESTED REMEDIES 'SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE' For impure, Weak and lmpoveriehed B1991, Dyepepsla, Sleeplessness, Palpate, tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loes of 11Tomory, Bronchitis, Con. sumption, Gall Stenos, Jaundice, Kidney, and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY QOOERICHa QEVT. d. M. MILEOD, Prop, and Manufaaturer. Sold by JAMES FQX, Druggiet Brussels. rand Tran.K ‘10 Hunters' Excursions, RETTIBN TIOEETS AT SINGLE FARE From Stations, Toronto and West, in Canada (except on business passing through) TORONTO to Muskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay and llipiising Districts—The Sportsman's Paradise. Good Going October 88, 29, 30 at 31 and November 1 C 2. Good to return till December' 16, 1805. J. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. rsai roan AND CoD CD 6 CRT 2 IFERGUSON I YIALLTDAY, 4.L WA YS THE CHEAPEST. WE WERE First to appreciate the want of Lower Prices First to grasp the conditions of Lower Prices First to establish Jtezv Basis of Lower .i'r°ices The up -setting has been radical in Dry Goods. No body is paying anywhere near the money they used to, unless they are ex- travagant. But are you paying more than our prices ? Hundreds have had practical experieneo during the past seven years since we opened up business in Brussels, of what, economy we have introduc- ed into the purchase of Dry Goods. - Ixaggoration has no Placa in our £dvartisaments, - Apply the Test', make Comparison and we are sure to win your Trade, We have frequently been told that the 45 inch French Serge in Black and all colors that we are selling for 29c., i$ the same as others ask 40e. for. Here is another good line -20 pieces pure wool 36 inch French Serge in all colors and black at 20c., the same Serge as you will find elsewhere at 25e. 5 pieces of pure wool Gray .Flannel, 27 inches wide, our special, at 20e., note width and make comparison. 2 pieces of 56 inch pure Linen Satin Damask Tabling, special price ' 25e. When you save money in buying table linen it is areal " saving. 25 dozen Men's Heavy Wool Socks, wortfl 20o. per pair, our price 2 pairs for 25c. Compare this line with others at•the same price and note the difference—it will astonish you. We have an immense assortment of Men's and Boys'. Underwear. Compare the all wool Shirts and Drawers we are selling at $1.00 per Suit with lines sold at $1.25 per Suit and then, you will see how well we are doing for you in Men's Underwear. We are now selling the Paper Lining for Dresses at 12i.c. We be- gan the season like others, selling it at 35c., the, then popular price. Later we pulled it down to 25c., we have now a large lot of the paper lining now so popular for Dresses, in stock, and we have pulled the price down to 12i.o. Come to us for Ladies' Mantles, Mantle Goods, Dress Goods and Furs. Prices always the Lowest. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY. DONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61, Per Cent., Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. • Apply to A. Hunter, Division Covert Cleric, Brussels. A Positive Fact Gold Cannot- Buy A Better Overcoat, Suit, Trousers or any kind of Clothing than I will make for you. Prices are always right. Styles and Fit Guaranteed, Before' going elsewhere call on W o THE TAILOR, �)I ,stgir Sri t ETHEL. �a_GO TO�a i '' BRE\VEffS Art Emporium, ,Brussels, OR HIGH GRADE WORK Pastel,. `Fater Color . and Crayons. Portraits, ALSO ., . American. -finished: Photos. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, ALL WORK GUAB,ANT]EED, WITIf PROMPT DELIVERY, BY BREWER, THE ARTIST, Now is the Time for � _FALL GOODS And to prepare for the Cold dud Wet Weather. We invite inspection of our stock which will always be found right as to Styles and Prices. Dress Goods, Flannels, Tweeds - and S uitings, Readymade Suits and Overcoats, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, GROCERIES. r -Agents for Standard Patterns. New Fashion Sheets to Hand: Gal .and get one Free. A. S RACHAN. 1 Do you have your Clothes made by Mc Bain ? If not, why not ? Other people do and are always well suited, and why shouldn't they be ? They are Stylish, well made and the price is all right, To do your work and to do it well and Cheap )is what we are here for. A Choice stock of Cloth always on hand to select from. WieBain, MERCHANT TAILOR, BRUSSELS.