HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-11, Page 5Om. 11, 1895 ()tri l Walton. Jamoe MoOaallum was a judge of cattle at the Mina township For, hold at At. world kat week, Communion in Duff's oltureI8 next Sabbath, Rev, M,. Rose, of Bruaeels, will preaoh on Saturday. Rev, D. Forrest preached in the Proe• byterien church, Brussels, last Sabbath evening and Monday morning, in con- neotion with the opmmunion.. Pallertr4e!ATrol.—Mies Annie Sage was waited upon by Rev. Mr. Griffin and members of St. George's church, leen Friday, and prevent d with a well filled puree as a small 401tuowledgemont of her service() as organist, ,Che gift was ao- oepted in suitable term by the fair recipient. CFO:- a v, Andrew Turnbull is visiting relatives at Galt. A number from this townehip attended Blyth Fair. Hugh MoKay, 9th con., is putting up a new driving shed and etore•hpuee on hie farpi. Lent Saturday Mrs, Robt. Brown, a well known resident, was bitten by a pig while engaged feeding them. Samna Meana.—One of the attractions at the Goderioh Fair last week was a °rose out sawing match, There were seven entries in the competition, as the prizes were 1110.00 and $5.00. The test was to make two outs off a 24 inch beech log in the shortest time. Oliver Harris and Hugh Rameay; of this townehip, won with comparative ease. They made their firat cut in 28 eeaonde and the sec- ond in 22 emends. Seemed money was won by Logan & Fraser, of Blyth, who were 12 emends behind the Grey boyo. It ie doubtful if any two men in the Province can out,saw Messrs. Harris & Rameay. Virroxeter. Dr. Brawn's enlarged and improved residence is nearing oompletion. Mrs. Thos. Gibson, sr., was a judge of ladies' work at the Gorrie Fair on Satur- day last. Quite a number of our villagers attend ed the Howick.Township Fair at Gorrie last Saturday. It is said that a new Dry Goode store may be opened in Wroxeter, and a Brea eels firm is oredited with sapplying the stook. P. Hopinetall, of .Fordwioh, preaohed In the Methodiet church last Sabbath evening, The pastor is holding revival eervioee at Belmore. The house on the lot adjoining the Gibson saw mill is being moved nearer the C.' P, R. eller line and a. atone foundation built under it. Rev. Mr. Anderson's ill health will necessitate a three mdnthe' rest, and his work will be taken by' another for that time. We wish Mr. •Anderson speedy recovery. A great many may not know that J Barnard has practically tested hatching chickens by means of an incubator with splendid success. He has some fine bred Minoroae. Bailiff Brethauer is also a very much interested man in poultry and keeps quite a variety of breeds. orrie. The staff of teachers of the Gorrie Public school have been re-engaged for next year. B. Young threshed on the farm of Alex. Gibson, 900 bushels of oats in three and a half hours. The Standard diotionary purahaeed for the.Public Library is there for the accommodation of members. Grand Orange concert to be held on November 5th. Among those already engaged are Jas. Fax and. J. H. Cameron. The new brick block being erected by Thos. Nash, Editor of the Vidette, f0 going to be a very neat and commodious place when completed. Frank Pollock, who has had charge of S. S. No. 1 this year, intends to give np teaching at the end of the present term and will put in a four year course at the Toronto University. Burglars visited our village the other night. They forced an entrance into Joe. H. Taman's tailor shopby driving a chisel under the door and then prying it open. They took one whole suit of olothee, a goat and a vest and an over- coat. They also visited the Albion Hotel entering by the bar window they wrench- ed off the till besides taking a bottle of brandy and some cigars. The till in the hotel was empty. Thie ie the third time that Mr, Taman's shop has been visited by this olase of gentry. 141th081. Mies Laura :Dowdell is very ill at present. J. W. Fogal has an assistant in the carpenter business. J. Hemsworth and J. Eokmier spent Sunday in Wallace. A gravel sidewalk ie being made in front of the Township Hall. Will. Whaley and Mise E. Imlay, of Belgrave, spent Sunday in our village. Ben, Davis is confined to a Brantford Hospital with fever. His mother is waiting en him. Mears. Brown end Cooper threshed 2000 bushels of oats for eX-Reeve Milne one day last week. Postmaster Spence was very ill last week with pleurisy. He is some better now we are pleased to say. Owing to the abeonae of the pastor •there will be no service in the Presby- terian church next Sabbath. New books have been received at. the Public Library thie week. The Govern- ment grant this year, is 8165. Mrs. Geo. Dobson retuned to Stayner with her mother this week. Geo. is like the last rose of Summer, "left blooming along," After being olosod during the Summer months, the Temperanoo Sooiety is again in good running order, It is hoped that the geed work done, by this Sooiety will • influence its members to take a more active part in the work.' Manannr RErowr.—The, following re- port shows the names of the four pupils in eaoh class, who took highest standing for the month of September, names in order of merit :—Junior and °lase -Edna Milue, Ella Eokmier, Mamie Haneuld, Janke Riohatdson. Senior arid ease— Geo. Sharp, Emma Imlay, Mary Mo., Blain, Willie Detvdoll. Brd olaee-Edna Raynerd, Howard McAllister, Annie Bateman, John Kerr. 4th °lass—Dora Sanders, Lily Dobeon, Chris. Querrin, May Milne. GEO, Deleon, Teacher. 131:vlrk6. Fere,,-.Teeaday and Wednesday, the days of the Morrie Agrieeitnral Fall Show, were not the 01000 favorable yet there were aver 0,000 people in et1end• an00 on the Mond day and the display compared very faverably with .ether years, In bag -pipe competition Dungan Moliay, of I iuttU ; Ooliu MoKenole, pf the acme piaci(); and A.. Anderson, of let, 1iolono, harried off the honors, Scotch dancing was taker by Misses Lena and Annie MoMurobie, 6f St, Helene, Organ competition, Mies Stalker, Mise Boyd and Mise E, Anderson, In a walk- ing match B, and A, Quinn, of Wawa. nosh, took the prizes. For beat lady driver Mrs. W. H. Hele, of Wingham, NUS, took 1 t e and M a, W, Snell, or Hallett, 2nd. Thera was aloo a bieyole rape with three otltri00. Blyth Band was in at- tendnnoe. The prize list will appear next week. 0koTCiilop, Wnrouree s Wttupogo. — Anobihr of those happy events occurred in Clinton Wednesday bf last week, when Wm. N. McMichael, of MoKiliop, a well-to.do` farmer, was united in marriage to Mise E. S., daughter of the late Silas Andrews. The ceremony was performed in the presence of immediate friends` at the residuum of the bride's brother, H. P. Andrews, at 4.80 p. m. Miss Alice Mo Ewan, of Ailsa Craig, was bridesmaid, while 0. A. Andrews, brother' of the bride very becomingly supported the groom. The knob was tied securely by Rev. J. W. 'Holmes, of the Ratbenbury street Metho- dist Church. °The preeents were both numerous and wetly. A sumptuous wed- ding feast was served, after which the happy couple left for their comfortable farm home in MoKillop. TnNFon ex- tends aongratnlatione. Winsrllnam. Bread i0 selling at 4 oente per loaf for the small loaf, Wingham quoitere would like a match with some of the eurrrounding ulube. A. H. Musgrove is a cripple these days, having run a nail in one of his heels. The band concert which was postpon. ed, will be held on the 17th inst., in the town hall. Mies Garfield, G. B. Roe's pager, won first money` in one of the speeding con- tests at Goderioh Fair. MoGregor Bros. have the oontraet of the brick work of the machine shop' of the Union Furniture factory. Work commenced this week. Mies Oumminge represented the Christ- ian Endeavor Society in connection with the Presbyterian ohuroh, at the annual convention held at Brantford. Mies B. Molntyre, formerly on the teaching staff of the Wingham Pnblio school, has been appointed on the Win- nipeg, Manitoba, teaching stuff ata.hand- some Salary. News comes that J. J. Anderson, of Manitoba, a former well known Wiog- hamite, had 950 aures of wheat and 860 acres of wheat this season. The wheat will average 85 bushels to the Sere, mak- ing an aggregate of 88,250 bushels. Rev. L. G. Wood, pastor of St. Paul's ohuroh, has signified hie intention of re- moving to Toronto, where he will as- sume the duties of assistant rector of the Church of the Redeemer, ono of the larg- est and most influential of the many Episcopal churches in the Queen City. D. McKinlay, acting for the Tarnberry Agricultural Sooiety, had a young man before Wm. Clegg, J. P., charged with disorderly conduct in the show building here on the last day of the show, and also refusing to leave the building atter the show was over. Several witnesses were examined and the young man fined 91 and coats. • 191.orris. Quite number from the let and 2nd coos. took in Blyth Fair this week. Charlie Elliott, of Wroxeter, was the guest of Geo. Johnston on Sunday. Allan Rameay is at present on the sink list. We all wish him a speedy recovery. John Mothers and wife, of Ethel, spent Sunday with his parents on the let con. Alex Forsyth and wife were away at Laokuow tonality this week visiting Mre. Forsythe mother. Marshall Hughes has gone' to Detroit where he will probably spend the winter. He's a good mechanic. Mr. Anderson, of Michigan, who was visiting his sister, Mrs.Oaldbiok, 2ad con., returned home last Friday. Henry Owens and hie sister, Ellen, •of Belgrave, Sundayed at Robt. Mathers', let con. Great attraction for Henry. Morrie Council agree to a settlement of the Huron Go. ve. Morrie townehip bridge case in corresponding terms to Chief Justine Meredith's deoieion. James Hunter and Jno. Hopper, ener- getic young men belonging to the Metho- dist church, Belgrave circuit, are offering to assist pastors in evangelistic •work. We are glad to welcome back from the Old Land Oolio McArthur and Neil Mo - Donald who were over the briny with cattle.. They .enjoyed their trip very much. Walter Berrie, who has been laid up for the past 18 weeks from it disabled knee, is improving, we are pleased to hear, and will probably recover the free use of the injured member. Messrs. Hanna & MoOutohoon were competitors at the sawing match at Gode- rioh Fall Pair last week. Although they did not win they took 4th plane and made the other fellows bustle. They Media the naw well for the small amount of praetiee they have had. Wienrxo Bonne.—Un Wednesday even- ing, Sept. 25th, a very pleasant time was spent at the marriage' of Edward 0, Laundy,, or Morrie, and Miss Marguerite May Moore, at the reeidenaoofthe .bride's father, James Moore, Blyth. The groom was assisted by John G. McGuire, of Clinton, while Miss Emma. Connor, of Port Huron, Mich.,: performed the same duty for the bride, 'Rev. Geo. Bnggin was the of8oiatiag olergymau. The bride was attired in a gown of white cashmere trimmed with satin and carried a bogttet of carnations and helietrope in her hand. The bridesmaid wore a dress of cream cashmere trimmed with light green and °billion. A largo number of personal friends witnessed theceremony and wish- ed them joy and long life. From the numerous presents received by the; bride, it was en evidence that the young (couple was held in the higheot seteem. At the close of the interesting ceremony a stain - teem( spread was partaken ofand the rest of the evening wet spent in games and singing. Tam Post joins with the many friende of the young couple in witching them bon voyage over the sea of matrimony, ... THE BRUSSELS POST Gort>, Jdotnm.---Another old resident bee Oroesed the .Jordan .and entered the IIeevenly Caanen, We refer be Ann Me. Niven, eeliob Of Oho lata Peter McArthur, who perked away 0n Wednesday evening at the reeidonoe of her sea, Peter, Otit 00n„ ab the good old age of nearly 90 years,, Dooeased byas a native of Argyle. shire, Sooblaud, whore she area united int matrimony to Leber McArthur over 60 years ego. In 1862 they gameyto Canada spending 8 years lo Middlesex Go. before tuking Op lot 22, 800. 9 Morrie, 40 yoare. ago, the feriae On which they lived 09 to the time of removal to it better home above, Mr, McArthur died 8 yeer0 ego, aged 86 years. Mrs. McArthur had en- joyed exoellent health and only took ill last Friday. are t ay, H or uh ild orn Sohn, Darman, Donald, Colin and Peter, well- known residence of this townehip ; Alex., now in Scotland ; Mre, D. Mallpnafd, of Kinloss, and Mre. 114. McDonald, of Helletb. The subject of this notipe was a ,rind neighbor ; a faithful wife ; and a good mother, Better than all this she knew in whom she believed and triumph• ed' over death. The funeral will take place on ,Friday afternoon. Service at 2,o'oloah. Interment at Brussels nerve. tery. Atwood. H. Y. Smith ie re.engaged as teacher for S. S. No. 5, Newry; for bite year 1896. A nether of our villagers were in Stratford lash week as witnesses on the Klump•Stewart case. Martin E, Neade, druggist, formerly of Atwood, is at present holding down a situation in Chicago, A. E. Richmond, pity editor of the Buffalo Daily Cmnmeroial, is holidaying at the parental domicile on the 12th con. V. Ioergor and family, of the Elma house, will make their home in Listowel, having leased their hotel to A. W. Bran- denberger. Mr. Ioeger owns a flue reei- denoe in Listowel, which he will occupy. At the Perth Assizes, the grand jury returned a true bill against the prisoners, in the case of Queen v, Jamee Stewart and James Cummings, of Elma, charged with stealing beef from Jacob A. Klomp, of Atwood, on May 28rd last. The prisoners were arraigned and pleaded nob guilty. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendants. J. M. Vipond captured the red.ticket at North Perth fair, at Stratford. Inst week, for the beet collection. of Canadian weeds. There were some 188 epeoimene in Mr. Vipond'e oolleotion, while a rival nom. pebitor'e collection numbered about 250, but the former's was more artietioally arranged and labelled, which more than made up the points given for variety. The exhibit was Showa at th•SAtwood fair, where it attracted large numbers of the interested and the carious. It proved an instructive feature of the fair. Leadb utrv. We congratulate Will. Rea on success- fully passing the University exam. at which he wrote a fewlweeks ago. Scaomm Rar0019 Or S. S. No. 9, MagIL- Lor.—Phe following is the standing of the pupils of 8. S. No. 9, McKillop, for the month of Sept., based on regolarity of attendance, demeanor, profioionoy, eta : Sr. 4th—Aggie Wiltsie, Grace Smith, Maud Davidson ; Jr. 41h—Etta Petrie, Maggie Davidson, Ida Oakley, Sebula Forbes ; Sr. 8rd—Janet I. Davidson, Clara Crawford, Maggie Rose, Nanette. IForbes; Jr. 8rd—Rose Smith, Thos. Haokwell ; Mary E. Hackwell, Sylvester Stitt ; Sr. 2nd—Elizabeth MaOallem, Gertrude Forbes, Anna Bell Petrie, Violet Petrie ; Jr. 2nd—Harvey Young, Jae. Rea, Nellie Dennis, Emma Beek - well ; Part 2nd—Cora Soutar and David Hall equal, Roy Howlett, Harvey Wiltsie, Mabel Davidson ; Part 1st—Addie Hall, Willie MoNab, Milton Young, Robt. Hulley. Wtr. RBA, Teacher. Onix.—We have this week to record the death of Archie McNab, an event which took plane soddenly and unexpect- edly and which oast a gloom over the entire neighborhood. Re had been at- tending school regularly notil within a week of his death, though he had not felt lively for a considerable time before. He had the measles last Summer and, though the attack was comparatively light, the consequences were not to be so measured. It seems the recovery from the measles was only partial—that they left some drag in the system, which after insidiously making way for about two months, developed into dropsy. Thie latter disease seemed to take fatal bold on him from the first and be succumbed to it as above stated on Tuesday, Oat. 181. Archie was a clever boy et school and his kind, modest manner gained for him the love and good -will not only of his schoolmates, but of all who knew ihim. He was twelve years and 5 months old. The bereaved mother, brothers and sister have the sincerest sympathy of all. We know not what the future hath Of marvel or surprise ; Assured, alone, that life or death God's mercy underlies. Morris Council Meeting. Tho Council met according to adjourn- ment in the Town Hall, Morris, on Sept. 23rd. Members all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Thos . 0ode, sec- onded by Geo. Kirkby that •4i''m. Iabider bo instructed to interview our Solicitor respecting bridge claims and instruct him to settle with the County according to the judgment given by Justice Meredith. Carried. Movecl by Wm, Isbistor, see - ended by Thos. Code that Geo. Kirkby be instructed to attend to repairing of advert at lot 22, con. 9, and report at nest mooting. Carried, Moved by Wm, Isbistor,'seconded by Geo. Kirkby that Jas, Bowman be instruoted to have ap- proaches built to culvorb on aidoliuo be- tween lots 25 aid 20, con. 3. Carried. Accounts were presented for taymout as follows :—D. Scott, gravel, 81.00 ; A. Forrest, digging drain, 97.00 • J. King, gravol, 91.40 A. Hunter, digging ditch and cleaning out culvert, $1.50 ; W. Fraser, spikes and putting mculvert op• posits lot 12, on Sud con. line, $8.30 ; .las. Cleekey, timber for oulvertand drain, 94.45 ; Jas. Bulger, spreading gravel on Eastbonudary, 98.00 ; Ellis & Lindsay, digging ditch across road at lot . 28, eon. 5, 92,00 ; Mr. toueley, ditch a0rose road On 5th lino, 82,00 ; Jas, hays,keep of County ward, 915.00 • Geo. Pierce, grav- el, ray el, 50 cents ; Jas. Scott cleaning out ditches on 7 -and 8 con. lithe, $8.00 • . E. Bosman, cleaning ditch, 91,25 ; R. Math. ,000, eleaniug ditoh, 92,00' •; 'Vases- 3.-lx`ford, charity, $9,00; Wm, Ellis, digging Engineer's drain on N • lot 80, con. 7, 972.00, Moved by Jae, BOWnlan, e000nd. ow The Cheapest Cash Store in the County. lo P V Wear Cloliling," Hundreds of Suits and Overcoats for Men. and Boys and so Cheap you would wonder how the Cloth and Trimmings weregot for the money, to say Y, nothing of the Making, We claimto have the New- est and most up-to-date Suits and Overcoats of any house in town. . Every Suit is .cut and finished by expert Tailors, hence: a perfect fit is ensured. NOTE SOME OF OUR PfflCES: Men's Heavy Ulster Overcoats for Men's all wool Frieze Ulster Overcoats for Men's Dark Navy Blue Venetian Overcoats for Men's Scotch Cheviot Ulster Overcoats for Men's all wool Tweed Suits for Men's Scotch Tweed Suits for ......$5 00 750 8 50 $9 00 and 12 00 5 00 8 50 Men's Black Worsted Coat and Vest, Mohair binding, perfect fitting and finish the very best, only 10 00 Boys' Double Breast Suits for 2 00 Boys' Overcoats as low as 2 50 An immense range of Men's Underwear—Suits from 40c to $2,50. See the all wool Shirts and Drawers we are selling at $1,20. Id g GARRSELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS - We Always Pay Highest Price for Farm Producer ecl by Thos. Code that the foregoing ac- counts be paid. Oarried. On motion of Wm. Iebister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby the Council then adjourned, to meet again on Nov. llth, at ten o'clock a, m. W. CLAnrc, Clerk. The Montreal Stook Exchange here- after will exclude from membership all members of other Stook Exohaogeo. A gas tank in Everson & Hawkins' chops at Oshawa exploded, and although it set fire to the building, the damage was small. . A young man named Bowers was ao- oidentally stabbed in the stomach during a friendly struggle at New Germany and will die. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6k Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. and W0 int .-re. 1 have a 'fine, no v and well selected stock of Morse Blankets, Light and Heavy Har- ness l Collars, 85c, Trunks and Bags at Low Prices, H. DENNIS. -+e,. as •�a.s>m-®-�y �, oss The Leading Tailor, Brussels, has just received full lines of all the most Fashionable OVERCOATINGS, SUITINGS, PANTINGS, Soc., And can and will make them up in the Latest Styles and on the shortest notice. Call and see the Goods, get our prices for Coats, Suits and Pants, and see that our prices are as Low as the Lowest. A Special Line of Frieze which will be sold for]$10 up. Pantings from $2.98 up. Special Line of Worsteds from $,15 up. Those about ordering a new Fall Suit or Overcoat, or pair of Pants will do well by inspecting our stock. CALL. AND SEE OUR C-ent's 'Furnishings. We Will Not be Undersold.. An inspection of Goods invited, whether you buy or not. D. C. 'oss. Merchant Tailor and Outfitter,, BRUSSELS, ONT.