HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-18, Page 8PURE HONE
With considerable trouble
and expense we have man-
aged to buy a quantity of
, '';first-class honey so as to be
sole to sell it t'or, leas than
some are asking wholesale.
Although so scarce we are
able to sell it 10 lbs, for $1
or 40 lbs. for $3,75, There
is no healthier sweet known
than pure phoney, and who
is there that do not crave for
sweets, the system seems tQ
require it, You will do well
to lay in a stock of it while
the supply lasts.
Deadman & IVIQOaII,
Druggists, Booksellers, &O.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
sad South, as follows:
ifs it 0 60 am,Mixed 9:43 a.m.
Express -1,:09 am. Mail'
9:19 p.m.
dared..,....,, 9:00 p.ra. Ili -Trees 9:49 p.m.
Itoral NI.e m giants,
A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'llprent:it.
GET ready for Tax Collector Boae.
FounTH Division Oonrt next Thursday.
Weer about organizing the ourling club
for the doming winter ?
THURSDAY Messrs. Clegg & Dames ship-
ped 2 oars of lambs from Brussels station.
PnonioTION examinations are in grog-
resa in several Departments in our Pub•
lac school.
Two cars of live hogs were shipped by
Messrs. Backer its Vanatoneon Tuesday
of this week.
Don'T forget the 10 days' enumeration
at the poatoffioeleading to the carrying
of mail on the noon train.
3IONTHLY Horse Faire will be resumed
is Brneaeis again ..this season as usual,
the first one being held on Thursday, 31st
Baesairs Woollen factory will be offer-
ed for sale, by publio auction, on Friday,
November let, at 3:30 o'clock. A fine
opening for a good business.
ALREADY models of 1896 wheels are
being shown by travellers. The "bike"
next year will be much the same as this
year's pattern, only larger tubing ie being
used for the tires.
A ems window hae been placed in -the
store of Messrs. Ferguson & Halliday
which will prove a great help in lighting
the interior. J. MoBain's tailoring es.
tabiishment has been aimilarily treated.
Allmmron sale bills printed while you
wait, at THE POST Publishing House. A.
free notice given in our oolmmne which
reaches handrede of families in East
Haron. We arrange dates for Auction•
sere, no need to see them personally um
less you wish.
CHANGE OF ADvnwr,so IENTS,-The busi-
ness men will confer a great favor if they
will get their changes of advertisements
to Tao Peer by Tuesday noon of each
week. A half dozen or so Doming in on
Wednesday means that either several of
them have to lie over until the following
week or elsetime.pet on them that
should be spent on other departments` of
the paper.
CARD or THA.vlcs. To the Master Work-
man and Officers of Ancient Order of
United Workmen, Brussels :—Gentle.
men,—I beg to aoknowledge, with .many
thanke, the receipt of your check for
62,000 for myself and sisters, the amount
of insurance held by my father, the late
Peter Thompson, in your Noble Order.
A month poly has elapsed;sinee his death.
The promptness, and kindness on the
part of your Lodge of United Workmen
Palle for oar highest appreciation and
commends your association to every one.
Signed in behalf of myself and sisters.
Brussels, Oct. 15. Ina Jones.
DIED. -Friday of last week May, the
beloved daughter of James Cline, Wing -
ham, was called to her eternal home at
the early age of 20 years. She had been
in poor health for the past year and de.
*pita the best care from pbyeioians and
friends gradually failed until the golden
cord was loosened. Consumption was
the cause of her decease. *Mies May was
a bright, intelligent young lady and en.
joyed the friendship of a large oirole of
frieude. The funeral took plane on Mon-
day. It was largely attended. Mr. and
Mrs. Cline and family are deeply sym-
pathized with. The deceased young lady
was a ne10e of Mrs. 1'. Scott's, of Brae -
Tuesday afternoon a largely attended
meeting of depositors of this banking in•
solation was hold in the Foresters' Hall
and was presided over by Dr. McTag•
gart, of Bebrman, Alabama, A dividend
of 5 cents was paid, making 76 oents on
the dollar realized np to bhie date to de-
posi tore. This is good when it is taken
into account that there was $40,396.70 in
depo Bits at the time the bank ceased to
do business and of this 630,297.36 hae
been returned. There was a full and free
discussion of business affairs and the re
anit was the election of a committee of
five, via.: --Joseph Olegg, Jno. McCrae,
Tboe. Rally, John Roddiok and W. H.
Kerr, to whom Dr. MoTeggart transfer-
red notes, judgments, b,,.ike, real estate
in Manitoba and Ontario. &c., -belonging
to the estate, to apply on paying the re.
nz•aining 610,000 still due, ou affability of
war $80,000. It wag decided to make a
rigorous effort to collect all outstanding
!mounts and close up the estate ae speed•:
Ay ez poesible. Thee. Kelly was ehosen
7hairman of Committee and W. I3• Kerr
Ieoretary.Treasarer, Dr, lltcTaggart ex.
idafned the situation of affairs in a Very
satisfactory manner to the 80 or 100 per-
sons present and the arrangement arrived
at was ooneidered the beat in the inter•
eeta of all concerned, owing to there
beidg 1,200 miles between Do. MoTag.
gart'e home and Brussels.
0040. has gene np in 940, $0.25 being
POW asked Per ten for loofa delivery,
ldlaaene. Crisco ct PAWS Shipped 2 ogre
of live liege last Monday from Bruesele.
De yin owe for Tait Veda" ? We want
200 byNovember $ N emboc del to moat our Finan•
olal engagements,
Miss O'Coxxorl's pupils, assisted by w3rtzels thio Year that plumped dowel
°there, will give a comfort in Brussels the males at 120 pounde. T. Ballantyne
Town Jlall Shortly,
Tim sidewalk leading from Churgh
etreet to the former Keox ohnroh has
been lifted and the plank will be utilized
Mos. A. Goon has exchanged her
property at Alma with John Wynn, Bons*
solo, for a bouee and lot on John street
end she will take poeeeseion in the near
Tonsnty afternoon the fire engine was
taken ant and the new stone water bank
near the Revere House tilled, so as to test
its water holding propertiee, It took
about 11 house to All it, the tank being
11 feet deep,. The water has lowered
about 22 inches, but whether it will hold
at that remains to be seen. The eon-
tractor guarantees it to hold water.
Hone( Ikees.—Friday afternoon .of
this week, weather and track permitting,
a program of rages will take place at the
Driving Park, Bruseele, half mile heats,
beet 2 in 8. There are entered now J.
Hewitt's"GraeebopperDan" • R Wil•
]lams'' "Livery Tom" ; S. Beattie's "Sam.
Slink" ; Dos. Warwick's "Azote II" ;
and A. Straohan's "Strathallen," 'The
purses are 65,00, $8.00 and$2,00, Owner
to drive his horse. ' Gee. Goobel's speedy
mare "Mise Delmarah," of Mitchell, and
"Reddy," the well known stallion, will
give an exhibition $ mile each.
Pnonrrnx PAm.-Last Friday cheques
for the $2,000 payable by the A. 0. If. W.
Order to the heirs of the late Peter
Thompson, wlio was a charter member of
Brussels Lodge, were received by the
Recorder and forthwith handed over to
the interested parties. When it is re•
membered that kir. Thompson only died
on September 5th, and that the neces-
sarypapers had to go bank and forth to
Algonquin Park, and Toronto, the public
will, see that the A. 0. U. W. 'lose no
time in settling' claims, as in less than a
month from the burial the money was
paid in full to the four daughters, Mre.
Jones, Mrs,Whitley, Mre. Humphries
and Mise Clara Thompson.
Goderich -Signal Saye :—The many
friends of M. G. Cameron, barrister, &o.,
formerly of the firm of Cameron, Solt &
Cameron, and late of Toronto, will he
pleased to learn that be has resumed
business in town after a praotine of some
eight years in the Provincial capital, and
has established his office in Horton's
Block, Hamilton -et. When in Goderioh
before Mr. Oomeron was one of our most
popular and moat public spirited resi-
dents, having 'served for years on the
town Council and County Board, with
credit to himself and benefit to the town.
Be is acknowledged to be a sound lawyer
and a good business man, and, we have
every reason to believe, will soon build
up a lnorative practice. con. of Grey township to Michigan about
AN Onesmen s Ornvrow.—M. Y. Mo. 18 years ago. She had been ill for about
Lean, M. P. P. for South Huron, was in 2 years from heart and liver trouble, so
Brussels a short time ago and gives the that her death was not an unexpeoted
following notice of our new school in the evert. The funeral took plane on Bab.
Expositor :—The new school building is bath and, was largely attended, a memori-
now being got, into shape inside as well al service being held in the Methodist
ae outside. When this ie completed church. The subject of this notice was
Brussels will be able to boast of one of 48 years of age. In addition to her hes.
the handsomest and most commodious band 11 children are left to mourn the
and convenient public school buildings in lose of anaffeotionate mother. John and
Ontario. Itis of white brink, with brown Philip Ament attended the funeral,
stone facings' and a handsome tower. It SLANmEt.-At the Assizes at Guelph
RTJSS E4L S 1'Q T OCT, S, 1895
THE Posy le the newepaper for feast
Haran, $7 in advapoe nays 10 Jen, 1807,
LAST Saturday R. 110ach arrived being
from 'Muckier ranee, idebrought "Naples
Leat" and "Reddy" with him, They,
will both 'Winter here.
Contighnpn MoOnaoogg raised 6 maugel
grew Borne that were not Many pounds
behind them,
A 3IAartubo 3 Irish bullet was lifted by
Town Treasurer Kelly this week, which
weighed 3 po,inde and 5 000058, It was
of the Empire State variety, and would
delight the heart of any Hibernian.
AT a special meeting of the School
Board on Tuesday evening Rev. Too. Roos
and I. N. Kendall were deputized to pur•
ohaee the necessary desks and °hairs re-
quired for the teachers in the new sehenl
Tien Po3T has received an invitation
from the Board of Directors of the Gode-
rich Curling and Skating Aeeooiabiop, to
attend the opening pf their new rink on
Tuesday evening next. There will be a
oonoert by the Ramsay Congest Com•
SnoasoARa Bose, of the Sohool Beard,
has already received a large number of
applications for the vacancies to be made
on the teaching abaft of our school, owing
to the resignations of Miss Braden and
Mies Cooper at New Years.
LAST Friday 3. A. Creighton ordered
the naw 1200 pound Meneely bell for the
town. . It will ooeh. $864.50 laid down
here, Gerry Brea, ware unable to fill the
bill at $357. The present bell will be
removed to the new school house as soon
as the new purchase arrives.
`len House of Refuge will be complet-
ed on Monday of next week and the
Building Committee will meet in Clinton
on Tuesday, at 10 a. m., to arrange for
taking it off the oontraotor'e hands if
everything is all right. Arrangements
will also be made os to date of reception
of inmates•-
LAST Sabbath evening some person or
persons visited the horse Sheds in con-
nection with the Methodietohurch while
Service was in progress, and removed the
nuts that held the wheels on W. A. Kil-
lough's buggy. Phe danger of a run-
away accident was averted by noticing
the loosening of one wheel. The Trus-
tee Board intend ferretting out the oil.
prit.. Any information that will lead to
conviction will be gladly received.
Sorenson was A Tnlitw,—After the East
Huron Fall Fair a bag of oats belonging
to Amos Smith, near Molesworth, and a
cheese, the property: of Neil S. MaLauoh-
lin were i„ft in the "Palace" by over-
sight. The piaee was securely looked,
but on going to see about them later the
articles had been spirited away. It ie
hoped that the Directors may be able to
fasten the guilt upon the proper parties,
so that they may be brought to jusbioe.
OMT. -Tuesday Oot. let, the ,spirit
of Mrs. Conrad Kabel, of Hartford,
Michigan, took its flight. Deceased was
a sister to Ament Bros., of Bruesele, and
with her husband moved from the I2ah
is two storeys high and contains six large Chas. Raymond, sewing machine mann.
and airy class rooms, besides beautiful faoturer, ve. Lawrenoe Hennesse
wide halls, waiting rooms, cloak rooms, y, not
etc. In the basement are two large Ir eeron oSt9th sewing mdam g s were
rooms to be used as play rooms for the tried f Oot. 9th, e , was damages were
children on stormy days. It will be claimed for slander, fen, was won trying the
heated by two large furnaces, also in the negoplaintiff. The defendant, in to
basement, while the ventilation will be 10 different
tp Bale of the Singer machine
Main -
very perfect. When completed it will be it , and be parties ins Io comp] and ooees-
a credit and an ornament to the village, sty, and being Raymondunable anas op position
and the only pity, is that it does not oo- fully ewd toh the.slang as stabil tecta
espy a more 000spic1ous position in the resorted each slanderous etatemente
veilage. Strangers coming to town will reflecting on Chas. Raymond, hie aharao-
ter and standing, that Mr. Raymond to
not be able to Bee it unease they make 0
pilgrimage of a couple of blocks fpr that pat ea atop to each work a in cut, with
purpose. sIt is a pity it had not been witnesses and pets case in acus! with
located on the town square.. However it the result that the jury awarded him
le too late to balk about this now, and ae damages of n , C.
L cta, Dunbar bo poen by
it is it will stand as a monument of the the casdefe on be. if fLha. mond; 3.
intelligence and liberality of the people B.
eoals on behalf of Chas. Raymond; J.
for many generations to Dome. It is to Jackson, Ingersoll, for defendant.
be finished, about the middle of November, A. FASO Oxs. The following in refer -
when it will be formally opened by a 55105 to a race won, by Beattie Bros'.
grand demonstration, in which the Hon. trotter, ''Wanda," we take from' the'
orable Minister of ',Education and other Cleveland Leader of:Oobober 4th • "The
dignitaries well take part. When Som- result of the first heat of the 2.23 cease
plated the building and furnishings will trotting, puree 8000, the last race of the
day, was a surprise to the spectators.
cost about 69,000.
around the pool boxes. Fannie S. sold
afternoon tthereooe Bono rooms 10 oonneoy favorite at even money with a field of
tion with H. R. Brewer's studio was filled nine against her, and the entire field
to overflowing by the pupils of T. A, finished before she jogged under the wire.
Hawkins and them friends, who Dame to The heat had another sensation in it. A
enjoy the musical program, consisting of by 14 to 1 shot, Wanda, a bay mare, owned
and vocal see of ons annoinstrumentals on the unced. About iano start,andattieiter obs pole had bad teeth-blsen lost ace at tbe
three hours were very pleasantly whiled
J. G. Newcomb, Wanda walked to the
away as the varione performers, number. • front on the back stretch as though the
other speeders were
ing 51 in all, rendered the numbers of : ata standstill, and
their ohoioe. The music was of a high 'landed the heat in 2.19, with Minuetta,
order and was highly creditable to both
teacher and pupile. Mrs. Goo. Thomson
and Mies Joan Rose were • the only two
taking part who had not at one time
been under Mr. Hawkins' instruction.
It has been suggested that future recitals
be held inthe .Town Hall, with a small
admission fee to pay expenses, The pro-
gram was as follows;—Choral in F., Ida
McAllister ; gallop, Chas. Richards;,
waltz, Mary Tarvey ; polka, Maud Hog.
gard ; song, Nellie Campbell ; choral in
D, Maggie Meadows ; waltz, Ella Bryan ;
piano duett, Mre. Geo. Thomson' and T.
A. Hawkins ; ''Luorezia Borgia," Kate
Black ; polka, Robb. McKenzie ; redeem,
Belle McKinnon ; eeoondo in D, A, G
and 0, Miss Cunningham ; gallop, Mag-
gie Stewart ; waltz, Jessie McLaughlin ;
'Home, Sweet Home," Annie Ferguson ;
sacred Bong, Mrs, Keenig • waltz,' Tillie
Laing ; recreation in 0, Maud Sinclair
waltz, May Deadman ; song, Aggie Mc-
Alpine; vocal duett, Miens Ross ; gallop,
Willie Leatherdale ; march, Bessie
Moore; march, Minnie Sellars ; gallop,
Tena Menzies ; Bong, Lizzie Kirkby
varix in 0, Lily MoAllieter ; varia in D,
Annie McAllister ; piano duett, MieSee
Cardiff ; march, Eva Oardiff ; gallop,
Mamie McArthur ; eeoondo in 10, Mies
Black • morel], Bella MaLaeohiin ;
march, 'Mary McLauchlan ; song, Miss
Hill ; vales, Edna Dennis ; eohg, Lillian
Aialey ; march, Maggie McMurray
varia in G, Sarah klaiste ' song, Belle
Smith ; waltz, Jennie MctCarter; : waltz,
Carrie Wheeler ; varia in F, Mrs, Wil.
kinaon ; marob, MieeHumpbreys; waltz,
Line MoCarter• song, Lida Crooke ;
gong, Nellie W'ard ; gallop, Maggie
)9274X1)4,81) BoIXT,C 0.L' ca y✓.!..Da,
1R$T-4.3 ak72-1; 19 Uu 77.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dellare)
CAPITAL (Authorized) -
Apetteiceire alt rinc4patpointsin Ontario, Qw0bep,A2anicobia, United
artS'28'AS .
A General '.Banking Business Trangaotod.. Farxtiere, Notes Discounted,
Drafte Lamed and Cplleotions made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 61.90 and upwards from dat of deposit to'date of
withdrawal and pompottnded half yearly,
$pierAL ATTENTION 0x01001 TO THE 0OLLEOTr0es Or FAR1nline' San Nome.
Every faoility afforded Onebomere living at a distance.
co rO'danp'tava
GIrldLXEk7 14i�is5�dedn aim l ay r� mLV d5 ¢rasra'da � 9
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts J3ought and sold on
all points 111 Canada, United States and Great Britain.
arm,. I mr DAMO 'IVERAIN
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits,
We effect to write Insurance in old Eligible or Canadian Companies, or In )cut.
- nail Companies ae may be desired.
Business Locals.
OYSTERS on band at McAlpine's.
LONG, clear bacon ab McCracken's.
Mainly Beed for sale at McCracken's.
IP you want robes or blankets call on
H. Dennie.
SINGLE harness very low in . price. I.
0. Riobarde,
SEE our Robes and Blankets, beet value
in town, •I. 0. Richards.
LARGE Stook of light harness Bold at low
prices. H. Dennis.
Ono horse collars are all warranted.
H. Dennis.
Sae our long boots, hand made, very
low in price and splendid 'quality. I. 0.
' APPRENTICE wanted to learn boat mak.
ing. Apply to M. Richardson, over Mo.
Gowan & Oo'e,;etore.
Fon SALE.—Three heating stoves, one
a parlor 000k, and another an upright.
Also a number of pipes. Apply at Mel-
ville Manes.
Do you want to atop using toba000 ?
If eo, use No -To -Bao. We refund your
money if not ae stated. G. A. DEenrats.
Mae. MoOntot wishes to notify the
publio that ehe still does Carpet Weaving
at her reeidenoe, nearly ` opp. Dr. 1Mc
Kelvey'e, Satisfaction guaranteed.
Kenm'a Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 ole, 60 ots and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
I HAVE ordered a large stock of window'
shades and curtain poles, which I will
sell very cheap. We put them on your
windows. All goods delivered free.
R. Leatherdale.
Saws made to out fast and easy. Seo.'
and -baud saws bought and .sold. Point-
ers given on saw filing and the cars and
management of saws, on Queen street
East, by T.MoGregor, of Brussels, Ont.,
Master of Sawa.
Samoos a cure is sold ona guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the beet 000gb oure. Only one pent a
dose. 26 ate., 50 ots. and $1.00. Bold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
IE you have an organ that wants Olean.
ing or repairs, or a piano that wants
toning leave your orders here as I have
made arrangements with a piano tuner.
All work guaranteed or no pay.
R. Leatherdale.
LADIES, clean your kid gloves with.
Josephine glove oleaher, for sale only by
Ferguson & Halliday. Sole, agents for
the Perrin Freres kid gloves, in lane and
button. All the most desirable shades.
Pounoax.—The undersigned will take
any quantity of fowl for trade in grocer-
ies °rookery,, &c. The highest prioes
paid. See him before bringing them in,
so he can advise you how and what days
in the week to kill. W. H. Meemicauoi.
FLEURY Plows.—Hugh Williams & Son
are: the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the neoeesary
repairs. Call al Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury -plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
Mus. T. S. Etyma:a, Chattanooga,
Tenn says, "Sli1 I h'a 'Save Vitalizer
a Cleveland horse, second. The only my life." I consider it the best 'remedy
couleet of interest 10 the second beat was
between Wanda, the pole, and Minuetta,
who finished second in the first beat.
The two horses trotted side by side
around the entire stretch, and the only
time when there was any danger that
another trotterwould be a factor fn the
heat was when Fannie S. oame np at the
quarter, but she couldn't stand the speed
and broke. Wanda won, with Minuetta•
second, King Buzz third, and Fannie 8.,
thefavorite at the beginning of the rape,
passed under the wire fourth. The. re-
emit of the heat and the speed shown by
Wanda was aooepted as an indication
that it was merely thrown away to buy
the fbeld,'an';1 there was little pool selling,
after the second beat. It was fast grow-
ing dark when the third and last beat
wag called, and the horses were given the
word gniokly, the drivers being as anxious
to finish as the judges. Wanda had the
pole, and after the ,turn woe made she
had a good lead, with Fannie S. and
Mioltetta contesting for aeoond piaee.
They trotted to the three•gnarter pole
with even noses. There Fannie S. broke
and fell to the rear. 'There was' another
horse rage for third plane, with Donna
Inez and King Buzz as the sonteetante,
Neither could gain an inch over the
other, and they came tearing down the
track at their beet flip, following Wanda
and Minuetta. The judges declared it a
dead beat between the two horses, which
gave them the same poeitibn' in the rape,
and it was therefore ordered that third
and fourth money be divided between
Donna Inez and King Bon. Wanda
took first money and Minuetta emend.
(ADDrrfoNAL LOCAL ON Ser rum)
for a debilitaed eystem I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 ots. Sold by Jae. Fox,
Druggist, Bruseele.
This new and very prosperous Fire In.
swarm Co. during the peat year issued
over 800 policies in Carrick, Howiok,
Oniroes and Greenock. Rates on farm
property very low. J. A. CREIGHTON,
Agent for Morris and Grey.
Heine AND ANOLEs RAW. -For yearo I
have been a great sufferer from itohy
skin trouble and salt rheum. My hands
and ankles were literally raw, The first
application of Dr. Ohaee'e Ointment al.
layed the., burning, itching seneation.
One box and a half entirely cured me.
It ie also instant relief for chilblains.
Henry A. Parmenter, St. Catharines,
WELL-DIee/No .AND Dnmanso.—George
,Flirt has all the neoeoeary machinery for
digging and drilling walla and ie proper.
ed to attend to all work ontrneted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape, Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry at., Bruesele. 84.49
BIDE= FAcrs.—In Jan. 1892 my son
wad taken with Kidney disease, 'Though
attended by three physioiane and thong)
of olimate he grew worse and by '93 had
fallen from 196 lbs. to 95 ibe. In 10 days
from starting the use of Dr. Chase's
KidneyLiver Pills we were able to move
bins home, In 4 months he gained 50
pounde and was. fully restored to health
by the use of this medioino. Jno, S.
Haetinge, 28 St, Paul et. Montreal.
MalluitzrE--Cnooxs. —At the residence of
the bride's parents, Bruesele, on
Wednesday, 001. 16613, 1895, by Rev.
John Ross, B. A., assisted by Rev:
H• W, Reid, Teeewater, Mr. Adam
McKay McKenzie, Tesswater, to
Mise Jessie Ellen, daughter of Mr.
George Crooks.
B&EZL.—In Hartford, Mich., on Oct. 1st,
Mre. Conrad Kabel, aged 40 years.
KLunrr.-In Atwood, on Oot. 10th, Ed-
ward, eon of 3. A. Klump, aged 9
years, 9 months and 10 days.
CLnq . Ia Wiogham, on Oct, 11th, May,
2nd daughter of • James Cline, -of
Wingham, aged 20 years. -
A'C • TION" SAI�r"78.
WEDNESDAY, Oot. 30th. -Farm stock.
Lot 8, oon. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved, et
1 o'olook. Robe; Carr, Prop., Geo. Kirk-
by, Auo.
Vint mortgage, farm security. Apply
at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels.
Top Buggy and Single Harness for
sale cheap. Apply to
sale and to rent, sinn easy terms, in Townships
of !Morris and Grey. F 8. S6OTT,Bruasels
Pure bred 8hropehire, from John
Campbell's, Woodville, well known stook.
Apply to J'N0. SMITH, Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey,
Brussels P. 0. . 15-19
Savings' Bank takes Deposita from
61.00 to $1,C00 and allows 31 per tient.
interest. T. FARROW,
87.3m Postmaster.
1556 of the undersigned, Sunday morn-
ing, Oat. lath, a 4 -year old bay mare, with
black mane and' -tail;. some white on one
kind foot. Any information loading to her
recovery will be thankfully received..
signed wishes to notify the people
of Brussels and surrounding country that he
is now prepared to attend to the weaving of
carpet. ANDREW Mo%AY,
Thom as 69. Brussels
10.4W est of Queen's Brussels,
is soaree and so le honey but we nava
succeeded in buying a TACO lot of the latter
which we can sell at the following low
i5es : 101bs. for $1.00, or 40 lbs. for $6.70.
Come quick if you want some.
Druggist, Bookseller &s,
ES of the. undersigned, Lot 21, Con.10,
Grey, on or about Oet. let, au aged ewe and
one iamb. The owner is requested to hove
property, pay expenses and takethem away,
14.4 Mom:igen P. 0.
undersigned -will keep for service o
Lot 0, Con, 8, Grey, the imported Chester
White boar, "Rlinoie Chief," Pedigree may
be seen on application, Terms .61,00 to be
paid at the time of service with privilege of
returning if necessary. JAS. ELLIOTT, Proprietor,
The undersigned will keep ter service on
North Half Lot 20, Oon, 7, Morris, a tboro'
bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased
from the well known breeder, Jno. Bell, Am-
ber. Also a ()baiter white Boar. Terme,
$1.00 to be paid at time of sorvfoo with priv-
ilege of returning it neoeesary,
894f S. WAL]f15R,Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 26 Con. G, Meixie, the there' bred. im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar ''Selected,"
bred from 3.11, Brethour's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago hair, Terms, .41.00 to be paid
at the time of sortie° with privilege of re -
finning if neoeesary. Pedigree may be Been
00 application.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 80, Oen, 0, Morrie. the thOrd'•bred Largo
Baguet.' Berkshire Bohr, 'Captain John,"
His mother le a full sister to the let prize
sow at the World's. Fair. Pedigree will be
produced On application. Terme—$1.00 to
be paid at time of eorviOe with privilege of
returning if ,
14'8m Jos, SPEER, Proprietor.
Is DOW 90 (heap bliab it sheuld
be a Capital Crime bo go un:
washed, Bouidoe you know
whab oleaulipese ie port bo.
A very nice Cake Toilet Soap, 4e
Baby's Own Soap, ,,,IOc
heliotrope Soap, ,14e
Oatmeal Soap, 10c'
Buttermilk Soap, .10e
Thou we have
Pure White Oaetile Soap, 150. per lb.
AT —mss
Fox's Drug store.
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oofleo-'
tionti made, OIDoe—Van5tene'e Blos o, Brea
able, 21-3m
!io &u d0iolVtor,Uowseyaneer,Notarypub-.
anetone's Block,1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Loan. •
Cameron,) Barrister and Cameron, iictor,, C der/oh,
Ont, Olfae—Hamilton St„ Opposite Col-
borne Hotel. •
Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrey &
Proudtoot's fiance, Goderioh•) Oftce over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. .
Money to Loan, 47
Honor Graduate Toronto Daiversity,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons,
Crown and Bridge work a specialty..Moder-
Barrebt's barber Satisfaction
,� Brae
tJ •. Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat an
diseases of domeetioated saimale in a own -
potent manner. Particular. attention paid,
to veterinary dentistry. Callepromptly at-
tended to. OMoe and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge •rurnberry et., Brussels.
0. M.,L.R.O.P., Edlnbur h, M. O. P.
S. Ont..Residenoe and office in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste.
EPPhysician, Surgeon Aoconeher, etc.
Graduate of Toronto University Neatest
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons Out. Osrs—Nest door to
McDonald & G'Io
o., Walton Ont.
at his Grocery, Pur burry street, D use llee.
southTonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
of A. M. XgsEdy & Co'e hardware store.
Ladies'and ehildrene hair cutting a specialty
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
t 'No Witness Required,
T. FLETCHER, Braesels.
enn0NOE 0o, Established 1610, In-
surances effected on all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates.
10-3m Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the Fourth' Division Dour
Co, Boron. Denveyanoer, Notary Public
Land, Loan, and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested any to loan. collections made
Chlae in Smale's Block, Brussels
Teacher of instrumental musio on
dyendloPihigedolnand Organ.Will
Reel, ,
donee on Mimosa Street, Brussels,
TA. HAWIINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Organist in lit, Johne Church, nr h, ,of A
sole, and Thayer, 30u in the Art o[ ork, 11 of ye
Mesonspupills. either
e York, will gine
at lie to r over
father of piano or organ, hie parlor le s or A.R. Eisen. Torras
erls, Vocal lessons -also given, Terme m°d-
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
edon reasonable tonne, Parma and farm
goals.* specialty. Orders lef at Tun PosT
.PabllshingHoe ee,Brusbeis,orsontt° Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
•Li •
-a; will sell dor bettorprices, to.
better man in lees time and lose °barges
thin any other Auotiou°er in Beet Huron
or ha won'b ithiarge anything, Bates and
ordote fan' always be arranged at this om50
or'by personal application,
. Any quantity Of Building, Corner Rubble
till and Bridge .Steno for Sale, �Qtlarriod
and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry.
For price and terms apply to
37•tf Box1GgJNO,MITO11511,
Brits Bole.