HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-4, Page 8'badman 86 NogaJll I would inform my numerous ons• 'tamers and othere that I have aseooiated Mr. A, I. MOCafl es partner in my Dug, Both and Palley Goods bnsineee. Mr. MoCail, who recently graduated with boners at the Pbarmaoeutieal Coilege of Ootai'io and also as Bachelor of Phare Macy, and who has been in business hs 'Toronto elects then, is wall and favorably 'known, and nq doubt his return to Brus• Fele will he pleasing to his numerous friends. We hope by olose attention ter beainess, by the careful manufacture and ante of pure drugs, by honorable dealing and by increased facilities and careful buying, not only to retain all my old sus. Comers but to merit an increased patron, age. I would take this opportunity to thank my many friendsfor the very liberal support thoyhave given me during the 10 years I bays been in business in Brussels, With the additional help of Mr, McCall I hope to have a eonLinearloe of the same, I am, yours sinserely, G., - = m Deadman. 'BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 900Thami ExTENer0N W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: G01Ne Sauna, GOING Nonni. Mat S 5O a.m.Mixed- 0:45 a.m. blxuress 1150 am,Mali 3:1e p.m. 16rxed. ....... 9:00 pari. Express 943 p.m. rani eim Mains, A obiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. OCTOBER, FALL wheat is moving up. TIME Was snow on Monday. TRE new tank is about finished. Thiamin is livening np on the G. T. R. Anon= business change is on the t spite TEs Ronald foundry has closed down for a time. Femme will do well to patronize Bus. cels market. PoIATOEs are turning out well. The price is low. PALL Fair prize lists are taking their 'innings for a few weeks. CovoCILLon MCORAOIEN was a judge at the Goderioh Fall Fair this week. jam. Ronnrcx chipped a oar of lambs to the Eastern markets on Thursday. "Weenie" landed the ducats for her owners at Lansing, Mich., winning easily in fast time. M.'Y. MCLEAN, M. P. P., South Huron, was in town on Wednesday en route to Wroxeter Fall Fair. New furnaces have been placed in Mel- ville manse, Dr. Graham's and D. A, Lowry's residences. Jao. McBain, tailor, has had a large sign painted on the aide of his store, so that he that runs may read. J. M. Menem is completing bis corpor- ation gravelling contract in levelling op •crossings and filling in low plaoes on the streets. TEE Odd Fellows intend putting in a .new stained glass window with the •emblems of the Order, in the front of ,their Lodge room, Dr. Graham's block. TEs Merryweather Fire Engine has not given satisfaction to the experts at 'Toronto and has been rejected. Another Itonald would fill the bill exactly and 'may be bought. IT is said that Jno. Leokie, of Toronto, -will build up the vacant lots North and 'South of D. C. Ross' store next Spring. The localities are tip-top and as Mr, Leckie owns both bloats adjoining, the building would not be very expensive. HYMENEAL.—Wednesday of this week Rev. Jim. Ross tied the matrimonial how between Wm. Turnbull, of Grey, and Miss Clarissa, daughter of George Crooks, Druseels, in the preabnce of the near vela. tives, at the residence of the bride's parents. May happiness be their portion. DIED.—Mrs. Dickson, Widow of the late Registrar of Huron, died on Saturday, thns following her husband after a few months. The deceased lady bad been seriously ill for a few • weeks, and her death was not a surprise to the family's many friends. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the interment being made in Maitland cemetery, God. erioh,' MeenenoNIAL.—"Crescent ball," Gode- rioh street, Seaforth, the residence of 0. C. Willson, was the scene of a wedding Wednesday afternoon of last week. The contracting parties were Miss Maude, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willson, and W, G. Willis, second eon of Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. Willis. Itev. Mr. Bond, pastor of the Methodist church, officiated. The bride was attended by her sister, Mise Willson, while the groom was as- sisted by Dr. E. T. Kellam, of Niagara Falls. After partaking of a tasty lunch- eon, the bridal party drove to Brnnefield en route for London, Detroit and Lapeer, 'where the honeymoon will be spent. Among the guests present from other plaoes were Mrs. Crary, ofDnluth,Minn. ; Miss Maud Williams, of Detroit; Miss Jessie Gibeon, Stratford ; Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, Wingbam, and the Misses Campbell, Goderioh. Rous" or Rnemen Joeerteete—A. S. tOhryetal, Goderioh Boiler Works, never 'turned out a better piece of work than ;the boiler enpplied to the County for?" the House of Refuge. Messrs. Heywood & Pryor have set it. The painters have been steadily at work at the finishing and as the steam fitters and plumbers are getting their fixtures into place, the building has put on its finiehed appear. ranee and the outside as well is now be. morning shapely, the pu ' ing up of steps .aud grading the front e:id ends having added very ranch to the looks of the 'building. The drains are now being laid +and the eonoretefloors of the basement ,pnt in. The whole of the work i8 expect - •ed to be completed by the fifteenth of October. Tbe plumbing fixtures are of the very best kind and the inmates of the Houee will enjoy eanitary comforts 'which are available only to a' very few in the County. Everything which can con. .tribute to the health and well-being of. the inmates bas been done and the County can be pond o£ being in the van in the march of humanity and civilize.• tion. Cowell, Meeting nest Monday evening, LAwrgg SlsoLere attended the Perth Aseigee at Stratford this week, 'gun odwavea h s est people thinking about pronaraUione for Winton, Time, CPnaY has purchased the cottage of Dau. MO$en2ie, queen street, ' W, H, MQOneoguN took 14 prizes at the Seaforth Fall Pair and 27 at Wroxeter. of AZnnaetwillfilliplabo0 nSurdlsy,and Parker sonde a oar of horses to Lo England, on Monday, DPT. PENDEne90'5 street watering cart bas probably exceed its 'above for 1895 after a comparatively busy season in which the work was well done, Ohm YAAa,-0, H, Cole, the notable, was sentenced bo one year in the Ohio Penitentiary on Sept. 20th; and was tak. en there the same day, The grime was stealing 005 before bis exploits in On- terio. D. McKenzie, who hae been a machinist in the Ronald Fire Engine Werke for years, has eeoured a situation in Mos Gregor & Oo's, large shops. in Galt and will go to it at once, We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. Moi{euzie from Bras - sale as they are drib -class eitizene. Lames at the new school house will be completed this week, A lively rash has been made at it, Ashley Lowry, 14. year old son of D. A. Lowry, putting on 116 square yards in a day. 100 yards is counted a good day's work. Plastering begins upstairs on Friday. The slaters have completed the roof. Visitors to Brussels proninnoe the building a dandy. Mass Strew has resigned her position tie Librarian of the Publio Library owing to her expeoted removal to Teeseiater, She bas filled the bill splendidly. Applica- tione are asked for the vacancy to be re- ceived by Secretary Blair until D0011 of Monday next. Applicants are asked to state salary. Mise Shaw received '$75.00 per annum for Library and Reading' room duties. As will be observed by advertisement in another column A. J. McCall has. join- ed G. A. Deadman in the drug business. Mr. McCall is well acquainted with the store. as he served his apprenticeship in it, and has a large oirole of friends in this locality. He bas been in business in To. ronto for some time. TEE Pose welcomes Mr. McCall into the business cirole of Brussels and Mrs. Mclean as a highly esteemed former resident. The new firm will be known as Deadman & Mo- Oall. 10 Pooxnsn.—There are two sons in the sky at Atwood, Old Sol, who is still doing business at the old stand, and a young lady who appeared Thursday of lasb week at the home of R. S. Pelton. We don't know but we expeot there is a flag flying over the Bee office in honor of the event. We hope the new comer will bring mach joy to the domeetio hive. R. S. will not+ dispose of bis bioyole and in- vest in a perambulator. It will give the necessary exercise only will bring other muscles into play. T B kt'ITSS LIS POST "remittance men" ; bins Blood ; Teal Rutledge; an appropriate epitaph ; oyul, tP ing A lh .borei,d 1 n , , is zndl ell lar aphonia their methods, iinporbanee and suooese ; the Incline as farmers,. meth. anioe and 1nenufaoterete ; Regina ; Ter- ritorial Exhibition ; whiskey and Water whiebey and the mounted police ; smart trioke ; Brandon ; two busy and delight- s ear fai days ;. 4mitbds14. t le Asylum, nx. Geo, perimental Farm, 2pdupbrial School, ndou, J:l'ospibal ; Beresford en afternoon's drive ; a square mile of wlieab ; romantic atery of "Bonanza" Sanderson, the wheat king ; kilts and diamppde ; the oollapee ; Portage la Prairie ; growth ; old fort ; Indian graves an Indian's oonbemptfor logpacity; "Yeppi, Yappi, Yappi" deoxy rlpck deceived poor Lo. ; the olosing bell ; a suggestion .tg the inerohanbs of Brussels; Dorcas oopoert; Gretna ; Mennonites, their villages, customs and babita ; a brief widowhood ; a newspaper advertisement' Pieewiok's adviee ; ata threshing oa the prairie farming in Manitoba 1 great Drops ; yield compared with other countries roots, fruits and .vegetables ; emair lees than any ibher twa men in the country" ; both eider ; living on the three graces improved methode ; four things feared ;, who should go to the West ; business in Manitoba ; credit ; •uncertainty and suspense ; thought imself fit for the place ; edupation in Manitoba ; liberal provision for local disadvantages ; the "burning question" a silent question ; religious life and .work iu. Manitoba ; live oburobes ; the Missionary's diffioul. ties ; smallpox and other things ; a Monreal Professor's expsrienoe ; two examples of denominational co-operation ; Glasgow's motto the motto for the West ; Eastward bo 1 ; bsok bo Brussels ; "home is best." Musical selections will be rend- ered. Meeting will commence at 8 p. m. Silver collection at the door. FPWORTII LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY.—Last Sabbath Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B. A., of Luokuow,preaohed Epworth League anni- versary sermons in the Methodist church here. Owing to the very unpropitious weather the audience in the morning was considerably reduoed. The speaker's topic was "Almighty Manhood," and was based on Isaiah 18th chapter and 12th verse, "I will make a man more preci- ous than fine gold.' It was full of in. epirationboth to old and young and set more than one person thinking on the' dignity of manhood. In the afternoon Mr. Wallwin spoke practical words to the Sabbath School, B. Gerry and Miss Braden taking the lessons in the review in an interesting manner. In the even. ing the text was oboson from Psalm 119 and 9th verse. '•Wberewithal shall a young man cleanse his way ?" The cleansed way was the main point around which the speaker grouped a number of essentials in attaining to successful man- hood. Mr. Wallwin is a first-class preaeber and shuns not to declare the whole Truth. Monday evening an "At Home" was held in the school room of the church. The pastor presided 'and introducedthe following interesting pro- gram :—Solo, "Speed Away," Miss Nel- lie Ward ; reading, "The Lobtery Ticket," Miss Minnie Moore ; doett, Lead us. Heavenly Father," Miss Lizzie Sample and Walter Wake ; address by Rev. Mr. Wallwin, "The ohoioe of an occupation." He pointed out that remuneration should not be the chief nim in choosing a call- ing in life, but a position in which we can best serve oar fellow men and our God. The speaker spoke in very strong terms against any occupation that ruins life or dwarfs it, and urged such an oc- cupation as would call ate the faculties into full play. The address was timely and should prove helpful to many • solo, "'The Teacher and the Boy," Miss Lizzie Sample ; .instrumental, "Gloria," from Mozart's 12th mats," Prof. Hawk- ins ; trio, 'Jams lover of my soul," Miss Sample, W. Wake and N. B. Gerry ; reading, "The devil in prayer meeting," Miss Minnie MoNaughton ; solo, "Anchored," Miss Lobtie Hill ; Scotch reading, "Saunders before the Session," G. F. Blair ; olosing hymn, Mr, Cob- blediok, before returning thanks to those who took part in the program, stated the five cardinal objects of the Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, and ex- tended a cordial invitation to all to at. tend the weekly meetings of the League. The eudienoe then dispersed, well pleas- ed with the evening's entertainment, where everybody taking part acquitted themselves so well. lecture on ' 8.. tRIP rip thro,ghe the North- west -4,000 miles by oar, oarrie a and cycle," will he given in Melville thumb, 13ruseels, on Tuesday, Oot. 8th, by Rev. ture : B uesels thn o To onto Syn throughB, oeisf Muskoka to North Bay ; on the 0. P. R. for the West ; oompaoy, mesio and scenery'1 mountains and lakes ; tunnels and cure. es; beauty and barrennees ; a student's wish ; Sudbury, Ohaplean, Schreiber, Port Arthur and Rat Portage ; from the solitudes to the oily ; Winnipeg—Its population, buildings and streets ; bioyole, by-law ; kindly oars for the now and the mule ; lady eyolists ; the new woman ; a olergyman'e dilemma ; the barber's mistake ; city churches and ministers ; the services we attended ; a Winnipeg minister, his elder' and a baptism • dna. uratic marriage ceremony ; a day's lee - tures in Manitoba College ; 80918 of the Professore ; 900 miles by buok.board in 1881 ; dear oats and a dead horse ; two ybung men publicly prayed for ; city pleasure seekers; the parks ; the rivers ;. bathers and a abet gun ; St. Bonita/10f St. Jelin s't Kildonan ;e Drs, Blank and Niebot ; old thumb ; "a hunter year and wait" ; Virden • situation and ebfl ; 6' done Locals. Coal oil 14o. at MoAllister's, Ethel. Loxo, clear bacon at McCracken's. TIt1OTEY seed for sale at McCracken's, on per Iv you want robes or blankets call H. Dennis. WATzn White Carbon oil 20 cents gallon, McKay & Go. LARGE stook of light harness sold at prices. H. Dennis. REPAIRS in boots and shoes very ohs I. 0. Richards. FOR good shoes at low prices we t the Iwai, I. 0. Richards. Oen ho:55 collars. are all warranted. H. Dennis. LIVELY run on children's wagons TEE Pose Book Store. 2 boy's veld pedes for sale. Call and see them. Do you want to stop using toba000 ? If so, nee No -To -Bao. We refund your money if not as stated. G. A. DELDMAN. Mne. M00RAE wishes to notify the pnblio that she still does Carpet Weaving at her residence, nearly opp. Dr. Mo. Kelvey's, Satisfaction guaranteed.. Fon Sem—Three beating stoves, one a parlor book, and another an upright. Also a number of pipes. Apply at Mel- ville Manse. Warman.—The undersigned kindly re- quests all owing him boolt accounts to oall and settle between this and 20th of October next W. H. McCracken, Brussels. I RAVE ordered a large stook of window shades end curtain poles which I will sell very cheap. We put them on your windows. All goods delivered free. R. Leatberdale. Sumon's cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough ours. Only one cent a dose. 25 ors., 60 ote. and $1.00, Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. LACE HANnxzECRIZF.—Some person took a lace handkerchief from the Fall Fair, Brussels, with No. 73 attached, by mistake. Will the person who has it kindly return to Mrs. A. Streohan, Bras. eels. le you have an organ that wants clean. Ing or repairs, or a piano that wants tuning leave your orders here as I have. made arrangements with a piano tuner. All work guaranteed or no pay. R. Leatberdale, 6 Liens ox K. exn L.—I find the people around here prefer Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills to any other I have in stook. They are a wdnderful pill. Send 8 doz. at once, I am nearly out. P. 8. --Sand by post J. W. Ireland, Gourock. Mae. T. B. Hewitt -les, Chattanooga, Tenn., eels, "Shilob's Vitalizer "saved my Ilse." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 eta, Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. FLEURY Plows.—Hugh Williams & Soh are the Agents for the well known Fleury plows. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at Williams' Livery. Stable, Brussels. The Fleury plow received the gold medal and diploma at the World's Fair. FAnMEne' CENTRAL" INSURANCE CO.— This new and very prosperous Fire In. surance Co. during the past year issued weer 800 policies in Carrick, Rowiok, Oalross and Greenock. Rates on farm property very low. J. A. Cnzfe erne; Agent for Morris and Grey. Soul WAY= FOUNT.tae.—J. MoAlpine bee, at considerable cost, put one of them into his restaurant and can now put up the best Summer drinks known. Re bas reduced ice cream to 30 oents a quart and will give very special rates in fruits and confectionery to pio-nio and evening parties. A Cannot. A WanxiNs.—If, on blow- ing the nose in the morning, lumps and flakes aro discharged colored with blood, especially on one side, lose no time in ap- plying a remedy. Catarrh of the very worst kind has become seated, the wails are gore and full of small Moors, and if not soon cured will be hard to cure 'and eradicate. "A stitch in time saves nine," Use Chase's Catarrh Cure. WALL -Dianna AND Dmm�itin,—George Birb has all the neoessarylmaohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms eeasondble. Residence s000nd door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 84-tf Yens,—Just recovered a- lot. of Lista. wel yarns in two or three; ply, Blank, grey, and mixed colors, To arrive Mitt yarns in various colors. Also received imported yarns, Gloria Saxony, Rook German, Andalusian in blank, red, etc. Berlin and Zephyr wools, Fancy geode, toys, games, &o. Specialities ladies' Ice wool nape, Saxony wool hoods. ' Knit- ing one any site at Mee. IEirk's. low sp. aka at oi- 4274 N1' . 4.41) Bills } CdX4D4, • =l0WeeeZ117-41zapeliP 2,e72. HEAP DFFICE, ' TQR0NTo, ASSETS, ' ' (Seven Million Dollere) 37,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) $200000 ilpanoilt in an prinaipai pointe in Ontario, 'ilebeo,Afailiiob 4 a, Mated igtatO$ (04ngland gleVAVEASI 11100,0114 Oa.T. 4, 1896 , A General Banking Business Tremeaoted. Farmers' Nobs Disoonnted, 1) Pie Issued and Oolleotions made ore all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Inb°resb allowed on deposits of §1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to data of withdrawal and compounded hale'yearly, ep Srgoun ATTENTION MEN To TAA CotEAOTiptt or FOasiSUS' SALE N.oTES, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance: ' J. A. STEWART MANAoyin, &a6YibaolyT y Baod,'Wb9,� BRUS MIJS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts J3ouglit and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. s SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwarde at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. 'Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write Insurance In 01,1 English or Canadian Companies, or In Bent. nal Companies ae snaky be desired. AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : re.$ OeNAnXAN Bells of CODXEncE Fall Wheat... 60 Spring- Wheat...—. 58 60 Barley. 30 82 Peas 47 Oats 122 Wool " 18 Butter, tubs and rolls . 14 Eggs per dozen ......'... 11 Flour per barrel 4 00 4 60' Potatoes (new) .. 20 25 Hay per bon .. 10 00 10 00 Bides trimmed 3 00 Hides rough 2 2§ Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skins, Goole 20 40 Lamb skins each 15 40 Apples per bus1 00 Hogs, Live 3 75 4 00 Wool 18 20 23 18 15 Li7ERro0L, Oot 1.Obeese—Quiet, de- mand poor ; finest American white, 37e ; finest oolong], 87s 6d. Butter—Finest U. S. 70e ; good 50s. Ingersoll—Offer- ings at the cheese market today 1,300 boxes of the first half September make, from 8 faotories ; 7 c highest bid, but no sales made ; market quiet. EAST BUFFALO, Oct. 1.—Oattle—No fresh arrivals ; the market was "dead set" for all kinds over 1,200 to 1,350 lbs. Hogs—Receipts, three oars ; market fair- ly aotive ; Yorkers, 94.90 to 64.95 ; roughs, $8.50 to $3-90 ; pigs 94.75 to 94.- 80. Sheep and Iambs—Receipts 16 cars ; market active ; lambs, ohoioe to prime, $4.50 to $4.75 ; malls and common, $2 to $3. Sheep—Ohoioe to export, $3,90 to 04.25 ; fair to good mixed, 32.50 to 92.85. Cattle olosed dull and weak, 34.60 bid for ohoioe 1,375 pound steers. Hogs closed easier, with some heavy hogs unsold. Sheep and lambs closed steady for native lambs ; steady to easy for sheep ; 20 loads of Canada lambs on sale at 10e to 15o lower, or 34.40 to 94:65—mostly $4,. 50 ; culls, 93 to $3.50 ; heavy run of Canaries reported for to -morrow. ToRONTo, Oot. 1.—The Toronto cattle market was dull and weak to -day. Of- ferings were heavy and not quite sold, being 30 cars, including 960 sheep and lambs and 1,080 hogs. The quality of offerings was poor. In export cattle low- er cables made the markets slow and weaker. Only a few loads were sold. They brought from 68 to $8.30 per cwt, and one choice load sold at ho per lb. Butchers' cattle were quiet, best sold at 3o per Ib. and medium and common at lo to 20 per pound. Stockers and feeders were steady, with sales of a few lots at 80 per pound. Sheep and lambs were steady, Lambs sold at $1.25 to 32.25 each and export sheep sold at 8o to Bee per pound. Calves sold at 32 to $6 eaob. Hogs were steady at 94.25 for best bacon hogs ; light fat 4c per pound ;. sows at 2eo to 2do per pound ; stores 3}o to 3ao per pound. Milch cows and springers were steady at 915 to 335 eaob. 3MOR7p7. 000165, -In Grey, on Sept. 17th, the wife of Mr. J. J. Goatee, of a daughter. JOENsTPN.—In Lower Wingbam, on Sept. 21st, the wife of Mr. Wm. Johnston of a son. Bnowe.—In Wingbam, on Sept. 20th, the wife of Mr. Fred, Brown of a son. PELTON.—In Atwood, on Sept. 27th, the wife of Mr. R. S. Pelton, of the Bee, of a daughter. e Senn,—In Elma, on Sept. 23rd, the wife of Mr. Henry Smith of a son. JOENeoo.—In Atwood, on Sept. 24th, the. wife of Mr. J. Johnson of a daughter. IMLNY—SrersoO.—On Oot. lot, at the residence of Me. Wm. Simpson, Ethel, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr, Geo. Imlay, of Pekin, Illinois, to Miss, Catharine B. S. Grant Simpson, of Ethel.,y CAN0LER—VATEE•—At Walton, ab the tomo of Mr. G. Candler, by Rev.' D. Forrest, on Sept. 25th, Miss Maud, ouly daughter of Mr. F. entice, Mornington township, to Mr. John de$dler, of Elms. township. Tunxnir,x—Snooxs.—At the residence of the 'bride's parente, Brussels, on Wednebday, Oct. 2nd, 1899, by Rev. John Ross, B.A., Mr. William Tatra bull, of Grey, to Mies Clarissa, daughter of Mt. George. Crooks. W,LLIs—W1. 5og, Ab the reeidenoe of the beide'8 father, Seaforth, on Sept. 255r, by Rey. Mr, Bond, Mr, Walter. G. Willis to Miss Alice Maude, sec- ond daughter of Me. 0. 0. Willson, all of Seaforth. oce HENDEnsoe.—I5 Belgnove, on September 23rd, Jas. M, Henderson, aged 82 years, 4 moo. and 17 days. Snonn,, In East Wawanosh, on Sept. 28rd, Jeaneb, beloved wife of Andrew Sheill aged 77 years and two days. Gomm.—In Morris, on Sept. 29th, Eliza. beth Jane, beloved wife of Isaao Curry, aged 52 years and 2 months, 13ATEMAN.—Io Stratford, on Sept. 27th, Madeline M„ only child. of Joshua and Christina Bateman,. aged 1 year and 8 months old. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, AM LAMBS FOR SALE.- -Mb Pure. bred Shropshire, from John Campbell's -Woodville, well known 'stook, Apply. to J'NO. SMIT8, Lot 8, "Con.. 0, Grey,. Brussels P.O. 12•tf COMFORTABLE BRICK House for Sale situated on Turn - berry street, Brussels. Immediate poetess ion. Good stable, well, cistern, t acre of land, fruit trees, &c. Apply to 11Rt8. R. WALKER, 41- No• 81,. John Street, Brussels, AATEAVING. — THE UNDER— of Brussels and ei, roundiag0000bry thatphe is now. prepared to attend to the weaving of carpet. ANDREW DIo.KdY, Thomas 8t, Brussels, 10:4 W est o1 Queen's Hotel: pUBLI0 LIBRARY LIBRARIAN. Written applications for the position of Librarian of the Brussels Publio Library will be received by the undersigned up to MONDAY NOUN, OCT. 7th, 1805. Applicant to state salary expected. G. P. BLAIR, Secretary. HONEY FOR SALE.—FRUIT succeeded source so "lee lot ofutheelatter which we tan sell at the following low prioee: 12t. per lb. 81be. for 85o,; Sibs. for 05c,; or 10 lbs. for 01.00G. 0. OcmoDEAD. quick if , yon want some. Druggist, Bookseller & Graduate Optltian. ROPERTY-FOR SALE.4DXAN The property on the Huron Road at Alma, known as the Morton Property, sow owned and occupied by Mrs. Adam Good. There are about seven acres of land, on which le a comfortable frame residence, rstable and or- chard. The property will be told oneop and on (may terms,or will be exchanged for pro- perty m i ruaeols or Seaforth, It is admir- ably adapted lora market gardener retired farmer. Apply on rho premises, or addrase W. P. VAxBToxE, Brussels. 15- MRS, MARY E, GOOD, Seaforth P.O. REAL ESTATE: 1714 ARM FOR SALE OR TO .].. rent, Lot 15, Oon. 0, Grey Township. 31108. M00RE, Brussels,. 11ARMS FOR SALE,—THETJN- annsiansn hn0ooveralg050 O'arms1sr talo aadto rdnt, easy terms, is Townshipps of Morrie and Grey. P 5, SOOTT,Brussele Timber Sale.. The right to out and remove all the 'rim her on about 00 acres, parts of tote 17 And 18 in the 18th concession of the Township ex Grey, will be let by Publio Auction, on the premises, on Monday, Oat. 711,, 1803, a42 o'clock in the afternoon. The timber is eult- able for firewood anti fencing purposes and ie marked off into small plots that would be most convenient for farmers and others who oeopue. 8onetDescriptions ab reodiimaterial. sole, etc, canbe seen at the house of Duncan MaRensle, lot 18, con. 18, Grey, or at the house' of the nndereigned, Winthrop. It would !be well for intending.. purchasers to. look over the plots before day of sale so as to ascertain Whieliwonld be most suitable for them. 11.2 ANDREW GOVENLOOIO, Prop. :Not'ice to Creditors. IN TM: SUnno0A'is Cloun1 or THE COUNTY 08 HUaoo., ni ben ESTATE OF PiiANOis J. Batas, or run Towasulr of MORRIS, Penman, DEoitesii . Notioo.ie hereby given pursuant toChap. ditoro� nd othem amendingaclaimstagainst tie estate of the above named Francis J. Baines, deceased, who died on or about the nine. teenbb day of August, A, 0.1805, are require ed to deliver or send by poet prepaid bo G, P, Blair Brussels, Solicitor for Martha Ann Baines, the Executrix of the will of the tie - ceased, on or before the Mb Day of October, A.D. 3895., a statementin writing contain- ing their names addressee and desoripti9ns and full yartioularsoftheir claims and the nature of their securities (if any) .held by them, and In default thereof ;and as soon 51. 000 conthe veniently iend tlyy be dA October, aid �Aao same tris will pranced to distribute the amide of the deceased among the pparties entitled tboreto,having regard only t0 the claims 91 which she shall then have had notloe and elan ,vi11 not be liable for ,the assets of said estate or any part theme( so distributed, to any person of whose olefin she ;11a8 nos had notice at the time of such diatributien. eliolto for2i eoutribc,. Dated at Brussels, Sept, 13,1506, SOAP Ie uow so obcap taint Ib should he a Capital Grime to go un. washed, Besides you know what eleanlineee is noxi to, A very nice Calle Toilet Soap, tie Baby's Own Soap, .,.10e Heliotrope Soap, ,.,100 Oatmeal Soap, ...10e Buttermilk Soap, ...10e Then we have WILLIAMS' SHAVING SOAP, OUTICURA, SULPHUR, CARBOLIO, SILVER SOAP PEARS' UNSCENTED, ' Pure White Castile Soap, 15e. per Ib. Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, :>-V• 8olioitor and Oonveyaneer, Oolleo- tione made. Ofiios—yanetone's Illoea, Brus. sola. AV M. SINCLAIR, 21.8m Y • 8olioitor uonveyaneer,Notaryl:ub. Ho, &o. Office-5anetone's Block 1 door nortLoan.h of Central Rotel, Private Funds to F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrey & Proudfoot's Office, Goderioh.) Office over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. ` 47 DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON, Licentiate Royal Graduate DentalIISurgeonss. Crown and Bridge work a specialtyy. Moder- ate Pees. - Satisfaction Assured. Mace over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to .treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a Qom- patent manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Calle prompt.y at- tended to. OfIIee and Infirmary—Pour doors north of bridge •rurnberry et., Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGBTON, 311. D. O. M., L. R. C.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P . B. Ont. Residence and ' office in Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. J• M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Pbysiolan, Surgeon, Acoouoher, oto. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty, Member of College of Physloians and Surgeons, Ont. - OPEXCE—Nett door to MoDonald & Co., Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. V VH. MoCRACKEN, Theurer of Marriage Licenses. Ofgoe at hie Grocery, Turnberry Street. Brussels. R N. "BARRETT, .x.u• Tonsorial Artist* Shop—Next door south of A. M. McKay & Co'shardware store. Ladies'andohildrens hair cutting a specialty ROBERT OUNNINGHAM• INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY Seemm. la—No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. '] ELLZNGTON MUTUAL IN. soatedoa1toearsurancef n Established nd Fam Property atvery low rates. 16-3m J. A. Ol0EIGHTON, Agent,Brussels. A HUNTER Clerk of bhe Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Oonveyanoer, Notary Pubilo Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. 0olleetions made Moe in Smote's Brook. Bruesols. ISS O'CONNO3 , R. T., Teacher of instrumental Plano or Oran; muei' Tues- day - 8 s day of eit sweek, Reid - den s 01 Wednesday. Street, sash week, Reef- donne on Princess Street, Brueaels. rip A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. • 'Organist in St, John's Church,. Drug eels and pupil, in the Arb of i1paohingg of A. W.lhayer,Mus.Doo„New York, wfil give lessons to 'pupils either on piano or organ, at his parlor over A.R. Smith's store, Brim - sale, Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod- erate. AUCTIONEERS. ( EORGE KIRKBY,' kA Licensed Auctioneer.: Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms,. Parms and faim stook a speelalty. Orders left ab TRE 900 PabnshingEoaeo,Brnssol0,or sancta Walton P. 0., W111 receive prompt attention, TS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • ism, w111 sell for, better priteS, to better mon in lase time and ices chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. bates and orders can 'always be arranged at Mlle °Moo or by personal application, BRUSSELS POST 0PFI0.>; moo Savings Bank takes Dopoeito from to 81,000 and came Si per cent. interest. T. PARBOW, 37.8m - Postmaster. STONE I STONE d Sit Ally quantity of Building Corner, Bubble, and and Porn loading atrBausselsQQuarry. For price and tering imply to Quarry. ..37.41 Box 100 JN0, MI4'OHELL, Brussels,