HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-4, Page 6PiYIlt117 l'BDMY MOBNING
iln alms fox tbe;early model at
bMO ['oats' Steam X'abiittlling XXQuee,
Tunnnr,uax $2,, Bnnae2La, Owe..
Trams or Sussonmeame,-•OEs 20112x a
Year, ib advauoe, „'1`beedate to whish .every
usriptio0idle denoted by ho date
AnvrtnMrsrxe Iterra.—Tho following rates
will be °barged to Moe avho adTertiea by
the year;—
whom a Tb we, I sme
Ona Column • 3oo.5 636.001320,00
Halt % 00.00. 20.00 10.00
y�carter " 20,00 12,00 0.00
Lviibth +` .. 12A0. s,00l 6.00
Eight pouts per line for Arst insert30n,and
three gents per line for oaoh subsequent in-
sertion, All advertisements measured as
n to he malt,
res —1 is , 0 t
aux 1 2
i•h lines and limit*, 66
es o ruse t iu a
Business n a
210r annum,
0, Will ones without epaelfteorb , and
tions, will bo inserted until forbid, and
abargod accordingly.
Instructions to change or discontinue au
advertlsemout must be left at the counting
f Rome not Tuesday
each 'wom eek imperative.
W. IT. U 3UR,
Editor and proprietor.
Prize List of Bast Huron.
Fall Fair.
a Homing,— Heavy Draught — Stallion
over 3 years, Albert Carter ; brood
mare, A. Speir, T Al Brown ; mare colt,
A Speir ; 2 year old filly, J Shortreed, A.
Speir ; yearling filly, 3 Shortreed ; heavy
draught teem, P McIntosh, Agrioultur-
al—Brood mare, Geo Christopher, Jae
Simeon ; horse colt, T W Brown ; mare
colt, Geo Christopher, Jas Simeon ; 2
year old filly, T Rose, 5 Cousins ; 2 year
old gelding, Jos Sharp ; 1 year old filly,
Geo Christopher ; 1 year old gelding, Ino
McKinnon ; span, Jas Henry, Alex Stew-
art, Mb con. Boadstere—Stallion, GV
Leatherdale ; brood mare, Amos Smith,
P McArthur, Fred McCracken ; spring
foal, Mrs Sage, J J Ball, F Mcraoken ;
2 year old filly, T Strachan, 3 3 Ball ; 2
year old gelding, Jas O'Leary ; lyear old
filly, Mre Sage ; 1 year old gelding, H
Kirkby, Mrs Sage; buggy horse, Jas 0'•
Leary, Jae Ferguson, T McLaughlin ;
team, F Sallows, D G Hogg. Carriage—
Brood mare, R Pollard ; 2 year fifty, R
Pollard ; 2 year gelding, H Birkby, 1 &
2 ; yearling filly, L Hollinger ; yearling
gelding, Bird Bros ; spring foal, P Mc-
Arthur, L Hollinger, W Robb. Tao 0' -
Lear r's special—roadster 2 years old—
Jae O'Leary.
Cala nsa,—Dorbam--Bull, over 2 yoa' ,
J Shortreed, 'D Milne, Amos Smith ;
bull, under 2 years, 0 Eokmier, Jae
Speir ; ranch cow, Amos Smith, R Cor- S
ley, 3) Milne ; 2 year heifer, A Smith, M
H Harrison, D Milne ; 1 year heifer, A 0
Smith, R Corley, 3) Milne ; bull calf, R G
Corley ; heifer calf, R Corley, Amos e
Smith, R Corley ; herd, A Smith, D a
Milne, 11 Corley. Jerseys—Ball, under e
2 years, G A Deadman, Jae Bargees ;
ranch cow, G A Deadman, 1& 2; 2 year ;
heifer, G A Deadman ; yearling heifer,
G A Deadman, 1, 2& 3; heifer calf, G
Deadman, 1, 2 & 3 ; bull calf, 5 A Dead-
man, 1 12 3, Jas Burgess ; herd, G A
Deadman. Native or grade—Cow, M H
Harrisou, 1 & 2 ; 2 year heifer, T Ross,
R Corley ; 1 year heifer, M H Harrison,l J
Wm Armstrong ; 2 year steer, T Rosa, 1 0
& 2; 1 year steer, R Corley, M H Ear.
rison; steer calf, R Corley, M H Har- to
rison ; fat cow or heifer, 31 H Harrison, m
3.&2; fat ox or steer, TRoss, 1&2.
Suser.—Leicesters — Aged ram, N
Laming, Jas Sanderson ; ehearling
ram, Jae Sanderson, N Cuming ; ram
lamb, Jas Sanderson, 1 & 2 ; pair of ewes,
Jas Sanderson, N Cawing ; ehearling
ewes, Sas Sanderson, N Coming • ewe
lambs, Jaa Sanderson, W Grieve. Downs
—Aged ram, J M T Smith, McEwen
Bros; ehearling ram, McEwen Bros;
ram lamb, 3 M T Smith, 1& 2; pair
ewes, MaRwen Bros; shearlingewas, Mc-
Ewen Bros, W Grieve ; ewe lambs, J M
T Smith, Jae Burgess.
Pros—Berkshire—Boar, over 1 year, I ca
Jas Dorranee; boar, under 1 year, Jas ap
Speir, Jas Dorranee ; sow, Jag Dorranoe, B,
1 & 2 ; sow, under 1 year, Jas Dorranee, ra
1 t2 2. Yorkehire—Boar, over 1 year, L
Hugh Lamont, 11 Nicholl ; boar, under 1 R,
year, R Nicholl,1 & 2 ; sow, R Nieboll, w
1 & 2 ; sow, ander 1 year, R Nicholl, 1 & 3VC
2.Chester Whites—Boar, over 1 year, br
H Edwards ; saw, H Edwards. Any 3a
other breed—Boar, 13, Betts ; sow, Wm la
Armstrong. Z,
Pour,rns.—Dark Brahma, Chas Rend- e
arson & Son, 3 0 Lyons ; dight Brabmae, no
3 C Lyons, Geo Irvine ; black Spanish, en
Chas Henderson & Son, 1 & 2 ; Plymouth
Rocks, J 0 Lyons, Geo Irvine ; white Ae
Legborne, Wailer Taylor, 1 cb 2 ; brown ba
Leghorns, Waite): Taylor, 1 & 2 • silver a
spangled Homburgs, Geo Irvine, C Hend- a0
ereon & Son ; black Hamburge, C Rend. it
ersou & Son ; Polands, G Irvine, Ed ro
Moore ; Bantams, W Taylor, J Mo$in- S
non ; Hondans, 5 Irvine, C Hendereon
& Son ; Dorkine, 0 Henderson & Son, G R
Irvine ; Langahans, W Taylor, G Irvine; N
Coobins, 3 0 Lyons, 1& 2; Wyandottea, M
J 0 Lyons, 1& 2; turkeys, D Showers, wo
W Grieve ; geese, D Showers, W Grieve ; G
Ronan docks, W Grieve, J'as Speir ; Pe- N
kin ducks, G Irvine, 3 C Lyons ; Ayles. wo
bury dunks, C Henderson & San ; caner- M
les, Mre T Ballantyne ; game fowl, J 0 BI
Lyons, 1 & 2 ; any other fowl, S 0 Ly- R
ons,1 & 2 ; fancy pigeons, D A Lowry. 5
I1trgeornExs,—Farm wagon, Jno Wynn, an
Jas' Walker; covered buggy, Tae Walker, Ca
1 & 2 ; cutter, Jas Walker • road' cart, &
Jas Walker ; iron harrows, P Scott, 1 & B 1
2 ; turnip Bodnar, 3 3' 'Gilpin ; tnruip ty
cutter, Cardiff & Best, J J Gilpin ; pump, M
D Showers, 1 & 2 f; wide furrow plow, Ne
Cardiff & Best, 1 dt 2 ; general purpose n0
plow, Cardiff de Best, J J Gilpin ; Relation cr
plow, J S' Gilpin ; turnip seed drill, J J Lt
Gilpin ; doubletrees gad neckyokee, Jas m
Walker ; farm gate, Jno Landesboro, em
Walter Richardson ; wheelbarrow, Jno 0
Wynn, Jae Walker, no
Gnan0.—White fall wheat, Jae 13tirgoea, M
0 Henderson & Son, Geo Johnston ; red co
fall wheat, Was Burgess 1 & 3, Jae Mc- kn
Callum ; spring wheat, 0 Hendereon & W
Son, Jas McCallum, Geo Moffatt; barley, Ge
0. Henderson & Son, Jno Brown, 11 Ed- M
wards ; black oats, Wm Armstrong 1 & 3, til
Geo Moffatt ; white oate, Geo Johneton, fig
Jas Bureau, Amos Smith ; small peas, Lil
Sas MoCa1lum, Jae Bargees, Goo Moffatt; lac
large peas, Geo Moffatt, J W Ball, Jae, bre
Speir ; timothy seed, Jae McOallam, Ito
Amos Smith. 0 C
lrnn1r.--13aidwlns, Geo Johnston, Jno t wo
13rewn 1 Foments), D ]Hilae, 3 If Bor.
"a n• t
rag Ian Q
f fl.om kinTye
King s 00, Cr � ad
Haan, 3 oo MgBinflenJ; Northorn Sploa, Alf
H XZarrison, 3no i1'iolCinnoa3 ; I( I Green-
inge, Geo Irvin, Jno McKinnon ; Golden
.itneeots, 3no Brown, A Skowart•(Ilroy)
Spitgenbnrg, .0 Henderson dr Sant Soak
no Further, 13 Corley, Jng MQIlnnan ;
Tolman Sweets, ,las Speir, Jno Malin -
nen t 20.oz Pippins, G'A Deadman, M H
Harrison ; Wealthy, D Stewart jr, 17
Garvin ; 11ibsban Pippins, Tae Speir, Mrs
Geo Nott ; Colverts, Jae Speir John
Brown; Roxbury Busseta, M a Harris-
on, D Milne ; Maiden's Blurb, 0 Hen,
Berson do San ; ti variotlee of %sinterop.
plee, A Stewart (Grey) ; winter pears,
Mre D 0 Boss, .1A, Stewart jr ; grapes,
Mrs 1) 0 Boss, G A Deadman ; orabe,
Tee Davidson, Mrs 12 Stewart ; apploe,
any ather variety, Mrs T Ballantyne, Jap
Rome am Halm Overs—Early potatoes,
J McCallum, Amos Smith, E Garvin, D.
MaLoanan ; late potatoes, A Milne, Ina
Brown, Amos Smiths W H Mo:rnoken ;
oo g is ofpotatoes, '
lie t oD Garvin, i.
W Ain.
C ,b Sou ; awadg turnips,
31 Edwards, W Armstrong ; turnips, any
other variety, O Flendereonkb Son, John
Me0stobeon ; white field carrots, Alex
Gardiner, W H McCracken ; aitringbam
garrote, J McCallum, W Taylor ; scarlet
nantes, J McCallum, W Taylor ; early
horn carrots, W Taylor, Jae Mo0allum ;
long blood beets, 12' H' McCracken, Jae
McCallum ; blood turnip beets, J Sharp,
abs Burgess; white sugar beets, W 12
McCracken, W Taylor ; parsnips, 'W FI
McCracken, Jae Mo0allum ; mangel,
wurzels, long red, R Corley, W H Mc.
Oraoken ; yellow globe mongols, W H
McCracken, Jno Brown red globe man -
gels, Jae McCallum, W Taylor; long
yellow mongols, Jae McCallum, W H
VEesxan>:as.—Onions from seed, red,
W FI McCracken, W Taylor,
D MoLenuan ; onions from seed, yel-
low, D McLennan, W dI Mc0raaken,
W Taylor ; onions from seed,GiantRoaoa,
W Taylor, W H McCracken, 0
Henderson & Son ; onions from top sets,
Jae Ma0allum, W 01 McCracken ; onions
from Dutoli seta, Jno Brown,
W H McCracken ; top onion sets,
WH bIsOracken, Fred'MeOraoken ;Dutch'
eats, W H MaCraekau, W Taylor; potato
onions, W II Mo0raoken, W Taylor ;
corn, yellow Canado, T 11IcLauohlin, W
Taylor ; corn, white flint, W Taylor, Jae
McCallum ; collection of corn, W Taylor,
W R lbfa0racken, 0 Henderson &
Son ; winter cabbage, W Taylor,
W R ioCracken ; curled savoy, W Tay-
lor, W H MoOracken ; red piokling cab-
bage, W Taylor, w H McCracken ; asuli-
flower, W Taylor, 0 Henderson & Son
pumpkin, 0 Henderson & Son, H Ed-
wards ; squash, 0 Henderson & Son, J
McKinnon ; collection of garden produce,
W H McCracken, W Taylor
tomatoes, Large, W Taylor,
as Burgess ; plum or cherry
omatoes, W aylor, 0 Henderson &
on; butter bee lie, E Garvin, W Taylor;
white beans, E Garvin, W Taylor ; any
that variety beaus, Jae McCallum, E
aryl° ; round strived oitrone, C Rend
mon & Son, Jno Wynn ; long Californ
n oitrone, W H McCracken, 0 Hend
rson & Son ; water melons
W H MoCraoken, Geo Joh
ton ; musk melons, W H McCracken
table encumbers, Jae Burgess, E Garvin ;
white celery, W Taylor, W H Mc-
Cracken ; pink oeiery, W Taylor, 0
Henderson & San,,
Dams Pnonnno,—Tub butter, W Arm-
strong, Was Wilkinson, ill H Harrison,
as McCallum ; table butter, Mrs G
brietopber, Jas Ferguson, Jaa Wilkin -
on, W Armstrong, Jno McKinnon ; fao-
ry cheese, Neil McLauohlin ; home
ode ebeese, Jae Davidson, Jas Simeon.
Damerio Mawuraaxunas.—Pair blan-
kets, Jas McCaIlum, George Johnston
counterpane, Mrs E Stewart, Silas Jack-
son ; home spun' yarn, Jas McCallum, W
H McCracken ; gentleman's suit, D. 0,
Ross ; maple sugar, W H McCracken, J
0 Lyons ; maple molasses, Jas Simeon,
W H McCracken ; strained honey, Chas
Henderson & Son, Amoe Smith ; grape
wine, Mrs T Ballantyne, Jas Wilkinson ;
rhubarb wine, W a McCracken, 0 Hen-
derson & Son ; strawberry wine, Mrs T
Ballantyne ; ,,elderberry wine, Mrs T
allanbyne, W H McCracken • tomato
RUseE'L PO `.
woolen mit10, Bre G Moffatt, Fred Mo,
Crank n :w la 'lQV a
Mt/Crooke, Fred nMeOraolten net,
Ong, 1`iollie Boss, Mro W H
hale ; tufted quilt, Jay McCallum ; aro^
phot wilt, Mary 3arrla, 'Mrs 0 Baan,'
bell ; patchwork guilt, C Hendore0n t2
Sou, Mrs Gee. Moffat ; fancy guilt, Mrs
T Ballantyne, Diary Harris ; knitted
quirag mat, MrsStewart,
T Blallan1YnSe,las 3ll'saoNoit
ribbosoono, Rare Nott, Nellie hoes ; rope
silk, Mrs Noll, Nellie Bogs ; Mums em.
broidery, Nellie Hage, Mrs A Straoban ;
shell work, Mrs G Moffat, Mre 121 Stew-
art ; sofa pillow, Perlin wool, flat, Mrs
0 Campbell, Mrs J» Ballantyne ; sofa
pillow, Berlin wool, raised, W
H lOEo0raoken, Jennie MaArter ;
seta pillow, . Molded, Matilda
MOOlelladd, Jae MQQallan ; log
oebin quilt, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs Geo
Not ; sofa pillow, ppatobwork, J J Ball,
Mre W Blasbill ; etookings woolen, Mrs
G Nati, W I MoOraoicen ; etook-
ings, cotton, Mre 1] tewart,
Mrs t o
Not. s ors
G 1 woolen, Fred
McCracken, ro W cat
a H M0C teen
a ,.soaks,
ontton, Mre 5 Nott, Mre D Stewart ;
straw hat, Mre MoKelvey, Mra 0 Qamp-
bell ;. tatting, hire A Straoban, Mrs W H
Hale ; tinsel work, Mre A. Stilleben, Mrs
G Nott ; tissue paper •flowers, Mrs 0
Campbell, Mrs A Straoban; waxflowers,
Mrs T Ballantyne ; wax, fruit oolieotion,
Mao 0 Campbell ; drawn work, Nellie
Ross, Jae Simeon; etolring, Mary Berrie,
Jae Simeon,
FINE AIM.—Collection of photographs,
H It Brewer ; stuffed birds, W Leather -
dale, JeoWynn ; stuffed animals, W
Leatherdale ; pencil drawing, Mre W H
Hale ; water oelor landscape, Mrs (3
Campbell ; water color figures, Mao 0
Campbell ; oil painting landscape, Mre
Rele, Airs {v Blaekill ; oil portrait, Mre
Campbell, Mrs Hole ; black crayon draw.
ing, Mrs Mal1elvey 1 & 2 ; colored crayon
drawing, Mre Hale 1 & 2 ; spatter work,
Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs A Strachan-;
painting on pottery, Mra Hele, Nellie
Boss ; painting on silk or velvet, Mre D
0 Boss, Mre Hele ; painting on plaoques,
Mm Campbell, Mrs D Q Ross ; ornamen-
tal penmanship, Mrs T Ballantyne; bnsi•
ness penmanship, W H McCracken ;
girl's penmanship, Mrs J It Smith, Mrs
FLOt%Eire axle Pna.tTe,—Table bonnet,
Minnie Stewart, Mre T Ballantyne
hand baguet, Mrs T Ballantyne, W Tay-
lor ; dress baguet, Mrs T Ballantyne,
Mrs D C Ross ; collection of oat fiowere,
Minnie Stewart, W Taylor ; oolleotion of
dahlias, Minnie Stewart, W Taylor ;
pans les, W Taylor ; phlox drummondi,
W Taylor, Minnie Stewart ; asters, Obas
Henderson & Son, W Taylor ; stooks, C
Henderson & Son,' W Taylor ; ;petunias,
W Taylor, 0 Henderson & Son ; African
msrigclde, W Taylor, 0 Henderson & Son ;
French merigolde, W Taylor, 0 Hender-
son & Son ; dianthus, 0 Henderson &
Son ; balsams, Minnie Stewart, Walter
Taylor ; zinnias, Minnie Stewart, Obas
Henderson & Son ; gladolus spikes, Min.
Hie Stewart, W Taylor; verbenas, Minnie
Stewart, W Taylor ; ohrysantbemums,
Mrs J R Smith, W Taylor • perennial
i- phlox, Minnie Sbewart, Mre J R Smith
- doable hollyhocks, D Garvin ; coxcombs,`
W Taylor, Minnie Stewart ; 21 varieties
John of flowers, Minnie Stewart, W Taylor.
Sriccran Ptirogs.—W. H. Kerr's, for
bread, Jno Mollinuon ; W H Herr,''5
pound roll of butter, Jas Wilkinson. IV
teen, 0 Henderson & Son, W Taylor ;
ple jelly, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs D 0
ose ; rhubarb jelly, Mrs T Ballantyne ;
spberry jelly, Mrs T Ballantyne, 3 0
yens ; any other kind of jelly, Nellie
o0s, M McLennan ; home made bread,
bite, Mrs T Ballentyne, Tno McKinnon,
re. McKelvey ; home made bread,
own, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mre McKelvey,
s McCallum ; fruit cake, Mre '1' Bal-
ntyne, Jae McCallum ; jelly cake, Mrs
Ballantyne, hire D C Roes ; oatmeal
on. Mrs D 0. Rosa, Jno McKinnon ;
lleotioo of canned fruit, W H McCraok-
D MoLenuan.
Matvuracxmtae,-Set double farm har-
es, 31 Dennis, I G Richards single
ggy harness, I 0 Blohards, H Denote ;
xe handle, Zoo Wynn,Jas McCallum ;
lleotioo of tinware, Wilton & Turnbull ;
on farce pump, J W Anderson ; cattle
be, very highly recommended, J R
Lan1Es' Wonn,—Ariseene work, Nellie
osa, Mrs A Strachan ; applique work,
ellfe Rom, Mrs A Strachan ; braiding,
es E Stewart, Mre Geo Nott ; Berlin
al work, flat, Mrs 1' Ballantne, Mrs
eo Nott ; Berlin wool work, raised,
elite Roes, Mrs Geo Moffat ; Berlin
of and bead work, Matilda McClelland,
re T Ballantyne ; Berlin wool fiowere,
etilda MoOlelland ; bead work, Nellie
oss, Matilda McClelland ; bonnet, Airs
0o Moffat, Jae MoCallum ; Berlin wool
d eifk flat, Mrs A Straohan, Mre 0
ropbeil ; cone work, Mrs E Stewart, 1
2 ; cord work, Mrs W H /tele, Mrs T
Ba lantana ; orowel work, Mrs T Bali on-
ne, Nellie Roes ; card board motto,
re Sage, 1 aE 2 ; eroehet work, wool,
ibis Rose, Mee 0 Campbell •y darned
2, Mrs Geo Nett, Matilda McClelland ;
(whet worlr, cotton, Mrs E Stewart,
Ilion Ainley ; embroidery on cotton or
aelin, Mrs W H Hole, Mrs E Stewart ;
broidery on worsted, Nellie Rose, Mrs
Campbell ; embroidery on silk, Nellie
ss, Lillian Ainley ; flue shirt, Mrs Geo
offat, Matilda McClelland ; knitting in
tton, Mrs E Stewart, Mre Geo Moffat ;
Ming in wool, Mre E Stewart, Mre
ynn ;. flannel shirt, Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs
o Moffat' leather flowers, 11 Kirkby,
Mr W 131as°iill ; fettthor stitching, Ma.
da McClelland, Jag McCallum ; hair
wore, Mrs J R Smith ; point lace,
lion Ainley, lure G Nott ; honiton
e, Nellie Rose, Lillian Ainle; lam-
q"in, Berlin wool and bond, Nellie
se, Mrs A Strachan ; lamp mat, Mrs
ran bell, Mrs E tewart ; leather
rk, lira 0 Campbell, Fred McCracken ;
112o0raoken'2—Swedetarnipg, 4 Gardi^
leer. W Armstrong
; long rod mange/s, A.
'T.MgLauololin ; yellow globe
mongols, Jae McCallum, A Gardiner,
Jvnente,-,'Grain, W 11' Stewart, Ares.
gels ; mobs and vegetables, l' 0 (3baharll,
Wingbam ; dairy Po'odnoo and 401'425110maunfaotnriee, Attlee Lisole Graham and
A Campbell, Atwood ; ladies' work, Klee
Roth donee, Leadbnry ; iiewore, 'Thos
Malo, Lietowol ; poutry, 11 1vlliott,
Wl rgbam ; heavy horses, Thos 310Mili.
an, Seafortb, Wm, Dielreon,- Atwood ;
light horeee, It B Hoods, Ino Gotten,
Wo^Qxoter; implements, Andrew Steven.,
son ; cattle, 'Toga h Thompson, Mildmay ;
sheep and pigs, Joseph Born, Atwood, 13
Andrew, Palmereton, J 12 Camptell,
Palmereton, H Homoworth, Glowanetown.
BI ie IIIllman, of Leamington, aged 0,
bad to have a tube inserted io his wind-
pipe to enable him to broach, but be only
lived ten Jaye. Membraneous croup was
the complaint.
Ramer at Six Hotrus.—Dietrseeiag kid.
and Ladder diseases relieved 'n six
hours by the "Great South Amerioan
Kidney Cure," This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on aooaunt of
its exaeedurg promptness in relieving
pain in ilia bladder, kidneys, back and.
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. Itrolieves retention of.
water and pain in passing it almost im
mediately. If you want quick relief and
cure this ie your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggiet.
"I was afflicted Tor eight years with Salt
Rheum. During that tone, .3 tried a great
many ntedielnes which were highly rec-
ommended, but none gave me relief. I
woe at last advised to try Ay}er's Sarsa-
parilla, and betore I had 1001011011 the
ffourth bottle, my hands were as
Free from Eruptions
as ever they were. Ily basinoss, whiclf,
is that 0f a eau -drive(, requires the to
be ,out In cold and wet weather, often
without gloves but the trouble has
never returned)'—'PlioarAs A. JoB cs,
Stratford, Ont.
y s onev Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's Lair.
dyerrs h'ai(s Cfcnaase the Dowels.
If you want a good Stove
of any kind or make,
See our Stock.
Tinware and. Gra iiteware
A Complete Stock al-
ways on Hand.
re !
In Hardware we keep everything in the Trade,
including Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints—
ready Haired and dry, Oils and Varnishes, Cut-
lery, etc, Prices low down to suit the times.
A fine line to choose from,
We have also a quantity of
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
Eavetrough s'. °' a Specialty.
N. & N. Gerry.
0(120 4, 18$.01
We leave in stoo13 4 large assortment of Milk
supplies of ever description. .
,lel y ptlall, If you want a
good article we can give you the Best that's
made. If you require anything in this lisle
call on us.
All I(inds o1 J9bbillg
Attended to and work executed. Neatly, Cheaply and
Expeditiously. p y
Our Specialty. . All Work Guaranteeciv.Satisfactory,
Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery,y
Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c,
We haxiale Cook, Coal and Box Stowe
of the Best Manut'actnre and sold at close margins.
Special Attention given to—""ilir-
-01P—Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. a
Best American and Canadian Coal
Oil, Castor Oil ccncl Machine Oil.
A Share of the. Patronage of the Public asked a S eel fOr,
ST '
ssels y
Just to hand 12 doz.
bottles of
Well Known: Ink.
Try it.
2 dozen Children's
rgite Tin Ci
[ ps
Only 5c. each, to clear out Stock..
Large Stock of
e s
And All Other School Supplies,
Nice Assortment of
Bibles and. Hymn Boqks
6 Dozen
From 5 Cents up. .
POST Bookstore