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The Brussels Post, 1895-10-4, Page 3
OAT' 1895 TOW33, pi ootoxy. MELYMME 01Mit0 i, --Sabbath Servioea at 11 a m and O:8O p.m, Sunday Sobool ab 2180 p m, Bev. John Bees; B 4, paster, ST. aTaIN'e 011rJ8QxI,-Sabbatl Services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School ab 2:80 p, m. Rev, A, It. Griffin, Mourn. , bent, MBTHoinew 011aa,ruu,-Sabbath Servipee at 101ao a m and Qt$O p m. Sunday School at 2;3Q p m, Rey. G. H. Cobble - disk, M A, 73 D, Pastor. 0, Roan CAxnonro Ouratem-Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:e0 a m. Rev. •7esepli Xe inedy, priest. SALVATION Alum -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at $ o'clock, at the barraoke. Onn Pennows' Loner every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. Minion o Looai Tueeday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lorenon the 8rd Friday evening of eaob month, in Blas• hill's block. O 0 F Lenox and and lest Monday evenings of oath month, in 731ashill's block. I 0 1", 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L lat (Monday' in every month In Orange Hall. Sons oS SCOTLAND, let and Ord Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. O. T. 1111, Lonsn; let and sed'1'hura. days of each month, in Vanstone block. Hearn Crean 2nd and 4th Friday even.. Inge in Blashills Hall PosT OFFJos Orrice hours from 8 a, m, to680p m MIIoaANxos' TNBTITUTIJ,-Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 6 and 6 to 6 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Town 001INOi».-W.'H. Kerr, Reeve ; W.H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; F. 0. Scott, Clerk Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D, Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleetor. Board moots the let Monday lD eaoh month. Swoon Beam -Rev. Ross, (chairman,), Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall; Sem-Treas.,L N. Bose. Meetings and Friday evening in each month. PDnme Salon TBAOHEBs,-3. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Mies Braden, : Miss Downey and Mies Cooper. Boom) of E ri.rn.-Reeve herr, 'Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McRenghton,Medical Health Ofiioer, V Milli IT DIDN'T TURN OUT. The threshing day was over, The grim machine wits still, Ana, covered with smut, was silent In the barn beside the hill. The good wife met her husband, "The wheat I" -she asked abqut- He ebook his head and answered : "It didn't turn out." Forty bushels au acre They figured -and got just ten, For disappointment, that often comes To nations, maids and men, Had come to those who worked a year And put their plans to rout, "The wheat," she said, with a flush of fear, "It didn't turn out." She tboueht of the girls -she thought o the boy At school, and heaved a sigh, But hid her pangs with a smiling face, And a brave loop lit her eye. "The boy at school can wait it year, And Kate and Jane may pout ; We trusted all to the growing wheat - But is didn't turn out 1" A Telephone in the Stoumeli. In an age when that subtle force elec. trioity is presenting wonders to the world almost daily, and the Wizzard of Menlo Park bas become the hero of the hour, there seems to be nothing that we may not expect ir, this direction. But it was not left to en Rdison to establish a tele. phone in the etomaoh 0f human beings, The Great Maker of man in the economy of human nature provided snob anfuetru- ment centuries ago, It is a foot that within the etomaoh of every man end woman there is a little instrument that telephones to the nerve centres in the brain as quickly as any food reaches that part. When for any reason this Qom. munioation is stopped the food is undi- gested and physical trouble ensues, With word promptly sent from etomaoh, to nerve centres, these supply the-neoes. sary juice that aids digestion, and nature successfully does her part, good health is enjoyed, and man is able to perform with energy and pleasure his everyday duties. It will happen sometimes that these nerve centres will become deranged and lose their foros ; then it is that a remedy must be supplied, just as the skill of .the electrician is necessary when something goes wrong with the ollfoe' telephone. South American Nervine is the electric. ran, so far as the human body is concern- ed. Iris a medicine unique and snap- -Urinal in this particular that it work direotly upon the nerve centres, and when these are out of order it quickly places them in proper repair and completeness. Nearly all diseases, espeoially indigestion, dyspepsia, nervousness, general debility, sink heaclaoho, and disordered liver arise through trouble at the nerve centime. You can jnet as readily count on South American 1Tervine effecting a proper Dore in all such oaeee as you can depend upon the electrician of the Bell Telephone Co. removing any derangement that has tak- en place in your telephone, HunnT DISEASE BELIEVED IN 60 Mn.N yeas.-All cases of organic or symatl petio heart dieeaso relieved' in 80 minutes and quickly lured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose oonvinoes. Sold by G. A. Deadman, If your child ie puny, fretful, 'troubled with glandular swellings, inflamed eyes, or sores on the bead faoe or body, a course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is needed to expel the eorofulous humors from the blood. The 00oner you begin to give this mediolbe the better. oung gnu PAR3NTS HAD ALMOST GIV- 7713 UP ROPE OF 73.7930 R7700V• Pale mut Jfinimtated subject le Severe lletNtaoites, Sae ,Wt's elionggt to rte (.pint; into 11 ittA:1J„e-Noir IJte PM* tare of Sheila atm Ileanty. Protn the itiobibaeto, N,83„7,Deviaw, There are very, few people, especially among the agmoulturalists of pont County, N. B„ who do not know .II, H. Warman, bhe popular agent foragrfoul- burol maohinery,of Molus Rivet'. A Re. view repreeenbabive' was in conversation with 33r, Warman recently, when the g�abjecb af•Di' William's Pink Pills was incidently touched upon. Mr. Warman said he was a staunch believer in their curative properties and to justify his opin- ion ho related the care of his sister, Miss .Tessio Warman, aged 15, whom he safd. had been "almost wrested from the grave by Dr, Williams' . Pink Pills.” Miss Warman had been suffering for nearly a year with troubles incident to girlhood. She suffered frpm severe and almost con- "4 Picture of Health, and alotiv'ly." Stant headaches, dizziness, heart palpi- tation, and was pale and blooaloss, and. eventually became so weak and emaoiat- ed that her parents thought she was in consumption, and had all but given up hope of her recovery, ller father, Riolt. aid' Warman, who is a well•to.do farmer,' spared no expense to procure relief for the poor sufferer. The best available medical advice was employed, but no re- lief Dame, and although the parents were almost in despair, they still strove to find the means of restoring their loved one to health. Mr. Warman, like everybody else who reads the newspapers, has read of the many marvellous cores effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but like some others, looked upon these stories as "mere patent medicine adver- tisements:" However, as everything else had failed, hedetermined that Pink Pills should bo given a trial, with a result no loss marvellous than that of many other cases related through the press. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have completely cured the young lady, so that in a few months from a helpless and appareubly dying girl, she has become a picture of health and aotiviby. The Warman fain. ily is so well known in this part of the country that no one woulcj think of ale. puting a statement made by any of its members. H. H. Warman, on account of his business as salesman for agrioultue- al machinery, is personally acquainted with nearly everybody in the county, and we feel assured that any enquiries made of him concerning the statements made above will be readily answered. The gratifying results following the ase of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in the case of Mise Warman, prove that they are un. equalled as 11blood-builder and nerve tonic. In the cage of young girls who are pale or sallow, listless, troubled with a fluttering or palpitation of the heart, weak and easily tired, no time should be lost in taking a course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which will speedily enrioh the blood and bring a rosy glow of health to thb cheeks. They are a specific for troubles peculiar to females, suoh as sup- pressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical out'e iu eases arising from meubal worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are manu- factured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y.' and aro gold in boxes, (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred) at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mall from Dr. Williams' Mediciue Com. pony at either address. Ca ad Ian INe•vse. Nattiest gas has been struck at Ibar- ville, Quebec. J. B.;, Scott, of Leamington, has ship- ped a lot of peaches to England. Angus Cameron, stonemason, of Luotc• now, and Dan. MoDiarmid, blacksmith, of Ripley, left for Johannesburg, South Africa. The International Radial Railway Company ask for bonuses of $20,000 from Waterdown and $50,000 from hast Flacnboro'. Mr. and Mrs. Shortie, parents of the Valleyfield homicide, have arrived in Montreal from Ireland to attend the trial of their son. The Medical Health Oflloer of Chat- ham elated that the oareass of a cow afflicted with en aggravated type of lump jaw, or cancer, had been cut ❑p by a city butcher and sold over the counter. "Per several months, .I was bloubled with a persistent humor on my bead which gave me omtsiderable annoyance, until it occurred' to me to try Ayer's Hair Vigor. Before using one bottle the hum- or was healed." T. T. Adams, General Merchant, Turberville, Vo. Comber Iier&d. .A Chatha,n doctor officiated at an unusual affair Friday night, being the birth of triplets at the home of Matthew Banks, Balloon street. The arrivale oonsieted of two boys and a girl, awl all were living at the time of birth, but being prematurely born did nob live long. While HeoterSauvin, a farmer of St. Raymond, Q., was going home from hie farm with a load of 50010, and was go- ing up a steep hill he attempted to hold the load and let hishol'see teet, bob the load blinked down and a wheel pawed over his boat' and he died about an hour afterwards. Bxfzotrorxen CtueD iN e DAO,-Soilbh Aineticau Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically 'mime in 1 to 8 days. Ibe action upon .the system is remarkable and mysterioue. It re. moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 ciente, Warranted by G, A. Denaman. T,R ' $1113 :S.$ 4 L George Reid, a nine-yoar.old Berrie boy, was drowned by falling into the bay. Joospib Limoges, while driving with Mr, Nadia at Montreal, was @Gruck and killed by an eleeta'io oar. The horse was killed and Mr, Nadia was bads herb. A landslide 000errsd at St, LIMP, gee. bee, wh[oh oarlied away the House of bar, Normandin and buried five mombere of his family. The Ohemplain River IS completely bloykod, Mtge Augusta Iioella, of 0arlisle, is sa. Mg Air, Carey, et morollant, for 91,000 damages for a etatsment attributed to him that she hid goods out of her store to beat her oreditore. Ohrisbopher 0ussaok, of Allem Craig, has been arrested and committed for trial on a,obarge of threatening to kill his wife And son, Chamois le oomewhat handl- capped through the lose of both loge, but manages to travel on a pair of artificial Itmbe, Grey Review :-G, Maleohnie one day reoently showed us two well developed blossoms which he had pludked from a snow apple tree. This has been a season of extremes and surely blossoms in sept. is not the least of this year's 000entri- oities. - OnanRAn aDDI:byoD IN 10 TO 60 MINuras -- One short puff of the breath through the Blower,supplied with eaoh bottle of De. Agnew's Oiatarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the sulfites of the nese! presages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, Headaoh a, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis ant Deafness 00 Dente at G. A. Deadman's. A rather peculiar application has been made to the Dominion analysts, Ottawa. It appears that a farmer of Glengarry counby,,Myers by name and residing in the vieinity of Applehali is at war with his family phyeiolan Myers chargee the doctor with neglect, ,fro., while attending Mrs. Myers, and the pbysioian in tern has taken action against the farmer for defamation of oharaeter. While the snits were still before the court Myere was taken ill an n d went t o his dootor for a bottle of medicine, whiob was handed to him with a remark to the effeob that it would fix him all right. Before taking a dose Myers thought he would try some of it on the family oat. Tabby took ,the medicine and then laid down and died. Myers, the story goes, beam; seriously alarmed et this, and informed a neighbor of the circumstance. The neighbor there. upon suggested that a dose of the msdi• OMB should be administered to a dog. This suggestion was carried out, and the dog also died. This was back in Febru- ary last, and now Myers presents himself at the department with a mixt❑re which he says was given hilae seven months age, and asks to have it analyzed. It is not likely that the request will be granted, as Myers, if he is anxious to know what the bottle contains, is in a position to have it tested by the public analyst. L3LEEQ/NG SICK PEOPLE r© REMOVE DISEASE vise(' t0 be Compton VOW 'CIS nirrurnim, Poor, weakand watery blood is turned tubo rich, vita- lizing and tissue buddies. The Mew disoov cry THE KIND THAT CURES," manes the change. ��4*u y y a sa�, ari1d °a THE BIG FOUR Obetnuailslal. Sc,atiea, Serptnla. SJ1,1111is, Borne medicines ct,ro mild 00003—i1 takes the latest tlieoovery in medical eeieoo¢—seott'e Rarsaparilla—to reach stubborn cases, sures where other medicines fail because of its difference. Contains new blood purifying properties—never Jailing. per Mollie or 6 Tor go. Ednranson, Bates cf Co., Toronto WHOLESALE AGENTS. Scett.'s Slant Soap cleanses and 'mals, 10.4 c r1m 9 5 �o°tmWF 0 "350 $44114 w 7 topas���� yin n,1‘,.1.°1410§.-. ,1DW. °0 nP '?0�C•, §.-y g0nob ado�ai6.0 ej yfo eaUs °a0•0 oti24e p.81AlC: s'.435 'AU ai E,N °mBMm4vN�pv ro N m`A'y�do8'w`°e�,a P 'U Featherbone Skirt Bone FOZtGI\IING A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quille. Itis soft and yielding, r conforming readily to folds, yet giving ;lot Style and Shape proper shape to Skirt or Dress. TO The only Skirt Bone that nae be, Li (� wet witboab Injury.• y adies' Dresses 'I'ila Celebrateit FeaLilerifolle•CuT- 1 os, sets are corded with this ina3ejnll,. 11 10-21 For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. 111 il. Traw• l. A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING YE9y„i CHERRY PECTORAL "Several years ago. I weight a severe cold attended wit' a terrible cough that allowed mo no rest, either day or night. Tile doc- tors oc learning oof my trouble Sentlhme,abottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. By the time I liad used the whole bottle, S was completely cured, and I believe It saved my ilio."—W. B. WARD, d Quimby Ave., Lowell, Muss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Kitrhest Awards at World's Pair. Ayers Bills the TScst Frantily Physic. rw�,,: Tito f,JOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in it, effects and .never blisters. Read p roofs0,10w: QENDALa9SS0AGq1 0A@R i¢ 0».B.Ho.xT.etCowtnH.enderson Co., In., Sob.31, et. Dear eire—Plcesand mo ono of your RomeBooks and oblige.. I havewith ed o great deal of your wondalPs erful medial.. Onto with bad mare that it le , wonderful t modiotne. 1 once load a,nm'e that hod. as OP. It Spavh, oda ave bottles emelt her. keep bottle on hand as the time. Yours truly, Dues. Pow001, af£Na S SPAYIN DUNE. Dr, II..T. lCesn wt Co. ()ASTON; Ye., 1p3 .3,'se, Dear Qua -1 have used several Mttles of Sour "Aeudnns apman ou,¢ with 5,000 sennas. I 1 oved (the best l;in0nout 0 o el used d kale - e...13o„e--sorb, ono In000eonvtn and k,ltrd 1,00 Bone spavin.. .Have recommended 1t to por¢rel of my friends who aro 5,000 pleased with dkeep it. RespeutE,dl}}•, S. R. liAB, P. O. Rex US. For Salo by all Druggists, or address t Dr. D. J, ACZO b.ciLL 0O717PANi, 1 nnosauRGn FALLS, vT, �� 25 ate., 50 etc. and $1.o0 Bottle. Ono cent a dose. It is Bold on a guarantee byall druggists. 11 aures Incipient Consumption and 1s the beat Cough and Croup Cure. Sold by .',LS. 110X, Drnssist, Brussels. W is tie Virus for,_ L0L And to prepare for the Cold and Wet Weather. We invite inspection of our stock which will always be found right as i;o Styles and Prices. Dress Goods, Flannels, Tweeds and Suitings, Readymade Suits and Overcoats, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, GROCERIES. `'.Agents for Standard Patterns. Now Fashion Sheets to Hand. Call and get cue free. A. S A C to-wnr.,rraystg,� We arere � pare d to take any quantity of Trod either for Gash or Trade, We have a large Assortment of Tweeds, Flannels, Carpets, Blankets, Yarns, Knitted Goods, &c., to choose from.. We are also prepared to take in all kinds of Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spina -st- ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, ,c... , . E OWE & Co.,. I\Tczzt a001' to B1 hill's utclur S . % of Toroi tot Established 1871• The Policy Contract issued by this Association UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full in:lzn- mation furnished on application. aorcunsai z u Wit, 'c 0 q` O� C H 0 0O 0 0 0 0 is perfection itself; W. E. IELM11, Agent, Brussel... G-REAT BARGAINS IN Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of J.. and combined it with my own, I have new the Largest, Cheapest'and Best Display ever made in Dru,souR•1#,,, Special Bargains Given during this 1Eontl.. To save trouble of moving in Ci,'l'1.33:O`'Sf•- tion with the erection of new stints,. You can save Dollars by dealing with me lit Wall Papers, Bor'der's and'Window Shades. Paper Hanging daiie in First-class' Style. W. r R0 -!C. 1��