HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-11, Page 7CTa 3°l,1z 111 1£3;)
#ntereattngatolns *bent our own Country,
Groat ltrttoln, ilte United steles, alto
All /eerie nr the globe, Condeneete and
♦peened for Arany gentling,
Roy. Dr, Willlams0n of tlueon'8 College,
Megaton, 5e dead.
Over $5,000,000 of property in Hamilton
ie exempt frons baxablen,
Mayor Stewart, of Iiemilton, returned
]tome on Saturday from Italy.
John H. Holt, a oarpenter,was instantly
killed at London by falling from a scaffold.
Ib la reported in Winnipeg that a Pro•
vinoial general election will take piece
George ,A, Smith, of Hamilton, Ont., wee
emoted on Saturday night outhe charge
of in0eat.
The Logielature of Nova Scotia has been
dissolved, end a general election will be
held on October 10th,
Ida Dodge, the oquaw who nearly mut,
dared a companion near Cliathnm, was let
go en suspended sentence.
Mr. J'.Diokaon of the Stratford Collegiate
Institute, has, been appointed assistant
commercial master at Loudon.
At a meeting of the Cabinet ab Ottawa
on Saturday, Thuroday, November21st,.
was fixed for Thopkegiviug day.
By the substitution of one plan for an-
other in a bridge agreement with the C.
B. Montreal is oat about $40,000,
The diffieulty between the Tuckotts and
their cigarmakere at Hamilton' has been
eetbled, the moil accepting a reducedscale,
Mr. Shortie, the father of the Valleyfield
murderer, has forwarded a cheque for one
, thousand dollars to Mine. Loboeuf, the wi•
dow of one of the murdered men.
The Xing of Siam has forwarded to the
McGill University the Trepitaka,or scored
books of Buddha in thirty-nine volumes.
St. Thomas has aoeepted the tender of
the Street Railway Company to light the
city, conditional upon its operating the
electric street railway:
The reports of the crops of grain raised
at Stony Mountain penitentiary farm and
the Indian Head Experimental farnt are of
the merit satisfactory character.
Harry Looter, a young Englishman,
was arrested at Hamilton for attempting
to set fire to a room in which he had a
lot of books stored, which were Insured fon
Prof. Dale, formerly of Toronto Quiver.
city, has been appointed temporarily to
fill the position made vacant at Queen's
University by the removal of Prof. Fletch-
Police Constable Leonard was found
lying dead with a bullet 1n his brain early
Tuesday morning in a lane off MoCaul
street, Toronto. At an fuquest held rhe
juryfounda verdict of suicide.
There is much speculation in Montreal
regarding the rumoured changes in the
Grand Trunk railway olEoial staff. General
Manager Seargeant on Saturday said that
the rumoured changes were premature.
General Gaseoisne,'the newly appointed
Chief Commander of the Canadian Forces,
arrived at Quebec by the Parisian. He was
received with firing of guns upon landing,
and a detachment of cavalry escorted him
to the Citadel.
Mr, D. MaNiool1, general passenger
agent of the CanadianPacific railway, who
has just returned to real from a trip
to the Pacific, coast, is of the opinion that will have the splendid Drops a very good
effect upon immigration.
In closing the Criminalseizes at Toronto
McDougall OR' Saturday Judge stronglyrcrowd
condemned the. overcrowded condition of
the Central prison, he deerribed as
of ad
a. disgraceful state airs. Ho urged
that the ProvincialGovernment. should
immediately enlarge building.
y Sir
m Nlug
s. Th
d aresid
ofhasmarket miles from
Alvin Jenks, a known Toronto
business man, comm uicide on Thurs-
day morning at his enoe, during the
absence from home ife. The oauee
ie unknown. Just prior to
his death Jenks
wrote a letter . to undertaker, tell.
iu a coroner him to call with at his house
in the mornfug.
While WWI Bossbpry denies that he In,
teade vioitlug the Milted Statue and Canada
this year, he admits that he la oontomplat,
011 suolt a trip next yeas,
!soar Wiide'ie said to be failing pilot
pally In Wandsworth prison, There ie a
gruwtngeympathy for thepprlsoner,parblou,
lady Ip literary and artistic) eirol08,
It is gssorully understood in English
polibioal eirelee that 30 le the intention of
the Unionist party 80 introduce measures
for the reform of the ];.louse of Lords.
Next year will be the oentenafy of the
death of Burne, the Seotoh poet, and in
that connection itis proposed .to hold an
Lisut.Col, Sir Walter Wilkhu,'alderman
for the Line street ward, was on Saturday
sleeted Lord Mayer of London for theensuing year, to succeed Sir Joseph Hen,
The Duke of Cambridge was entertained
at luaoheon in l:dlaburgit, and made along
speech, in whish he referred to his
retirement,' arld replied to the hostile
oritiehnn whiolf had bean directed against
Both political partie0 are preparing for
the fray in . England, and many of the
principal speakers on' both 03de0 are an,
nonnecd to speak during the coining
Dean Farrar, fu an adlrerelest week,'
deplored that the appeals and work of the
temperance party has as yet barely tough-
ed- thefringe of the coneeence:of the Eng-
lish people. ,
Aocgrdiog to the London Times, the
Irish laud question will bo`settled next
year, and this will be followed in 1807 by
an frith ,Local Government measure, which
will probably include the oreatiou of a
central Council in Dublin.
The Pa11 Mall Gazette prirte a despatolr
from Shanghai which says :—"Appearaneeo
indicate that England fa finally in earnest
in regard to the massacres in China. Five
warships are now on the River Yang.tse-
Kiang, proceeding towards the scene of the
disturbance, and four more are expected
to start immediately."
The United States Treasury gold reserve
Is under $03,000,000.
The wage earners of Rhode Island are
42 per cent. of the whole population.
Dr. Andrew Stewart of Washing.ton,ehot
a burglar fetidly in his hone on Saturday
Ex -Congressman Ptinerty talked very
strongly against England at the Irish
convention in Chicago.
In the Birmingham district, Alabama,
there are 10,000 more men at work than
at this time last year.
Monday's storm was the eevereet expo.
Horned in VVisoonsin for years, and de-
stroyed an immense amount of property.
Citizens of New Orleans are raising a
fund 31of $30,000 with which to erect a
monument to the late General Beauregard.
The Rev. Dr. Talmage, of Brooklyn, bas
accepted the call to be co•pastor of the
First Presbyterian church In Washington.
Seven persons were drowned in the
Lake at Geneva, N. 1'. by the sinking of
a yacht which was ran down by a eteamer.
Rugby, Tennessee, Mr, Thomas Hughes
colony, has been leased to the Standard
Oil Company for development as/ oil terri-
There is a water famine in Hazleton,
Pa., and moreten thousand men are idle,
owing to the shutting down of variout
H. H. Holmes will be tried at Phila.
delphia on ()metier 2S for the murder of
Benjamin R. Pietzel, the father of the
Plotzel family.
Documents worth millions of dollars to
St. Louts, connected with various street
railway franchisee, ware stolen from the
office of the Clerk of the House of Delegates.
According totheevidence of Mrs. Durant,
mother of Theo Durant, charged with the
murder of Blanche Lamont in a San Fran-
cisco ohurch, her eon was bornin Toronto,
At Lesdville a terrific explosion of giant
powder occurred in the Belgium mine.
Seven dead,bodies have already been taken
out. Phee
i c en are known to have been
Theodore Durant charged with the
murder of Blanche Lamont in a San
Francisco church, stilt maintains hie in-
nocence, and declares his conviction that
the jury will acquit him.
The United States authorities have ruled
that shipments from pointe in Canada,
where they Have no Coueular agent,maybe
rertifted to by any reputable merchant or
the agent of may friendly power.
It is stater! in Washington that the
United States has intimated to the Spanish
Minister that unless Spain restoree order
within 1t certain time in Cuba there will be
international interference on behalf of the
Hop Sing Lee, a wealthy Cheese mer-
chant of San ,Tose,Cal.,oliers a half interest
in his extensive merchandise business and
five thoaeand dollars in cash to any
reputable young American who will marry
his daughter, Moi Lee,
The United Boobblacke' Protective
among boelaoos mon, and the fall tri
fat' appears to bo pm -14341g. '
President Faure of Franco le i11,
Antl,foreign plaoarda .01.0 ag,tfu being
voted In ,Che Xiang, China,
Germany isonforoirig a strict quarantine'
against foreign cattle and hogs.
Russian royal palettes have suffered
vioitatiens from fife and burglars.
Proparabiona for the coronation of.tll5
Czar have been oommenced at St, Vetere.burg.
Fe Sung S00, Oorean Minister to this
exhibition of relies of the poet in Glasgow,
l United States,dled from °Milers, in hie own
The Czarewiteh fain the last Magee of
aon0tumption,and 14 not expeotbdto 01rrvi\'e
the winter.
The Spanish. Government has tleei(e1
Hereafter to send only veterans to puha to
suppress the insurrection.
A olturoh was raided at Varna,Bulgeria
by a mob of mordents, and ton Armenian's
who resisted the raid were killed.
Air attempt was made on Patnrday on
the life of Maigals:Ito, Prime 'Minister
and President of the Connell of Japan;.
German men-of-war bu the far East;
waters have .been ordered,. to Swatnw and
Cliee.Lbo to protect foreigners et those
Tho report that Prof. Pasteur is dying in
Paris ie not true, but he ie suffering front
paralysis of the lege, and 1118 condition is
It is reported the erew of the cruiser
Tartar had a skirmish with natives on the
Mosquito mat and that some fatalities
Dr, Hanson, one of Professor Behring's
assistants, has discovered a serum remedy
against cholera, whioh has proved sueoesstul
on animals.
One quarter of the main line of the transe
Siberian railroad hie now been completed.
at a coat of 73,437,111 rubles. This is less
than the estimate..
Telephones are to be admitted Jute Italian
nuuneriee by a recent decision of the con-
gregation of Bishope,bnt is strict eanaorship
be exercised over the wires.
Prof. Louie Pasteur, the eminent boo-
teriologiot, who discovered the cure for
rabies, died at Garohes, in the euvirens of
Paris, on Saturday evening.
Tho arrival of seventeen British wan
ahtpo within easy distance of the mouth of
the Dardanelles is eaueiug comment in
European diplomatic oirclee.
The Popo received -lettere of sympathy
containing over a million signatures,on the
000asion of the recent Italian fetes com-
memorating the .entry of the troops into
Telegrams from the Caucasus report the
arrival there of the G,atewitoh. He ex-
perienced a stormy voyage, and 1110 physical
condition is very much. worse 1n con-
Bouteilhe, the man who on September 5
attempted to ignite a bomb in the vestibule
of Rothschilds' banking -house in Paris,wae
the other day sentenced to three years'
Advices received in Constantinople from
Hodeide, in the Arabian province of Yemen,
report that one hundred lives have been
lost by a landslide that overwhelmed the
village of Hudeya.
The relations between Emperor William
and Prince von Hohenlohe are so strained
that it would not be surprising it there
should be a naw Chancellor before the.
expiration of the year.
A despatch from Berlin says that it has
been decided to oommence ab an early date
the construction of a ship caual to connect
the Rhine and the Elbe,. ata coat of two
hundred million marks.
The commander of the German squadron
in China as been authorized to exact
satisfaction for the deetruotion of the mis-
sion at Swatow, using whatever measures
may be necessary.
Great precautions have been adopted in
Constantinople for the protection of the
palace of the Sublime Porte, owing to the
discovery of a Macedonian plot to blowup
the buildings with dynamite.
While the steamer Empress of India was
at Yokohama aom Japanese a anese went onboard
and killed one Ohfnaman,andbadly clashed
another. The murderer wag arrested, and
'll be tried at Yokohama.
The 13ritish ultimatum in the matter of
the eze•Chuen !iota has been issued, and
within four days an edict must be published
degrading the Viceroy of theprovinoe, or
he British admiral commanding will not.
Official advices have been received in
Paris, according to which the French
advance guard crossed the Ambithimena
mountaiue, and met and defeated the
whole of the forces of the Havas with
thirty cannon.
Thirsy mullion taels of silver have been
deposited at Shanghai by the Chinese Gov-
ernment,with which topay the eupplemen
tary indemnity: required asa consideration
by the Japanese Government for the
evaoution of Liao Tung peninsula.
The Japanese army in Formosa, rebirth
numbers sixty thousand men, will beve to
be reinforced, as the troops are worn out
with the hardships of the oampaigu. At
present there are more than three thousand
Japanese soldiers in the hospitals in For.
peots areexcellent for a large trade tains Promote social intercourse among Its l mesa,
done in that commodity. The Italian Government hart published
members, hes peen incorporated with its documents to Show thabafter the occupation
Mr. Beresford Greathead, formerly im- headquarters in Now York. of Rome the Government was wili00g to
migration agent at Winnipeg, has. been A special to the Denver, Col., Times make every concession that would ensure.
engaged on a walk' from Venaeuver to from Hot Springs, Wyo., says that the the liberty and independence of the Pope, -
Montreal since iast March. He arrived in -home found by Prof. J. L. Wharton, of 111111e the Vatican, apparently in order to
Ottawa on Friday, having tramped two Colombia College, Now York, near ,the maintain a pretext for complaining that the
thousand eight hundred miles, taking the halide( Bitter Creek, and pronounced by Pope had been deprived of his liberty, re-
traok of the Canadian Pacific railway remote 'him to be the "missing link," were the fused to accept any of the proffered comes.
the Rocky mountains andthe Norih•Weet skeleton of a pet monkey owned by cow- stens.
plains.. 'boys, which died about twelve years
Charles Wilfrid Mowbray, the nglish .
Th D ke of York ie to made,a Rear Anarchist, who visited Chicago for the
e a
Admiral, purpose of teaching his doctrine of red
English newapopere ridicult the Irish in
flied and ello of speech at Belmont stopped
emlventien. at Chicago. .theolice on Sunday,. and was so badly
Sir Herbert Murray has been appointed frightened- that after a few words of
Governor of Newfoundland. explanation he hurriedly left 6110 platform
England is already making distribution and made his 3000110,
of the $75,000 received from Nicaragua. hoin 1u 1 new: from New YO k
The Priuee of Wales' colt, Persimmon, le the aonmerednmon 4
of business throw bout the
favorite for nett year's Derby. United States,does not report any improve -
Sir Charles Tupper will deliver the in. mant in trade: Uneettled weather has, to a
augural address at: theopening of the eonauderable extent depressed business in
Tyneside Geographical Society. various dippstriets, bub there rhas been a
The London Daily C irenlole, Liberal, fairly compenai tiner directions.ase in In the the ntand
etatee that the leaders of the Couai
ervativo tient n
party intend to nuke the House of Lords East
xperieeoetl t there h as also bemoneyd for inn '
an oluctivo body. active demand for steel and iron,' and all
Notwithstanding the financial failure so advance in the pride of cotton, tie well as
for of the Manchester and Battu: canals, it flour, wheat, and wool. In Some parts of
has been decided to build a ship canal from the South reports are encouraging. Among
Hayti.: to the seaboard. the linea showing improvement wholesale
Col. Shervington,who was formerly mon. grocery fa noticeable: i In San Fra Mario
mander•in-chief of the Malagasy foroes,hae trade is gofer; the canned fruit output of
grave doubts dot the reported French i0aliforni8 is equal to that of last year.
G 11 theremore hopeful biotin
victories in Ma agasoar, snare y, to a g
Serious Position or the French Troops—
1i,e Confidence of the !lovas Restored.
A despatch from Loudon says :—Tho
Pall Mall. Gazette publishes a apooial dee.
patch from Tarnatave, Madagasoar,wbich
says that news of a serious character has
been received in regard to the position of
the, Frenoh'ou the north-west front. Ao-
cording to these athlete Gen. Dusohesne
las boon compelled to fall batik from
Mevatanana, withdrawing his edvaooe
guards, which had reached dinajy, 00
miles from Antananarivo. The retreat of
the French hes restored the confidence of
the Malagasays. A large quantity of arms
had retched 6310 capbtal,and lo oonsequenue
people wile formerly were thinking of
flight are now volunteering to go to the
frost. It is reported that the physical
condition of the French troops at Movat-
anana is such that there are: hardly 200
effective men left. The foregoing despaboh
bears 110 date, but is preenmed to be suffici-
ently repent to deeoribe the existing
condition of things.?
010 glad Wanted tb8 tall ]Mlles and P18.
Solse4 0000010 by Shaving His moas-
1,;ebo and oropnin;; We !lair—WO O
!round in we *'oonets,
A despatch from Hamilton, Ont„ 09,0 0
--)1, B, f'4114er, the cashier of the Bank Of
Commoroe, who abaoonded on Wednesday
afternoon 19aa oloverly o04ptured on Friday
afternoon by Deteotive Reid at Jordan
and brought back to tboeiby, Ho ie now
eeonrolybehind the bars et No, i Niko
Station, and w111 appear at Saturday morn-
ing'o police Court to answer; the eerloue
charge hanging over him.
The defaulting oeehier took rather re
pcouiiar method of getting oub, for he
footed It to Jordan. When he Soft' the
bank he made for the Mountain and
through fields and across slderoude lie
journeyed eastward in his wild flight for
safety, while the bank officiate were div.
Ing tothe different stations. to discover
what' train he had taken, En route he
had his moustooho oat qlf and hie hair
oropped : to hie scalp end this Was almost
eultioient disguise to make ln unrocog•
nimble by his friends, lie'hotrod more
like a T. H. and B, laborer than a bank
When Detective Reid walked up and
arrested him he said nothing. A search
of hie pockets was made and about $2300
in bills was found, whioh was handed over
to Manager Roberts of the bank. ldoeldes
the money taken it is believed a bigdefi-
oieney .will be .discovered, Palmer was
heading for the States.
Excessive Meat In the Dlotroaofla-:from
Coats Abandoned for 1r1atusal Sults—
Small Attendance at Newmarket.
A despatch from London says: -The
extraordinary hot weather eclipsed all
other topics iu England last week, On
Tuesday the thermometer indicated 80
degrees in the shade in London, and 135 in
the sun. The record is 20 degrees above
the September average, and four degrees
Higher than on any other previousday of
this summer. The weather since Tuesday
hasshown little improvement,the mercury
on each day rising to 84 degrees or higher.,
There have beep numerous cases of sun-
stroke during the week, and several fatal-
ities have resulted in various parts of the
oountry. At Newmarket, where the first
October race meeting opened ou Tuesday,
the heat has been terribbe,00 degrees in the
shade being recorded. This nits had a
disastrous effect upon the horses, and has
greatly affected the attendance on the
races. Only a handful of people witnessed
the big race of the meeting on Thursday,
tbo Jockey Clubstakes,in which last year's
and this year's Derby whiners ran.
The majority of menon the grounds
followed the example which was set
by Lord Roeebery, and wore white
flannel suits and carried white umbrellas.
Throughout the country the suffering from
the beat has been extreme. 111 may large
factories it was found necessary to suspend
work. In London there has beena general
abandonment of frock coats and tall hats,
and straw hats and suits of the thinnest
material have been adopted in their stead.
Death of the Eminent French Itacteriolo-
gist—Died. Painlessly Surrounded by
IIIc Family—There will be a State
A despatch from Paris aye :-Profeo.
son Louie Pasteur, the eminent baoteriolo•
gist died on Saturday eveniug at 5 o'clock.
He died at Garches, near St. Cloud, in the
environs of this city. Prof. Louis Pasteur
a consider -
had suffered from paralysis for
able period of Gine. About eight days ago
he sustained a violent stroke and
paralytic ,
on Friday Buffered 06111 another Revere'
attack. He .grew worse rapidly, and
remained in a comatose condition during his
last hours. At five o'clock Saturday after-
noon be expired. The end was absolutely
without pun. Ilia wife devotedly watched
his bedside. His son, his daughter, and
Ms . son•in•law, M. Valleryradot, and his
two grandchildren, as well as Dr. Roux and
Dr. Chantemesse, were present when he
passed away.
The Government has decided to make the
funeral of Prof. Louie Pasteur a State
affair. Prof. Pasteur's widow ha0 received
telegrams of sympathy from President
Faure, and M. Challemel la Court,preeidenb
of the Senate. The Government desired
to inter the remains of the distinguished
aavaut fn the Pantheon, but it was the
family's wish that they should be buried at
the Pasteur Institute.
A French Syndicate 10,10 nought nooses
A despatch frcm London Bays:—The
United Prees,through interviews with lead•
Ing members of 'London's sugar houses,
learns that three weeks ago a Frenon syndi•
cats was termed for the purpose of buying
up beetsugarand eoraeriog the market for
that commodity. The operations covered
a total purchase of 400,0011 'tons, and have
resulted in the present rise in sugar of six-
pence per hundredweisha The syndicate
has been buying in London to sell in France
in whim country alone the trade is likely
to be alleetod. ,The Loudon firma agree in
the expression of opinion that the operations
of the syndicate will not seriously affect the
British and Amenioan markets, but they
are equally unanimous in the belief that,
as the French syndicate is strongly backed
finanoially, the corner 10 Francs is likely
to be anocessf til.
A Horrible Crime.
Advioes received at Antonio, Tex., tell
of 1110 arrest at McKinney, oia young man
named Dod Betas, charged with burning
alive an old lady near Wylie, Tex,, three
years ago. The viobun woe in feeble health
and Bates is alleged to have saturated her
dress with coal oil and then deliberately
set fire to it. The dued was oommitted so
thab he would come into possession of her
properity ns/ he was the nearest relative.
The orithe was fastened upon him and he
Termite J'ewel0r *Weevers wo 'M'h101/10i
146 IMO Premises 30144 Ofsehargoe 111.0
Revolver at Thom.
A. deepawh from Termite isle 1—Shortly
.after 0 o'i11oobt ea Friday evening pedes.
triens on Yonge 8treot wore startled by the
report of two pistol shot: la. the premieea
0f W. G. Boxall i.04„ jowolere, 420 Yonge
Mr. Boxall hoard the movements of mane
peraen in the httohen hi rear of Ina store,
and ran back t0 iave0tigabe, taking inn
revolver with him. He observed the leg
of a man deaoendin g the stalre,und homed:.
atoly opened fire. Phe man 0gntip0Od his
flight through the kitchen into the shed,
where a second shot was fired et him, but
preamnably without elfoot, as he disappear-
ed in the darkness.
An examination of the rooms upstairs
showed that they had been thoroughly
ransacked, Tile burglars, fov 18)0 thought
there were two of them, must huvo been on
the premises since 0 o'olook, us at that
hour the book door was looked. The fact
chat the burglar at whom Boxall fired ran
through the open floor bade to the nonclu-
cion that his companion had descended
first, and it was the poise made by him in
unfaotening'the door that alarmed Boxall.
More Machinery and Better Pay
Since, the extensive introduction of the
sewfng.maohiosa we do not hear of the
distressed needle woman at one time ao
prevalent. Typewriters get double the
wages they would get as penwriters, and
they do six times/ as much work with
comparative pleasure and great leisure,
Steamships costing inilliona, equipped with
every known iavention for safe and eflioi.
exit service; in six days at a normal coat,
with every •comfort, take weekly with
almost unfailing regularity thousands of
people across the Atlantio, where in 1790
it took Samuel Slater, thehonoredfounder
of the cotton trade, sixty-six days to cross,
and no doubt with great disoomfort and
danger. Small newspapers coat, at one
time, fie, 8c and 12c, and were loaded with
a Government -revenue stamp. Now a
better paper eau be sot for a Dent, but the
cempoeitorsand printers get much higher
pay and have, like the newspapers, in-
creased many thousandfold. So it runs
all through, and the whole world gets
After the Grit),
0/18 j4 a dreadful 01080, 809411 41111 141;30r4bleo
Doctor said T had
Bright's di00aa0,
104neys wore In
dreadful condition.
I road aboutlo0d'.s
Sursaporiila enol
dooided to give it
trial, thinking at
the time it was 5008
s numb use as mat.
hag helped 1010 be- 1.
: forr. lilt, thank
r/L a.'.... :*. •'. �0 f+`-�--Clod, 1' got relief
after the first bot -
\1 tie. 1 kept on
Vo.000. 1t 1)01)1 n1e11 1180
Dir. Joshua t+lultli bottles; am holy
cured man; never felt hotter. 1 ot5•8 my 11fe
u Monde ha4'stipfrli11. .11,m1BA 8310213, 1018
3larttet Snell„ 13rantfo •ib, 00010218
;i 'ate �arsaa 1',p ureo
Pari ..
Flood's. Pills cure nausea and biflonsnessj
For Tweait-*-five Years
Some Big. Fish,
A despatok from Vancouver, 13.C.,.aaye
—The foot that 10 large sturgeon have re•
eently been taken without hooks, at one
drift,with a strong salmon net, is likely to
revolutionize the provincial river fishery.
Three of the fish thus taken were exoep.
clonally heavy, weighing over a quarter of
a ton each, and the entire ten aggregated at
least one and a half tone. These fish were
oaushtwithout injury to the nets. Similar
catches are also reported. A sturgeon
weighing over 810 pounds was takeu the
other day near the Jteveoton Canneries..,
A who will borrow and not pay is
too great a reward to weal.
The Bane of Millions of LlYZ3
• •••
Sick Heade-he is a malady which
makes its appearance most frequently
in women. The attach often begins
in the morning, upon awakening,
after a night of restlessness or heavy
sleep; though it is especially wont
to occur in connection with emotional
disturbances, such as excitement,
fright or mental strain. The pain is
usually localised, being 020 one or
the other, more frequently the, left
side of the head, It is generally
accompanied by great disturbance of
the stomach, when light pains the
eyes; noises otherwise unnoticed
inflict punishment; odors excite
nausea. From the fact that people
with strong nervus are never troubled
with Siok Headache, it is generally
conceded by the most eminent phy-
sicians that it is dependent upon
weak nerves or nervous debility, and
can only bo permanently cured by
ctl!engthening the nervous system.
The Great South American Ner-
vine Tonic is the only remedy manu-
factured which is •prepared especially
and expressly, for the nerves. It
aots directly on the nerve centres at
the baso of the brain, correcting any
derangement there may be, greatly
increasing the supply of nervous
energy or nerve force, giving great
tone to the whole body, and thereby
enabling a system subject to Sick
Headache to withstand future attacks.
It gives relief in one day and
speedily effects a permanent cure.
Mrs. Isabella S. Graham, of
Friendswood, Indiana, writes: "For
a number of years I have suffered
intensely with Nervous and Sick
Headache; had hot flashes, was
sleepless and became despondent.
Dr. Faris, of Bloomington, Indiana,
spoke so highly of South American
Nervine that I was induced to buy a
bottle. That purchase lea to a few
others, and now I sleep soundly, feel
buoyant, strong and vigorous. I
would not be back in the condition I
was in when I began taking this
medicine for any sum you could
Mrs. J. 11. Prouty, of La Gr ange,
Indiana, writes: "Your South Amer-
ican Nervine worked a marvellous
cure with me last yoar, I began
taking it last April about the 20th.
The first week I wade a gain of 1(t
lbs: and from that time on I made 1)t
steady gain until I reached sny
normal weight, making in all a total
gain of 80 lbs. After taking it thftia
or four menthe I foul$ ]ttya.l "I►
well womki:'
A. 111IA.1)111 AY W *Isolate and Rotail,Agent for BrolsS(fs.