The Brussels Post, 1895-10-4, Page 1ti
Vo1.23. No. 12,
Who undersigned is prepared to Dnsuro all
Uals of Village property' at the lowest rates
in the following tlret•elass companies, viz.
•'Lltneasllire,l, of Manchester,
Capital 0 0rilu0n Pounds 58188105.
.:S(111," of London,',
Established A.D. 1710. Capital 7 Million
t`llialliugto4 Mutual," of Guolph,
T7atablished PRO,
AMp 150,000 to n00.0 on good. Farm security
at St and 0 per cont. for 0 or 10 years.
80.4 jr. A. Creighton._.
Can be restored to normal
by correcting with the proper
kinds of glasses, which can be
found ONLY by testing the eyes
with the instruments and meth-
ods used by Oculidts. A long
course of study and practical in-
struction in Optics enables one
to successfully apply these meth-
your sight
for dist
have your eyes tested FEEE,andor reading is defective call and
you can also be .fitted with the
best quality of glasses, accurate-
ly suited to your case. Glasses
furnished in Gold, Silver, Nickle,
Steel and Aluminum. Also Nose
Glasses in all Styles.
�a Zuntor,
. zl S S. Athabasca
S S. Manitoba
. S SAlberta
Upon arrival of SS. Express IeavingTo.
ronto 10.45 aim. on those days,
Voriurtbor;partloulars app17 to
To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their onstomere
The Geo. E. Tookett & Son Co.., Ltd.,
Hamilton, Ont„ have planed upon the
A Combination .Plug of
supplies a long felt want, giving
the consumer one 20 oent plug, or a 10
oent piece or a 5 cent piece of tbe famous
"T& B" brand of pure Virginia To -
The tin tog lcT & 1 " is on every piece.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels P
lapin Nt711s
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to 01508.
at Snort Notice.
Estimates 1l'urniebed for nil
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. ANX'E N ',
Big Siseeegs Vettnito Bad Weather.
'07I19 19,8080901' ANP MT PRIZE L158
19:01118014 61011907.
Last Thursday and Friday the annual
Fall Exhibition under the auspices of the
East Riding•of Haven and Grey I3ranoh
Agricultural Societies was held On the
Agri0ultarabl?arlt, Brussels. A. usual
Ole Bolding of the Fair brought rain, but
nevertheless it W96 ono of the best dia.
plays ever made here, the only apparent
shortage being ie the Fruit Department,
width is usually one of the finest in the
Secretary Stewart was' besieged with
entries and by 1 p. m. on Friday his book
showed the following interesting par.
Healers ' :-
MAW RETRIES mass 9111,0IE0
7801600 05 Dairy 20
Cattle 00 1amestie mane00
Sheep 09 Fruits 00
Pigs, ..... ..... 17 Vico Arts 40
Poultry 00 Flowers 00
11014010.e0te 03 Ladles, Work 000
Grain 50
190089 82 - •-=
vegetables 54 Total on trios.,,070
The disagreeable weather on the morn-
ing of . the second day reduced the en-
tries in the out department.
IN Tem "PS1,Ae0"
competition was particularly keen. Es-
pecially was this so in the No. 1 display
made by the Ladies, as may bo imagined
by 250 entries. In some pleases there
were many entries, such as patched
quilts, 12 ; rag mate, 10 ; darned net, 9
fancy.knitfing in wool, 9 &o.,so that Mian.
Jones had no easy task in eeleoting- the
prize winners from such a splendid meaty
of ornamental, useful and handsome
combination. The bntter, bread and
cake department was well represented,
Mrs, T. Ballantyne securing four 1st
awards in the cookery line. In furniture,
organs and pianos R. Leatherdale.and D.
G. Hogg each made elegant displays.
Thos. Moore also showed an organ.
Messrs. Wilton &Turnbull made a neat
exhibit of stoves. H. Dennis and I. 0.
Richards carried off the tickets for light
and heavy harness and the honors in fine
Arts and a very handsome collection of
flowers were divided. Mies Minnie Stew-
art was awarded 11 prizes in the latter.
The roots and vegetables wore well
worthy of the attention they received and
in many instances were not excelled at
the Industrial or Western. Taking the
inside department all through it would
compare very favorably with any previous
Fair heldin this Riding.
was epeoially,good. In light and heavy
horses the prizetickets were widely dis-
tributed, many very fine animals being in
the ring. Quite a number more buggy
and carriage horses would have been
shown had the weather. been more ro-
.pitious. In thorn' bred cattle D. Milne,
Amos Smith, R. Corley, 0. Eckmier and
J. Shortreed were the leading exhibitors.
G. A. Deadman swept the Jersey list,
excepting 2 awards to Jas. Burgess,
Brussels. M. 11. Harrison, T. Robs and
R. Corley had a number of entries in
grade cattle. Sheep were exhibited by N.
purring, McEwen Bros., W. Grieve, J.
Sanderson, J. M. T. Smith, and As.
Burgess, and hogs by J, Dorrance, Jas.
Speir, H. Lamont, R. Nichol, H. Ed-
ward,, R. Betts and W. Armstrong. 1VIr.
Niohol won 7 awards for his Yorltebires,
07111011 1801'O a fine lot. In poultry, J. 0.
Lyons, of Lucknow, was a large exhibitor,
with a lot of good birds. George Irvine,
0. Henderson & Sou and Walter Taylor
divided up the honors with him, Jas.
Walker, Brussels, made an elegant dis-
play of buggies and ()utters that could not
be out -done by a city establishment. His
ball bearing buggy was a ep00ial aurae-
tion, Jno. Wynn took 1st for limber
wagon. He had no buggies on exhibition.
Messrs,'Cardiff&Best, ,3, 7. Gilpin and
P. Scott represented the agricultural im-
plament line. J. Landesboro' and Wal-
ter Richardson had samples of their farm
gates, which attracted no small amount
of attention from those interested.
Space will not permit of us particu-
larizing farther but we refer you to the
prize list on page 6.
LIT100 RAIN 0R01S.
Gate receipts, 5208.
Total receipts, about $200.
East Huron canal be beaten for good
butter makers.
There was Only one entry) for the saw-
ing match so it was cancelled.
Stook did not show as well es usual
owing to the cold wind and occasional
rain showers.
H. R. Brewer's display of photos. was
A 1 and would have done credit to any
Toronto studio.
The usual honey exhibit: made by G. A.
Deadman was missing, as this is au "off"
year in the honey business.
A dime museum, and a whip, handker-
ohief•and jewelry vendor attracted con-
siderable attention and raked in quite a
few dollars.
Among the successful exhibitors Walter
Taylor took 4491:1909 ; W. H. Modraok-
en, 42 ; 0. Henderson & Son, 88 ; Mrs,
T. Ballantyne, 24.
In sewing machines J. J.. Gilpin, T.
Moore and R. Leatherdale aimed to sat-
isfy the wants of the ladies' and succeeded
in it very practical way.
Among -the visitors to the Fair wore
Thos. Gibson, M. P. P. , T. M, Ray,
Reeve of'Osborne ; Jno. Leckie, Toronto;
G. K. Matheson, Mitchell.
Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick was
unable to attend Brussels Fair owing to.
the fact that he had provionsly promised
Simone County and the Fairs came on
the same clays. •
There are,7 entries for field roots com-
petition, viz., Chas, Knight, Chan rook ;
Jno, McKinnon, Brussels • Jno. Mc.
Outoheon, Brussels ; Jae. Spoir, Brun.
eels ; Jas, Modalluni, Walton ; Bird
Bros., Oranbrook ; Alex. Gardiner, Lead.
bury. Prizes will be awarded before
October 20tH. There are 4 mazes offered
in each oleos for the best acre of Swede
The Directors will meet on Saturday,
006: 12811, at 1 o'olook p. m,, in the Town
Hall, Brussels,
The weather was au impmvemeut On
10.01 year, one week earlier next year will
fix it all right.
The Preeidenbs and other officiary did
their beet to add to the comfort and
pleasure of both exhibitor and 9peo8otor.
The and prize for collection of canned
goods should bo eredi8ed to Mrs. Wm,
Ainls instead of D, MoLennan, as the
prize list gives it,
Treasurer Stewart will bo at the Brum.
eels Towu Hall on Saturday afternoons,
12th. and 19th mete., from 1 to 6 o'clock,
to pay the prizes,
Four refreshment booths supplied the
wants of 111e inner -man. They were run
by W. 11. McCracken, J. McAlpine, 7,
Cooper, and 7. Ritchie,
Prof, Hawkins contributed' innumer-
able instrumentals on the piano and
organs in R. Leatherdale's display, to the
pleasure of the many. visitor°.
One face was alleging from the Direct-
orate, viz. the late Thee. Calder, who
died last Spring. Mention ntion as made of
him by his brother Directors.
At a meeting of. Grey Branch Dfreotors
it was decided to keep the Agricultural
Hall looked during the year and prosecu-
tion awaits those who break in, The
Direobors also warn a bevy of boys who
have been in the habit of gathering on
the Park on the Sabbath and in some
cases amusing themselves by window
smashing, to keep away.
The followingis the report of the Brus•
eels Public
School monthly 'examination
for September. The stading of the
pupil represented here is the best means
of judging the work done by the pupil.
Regulariby of attendance is absolutely
necessary and if parents are deeirons of
having their children stand well in .their
respective forma they should see that
they are always in their planes :
1100101. '
Pmarins.-Examined in Algebra, Book-
keeping, Grammar, Writing and Arith-
metic. Total, 500.
F,:11. Smith....516 Fred. Gilpin ..209
Myrtle Nott....290 Berm Orerar ..208
Emma Webster268 Ira Gerry 202
Bella Lamont, .268 Lorne Danford 197
E. Me11auchiin 261 J. MoOraoken176
Georgie Howe..250 Ken. Cousley 161
Geo. Watt ...244 Fred, Wilson .,146
W. Leatherdale 218 Elsie Jackson, .142
PUBLIC 80E008 LEAvrEW.-Subjects,
Arithmetic), Grammar, Bookkeeping,
Drawing and Writing. Total, 600.
Bella Laidlaw..673 M. Friendebip 230
L. Leatherdale 866 L. Pringle 228
H. Dennis ...820` CarrieHingaton 228
D. MoLauchlin 320 May Deadman 208
Edna Dennis ..815 F. Haycroft.. ,.162
J- MoLauohli n 801 D. Kendall 111
Wm. Ainley ..259 Fred. Hunter 60.
ENTaANOE.-Subjects, Literature, His-
tory, Dictation, Arithmetic,Drawing and
Writing. Total, 500.
Hattie Downing 858 Nellie Rutland 820
Possie Mitchell 355 Alex. Molaelvey 303
Willie Grieve ..855 Irate Smith ... .284
Garf. Vanetone 348 Ivan Crooks 215
Ella Scott ....842 Ethel Kendall198
Lizzie Downing 828 Harry Blain 185
Lena Backer ..321
J. H. CAMERON, Principal.
nook 2.
Jn, 4Ta Onass.-Class 8-0. Milloy,
578 ; G. Backer, 526 ; H. Mitchell, 497.
Claes 4-7. Kelly, 468 ; 0. Vanetone,
460 ; A. Putland, 879 ; P. Watt, 369; H.
Hunter, 868.
Glass 4-L. Curry, 362 ; F. Roach,
126 ; G. MoLauohlin, 95.
F. Roach and G. MoLauohlin were
absent during part of the examination.
Se. Ban Out89.-0lae8 1-1Tone,
Class 2 -Alice Kende,Il, 294 ; N,
Smith, 283.
Glass 3-I. Zilliax, 285 ; S. Driver,
233 ; J. MoMartin, 233 ; 0. Sillies, 229.
Glass 4-T. Agar, 224 ; M. McGuire,
Class 5-L. Sinclair, 126 ; M. Roach,
INTERMEDIATE Sion. -Glass 1 -None.
Mee 2 -Edith Walker,, 289.
Olaee 8-11. Taylor, 270 ; F. Finn,
269 ,• M. Forbes, 228.
• Class 4 -Annie Rutland, 210B.
Scott 208 ; N. Vanetone, 198 ; 0. Baek-
er, 195 ; D. Watt, 163 ; M. Forsythe,
167 ;