HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-4, Page 51
QcT.4, 189 TRE J3RES1SE
Lean dlil *i
The Lies Mr. Pomeroy gave the people
a win Bethel appointment a rare (treat by
scouring the 8Orvice9 of Professor Thole.
er and family, violiniat6, of Palmerston,
for air entertainment on :Saturday night.
We hada good hour and everyone was
4Ir t' VOQcl.
(.400.Bowland, 14th yon„ 131m11'
, hod a
valnablo Dow killed by lightning'
John Morrieen, sr., fell while Coming
on of hie etable, areleoating his [shoulder,
The August Cheese from the Britton
factory was shipped Wednesday, 7}o,
per pound is the prion,
Robs, May laid on the Bee (deek`a po.
• tato weighing two pounds, six ounces.
It was grown by Geo. Muret in hie ger-
WWI ton,
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
Will be dispensed on Sabbath, Chat. 13th,
ab Daff'e pburph, Walton, Nev. Jno.
Roes, B. A., of Brussels, will .prevach on
Will. Pollard and Harry Kirkby, of
thin locality, are taking in the Fall Faire
with their light horses, They attended
Brussels last week•and Belgrave and At-
wood this week and captured quite a
number of red tiokete.
Notwithstanding the inclement weather
on Monday night Prof, Dunker, hie wife
and daughter, gave a splendid entertain,
meat in the Methodist oburoh. It would
be almost impossible to say which gave
the moat pleasure, but the general opin•
ion is that Mr. Pomeroy is right when
be says the Professor is good, Mrs, Duok•
er is better, but'3eesie is host.
FALL Fan.—The Pall Exhibition held
here on Tuesday and Wednesday was a
deoided suonees. Good weather, a large
number of entries and a fair attendance
were conducive to an enjoyable day.
The mils bioyole race had four entries, T.
Hemphill, W. Sanderson, W..Kaake and
J. A. Barnard, The first two mentioned
were the winners. Barnard, who is sup-
posed to be the fastest, was run into by
Realm and had his wheel smashed,
throwing him out of the race. A very
interesting and amusing event was bhe
special by A. H. Moffitt, for beat lady
driver, the horse to be harnessed and
bitched up and then driven once around
the ring. There were three entries, Mrs.
Moffatt, and Mies Agnes Stewart, of
Turnbsrry, and Mrs. W. Pelton, of Wing.
ham. The ladies got a fairly even start
after making oonoeotion between horse
and rig, and came round the course full
tilt, In the finish the buggies of the two
latter collided and both upset. No seri-
ous damage was done. Mrs. Pelton got
the prize.A merry•go.round and a
museum provided additional attractions.
President Robert Miller and Secretary A.
L. Gibson, backed up by the Directors,
had everything well in hand. We have
to withold the prize list until next week
owing to want of space.
i3e>nir vat.
J. Haubofer, of Walton, was in the vil-
lage this week.
Notwithstanding the heavy frost in the
Spring, crops are excellent here.
Dr. R. J. Whitfield has returned to
Fort Scott, Kansas, whore he is practis-
ing dentistry.
A number have gone from here to
Stratford as witnesses on the trial of
Cummings and Stewart charged with
stealing a quarter of beef from Mr.
Lump, butcher of Atwood, some time
R. H. McDonald, who has been in
Jackson, Mich., was visiting here a few
days. Is left for Toronto Tuesday where
he is studying for a Vet. He intends
practising in the States when be gets his
A001Do m.—What might have been a
fatal aooidenb took place on the 8th con.
of Blum, between Atwood and Henfryn,
last Sunday evening. John Longmire
and his best girl, J. L. Gimblet and a
number of others were coming from the
Presbyterian Anniversary held in At-
wood. SY r, Gimblet want to pass Mr.
Longmire when kis buggy wheel caught
in Mr. Longmire's, upsetting the buggy
and throwing the occupants out. Mr.
Longmire's horse ran away and.comiug
in contact with Mr. Gimblet's buggy up-
set it. None were hart. Fortunately
the top became detached from Mr. Long -
mire's buggy or serious oousequenoee
might have happened. Mr. Longmire's
buggy was badly broken. The shaft
penetrated his horse behind the front leg
about 10 inches, almost reaching the
lungs. This praotide, of Mr. Gimblet's of
attomp'tfng to pass every buggy on the
road without giving warning should be
pat a stop to.
Veins ham.-
The Town Coanoil, at its meeting re•
diced the dog tax to $1 and $2.
Frank Patterson, of town, took the
first prize in aeries one, at the 'pelting
tournament at Listowel.
Missionary semitone in connection with
the Wingham Methodist church, will be
preached on Sabbath, October 0th, by
Rev. Ohms. Smith, of London.
J. G. Stewart, who has been in the
hardware house of J. Ciogg & Oo. for a
few years past, lois purobased bhe blaok-
emith business of Felix MoGorgan at
Delmore. ,
The people of Wroxeter, Gerrie and
Fordwiob would like telephone communi.
cation -with Wingham, and have been in
oorrespondonoe with the Bell Telephone
Company with that objeot in view.
Chief Bullard wont to: Bluevale on
Wednesday afternoon of 'laet week and
placed underrnest a young man named
Wm, Rose, AO has of late shown splay -
toms of insanity. The unfoetunato:per.
bon reoeived his hearing and was taken to
G,oderiolt for safe -keeping.
At the annual meeting of the Woman's
Missionary Society in connection with
the Wingham Methodist ohuroh the an.
nue' report was presented. It showed
that the eooiety bad 37 members, and
that during the year 875 had been raised.
The year was a proeperoue one for the
'moiety, and closed with an increased
membership. The reports were adopted
and the following officers elected for the
ensuing year :—President, Mre. Towler ;
Vioe.Pres,, Mrs. Helm ; Corresponding
Secretary, Mrs. Gifford ; Recording Seo ,
Mrs. Morton ; Troaeurer, Mrs, Elder.
Anniversary eervisee at the Aiethodiet
church next Sabbath and tea•reeetiog 00
follewing Monde ,
Dron,—Setnee�Eleo1i, an old and well
known maidens of Turnbsrry, pureed
away last Monday, aged 74 years, Ile
wee a native .of Ayrshire, /deathbed, and
was merged twine, Five children sur.
vivo. Mr, Flask was Reeve of Turn,
berry for a number of year and was very
highly eebeented, The funeral, on Wed•
nesdey afternoon, wee largely attended,
ROY, D, Petrie, of Wingham, conducted
the service.. Interment was made ab
There was no eerviee in the Presbyter-
ian ohurob last Sabbath.
Dr, and Mre. Ferguson spent Thursday
of last week with the Dr.'s parents in
0. Rupp, of Tesewatsr, is having a two
week's vacation. He is spending part of
it with friends in hb. Thomas,
T. G. Ratcliffe, the Donegal "ped," was
re.engaged last week, Donegal 'motion
oeemetto be married MT= and he bo it,
The Duokee family, of Palmeretpn,
visited at 112, Fogel's last, week. It was
not found out until reoently that these
two families were plosoly related.
3, Parkhouse, who has been Ethel's
fashionable bailor for the past two years,
removed to Southampton thisweek. We
are sorry to .lose Mr. Parkhouse as be is
an excellent oubter and fitter,
A quiet wedding took place at the
residence of Wm. Simpson on Tuesday
morning of this week when their daugh-
ter, Miss Bertha, was united in marriage
to Geo. Imlay, a former Ethel boy. The
happy couple left on the noon train for
Hamilton to enjoy a abort honeymoon,
after which` they will make their home
in the State of Illinois.
Township Council will be held on the
12th inst.
Subsoribe for Tan Posy, 25 ciente for
balance of 1895, '
Jas. Ferguson was a judge on cattle at
the Belgrave Fair last Tuesday afternoon,
The local municipal rate will be 2i
mills this year, a shade higher than 1894.
Marsden Smith dug 60 pounds of pota-
toes out of 16 yards length in his potato
patch. He will have from 400 to 600
Reeve Strachan hoc a dandy "Lord
Ferguson" 2 -year-old colt that he has
been offered a good price for but declines
to sell. Hob another ie a "Clear Grit,"
Mrs. Chas. West, of Toronto, is visit-
ing Mrs. Henry Bateman, her sister, who
has been se seriously ill. There is a nob.
ioeable improvement iu Mrs. Baseman's
We understand that Dr. S. Cowan,
formerly of Atwood, is 'leaving Moles-
worth, where he bas been practising for
several months past, and will :practise
down neer Kingston, where Mrs. down's
people reside. Dr. Proctor, of Brussels,
will try bis fortnne at Molesworth.
Wm. Clegg represented Judge Doyle at
an arbitration in connection with the
formationof a union school" section be-
tween Grey and Elms townships, at At-
wood. The other arbitrators were D.
Robb, Pablie' School Inspector- for East
Huron, and Wm. Alexander, Public
School Inspeotorfor Perth County. Wm.
Loohhead, of Atwood, appeared in the
interests of Elmo. township and Mr.
Mitchell for Grey township. The award
was in favor of the formation of a union
,: Selma, Rsronr.-Tire following is the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 1,
Grey, for the month of September
Primary, total 850—M. Switzer, 616 ; T.
Switzer, 423 ; M. Calder, 618 ; N. Switz-
er, 384 ; B. MoNab, 599. 'P. S. Leaving,
total, 050—J. Blake, 468 ; P. Ritchie,
339 ; J, Richardson, 361 ; A, MoNab,
194 ; L. Blake, 137 ; D. Glassier, 94.
8rd olase, total, 540—. McKay, 191 ; A.
Calder, 462 ; A. Switzer, 395 ; N. Mc-
Callum, 138 ; E. Cardiff, 441; . Crerar,
869 ; M. Cardiff, 810 ; J. Davidson, 195 ;
0. Armstrong, 187 ; W. Armstrong, 440 ;
A. McKay, 216Farquharson,
• S
2nd class, total, 100—A. Diokson, 153
M. Coats 198 • 11Hollinger58 ; V.
Armstrong 882 ; M. Oakley, 290 ; W.
Switzer, 132; W. Glassier, 164 ; D.
Davidson, 164; B. Blake, 284; G. Rieke,
183 ; A. Duncanson, '193. let class,
total, 250—L. Dickson, 146 ; B.' Rands,
298 ; J. Rands, 119 ; M. Rands, 148 ; E.
Hollinger, 182 ; B. Davidson, 204 ; E.
Blake, 164 ; W. Farquharson, 160 ; M.
Cardiff, 150 ; 1'. Davidson, 157. Honors
—A. Calder, 17. Cardiff, W. Armstrong,
V, Armstrong, M. Oakley, F. Blake, B.
Davidson, B. Bands.
W. H. Soow,uty, Teacher.
Threshing bees are all the go.
It is reported that W. H. Oloakey will
remove to Blyth,
Ed. Nicholson intends going to Clinton
to learn barbering.
J. D. Miller and wife have returned
from a holiday visit.
Joe Miller gave the young people a
danoelast .Friday night.
H. Beeman and L, Pepper were attend•
ing London Fair, going on their wheels.
W. A. Perdue has gone to Philadelphia,
to further his studies in the Dental Col-
lege there.
Robs. E. Mills and wife, of Loraine,
Qbio, were calling on friends on the 2nd
line last week.
Jas. Willcinsoh, 4th line, bas Darn 14
feet high and he has an ear of corn which
has on it over 780 grains. I wonder if
Mr. Gook eon boat it.
Mre. Miskimmons, who has spent the
greater part of the Sommer with friends
in Toronto, has returned and is at pree-
entocenpying her house in Sunshine.
The weather during the past week has
beau tether disagreeable, especially Inc
these who were counting on having a
good time at the local Fairs. Snow in
September fs something unusual in On.
Rev, W. T. Hall oond'voted no lute than
three funeral services last week, besides
preaohiug three other sermons and at-
tending the prayer -meeting, vieitations,
ate. Belgrave hoe two resident clergy-
lergymen who will not grow rusty for want of
On Tuesday night a good audience met
Prof. Dunker and family in the Jackson
church and at the close of an entertain.
menu of unusual profit and pleasure, gave
the Professor and family a 'hearty vote
of thanks, and then a rousing vote to the
pastor, Rev. Mt. Pomeroy, for the, able.
Way he discharged the duties of chair.
man, and far securing the servioe.of emelt
good talent.
The Mieeee 1J1seiklejolin were visiting
{tire. Adam Good, at Aima, 140 wools.
Thee, Wilkineon fell and hart hie aide
Monday Of bbie week, We hype he will
coon be all right,
W. 13,,, and Mrs, Wilkinson attended
Ripley Fair last week, Cir, Wilkinecn
noting as Maga of cattle,
Albert .Cole Sae disposed of One, of his
frame borne to Jas, Rath, of Wawanoeh, 1.
Mr, Rath has removed the building,
The Ball ]{'airs have been attracting
the attention 01 our township people,
l3reeeeie and Belgrave drew a good many
exhibitors and Blyth 00008 is next Tues-
day and Wednesday.
Chao, Proctor hart purobased the farm,
being the North half of lob 9, con. 4, own.
ad by the late Jne, Proctor, from Mrs,
?rooter. The farm is one of the beet in
the township and the prioa paid was a
good one. Mr. Proctor is one of, if nob
the largest, land owners in the 'township,
The Pregbyterians of Belgrave have
depided to take no action regarding
building sheds for the benefit of those at,
tending ohureh cervices. Look of in.
teresb in the matter was no doubt the
cause of each decision. It is surprising
how many people stand in their own
Arthur Oornyn,of'Colborne township
has purchased the North half of lot' 4
con, A, containing, 100'aoreo, known be
the Jae. Harrison farm, for e sum of
32,350. This farm was offered for sale
bypublie auction last April and the high-
est bid reoelvedwas $2,000; ib was with-
drawn and now cells for $350 more, The
land ie good but the fences and buildings
are poor.
Salmon Rnroat.—The following is the
correct standing of pupils in S. S. N. 4,
Morrie, aceording to marks obtained dur-
ing the month of September.—Sr. 4th,—
Etbie Davis, Lyon Pipe. Jr. fourth.-
Norah Maunders, Ida Mooney, Lulu
Davis, Maud Hoggard, Willie Oloakey.
Jr. Third. -Willie Johnston, Susie Man.
fling, Jamee Innes, John Oloakey, Geo,
Innes, Joe Patch. Sr. 2nd.—Barnest
Mooney, David Mo0utoheon, Richard
Cardiff, John Moss, Milton Sharpe,
Myrtle Nichol. Jr, 2n1,—A.—Bertha
Niobol, Olara Mooney, Pearl Pipe, Mary
Karoo/than, George Davie, Joe MoCuboh-
eon. Jr.2nd,—B—Minnie Mooney and
Mabel Nichol, (equal) Lizzie Davis, Ethel
Pipe, Willie Ames, Dave Walker, Baleen
Maunders, Jessie Greenslade, Jimmy
Haggard, Charlie Barrie, Willie Flatt.
Part 2nd.—Bertha Sharpe, e0arrie Speir,
Minnie Walker, Olara Smith, Mary Mo-
Ouboheon, Standing of 5th class accord•
ing to September examination :-Frank
Cloaksy, Robt. Mauodero.
0. A. HAIOIDAC, Teacher.
," Mummy Room—The following is
the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 3
for the month of Sept., in order of merit:
Sr. 4th—Murgt. Yell!, Alton Wheeler ;
Jr. 4th --Minnie Cameron, Ann Oaotion,
Kate Blaolc, Mary Michie, Regie Watson,
Lizzie Michie, Jos. Xuill ; 3rd class—
Nellie Wilson, Russell Weeler, Willie
Caution, Jas. Millar, Ernie Wheeler, Bert
Watson, Lily Rellingtou ; Sr. 2nd—Joe.
Hanna, Stanley Wheeler, Wesley Steph-
enson, Aggie Speir, Robert Kellington,
Ann Speir, Gordon Embury, Martha
Oloakey, Solomon Cloakey, Pearl Era -
bury ; Jr. tad—Jennie Shedden, Robbie
Douglas, Willie Douglas ; Sr. let—Bessie
Watson, Lily Henderson, Annie Hend-
erson, Gusty Wheeler, Jae. McCracken,
Andy Miller, Frankie McCracken ; let
class—Willie Clark, Lennie Weeler,
Maggie Shedden, Nettie Kellington Jr.
1st clues—Thos. Cameron, Minnie Gib-
son, Alex. Speir, Jas. Mollie, Annie
Douglas ; A. B. C. class—Elsie Speir,
Hazel Embury, Wellington Gibson, Jesse
Wheeler, Willie Little.
M. BLamx, Teacher.
Gme.—Elizabeth Jane, beloved wife of
Isaao Ourry, of Morris, was born in Eng.
land, July 1845, and in 1847 she came to
Canada with her parents. About 80
years ago she was united in marriage to
her now bereaved husband. The fruit of
their union was seven children, four sons
and three daughters, who now, with
their father, mourn a careful, kind,
tender, loving wife and mother, and one
who will be greatly missed in days and
Years to come. During
Choir married
lifd theylived in the town i
eh ps of Mc-
Killop, Grey and Morrie, and from the
latter plaoe, on Sabbath morning, Sept.
29th, she went up to the city of the Great
King, the home prepared for all who love
His appearing. Herunionwith God and
His people took plane while she was
young and has been maintained until she
went to juin the Church of the firsb,born
before the throne. She was always the
same steady, earnest, practical living
Christian woman. She appeared to be a
grand type of true womanhood and what
the grace of God does for a person enjoy.
ing it. But her rape is run, the battle is
fought, the victory won, and she has
gone to rest. The direct cause of death
was that fearful disease—cancer. Muny
friends and acquaintances sympathise
with the bereaved family in their aiSio-
bion and loss. The funeral took plane on
Tuesday afternoon, Rev, E. A. Shaw, of
Belgrave, oondueting a suitable service.
Interment was made at Sunshine ceme-
Work on levelling and cleaning the
school yard will be begun at onoe.
A. C. Dames shipped a oar load of
Iambs from this vicinity ou Tuesday of
this week.
A. 8foDonald purposes erecting a (Iwo).
ling house and ale," a store on bis premi•
see this Fall. ,
Miss King, of Exeter, whohas been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Seel, returned to
herhome on Monday last,
John Gaotz, of Hensall, le at present in
Oranbrook. He purposes moving his
mother and her household furniture to
Hensall, where he has bought a house.
The many friends of Jno. McRae will
be pleased to learn that he is strong
enough to be moved home, having been
brought to his home here on Tuesday
R. F. Cameron returned bo Toronto on
Monday last to resume hie studies ea
Knox college. R. F. has had a Ivey va-
cation, having filled pnipits at W(ogoam,
Betasele and Oranbrools, while these res.
.idenb ministers took holidays.
SonooL Belem,—The following is the
report, of the deeding of the mile of
Cranbrock Pablie eohool for the month
of Soptomber. Named fn order of merit.
Marke for regular attendance are also
noon 0
Sr,' 4th. -Silvio Seel, Ida billing, Thee.
MoBae, Simon Mitchell, tVm. Cameron,
Poe Reymann. Sr, 8rd.—Alvin dameron,
Lizzie McKay, Lizzie.Dakms, 0hrfetian '
13uetber, Ervin Minter. Jr. 3rd.—Clara
The Cheapest Cast/ Sion iu 111e Cullit
Once more and with it
comes the Demand for
Naturally intending buyers look around to see where their Dollar
will go. the Farthest. Our store is now full to over-
flowing with new and seasonable goods.
Styles Never Prettier I Valv>.es Never Better
Lf ,„iH
We Piave just received our first direct importation from Germany of
Ladies' Mantles. All new Styles ; all new Goods, not an old garment
in the lot. We have sold quite a number already, and we would ad-
vise all who want Mantles to have a look at our stock before the num-
bers are broken, as we claim to have the
Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stock
ever shown in Brussels. We invite your inspection and we are not
afraid of a comparison of Prices.
we Always Pay Highest Price for Farm Produce,
Hunter, Maggie Heather, Mabel Zimmer,
Beatrice McNair, Susan McNair. Sr.
2nd. -Susie Reymann, Willie Seel, Nel-
son Knight, Janie Love, Effie Fox, James
Long. A. W. Wetai, Principal.
Sr. 2nd.—Lunn Mitobell, Minerva En-
nis, Russell Zimmer, Willie Alderson,
Roy Smalldon, Jr. 2ad,—Mihuie Clam.
eron, . Cloverdale McDonald, Annie
Gramm, Phillip Dolma, Sylvester Fox.
Sr. part 2ad.—Garfield Long, Etta Small -
don, Minnie Smalldon, Willie Forrest,
Mina Mnitae. Jr. part 2nd.—Russell
Porter, James MaNiohol, Loyd Porter,
Flossie Seel, Jessie N&Nichol. Sr. lst,—
Annie Ouamingbmm, Atbole McQuarrie,
Willie Brown. Jr. Cameron,
Tillie Zimmer, Annie Alderson Arthur
Love, Cleveland
Mlse ELDA MoLaoanaw, Teacher
Grand TrunK
Oct. 3, Se 5.
On above dates tickets will be sold from
--ALSO To—
St. Paul,„Minneapolfs, all rail vie,
Chicago or North Bay 333.00
via Lake to Soo thence rail,34,50
Tickets good to return leaving destination
on or before Monday, 0et. 31st,1881.
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
System Bienovator
---AND 030L1
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female irregularities and General De.
Prop: and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist Brussels.
..y .:a0;r 1. rt"q+SxTfr�iat�'•.
The Leading Tailor, Brussels,
has just received full lines,
of all the most Fashionable
PANTING -S, &c,,
And can and will make them"°up in the
Latest Styles and on the shortest notice.
Call and see the Goods, get our prices for Coats, Suits and
Pants, and see that our prices are as
Low as the Lowest.
A. Special Line of Frieze which will be sold for $10 up.
Pantings from $2.9S up.
Special Line of Worsteds from $15 up.
Those about ordering a new Fall Suit or Overcoat, or pair of
Pants will clo well lay inspecting our stock.
,_Gent's it's nam fishings.
We Will Not be Undersold.
An inspection of Goods invited whether
you buy or not.j
D. 0. Ross
Merchant Tailor and Outfitter,