HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-18, Page 7UOTopEE.,'
Litterertlu¢rieme About eurOwn Palmer!:
Great Orltaln, Ike !hilted Outten: and
All Perls of the (brim, Condensed and
Assorted Mr leper Heeding,
Hamilton has 442 colored oitieene..
Lord and Lady Play fair are in Mon t
Chief Smith of Hamilton, is pelting for
More policemen.
The Quebeo Legislature has been num•
mooed for Oct. 30th,
13amilton's total assessment fe $10,995,•
204; population, 48,803.
The Banque dnPeople will probably
resume business within two weeks.
Judge Fitzgerald, of Thunder Bay, has
been gazetted as revising officer for Weet
At Chatham, Wm, Jenkins a young
colored man, drank a quart of whisky and
died from the effects.
The Government of Cape Colony is seek-
ing information from Canada un the sub-
jeob of lobster propagation.
The cut of the Chaudiere lumber mills
will this season be about fifty million feet
behind that of last year.
Sir Julian Pauneefote while in Ottawa
Will discuss Behring Sea mothers with
members of the Government,
' The rate' of taxation for the current year
for Chatham, Ont., was struck an Monday
night at 18 4-5 miles on the dollar.
Secretary of $tate,will deliver the orogen, RUnited $ atee tawer4e llreat I3rifain on
Addresser will .also be delivered by ,%lr the Venezuelan queotion, it ig asmr'tai>aed
Oharlos if. Tupper, Mr, Geo. E. Foster, tuns no ultimatum hots been sent from
I.teuto,Governer t tl Patrick, Al. Sullivan, ,Woshipgton.
and, poeeibly,Sir Oliver p4owet and Lieut.= °ouutoes Amelia Eulenburg, of Fronk -
Governor Chaploau.
`.4' , foot Germany, ie at present lo Grand the Hamilton branch Rorke, Dakota,' She le seeking a diverse
of the Bank of Oommeroe bac been from the llaron,horiluebeud,WholoCharged
suspended ao a result of the discovery of with neglect and desertion, whioh is given
Pelntor'e defalcation, There is no suspicion as just oause'for divorce,
ties oePpider tilt" soy, Wash., yesterday, It wasa at by
of connivance on lite part, but the authori, f7l,arleo Moyers was hanged at Poste,
ho woe lax in not t ed
discovering or preventing theembezz)ement Pomo Who wltneosed" the execution that
of money by the teller, It fo stated'" the life Was not entirely extinct when the
best authority that Palmer's defaloabione body was out down, and that a faint put -
will be lose than $16,000. 'cation of the heart was perceptible when
amu vnrmalx, he was planed in his coffin.
]!'roes and spew have visited Britain. The old mune of 16 and 20 inch calibre
It is reported that a London journalist p; Fort
weapons of smaller bore. New aro But the
e to be appointed Poet Laureate,
now cannon will parry a shell to miles, or
The Britieb Foreign Office is again dfe• four timee the range of the old ones, and
cussing the Canadian -French treaty, can MOO be fired with much greater pre.
Sir Charles Tupper ie going to deliver oielon,
a aeries of lsotures in London on Canada. Prof, ]Sell, the inventor, hag returned
A doubtful rumour has gained currency to Now York from Europe, In au [Ater.
in London that the Queen Will visit Ireland view he discusses a number of e4ientifie
next summer, experimeute, end deaaribsa a fliaohlne for
Mr. T. P. O'Connor, M.P,, editor of the condensing salt water for the use of
London Sun, oontemplatee a lecture tour in sailors shipwrecked or oast adrift, a recent
the United States, invention of hie own.
Mrs. Langtry hes made a formal demand The AttorneyGeneral of 'the United
upon the Umon Bank for £40,000, the value States has been informed that a saloon,
of her missing jewels, - keeper has moved a post marking the
Can -
The British chip Europa, bound from bonudary between that 'country and Can -
Leith for San • Francisco, has beep burned Ada in Northern New York about ten feet
at sea. Har orew were all reamed. into the United Staten territory for the
purpose of confusing the excise officers.
It is said that the Countess Clencarty
hotter known as Belle B, It is reported from Washington that
Phe Police Commisslonero of Toronto
have decided to experiment with pneumatic
tires on the oity ambulances.
A mail bag whioh was stolen Guelph
eight years ago was found in a chimney of
the City Hotel there the other day.
At Sherbrooke, Mark Sherburn, accused
of the Bull murder, was found insane and
sentenced to confinement in an asylum.
A man named Deacon died at Dresden
from the effects of a dose of medicine
Which he took on the advice of a friend.
The assessors of Toronto report that the
population of the oity is 174,309 an increase`
of 2,954 over the population of last
The Galt assessment returns show an
increase in the value of real estate of
$28,875 and a, deoreaee in population of
38. '
A London Weet., Ont., young woman
named Sadie McDonald, a dressmaker,
and an orphan, has been missing since
September 5th.
Reports from .the Sault Ste. Marie canal
show that it is working very successfully,
and is putting through a good deal of
An Edmonton despatch states that the
ittle girl, Pearl Heiberg, who was lost, has
been found alive after being five days
without food.
A boy testified at the' Winnipeg' Police
Court that hie aunt, Catharine Douglass,
had burned him with a hot poker acs
punishment for stealing.
John D. Moehereon, the champion pro-
fessional shot.putter, fell 48 feet into the
new look at Sault Ste. Marie Canal on
Friday and was fatally injured.
Hon. Mr. Angers has been appointed
legal, adviser for the Credit Foncier at a
salary of $4,000 a year, in plane of Mr.
Girousrd, who has been appointed Judge.
The aese5eor's returns in Kingston show
a degrease of assessable property of 575,-
770, chiefly in real and personal property.
The population is set at 17,955, an, in-
crease of 147.
Captain Howard, of Catling gun fame, is
in ettawa. He says that the Newfound'
land- sehuoners. he seized were openly
engaged in smuggling, and he can fully
justify his acts.
The appointment of Mr. W. B. Scarth,
of Winnipeg, to the position of Deputy
Minister of Agriculture' will be officially an
Bitten, the music'
nounoed in a few days. Mr, Scarth's
salary will be 53,200. •
Mr. E. S. Clouston, manager of the Bank
of Montreal, has received a oommuniavtion
from the president, Sir Donald Smith, to
the effeotthat he had been un.forbuvnte
enough to break one of his arms.
Advices were received in btawa Pride r
to the effect that matters are assumin ,
such a shape that in the course of a few
days it will be poeaible to exchange with
France the final ratifications of the French
treaty. m`
On Saturday evening Mr. Edward Flat•
cher, while using the Canadian Paoifio
railway Creek to walk home from Brampton,
was instantly killed by the down train,
which uompletely severed his head from
the body.
Tho assessors for the pity of Toronto
have reported that the assessable values of
the city on whioh the taxes for 1896 will
be levied is $149,054,951, a reduction of
$0,590,781 on the values of thepresent
year's assessment. •
hall singer,Secretary Olney intends indulging in a ie negotiating to return to the libble tail -twisting policy. He will .invite
Mr. Balfour's golf playing Runde. to assist th.o United States in
P e g $as greatly y patrolling the Behridlg Sea against the
deteriorated this season, and he has loat in ,. piratloal Canadians," and if England
all the friendly matches that he has played ,fares to interfere, why she will have to
in Soobland. lake the oonsequencea.
The liquor license of the Empire Music The Chicago Engineering News Domes to
Hall in. London, whioh was revoked afters the conclusion that while the reduction of
strong fight a few months ago, has again the lake level, due to the Chicago drainage
been restored, • canal, will have some effect on lake
It is stated in London that Lord Dufferin shipping interests, the effect will not be as
will become Secretary of State for Foreign represented. The News recommends the
Affairs on the expiration of his berm as United States and Canadian Governments
Ambassador at Paris. to take joint measures to artificially pre -
London shopkeepers say that the display serve the lake level.
of the RoyalArmsover theireetablisbments Commercial reports from the United
greatly helps their business with visitors States indicate little, if any, change in
from the United States• general busineee during thewoek just pass.
Considerable anxiety is beginning to be ed. Fine and settled weather has improv
elt in lfn lash scientific oiroles regarding ed trade in several lines, and increased
g e g the outlook for a good fall trade, In spite
Dr. Donaldson o longa African expedition, of the upward tendency for some time past
Howe of whioh is overdue: in values prices of merchandise, as a rule,
Sir Charles and Lady Tupper have re- are lower than a year ago, though advances
turned to the Canadian office in London have been considerable an cotton goods,
rom a long visit to Soobland, from whioh boots and shoes, eteeland iron, and a few
Sir Charles hoe derived muoh benefit, other lines. No advance of Consequence
It is rumoured in diplomatic circles that occurred in wool, and food products are
Sir J ulian Panneefote, British Ambassador generally cheaper. Damage from recent
to the United States, will succeed the frost and storms is inconsiderable. The
Earl of Dufferinas Ambassador to France. adverse features are a lighter demand in
At present England, Holland, and staple lines on the Pacific 'coast, a slight
Belgium all use Greenwich time. The resotioq in trade at Baltimore, and a check
legal time throughout Germany has recently inthe upward tendency of prices in iron
been defined to be exactly one hour fest on and epee]. However,meroantile collections
Greenwich time. are reported' as improving, especially in the
A woman just released from Woking South. GENERAL.
prison who shared a cell with Mrs
Mrs. J. McKenzie, of St. Thomas, Ont.,
drank about an ounce of carbolic acidlrom
a bottle by mistake on Wednesday morning.
It tool two physicians two hours to restore
her to enaciousness,and it ie now thought
she will recover.
The schooner Dauntlese bound from
Charlotte for Hamilton with a load of coal,
sprang a leak and foundered in Lake On-
tario. The captain and crew were picked
up by the eohooner .Clara Youell and.
brought to Toronto.'
--The steamer Lake Winnipeg, whioh went
aground on Thursday between Cape St,
Michel and Verandas, on her way up, was
brought into Montreal on Friday morning,
after being lightened of two hundred and
fifty tons of her oargo.
Two of the amused in the arson oases at
Montreal hove made a oonfesaion,ireplioat-
rng,it is: said, a number of retail meroiants,
and revealing a conspiracy whioh has
existed in Montreal and many country
towns for the leer Sfteen years.
Sir Julian Pauncefoto on Saturday had a
long conference with Sir Mackenzie Nowell,
Sir °beries H. Tupper, and Mr. Costigan.
His visit to Ottawa hes revived interest in
the Canadianwlatm0•for damages in mimeo -
tion with the BehrinipSea seizures.
Commissioner Miall, of the Dominion
Inland Revenue Department, who has just
returned to Ottawa from Winnipeg, speaks
in high terms of the prep of the North-
West, He considers that the estimate of
twenty million bushels of the best wheat is
well within the mark, and that there is
about the same quantity of slightly
damaged wheat.
The Sir John Macdonald statue in
Maybriek, says that the adjudged muderers The Island of Crate is in a state of
continues to declare that she is innocent of anarchy.
I1A�w 1 'fir
Earaoha In lnrants,
Earache is more nommen in young infanta
titan Is generally eepposod. Before a oblld
Warne to express hie f.eeiings in opeeoh, the
vauoa of his worrying and fretfulness will
eomebimes only be diseovorodafter the in.
flammation in the ear, which has given rise
to the pain has so far progressed that the
pent•up matter bursts through she sar•
drum and escapes through the emitter),
Mimi in the form of pus,
In the case of a fretful child whcm•the
writer remembers, earache was aieoovered
killing her husband. China offers satisfaction to Germany
New hes been reoeived from Capetown for the destruction of the Swatow mics
of the drowning of Bishop Maples and Rev. cion.
Joseph Williams, and the murder of Rev. Admiral Buller, comm ander of the Brit
Mr. Atlay, son of the late Bishop of Here -lab fleet in Chinese waters, has arrived at
ford, by natives, 1 Shanghai.
Mr.. Burch, the Venezuelan' Consul in King Humbert' has planed a palace at
London, in an interview on Saturday,: said Naples at Queen Victoria's disposal if her
that there were absolutely no new develop. Majesty should visit that city.
meats in the boundary question in dispute The Lower House of the Hungarian has
between Great Britain and Venezuela, adopted bills for the recognition of the
Mr. ,Tames R. °redden, of Kingston' Jewish religion and establishing freedom
Jamaica, who ie at present in Ottawa says of worship.
that a large trade mould be done with
Jamaica, Canada sending beef, dairy pro- Aa action for damages against the Brit.
dIA steamer 'Crathie for the sinking of the
duets, and flour, and Jamaica furnishing rube has been heard at Rotterdam.
ram and epicee. Judgment will be given on November 6.
There is strong opposition to Lord M.Jansen recently informed the French
scheme to a bifid a cJewish Academy of Sciences that he had determin-
synagogue, -Whit chapel and ground ed the existence of water vapour on the
settlement in Whitechapel, on the ground planet Mars by means of the spectroscope,
that thatdistriot Of London ie already
congested with Jews. A member of the British Legation in
'At St. Bride's ohuroh, Fleet street, Lon- China estimates tee amount of taxes
don, there was a farewell service held 001150ted in the Empire at $50,000,000, of.
Wednesday prior, to the departure of one whioh only 812,500,000 ;Ends its way foto.
hundred missionaries for various foreign the public treasury.
Mations. Of this number,: twenty-four Advices fromMadagasoar state that the
including ten women, go to China. Queen has issued a proclamation amusing
An English clergyman who has been her army of cowardice. Her Majesty
declares that she will neither leave the
spending a good deal of time in visiting capital nor yield to the French.
prisone made the discovery that the favour•
ite reading of the inmates was Buohan'e Calculations on the basis of the quarter
"Domestics Medicine," whioh they prized just ended indicate that the revenue of
for, its invaluable' assistance in teigning Newftundland for she fiscal year will fall
illness. 30 per osnt. below the estimate, which will
„gimp STATES. reenit in the colony being in financial
Mr. Henry. Staple is in San Fran -difficulties again in Deoember or in June
i ynext at the farthest.
eieee. The nature of the autograph letter
Arms and ammunition ars being collected which Emperor William sent to the Czar
in Chicago for the Cuban insurgents. is causing muoh speoiilation in Emelt.
Hurry Wright, of Philadelpdia, one of According to some who profess to have:au
the most noted figures in baseball, hi dead: inner knowledge, it was nothing more than
A 'contract is reported as signed for a an invitation for him to be present at a
new gable between New York and Brest ahootmg party, to be held abTrakenen, on
Chicago University has received a be the Russian,freetier-
quest of 5250,000 from the late Mrs. Rey-
The United States cruiser Brooklyn was
launched at Cramps' shipyard at Philedel•
The Texas Legislature has passed the
anti•prize-fighting bill, and it takes effeob
Ton thousand bushels of dried apples are
among the products of the Kansas peniten-
tiary farm.
Major General Nelson Al Miles hos been
appointed Commander of the United
States army. '
The system of the street oar postal ser-
vice was inaugurated on the Third avenue
line in New York.
At Loraine, Ohio, a girl was killed and
several people injured by the collapse of a
ohuroh platform.
The New York Chamber of Commerce
favors the issue of 59,000,000 bootie for im-
proving the State canals.
to be the oause of hie Drying, by the foot
mint the crying stopped whenever the' ear
was laid against the fur collar of his par•
ent'5 moat.
Every infant that orlee continually, but
in whom there ie no evidenoe of intestinal
pain, ehould' be tested by the epplioation
of warmth to the ears, in order tq deter.
mine whether earache may not be the
source of tho trouble. If it i5 the cause,
the comfort of suoli an application will at
once be evident, and the seat of the pain
will thus be found.
Very taw children pare through Infancy
without one or more attacks of earaohe,and
it is not surprising that many caeca of ear -
eche are mistaken for that still more com-
mon ailment of infancy, " wind -polio."
Earache is apt to be even more persistent,
than collo ; but often the cause of the
infant's suffering is not revealed until the
ear begins to " runwhen, as a rule, the
pain ceases of itself.
In old children, say five years of age and
over, attacks of earache often occur from
decaying teeth. The ohild does not suffer
constantly, as in an actual ear inflamma-
tion. The pain alternates with intervals
of entire relief, but is opeoially apt to be
present at night. In such forma of earache
nt dentist is needed. 11 1a well to bear in
mind 01,15 very common source of earache.
Continuous or intermittent earache, not
due to dental causes, should receive the
attention of the physician, since it meat
be remembered that oven a simple earache
may be followed by very serious oonse-
Heat, in some of its many forms of
application is the child's panacea for pain
occurring in the ear, or elsewhere, and may
always be resorted to " till the dootor
To Sleep is Good..
Sleep is regarded as the time when only
good arrives to the sleeper, and in the case
of adult's this is oo; with chifdren,however,
the matter is different. The actual fact of
sleep is good,bub the matter of sleep hi not
always so by any means, for, during these
periods of repose, a ohild may contract a
habit of position which will cause a lasting
deformity. In the first plaoe, children are
All the mills and much other property ab
Warren, R. I., were destroyed by fire.
The loss will reach 51,000,000.
After seven years of faithful work, Prof,
E. E. Barnard has severed his connection
with the Lick observatory.
Mr. John W. Foster, who anted a5'
agent for the Chinese in the peace negotie.
tions is au advocate for foreign missions.,
The sum paid in Paris to the Wagner
family in royalties on the operas of that
oomposor for this year up to the end of lest
month amounted 00 57,510,
The 'Cleveland Plaindealer repeats the
statement that President Calloway of the
Nickel Plato was offered the, position of.
General Manager of the Grand Trunk.
Kingston will be unveiled on ootebar 23rd • While Seeretary,Clney refuses to make
s nd Dr, r, ata ue on statement re ardin the action of the
by *Mackenzie Bow 11 8 lop g r Y g. g
In Their Prateos of Dr. Agnew's Cater.
rind Powder.
Taking the. Bishop of Toronto, Right
Rev. A Sweatman, I). 1:),, D. O. L., three
of the leading members of the Faculty of
MaMaerer;Hall, aud men like the Rov.1'l.
H. Withrow, and others, acs representing
the Methodist ohuroh, all of whom have
spoken in high terms of the merits of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and unite with
these the warm endorsement of this medi-
cine by she well known Toronto journalist,
Mr. W. L. Smith, as representing the lay-
men and it must be granted that olergymen
and laymen are of one mind touohing this
truly meritorious medicine. The truth is
that every one who uses the medicine has
a good word to say for it.
One short puff of the breath through the
blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew'e Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this
powder over the surface of the nasal pass-
ages. Painless and delightful to use. It
relieves in 10 minutes and permanently
cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headaohe,
sore throat, toneilitis and deafness. 60
cents. Sample bottle and blower sent an
receipt of two thew -cent stamps. 5, G.
a)etehon, 44 Ohuroh street, Toronto.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Robert Pate, ale Australian ndilionairo,
whose death is reported, sirgok Queen
Vittoria in the face with a Owns forty years
ago, where he was a lieutenant in the
Tenth Hummers. For this ho wee banished
to Australia. He Remised groat wealth,
but wet never permitted to leave Australia.
often put to sleep always on the same side,
The mother finds them lees restless eo,and
thoughtlessly lays them that way. Some-
times thierestlessness isoausedby physical
defeats, but it mainly arises from habit
No creature on earth is more liable to
habit than a pony, soft baby, that you
wouldn't think mould possess any distinct
quality," A mother, for some reason mend -
ler to herself, finds it most convenient to
plane the little one on its left aide, we will
say for about three days ; when the fourth
day arrives, master baby decides there is
something wrong if be is put on his right
side, and forthwith begins to squirm and
twist until he fidgets himself awake.
Mamma places him on the other aide and
he serenely settles himself.
Constantly lying on one side will make a
difference in the size of the limbs upon that
side, and will even cause that side of the
face to remain smaller than the other.
Children will also draw up one leg in their
sleep. This, too, becomes a fixed habit,
and by the time the child has learned to
walk, a differentia in the length of the two
lower limbs will be noticed, a misfortune
which might have been avoided had the
mother been careful to watch the habits of
the sleeping baby. In the bringing up of
children it is not so much the oars over
larger things that counts, but the constant
watehfuleeee against the "little foxes that
destroy the vines,"
Seth American Kidney Cure Net Only
Relievesli;tdney Pi0sa50lmmedfate.
ly, nut rb ,also Heats and Removes
the Tronblo.
Time dragging poise in the loins that
are 0, oommaa symptom of kidney trouble
aro most distressing, but they aro only the
forerunner 4f mere Amite pain, and will,
develop rapidly if an effective remedy le
Pot .Applied, No medicine sots ou the
kidneys with mob speediness as South
American Kidney.Ouro. It gives relief in
the moat disbreeeiug apses in a few hours,
Due it does net. stop here. ,It fa a great
healer, and iia oontinuoua use for a Boort
Ulna aomplately banishes the (Berme. Ie
is a pure for kidney trouble, and only ib,but
it Over fails bore.
Scold by G. A. Deadman,
Poor Russia le threatened with another
famine. A terrible drought oppro5aed for
many weeks the southern governments, a
region already impoverished by excessive
taxation. In direct taxes the poor farmers
there pay annually on an average about
518, besides the local and sohogi taxes, and
the indireot taxes exceed the direct ones.
Every year tens of thousands of farmers
are compelled to surrender their bolding .
Hare Kind Words From Hamilton Re
garding the Great Remedy Which
Cures Rheumatics= in One
to Three pays.
Mrs. Phillips, ar., corner Hunter and
Grath streets, Hamilton : "Several months
ago 1 was afflicted with rheumatism, which
oompletely crippled me. South American
Rheumatio Cure being recommended tome,
I procured a bottle and obtained perfeot
relief from the first few doses. It ie without
doubt the q'uiokest relief forrheumatiem I
have eves seen, and I heartily recommend
it to all sufferers from this disease."
Sold VG. A, Deadman.
For Twent-r-five( Year s
Sore Throat.
Inhalation is perhaps the most etfeetual
of all', remedies, as the contract of the
watery vapor with the inflamed mucous
membranes is very soothing. The best
way of oarrying this out, when there is no
proper inhaler, is to fill.a jug or basin with
boiling water, to which is added some
volatile substance; and the patient inhales
the atesm that rises from it, her mouth
and neck being enclosed in a napkin
arranged round the neck of the jug, which
is far better than a basin. It is quite un•
necessary to envelop the whole of the bead
in a flannel or blanket, as is so often done,
as ib is apt to produce headache,taintnese
and flushing, and is therefore unadvisable.
The vapor arising from the inhaler maybe
medicated with a variety of substanoeo,
such as, for example, camphor, ammonia,
tincture of opium, oto. A good aromatic
sedative is obtained by a teaspoonful of
the compound tincture of benzoin being
added to the water. Hope also inoreaee
the soothing properties of the steam, and
to also do camomile flowers.
She Was Particular.
He -Don't' you believe in "bread -and.
cheese and kisses ?
She—It depends upon the cheese. It
might bar out the kisses.
Hr. Aaron Nichols, Who Has Lived on
Ono Farm For 70 Years, Tolls What
Ho Knows of Dr. Agnow's Duro for
the Heart.
This is to certify that I have bought two
bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
for my wife, who has been troubled for the
past twentyyears with heart disease. The
first few doses gave relief, and she ices had
more benefit from ib than from all the
doctoring she ever. slid. The remedy ants
like magic on diseased heart. 1 em pleased
to give this oertifioate, Aaron Nichols,
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
There is nothing life so
irrational that
flood sauce and chance may nob b it to
rights ; nothing so rational that folly and
ohanoe may not utterly confound it.—
The ►nIy
Great and tharougbly see
liable buildiltig:.up medicine,
nerve tonic, yitalizer and
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
Sars r i fl
It has won its hold upon the
hearts of the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit.,
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does, that tells the story: --
god's Cliresti
Even when all other prepay-'
ations and prescriptions fail,
"The face of my little girl from the time
ebe was three months old, broke out and
was covered with scabs. We gave her two
bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and it nom-
pletely cured her. We are glad to recomy
mend Hood's f3areaporllla." Tn:os. M.
CaRx.n5G, Clinton, Ontario. Be sure tag,
Cot od's
47 r Oct harmoniously with.
i uOOu. S PillsBeet RSarsaparllla, 25e.;
More or Less.
Mother—Didn't I tell you not to let that
young man kiss younoy more?
Daughter -He didn't, mamma. It was
lees by at least seven times.
Germany is enforcing a strias quarantin
against foreign cattle and hogs,
It bas often been contended by.
physiologists and men of science gen-
erally, that nervous energy or nerv-
ervious impulses which pass along the
nerve fibres, were only other names
for electricity. This seemingly plaus-
ible statement was accepted for a
time, but has been completely aban-
doned since it has been proved that
the nerves are not good conduetors of
eleotricity, and that the velocity of a
nervous impulse is but 100 feet per
seoond—whioh is very much slower
than that of electricity.. It is now
generally, agreed that nervous energy,
or what we are pleased to call nerve
fluid, its a wondrous. a mysterious
force, in which dwells life itself.'
A very eminent specialist, who
has studied profoundly the workings
of the nervous system for the last
twenty -.five years, has lately demon-
etratod that two-thirds of all our
ailments and chronic diseases are
due to deranged nerve centres within
or at the base of the brain,
All know that an injury to the
spinal cord will cause paralysis to the
body below the injured point. The
reason for this is, that the nerve
force is
prevented te
by 4l
e injury
teaching+ the paralyzed portion.
Jegain, when food is taken into Ole
stomach, it comes in oentaob vat
numberless nerve fibres in the walls
of this organ, which at ones send a
nervous impulse to the nerve centres
which oontrol the stomach, notifying
them of the presence of food; where-
upon the nerve centres send down s
supply of nerve forme or nerve fluid,
to at once begin the . operation of
digestion. But let the nerve centres
which control the stomach be de-
ranged and they will not be able to
respond with a sufficient supply of
nerve force, to properly digest the
food, and, as a result, indigestion and
dyspepsia make their appearance.
So it is with the other organs of the
body, if the nerve centres which con-
trol them and supply them with
nerve force become deranged, they
are ales. deranged.
Tho wonderful sueoeee of the
remedy known as the Great South
American Mervin° Tonic is due to
the fact that it is prepared by one of
the most eminent physicians an
specialists of the ago,, and is based
on the foregoing. scientific discovery.
It .possesses marvellous powers for
the euro of Nervousness, Nervous
Prostration,Headaeho, Sleeplessness,;
Restlessness, St.Vitne's Dance, Men-
tal Despondency, Hysteria, Heart'
Disease, Nervousness of 1"enoalosb.
Hot Flashes, Sick Headache. .
specific felt 411
1 0 an abnegate
stomach 'txoubiefwa
A. 10EAniinAN W otesalo and notail,Agent for ZbrltsdoR,d