HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-18, Page 66
10 puetaKno)--
on mule 000 tbo:Qa0ay malls) at
"The Pew Steam Publlsbh3g House,'
TDP21nPIIu'z Sr;13lt9asPP , Olt.
Tanya 'oar S911e91.ioo'00030.•-.OnoO' dollar a
Ye4r,ivadvanee. Ililepdate to which every
subsorlptlon is paid fa deup0od by the date
pn the addree8 label. •
Anyorern00130 ATPa.-9 30 following rates
will be charged t0 th0ae who 03000000108 by
th0year :
arAOE I 1031, 0100, I "a mo.
Ono Column 000,00 200.00 $20,00
Halt 00.00 20.001 12.00
q(0uarter- " 20.00. 12.0011 0,00
.Nlghth. �' 12.00 8A0 0.00
Vent insertion, and
three pants per line for each subsequent in:
sertion, 411 advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -1211008 to tileinoh.
Business O der eight linea and vrad
r, 20
per annum
• Advertisements without specific directs
None, will inserted ua6Il forbid, and
charged aopordinely,
Instructions to Mugge or discontinue an
advertisement must be left at the countino.
room of Tun Pos' not looter Emu .Tuesday
of mach weak This is imperative,
W. I1.KEB,1- ,,
D ditor and Proprietor.
Uoasos.—Heavy Draught—Team, Jas
Reynolds, W Wise & Son, G Dale ; brood
mare, Jas Reynolds, G Dale ; mare foal,
Jag Reynolds ; horse foal, G Dale ; two
year gelding, G Dale ; 2 year filly, Jno
Shortreed, J F Dale_; 1 year gelding, J
F Dale, G Dale ; 1 year filly, J Short.
reed, W Dale. General Purpose—Team,
Jaa Reynolds, Jas VanEgmond, W F
Miller ; brood mare, G Christopher, Jas
Potter ; mare foal, G Christopher ; horse
foal, Jas Potter, 0 W Taylor 2 year
filly, T Ross, W Dale ; 1 year gelding, J
MaKinnoo, R Corley ; 1 year filly, 0 W
Taylor, W Dale. Carriage—Team, Mo -
?durable & Co, V Vannorman. Roads.
tern—Span, A Turnbull, L Lott ; brood
mare, .P McArthur, L Holleager ; horse'
foal, le McArthur, L Holleager • mare
foal, R •Pollard ; 2 year gelding, J Tan.
ner, H Kirkby ; 2 year filly. W Knox, R
Pollard ; 1 year gelding, H Kiakby, Mise
Sago; 1 year filly, G Dale, 2nd not
known ; beet single driver in buggy, 0
Johnston, W Snell ; saddle horse, LLott,
DDenholm ; sweepstakes, best mare or
gelding, J F Dale.
CATrnmm.—Darhams-Milch cow, Jae
Snell, Jas Tabb ; 2 year heifer, M HHar•
rieon ; 1 year heifer, Jeri Snell, 10 Cor-
ley ; heifer calf, J Snell, R Corley ; bull,
2 years, J Sbortreed ; bull calf, W Snell,
Jae Snell. Any other breed—Milch cow,
W E Brown, A Jacobs ; 2 year heifer,
Jno McGregor ; 1 year heifer, Jno Mc-
Gregor ; heifer calf, A Jacobs • boll, 2
years, R 0 MOG°wan ; bull calf, Jno Mc-
Gregor. Grade—Miloh oow, M H Har-
rison 1 & 2 ; 2 year heifer, T Ross, 1i,
Corley ; 1 year heifer, M H Harrison, J
Potter ; heifer oalf, 11H Harrison, 1 &
2 ; steer calf, R Corley, M H Harrison ;
2 year steer, T Ross, Jas Potter ; 1 year
steer, T ;toss, M H Harrison ; fat steer,
T Rose, 1 & 2; fat cow or heifer, J Tabb,
R Corley.
Sam—Cotswold—Aged ram, shear.
ling ewes, ram lamb, aged owes, ewe
lambs all taken by Jos Potter. Leicester
—Aged ram, N Coming, Jas Snell ;
shearling ram, N Coming, Jos Snell ;
ram lamb, Jno Barr, as Snell ; shear -
ling ewes, N Coming, Jae Snell ; aged
ewes, Jas Snell N Coming ; ewe lambs,
Jae Snell, N Oma -ling. Shropshire—Aged
ram, Jae Cooper & Son • ahearling ram,
Sae Cooper & Son, 1 & 2'; ram Iamb, W
Snell, 1 & 2 ; aged ewes, J Cooper & Son,
Jae Snell ; ehearling ewes, J Cooper &
Son ewe lambs, W Snell, J Cooper
& Son. Any other breed—Shear; ng
ram, ram lamb, aged ewes, ehearlrng
ewes, ewe lambs, all taken by Jas Tabb;
fat sheep, Jas Snell.
Pins.—Chesser White—Aged hoar, W
W Fisher ; brood sow, H Edwards{
spring boar, H Edwards, 1 & 2 ; spring
sow, W W Fisher, 1 & 2. Any large
breed—Aged boor, W Smalair, W W
Fisher; brood sow, W Sinclair, W W
Fisher; spring boar, W W Fisher, W
Sinclair ; spring sow, W W Fisher, W
Sinclair. Berkshire—Aged boar, W
Thuell, W McAllister ; brood sow, W
McAllister, 1 & 2 spring boar, W Mo•
Allister, H Edwards; spring sow, W Mo.
Allister, 1 & 2. Yorkshire—Aged boar,
Jno Potter ; spring boar and spring 0040,
W Sinclair.
PODLTEr.—Turkeys, D Showers, W Ir-
win ;.geese, W Irwin, W Showere ; Rouen
Musks, W Irwin,1 & 2 ; any other kind,
W, Irwin, 1 & 2 • brown leghorns,. W
Taylor, 1 & 2 ; light logborns, W Taylor,
1 & 2 ; light brahmaa, W Irwin, 1 & 2 ;
dark :brohmae, W Irwin, 1 & 2 ; ham -
burgs, W Irwin, 1 & 2 ; dorkine, W Ir-
win ; breasted red game, E Haggit ; buff
°oohing, E Haggit ; bantams, W Taylor,
1 & 2 ; polands, W Irwin, 1 & 2 ; red
caps, W Irwin ; plymoutb rocks, W Ir-
win; J J Walker ; pigeons, ST Hamilton,
G Henry ; oolleotion of fowl, W Irwin,
1 & 2 ; gninea fowl, W Irwin, E Haggit.
Iatrnzn1Erne.—Lumber wagon, Bruns.
don& Son, J Ferguson ; bob -sleighs,
Slater & Sime ; iron beam sod plow, 0
Hamilton ; iron beam general purpose,
0 Hamilton, Slater & Sims,; gang plow,
Slater & Sims, 0 Hamilton ; iron har-
rows, J Phillipe ; single open buggy, J
Ferguson, Brungdon & Son ; covered
buggy, 7Fergnson, 1 & 2; double cover.
ed buggy, 3 B'ergnson, 1 & 2 ; cutter, Finn Anrs,—Oollection of oil paint.
Slater & Sims, 1 & 2 ; set of horse shoes, ings, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs W H . Bale ;
Slater & Sims, J Phillips ; trotting horse figure painting in oil, Mies Boyd, Mrs •
shoes, J Phillips ; iron pump, J L Wan. Campbell ; animals grouped or single, in
less; wooden pump, D Showers, JFergu. oil, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Sage ; best
son ; farm gate, H Edwards ; Iandroller, single picture in oil, Mrs Herrington,
Hamilton ; turnip drill, Krunsdou & Mrs 0 Campbell ; water color painting,
SimsTaylor; etuffier,,Slater & ims Slater, &p Sims, Brun grin Campbell, portraits, Mrs s WW00 HHole ; ,gray may.
don & Son ; churn Hamilton, A Craig; drawing, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mies Sage ;
treadmill, recommended, J B Tiernay, painting on pottery Mrs W 11 Hale, Mrs
Gnexus.-Red fall wheat, R B Laidlaw, 0 Campbell; penal; drawing, Mrs W H
R G MoGowan ; fall wheat, white, R G Hele, Mrs 0 Campbell; painting
McGowan, M Btaming ; ing wheat, on silk, sateen or plush, Mina Symington,
any kind, M Bretbour, D Brethour ; fall Mrs 0 Campbell ; painting on glees, Mrs
wheat, any kind, R MoGowan, G Moff. 0 Campbell, Mies Symington ; paetelle'
att ;'white fife spring wheat, Jno Potter, Mro W H Hele, Mrs 0 Oampbell ; oil
J Ellie ; 0 -rowed barley, M Brethour, D painting, marine view, Mies Boyd, Mrs
Brethour ; large white oats, D Brethour, 0 Campbell ; aohsotion of p10tas., W
It Sellars ; black oats, M Brethour, G Cash, H R Brewer,
Quinn ; ema)1 white oats, Jae McCallum, Pr,,tare ANn FLowono,—Foliage plants,
G Moffatt; small pene, M Bretbour, J'ae Mre H R Walker, Mrs. Dr Carder ; ger'
McCallum ; large peas, G Moffatt, M aninme in bloom, D Marsh, 1 &2 ; fuohi-
Brethour ; timothy seed, "112 Brethour, D ae in bloom, D Marah, 1 & 2 ; banging:
Brethour ; flak seed, H Edwards, 11 G basket, Mrs H R Walker ; oolleotion of
MoGowen, plants in flower, Mre H B Walker, 1)
Eoorra•—Empire state potatoes, F. Marsh ; table bouquet, Mrs 0 'Washing*
Metcalf, 11 t3 McGowan ; rose potatoes, ton ; band bouquet, Mrs H R Walker,
Jas Barr, Ja0 McGee ; elephant potatoes,
kid,; '1 Hamilton, (pct ior0otophao other
lootion of potatoo0,17 fleggit, W ]I MO'
Creoken ;' geld parrots, P Willow°, ;no
Stajford ; garden rad eaxrote, W Taylor,
Was hioCalluuln ; awed0 turnips, Br ,Gd.
wards, tree McCallum ; 0ollootion of
garden produce, W Taylor, W H
Orecken ; beets, W Tay's), , Jam MO
lura; marigold nasals, W 1X MaOra
en, Jae McGee; pumpkins, R G 1330t°
an, Jae Jackson ; squaslla0, W a
0raokeli, It Sellars ; red onions,
Stafford, Walter Taylor ; yellow onio
app Stafford, W Taylor ; silver skin o
ons, W Taylor, W 11 MoOraokon l pot
onions, Jae MoOallum, W Taylor ; wh
field beano, Jae Barr, M Brebbour ; e
corn, J Sberritb, D2rs H R Walker
eitrpne, G -Henry. T Hamilton ; wat
melons, W H MoOraoken, P illo
heads oabbega, drumhead, W Way;
Slater & Sims ; heade of red pickling,
Sellars, W Taylor ; any other kind,
Metcalf, 1>x Brethour ; heads oauliflow
W Taylor, Jno Stafford ; roots celery,
Taylor R Sellers • ououmbere Ta
, W
1or, W l3' Harrison.
Duey Ann Pnov191oNs,—•Tub of butt
J W Wells, Jae McCalium ; special, 6
butter, T Hamilton ; speoial, tub butt
50 lbs, T Hamilton, J W Wells ; 20 1
orook butter, G Jenkins, T Hamilton.;
lbs butter, W Knox, J MoKinnon ; fa
ory cheese, Blyth cheese and butter O
dairy obeeee, D Stewart;. borne.ma
bread, Mrg H R Walker, J McKinnon
plain tea bieouibs, Jae Jackman, Mrs
Washington ; maple sugar, J MoDowe
M Brethour • maple syrup, Jae MoDo
ell, Jas Malalhim ; oolleotion oann
fruit, Mrs H R Waler, R Elliott ; gra
wine, Mre H R Walker, J Hamilton t
mato catsup, J M Hamilton, W Taylo
pickles, mixed Mre C Washington, J
Hamilton ; pickles, any other kind,
H'McCracken, Jae Jaokeon ; jelly oa
Mrs Nott, Mrs MaQuarrie.
Fnurr.—Winter apples, Jas Jaokeo
Geo Nott ; fall apples, Geo Nott ; bal
win, Jae Jackson, 11 Elliott ing
tompkins, N turning, R Elliott ; nort
ern spy, R Elliott, 10 Chiming ; rho
island greeninge, R B Laidlaw, W Jac
eon ; .ribeton pippin, R Elliott, R G M
Gowan ; russet, golden, R Elliott ; ru
set, roxboro, R Elliott ; seek.no.furtbe
R B Laidlaw, R Elliott ; swear, R E
liott wagner, R G MoGowon, R Elliott
ben davie, R Elliott ; vandervere,
Jaokeon ; spibzenborg, R Elliotl, R
MoGowan ; talman sweet, Jas Jackson
R B Laidlaw; mann, R Elliott, R G M
Gowan ; maiden blush, R Elliott ; ono
11E11104, 0 Campbell ; oanada red,
Elliott, M Brethour ; advert, W Jack
son, Jae Jackson ; alexander, R Elliott
20 oz pippins, R Elliott, R B Laidlaw
any variety, R Elliott • oolleotion o
apples, R Elliott, Jas Jackson ; winte
pears, R G McGowan ; fall pears, R EI
liott ; tomatoes, W Taylor, J Metoalf
collection of grapes, Miss Symington,
G McGowan ; crabs, D Brethour, R El
MAxupacruazs•-13ome made flannel
G. Nott ; flannel, union, R B Laidlaw,
Nott; borne made blankets, T Hamilton
Jae MoOallum ; blankets, Mre' l R Wal
her, Jas MaOallum ; horse blankets, Se
McCallum ; coverlet, G Nott, Mrs
Stewart ; rag mat, Mrs H R -Walker
yarn. mat, G Nott, Mrs 3 R Walker ; rag
carpet, G Nott ; stocking yarn, T Hamil-
ton, Mrs H R Walker; pair coarse boots,
J Sherritt 1 & 2 ; pair hand made gent's
boots, J Sherritt 1 & 2.
LADIES' Wont.—Gent's flannel shirt, G
Nott, T Hamilton ; gent's white shirt,
Mrs W McKenzie, G Moffatt ; pillow
shame, Mies Anderson, G Nott ; patch
quilt, G Nott, Mrs Robertson ; crazy
quilt G Not0, Mrs Symington ; crochet
or knitted quilt, D Stewart, G Nott ;
pair woolen socks T Hamilton, Mrs W
McKenzie ; gent's mitts, Miss Symington,
G Moffatt ; darning on Books, Mrs W
McKenzie, '1' Hamilton; three patohes
on old pante, Mre W McKenzie W'Har-
try plain sewing T Hamilton, Mrs W
McKenzie ; old ladies oolleotion, any
kind of hand work, G Nott, Miss Sym.
ington ; braiding, D Stewart, Miss Boyd;
araecens work, G Nott, Mre W H Hale ;
embroidery on bolting cloth, G Nolt, Miss
Symington ; embroidery on silk or satin,
D Stewart,Miss Symington;li:ensington,
embroidery, G Nett, Mies Boyd ; roman
embroidery on linen, Mrs 0 Campbell, D
Stewart parlor Emmen, Miss Symington,
Mrs O Campbell ; sofa cushion, G Nott,
Mies Bradnook ; fancy panel, Mrs O
Campbell, D Stewart ; piano or table
scarf, G Nott, Mre W H Hele ; drawn
work, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs 0 Wash.
ington ; honiton or point lane, G Powell,
Mrs W H Hele; novelty in fancy work,
G Nott, Mise Boyd ; fanoy work not on
list, D Stewart, G Nott ; crewel work, D
Stewart, Mrs W H Hele ; crazy work,
Mre 0 Campbell, Miss Symington ; java
canvas work, Mrs 0 Washington, Mrs 0
Campbell ; crochet work in silk, Mrs W
H Bele, Mies Symington ; crochet work
in ootton, D Stewart, Mise Symington ;
crochet work in wool, Mrs 0 Campbell,
Mise Symington ; bedroom slippers, Mrs
0 Campbell, Mrs 0 Washington ; fancy
toilet bottle and mate, Mrs 0 Campbell,
Mise Symington ; foot-stool,'D Stewart,
Mrs Dr Carder ; aplique work, G Nott,
Mise Boyd ; fanoy pin cushion, Miss
Sage ; fanoy handkerchief or glove case,
Mrs 1 Washington, W Hartry • mould
work, Mrs 0 Campbell, G Nott ; wax
work, Mise Symington, Mre 0 Campbell ;_
snit of ladies' underwear, Miss MoQnar-
rie, .Mise Symington ; knitted lane in
cotton, D Stewart, Miee Symington ;
bead work, G Nott, G Moffatt ; button
holes, Mrs W McKenzie, G Moffatt ;
oolleotion of ladies' work, Miss Boyd,
Mre W H Bele, Mrs 0 Campbell.
US8glP' U OOT, 18 896
W Ttiylor ; floral ;linden, T►; Mash, 1 &
2 ; 60)31120, ;are X3 00 Walker, W Taylor ;
panei0a,, W Taylot',134 Megan.
Srxer40 .Arrpnoriose. -,- Lady driver,
Mrs Hale, Mrs 310 Snell ; bagptpo tern*
potibion, D McKay, I0inbail ; 0 Molten•
Ale, Biota); ; A 4M10411411; dancing, Wye
or girls under 151 I4Qna McMurellio, 4,
Mo• ' MoAlurollio, L04311now ; .organ mom 0ti•
n e,
e r,
et -
r ; r;
d -
tion, Mies Stalker, Nies Boyd, Mies'06lla,
Andoreon ; walking contest, .lf Quinn, A
m writing radar 0..5, epA Bleier, Way iOooclpb,, 39 Mot.
Jppous,—Grain—J B Selly, Blyth.; J
L Aidt, Auburn, Fine arts—Miss C rf
Mountoastle, Clinton. Ladies' work—,
Mies McClelland, Bolgrave, Dairy Pro'
dace, eta., 1t O Sperling, Wingbam • tp
W Scott, Blyth, Emit and bowers—Jno
Stewart, Benmiller. Route—J'oe Allen,
son, Clinton ; John R)ohlnond, Blyth.
Po111try—X33 Elliott, Winglram, Cattle
G Johnston, Londeeboro'; Jae Wilkin.
eon, 73elgrave ; T Anderson, Dungannon,
Pigs -11 Bell, Londeaboro'; J Hunter,
Heroes, heavy dranght—John Soarlatt,
MoS llo W H Cruickshank,
barn. Light horses— D B Kennedy,
Clinton ; F W McDonagh, Smith's Hill.
Rsrrno rrl Sas Hours.—Disbreseing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Sidney Cure," This new remedy is a
great enrprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, baok and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and nein in passing it almoeb im.
mediately, If you want quick relief and
cure this ie your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
Potatoes are selling for thirtyfive
Dente a bag.
Rev. Mr, Penton,of Stratford, will
conduct bbe Anniversary services in
Caves Presbyterian ohuroh, on Sunday,
Oot. 20th.
Miss L. Hardy and MIss L. Johns have
again resumed their musical studies and
are now taking a course with W. 0. Bar-
ron, London Conservatory of music.
Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, of East Williams,
issuing the Grand Trunk for $10,000
damages for the loss of her husband, who
was killed at Luoan Oroguing last Winter.
The case was to have been heard at the
present assizes, but has been laid over.
A unique entertainment is to be given
in Drew's Hall by the ladies of the
Trivitt Memorial church, ih the shape of
a banquet. The supper will be followed
by a toast list interspersed with a choice
program of music. The date is Ooh. 18.
Ayer's Hair Vigor, which has outlived
and superseded hundreds of other .simi-
lar preparations is undoubtedlythe most
fashionable and economical hair.dreseing
in the market. By its use the poorest
head of hair soon becomes luxuriant and
RIiEu,roprstt CURED -Irl A DAY.—South
American Rheumatic Oure for Rheums.
tism and Neuralgia radically mires in 1
to 8 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 1t re-
moves at once the pause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 oente. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
win mice,
a well Mein
Of 7rOtr
p1t050 r teenexaa'na 440400
p5640p008rasx v40p700400088,, 1
liana 13333 4tn0ArnpNlgyol,7elrsen 0000tepepp4�088'
torrl,oue; 0poteno , otu„ oayoof by 3105! x40045 •
gives vigor and Ole 10 ai,ruekes 00004', 0µJ
quickly but 04,00,g s'oeiurea03380 34xno90 18 old
or 0.441; Dug >,p oogl sod 700 4003 scow wrong
40{0 poppy ogglo, asps ty 0831112 Vlaln w0Wpr,er
484 00000114110 141441001410111 rvatlop Lpetty
torrle4 Io v0't u 00001140 'r.
roc 52. 0044 08009714 otter o40t'1' or 110pfats,
01191050, Add003 nil letters w .0 '2. 3181102003,
Druoale weooereer, pn•1, A0oet for tbo Do.
43101040 11884,1°,
White Star mine.
RQYUL IHAtr4 STE,tusnIes.
L3ottvNewLiverpool, p. et York and dnesday,. v1a
Qu40nato�vn, ovary 1'vedneoday,.
As ,the Steamers of this line carry only a
strictly limited number in the row and
encamp cams aceommodattone, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths is noeeesary at. this sea-
son, Por plans, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels,
Restores natural
color t8 the hair,
and also prevents
it falling out. Mre.
H. W. Fe, of
Digby, N. S•,nwicksave :
".A. little more
than two years ago
my hair
f to turn
a d fall
,,.a�r!,c, out. A0-
' ter the
use of
one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my
hair was restored to its original
color and ceased falling out. .An
occasional application has since kept
the hair v1 good condition."—Mrs.
11. F. FRNwlolti, Digby, N. S.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor.
for three years, and it has restored
hair, which was fast becoming gray,
back to its natural color." -11 W,
HASOL11027, Paterson, N. J..
23117PA100» BY
DR, 1. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS„ U .5. A.
Ayer's Pitts cure ,sick Headache.
If you want a good Stove
of any kind or make,
See our Sto=ck.
Tinware and. Gra iitewrare
A Complete Stock al-
ways on Hand.
Hardware `!
In Hardware we keep everything in the Trade,
including Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints-
ready mixed and dry, Oils and Varnishes, Cut-
lery, etc. Prices low down to suit the times.
A fine line to choose from.
We have also a quantity of
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
Eavetroughing a Specialty.
N. & N. Gerry..,
Creamery Cans
We have ill stock a large ss q r 1 t
aa tme � of Milk
supplies l?p es of every description, If ol1'' wa � a
1y l�
good article we can give you the Best that's
made, If you require anything in this line;'
call on us.
Y g
All Kinds of •Jobbthg
Attended to and work executed Neatly, Chea p I ''and
Expeditiously. Y p Y
Our Specialty, All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory,'
Pull line of Shelf Goods, Cutler'['
.i` !
Lamps, Brushes.'Fly Screens, &c.
'ire handle Cook, Coal and 33ozs Stoves
of the Best Manufacture and sold, at close margins.
Special Attention given to' •
- ' -'Ordered Work in the Tin Shop.
'Best American. and C
0006100 .Coal
Oil, Castor Oil and .7llachine Oil.
A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for.'
SUCH AS -06m.---.
School Book, Slates,
Pencils, Ink, Pens, 8cc.,
Always in Stock at
"Th .. Post"
rev° Stood of.a,
CALL I A' {'
POST Boiore.