HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-9-27, Page 88
PO _4
raisons do not always prams , fatal
results in a day. 'This dopende upon bhe
Amount taken and the power or ability of
the (system to resiet their notion, 1?ois-
pnsxnay be taken wibhcub apparent in•
ury, at least for time, By-eed-bye,
however, it begins to lnauffosb itself in a
brokon down constitution disease or
death, Now this truth appliee io illfitted
;spootacles. Yon may bo wearing a glass
+wltiob you have thought nothingmore
e oukd be desired, when all the time tort
Iain musoloe aro being over taxed in over
eotnfug a glass nob the proper strength or
ribo proper glass nob fo the right sine
frame. The effect, however, ie sura and
the over -taxed muscles pan endure the
strain ne longer, resulting in weakness of
vision, often accompanied by beadaohe,
and permaueutinjury to the eyes,, I
have and am making a study of the prop-
er fitting glasses and epeobaoles. I ears -
fully test both eyes, take measurement of
frame required and supply a000rdingly,'
8 charge you nothing tortesting yoor
sight so if your eyes are troubling you
call and have them tested.
Druggist, Bookseller and
Graduate Optician.
80UT0550 E=TENSION W. G. & n.
Trains leave Brussele Station, North
and South, as follo,vs:
GoxNGSoverc. Gonna Nowa,
YIe$..........,. 4:50 a.m.Mixed 9:45 a.m.
Express 11:50 a.m. I Mail 8:111 p.m.
Sbxed...... .., 9:00p.rs. Express ,,..,5:48 p.m.
rota'. -. ,etvs Items.
A'ohiel's among ve takin' notes,
An' faith he'll lirenb it.
Rope crops good.
'FALL wheat looks well.
TARE the children to the Fair on Friday
Ns= week will see the new stone water
:lank completed.
NExr Monday and Tuesday are Bel -
grave Fair Days.
Coxnucron Qomn is book on duty again
after his holiday.
Wzseaysn you miss don't forget the
millinery openings this week.
ANOTHER wedding or two will take
?lace,' it is raid, before the snow flies.
Io the base ball matches last week
Harriston defeated Clinton and Stmt.
I,rd and were beaten by Goderioh.
Wo are adding new subscribers to THE
?set nearly every day. 48 whims 52
,weeks for the small euro of $1.00 in ad•
THURSDAY of this week Messrs. Baeker
, Vanstone shipped two double deoks of
hags from Brussels to the Eastern mark-
War. SAatrns presented the town Band
with two fine pieces of music, "Alarengo,"
with baritone obligate, and "The Fatal
Wedding" marob.
As we go to press the first day of the
Mast Huron Fall Exhibition is in full
awing. With good weather the Show
promises to be a dandy.
Tau tramp nuisance is showing up too
prominently. People should neither
earbor nor help these shiftless travellers.
:Stare of our townspeople were nipped by
s handless "tourist" this week.
A co.reirmEnsme has been formed in
=lineation with the stone flouring mill,
Brussels, between Roderick Ross and
Chas. Climie, of Listowel. Wm. Ross,
who has owned the property for many
tears, will continue to reside in town and
well deserves the holiday he will now be
Able to take.
Trio man who carries up the slate for
the new school house roof took a slide
Iron said roof one day last week and
after describing several acrobatic figures
leaobed terra firma not much the worse
3f his rapid 'descent. The way this man
5alanoes a pile of slate on his head and
:ascends a long ladder is something not
many could accomplish.
Lase Friday afternoon an alarm of fire
Was sounded and the engine quickly taken
to the river. The fire was upstairs in
Das. Bell's pump shop and was put out
by pails of water and consequently the
O 0g1ne was not called into requisition.
"We would advise that hereafter an en-
quiry be held on every fire so that all the
plrticulars may be correctly ascertained.
Friday's fire has the appearance of an
incendiary and sospioion points to a oer-
lain party whose name in the meantime
will be withhold.
OsxT.—Once more that fell destroyer-
21Ansumption—bas olaimed another via.
aim, in the person of Rena, beloved wife
of W. B. Avery, who died at her home in
the Norton Terrace, Brussels, on Wed-
nesday afternoon of this week. Deceased
was the 8rd daughter of A.Bawtiiheimer
and was born at Wolverton, Oxford
,County, The most of her life was spent
in Brussels. She bad been poorly forthe
vast 2 years. The subject of this notice
was united in marriage to W. B. Avery
east Tune. The funeral will take place
Friday morning et 11 o'olock, service at
30:30. The sorrowing relatives are deep.
iy sympathised with in their bereave.
A Bre Pnounasi,-The G. N. W. Ex-
;nibition at Goderioh on Oot. 1, 2 and 8,
Aiwa a program not excelled by any
minty show in the province. In addi-
.onto the speed tests for horses in the
zeadster and carriage classes, divided
into five events, a sawing match for
whiob there are now a large number of
entries promises a big excitement, as
does also a tug of war between ten of
8,noknow'e giants, headed by Jae. Young,
. and "easy team you ca" produoe," cap -
Weed by Jas. Comm v, of. Goderioh
-township. Best of all in the famous 13th
;Batt. Band of Hamilton, Canada's finest
•lmneioal organization, engaged for day
,and evening &snoerts. This is the first
opportunity to hear this great Band, that
wan a first place in the great Knights
Templar parade at Boston last month,
where over one hundred Banda were in
rine. The train arrangements are fare
.Inrl one•third tiokete from all points on
Sot. 1st and 2nd, good to return on 8rd,
with afternoon train on Sod held till 7:46
,y+, m., and passenger coach to Stratford ;
tend on 2cd, single fare tickets, good to
Saturn same day, with special train out
at 10:80 p. m,
Buns= Market is the magnetic point,
for fanners.
rl im new stage propriebore begin w oar
next Tuesday,
n 0r40MM LEAN" and "Wanda" will start
in moss at Windsor next week,
M. WseenN ebipped a double decked
ear of lambs to Buffalo last Monday.
SEE the sawing match, foot moss and
collie dog oempetition at the Brusueks
Fair on Friday afternoon,
Fnns'n OQUNTY Aseizes begin next Tues.
day ab Stratford, The suit of J', D. lion•
ski vs, the town of Dur)lam will beheard,
Tau transfer of Dr. McKelvey's practice
to Dr, Prootor has Wee cannoned and the
former will remain a citizen of Brussels.
JAuka O'LEARY brought "Florence G"
and her fine well bred foal home last
weals, Mr, O'Leary le quite proud of hie;
oquf nes,
SEvknAL new bicycles have been 'added
to the rapidly increasing stook in Brus'
eels, the new steeds being purchased byy
D. Ewan, E. 0 Danford and A. Jewitt,
Boar TaoaisoN, brother of George
Tbomeon, Brussels, was presented with a
watch chain and fob before leaving Soot.
land for this plane, by his aseooiate work.
men. -
•'Runion Jim.," owned by Robert Wil''
son, Seaforth, took 2nd money in the 2.40
trotting rage at the Western Fair, -Lon-
don, last week, He was beaten by "Har-
ry B.,' of Toronto.
A. STANDARD Dictionary has been pur-
abased for the Public, Library. 91.90
per annum will give you access to a large
and splendid collection and selection of
books at the Library.
WEbNEsnax's Toronto Globo says:-
Roland Woolsey, who, as the City Hall
reporter of the Evening Telegram, 'show.
ed himself to be a newspaper man of
ability, has assumed the editorial di -
notion of the Brussels Herald.
FOR a long time the G. T. R. bas taken
American silver at par, but the agents
have been notified to cease doing so. As
the railways have been an outlet to this
ourrenoy, business people and the publio
generally will do well to take note of it.
Miss BRADEN has tendered her resigns•
tion as teacher of the 2nd department of
Brussels Publio School, the same to cope
into effect at the close of 1895. She pur-
poses taking a holiday for a time. Mise,
Bowden never did better work in our
school than now.
ROBERT LBATHERDALE, formerly of Brae•
eels, now an employee of the Doherty
organ factory, Clinton, had his trunk
tapped far over $15.00 at bis boarding
house. Suspicion rested on -a certain
party and on his being cornered he ad-
mitted the theft and promised to make
the amount good to Mr. Leatherdale be-
fore Oot. 16th.
IN addition to the six resident minis-
ters and Rev. Mr. McEwen, Normal In-
structor, we notioed Revd's. Messrs. Hart-
ley, of Blue' ,.le ; Waddell and Seine, of
Ethel ; McRae, of Cranlirook ; and For-
rest, of Walton, in town last Monday
and Revde. Messrs, Ridley, Wood, Gunn,
Asbury and Kerr on Tuesday.
Brussels should be the better of so much
SrEOIAL MEETING.—A special meeting
of Brussels Council was held on Monday
evening to strike the rates for 1895.
There were present the Reeve and Coun-
billors McCracken andLeatberdale. The
following are the amounts to be raised
under the different headings and the
rates required :—
Co. Rate $ 880 00 1 8110 mills
Local" 2180 00 74/40 .,
By -Law No 9 148 00 5/10 '
Consolidated 820 00 0 8/10 "
By-law 130.8 (Ronald) 1404 00 48/10
School Loan 100 00 0/10
School Rate 1970 00 5 6/10 "
Total 07110 00 24
By-law No. 4, 1896, was read three times
and passed. It is proposed to pass a By-
law adding 6% to all taxes not paid by
January let. Council then adjourned to
meet on Monday, Oct. 8th.
GEORGE WHITE DEAD.—Word has been
received from Orangeville of the sad
death of George White, a well known
citizen of Brussels. It was the 015 story
of drink of which George, at times was
the victim. He had been on an extended
spree and took a large draught of am-
monia, by mistake or otherwise, and died
while being taken to the jail for lodging.
The deceased was an intelligent man,
who had served for a number of years as
an American soldier. During the past
two seasons be bad crossed the Atlantic
a number of times in charge of stook and
on each trip visited near relatives reg.
dent in England, where he enjoyed sev-
eral pleasant montbe. There's a tem-
perance lesson in George White's life and
unexpected death that every young man
should heed.
Hann of REFUGE.—Toesday evening
the Hones of Refuge Committee—Messrs,
Eilber, McEwen, Kennedy, McDonald
and Kerr—met at Clinton and up to 12:-
30 o'clock and from 8 to 10 a, m. Wed•
nesdey worked hard awarding the various
contracts fon furnishings and supplies
for the new building, examining samples,
&o, The awards were as follows
Hardware, iooluding stoves, 13 tenders,
Harper & Lee, Godericb ; Crockery, 7
tenders, 0. Cooper & o., Clinton ;
Furniture, 4 tenders, J. 0. Stevenson,
Clinton ; Furnishings, such as uoverlits,
blankets, sheets, &o., 6 tenders, Muir'e
factory, Exeter ; Window blinds, 7
tenders, 70 blinds, J. C. Stevenson, Olin.
ton ; Tinware, 9 tenders, J. H. Woreell,
Goderioh ; Vegetables, J. Allansoe,
Clinton ; Neat, bread and groceries were
divided between Gropers Cooper and Ir-
win, Clinton. 72 iron enamelled bed-
steads with woven wire mattresses have
been purchased from the Central Prison
at $8 each. The bade are 3 feet wide and
6 feet 8 Indies long. The question of
eleotrio lighting, incandescent system,
was disouased and laid over for further
consideration. About 60 tons of coal' will
be required to run the furnace. It will
coat $4.80 at the Renee. The building
will be completed about Oot. 161th and
the date for reception of inmates about
Nov. 1st. There may be something done
over a sort of "opening ceremony" on the
evening of the first day of the County
Council,which meets in Clinton on
Thursday, Deo. 5th. Blank forms have,
been Bent to all Municipal Clerks to be
filled with name of inmate being forward,
ed. Each inmate is (supposed to bo sup-
plied with two changes of respeotable
clothing and Blume before admission,
They will not be allowed to take bedding,
but may have a trunk or pfeoe of furni.
tore, snob as bureau or reeking chair, if
properly disenfeoted and cleaned. The
building will be connected With Clinton
by a telephone line. The Committee
vieited the Hoose of Refuge and arranged
se to drainage, case -pool, and eve trough-,
ing on barn. Reeve Cook, of Howiok,
was abeent from the Committee, as be is
JNo. Wszafan has fibbed up a feather
renovator in the building "East of P,
Scott's blaaksulith shop and ie now 'pre.
pared to put feather beds in first -plass
WAA direct special attention to the ad,
of the Doreuwead Eleebrio Belt and
'.Crass Go, in another column, 1;t is a
good opportunity dor those requiring
these goods,
Covrrcoxopo 'Mo0nawtzu opened tithe
iuVair as tide Wingham of aTuesddty
and Wednesday of this week, lie pap.
turgid 18 prizes.
TWO annual Western excursions to De.
troib, Fort Huron, Saginaw, Grand
Rapids, Cbioago, Cleveland, &o.,. will
take plats this year on the 8rd, 4th "and
6th of Ootober,
Time. MaLAUOaonn le having a stable
put up on his park lot, North of Atnent
Bros, feobory. George Robb built the
stone foundation and Thos. Newsome le
in charge' of the carpenter work,
Hou, Cr. W. Bose, Minister of Edooa•
Mon, bas 'signified his willingnese to visit
Brussels about the' middle of November
in oonnoobion-with the opening exeroisse
of the new school, if nothing intervenes,
THA rate of taxation in Brussels this
year will be 24 mills, a rise of 4 mille over
last year. The school rate is' responsible
Inc the larger share of the rise. The
looal rate is one mill higher owing bo a
drop of $16,000 on the assessment this
Lee Friday forenoon ' as Robert, the
10 year old son of Hugh R. Elliott, Gra-
ham's Survey, was playing a game et
foot ball at Shine's sohool, of which he is
a pupil, he was tripped and in falling
broke both bones of his right arm. Re
is doing es well as oould be expeoted.
Tun NEW Scnoon.—The slaters will
finish the roof this week, and as the nea-
eeeary finishing touches have been put on
the walls the scaffolding will be removed
and the grounds levelled. Lathing is
being rapidly pushed ' along and the
plasterers will begin work next week.
Taos. R. Tnoursoo, of Seaforth, who
formerly bad the mail contract of the
Seaforth, Brussels and Gerrie route, has
been awarded the parrying of the mail
from Brussels to Seaforth for the ensuing
rfive years and will comments his duties
next week. Mr. Thompson's father will
take charge of the stage in the meantime,
as T. R. bas the union 'bus at Seaforth.
Tao Form Sinews ne A DAs.—Daring
the 40 years in which weather observe.
tions have been -regularly made in this
Province, only twine was the temperature
of nide,/ of last week exceeded in Sept.
On .ire', 0, 1864, ilre beat was greater,
and again O', Sept. 18, 1881. It almost
seems as if a gold wave had phased all.
the warmth out of the Northwest, and
had concentrated it in Eastern Canada,
for while perspiration at every pore was
the order of the day in Ontario, our
telegrams ohronioled a two -days'. snow
storm in Alberta, N. W. T., a tempera.
burs of 28 degrees at Calgary and frost
and snow in many Western States, A'
man needs to have a pretty good consti-
tution, unexceptionable habits, and a
variety of clothing to pees through these,
Budden transitions of temperature. So
far, May 30 holds the record as the hot-
test day this year.
NEwararEnnon.—The Daily Post, Sar.
nia, published a very interesting history
of their town on Wednesday of last week,
--The Saturday Star is the name of a
new paper published in Owen Sound by
Joseph Lang, formerly of Kincardine.
This gives Owen Sound 3 papers.—George
Joseph Jaffrey, editor and proprietor of
the Galt Reporter, is dead. He was one
of the oldest and most popular citizens of
Galt.—J. W. Green, former proprietor of
the Gorrie Gazette, is again to the front
with a new paper, which was placed be-
fore the people of Tavistock last week for
the first time. It is called the Tavistock
Gazette.—A. E. Simmons, who has run
a job office in Wingham for several years,
has gone into the pnbliebiug of a weekly
paper in that town, to be known as the
Journal. Wingham had two good papers
before and where the third expecte to
make hay is not an open secret,—On
Monday, Sept. 23rd, a demonstration was
held in the Town Hall, Forest, in
honor of Alex. Karr, editor of the Stand-
ard, who is going to the city of Toronto.
IITr. Karr bas been one of the leaders of
the P. P. A. in Lambton.
Business Locals.
Coal oil 14c. at McAllister's, Ethel.
LONG, clear bacon at MoOraoken's.
TIMOTHY seed for sale at McCracken's.
TotoATons for sale, fresh from the
vines. T. Kelly.
REoAIas in hoots and oboes very cheap.
I. 0. Richards.
Fon good shoes at low prices we take
the lead. L C. Richards.
LIVELY run on children's wagons at
Tun POST Book Store. 2 boy's veloci-
pedes for sale. Call and see them.
Do you want to stop using toba000 v
If so, use No -To -Baa. We refund your
money if not as stated. G. A. DEannrsg.
Mus. Mo0nAE wishes to notify the
publio that she still does Carpet Weaving
at ber residence, nearly opp. 'Dr. Mo-
Kelvey'a. Satisfaotion guaranteed.
Samoa's Cure, the great cough and
oroup cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size oontaine twentyfive doses ; only 25
Dents. Children love it. Sold by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
I HAVE ordered a large stook of window
shades and curtain poles which I will
sell very oheap. We p b them on your
windows. All goods delivered free.
R. Leatberdals.
25 mars vs. KIDNEY TnOUnmE.—For 2
years I was \closed, pilled and plastered
for weak back, scalding urine and con.
etipation, without benefit. One box of
Chase's Kidney.Liver Pin relieved, 8
boxes oared, R. J. Smith, Toronto.
KARL's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and melte your bead olear as
a bell. 26 ate., 60 pts. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Pox, druggist, Brothels.
IF you have an organ that wants clean.
ing or repairs, or a piano that wants
tuning leave your orders here as I have
made arrangemente with a piano tuner.
All work guaranteed or no pay.
R. Leatherdalo,
FLEURY PLOwe,—Hugh Williams& Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They, also keep all the necessary
ropaire. Call at Qilliame'LiveryStable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
CArTAMN Sweeney, IL 0,' A., San Diego,
Cal, says :- "Sbiloh'e Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine: I have ever found
that would do me any good." krioe 10
Dents. Sold by Jae, Fox. druggist, Brus•
visiting in Manitoba. Sala.
)ir'.r, 27, 1896
8T4X' ai ..r) 134XE O2 C40Y4D4,
Els'x'-p,ZaZ,ZGoxmasa p_T711. ,
' ASSETS, (Seven Million Pollan) $7,000,000
CAPITATA (4 ntkarized) . . -/ $2,000,000
4pofoo1os i'n ail prinuipai pinta in Ontario, tu5Leo, Manito5a, tTnitorl States s9.'England
Bac e, smas PaatadWuo.
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
GILLIES rdiV(•'mXT.durh,I el .,.T`,• ITICEnS
LR U' ss..EZ,,s,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great, Britain.
l'Ifr/•s Rams O,dtt,4210IMPA k12'.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and 'Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Ootobor and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
14'c dreet 00 Write Insurance Ju 01,1 1Cngltsh or Canadian Companies, orin Mot.
nal Companies as may be desired.
SINGLE harness' at reduced prices for
cash for thirty days. I. C. Richards.
has, at considerable cost, put one of them
into his restaurant mod oan now put up
the beet Summer drinks known. He
bas reduced ice Dream to 80 cents a quart
and will give very special rates in fruits'
and oonfeationery to pio-nio and evening
This new and very prosperous. Fire In-
surance Co. during the past year issued
over 800 policies. in .Carrick, Howiok,
Culross and Greenock Rates on farm
property very low. J. A. Cnoxon'oc.
Agent for Morris and Grey.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
snare. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry et., Brussels. 84-tf
YAnes.—Just recovered a lot of Listo
Wel yarns in two or three ply, Black,
grey, and mixed colors. To arrive Mitt
yarns in various oolors. Also reosived
imported yarns, Gloria Saxony, Rock
German, Andalusian in blaok, red, etc..
Berlin and Zephyr wools. Fanoy goods,
toys, games, &o. Specialities ladies' Ioe
wool Daps, Saxony wool hoods. Knit.
ting done any size at Mrs, Kirk's.
16 YBM'S of ITCHING.—Wm. Golding,
oommeroial traveller, 180 Esther street,
Toronto, Says : For 16 years I suffered
untold misery from itching piles, some.
times called pin worms. Many and many
weeks have I had to lay off the road from
this trouble. I tried 8 other pile pint.
manta and so-called remedies with no
permanent relief to the intense itching
and stinging, which irritated by sorah:M.
ing, would bleed and ulcerate. One half
a box of Chase's Ointment oared me
BRUSSELS OEairTaoY,—To whom it may
concern :—Having been appointed care.
taker of Brussels cemetery, I wish to
make it look as respectable as possible.
This, however, oaannot be done without
the cm -operation of those who have rela-
tives or friends buried therein. Now is
the time to show your respect for the de-
parted and also to improve the property
yon bold there by fixing up your lots and
by straightening the monuments or tomb-
stones erected to the memory of your
departed. For the paltry sum of 25
cents I will straighten all tombstones,
that do not need cementing, and for 50
cents will straighten and cement those
that require ib. I will also for 50 cents
straighten all monuments that need it
and keep them straight for one year.
Lots also fixed up and taken care of at
reasonable rates. Address all communi-
cations to Bono. ARMSTRONG.
Look box 44, Brussels.
The London Athletic Club did nott-win
a single event in Saturday's oompetition
with the New York Athletic Club. Sev-
eral new records wore established.
WsLEEn,—In Brussels, on Sept. 24th, the
wife of Mr. John Walker of a dough.
Hoornn.—In Wingham, on the 15th inst.,
the wife of Mr. John Hooper of a
Mum,—Io Turnborry, on the 14th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Robb. Muir, a son.
Scnoxxa.-In Elma, on Sept. 16111, the
wife of Wm. Sobotts of a son.
MmnLE'oN,--In Elma, on Sept. 18th, the
wife of, Alex. Middleton of a son.
EnoINGTON: In Morris, onSept. 21st,
the wife of Mr. David S. Errington
of a eon.
1,6AmuRam sn.
MLLLEn--ISmseom.—At the residence of
the bride's iparents, Morris, on the
lith inat., by Rev. A. McLean, of
Blyth, easided by Rev. D. Perrie, of
Wingham, Mr. J. H. Miller, of Mor-
rie, to Miss Maggie, second daughter
of Mr. Wm. Isbister.
Tunnnurr—InnLelm,—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Morrie, on Sept.
10th, by Be",, Jno. Ross, B. A., Mr.
• Oliver Turnbull, of Grey, to Miss
Clara, daughter of Mr, Jamas Ireland.
AVSnY,—In Brossels, on Wednesday,
Sept. 26th, 1805, Marguerite Rena,
beloved wife of W. B. Avery, (third
daughter of A. Bawbinbeimer) aged
25 years, 6 months and 28 days.
5001V.—At his parents' residence, Idle
wylde, Listowel, on Sunday, Sept,
15111, on his 19th birthday, John
Waldron Seott, second and dearly
beloved eon of J, W. Scott.
MOTAOGeno,—In Grey, on' Sept, 22nd,
Jane, beloved wife of John MoTag.
garb, aged 62 years and 8 montbe.
JOHNS: WN.—In Morrie, on Sept. loth,
Elizabeth 7., beloved wife of John
Johnston, aged 34 years,' 9 months
and 12 days.
CUTT.—In Grey, on. the 1411a inst., An-
gelina, infant daughter of ,James
Cotb,aged 11 days.
DEANS. -In Wingham, on Sept. 17th,
Mary Leak, infant daughter of Thos.
and Margaret Deans, aged 4 months
and 17 days.
v With 1 acre of land for sale, situ-
atedon the corner of Queen and Albert
streets. Apply to
11--tf DAN. Mol 13051510, Brussels.
t' on the 12th Con. of Grey. Owner
may have the same' by proving propertyand
paying for this notice by application to THE
PART, 111'nssels.'
House for Sale situated on Tu0,rrn-
berry street, Brussels. Immediate paean -
ion, Good stable, well, nlsteru,' 1 acre of
laud, fruit trees, &o. Apply to ..
No. 81, John Street,
41- Brussels,
signed wishes to notify the people
of Brussels and surrounding country that he
is now prepared to attend to the weaving of
carpet. ANDREW Mo0AY,
Thomas 8t, Brussele
10.1 . W est of Queen's Hotel.
BEE Barrel Shot Gun, splendid shoot•
er, only. 60.50 ; ono breech loading shot gun
with reloading .tools, 80., ..or a 10 shooter
Winchester Repeating Rifle with reloading
tools, bullet mould, &c„ both nearly new, for
$12.50. G. A.'DD'ADMAN,
Druggist, Bookseller & Graduate Optician.
rent,. Lot JO, Con. 9, GreyyTownshin.
MHOS. MOORE, Brussels.
DERsiaNED bas Several good Forme for
sale and torent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SO OTT,Brussels
—The undersigned offers his valu-
able 100 acre farm, being Lot e, Con, i, Grey,
for sale. 75 acres cleared, helium good pas-
ture land. There is on the premises a good
brick house, bank barn, 0 acre orchard and
other modern Iimprovoments. The land is
in prime condition. Possession would be
given in November. For further fpartloulars
as to price, terms, &o., apply to
ll,).CUTT, Proprietor,
3.8 - 7amestown P.0,
Timber Sale.
The right to oat and remove :all the tim-
ber on about 00 aaros, parts of lots17and 18
in the 1855 eonoeesion of the .Township of
Grey,. Will be let by Pullin Auction, on the
premises, on tondny, Oct,' 7111,1806, ata.
o'olook fn the afternoon. The timber is 01115 -
able fox firewood and Villeins purposes and
ie marked off into 6inall plots that would bo
most convenient for Partners and others who
arein need of such material. Descriptions
of each parcel, aonditione of sale, etc,, oan
be seen at the house of Duncan Mckenzie,
lot 18, eon. 18, Grey or at the house of the
undersigned, Winthrop. It. would lhewell
for intending purchasers to look over the
plots before day of sale so me to ascertain
Which would be most suitable for them. v
11-2 1.NDILII W GovioNL000, Prop.
Notice to Creditors,.
OF Evan, IN-T55.E5TAT1 0r FRANOI'
7, BAINES, Or THE TowNsitie Or MORRIS,
FANlnen, DnonSenD.
Noble's be hereby given pursuent to Chap._
110, IL, S,0., and amending acts, that all ore-
ditore and ethers having' Claims against the
estate of the above named Frannie J. Bainee,
deceased, who died on or: about the nine-
teenth day of August, A. D.1805, aro requir-
ed to: deliver or send by post prepaid to. G,
10. Blatt,Brussel'', Solicitor for Martha Ann
Baines, he Executrix of the will of the de -
bused, on or bolero the bili Day of October,
A.D. 1896, a Statement in writing contain-
ing their names, addrossos and deeoriptions
and full particulars of their olMioe and the
nature of their securities (15 any) held by
them, and in default thereof:and us soon at.
for the said Fifth day of Oitoiier as the rams
can conveniently be done, the said RRacoou-
brlxwilt proceed to distribute the assets of
the deceased among the parbtse entitled.
thereto,baving regard only to the Claims of
Which elm shall Caen have had nottoe and
the will not be Iletin for [the assets of said
estate oe any part thereof so distributed, to
any person of whose claim elo (has Piot had
notice at the time of such dietrlbution,
el F. BLAI15,
Solicitor for Exeoubrix,
Dated at Bruseels, Sept. 1e, 1805,
urn Drugs,
a.:ent l of pp
.. fie C net a
• "LIS,
- -Az,so---
1?rescriptions AND
Family Recipes
Carefully Compounded
P ox S Drug StOre,
.1Uo Solicitor and oonveyanbor. Collett.
tions made. Office—Vanetono's Block, Brae.
sole. - 21.8m..
• Solicitor, Conveyancer,Notiary P
Co, &c, Office—Panstone's Block, 1door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Solloitor, &o, (late of Carrow &
Proirdfoot's Office, Goderiob.) ofioe oyer
Guliee & Smith's Iank, Brune's.
Money to Loan. - 47
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College. Dental Surgeons,
Crown and Bridge work a epesialt Moder-
Barrett's barber chop, ionAssured.
rubed y 85. Brus.
lJ . - Honor Graduate of the Ontario.
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases ofdomestioated animals in n com-
petent manner. Partloular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. bfdoe anddnflrmary—Four doors'
north of bridge Tnrnberry st., Brussels.
M • O.M., L.R. 0,P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P . -
S.Ont. Residenoe and °Moe in WBson'e•
Block, corner of Mill and Tnrnberry' Ste.
• Pbysiolan, Surgeon, Acboueber, eta,
Graduate of Toronto Umverelby 'Modiaal
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Ont, OrsxoB—Next door to
McDonald d- Co., Walton Ont.
• Iseuror ofMarriageLbesnses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next' door
south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies'andobudrene hair cutting a specialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Na Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
eunuNOE Oo, Established 1840, In-
surances effected on all Town aid Farm
Property at very low rates,
15.8m Agent, Brussels,
Clerk of the. Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron,Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent.. Funds
invested and to loan,' Collections made,
Office in. Smale'5 Block, Brussols.
Teacher of instrumental wueio on
Piano or Organ.Will visit Wingham Tues-
day and Wednesday ofoaoh week. Reef -
donee on Princess Street, Bruseels.
m . A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
.L • Organist in St, John's Church, Brus
eels, and pupil, in the. Art of Teaching, of A.
W. Thayer,lktus.Doo., New York, will give'
lessons bo pupils either on piano or organ,
ab hie parlor ever A.R. Smiths store, Brus.
sale. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod-
Licensed Anotioneer, Sales conduct
ed on reasonable berme. Farms and farm
stook aspeofalby, Orders lef b at THE Posy
PublishingRouse,Brussele, or eentto Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention,
-IL' • Oral, w111 Boll for bettor prteee, to
bettor men, in lase time and 1555 charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Enron
or he won't charge anything, Dates and
ordere can 'always be arranged at this oflloe
or by personal application,.
Savings Bank
takes s 5p1 per
neer to,$1,000 and allows S>< per taut.
interest. T. FARROW,
87.8m Postmaster,
Any quantity of Building, Corner, Rubble,
Sill 555 .sedge Ston° for Sale, Quarried
and randy for loading at Bruesels Quarry,
For price and terms a gplyyto
87•tf Box 160 Brussel'',