HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-11, Page 3Ova~, 11, 1895 Town Directory. Menet= CUM.—Sabbath Sarvioas at 11 a m and 6;30 p.m, Sunday School at 2;30 p na, Roe, John Roee, B Peter, ST, JouN's Onunon.—Sabbath Serviosa at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sugdpy School at 2;30 p. m, Rev. A. K, Griffin, inoum- bent, MnTrionioi Chienoiie—Sabbath Serviette at 10;30 a in and 6;80 ,1 m. Sunday School at 2;30 p m', Rev. G. H. Cobble- (ialc, M A, I3 D, paetor. RotuAN OATItoxa0 Ouunon.—Sabbath Sorvioe third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. $Arv1Tlo3 Burr,—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and s p m on Sunday and every evening in the week et 8 o'piook, at the barracks. ODA FELi+Ow8' Luau every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, MAsoulo LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A . 0 TT W Luau on the 8rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Bias. bill's block. 0 O F Loom 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaeh111'0 block. 1 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. t L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONS or SCOTLAND, let and Srd Tnee- days of eaoh month, in Odd Fallows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lonna, 1st and 3rd Thurs. days of eaoh month, in•Vanstone blook. Homo Cream, 2nd and 4th Friday even. inge in Blaehill'e Hall. POST OPProe. Oretoe hours from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. MEoaANms' INSTITUTE.—Library • in Holmee' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3;30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Toyer; Oomeorn.—W. H, Kerr, Reeve ; W. H, MaCraoken,. Robert. Graham,, R. Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and. 3. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaoh month. Swoon BOARD.—Rev. Ross, (chairman Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sec.-Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. PDBLIO Sermon TEAOEEns.-3. H. Oam. eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey andIdies Cooper. BOARD of HEALTH. -Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Randall. Dr. MoNanghton, Medical: Health Offioer. THE ORTBOD OX TEAM. "Hold on, stranger 1 Turn out yonder close to the wall 1 For the road's rather narrow, and I've got it all 1 Whoa, back, haw there, old B aptist 1 Whoa, Methodist, Theseare oxen that need all the road you must know ; Yes, I drive withoutswearin', tbo' strange it may seem, For I'm drivin', good stranger, my Or- thodox team l" Said the lumberman of Calaveras. "That EpIsoopal ox is of excellent breed, He's more noted for style than he is for hie speed. Though of delicate atrootnre, this =will not shirk, But, he was never known, sir, to sweat at hie .work. He's a good, pious ox, never loein' his way, For ha reads all the signboards and goes nob estray I" Said the lumberman of Calaveras. "Tbere's the good Baptist ox, he's bard - shell to the bone ; Close communion in diet—he eats all alone l Shakes his bead when it's rainin' and closes his eyes ; He hates to be eprinlUcd, though it come from the skies He won't Dross a bridge unless dragged by the team I He'll go nowhere, I swan, but down into the stream I" Said the lumberman of Calaveras. "Presbyterian, gee! Congregational, haw 1 They're good stook, let me tell you, and know how to draw ! They're so perfectly matched, air, that very few folk Can tell'em apart when they're out of the yoke 1 But you can see a alight difference when it is shown, One leans on his elders and one stands alone!" • Said the lumberman of Calaveras. "There's an ox I term Israel, the oldest of all; Onoe he grazed in the garden before Adam's fall ; Ho went into the ark at the time of the flood,' And when Pharoate starved he was chew- • ing his cud I. There's an anoeetry, sir, full' of glory no doubt, But for goring the Master they're scatter- ed about l" Said the !iimberman of Calaveras. "I've an ox over there who tends striotly to 'biz' He's the Oatholio ox ; what a monster he set And he keeps growin' big, while he keeps growin' bid l And he never late go where he onoe gets a hold 1 He's a strong one, you bet 1 Why I never yet spoke But he started right off, with his, neck in the yoke 1" Said the lumberman of Calaveras. "There's old Methodist, one of the best on the road, You'd suppose by the fuse, he alone drag- ged the load 1 How he pulls when I sing hallelujah and shout ; But the worst of it it, he keeps obangin' about! He was bought on probation, and works like a top ; But I've had him three years and sup. poee 1 must swop 1" Said the lumberman of OalaVeras. "That epave'Unleere41let many admire, Thinks the devil's a myth wftli his great prairie fire l There's the Adventiet, olaimin' to have soma sight 1 If he koepe on a-gnoesin', he'll ghees the thing right 1 And the Seventh Day Baptist—thei cambers are snob, If they do break the Sabbath, they don' break it muoh 1" Said the lumberman of Calaveras. "Get a Spiritualist? Yee sir 1 I bought one by chance ; When it Domes to bard work he pee off in a trance 1 Nethin' praotioal, eir, in a medium o; When you have to keep proddin' with rappin'e and knooke! • But I must keep Tarin' and ploddln' along With my Ortbod-ox team, or the world will go wrong 1" Said the lumberman of Calaveras, "Take the road that I came, and beware of short cute 1 You will nob lose your way if you follow the rete ; I'm sorry to force you, my friend to turn out, But this is the regular lumberman's route 1 On the road of life, stranger, my right is supreme ; A11 the world must turn out for my Or- tbod.ox team 1" Said the lumberman of Calaveras, Wroxeter Fa11 Fair. Following is the prize list of Wroxeter Fall Fair, bald lash week':— Honsoe.—Draught—Span horses, Wil- kinson Bros, T Jaoksoa ; brood mare, W J Johnston ; 2 year gelding or filly,' Jae Bell ; 1 year gelding or filly, W J John- ston, Jae Boll ; foal, R Miller. General Purpose—Span, W Oasemore, T Henry ; brood mareW Casemors, G Johnston ; 2 year gelding or filly, W Bolt, DFraser : 1 year gelding or filly, R .Miller, L Brown ; foal, W Casemore, G Johnston. Road and Carriage—Span, J M McKay, Chas Edgar ; brood mare, J Lambkin, J Davidson ; 2 year gelding or filly, J Lambkin, J Davidson ; 1 year gelding or filly, 13 McTavish, J Davidson ; foal, J Lambkin, Jas Stewart.; speeding single driver, Chas Edgar, Geo Hislop. R B Harris' special for "Sarah" foal, Jno Lambkin. Bioyole race, Thee Hemphill, W Sand- erson. OATTLE,—Durbam—Cow, J R Wilson, 1& 2; 2 year heifer, a• R Wilson ; 1. year heifer, J R Wilson ; bull calf, J Knox ; herd, J It Wilson ; heifer calf, J R Wil- son. Grade—Cow, JR Wilson, R Blaok; 2 year steer, A Gibson ; 1 year steer, A Gibson ; fat steer or heifer, A Gibson, 1 & 2. SusEr.—Leioeeter—Ram, Jno Stewart, J Sanderson : sbearling ram, Jae Sand- erson, Geo Hislop ; shearling ewes, Jas Sanderson ; ewe lambs, Jae Sanderson, Jno Stewart ; ram lamb, Jae Sanderson, Jno Stewart ; ewes, 2 shears or over, Jae Sanderson, Jno Stewart ; pen of ewes, Jas Sanderson. Downs—Ram, MoEwen Bros, Geo Hislop ; sbearling ram, 0 Barker, J Knox ; shearling ewes, Mc- Ewen Bros, J Knox ; ewe Lambe, J Knox, 1 & 2 ; ram lamb, J Knox, D Fraser ; ewes, 2 shears or over, MoEwen Bros, J Knox; pen of ewes, MoEwen Bros ; fat sheep, Jas Sanderson, 1 & 2. Pres.— Berkshire— Aeed boar, Jas Bose ; spring pig, A Wells, A Robertson brood sow, A Wells, O Barker. York- shire—Aged boar, A Robertson spring pig, L Brown, 1 & 2. Chester—Spring pig, S Snell, A Robertson; brood sow, A Robertson, 8 Snell. Thane PRo»uco Home made oheese, Jno Knox, P P .ylesworth ; 5 lbs. table butter, W C Hazlewood, L Brown 20 lbs. table butter, L Brown, P P Ayles- worth ; crook of butter, W 0 Hazlewood, L Lovell ; firkin of butter, D H Moffatt. Roots.—Seed onions, W H McCracken, J Brethauer ; potato onions, W H Mo- Craoken, Jno Knox ; dutch setts, J Brethauer, W H MoOraoken ; Rose po. tatoes, P P Ayleworth, W H McCracken; White Elephant, L Lovell, F Wright; Beauty Hebron, L Lovell, P P Ayle- worth ; any other, 0 Baker, P P Ayls. worth ; Swede turnips, J Knox, Geo Johnston ; any Ober, J Knox, F Wright; field carrots, W H MoCraoken, W H Eagleson ; garden carrots, long horn, .P P Aylsworth, W J Jobneton ; carrots, short horn, P P Ayleworth, J Bretbauer ; blood beets, P P Aylsworeb, W H Mo. ()reckon ; turnip beets, W II McCracken, W J Johnston ; parsnips, J Brethauer, W H MaCraoken ; mammoth long red mangold, W H Morraoken, J Brethauer; long yellow, W H McCracken, Geo John. aton ; yellow globe, J Brethauer, W H McCracken. Garden vegetables,—Large tomatoes, P P Ayleworth, J Brethauer ; small to. matoes, H Thomson, J Brethauer ; cabbage, 0 Baker, P P Aylsworth ; oauli- flower, F Wright, J Brethauer ; squash, W H McCracken, Jae Stewart ; pump. kine, W H Eagleeon, F Wright ; citrons, W H McCracken, Geo Johnston ; oelery, J Brethauer, W H McCracken ; water melons, W H MoOracken, P P Ayleworth ; musk melons, W H McCracken, P P Ayleworth ; beans, H Thomson, P P Ayleworth corn, Geo Hislop, W 'H Mo. Oraoken ; cucumbers, P P Aylsworth, L Brown. GRAIN.—Fall wheat, red, W Il Eagle- son, Geo Moffatt, W Bolt ; white fall wheat, J Knox, Jas Stewart, G Moffatt milling wheat, any kind, J Mo .wan ; spring wheat, Geo Moffatt, J Knox ; 6 - rowed barley, J Knox, Geo Moffatt ; white milling oats, Geo Johnston, W Bolt ;a large peas, Jae Itiobiwen, Geo. Moffatt ; email peas, Jae MoEwsn, W H Eagleson ; timothy seed, Jas MoEwen, S Snell ; barrel of flour, R Black. I\I0LE1ENTO AND MANDFACTDn1a.—Lura. liar wagon, Gillies & Martin; sod plow, Gillies & Martin ; stubble plow, Gillies & Martin ; buggy, Jas Walker, 1 & 2 ; light earrings, Jas Walker ; iron harrows, J Davidson ; set horse -shoes, A H Moffitt; assortment of loather, J Laokie ; pump, D Showers, 1 & 2. DonEssto MANUFAar»uws,—Home made blankets, Geo Johnston, Geo Moffatt ; homespun yarn, P P Aylesworth, W H MoOtaoken ; flannel, P P' Aylesworth fine goat, R Rees ; home-made bread, Jno Davidson, Joe MoEwen ; 'bakers bread, W PI Kerr ; collection Of photos, H R Brower, Brussels. FLownns.—Basket, foilage and flower' ing plants, J Brethauer ; out flowers, J Brethauer, W Douglas ; dried flowers, geraniums and dahlias, J Bretbauer ; table bouquet, J Brethauor, W Douglas ornamental grasses, J Bretbauer. TU7E BRU,$ SE :S OST Ppvrrrer,--Terkeye'1:1 Showgra, 0 Barbar ; white gsaee, A Robertson ; grayy geese, C Barbar, S Shell 1 gray duals, (1 Barber, 1 & 22' white (Wake, D Showers, 1 & 2 ; black Spanish, J Bretbauer ; Pay mouth roek, J Bretl Luerwhite Leg• borne, J Brethauer ; brown Leghorns, . J r Brethauer; light Brahmas, J Brethauer, Jas MoEwen ; black Minorcan,. J Barn. t arc, 3 & 2; bleak Lengehens, 3 Barnard, 1di2; 0138000,TRae, 1it2. FnnXT,•.•-Whiter pears, 1 Ross, 13 Robb ; fall pears, 1.1 Brawn, 11Thomoon; Drab apples, H Robb ; Baldwins, Goa Johnston, H Thomsen 1 yollow Bollifow• ere, A Mi11.er, L Brown ; Den Davie op. Mee, L Brown ; golden russebs, H Thom. eon, W Douglas ; Falneuse, P P Aylett. worth ;.Northern spies, W J Johneton ; Smokehouse, J Knox ' Rambo, W J Johnston ; Rhode Island greeninge, Geo Johnston ; Culverts, L Brown ; Seek -no. further, S Snell ; Tolman sweets, P P Aylesworth ; Maidene Blush, A Miller ; 53 Lawrenoe, H Robb ; Newton pippins, P P Aylesworth ; 21 001105 pi pins, P P Aylesworth ; €alt pippins, W Douglas ; ooileotion of apples, P "P Aylesworth ; canned fruit, W f3 McCracken ; grapes, Robb Ross. LAn0Es' Woalc,—Berlin wool work, Robt Rose, D H Moffatt ; braiding, J Cowan, Geo Moffatt centre piece and doilies, R Boss, W M Robinson ; cone work, J Bretbauer, P P Aylesworh ; tea cosy, R Ross, W M Robinson ; crochet work, R Boss, J Stewart; darned net, R Ross, J Brethauer ; screen, R Base ; drawn work, J Cowan, Geo' Moffatt ; ar- aeoene embroidery, Robb Ross, W .M Robinson • embroidery in muslin, Robt Ross, Jae Stewart ; embroidery in out- lineJ Brethauer, Geo Moffatt ; em- broidery in silk, Jae Stewart, J Cowan ; Roman embroidery, 11, Ross ; embroidery in worsted, R Ross, J Cowan • tidy, R Ross, W M Robinson ; featherflowers, l3 Thomson, P P Aylesworth ; paper flow- ers, W H McCracken, J Brethauer ; wat work, P P Aylesworth ; knitting in cot. ton, Geo Moffatt, D H Moffatt ; knitting in wool, R Ross, L Brown ; cotton etook- ings, R Ross, Geo Moffatt • tatting, W M Robihson, R Ross ; woolen gloves, D H Moffatt, Geo Moffett ; woolen mite, D H Moffatt, Geo Moffatt; woolen Books, Jae Mahan, W H McCracken ; rag mat, D H Moffatt, J btewart ; set table mate, R Roes, W H Mooraoken ; novelty, L Brown, W M Robinson ; painting on silk or velvet, L Brown, J Knutson ; painting, water colors, Jae Stewart ; pencil drawing, H Robb ; drape, W M Robinson, R Ross ; pillow shams, R Ross, D H Moffatt ; sofa pillow, R Rose; patchwork sofa pillow, P P Ayleworth, L Brown ; ; point lace, P P Aylsworth, J Cowan ; oroohet quilt, D H Moffatt, L Brown ; knitted quilt, W H MoCraoken; knotted quilt, L Brown, J Brethauer ; log cabin quilt, W H McCracken, L Brown ; patch work quilt, W. H Mc- Craoken, Geo Moffatt ; shell work, J Bretbauer, Geo Moffatt.; sofa afghan, W M Robinson, R Ross ; tray cloth, R Rose, J Brethauer ; ooileotion of ladies Work, L Brown, Geo Moffatt ; oolleotiou of millinery, highly recommended, Mies Lang. • SPECIAL PRIDES.—John Wilkinson, for best sucking colt from his horse, Robt Miller ; A H Moffitt, for best lady driver, Mrs Wm Pelton. Jtuoes.—Dairy produce, J. W. Sander- son, Wroxeter ; domestic manf., Jno Sanderson ; !roots and vegetables, fruits and flowers, A Littlejohn and R Black ; ladies' work, Yrs Jno Green, Mrs, Thos. Gibson, sr, and Mrs. J. Skene ; cattle and sheep, Thee Inglis, Jno Scott, Sam• uel Johnston ;'poultry, R Elliott ; hors. es, M Y MoLean, M P P, Thee McMillan. NOTES off THD FAIR. In ladies' work Robt. Roes captured 20 prize tickets. The Fair ground has been improved by putting the track in good shape. The funeral of tile late Samuel Black, Turnberry, kept quite a number from at. tending the Fair. The photo. exhibit of H. R. Brewer, Breesels, was duly admired by the many visitors to the Fair. J. Brethauer made a handsome display of flowers and be and Jas. Barnard swept the list with their poultry exhibit. James Walker, carriage maker, of Brussels, made a fine show of rigs. His ball bearing buggy attracted a great deal of attention. Surrnh," Jt, B. Harris' well bred stallion, showed to good advantage as his stook swept the ring in carriage oolte. "Surrah" is a good bores either for breed- ing or speed. , The new College of the Disciples of Christ was opened at St. Thomas the other day. OATAltRAnRELIEVEDIN 10 TO 30 arINnTES.— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffases this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painleae and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent. ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, Headaoh s, Sore Throat, Tousilitis and Deafness 30 cents at G. A. Deadmau's. 4.pais...r...semoom.. Featherbone Skirt Bone FOR GIVING,A. light, pliable, clastic bone made 17 from quills. It is soft and yielding, �Yy conforming readily to folds, yet giving StyTO apo . proper shape to Skirt or Dross. J The. only Skirt Bono that. maybe wet without injury. Ladies' Dresses' 10-21 Tko Celebrated Foathgrbpne Cor sets are corded with this =tetral. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. "I have taken Ayer's Pills for many years and always derived the boot re, sults from their use. For Stomach and Liver troubles and for the cure of headache caused by these derangements, Ayer's P1115 cannot be equaled. They are easy to take, and Are the Best all-round family medicine I have ever kndwn."-Mrs. MAY JOHNSON, 358 Rider Ave., New Yorlc city. AYE 'S PILLS Highest Awards at World's Fair. .dyer'sSicrsapardlfafor the blood. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Bead proofs below: KENDALL'S SP ISN DUDE. Box t^. Carman Hmidersoa Co., Ill., Feb.21,'01. Dr. B. J. SoNn0LL bo. Dear Shy—Please send mo one of sour Rosso Books and oblige. Ihave used a great deal of your Kandnlre Sperm Cure with good success: it 1s a wonderful medicine, T onto hada mare that had an Occult Spavin and ave bottles mused her. 1 keep a bottle on hand an thetime. Yours truly, Ones. Powm.t. KE DALL'S SPAWN DEE. Dr. B. J. KM/DAM Co. CANTON, M0., Apr.3, 't2, Dear Strs—I have usedseveral bnttlos of your ',Kendall•e Spavin Cure" with muoh eu00ess. I think it the best Liniment I ever "sed. Hw a,ve• mooedorso Curb, mw snood Spnvin and killed 1100 Roue Spnvins. Have recommended it to e.roral of my friends who aro moot pleased with a,Qkeop it. Respeetf0Tlsy,� e. B. RAY,, P. O. Bos313. For Sale by an Druggists, or address Dr. 13. ,T. K.L1VD.ci.ZZ CODZPd.203.; CNOSBURGH 00 LLS, 07. lr 'rel �� a tl pVES' FRESk- 1'l6.l •NESS AND 40 1' LEAR. NDI CURES CO00ION;NSTIPAD,ZZINE''3:SIS.O1`I F I00r TIONS ON THE• cc sac, RUP BEAUTIFIES dCOMPLEXI'ONr. ST '/F.: . AS L '.NOT CURE An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE T0NI0, Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 26c., 600, and 51.00 per package. Samples free. KO 110 fTrhheFTaeveothtndBehWMH Sold by JAS. BOX, Hti•ueeist, Brussels. Now is the Time for �GOO FALL And to prepare for the Cold and Wet Weather. We invite inspection of our stools which will always be found right as to Styles and Prices. Dress Goods, Flannels, Tweeds and S uitings, Readyrade Suits and Overcoats, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, GROCERIES. ('Agents for Standard Patterns. New Fashion Sheets to Hand. Call and get one Free. , ¶e are prepared to take any quantity of 'Wool either for Cash or Trade, We have a large Assortment Tweeds, Flannels, Carpets, Blankets, Yarns, Knitted G-oods, &o., to choose from. We are also prepared to take in all kinds ofd Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spinn- ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, &c-. HOWJ J & CO., Nett dom to Blalshill's Butcher Shoff', IIMIZIMEMIndo Confd. .t t i ife, of Toronto. Established 1871• s6 i1 iIFF� ti Ct 7 i Iy 00 0' 0 a ? `o G m w m cm m 00 0 o1 oa O ~ O Y 0 P 0 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished on application. W. 1-i. zEnn, Agent, Brussels. GREAT BARGAINS IN IJ Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Ja,o, and combined it with my oWn, I have now the Largest, Cheapest and Best Display ever made in Brussels. Special Bargains Given during this Month ' To save trouble of moving in connec- tion with the erection of new Store.. You can save Dollars by dealing with me in Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades. Palter Ranging, done. in Firstscl€lss Style; A� STl A CHA.Ni. w. RODD/ K,