The Brussels Post, 1895-10-11, Page 8.USSE
With considerable trouble
and. expense we )lave man-
aed to buy a quantity of
efst-Glass honey so as to be
aisle to sell it for less th€tn
some are asking wholesale.
Although so, scarce we are
able to sell it 10 lbs, for $1
or 40 lbs. for $B.75. There
is no healthier: sweet known
than June honey, and who
is there that do not crave for
sweets, the system seems to
require it, You will do well
to lay in a ,stock of it while
the supply lasts,
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, Booksellers, &o.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
wad South, as follows:
00/NGHouma, Gonallonrs,
stun ...,0:00 am.Miced .,........ 0:45 a.m.
t9xureeo 11;59 a,m, Mail 8:18 p,m,
lfrxed 9:00 p.m. Express ...... 0:48' p.m,
.oraz .e[>rs lions,
A ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent,it.
ScaooL Board Friday evening of this
A SORE throat epidemic is going the
TECH Enterprise Salt Works is shipping
a car of salt a day now.
GEonoE TnotisoN received a oar of flour
this week from Goderioh.
INSPECTOR ROBB made an offioial visit
to Brussels aohool last week.
FOURTH Division Court will be held in
Brussels on Thursday, 24th inst.
THERE was a large attendanoe of Brus-
aelites at the Blyth Fair on Wednesday.
W. M. SxNcnam was in London on Fri•
day in connection with some legal
Medals. BAEnER & VANST INE shipped 2
care of live hogs on Thareday. They
handle a lot of stook.
OWING to the removal of D. McKenzie
to Galt, Harry James has been appointed
engineer of the Fire Brigade.
Soars necessary repairs are being made
to the boiling pan at the Enterprise Salt
Works preparatory to commencing work
AT the meeting of the Ooancil Last
Monday it was deoided to offer the wool-
len factory for sale on Friday, November
tat, at 8.30 o'olook, a reserve bid being
net apon it by the Couuoil.
REHEAasnk—Saturday afternoon of this
week T..9.. Hawkins' pupils will give a
musical program in tbe reception room
of FI. R. Brewer's studio. Relatives and
friends of the pupils made welcome.
A. now line of sport bas been introduc-
ed into Brussels this Fall, viz., gnoiting.
In our town we have one of the "ringers"
of former years in the person of Jas. Mo.
Alpine. He used to throw a quoit with
the best of them and could do it again
with a little practice, no doubt.
Two Cans or Hoxess.—Last Monday
Ylbeers. Parker, Kirkby & Richardson
shipped 84 horses to the Old Country
market, one car going from Brussels and
one from Palmerston. George Turnbull
aeoompanied `them. This makes 8 oar
loads exported by these gentlemen this
year, with another car to follow in about
a week. When navigation oloaea on the
St. Lawrence they will ship from Boston.
Tun Atwood Bee daddy says :—"A
Ton•PouND Qualm BEE.—There has bean
a deoided "bum" about the Bee office
far the past week that is very gratifying
to hear, and augurs livelier times for the
editor, in the most animated sense of the
word. In the language of the apiarist,
the Bee has "swarmed" The nature of
the swarm is explained in another col-
mmn," Yee, Bro., you'll not be damp -
pointed on the livelier thane and the
probabilities are you'll never require
your alarm clock any more.
work at the building is now very near
completion, only it few days more will
see the place ready for furniture. The
O0flo4oVion 0.00 made between well and gat
cistern and the steam heating system is dee
completed and tried. With the laying of
the cellar floors the hutment will be
completed and the plumbing .fixtures put
in'pl}toe. Grading and draining are the
aeaen;of the day. Warden MoPberson
,wp {over the building on Monday and
-aka. 'well pleased with the work. The
hat'xlding will be comfortably filled when
the great move•in takes place about Nov.
ae Elder Stewart was going to prayer
meeting a bioyoliet ran into bin on the
sidewalk, on Queen street, the handle of
the,maphine giving him a severe blow on
the side nearly fracturing a rib. The
rider's head struck Mr, Stewart in the
face causing hie nose to bleed. Whoever
the cyclist was he gathered himself up
an quickly as possible, without speaking,
tbok to the road and made off Eastward
never offering to aaoertefn what injury
be had done, Mo. Stewart is quite dilaabled from work in the meantime, Vie.
litters of the Bicycle Bylaw will be made
toe the line, with emphasis, if they ao
not keep off the walks.
LAST Friday afternoon the flax boyo
and a team chosen from non.employees
played a baseball match onViotoriaPark.
The battery for the "floods" was J.
Meadows and J. Grewar, pitchers, and P.
MoMartin catcher. For the other nine
W. Griffith caught and A. and W. Samp-
le did the twirling. The former won by
4Tto 8. • Saturday afternoon the sport
was continued and the score reversed by
14 to 22, largely through the battery
work of Jas. Thompson, "Chick" Grew-
ar and W. Griffith. There wee some
tare fan over both matches snobasis
not always enjoyed lwhere everything is
done oh the prof0eeienel plan,
ROHM Paya'that anethsr M. D. will
likely locate inBrussels ebortly.
A.'r the Caol'rle Fall raft' loot Sato,day W. D. lt0QOreeken took 21 in•izee,
w, II. MoCnAozzu was an exhibitor at
Blyth and Dungannon Foie Bile weed,
`Urges has been a lively beetle he pat-
ting up stows awing to the cold weather
title week,
Lan Saturday's Daily Globe contained
expellent porbrafte 01 the Soa0orth Gun
club and Beaver Laaroese team,
4 an of gravel was received at the G.
T. It, and utilized in fixing up the yard,
A good coating on the street leading from
Turnberry to the depot would better it a
Laws Friday evening's Band oonoort
concluded the Summar series as the
weather is getting too cool. ;Regular
praotioea will be maintained however, so
as to keep the Band together,
SATURDAY of this week at 1 P. m, the
Direotore of the Fall Fair will meet at
the Terra Dalt to adjest any matters in
connection with the prize list preparatory
to the Treasurer paying the prizes, Mr.
Stewart will be at the Town Hall on
Saturdays, 12th and 19th lusts„ from 1
to 0 p. m. to pay awards.
AT the Windsor 00.005' on 1lionday
"Wanda" won the 2,24 trotting race in
three straight heats. There were 10
horses in the rasa, "Reddy" woe 5th.
Best' time 2.20. In the 2.10 pace "Maple
Leaf" took the 1st heat but "Quaker 1i.,"
a Detroit horse, outfooted him in the
three following trials. 2.14} was touch•
ed in the 8rd heat. "Maple Leaf" got
and money. No less than 12 hose
started and very close and exciting finish-
ed were the result.
Timm has been quite a bit of street
gossip over the Butchers' By-law in foloe
in Braude, but after sifting the cause of
oomplaint there does not appear to be
any real grievance, as any person may
open a shop and sell meat by paying au
annual license fee of 510. If there is the
"piles" of money in the business some
say there should be a fine opening for a
third shop, but that has been tried often
enough to aonvinoe the persons interested
that there is not.
RONALn vs. DDOHAm.—Thio was an 0.c -
tion brought by the plaintiff to recover
from the defendants 54,000.00 in deben-
tures, which 'the defendants had issued
for the purchase of afire engine and
other appliances. After the resolution
had been passed to give these debentures,
the plaintiff agreeing to hand beak $500
in cash, a committee was appointed to
see if Mr. Ronald would notadept
53,500 in oa.b in 80 days. This was
agreed to but the defendants failing to
avail themselves of this option, the plain.
tiff demanded the debentures, hones the
notion. The question Was one purely as
to the none -ruction of the resolution of
council and , ir. Ronald's proposal Co ao.
aopt Dash in 80 days. Judgment was
given for plaintiff for $3,500 less defend-
ant's ooste, and from this judgment
plaintiff intends to appeal to Divisional
Court. J. T. Garrow and W. M. Sinclair
for plaintiff. Mr. Kingston and 0. P.
Telford for defendants. The Dasa was
heard at Stratford on Thursday of last
week before Justice Street.
months ago an energetic move was made
along the W. G. & B. from Brussels
Northward to have the Postal authorities
parry mail on the noon express, thereby
offering the towns on the line additional
facilities for the transmission of codes.pondenoe Eastward. The Postmaster
General declined to comply with the re-
quest that time. Inspector Hopkirk
has notified Postmaster Farrow that a 10
days' count of postal matter going from
Brussels post•office with the intention of
finding out the exaot position of affiairs
regarding the necessity of an extra mail,
will be made commencing on. Thursday
of this week. It would be well for our
residents to bear this enumeration 10
days in mind ae the Edon mail would
prove a great convenience. As no ac-
count appears to be taken of letters post-
ed at the box at the depot, to secure oor•
reel figures those lettere ehonld be drop-
ped in the post office for the 10 days
mentioned. We want the mail.
W. F. M. S.—Melville ohuroh W. F. M,
S. held its annual thank offering meeting
on Thursday evening of last week, with
an attendanoe of 75. Mrs. (Rev.) Roes
presided. After the routine business had
been disposed of, the offerings, which
amounted to $84.80, were laid on the
table, a000mpanied in most oases with
appropriate Scripture or other verses, the
reading of which was an interesting part
of the prooeedings. The dedicatory eves as offered by Mrs, Deadman,
after which a pleasing and well -worded
address on missionary work among tbe
Indians in the Norbhwesb was given by
Miss Pelton, of Wingbam, for which she
was tendered a deserved and hearty vote
of thanks. Mies Kate Wilson rendered a
solo in an excellent manner, and a few
encouraging words were spoken by the
pastor, Mr. Ross. The ladies then
Bred in groups around the nicely
orated refreshment tables, which were
placed at intervals in the basement, and
enjoyed a half hour's social intercourse,
after which they dispersed to their homes,
feeling that the meeting was one o$ the
best the Sooiety had held.
TRIP TO THE WEST.—Last Tuesday
evening a Targe audience assembled in
Melville church to hear Bev. J. Ross, B.
A., describe the sights and scenes in con.
neetion with a holiday visit to the Prairie
Province. After the opening exercises
and a few appropriate remarks from El-
der Thos. Straoban, as chairman, the
choir was asked for the anthem,
'Like a9 a Father," which was well Bung.
The chairman called upon the reverend
leoterer. Starting from Brussels M.
Roes described the journey to Winnipeg,
interspersing many interesting and
amusing incidents, and rapidly, pointed.
ly, and with remarkable accuraoy of de.
soription and detail took his 'indictees in
thought over the ground outlined, viz.,
Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Greatna,
&c., &o. Specially interesting were bis
remarks on the Indian Industrial Schools
and the missionary work being done
among the Indians. Frost, drought, fire
and hail were outlined as the foes' to the
Manitoba farmers progress. For about
two !more the interesting commentary of
the land of immense distances was dilated
upon and the chairman expressed the
opinion of the audience when he stated
that everybody had beep well repaid by
their coming to the cbnrob. A pretty
dadtt, "Remember Lord Thy granions
word,' was rendered by A. Straoban and
A. Rose, after which the dosing hymn
was sung and the Benediotion pronounc-
ed. The ooileotion amounted to about
514.08, Those who were not present
Missed a treat.
I. 0, iltostnps has improved the thew
window of hie shop by putting in inside
eaghee and a slicelraola.
`Pula Fall Show prize lists of Wroxeter
and Elms, fall Fairs ,may be fennel Pn
pagse 8 and 0 of thio issue.
TIIE Revere 14ouee is undergeing noes.
eery repairs and improvements, Bishop
Ward has the work in hand.
RELosv1NO AUNT hour is belting charge
of Station Agent Irendall'e work for ten
days while the latter has his holidays.
MAIL OLERI[. Ildnnxe, of the W. G, & B.,
wan in town last Saturday on a business
trip. He's a genial ol.Isand gentleman.
SopTOEINe will ootnmenoe ab the flax
mill they have} 00 soresofof ax r Bright
glift yen.
This was not an extra good year for flax
owing to the Spring frosts,
CANDIDATES desirous of writing at the
coming civil servioe examination to be
held at London next month should send
to the Secretary of the Examleation
Board for blank form of application.
The same should be filled in and return.
ed to the eeoretary before pot: 15th.'.
Dan, --John D. MoPherson, the sham-
pion profeseiona1 shot•pubtei', fell 40 feet
into the new look at Sault Ste. Marie
Canal last Friday and was fatally, in.
jured, dying the same day. ' He was a
native of Luoknow locality and had taken
part in Caledonian games at various
times in Brussels.
01Q,000 Fon SLANDEu.—Mre. Sarah Lee,
an earmark, lady of about 70 years, ser-
ved the Reeve with a writ on Monday
claiming damages of 510,000 for slander
said to be pertetrated upon her by the
town bell, town Band, and the Salvation
Army. The Council asked a month to
consider the matter but Mrs. Lee was
obdurate and saye she has waited long
enough but would yet accept $2,000 in
settlement if made forthwith. In the
writ Sir John A. MoDouald, deceased, is
given as the acting party. Mrs. Lee's
complaint is that the bell in St. John's
ohuroh each Sabbath day rings out
"Sarah Lee go to ohuroh;" the town bell
echoes "55,000, $5,000, $5,000," and the
Band, impiously, playa 'God save Sarah
Lee." To satisfy the plaintiff, it certifi-
cate bas been furnished her that the
"slandering" bell will be removed from
the Hall and a new one substituted guar-
anteed to be absolutely free from vicious
practices. Sire considers herself shabbily
treated by people counselling her to seek
a home in the House of Refuge when the
town owes' her. $10,000. In her recent at.
tendanoe at Court to interview Judge
Doyle and her visit to the Oounoil Mon-
day evening ebe has come to the oon-
ctnsk, • , net the ):nights of old who recog-
nized the preselice and granted the alight.
est request -of ladies must have all died.
Pudic Linnen.—A meeting of Brus.
eels Public Library Board was held on
Monday afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock, in the
Reading Boom, at which were present
President HaBain, Secretary Blair and
Directors Cameron, Fletcher, Griffin,
Fox, Gerry, Smith, Farrow, Stewart,
Coseley and Kerr. Minutes of last meet..
ing read and approved. Two aocounts
were presented, one from B. Gerry for
supplies of oil and wood for Reading
Room and the other from Tan Pon for
800 catalogueg, membership tickets, &o.
On motion they were ordered to be paid.
A communication was read from the
Department indicating that the annual
grant would be forwarded shortly. The
President and Postmaster Farrow were
named as a deputation to wait on the
village Condit to ask fur their annual
aid of $25. In response to the advertise-
ment in last week's PosT the eeoretary
laid 17 applications before the Board for
the vacant Librarianship. They were
duly read and considered. The salaries
named varied from $75.00 to , $35.00. It
was agreed to take the vote by ballot and
on the 4th trial Mies Minnie MoNaugbt.
on was declared the choice, her duties to
commence on the 15th inst. A short
chat was indulged in as to holding a pnb-
lic entertainment for the Publio Library,
after which the meeting adjourned 'to
meet at the call of the President. There
is a splendid supply of A 1 books on the
shelves of the Library and the Reading
Room, free to the public, will be open
every week evening. Two oheeker boards
will be placed in the room for the enter-
tainment of the youth of Brussels, $1.00
pet year gives all the privileges to the
members. Every family in Brussels
should belong.
Pnovxotares S. S. CONVENTION.—The an-
nual convention of the Sabbath School
Ass0oiation of Ontario will be held in
Toronto on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of
this month. The sessions will be held in
Cooke's church (Presbyteriaa). On the
morning of the 23rd It will be dissolved
into separate conferences for discussions
by pastors, superintendents, Bible class
teachers, primaryteachers and secretar-
ies and librarians, when some neighbor-
ing oburob, probably the Metropolitan
(Methodist), will also be used. The pro-
gram is probably the best ever presented
by the association. Workers in every
department of the Sabbath School will
find abundance of discussion interesting
to them, in which will appear suoh men
as B, F. Jacobs, Chicago, President of
the World's Convention ; Marion Lawr-
ence, Secretary of the Ohio Sabbath
School Association ; Ron. S. H. Blake,
Rev. Dr. Potts, Rev.' Chanoellor Bur -
wash, and about 50 others, A strong
committee has been formed to perfeat
the local arrangements, with N. F. Gas.
well ae Chairman, and as they anbioipate,
judging by the experience of two years
ago, wben the Convention was held in
Elm Street Methodist church, that there
will be between 700 and 1,000 delegates
present, ib will be seen that their work,
including that of billeting, will be no
sinecure. The present President of the
Aesaoiatian is H. P. Moore, of Aoton,
while J. J. Maolaren, LL. D., Q. 0„ is
Chairman of the Central Executive Gem.
Business Locals.
OYSTERS on hand at McAlpine'e.
Lone, olear bacon at McCracken's.
TIMOTHY seed for sale at MaOraoken'e.
IF you want robes or blankets oall on
H. Dennis.
WATER White Carbon oil 20 cents per
gallon. Molloy & Co.
LARGE stook of light harness sold at low
prices. H. Dennis.
REPAIRS in boots and shoes very cheap.
I. 0. Richards,
Fon good shoes at low prices we take
the lead. I. 0, Riolrerde.
Ova horse Dollars are all warranted,
H. Dennis.
Fon SALE,—Three beating stoves, one
a parlor cook, and another an upright.
Also a number of pipes. Apply at Mel.
Ville Manse,
GOT,' 11, L89
STai7Y1)4.1) 234X1 ' OF adx4D4,
e Kira a s aa-
ASSETS, (Sewn.Million Dollars) 1/7,000,000
CAPITAL (Autherized) - , $2,000,000
Agencies in all prinoival,poiwte in Ontario, Quake, l2Ifastifp8a Miffed d Statps;e0,Batyla7xrl
'ild'&i'4°67js d� �il�•1♦ Qri .
A General Banking Bpsinees Traneaoted, Farmers' Rotes Die. o. nLod.
Drone Issued and Oolleebions made on all points. o a
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dal of deposit bo date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Smug, ATTEN'rton MON To THE COLLEauoos OF:10AnuE119' SALE Norms, ...
"Ivory facility afforded Customers living at a dietatioe.
GILLa EStv7Wr-�V dnT , 13.1eJh1T C,�s acid 3
is s •►=!' Z s,
Transact a General Banking Business: Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points 1n Canada; United States and Great Britain.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Cotober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
OYc effect fo write Inenrone, in old English or Canadian companies, or in 20.t
real Companies uS may be desired.. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND MUTED STATES Tntt CANADIAN BANE OF C05.530 ROE'
Strew, baskets of peaoliee for 85 cents
and large baelrets at $1.80. The finest of
the seasonabMcAlpine's,
Do you want to stop tieing tobacco 7
If so, use No -To -Bao. We refund your
money if not as stated. G. A. DnentLur.
MRS. MOORAE wishes to notify the
public that she still does Carpet Weaving
at her residence, nearly opp. Dr. Mo.
Kelvey's. Satisfaction guaranteed,)
WANTED.—The undersigned kindly re.
quests all owing him book accounts bo
pall and settle between this and 20th
of October next W. H. McCracken,
I anon ordered a large stook of window
shades and curtain poles which Z will
Bell very cheap. We put them on your
windows. All goods delivered free.
R. Leatberdale.
Samoa's Cure, the great Dough and
oroup oure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 26
Dents. Children love it. Sold by Jae.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
In you have an organ that wants clean'
ing or repairs, or a piano that wants
tuning leave your orders here as I have
made arrangements with a piano tuner.
All work guaranteed or no pay.
R. Leatberdale.
KARL'S Clover. Root willpurify your
blood, clear your complexion; regulate
your bowels and make your head clear ae
a bell. 26 obs., 60 Ots. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Lenxns, clean your kid gloves with
Josephine glove cleaner, for sale only by
Ferguson & Halliday. Sole agents for
the Perrin Freres kid gloves, in laoe and
button. All the most desirable shades.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy
ie the firet medioine I `have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 60
dente. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brae.
POBLTRY,—The undersigned will take
any quantity of fowl for trade in grocer-
iescrockery, &o. The highest pridepaid. See him before bringing them in,
Tbe can advise you how and what days
in the week to kill. W.H. MOOntOEEN,
To remove the constipated habit, t
only safe treatment is a course of Ayer
Pills followed by a laxative diet. Mo
other cathartics do more harm than good,
therefore leading physieiane recommend
Ayer's Pills, eepeoially as a family
FLEunr PLOwe.—Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agente for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the necessary
repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
Oonfusion as to the choice of a blood.
purifier is unnecessary.. There is but
one "best" Sarsaparilla, and that is
Ayer's. This important foot was recog-
nized at the World's Fair, Ohioago, in
1893, being the only blood -purifier ad•
witted to be placed on exhibition.
.Tatinas' CENTRAL" INevnANCE Co.—
This new and very prosperous Fire In•
suranoe Co. daring the past year issued
over 800 polidiea in Carrick, Howiok,
Oulross and Greenook. Rates on farm
property very low, J. A. CREIGHTON,
Agent for Morrie and Grey.
2 NEGLECTS AND THE Rne000.—Neglect
cold in the head and yon will surely have
catarrh. Neglect nasal catarrh and you
will as surely induce pulmonary disease
or catarrh of the stomach with its die.
gusting attendants, foul breath, hawking,
spitting, blowing, &o. Stop it all by
using Dr. Chase's Catarrh (lure, 25 Dente
a box.
Birt has all the necessary maohinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepay.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residenoe
emend door north of the bridge, went
aoa .w_
Ancomt.-In Grey, on Oot. 3rd, the wife
of Mr. Thos. Al000k of a son.
Coon.—In East : Wawanoeb, on Sept.
13th, the wife of Mr,'kFrederiok Cook
of a daughter.
COULTEe.—In East Wawanosb, on Sept,
19th, the wife of Mr. George Cooltes
of a son,
ApPLEEY,—In Turnberry, on. Sept. lith,.
the wife of Mr. Thomas Appleby of
a eon.
LAVNDY-MOonE.—At the residence of the
bride's father, Blyth, on Sept. 25th,
by Rev. Geo. Buggin, Mr. Edward 0.
Laundy, of Morris, to Mies Margu-
erite May, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jamas Moore.
HaGans—JOnssoN.—At the parsonage,
Harriston, by Rev, J. A. Jaokeon, on
Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 111r, W. P•
Hughes, to Miss Elizabeth Johnson,
both of Trowbridge.
BunoinzL—GnAY.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on Oct. and, by
Rev. D. Perris, Mr. Samuel Burchill,
to Miss Phemia Gray, daughter of
Mr. William Gray, of Turnberry.
LINEHAU—HARa5Y.—In Elma, at the
residence of the bride's parents, on
Thursday, Oot. Ord, 1895, by Rev.
W. H. Harvey, B. A., brother of the
bride, Mies Mamie, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. Moses Harvey, to Mr,
Daniel M. Lineham, of Calgary, N.
W. T.
MOMIOnazt—ANDREwe•—At the residence
of the bride's brother, Clinton, on
the 2nd inst., by Rev, J. W. Holmes,
Mr. Wm. McMichael, of MoKillop,
to Mise Emma 8. Andrews, young-
est daughter of the late S. Andrews.
DALOARNo.—In East Wawanoeh, on Sept.
26th, James, only son of Geo. and
Grace Dalgarno, aged 28 years, 7
months and 14 days.
BLacx.—In Turnberry, on Sept. 80th,
Samuel Blaok, aged 73 years and 4
be HERIII',TnN: In Listowel, on the 30th
a ult., Christens Hermiston, aged 74
st years, 7 months and 5 days.
BREUEn.—In Listowel, on the 27th ult.,
Maria, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Balmer.
MoARraua.—In Morris, on Wednesday,
Oct. 9th, Ann MoNiven, reliot of the
late Peter McArthur, aged 89 years
and 8 months.
side of Turnberry et., Braude.
YARNS,—Just recovered a lot of Lido.
wel yarns in two or three ply, Black,
grey, and mixed colors. To arrive Mitt
yarns in various colors, Also received
imported yarns, Gloria Saxony, Rook
German, Andalusian in blank, red, eto.
Berlin and Zephyr wools. Fanoy goods,
toys, games, &o. Specialities ladies' Ice
wool nape, Saxony wool hoods. Knit.
ting done any size at Mrs. Kirk's.
EnniANsoN BATES .k Co,-Gentlemen,—
About three or four weeks ago I had an
attack of itching piles. I tried two or
three different remedies recommended by
druggists as the beet and only aura, etc,,
etc., but gob no relief. About the time I
was beginning to despair of finding any
relief, with some slight misgivings I
bought a box of your pile (turo, which I
am pleased to eaygave me almost instant
relief and a permanent cure. I consider
your Ointment a Clod -send.; Alf. a. Dean,
Orillia, Feb, 10th, '94.
at THE POST Publishing House, Apply
Pure bred Shropshire from John
Campbell's, Woodville, well known stook,
Apply to TNO. SMITH, Lot e,'Oon, 0, Grey,
Brueeele P. 0.
berryHstreet, Brueeele, se for Salo Immediatepos possess-
ion, Good stable, well, eietern, 4 acro of
land, fruit trees, &o, Apply to
11I00, B. WALIIl0R,
41- No. 51, John Stre,
signed wishes to notify the. people
of Brussels. and surrounding country that he
is now prepared to attend to the weaving of
carpet. ANDREW McNai,
Thomas St, Brussels,
10.4 ,,
Ween e� Queen'sHotel,
ie scarce and so is honey but we have
which dewei Sasn vsella ticthe tfoliowingalow
loos : 10 lbs. for 01.05, or 40 lbs, for 59.75.
Come quick if you want some.
Druggist, Bookseller &a.
The property on the Huron Road at Alma,
known as the Morton. Property, now .owned
and occupied by Mrs, Adam. (food, There
are about Seven ogres of land, on wbioh is a
comfortable frame residence,.. stable and or-
chard, The property will be sold cheap and.
on easy terms, or will be exehangsd for pro-
perty in Brueeele or Seaforth, It ie admit=freraApnhegssOrr remApply for tpromises, retired
W. F. VANSmogrt, Brussels,
10• MRS, MAlbY10. GOOD,'Seaforth P. 0,
rent, Lob 15, poo, 0, Grey Township,
- RHOS. M00RE, Brueeele,
mmnemnna bas mayoral good Fa'
sale and to rant, easy termin TOwnsblpos
of Morrie and Grey. F S. SCOTT, Braseere
Is now so cheap that it should
be a Capital Orlme to go un.
washed, Besides you know
what cleanliness le next bo,
A very nice Oahe Toilet Soap, 5e'
Baby's Own Soap, .loo
lfeliatb'ope Soap, .,,100
Oatmeal Soap, .,,iQe
Buttermilk Soap, - ,,,IOo
Then we have
Pure White Castile Soap, 160. per lb,
.fox's Drug store,
R• Solicitor and Conveyancer.,., s
Mons made, 011100—.Vanetoue'sBlomepaiOsts•
sale.- z1.E1 �
YVM. SINCLAIR, I , /1:• solicitor, Conveyancer Nottit,yPub
lie, &e. Odioe—'Vanetones Blooii;'1 door,;'
north of Central Hotel, Private Panda to:.
Solicitor, 50. (late 01 Garrow &
Proudfoot's Otnoe, Goderioh.) Once oyer
Gillies &. Smith's Bank, Brussels, °n
to Loan. 47
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons..
Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
oer3o BrsBau barber p,, TurbiySueels.
1! • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a own -
patent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. 011ioe and Infirmary—Pour daore
north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels.
• C. M;, L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P ,
S. Ont. -Residence and office in Wilson's
Bleak, coruer:of.Mill and Turnberry Ste.
J• 114Phyeielan, Surgeon Acconober, oto.
/Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
rind Burgeons, Ont. OFFICE—Next .door to
McDonald & Co., Walton Ont,
• /sourer of lirarriage Lieenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels.
south ofd. Tonsorial• sArtist. Oo's hardwareta ores'
Ladies'and obildrenehair nutting a specialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
►No Withess Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
at00lt on �-
suranoes(ideed0 aTond PamProperty at very low Pates.
15.5mr. A. OR11GHTON,
Agent, Brussels.
Clerkof the Fourth Division Cour
Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Iueuranoe Agent. Ponds
invested and to loan, Collection made
011leo in Smale'oBlock, Broeeels
Piano oTeacher a, Will sit on
day and Wodneeday of each week. Baal -
dense on Princess Street, Brussels.
• Organiet in St. John's Ohur
sets, and pupil, in the Art of Teaohiiig of A..
W.' Thayer,Mus,Doo„New ' York, will glye
lwill to pupile either on pians or argon,
at his parlor over ,A. R. Smith's store, Brus-
eels. Vocallessons also given. Terms mod -
rsoaebreBaeoonaed on reasonable mAuctioneer.
stook a speoialty, 'Ordersleft at Tun Poem
PubliehingEouee,Bruesele,or sent to Walton
P, 0 , Will receive prompt attention,
• EEE, will sell for better rico
better men in loss time (aid led aharges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won'b charge anything,,Dates and.
orders can !always be arranged athis Moe
or by p 0000001 applioatlon
.saving', Bank takes Deposita from
01.00 to 51,000 and a11owe 58 per gent.
interest, - T, FARROW,
87`inx Postmaster,
Any .quantity of Building, Corner, Rubble,
Sill and Bridge Stone for Bale. Quarried
and roadyior loading at Brussels Quarry.
Dor price and terms'a,plytoand termaa,plyto
mu Boz 190 JED, MITCHELL,
Brae sale,