The Brussels Post, 1895-10-25, Page 31895
Town Directory.
klxVIl.rn Ouvneri,—gahbath ee vioee
at 11 a p1 and ..6 89 P. m, Sunday Subool
at. 200 p m, Rev. John Rees, I3 '; A,
ST, JooN's Cuuneu.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7 p zn, Sunday School
at 2:8011, m. Rev. A. IL Griffin, imam,.
Mivenonte' Crlunplt.—Sabbath Serviaea
at 10:89 a m and 0:30 1r� an. Sunday
School at 2:3011 m, Rey. 0, H. Cobble.
diets, a1 A, B D, pastor.
Rowan Oaiuiion,—•Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:80 a m. ' Rev Joseph Kennedy,
Si mnzloti Amstar.—Servioe at 7 and 11
a In and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks,
Ono FELLOWS' LoDoo every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAeoNsc LopezTuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W Lopez on the 3rd
Friday evening of eaoh month, in Bias.
hill's block.
C O F Loom Sud end last Monday
evenings al emelt month, in Blashill's
I 0 F, 2nd' and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
Sons or. SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tues.
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. LonaB, let and 3rd Thus -
days of each month, inVanetone blook.
Hone Cramp, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blaehille Hall.
POST Orrloa.—Office'hours from 8 a.
m. to 6:30 p. m.
Bluenoses' INeraaozo.-Library in
Holmes' bleak; will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw,
Town Conium.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, -R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Conncillore ;
F. S. ,Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
. Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
Soneer, Boram.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sem-Treas.,
It. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in eaoh month.
Puma° SoaooL TBAonEme,-J. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mies
Downey andMise Cooper.
Boase or HEALors,—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
There's been a mighty change of late
In my dear little wife,
And since the obauge has oche about
I've led a dreadful life ;
She ain't the lamb she need to be,
And all of home's delights
Have turned to troubles since dear Sue
Has heard of women's rights.
She'd read somewhere that women folks
Will rule things by and by,
And now I'd' give the world to know
If Sue's the man, or I 1
NI a button ohoose to lose
Or get my trousers torn
And ask my wife to right the wrong
I only get her scorn 1
And when I'm forced to sit me down,
The damage to repair,
She brings her frooke for me to mend
And vows it's only fair I
And if I dare to make complaint—
My, how her tongue does fly 1
And ere she stops I'm all in doubt
If Sue's the man, or II
I used to like an ev'ning's fun
Down at the °lab or lodge,
Bat when I now would venture out
I have a club to dodgo1
"Your lodge be blowed 1" my wife de-
clares ;
"I'll make you ride the goat t
You can't come that game on me now
Sinoe woman's got a vote 1"
And when I sit me down, suppressed,
To wonder and to sigh,
She talks and talks till I can't tell
If Sues the man, ori !
The Queen, aodording to Howard Sax.
by, having had some trouble in furnish-
ing a name for a grandchild got the poet
laureate to fix up the following :—
They talked of Madera, Aurora and
Of Mabel, and Marcia, and Mildred
and May ;
Debated the question of Helen, Honors,
Clarissa, Camilla, and Phylis and
Theytllought of Mercella, Estella and
Balla, '
Considered Oeoelia, Janette and
Allele, Adele, Annette, Arabella, and
Irene. •
Ono liked Theodora, another Lenora,
Some argued for Edith and some for
For Madeline, Adeline, Lily and
And then after all they dooided on
W, B. Palmer, defaulting teller of the
Bank of Commerce, and Fred. A. Filgi.
ano, defaulting cashier of the Grand
Trunk at Hamilton, were, each sentenced
to three years in the penitentiary.
We know whereof we affirm when we
state that Ayers Zile, taken promptly,
at the first symptoms of colds and fevers,
arreet further progress of these disorders,
and speedily restore the stomach, liver
and bowels, t° their normal and regular
llamas na Six Houns.—Distressing kid-
ney and bladder disend°es relieved in six
hours by the "Great South Alnarioan
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great aurprien and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, book and
every .part of, the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in miming it almost im-
mediately. If ydu Want quick relief and
ontothis is your remedy, Sold by G. A.
Deadmail, druggist.
%'LLD Mh'1)I0A'fr ,SKILL,
1. Speedy (tore tor the Trouble at Lust
Discovered—'Who Particular,. er the
One of a tittle tt lrl'Who ?vas a fie.
vert Sufferer.
From the OthtWaJournet, - In a handsome briok residence on the
10th line of Coulborn township, Co,rleton
Co., lives Thos. Bradley, ono of Gout -
borne most suocessful farmers. In Mr.
Bradley's family is a bright little dough.
ter, 8 years of age, who had, been a severe
sufferer dram St, Vitus donee,, and who
bad been treated by physicians without
any beneficial results. Having learned
that the little ane had been fully restor-
ed to health by the use of Dr, Williams'
Pink Ville, a correspondent of the Jour-
" Note
"Note En it'065 Free Froin Disease."
nal °ailed at the family reeidenoe for the
purpose of ascertaining the facto, and
found the little girl a picture of bright-
ness and good health. Mrs. Faulkner, •a
sister of the little one, gave the following
information : "Abouteighteen menthe
ago Alvira was attaoked by that terrible
malady, St. Vitus dance, and became so
bad that we celled in two doctors, who
held out no hope to vs, of hor ultimate
cure, and she was so badly affected with
the 'dance' as, to require almost constant
watching. About this time we read in
the Ottawa Journal of a similar case
oured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, whioh gave us renewed hope. We
procured a onuple of boxes, and before
these were allused there was a percept.
ible improvement. After using six boxes
more she was entirely free from the dis-
ease, and as you -can see is enjoying the
best of health. Several months have
missed eines, the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills was disoontinued, but there
has been no return of the malady, or any
symptoms of it. We are quite certain
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured her
and strongly recommend them in similar
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an unfail-
ing specific for such dieeaeee as loco-
motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus
dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,
nervous headache, the after effects' of la
grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and
sallow complexions, all forms of weak -
nese, either in male or female. Pink
Pills are told by all dealers, or will be
sent postpaid on receipt of price, 50 cents
a box or 6 boxes for 82.50, by addressing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y.
Look out for satan. A biler allus
bnabs in its weakest pint.
Prejudice is a good freed, bat a mitey
bad enemy.
I never no which is the mot, pride fur
fancy dress or pride fur plain dress.
Sayins 'thout morels are like morels
never eed—no good.
Charity begins at hum. Samtbin
must a darned the stream;purtynear the
head, for very littl of it ever gets away
from its etartin' pint.
A man what won't tell the truth with.
out hie oth, mite furgit how when he's
took his oth.
Honeety'e the beet policy, if it wuzent
I wudent pursoo it.
Dille—Tbe mac boo loved his nation
az hizself. •
A mother's love is pure -selfishness.
The man wot dine hiz mustac only do
oeives hizself.
All roads lead to heaven—except them
what don't.
Whisky is a long-winded reeler, After
a man has downd it a good mealy times.
it usually throws him at last.
Selfishness is like asbestus, it don't
ware out.
You oan't walk thro smut without get -
tin' blank.
I'm allus a hustle suspicious of the man
what knows everything,
The man wot bolds onto a thing, atm
biz father dide, ort to mo his wheat with
a sickle and rook hie babes in a sap troff.
Tradition iz good enol in its place, but
its place is 100 miles west by west from
the west ooast of Urup, and 00 fathoms
Genaea'ai .Ne vve
Montreal has had no oolleotor of cus-
toms for about three years, and th'b
Board of Trade urges the filling of the
office upon the., Government.
CaTanhen ItELxaysn 1$ 10 00 60 MINUTES.—
Ons short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnow's Oatartab Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the eurfaoe of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly curet Catarrah, Play Fever, Colds,
Haadaoh s, Sore Throat, Toneilibie and
Deafness 00 cents at, G. A. Dominion's.
Four men were in a oral Imine two and
a half miles from Story City, Iowa, just
at closing time. The engineer bad built
a big fire in the furnace whioh hoists the
oage and left for hie supper. While be
was gone the 'timber a, aoent to the
furnace oanght fire, and the flames reach.
ed the °able attathod to the cage. When
the engineer returned he attempted to
hoist the cage with the men, but the cable
broke, and they fell to the bottomof the
abaft. Tho fall was 808 over three feet
and they were uniniured. The mine was
filling with smoke from the burning wood,
and there was, no other mode of agrees
for them. George Payne was foreman of
the little gang of miners, and they fol.
lowed him to one of thebelle, thinking
they' would bank tbemeeivee in and pre-
vent the smoke from entering. The bell
was only 100 feet from where the wood
was barbing, but before they could 'enter
and build the borrioade they wore sago.
SHE fl ''c' SELS I0ST
causameauseastoaaPiesetrissozesurearecene 'orassosum
19P11GliNt}TQN 1'P, 0, T. U,
The Wellington County W, O. T. U,
hold its annual mooting ab Barrieton re.
Gently, Tho clay eeeajone wero mostly
oeeupfod with marble baeinese, There
410seveu unions In the county with 71
paying members and 17 honorary, and
three Bands of gene with 815 members,
The Treasurer reported rooeipts 848 51,
expenditure, 842.92, leaving a balaaoe on
bond of 85,50,
Iteports from superintendents of de
aunt ofnto wo kwork mmempliehod adu ink he
year, Goad papers on "The Attitude of
the Church to Prohibition," "Juvenile
Worlk," and "Social Purity," were read
and discussed..
The ofilgere elect are ;—President, Mre,
M. A. Maddock, Guelph ; Vice•Preeideut,
Mrs. J. J. Cook, Mt. Forest ; Oorreepond.
ing Secretary, Mre, G, 3. Reid, Mt. For.
est; Recording Secretary, Mies M. Wil-
son, Hairiston ; Treasurer, )10fie' 0. V.
Skinner, Guelph.
Thursday evening a mase meeting was
heli!, at whioh Dr. hoes, of Brantford,
gave a very able address. He said that
the µ!timate object of the W. C. T. U. is
to gain the prohibition of the liquor traf•
fie. I3e spoke on the following methods
of gaining that objeob ;—(1) Training the
boys and girls. Medi is being done
Along this line by scientific temperance.
instruction in our eobools. (2) Distri-
bution of literature. 'There is nothing so
valuable as a good, sound prohibition pa-
per doming intq our home. (3) Pulpit
and platform. (4) Moral suasion. He
showed clearly that, although theeethings
would aid the work, there is only one
way of getting prohibition, and that is
through Parliament. .hither temperance
people must get one of the parties to
make it a plank in their platform, or
pledge their candidates for Parliamentary
honors to demand it for them. It must,
he said, be made the supreme issue.
Confederation Life Association.
Solite Good Reasons why. you Should Se.
teat 16 ale the hest tlouipimy
to Enure ln.
(1) Because it is a safe, prosperous and.
progressive Canadian Company.
(2) Because it has not entered, and
does not intend to enter, on the raoe for
business at any 'out, regardless of the
beet interests of its policy -holders.
(3) Because a company whioh thus
limits ite operations is better able to sup-
ervise its business, control its agency and
medical staff, thanu, a company with a
more extended neem: of operations, and,
000sequently, is likely to Bemire more
favorable results for its policy -holders.
(4) Because the Confederation Life.
settles all claims promptly upon the re-
ceipt and approval of the proofs of death.
5) Because the premium rates of the
Coufederatiod Life are considerably lower
than those of American or British Com-
(6) Because the Qonfederation ` Life of -
fere you an unconditional policy, which
is entirely free from all vexatious con-
ditions and restrictions.
(7) Because. the Confederation life
Raines a policy whioh is absolutely and
automatically not•forfeitable after two
years, guaranteeing either "extended in-
euranot," without application, or.e "paid -
up -policy," or a "cash value ou'surren-
der of the policy.
(8) Because the polioies of the Confect.
eration Life allow you thirty days' grace
in the payment of renewal premiums.
(9) Bemuse the dividend results on all
°lasses of policies in the Confederation
Life aro unexcelled by those of any other
company. - .
(10) Beoause the Confederation Life
has always had an extremely low death
rate, whioh is an evidence of careful and
conservative management in the selection`
of rinks.
(11) Because a policy of insurance in
the Confederation Lifewill always be
aocepted as a good oommeroial security.
(12) Beoanee a polioy of insuranoe in
the Confederation -Life is, in event of
death, an asset whioh can be immediate-
ly converted into cash without lose—thus
enabling your exeoutore to meet without
inaonvenience,any pressing obligations,
and avoid the possible necessity of sem-
rificing other leas negotiable securities.
(18) Beoauae the Confederation Life
issues o joint or partnership policy which
is epeoially adapted to • the requirements
of business men. -
(14) Because the 'Confederation ,Life
will give you a plain, straightforward
policy contract, free from ambiguities,
and in which all its terms are fully set
Full particulars as to rates, etc., fur-
nished on application to W, H. Kerr,
local agent, Brussels.
In wady oases, the first work of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is to expel the effeots of
the other medicines that have been tried
in, vain. It would be, a saving of time
and money if experimenters ..took Ayer's
Sarsaparilla at first instead of at last,
RaeouAorsnc OUeen pe A Dein.—South
American Rheuntatio Cure for Rhegma.
tism and. Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 3 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re-
moves at once the amuse and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefito. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
Vi1400 be COM MOIL ..
"TOW '2'IS 33IF1131817NT, Poor, wean and
watery blood ie turned into rich, vita,
living and tissue bnadinu. Tile. 'new diseov-
aveapari is
RhonnrRusin. - Achrtlin,
sevo(ula, moons,
some medicines cure mild oaeos—.it takes the.
latest discovery in medical soi000e—seott'a
Sarsaparilla—to reach stubborn casae. Cures.
where other medicines fall because of its
difference, Contains how blood purilyiug
properties—navor tailing.
81 pee mottle or 6 ler
Edmanson, Bates ce Co., 7oronto
Scott's Sinn Soap cleanses andlh tats.
''„wl TH.
'26 ate.,
50 eta, and:
$1.00 Bottle.
One cent a doe
It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists.
It dukes loot/dent Consumption nulls the
beat Cough and Croup Cure.
Sold by .IAS. BOX, Itrussist. Brussels,
410 IM161011Maimayew
Featherbone Skirt Bone'
Style and Shape
Ladies' Dresses,
A. light, pliable, elastic bone made'l
from quills, It is soft and yielding,
conforming readily to folds, 'yet giving
proper shape to Skirt or Dress.
Theonly. skirt Bone that may be
wet without injury.
The Celebrated I'eatlierbone Cor.
sets aro corded with tits =tenet.
10-21 For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
Oaartain la its effects and navor blisters,
Bead proofs oelow:
1'CGarman bHo.enderson Oo., 211., Feb.?i.'el,
ookr and oblige.
send 100 one at dont f yoee
Books Xendal nd oblige. I re with a groat deal of your
12endall'u Spasm Cure with 0001 success • It le d
wo0001101 medicine. I once hadbetties
a mare that had
as Oeonl t t aovin and ave battles cured her. 1
beep 4 bottle on Yours hand the a Giles. Powsm.
Dr. B. J. FEND=Co. (nacos, aro„ Apr. a,'02.
Vos,,0Irs—I have used several bottles of your
"Kondall's spavin Ouro” with much success. I
think it Che best Liniment I ever used, flare ,•a
mooed ono Ourb a 111001 h
Spny. and NEW
two Bone Spal lee. Nave recommended it to
es, oral armyfriends who are much pleaded with
audlreeP it. Ita0Pe0tra11y'
S.R. iiev, P.O.3300211.
For Salo by all Druggists, or address
Dr. 23..T. H.DND .LL 00IIP.41.211
eN0800009 FALLS. VT.
'i: 4.111 f,/
We are prepared to take any quantity
of Wool either for Gash or Trade,
We have a large Assortment of.
Tweeds, Flannels, Carpets,
Blankets, Yarns, Knitted
Goodsf 7 dec. to choose from.
We also prepared to take in all kinds of
Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spinn-
ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, &c.
H� & Co.,
llezt too. to : lashill's Shop,
of Toronto,
d. Lanmr,
"I contracted a severe cold, whioh settled
Oil sly lungs, and I did what is often done
in sueh cases, neglected 1t, I then consulted
'L doctor, who found on examining me, that
the upper�11art of the lett lung was badly
affected. Tke medicines he ave me did not
as,"w to de any good, and I determined to
v Ayao's Cherry Pectoral. After taking a
•:c closes my trouble was relieved, and 00-
2-0e 1 had finished the bottle I wag Silted,"
—..1.F.PLAE, watchmaker, Orangeville, Ont.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
!Helios% Awards at World's Fair.
Ljor.0 PIM Cure Indigestion.
When you waiit a Stove, Tin.
or Granite -ware, or .IIard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
—man A'i
Hardware Store
Whore sou will, from
this date, get a
Off all ,Cash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Can.
17x8 in Stook. ,
_Established 1871•
,OP W' ofco
p4 00
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is p erfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
W . xEran, Agent, Brussels.
Having purchased the Wall Paper stock ofal FOE
and combined it with my own, I have now the
Largest, Cheapest and Best
Display ever made in 13russels.
Special Bargains Given during this Month
To save trouble of moving in connect
tion:with the erection of ne w store,
You can save Dollars by dealing with me in
Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades.
Paper Banging done in First-class Style.
W. i 'i ODDI .,