HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-11, Page 6gip Ntlx$0,.eio . of gVEBX FRIDAY 7;i OItNING an time for the:early mans) at "Vie VOW Want Pitbilr3111,tk ilelise, TURNBBRBT $T., BRABs0X.5, ONl,. ioSunigalf0Tfort.—One dollar year, in advancO. ',H1O;(10413 00 which over aabsoriptions al(Oenoted by tie dare on the address 1obol, Anvmna'ISINe Baxms.—The following rates will be charged to those Who advertise by the year'r ernes I 1 70, a mo. a mo Ono Colman 100000 080,00 i 000,00 20.00 12.00 Quarter ter " 0000 12,00 8.00 Eighth 12.00 8.00 5,00 Eight sante per lino for ant insertion, and three cents per line for oaoh subsequent iu. portion, Ali advertisements measured as Nonpareil. -12 linos to the Inch, 7luoiness Cards, night lines a rid under, 00 per dveratisomenta without spooiflo direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged a000rdiugly. Inetrnotioneto oliange 01. diecoutinae Sp advertisement must be left et the counting room of Tam PosT not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative, W. El. liRR, Editor and Proprietor, ELMA'S BIG FAIR. The F,lme, Agricultural Society's Fall Exhibition on Tuesday and Wednesday of lash week eolipsed any previous Fair held in that township. The first day was occupied in planing the inside exhi- bite in position, and completing all the preliminaries for the following day. Secretary Morrison was kept hustling both days looking after his department. Wednesday was a beautiful Oot. day. Nature was all smiles, and it was cateb- in', judging by the happy throng that promenaded the grounds, admiring and criticising the products of the farm, garden, shop, and the home. And there was much to be seen and admired, for a better collection of exhibits was never brought together in that township, or the county for that matter. Honsms,—Agrioultural—Foal, D Mor- rison, Jno Holman ; brood mare, with foal, D Morrison ; yearling filly, Smith Bros ; 2 year filly, Smith Bros, Jae Dun- can, J B Hamilton ; 3 year filly, E Broughton, Smith Bros, R Ford ; span, Jas Dickson, Geo Loohhead, Was Duncan. General Purpose—Foal, A.lex Miller ; brood mare, Thos Dickson ; yearling filly, Geo Loohhead, Tbos Dickson ; 2 year filly, W L Holmes ; 8 year filly, T Dickson, Waiter Inglis, W G Inglis ; span, Peter McLellan, A Stevenson, Thos Jackson. Roadsters—Pony, Arthnr Ioer- ger; foal, J G Ballard, Wm Peet, J A Boa, V 5 ; brood mare with foal, J A Roe, v S, Jno Cowan, Alex Aikens ; year. ling filly, Wm Peet ; 2 year filly, Henry Zinn, 1 & 2 ; 3 year filly, Geo Loohhead, Hay & Kidd, A Stevenson ; saddle horse, Walter Inglis, Hay & Kidd, Jas Dickson, jr ; buggy horse, Jno Soott, Samuel Holmes, Jao Tughen ; span, T J Ballan- tyne, Sallows & Alexander, Thos Jaok- son. Carriage—Foal, Henry Zinn ; brood mare, Smith Bros ; yearling filly, Alex Miller, Jas Dickson, jr ; 2 year filly, Alex Miller, Jno Howes, Ford ; 3 year filly, Robt Ford, Jao Priest ; single driv- er, Wm Dickson, Geo Danbrook, Robt Brown ; span, Hay & Kidd, Wm Dan. book, Hay ds Kidd. Judges—Wm Ie- biater, Thos McLauchlin, Jno Burris. CATTLE.—Dnrhams —.Yearling heifer, Smith Bros, A Simpson ; bull calf, Geo Hutchison, Smith Bros ; heifer calf, Smith Bros. Ayrehires—Milch cow, T Dickson, 1 & 2 ; 2 year heifer, Thos Dickson ; heifer calf, Tbos Dickson. Jerseys—Milch cow, A H Wynn. Grades —Milch cow, Thoe Dickson, 1 & 2, Jno Cnthbertson ; 2 year heifer, Thoe Sweet. r on, Thos Dickson, GLoohbead ; yearling B heifer, Tbos Sweeton, W 0 Morrison, Tbos Sweeton ; heifer calf, Smith Bros, Thoe Dickson. Any breed—Yoke of oxen, s Robt Buchanan ; 2 year steers, George f Loohhead. Judges — Joe Anderson, Wingham ; Jno newel), Palmerston ; Mai Jas McCallum, Walton. SHEEP: Leicesters—Ram lamb, Tbos m Sweeton, Thoe Diokson ewes having had lambe in 1805, Thos Dickson, Tboe M Sweeton ; shearling ewes, Alex Miller, Tbos Hall ; ewe lambs, Thoe Dickson, Thoe Sweeton. Oxford Downs—Ram lamb, Thom Smith, 1 & 2 ; shearling ewes, Chas Ovens ; ewe lambs, Thos Smith. Shropebires—Aged ram, Robb Pirie, A. Simpson ; eheariing ram, Robt Pixie ; ram lamb, Robt Pirie ; ewee hav- ing bad lambe in 1805, Robt Pirie ; ewe , lambs, Robt Pirie ; fat sheep, R Pirie, A Simpson. Pres.—Berkshires — Aged boar, John Brown ; boar, Thos Smith ; brood sow, John Brown. Chester White—Aged hoar, J W Boyd brood sow, W G Inglis, J W Boyd; sow pig, Alex Miller, Geo Loohhead ; sucking pigs, John Cowan, Alex Miller. Any other breed—Aged boar, W G Inglis, Wm Wilson; boar pig, Alex Miller, 1 & 2 ; sow pig, Alex Miller, 5 Peters ; sucking pigs, Jno Howes, Geo Loohhead, Judges—Mark Hodgson, Wingham ; Jno Shortreed, Walton. LoobbeadrASimpson 1 silent of morn.. moth ewoet corn, Juo Otlthbertoon, l3 Peters, ) e B20080.., -.Variety of l vtataes,JaB Pried}, t, WmBemphill; white olephauto, ,J G Ballard.; beauty of Hebron, G Loahhoad, W G Thalia; rose of Ilriu, J W MoBain,, Boat Ford ; empire date, Isaac Raveill,' Jtlo Qowan ; late popatoes, G Loehbead, W G Inglis ; early potatoes, Jno Grab - am, Jas Priest ; swedisb ttrnips, Joe Qowan, W G Inglis ; any other kind, Jno Gowan, W Peet; long red mangoide, Jno Tughen, Chas Ovens ; yellow globe mem- olds, Chas Ovens, ,Ino Brown; long yet. low marigolds, Jno Graham, S Peters ; field carrots, Joe Graham, Jno Switzer •, eolleetion of roots, Jno Cowan, S Paters. Judges—•Tbos MoLauohlin, ]lark Hodg. 000, VmooTantre.—Long beets,. Geo Hutob. ison, Fred Switzer ; round beefs, Jno $town, H Ronnenbarg ; winter radiehoe, Geo Chapman, Isaac Ruvoill yellow onions, Geo Chapman, Smith Bros ;' large red onions, Geo Chapman, Wm Hemphill' uto s. Imo Rae' 1 d haat Ian vii, II , , Ronnenberg ; garden carrots, G. Chap. man, Wm Stevenson '; parsnips, Joe Graham, Isaac Raveill ; celery, J W Mo - Bain, G 'Chapmitn ; oaulifiower, Wm Stevenson, Allan MoMane ; winter oak. bagee, Isaao Raveill,' Jno rowan ; Indian corn, G Loohhead, J Sanders ; blaok beans, Jno Graham,) Sanders ; white beans, Et Ronnenbarg, A Farrell 1 any ocher, J Cowan, J Priest ; pumpkin, A Stevenson, Alex Miller ; squash, A. Stevenson, Alex Miller ; citron, Wm Steveneon, Andrew Mandel ; tomatoes. W Stevenson, Henry Goddard ; water melons, H Ronnenbarg collection of vegetables, 8 Peters, W Stevenson, FRUIT.—Fall apples, W G Inglis, Alex Miller; winter apples, W L Holmes, A. Mandel,' crab apples, Jno Taghen, Jno Brown ; collection of apples, W Steven- son, A McLaren. DATRY.—Fresh butter, Mre D Gordon, W G Inglis ; tub butter, Mrs J Nixon homemade'bread, Alex Miller, Mrs J Simpson baker's bread, Hamlen tiros canned fruit, Mise J Simpson, Mre W L Holmes; homemade cheese, Mre Geo Loobhead ; bottle of ploklee, Mre J Gra• ham, Mrs J Sanders ; bome-made soap, Allan MoMane, Mrs J Graham ; honey extracted, Joseph Horn, Henry Hoddard ; honey in comb, Joseph Horn, Isaac Raveill. Judges—Samuel Whaley, Mrs Whaley, of Milverton. Do:s marm Maa'r.—Flannel, Mrs J Nix- on ; blankets, Mrs A McLaren, Mrs D Gordon ; woollen yarn, Mrs J Nixon, Mrs J Switzer ; rag carpet, Mrs J Switz- er, Andrew Stevenson ; mat, Miss J Mor- rison, Mrs J Switzer. MEcnaaxoAL Max'°.—Cowhide boots, A Berlet ; calf boots, A Berlet ; calf boots, sewed, A Berlet ; bee hive, Henry God- dard, Isaac, Raveill ; tile, J W M°Bain. Judges—W K. Loth, Milverton. LADIEL' Wonr..—Crazy quilt, Miss Gibbs ; patched quilt, Mrs T Jackson, Mrs J Z Hamilton ; crochet quilt, Miss Hall, Mrs W L Holmes ; log cabin quilt, Miss Hall, Mrs T Jackson ; quilt sewed on cotton, Mrs J Morrison, Miss Ham- mond ; counterpane, knitted, Mrs 1' Switzer, Mrs E Kalb'efleisoh ; crochet connterpane, Miss Hanna, Miss M Dick- son ; counterpane wove, Mrs J B Ham- ilton, Mrs Geo Loohhead ; ornamental needle work, Miss Hanna, Miss Hall ; fine shirt, hand made, Miss McLaren, Mars J Switzer ; flue shirt, machine made, Mrs J Switzer ; coarse shirt, Miss Mo - Laren woolen souks, Mess McLaren, Mrs Jas Nixon ; darned stockings, Miss Hanna, Mrs F witzer ; stockings, Miss McLaren, Miss Hammond ; woolen mitts, Mrs W Hemphill, Mrs H Ronnenburg ; woolen gloves, Mrs J Nixon ; fancy knit. ting, Miss Hall, Mrs Y Coulter ; crochet work, Mise E Baker, 3/iss Hall ; beggar's quilt, Mrs H Ronnenbarg; panels work- ed, Miss Hanna, Miss E Baker ; panels painted, Miss E Baker, Mrs T Jackson ; table boquet, • Mrs W Stevenson, Mies Graham ; hand boquet, Henry Goddard, Mrs W Stevenson ; tray cloth, Miss Gibbs, Miss E. Baker ; Berlin wool work, wised, Mrs J A Roe, Mrs Geo Loohhead ; erlin wool work, flat, Mrs P Curtis, Miss Hall ; tidy, cotton, Miss Hall, Miss Gibbs ; tidy, wool, Miss E Baker ; table carf, Miss Hanna, Miss Hall ; Finnish - on, Miss Hanna ; pillow shams, Miss Hanna, Mrs T Jackson ; whisk holder, Ties Hall, Miss E Baker ; arrasene work, Mrs 3 A Roe, Miss Hanna ; table mats, iss Hall, Miss E Baker , toilet set, Miss Hall, Miss Gibbs ; sofa pillow, Miss °Laren, Mrs T Jackson painting on satin, Miss E Baker, Mrs T Jackson ; fanny slippers, Miss Hanna ; ladle's underolothing, Miss Hanna, Miss T Dickson • outline work, Maass Haunt), Miss McLaren ; table centre and doileys, Miss Hanna, Mise Gibbs ; collection of pictures, Miss Gibbs, Miss E Baker ; collection of ladies' work, Miss Hall, Miss Miss E Baker ; ladies' hand bag, Mrs W Hemphill, Miss Hall ; Roman embroid- ery, Miss Hammond, Mies J Morrison ; foot stool, Mrs T Jackson, Mrs J A. Roe ; point lace, Mrs E Kalbfieisah, Miss E Baker ; honiton lace, Miss E Baker, Miss McLaren ; landscape painting, Miss E Baker, Miss Ioerger ; crayon, Mise Hall ; special, boy's penmanship, Ben Howes, W 0 Morrison. Judges,—Mrs Breohin, Mrs Isbister, Mrs. MoAlbum. Tun 0oNCERr.—The concert on Wed- nesday night, given by the Ducker fam- ily, of Palmerston, drew a full house, Mr. Caldridge wired Mr. Dunker that he could not be present, but his absence did not disappoint the oudience as Miss Duck- er's violin selections were well worth the admission fee. The proceeds netted the nice sum of 550.00. POULTRY,— Fowl — Plymouth rooks, Peter Helm, Henry Goddard ; white leg - borne, Henry Goddard, 1 & 2 brown leghorns, Henry Goddard, 1 & ; ; ham- burge, any kind, Y Coulter, Peter Helm ; games, E Baker, 1 & 2 ; coohine, Peter Helm, 1 & 2 ; light brahmas, Fred Switz- er, Peter Helm ; dark brabmas, Peter Helm ; iangehaue, Peter Helm, 1 & 2 ; bantams, Henry Goddard ; geese, Alex Miller. Chioks-Plymoutrooks, 1 & 2, Henry Goddard ; white leghorns, 1 & 2, Henry Goddard ; brown leghorns, 1 & 2, Henry Goddard homburgs, 1 & 2, Peter Helm ; games, 1 & 2, E Baker ; wahine, 11k 2, E Baker ; black spanieh, Henry Goddard ; light • brahmas, 1 ,& 2, Peter Helm ; langeltans, 1 & 2, Peter Helm ; bantams, 1 & 2, Henry Goddard. Aexnour,rnoAL PROnuCTe,—Grain -- Fall wheat, red, Alex Miller, Wm Hemphill, Sae Dickson, jr ; white fall wheat, Alex McLaren, Chas Ovens, John Brown ; spring wheat, Alex Miller, Ohne Ovens ; 2-rowed•barley, Alex Miller ; 8 -rowed barley, Alex Miller, Jno Brow, A Stev• enson ; black barley, H Ronnenbarg, S Peters ; black oats, Alex Miller, Geo Loohhead, d W MoBain ; white oats, Alex Miller, Chas Ovens, A Simpson ; large peas, Alex Miller, Wm Peet ; small peas, Alex Miller, John Brown ; collet), tion of grain, S Peters ; 'timothy seed, Smith Broe; sheaf flax, J W MoBain, Hamilton has 412 colored citizens, A report by Dr. Dawson states that there are a million and a quarter of square miles of territory yet to be ex- plored in the Dominion. A boy testified at the Winnipeg Police Court that hie aunt, Catharine Douglass, had burned him with a hotpoker as pun. iehment for stealing, HEART DlesaeE RELrmvEL IN 80 MrN• Urme.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quiokly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Ona dose convinces, Sold by G. A. Deadman. The Mennonite Damp meetings at Mil. vertonhave terminated, after lasting two weeks. Sunday morning the "feet -wash- ing" ceremony, a peculiar rite of these people, was gone through. RniUMamxett CURED TNA DAO,—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and nd Neuralgia radically Dorsa in 1 to 3 days, Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, 10 re. moves at °nee the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose -greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted Wm G Inglis ; sheaf flint corn, Geo by G. A. Deadman. T1S8EL8 0S 4 00, i. 1896 .00,0,0410AI N0 vtrf i. There ora 80088201 00880 of diphtheria in Guelph, The Michigan Qentral elation at Wind., oar wan destroyed by fire. E, Morgon, of Deihl, hoe paid out Over L1d,000 for eggs since January, There were 09 applicants for the prink pipalebip of Waterford public school. Some business men in Owen Sound are advocating the starting of a 1lioyole foo. tory, The Galt assessment returns show an inoroase in the vales et real estate of 020,875 and a degrease in population of A. Curtis, of Mornington, has a most prolific oow. She 10 12 years pld, and has given birth to 14 calves during her short life, Jas. Hoteon, near Inuerkip, ploughed up a onripue stone recently. It is flat and round, and on one side is the dietinot imprint of a boot, like the modern "tooth• Ptak" shee, Mrs. Aba ail Booker, the Heroineoine of Long Point, one day las week dug out of the groundand picked up 40 bushels of, potatoes. As the old lady is 05 years of age her day's work was a remarkable aohievement. The first pure Chinese ohiid ever born in Montreal was ushered into the world On Sept, 800b. He is the eon and heir of Sam Kee, a prominent Montreal China- man, and there is great rejoloing in the Chinese colony. R>,a,Ima IN SIX 13ouris.—Distressing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on amount of its exceeding promptnese in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, beak and every part' of theurinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quiok relief and mire this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. BLEEDING SICK PEOPLE TO REMOVE DISEASE Used to be Common VOW 'TIS DIFFERENT,Poor, weak and watery Moodie turned into rich, vita- lizing and tissue building, The 'new discov- ery, "THE KiND THAT CURES," ekes the change. Qcolt's arsaparilla THE BIG FOUR Rheumatism, Sciatica, Scrofula, Syphilis, Somo medicines euro mild cases—it takes the latest dieoovery in medical science—Soott'e Sarsaparilla—toreach stubborn oases. (lures where other medicines fait because of its difference. Oontalos new blood purifying properties—never tailing. $1 Per Bottle or 6 for 86. Edmonson, Bates c@ Co., Toronto WHOLESALE AGENTS. Scots Stein Soap claansa5 and heals. 12.4 White Stag Line. ROTAL Kali, S'l.'-LAMSHIPS.'' N ween NOW 'York and Liverpool,v a Queenstown, every Wednesday, Ae the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number in the Man and mann) canny accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early 00- plieation for bombs is necessary at this sea. son. -Por plans, rates, ate., apply to • W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. CAoICER ON THE UP CURED BY 'nom,! Sarsa- parilla "I consulted doctors who prescribed for me, but to no purpo�0. I suffered U, agony seven long years. Melly, I began taking Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. In a week or two I noticed a decided improvement. Encour- aged by this result, I persevered, until in a month or so the sore bean to heal, and, aflorusing the Sarsaparilla for six months,, the last trace of the cancer disappeared."— JAxEs E. NlauoLsoN, Florenceville, N. R. The AYH 9S Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. _ .fY.Dda'S FILLS Stepulato aka J3owofa. oal. oal. SFr cy-srma, FURNACES, RANG -ES. If you want a good .Stove of any kind or make, See our Stock. Tinware and araniteware I A Complete Stock al- ways on Hand. Hardware : t In Ilarclware we keep everything in the Trade, including Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints— ready mixed and dry, Oils and Varnishes, Cut- lery, etc. Prices lowdown to suit the times.. SILVERWARE ! A fine line to choose from. SEE OUR LAMP GOODS, We have also a quantity of Shingles and Lath for Sale. Eavetroughing a Specialty. N. & N. Gerry MILKC • Creamery Cane ev €� e in stock a large assortment of Milli supplies,of every description. If you want ft good, article we can give you the Best that's mad.e. us, you require anything in this line l n S, . All Kinds ..... vi 0 lel Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously EAVETROUGHING, IRON ROOFING AND FURNACES Our Specialty. .All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory. Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We handle Cook Coal and Box Stoves of the Best Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention' given to-- - Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian Coal Oil, Castor Oil ancZ Machine Oil. A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for. WILTON & THRNBULLI POST KSTORE, BrusseIs ! Just to hand 12 doz. bottles of STAFFORD'S Well Known Ink. Try it. 2 dozen. Children's Large Tin, Cups Only 5c. each, to clear out Stock. Large Stock of Scribblers And All Other School Supplies. Nice Assortment of Bibles and Hymn Books. 6 Dozen PEN AND "JOHN'' KNIVES From 5 Cents up. POST Bookstore, i BRUSSELS. _