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?Ear, 18, 1895.
Qolmoil meeting -wail held last Bathe
W, J. sharp le home from hie trip to
Oryotal (iity,
Postwanter Spence ie improving al.
though still nonllned to the house.
A number from Ethel attended the
Harvest Heine sapper at the Methodist
()Mirth, Brueseln, last Monday.
A,, Orooks and wife attended the wed.
ding of the former's sisterlast Wednee•
day at Bteseels• Tho groom was Mr,
McKenzie, of Teeswater. •
W altooe.
Rev. D. Forrest will preach ab Oran.
brook next Sabbath afternoon.
Fall plowing is now in order and the
Land lain vary good condition.
Mr. and Mrs, lklenarey, of Grey, wore
visiting, relativet in MoEifop last week,
The Mangold orop, which le now being
harvosted,10 the best we have bad for
many years.
Tho report going around that a farmer
in Matiiop bad etruok a woman on the
bead, pausing her death, has turned out
to be as false as it possibly can be.
Andrew Govenlook had a sale of timber
plots on Monday. As the timber was
culled down pretty $its, the amount reals.
zed' was not large.
Jae. Mo0allona has a great crop of field
carrots. They averaged a wagon load to
moll 40 rod drill, or 800 barbels for 12
drills. His turnipo will outdo that rec-
Mre. Garrets ie visiting Mre. S. Siem.
Rev. D. B. Mo•lbae is visiting .relatives
in Glengarry Co.
A number of our villagers attended the
Fair at Blyth Last week. "
Mrs. Mitchell has moved to Brussels.
She is highly esteemed' here,
There was no nervioe in Knox church
, 'Iaet Sabbath. Rev, Mr. Forrest, of Wal-
ton, preaches next Sabbath afternoon.
A. O. Dames has been away in Algoma
on hie annual lamb purobasing and
shipping trip. A. O. is well up to his
A couple of our young men have taken
the yoke of baoheloriem upon then,, not-
withstanding the prices of wheat and
Irioh pills. It seems that the girls of our
town do not suit them. Perhaps if a
shipment of Moleewortb gide were to ar-
rive it might mean matrimony at oiebt.
Do nob put too much salt in the ooffee,
Principal Musgrove and all the assist-
ant teachers have been re-engaged for
A concert in aid of the Wingham Brass
Band will be given in the Town Hall, on
Friday, 18th Oct.
The second anniversary of the .opening
of St, Paul's church was held on Sunday.
Rev. J. Ridley, of Galt, Rural Dean of
Waterloo, preaohed morning and evening.
Quite a number of our townspeople
were at Listowel last week attending a
meeting of the Western Congregational
Carruth, of town, is making inquiries
as to a large fortune that has been left to
the Carruth family by the death of a
wealthyuuole in Ireland.
J. D. Sills has been very poorly for the
past few weeks. Ho returned from Lis.
towel, where he had been spending a few
weeks with friends, and the journey was
perhaps rather too much for him, as be
had a bad turn on Sunday.
Dr. W. J. Roe, of Philadelphia, who
has been visiting his parents in Morris
fora few weeks past, left last week. He
- has recently been appointed resident phy-
sician on the staff of the Jefferson Medi-
cal College hospital, and will spend a week
visiting the colleges and hospitals in To-
ronto on his return journey. Dr. Roe
first graduated as a dental surgeon, hav-
ing studied here with the late W. H. Me -
Donald, of Wingbam. He then took up
medicine and graduated last Spring.
Samuel Irvine is having hie dwelling
house veneered with brick.
Allan Cochrane is home from an en-
joyable trip to Waterloo County.
Potato and root crops are engaging the
attention of the farmers at present.
Jobe Clark, 5th line, who has spent the
Summer in Algoma, has returned on a
Miss M. McNair, of Oranbrook, was
the guest of the Misses Cook, 0th line,
last week.
W. H. Oloakey will nob remove to
Blyth as a correspondent stated, but will
continuo a resident of this fair township.
Reuben. Jewitt has been re-engaged as.
teacher in Button's school for next year
at the same salary -$375.00. Mr. Jewitt
is doing good work.
A. Nichol, P. Oantelon and T. Russell
had all their cattle deborned',Iasb week.
J. D. Warwick, the well known V. S., of
Brussels, did the job.
The sacrament of the Lord's . Supper
was dispensed in Knox thumb, Bolgrave,
on Sabbath last, when 22 new members
were added to the church.
' Mrs. Frank Smyth and children re-
turned hone to London on Saturday,
after a three week's visit with her sister,
Mrs. Time. Bone, on the 3rd line.
Geo. Henderson has bought the 50
acres East of hfe farm, known an the
Sample farm, for the sum of 91,600. Mr.
Henderson has now as fine a 150 more
fart, as can be found in the township.
Chris. Michie attended the ordination
and induction serviced at Sb. Helens, on
Thursday of last week, when Sidney M.
Whaley, a graduate of Knox College, was
placed over the oongrogation of that Vil-
Baa Tnnsnrmo,=One day this week
hie, Dark's maohine threshed 2,800 bus.
of blank oats on the farm of Thos. Maun-
ders inside of 10 hours. Adam Steies
and Jae, ]Bollinger did the feeding. This
le both big work and big yield.
Wm. Kirton, of Loring, Parry Sound,
accompanied by his sister, Bella Kirton,
of Turnberry, was visiting at Wm.
Miohie'e last week. It is about 19 yeare
01000 Mr. Kirton first settled in that
Northern clime but it seems to agree
with him.
Chas. Rouen hue locoed John. Carrie's
100 acre farm, 4th line, for a term of
years, and will take poesessiou next
March. Mr. Resell returned to Michi-
gan thio week where lie will spend the
Winter. We will be pleased to welcome
tho;Vozell' family back to this looality,
We regret to learn that Dr, Agnew, or
Londesboro', is lying sorlannly ill at his
father's reeldenee near Belgrave,
"While 00 route to Blyth Vale a couple
of the 7011 lineyoungmon thought it
ne0e0sery to try the speed of/ their re.
epeotive teams. The result was an op-
eet into the ditch of duo of the rige, with.
its goeupantn, the driver losing control
of the boreoe. A lively runaway, p, total-
ly demolished rig, a shaken up and
frightened looking orowd ended thesoene.
Potatoes area great crop in this 010 -
Web thio year,
Rev. A. MoKibbIn, of Monkton,ireaob-
ed Educational sermons in the Mothediet,
church on Sabbath.
A, Farrell deposited a number of pota-
to stalks in the Bee office thio, week
measuring six foot long eaoh,
Rev. A. ilenderson, M. A„ has been
granted a month's holidays by hie con-
gregation. He will spend them among
bis friends and relatives at Toronto,
Bervie, Whiteoburoh and Auburn,
A very unfortunate accident happened
to 3', W. Ward, son of our respected
townsman, Wm. Ward, who is attending
the Ottawa Normal school, Joe was
participating in a game of football, and in
a nonflie for the ball, full, fraoturing hfe
left arm above the elbow. He is doing as
well as can be expected,
Eddie Klump, eon of W. A, Klump, died
suddenly Thursday afternoon of last
week. He complained of a severe pain
is his sbomaoh, but nothing serious was
thought of it. However, on Thursday
forenoon he beoamo delirious until death
relieved hit, of hie suffering. He was a
bright little boy, and will be much missed
by his parents,
Jae, Rae and son, David, are sick with
typhoid fever.
Jae. Jones has taken a situation in
Paulin's livery.
T, G. Herr, chill has a fine blank squirrel
in' a nage in hie store window. It is u
The new sidewalk about the oorner of
Mill and Front streets is an improve-
6. Willie hue the contract for a drain
from near the station to the river for
Gibson Bros. i`
The renovation of Dr. Brawn's resi-
dence is complete. It is a comfortable
looking home.
Thos. Gibson is taking' possession of
his beantiful residence on Ann street,
east, tbie week.
The plate 'glass is in plana in Hemp -
hill's new bleak and the workmen are
pushing forward the 'completion of the
Robt. Ross has moved into the house
recently vacated by Thos. Evans. A
bride and groom will move into Mr.
Rose' former home. We furnish the
g room.
Before awarding the palm for speedy
threshing D. J. Weir, of Belmore, should
be board from. - At Henry MaGlin'e, on
the °ulrase boundary, he threshed 1,515
bushels of onto in four hours. Who can
produce a better showing than this? Mr.
Weir is the favorite thresher of Belmore
,BLv tla.
communion was administered in
Trinity church on Sondvy morning.
Arthur Emigh, of Rook Island, U. 6.,
is visiting' under the parental roof ^ at
Percy Soandrett left here on Tuesday
to put hi an autumn term at the Veter->
inary College, Toronto.
Jaynes Mo0ommins has purchased the
Rogerson property on Mill street, former-
ly occupied by Jae: Moore.
Early on Saturday morning the G. T.
R. depot was broken into by burglars.:.
The safe was blown open and $54 taken
from it. No clue.
On Wednesday evening of last week
the oonoert held in Industry Hall under
the auspices of the I. O. G. T., was well
patronized and proved a success finan-
Mr. Runoiman and family, who have
been living in town for the past few
months, returned on Monday to their
former home in Goderioh, where he has
seoured a good situatton.
On Sunday morning next Rev. T. E.
Higley, inoumbsnt of Trinity church, in-
tends preaching a'epeaial sermon. on S.
S. work. The S. S. children are praotio.
ing to lead in the praises of the servioe
instead of the choir for this occasion..
On Monday evening a meeting of the
ratepayers was held to Industry Hall to
approve or disapprove of the School
Board in their action on fixing on the
agrioultural grounds as a site for the new
school building. There was not a very
large turnout. A vote was taken,- result.
ing in favor of purchasing the grounds at
a price of $1,200.
TRL Bitu
Rnite a number of the villagers attended
the funeral of .the late Anse Olin°, Wing.
bawl, on Monday afternoon.
There is porno talk of Will, Or.ay,
former tailor, dowing borne again, lie
IMO been in SeQtiand ail summer,
Airs, James Catt is recovering from her
late illness we are pleased to etabe.
Jacob granter and Samuel McGeorge
will do the tax collecting in Grey town.
ship this year,
It is said Walter Pennington has pun.
.based 00 aurae of land from ex-Qogngil.
lot' Banjo, 146h don„ paying 91,900 for it.
Mies Rebeoga McNair, teacher in U.
S. S, No, 10, Howlett and Wallace, has
been re.engagod for the coming year at
an increased enlary,
The Augaeb make of oheene,from Brus•
factory, wan sold to Mr. Pothering
ham, of Ingereoll, at 7,} pante per pound,
It wan shipped on Monday
M euarsaeuspa!,—Qn Friday evening,
Nov. let, there will be a mueidal and
literary entertainment given in Shine's
School bowie, commencing at 7130 o'olook.
A good program will be presented. Ad-
mission, ladies 10 Dente, gentlemen 15
Contractor Oliver threabenes to bring
an action against the township of Grey
for damages for non -fulfilment of oon.
tract in connection with the big ditch,
Would it nob be a good idea for birn to
complete his job before he talks law?
Joseph Shaw has leased the 100 acre
farm, lot 11, con. 5, from his father for a
term of years, We hope Joe is not go-
ing to batch it very long when there are
so many fine young ladies in the country
seeking a home. These Fall Faire are
tell tales on some of the boyo.
Tun Sim—Isaac, Lake has been on the
nick list but ie improving nicely. -4/30.
MoRae is able to get about. -Airs. Amos
Smith has been laid up with the dipther-
etic sore throat so. prevalent.—Jno. Cuts
hill is getting'bbetber of a dose of rheu-
Sorin Our.—J. J. Vincent, the well-
known merchant and postmaster at
Jamestown, has disposed of hie store and
stock to Robt. A, Johneton, of Newbridge,
a former resident of Morris, who takes
possession on November 15111. Mr. Vin-
cent is baying a clearing sale to reduce
the stook. In his 2i years at Jamestown
he has worked up a fine business. Ws
have not learned what he purposes doing
when his successor taken the reins,
Several young men visited the resi-
dence of W. A. Killough, 7th con., lash
Monday evening and attempted a eeaond
edition of a obarivari. One of the youths
who was taking observations through a
window by the aid of a dark lantern was
captured and reoognized. • A salutory
lesson may be taught him and his Dom.
;abided; as to the rights of the owner and
the "gall" of the after•dark' visitors in
trespassing where they knew they had no
A numbor of lives were lost in prairie
fires in Manitoba and a great 'quantity
of property destroyed.
Rev. and Mne. Moss spent a few days
in Torohto.
There . were gait° a number went to
Blyth Fair last week.
James Pugh and family spent Sunday
at Allan Ramsay's, let line, Morris.
Miss Etta Coed spent Sunday and
Monday visiting friends in Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Sainte, of Goderioh, were
visiting friends in Bluevale last week.
Mn. and Mrs. Weir, Turnberry, were
the guests of Arch. Patterson on Sunday,
Mies Craig, of Goderioh, was visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Stowe, on Tharsday and
Willie Bailey is at home again after
spending the summer' in . obesse•making
at Rothsay.
Miss Margery Abram, of Morrie, was
visiting her aunt, Mrs, John McDonald,
for a week,
Mise Lily Moss, who ie attending the
Collegiate in Godericb, lyes home for a
few days last week,
Mies Moss filled the position of organist
in the absence of Mins Stewart, on Sltu-
ddy, very creditably.
Mr, and Mrs. Watson, of Listowel,
were the guests of Mrs. John MoDonald
on Monday and Tuesday.
Several of our young people drove aver
to Brneoele an Monday, evening to attend
the harvest Home m the Methodist
church. They all report having a splen-
did time.
The August make of cheese was sold'
iaab week so Mr. Cook, Ingersoll, for 7$
(Ante 905 poaud, " At a meeting of the
Directors the present oheese•makee, Geo.
McDonald, who has_ given suet gook
satislaotion, was re engaged for next
year at the same salary. The faotory
will aloes on November 1st, excepting
making for the patrons for two woke.
18 cheerio a day are turned out yet.
The undersigned will keep
on hand a constant supply
of White Fresh Lime suit-
able for all Building and
Plastering purposes.
Also North Shore Pine
Lath and White Brick for.
D, ddr. Lowry,
System Plenavaltor
AND 0 r115
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessnees,,Palpata-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney
and Urinary Dieeasee, St. Vitus` Dance,
Female, Irregularities and General De•
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist Brussels.
rand Trun
If you want to Travel
Grand gunk.
G, T. R. Agent, Bruooele.
Any /mount of Money to Loan.
on ib'B or Village Pro,
porty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Caumt Clerk, Brussels.
agm R0 '' g
m S 5 M Vl
g'tron pr'?W�1'�''G,i'S ola.�iW
m o m � L0
' p'0 ?
4 ot; 41,'b1l,?, p�gq. 11 a�..�.t
I° x.
*gli.. d, p ti m
Sold in Brussels by
G. A. UEAltittA.N, Druggist.
Minos noddiok I' Smith,
The Fall Openings have taken
place and we are now ready for
business. The universal verdict
by the Ladies is that our Millin-
ery cannot be surpassed for
Beauty and Style.
We have the correct Styles at
Low Prices and will be pleased
to have the pleasure of supply-
ing your Fall and Winter Head-
If you have not called on us
do s0 now.
Misses Roddiok ce Smith,
Don't wait until jack Frost gets all his freezing apparatus in shape
and running—Until you have contractedPneumonia. You can new
have your pick from the hundreds of garments, comprising our new
stook. The price won't bother you a bit. Here are a few sample
bargains :—Men's Heavy Union Tweed • Overcoats, strong linings,,
will wear well, sizes 86 to 42, for $4.00, they are well worth $5.00;
Men's beavy all wool Frieze Ulsters, in fawn and brown, sizes 36 to
44, at $7,00, they would be good value at $9.03• Boys' Overcoats,
all sizes, from $2.00 to $7.00.
Ease and shoes do not always go together, as sundry corns and.
bunions loudly testify, but with our Woman's Dongola button m-
ime Boot the two are synonymous. Our stock of Boots and Shoes
were bought before the big advance—We sell them all at the old
prices. We have 15 pair of Boys' Long Boots, sizes
3 and 4 only, clearing price $1.00 per pair.
c area
The Cheapest Cash Store in the County.
'Ready to Wear
Hundreds of Suits and Overcoats for Men
and Boys and so Cheap you would wonder how the
Cloth and Trimmings were got for the money, to say
nothing of the Making. We claim to have the New-
est and most up-to-date Suits and Overcoats of any
house in town. Every Suit is cut and finished by
expert Tailors, hence a perfect fit is ensured.
Men's Heavy Ulster Overcoats for
Men's all wool Frieze Ulster Overcoats for
Men's Dark Navy Blue Venetian Overcoats for.
Men's Scotch Cheviot Ulster Overcoats for
Men's all wool Tweed Suits for
Men's Scotch Tweed Suits for
......$5 00
...... 7 50
... 8 50
$9 00 and 12 00
5 00
8 50
Men's Black Worsted Coat and Vest, Mohair binding,
perfect fitting and finish the very best, only ......10 00
Boys' Doable Breast Snits for .. 2 00
Boys' Overcoats as low as 2 50
An immense range of Men's Underwear—Suits from 40c to $2,50. See the all wool
Shirts and Drawers we are selling at $1.20.
We always Pay. Highest Price for Farm Produce,