The Brussels Post, 1895-10-11, Page 44 E TIM OcT, 11, 1890 New Advertisements, Pioosi--T, P. Pepper, •Loe:Os—ane Mo4lpine, Throngll Oat's—C. P. R. Eooal--W. 11, MoOritoken: Vocal—•F erguson de Halliday,. Boar for eel:Me—James Elliott, Overcoats and Suite—J, MoBain, Pure Honey --Deadman & Mo0ell, A Skoptio Convinced—Dr, Williams. Readymade Clothing—A, N1eGowau ib Oo. Money to Loan—.Pani Publishing Boase. Etie Nxns kis.a$t, FRIDAY, 00'1. 11, 1896. Quneuo Provincial Legislature will con- vene on Wednesday, 80th inst. Dn. SiixTlln, q.0,, was tendered the. unanimous Conservative nomination in opposition to Hon. Mr. Harty at King- ston, but he declined the honor of another defeat, Mr. Harty was elected by acclamation on Tuesday. Tun G. T. R. oar shops will be looted at London, whioh city voted $100,000 as a bonus for them. The question of loca- tion has been dangled for years before the eyes of London, Stratford and Hamilton but Sir Rivers Wilson settled it when on his visit. It will be a good thing for Lon- don. Wnz,Tllrn many in Toronto are making money is a question on which there is evidently room for two opinions but the Street Railway Co. of the Queen city is not included in the concerns to which any doubt can be attached. Their earn- ings for the past month totalled np the tidy sum of $100,533 which represented the carrying of over 24 million of people. The Toronto electric railway must be good stook. QUEEN'S Panic, Toronto, one of the prettiest places in the city, is to have an- other monument erected in it, viz., one to commemorate the death of the brave lads who fell in the Northwest rebellion a few years ago. There is now a monument in the Park commemorative of the volun- teers who were killed at Ridgeway at the time of the Fenian invasion. Statues of Hon. Geo. Brown and Sir John A. Mc- Donald are also to be seen there. SIR OLIVER MewAT, the veteran Premier of the banner Province of this Great Do- minion, has arrived home from his busi- ness and pleasure trip to the Old Land, feeling much the better of his visit. It is proposed by Mr. Whitney, of Morrisburg, a Conservative in politics, that a non- political demonstration be arranged wel- coming Ontario's Grand Old Man back again to his adopted land. Sir Oliver says his health is first -plass and he has no intention of dropping out of the Premiership as was hinted by some Op-. position journals. Lv ye olden time the male element was very prone to speak of the ladies as the weaker sex but this no longer holds true from an intellectual standpoint anyway, as they are taking their plane side by side with the brightest and best young men in both trade and profession and are prov- ing themselves the equal if not the peer of the "Lord's of Creation." Only this week a fresh step was token in proof of this in the appearance of Miss Clara Brett Martin at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, when as a Barrister, she appeared in be- half of her client, Mies Thompson. This is the initial introduction of the lady law- yer, although Mies Martin has conducted the Division Court business of the firm she belongs to, Muloek, Miller & Co., with both becoming grace and ability. The sons of Adam will have to get a hustle on them in the closing years of this 19th century if they are not out -stripped in the race for position by the blithe and undaunted daughters of Eve. TIM C. L. GATHERING. The Christian Endeavor convention closed in Brantford on Sept. 26th after three days of inetruotive meetings. The closing resolutions of the conference were in favor of prohibition and pure munici- pal overnment. At the afternoon ses- sion"•Peesident Best introduced the natl. one speakers to a crowded and enthasiae. tic malting. . Thomas Motrin, jr., read the report of the Committee on Nomi- nntione, which reoommended the follow- ing as officers for the ensuing year :— President, Rev. A. F. McGregor, B. A., Woodstock ; vice.presidents, Rev. R. E. Knowles, Ottawa ; E. A. Hardy, B. A., Lindsay ; Rev. Geo, Munroe, B. A., Hamilton ; Rev. Win. Johnston, Wards- ville ; general secretary, Thos. Morrie, 45 Wellington et, north Hamilton ; treas. urea, W. J. Doherty, London ; editor, Rev. J. A. R. Dickson, Galt ; superin. tendent of junior work, Mies L. 16 Wig - gine, Toronto, with C. J. Atkinson, Mimiao, as aeeistant; oounoillors, Rev. J. F. Barker, Hamilton ; Rev, Dr. Coch- rane, Brantford ochrane,Brantford ; Rev, James VanWyok, Hamilton. These officers were deolared duly elected. FOR A D0niN10N OATr1ERINO, This resolution, as recommended by the report, was also parried :—"That whereas a kind invitation had been re. calved by the Ontario Christian Endeavor 'Union to meet in convention at Ottawa in 1896, and whereas it was suggested at the Canadian rally at Boston that a con- vention of a national character was de- sirable, therefore be it resolved, 'first, that when this convention adjourns it stand adjourned to meet at Ottawa in 1896; second, that all other Provincial Unions be invited to meet in convention at the same time and plane; third, that the L,lr;ecntiva Oommitteee of sash Pro• vhlcie' unions as may desire to join in Palmation be a joint committee to arr.,' izarigo the details of the program of an interprovinoial oonvontion, if, after Qom Sideration it is thought desirable," The Annual report of the secretary, Thee, Morrie,, jr., Hamilton, shows Ilia number 01 societies 1,652, active meal, bars, 48,558, assoointe members, 28,781,0 ohuroh membership, 49,880, money pledged for provincial work, $812.29, Of the above the Methodist denomination shows 711 societies, active members, 22,- 204, aesooiate members, 14,384 ; ohuroh memberehip, 23,453, money pledged for provincial work, $71,08. The Presby- terians: show 529 societies, active mem• bers' 15,404, aceooiate members, 9,497, church membership, 15,868, money pledg- ed for provincial worts, $140,25. Then follow the Union Baptists, Congregation - albite, Church of England and other de. nominations. There have been added this year 166 new sooiebiee. • The treas. nier's report showed receipts fpr the year 9562.70, expenditure, 9017,80. Brussels Council. Monday evening the regular monthly meeting of; Brussels Council wee held. All the members were present exoept Councillor ltfoOraoken, who mast be ex. oused during Fall Fair time. Minutes of last regular and speoiay meetingsread and passed. The following' accounts were presented for payment : W. M,,Sinelair, electric light..-.$ 00 90 P. 5, Scott, part salary as Clerk60 00 Jno. Wright, month's salary 30 00 J. M. Martin, balance on gravel contract 21.00 Mrs. Stewart, oharity 8 00 Mrs. Lee, " 6 20 Mrs. Wallace, " 2 00 D. Molf;enzie, Engineer, Fire En- gine test 1 50 Moved by R. Graham, seconded by R. Leatherdale that above accounts be paid. Carried. The new Editor of the Herald pre- sented a letter of introduction from Ald. Shaw, the noting Mayor of . Toronto, whioh was read. President ilioBain and Postmaster Farrow waited on the Council asking for the annual grant to Brussels Public Library. Moved by B. Gerry, seconded by R. Graham that $25.00 be granted. Oar- ried. Mrs. Sarah Lee was also present and wanted the Connell to pay her $2,000 "slander" money due her for some time, owing to an idea that the town bell does not behave properly toward her. The members of the Board attempted to die - suede her from her request, but she held the fort against the combination. A month was taken to "consider" the case, the Reere in the meantime guaranteeing the removal of the "slandering" bell. Three tenders were reoeived and open- ed for the supplying of a new 1200 pound bell to meet the requirements of the Underwriter's Association. They were as follows :— J. A. Creighton $ 304 50 A. M. McNay & Co 365 00 Gerry Bros 857 00 Moved by R. Leatherdole, emended by R. Graham that Gerry Broa. tender be mounted. Carried. The Butchers' By-law was spoken of, bnt no action taken. The question of disposing of the wool- len mill was discussed. Moved by R. Leatberdale, seconded by B. Gerry that the mill be offered for sale by public auotion on Friday, Nov. lst, at 3:30 o' - °lock, and that an advertisement be in- serted in the Saturday edition of the Daily Globe for three weeks and also in the local papers. Carried. Council then adjourned. A Skeptic Convinced. 1111 HAD NO FAITH 1N ANY ADVER- TISED 2IEDICINE. Attacked With a Bad Cold, Ills Trouble Went From Bad to Worse Until he Was Threatened with Locomotor Ataxia—Then Br. Williams' Perk P111s Cured Atter Other Medicines Had Failed. From the Yarmouth, 17.8., Times. The remarkable cures affected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have long been a matter of newspaper notriety, and many of them—well described as miraoles— have been in our own province, but we believe so far, none have been published from Yarmouth. A Times representa- tive inquired in a quarter where such matters would likely be known, and learned that there were several remark- able cases of restoration to health direct- ly traceable to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, right in our midst. Curious to ascertain the foots in relation thereto, our represen- tative called on Charles E. Trask, who had been known to have experienced a long illness, and now was apparently in excellent health, his cure being attribut- ed to Pink Pills. Mr. Trask, who has been an accountant in Yarmouth for years, was in bis office on John street when the reporter waited on him. Pound 111x, Traslb in His Office. "Yea," he said," there can be no pas- sible doubt of the efficacy of Dr. Wil. hams' Pink Pills in my case, and I will be pleased if the publication of the facts helps some other sufferer back to health, I caught cold, was carolesa, and caught more bold. The first thing I knew I was seriously i11. I could not walk. All strength seemed to have left my legs and the weakness increased. From being obliged torernain in the house I .became obliged to remain in bed, but still sup- posed 1t: was but a very bad cold, I he: tame so helpless that I could not move in bed without help, 1 had good attend - angio and tbo best of care and nuxsipgg' hat as week snoaeeded week I seamed to grow worse instead of better, till 1 was wol'n to a there shadow and began bo Dara very little if I ever r000vered, d. hint that I was threatened with soluethin' called locomotor ataxia, remiuiledrtfrien that my case seemed similar to some of Huse described in the Times, whioh had ' been cured by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and this first drew attention to them as a possible aid to me. I admit that I was skeptical—"very ekeptioal there are so many medirenes being adyorbised just now, and 0 was never much of a believer in them, Web, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills were pturohased and I took thein, as I suppose I would have taken anything else, simply as the routine of a sick room.. The filet box seemed to show little effect, and by the time I had get through with the third box there could be no doubt my condition Showed a marked improvement, and I Was correspondingly encouraged. The pills were continued and I became rapidly better, so that I was able to sit up and go about the house and =melon - ally go out if the weather was fine. Day by day I grew stronger,and to snake a long story short, I feel I em today in as good health as I ever was in my life, and I tam hardly realize I am the same mai who suffered for six months, a helpless, despondent being, who never expected bo be on his feet again. While I have no desire' for publicity'I am quite willing that theee facts should be made known for the benefit of others, and am ready at any time to bear hearty testimony to the genuine worth of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They restored me bo health when I never expected to be about again." Mr. Trask certainly looks the picture of health, and remembering the long period when he had been laid up our representative left, fully convinced that 17r. Williams' Pink Pills have well deserv- ed all that was said of them elsewhere. When suoh oases can be pointed to right in our midst there can no longer be any doubt of the reliability of the many state- ments of wonderful' cures effeoted through- out the country. asRVwwnI s M.fi>:d o anITS, Fall Wheat 60 Spring Wheat.......:58 60 Barisy........ 40 32 Pes Oats 22 28 Wool 1418 18 18 Butter, tubs and rolls , Eggs per dozen 11 Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50 Potatoes (new) 20 25 nay per ton10 00 10 00 Hides trimmed 3 00 Hides rough 2 2I. Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skiue, each 20 40 Lamb skins eaoh 15 40 Apples per bus.1 00 Hoge, Live 3 75 4 00 Wool 18 20 Iwomorn, ONT. 0ot. 8.—Offerings at the cheese market to -day were 1,805 boxes of September make ; 790 bid but no sales made ; . market quiet and small attend- ance.—New York.—Butter firm ; State dairy, 12 to 210 ; do. oreamery, 22lo to 23c ; western dairy, 10c to 140 ; do. creamery, 14o to 20o ; do. factory 8}c to 1210 ; Elgins, 23o. •heeee quiet ; State large, Sc to 890 ; do. fancy, Sic to B90 ; small, 630 to 99c ; part skims, 30 to 7o ; full skims, 2o to 29o. EAST Bunswo, N. Y., Oct. 8.—Cattle— With one load of fresh stock and a few ends of loads we had only about 30 loads, all told, on sale, for whioh there was poor sale. The market was practically un- changed, and the feeling about steady ; Hogs—Receipts, light market quiet ; Yorkers, $4.30 to 94,55 ; rough, $8.50 to $3.75 ; pigs, $4.45 to $4.50. Sheep and lambs.—Reeeipts, 50 cars ; market un- changed ; lambs, good to prime, $4.15 to $4.20 ; Canadian lambs, fair to prime, 54.5 bo $4.40 ; sheep, choice to selected export wethers, 53.76 to $4.25 ; culls and common sheep, $1.25 to $I.75. Tosorrro, Ocr. 8.—The Toronto cattle market was livelier to -day. Feeders were in demand, although buying for ex. port is nearly done. Receipts were 54 car loads, inoluding 201 sheep and 1,095 hogs. 15 calves, 15 mild' cows and spring- ers. Export cattle—one car load averag- ing 1,250 pounds per head, sold for 58.30 per cwt. Batohers' cattle—For good cat- tle, 8$e to Bic per pound, and for Qom. mon, 19c to 2o per lb. waagiven. Bulls Prices ranged from 2c to 8}c per pound. Stoers and feeders.—Light stockers brow ht 2}c and feeders 210 to 80 per pound . Sheep and lambs.—Sheep went at 390 per lb. for choice ones, and bunks brought 29c to 30 per lb. Lambs ad. vanced from 10o to 20o per head and were Belling at $2 to $2.25 per head. Hogs sold at 43 for choice ones. ' Calves sold 0 atto 54$3. to 00 per head, and poor ones John Swan & Sons, Edinburg, in thein weekly report of Sept. 27th say :—Sup. plies of fat cattle all over have been much larger. This combined with the extraordinary warm weather caused abaci trade, and prices generally have been from 20s. to 30s. under those of last week. There hayebeen large numbers of States and Canadian cattle on offer at Yorkhill, whioh met a very bad trade at 30s less money. A large proportion of thee° cat- tle were more adapted for keeping than killing. There have been moderate sup. plies of fat sheep, There was a good de- mand and prices had a hardening tenden- cy. Fab lambs scarcer, but as the sea- son is now over there is less enquiry for this class of stook. Fat oalves and pigs continue to loll at quite previous prices. Store sheep were much inquired after and a satisfactory clearance made, Thorn were fewer store cattle on offer, the best descriptions of which continue to sell well, but a few of the secondary sort were left unsold. Milli cows scarcer, and again met a very bad trade. Best beef Os 3d ; secondary 75 to 78 6d per stone ; best mutton, 79 to Si per pound. The jury trying Napoleon Demers at Montreal for wife -murder disagreed. IT MAY MEAN Yon.—II tho farmers ever had reason to be thankful for good Drops that occasion has arrived. While we all rejoioe over the abundant harvest it is still necessary to refer to the fact that many readers of Tum Poo, are in arrears for their paper. If you are ono of them, dear reader, kindly remember that we too, are longing for a good hat. vest, and bops to garner the dollars due ue as soon as possible. Will all readers whose subeeriptione ere due remit at once and save us the expense of a person- al call 7 BOAR FOR SERUM—THE nuderslgnod will keep for nervier, en Leta, eon, 8, Grey,, the imported Cheater White hoar, "Illinois Chief." Pedigree may he seen on syndication, .92erms—$1,00 to be paid at the time of eervie° with privilege of returning if necessary, 18.8 348, ELLIOTT, Proprietor. TAMW0RT11 AND CHESTER WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE, The undersigned will keep for serv5ee on Borth Half Let 50, 00n, 7, Morris, a there' bred Tamworth 13 oar, reeenbly parehased from the wellknown breeder, Jno, Boll, Am• her, Also a Mester White hoar. Terms, Slap to bo paid at time of amine with priv- ilege of returning if neeeseary. 05-14 S. w0L1LDB,Proprieton 1OAR FOR SERVICE,`4•T11E Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20,. Con, 0, Morris, the thorn bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selooted," bred from J. lb, Brebbour's ewesB stnkee sow ab Chicago Pair, Terme, 01,00 be be paid at the time of seryloe with privilege of re- turning if neoeseary, Pedigree may be aeon on applioatlon. IOOBT, NICHOL . virtu Mates a well mass AS; k 4, Ol of TO17 f PleOet rneances ane Anew ntiatiLTS ale FOUR w0RR8. PI008I cum all Nervous Diseases. Sloeple0s- ttegi Menlo Idemory, Night¢ itmisslo0s a rma- torrhooa, rmpetd etreta, ooh un by 10,0 e�buaoa- gtvoo vigor and etre m shrunken 003500, and gvlrkly bot sur�lyv 1•eat0000 2.05? hfs,m000 10 old or Young. Uua PICORI and you win ainw etro5g a50 peppy again. eent by mail in pisW wrapper and socaree0005 eeavetlOo. Lsoay carried In vest pocket. Price, 3l pa05050f5 00. Reedmoney 1either ordinary oter- ad letter. Address all lettere to J. T. P150IDR, Diu5¢glati W0onaro0a, OMT., Agent for the Do. minioso Canada fUi FALL illancry Misses lloddisk & Smith. The Fall Openings have taken place and we are now ready for business. The universal verdict by the Ladies is that our Millin- ery cannot be surpassed for Beauty and Style. We have the correct Styles at Low Prices and will be pleased to have the pleasure of supply- ing your Fall and Winter Head ware. If you have not called on us do so now. Misses Roddick d Smith, BRUSSELS. ANYWAY Yt U TAKE gT For Quality, Style, Material, Workmanship, Fit or Price, you can't beat the sorts of Clothing we sell. It will save you money to see our stock of Boys' Cloth- ing. 4 Special Lines in Men's Suits at $3.50, $5.00, $7.50 and As a pure matter of business all men ought to know of our Men's Furnishings stock. Un- laundried Shirts for 40c. worth 50c. Heavy Twill Cotton Night Shirts for 95c., worth $1.25. Men's .4 -ply Collars for 14c., worth 20c. rine grey Half Hose for 20c., worth 25e. Silk Four- in-hand Ties 25c., the best value we Over offered. ' Hard .and Soft Felt Hats, new goods, good values. Reliable Boots and Shoes. Wo handle only such Boots and Shoos as will prove a comfort to the Wearer and a credit to the Seller, not.necessarily high pric- ed but always reliable. Highest price paid for Pro- duce. SMITH & McLARE'. M OLEO D'S. System Bonovato -^^AN0 00051015^^ TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Por Tmpure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Oon. eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance, Female lrregularities and General De. biliby, LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT: „ - . J.' M.. MothOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by JAMES FOS, /U 50:+, ; Druggist Brussels. ran Gnd Tru nit K ,.u& (l f you want to Travel NORTH SOUTH EAST or WEST —TAEE TEE— Grand Trunk. J. N.KENDA.LL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. LIME LIME! The undersigned will keep on hand a constant supply of White Fresh Lime suit- able for all l3uilding;Eand Plastering purposes. Also North Shore Pine Lath and White "Brick for. Sale.. D. lye,. Lowry, BRUSSELS. SEE! When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or. Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —CALL AT— HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a DIS00VNT of FIVE PER MT. Offal, Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stock. A, HUNTER, MILUNEY DAESSMAKINC We are showing Trimmed Hats and Millinery Novelties in all Latest American and Domestic Styles. The department is under the management of MISS BAR7R, a milliner of great taste and esperi0 nee, and we will be pleased to meet all our old customers, and we hope many new ones will favor us with a call. We do Dressinahing in all the Newest French and ,.4ineriocan Fashions. MISS 11_20V7 RY'. MAN S out ead This OVE COATS & SUITS That fit you, cut in very Latest Style and Cheaper than any other place in town, is what I have to show you this Fall. A Large and Nicely Assorted Stock of New Goods to Select from. No shoddy palmed off on you for good Cloth, but you will find all goods bought of me to' be just what they are represented to be. Pants made to Order for $2.75.-0 0' Jho 0 Mc ain 9 MERCHANT TAILOR, BRUSSELS. AGO TO..� H.R,BNEWER'S Art Emporium, :Brussels, FOR HIGH GRADE WORK Pastel,, Water Color and Crayon Portraits, . ALSO . . American -finished Photos. PRICES TO SUIT TITi1 TIMES. ALL ;WORK GUARANTEED, WITH PROMP'lT DELIVERY, BY BREWER, THE ARTIST, r