HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-10-4, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Soap—Jae, Fox,
Bobse--H, Pennis.
Locale—H. Dennie.
;Local—McKay & 00.
Looal--Mrs. Strachan,
Loaa1---I1,zeiville Mantle.
Local -W, H. MOCraoken.
Lambe for eale..John Smith,
Photography -1t, R. Brewer.
Defective Eyesight—A., flouter.
Library Librarian—G, 5'. Mair.
Honey for sale --•G. A, Deadman,
Property for sale—Mrs, A. Good,
A young girls trials --•Dr. Williams.
Millinery—Miesee Roddiok & Smith,
Deadman & Mooall—G, A. Deadman,
makin—MMeLowr .
Millinery s�Dlea a g y
We are Firm Believers-5ergueon &
FRIDAY, 00J2. 4, 1895,
TuuneDAg, Nov. 21st, will be Thanks.
giving Day for the Dominion of Canada.
CONSERvATIfl'E papere say the Dominion
Parliament will convene about Nov. 15,
l nsiooa has it that M. 0, Cameron, the
well .known Q. 0 , of Goderioh, will be
appointed Senior Judge in Huron County
as successor to the late Judge Toms.
BRrram is talking up to China like a
Dutch uncle and the Celestial empire
speedily looked after their missionary
butchers to save a dose of British shot and
shell was waiting near at hand to impress
them with the font that there was no joke
about it.
T>m Governor of Texas has summoned
a special meeting of the Legislature to
pass such a law as will place beyond any
doubt his right to prevent and suppress
prize fights. This is directed to the Cor-
bett-Fitsimmons thumping motels booked
to come off shortly. Good for you Gov.
ernor Cuthbertson, we admire your pluck
and hope these hulking pugs will get their
deserts if they proceed with the mill.
P. L. CONNOR, of Brantford, has leased
from the Ontario Government, the Cen-
tral Prison binding twine manufactory,
the contract to run for 5 years. The
Government supplies the plant, power
and labor, and Mr. Connor binds himself
to sell the twine at a certain figure which
will be advertised every Spring. He has
deposited 55,000 as a guarantee to his
carrying out his agreement, He is a
practical man.
Last Monday and Tuesday the annual
Fall Fair of the East Wawanosh Branch
Agricultural Society was held at Belgrave.
The first day was unfavorable owing to
bad weather, yet the inside department
was fairly well filled. Tuesday was
bright and fair, and as a consequence
the competition in horses and cattle was
keen. There was a good turn out. The
following is the prize list
Honsiss.—Heavy Draught—Brood mare,
A. Speir ; mare foal, A Speir, Barbour
Bros ; two year old filly, Jno Shortreed,
Fox Bros ; year old filly, Jno Shortreed;
year old gelding, Jno Taylor, Barbour
Bros ; team horses, N Coming, John
Fells, 0 Proctor & Son. General Par-
pose—Jas Owens, Barbour Brox; horse
foal, J Taylor ; mare foal, Jas Owens ;
two year old filly, T Ross ; two year old
gelding, Barbour Bros ; year old filly, J
Taylor ; year old. gelding, R Corley, T H
Taylor jr ; span horses, Jas Dow, Taylor
Bros- Carriage—Brood mare, R Pollard,
H Kirkby, T Brydges ; spring foal, H
Kirkby, R Pollard , two year old filly, R
Pollard, T Brydgos ; two year old geld-
ing, H Kirkby, A Soott ; year old filly, T
Brydges, A Scott ; year old. gelding, J
Sling, H Kirkby ;• buggy horse, W Snell,
J Golley ; hack horse, Jno Cornyn, L
Lott ; span carriage horses, L Lott, Van
Vannorman; brood mare, R Pollard;
team horses, L Lott.
CAxrrn.—Thoro' Bred—Best cow, R
Corley, Geo Sowler, T H Taylor jr ; two
year old heifer, D Cook, M H Harrison ;
year old heifer, R Corley, 51 Coming ;
heifer calf, R Corley 1 & 2 ; bull calf, '11
Snell, R, Corley ; bull over two years, J
Shortreed, H Perdue, T H Taylor lr ;
bull under two years, T Brydges. Grade
Cattle—Cow, M 11 Harrison 1 & 2, T
Wilkinson & Son ; two year old heifer, T
Ross, R Corley; year old heifer, D Scott
& Sons, T Wilkinson & Sons ; heifer calf,
M R Harrison 1 & 2 ; two year old steer,
T Boss 1 & 2 ; one year old steer, R Cor-
ley, D Scott & Sons ; steer calf, T H Tay-
lor jr, R Corley ; beevo, T Ross 1 & 2.
Suenr.—Leicester—Aged ram, N Com-
ing ; shearling ram, N Coming ; ram
lamb, N Cuming, Geo Henry ; pair
aged ewes, N Cumin. ; pair ahearling
ewes, N Coming 1 & 2 ; pair ewe lambs,
Geo Henry, N Cuming. Downs—Shear.
ling ram, Jas Tabb ; ram lamb, Jae Tabb
1 & 2 ; pair aged ewes, Jas Tabb, Wm
Snell ; pan' sbearling ewes, Jas Tabb 1 &
2 ; pair ewe lambs, Wm Snell, Jaa Tabb ;
fat sheep, Jas Tabb 1 & 2 ; pen sheep, Jas
Pros.—Large Breed—Aged boar, John
Potter, Rolm MolMIurray ; brood sow, H
Edwards, R McMurray ; boar litterei In
1895, H Edwards ; sow littered in 1895,
H Edwards. Small Breed—Brood sow,
Jas Owens ; boar littered in 1895, H Ed-
wards sow littered in 1805, H Edwards,
Jas Owens ; pen of pigs, H Edwards.
PotnsTI Y. Pair geese, D Showers, R
McMurray ; pair turkeys, D Showers, R
Mcf+inrray ; pair ducks, D Showers, Chas
Proctor & Sons ; pair leghorns, Walter
Taylor. 1 & 2 ; pair any other variety, W
Taylor 1 & 2.
Iatsr,Esnmrs.—Parra gate, Wm Watson;
pomp, D Showers 1 & 2 ; :lumber wagon,
Jno Brunsdon, T L Jobb ; demoorat
spring wagon, Jas Walker ; buggy, Jno
Brunsdon, Jaa Water ; double carriage,
T L Jobb ; cutter, Jas Walker ; plow,'21
H Ross, 0 Hamilton ; gang plow, Chas.
Hamilton,.T H Ross; set horse shoes, V
•Vannorman ; washing machine, Chas.
GiuzU.--White fall wheat, R Scott, 1.t
NfoGowan ; red fall wheat, Geo Moffat,
1t 111oS0wan3 tall wheat ally Ulna, Robb.
Scott ; spring wheat, ;fes Dow, 15 Scott ;
six rowed barley, 1;I ladwards, Gwkk_offat ;
blasila oats, T Wilkinson & Sone, ;Pew t
white °ate, Geo Moffat, 0 Proobor & Son i
email pose, Geo Moffat, Was Dow ; large
peas, Geo Moffat, T Brydgee ; ilex seed'
l:5, bloGowan ; timothy, 1i MoGowan, S
Siena AND Fcowesa,—Golden Russet,
0 Prootor.& Son, R McMurray ; Bald-
wins, Pox Bros, R Corley ; Snow, M H
Harrison, R Boott ; R I G-reemngs, 1t
MoGowan, R McMurray ; Maiden Blush
It Scott, W Geddes; Northern Spy, M
Harrison, R Scott ; Oolverts, It
an MH Harrison ; To1manSweets,R
S Irvine ; three variebiee wine
ter apples, W Scott, R McGowan ; three
varieties fall apples, 0 Proctor & Sons, R
Scott ; fall pears, Fox Bros, R Corley ;
winter pears, W Scott, Fox Bros; grapes,
H Wighbman, R Corley ; Drab apples, W
Gsddee, W Scott ; peaches, Jas Henry &
Son ; collectlon of fruit, R McGowan, 15
Corley, k'lowers-- Table bo net, Jas
Henry & Son, W Taylor ; hand boquet,
W Taylor, Geo David ; flower in pot, Jae
Henry & Son, Geo David ; collection of
house plants, P Saokrider ; collection of
foliage plants, P Saokrider,
MANurnonunoe, — Union flannel, Mrs
Owens, Mrs J Dow pair blankets, Mrs
Owens, bias D Scott ; bottle home made
wine, R McGowan, Mrs Owens.
BOOTS AND VEoarenaes.—Elephant po-
tatoes, Geo Sowiar, C Proctor & Sons ;
matchless corliss, C Proctor & Sons, D B
Anderson ; empire state, 11' Anderson, C
Proctor & Sous ; any other variety, Geo
David, W Taylor ; early cabbage, Geo
David, W Taylor ; winter cabbage,. Geo
David, W Taylor ; red piokling cabbage,
Geo David, W Taylor ; cauliflower, W
Taylor, Geo David ; long blood beets, W
Taylor, Geo David ; turnip baste, W Tay-
lor, O Proctor & Sons ; mangel wurzels,
Geo David, Geo Taylor ; swede ,turnips,.
H Edwards, D B Anderson; field parrots,
D Cook, W Taylor ; early horn carrots,
Geo David, W Taylor ; parsnips, Geo
David, W Taylor ; onions from sped, Geo
David, W Taylor; any other kind onions,
W Taylor, F' Anderson ; celery, W Tay-
lor, Geo David ; corn, W Taylor, Jae
Dow; water melon, Geo David, W Tay-
lor ; musk melon, Geo David, W Taylor ;
pumpkin, Geo David, R McMurray ;
squash, Geo David, H Wightman ; citron,
Geo Henry, Geo David ; tomatoes, Jas
Henry & Sons, 0 Proctor & Sons ; beans,
D Scott & Sons, Geo David ; oolleotion of
vegetables, Geo David, W Taylor.
DAIRY Paonooa.—Keg dairy butter, M
H Harrison, H Wightman ; crook butter,
0 Proctor & Sons, Jae Henry & Sons ;
butter in rolls, Geo Bowler, Mrs 1' Porter-
field ; home made bread, Mrs 5 Irvine,
Mrs It Anderson, Mrs R McMurray ;
maple syrup, Jas Dow, Walter Scott ; oat
cake, Walter Taylor, Geo Moffat ; home
made cheese, Mrs Jas Dow.
FINE Anrs.—Painting still life, Mrs
Owens, Mrs Hele ; pencil drawing, Mrs
Hole, Miss Bowler ; oil painting, Mrs H
B Anderson, Miss Bowler ; collection of
oil paintings, Miss Owens, Mrs Hale ;
collection of photographs, Miss Edwards.
Tamlyn, Mrs Hole ; crochet work, Mrs
W McKenzie, Mrs Brydges ; bead work,
Miss McClelland, Mrs Tamlyn ; hooked
skirt, Mrs Brydges,Miss E Henry; fancy
knitting, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Moffat ;
gent's linen shirt, Mrs W McKenzie, Miss
McClelland • gent's fanny flannel shirt,
Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Moffat ; braiding,
Mrs Moffat, Mrs Hele ; feather flowers,
Miss Owens ; pair woolen stockings, Mrs
McKenzie ; socks, Mrs McKenzie, woolen
gloves, Mrs McKenzie ; log cabin quilt,
Mrs McKenzie, Mra Moffat ; knitted
quilt, hire Tamlyn 1 & 2 ; patched quilt,
Mrs Robertson, Mrs McKenzie ; rag mat,
Mra W Taylor, Miss E Henry ; berliu
wool work, raised, Mrs Moffat ; berlin
wool work, fiat, Miss McClelland, Mrs
Tamlyn ; sofa pillow, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs
Hodgson ; cotton stockings, Mrs McKen-
zie ; card work, Mrs Moffat ; leather
work, Mrs Tamlyn ; embroideryon silk,
Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Hele ; embroidery on
linen, Mrs Tamlyn, Miss McClelland ;
lace work, Mrs. Moffat ; twine lace, Miss
McClelland, Mrs Tamlyn ; rag carpet,
Miss Owens, Mrs 0 Proctor ; collection
of ladies' work, Miss McClelland, Mrs
Tamlyn ; pillow sham, recommended,
Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Robertson.
People We Know.
Alex. Roes Sundayed at Wroxeter.
L. Beam has taken a situation in Elora,
A. Mulholland is moving to Holmes•
J. Hamer has taken a situation in Mau•
Mrs. Donald Scott is visiting relatives
at Durham,
T. Fletoher was in Toronto for a few
days this week.
Miss E. Richardson, of Bayfield, is
visiting in town.
Mrs. Weir, of Belmore, is visiting her
sister, Miss Lowry.
R. Watt was in Toronto last week on
fire engine business.
Robb. Moss and wife, of Wroxeter, were
in town Iast Sunday.
Mies Maggie Miller, of Wroxeter, was
v ieiting in Brussels last week.
Eph. Downing loft on Thursday after.
noon for Grand Rapide, Mich.
William Stewart, tailor, was visiting
under the parental roof this week.
Miss Clara Hunter has returned from
a visit of a month with Exeter friends.
Jas. Belden has taken a situation in
Hay & Cogbill's tailoring shop, Listowel.
Mrs. J. G. Skene was a jodge of Ladies'
work at the Wroxeter Fair on Tuesday.
Ino. Ament is oonsalting a specialist ., Q m
in London owing to trouble with his eyes.
Dr,.and Mrs. Ferguson and 'sea, of
BIYt11, were vismting at 5, beGowan'e,
Mill street, last Friday.
M.: Ray,- Peeve .of Vsborne, and
wife, were vlsiting at 9. Oirawaord's.
Sna. Leekie,l8 formerSwell kod newnestand
higmlly ssbeeneed reeldent, was in town
last b'rlday. as returned to Toronto an
Mrs, P. D. Moliignon and slaughter left
Brussels on Tuesde,y for Toronto, from
which oity they will shortly procsed to
their home in Winnipeg,
Blob. Rivard, dental etudent, was
vieiting hie sister, Mrs, alma, Wake, in
Brussels this week. He was on his way
to Philadelph' Dental College.
Mrs, Oavanagll and Irene, of Owen
Sound, are making a holiday visit with
relatives iniiruesele, Miss May Turnbull
is also home from the same town.
Robert Russell, who bee been in G, A.
Deadman's etore for some time, has gone
to Toronto, where he has scoured n altu-
ation in Mr. Niohol's drug store, Mr. Mo.
Oall's late partner,
Rev. Iia Paul and wife attended the
wedding of G. Imlay,' of Pekin, U. S„ and
Miss Bertha Simpson, of Ethel, on Tues.
day of Shia week. The reverend gentle-
man tied the matrimonial bow.
Jas. Moore, who has been, editor and
proprietor of the Brussels Herald for the
past 9 months, has gone to Upobaroh,
Muskoka, where he will teach school,
Mr. Moore was a successful pedagogue.
"Mies Mary Oliver•has gone to Toronto
andafter a short visit with her: sister,
Moe. Ino, Leckie. will go to Thessalon,
Algoma, where she will spend 'a few
months' with Mrs. MoE wen, another sis-
ter. We wish her a pleasant time.
Dr. N. G. Bowbeer, who has been
practicing dentistry at Baltimore, Mary-
land, has removed to Wyandotte, Michi-
gan. Dr. Bowbeer was the Deputy-
eputyPostmaster in Brussels for some time
before Postmaster Grant resigned bo go
to Winnipeg.
The consul -General for Belgium will
oall the attention of Sir 'MacKenzie
Bowen to the slander published in Le
Monde branding Leopold II, as a thief,
Said vice -Consul Mathis : "Last Sunday
the New York World Dame out with a
leading article abating that the King of
Belgians, president of the judiciary coun-
cil named to manage the immense for-
tune of the unhappy Charlotte, ex.
Empress of Maxioe,bad squandered mil -
Sons of her dollars, in establishing the
free state of Congo. This article was
reproduced by a city paper."
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly.
Q ,9,;1895
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Cowl Clerk, Brussels.
Ruptured, Deformed and Ailing Persons
tako notice that the representative of
Toe Dorenwond Electric. Reit and Truss
Co., Toronto, will be at the
should see
to es not
f • improved 'PRIMES combining thes g anow
w ap-
pliances nsb found in tee to hold
these esw with g eaterse we sty ands to ort ndp ruptures with
sureter security more
fort and less pres-
soak sad effect more radical eneoa. Wo
make r a enaadaIIX A ovary Daae.
Our 1pLcation f APPLIANCESyhave
fore the
r• dpor the aura
electricity have a groat
Paralysis, for the ages IO , Kidney
aIedvous De Debility, S Oal Weak-
.Nervous c tytisty, Sexual ap-
li ed, y o "Electricity odoely ie Life"- andas when other treatme is fairelieves
lievae;and sures when
JURIES we make all kinds of instruments.
Iinook knees, bow lege and club feet
straightened ; Spinal curvature corrected;.
White Swellings cured, and malformation in
general rectified by purely meobanioal
means. We have also a tulllino of shoulder
braces; suspensories, &a.
Mothers if you have a ruptured or deform-
ed obfld have Itattended to at earn ,and
save it a life of misery.
It will cost you nothing to have an Inter-
view with our representative at above places.
You wilt find him courteous •and pleased to
make any explanation.
N. 11.—Raving purchased Chas. Olathe's
Bankrupt Stock of Trusses, &o., weare offer-
ing it at less than cost of manufacture,
, m co 1 P
'4 b � �r18 F g' �
u syr § 2
SCC 15 (0
Coq t,. p •G -f• p,(IR
lit N ° Fir w I7it
Russell Fletcher left for Kingston on res 0 i '
Monday meriting, his holidays having ex. 0,3 ' °' ce
p Serail. Wilton bad a fall that gave •him I1 8• 0 , ts ¢-'
an unasked holiday as his arm was in. .y
jured. N "Pi CD
Mrs. Thee. Hayoroft and Mabel are �1 :''' N' a' m' 5 `4 m
visiting Miss Gauley and other friends at Hr� N o In C @ r,
Clinton. U1 ,g) 2 et • p
Mrs. Wallwin, of Luoknow, was the �N,. o' £e m a,
guest of Mrs. Oobblediok for a few days
thio weak.
C":7' � p
Mrs. Geo, Russel and Mrs. McManus, 0 ...-
of Wingham, were vieibing in Brussels ti `t o
this week. 1 �+ r„ 2
Jno. McRae is sufficiently recovered to O ca m m, h,, cq
be taken to the reeidenee of his parents
at Oranbroak. C0 o u
J. N. Kendall and wife were in Detroit 0t G m 11.no
last tveelc, Mfrs. Kendall ie oontinaing m m
her visit at St. Thomas. 0, mtti
Charlie Grower, who has been in
Houghton,Michigan, running a tonsorial v ~ ' iw
y Ci
parlor, is home on a visit. The climate N P
of Uncle Sam's country appears to agree Cb
well with him. N o o s
The undersigKned will keep ler service en
t#orth Balt Lob 2A, Con, 7, Morrie, a thorn'
fromTamworth l1mowD bnsoe,er, dine Bell Am-
ber.p506110555 Also a Obesber White Boar, 'imine,
51,00 bo he paid atuime of servioe with prix
stege of r0 101E110 if neeeesary,
89-50 S. WALIi191b,Propl'leter,
ikeeptor ervice
i r' 00
Undersigned w l-
Lot 9e, White
e, Morris, the tholes' bled im-
proved white Yorkshire Boas "Selected."
tbour' e � to os sow
• d from �. o, ¶I a SIM
e k
la t E 1
at the time e e 0f s Teems $1.p tl gsbe paid
at the time eeservice with �,rimay b of re.
turning if nepQesary. Peaigioe may be seen
on application, RORT, monor4,
The undersigned' will keep
on hand a constant supply
of White Fresh Lime suit-
able for all Building and
Plastering purposes.
Also North Shore Pine
Lath and White Brick for
D. A. Lorry,
Minos Roddick a Smith,
The Fall Openings have taken
place and we are now ready for
business. The universal verdict
by the Ladies is that our Millin-
ery cannot bo surpassed for
Beauty and Style.
We have the correct Styles at
Low Prices and will be pleased
to have the pleasure of supply-
ing your Fall and Winter Head -
Fall a,
have a fine, ne ;viand
well selected stock of
Horse Blankets,
Light and Heavy Har-
ness, Collars, 86o,•
Trunks and Bags
at Low Prices,
When you Want a Stove, Tin.
05 Granite -ware; or Hard-
ware, Paints 4 Oils,
Hardware Store
'Wore you will, from
tins date, get a
Off all Cash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Can-
vas in Stock.
f Art Emporium, Brussels,
Pastel., Water Color
and Crayon Portraits,
American -finished Photos.
If you have not citiled on us
do so now.
Misses Roddick c2 Smith; V
For Quality, Style, Material,
Workmanship, Fit or Price, you
can't beat the sorts of Clothing
we sell. It will save you money
to sae our stock of Boys' Cloth-
ing. 4 Special Lines in Men's
Suits at $3.50, $5.00, $7.50 and
As a pure matter of business
•all men ought to know of our
Men's Furnishings stock. Tln-
laundried Shirts for 40c. worth
50c. Heavy Twill Cotton Night
Shirts for 95c., worth $1.25.
Men's 4 -ply Collars for 12c.,
worth 20c. Finn greyHalf Hose
for 20c., worth 25c. Silk Four-
in-hand Ties 25c., the best value
we ever offered.
Hard and Soft Felt Hats,
new goods, good values.
Reliable Boots and Shoos. We
handle only such Boots and
Shoes as will prove a comfort to
the Wearer and a credit to the
Seller, not necessarily high pric-
ed but always reliable.
Highest price paid for Pro-
We are Firs Belicver.s
In the old saying "Goods Well Bought are Half
Sold," and when we see our competitors struggling
to sell goods out of season we know full well that
their prices were not right at the proper time. We
are able to make our prices right, not by our selling
but by our buying, the net profits of any merehant
are so little that if he were to give it all to his cus-
tomers they would hardly see the reductions in
price. We can only give you a bargain when we
get one ourselves, and the more persevering we are
in our buying, the more of these bargains' will we
have for you and no other way. Do youever won-
der why we never have so-called Clearing Sales or
Bargain Days. We have two good reasons, first
We don't Have to have them,
Because in doing so, we must either lose money or
advertise what we cannot do. It is a positive fact
if we were to advertise a sale and only give a gener-
al reduction all over the store of 5.per cent. we
would lose money by the sale, hence you see that
our selling is regulated on a very close basis. Dur-
ing October and November your wants in our lines
aro numerous, and we can assure you that we have
the largest and cheapest stock of Dry Goods shown
in Brussels, which at all times is open for compari-
son as to prices and quality. Our stock is now com-
plste for Fall, 1895, and it is our pleasure at all
times to show bargain seekers through our large
L®EADEF S N'N- '---
131:2, v tSaSJ�i1J JS.