HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-9-27, Page 44 New Advertisements. Loyal --hire. ik1 eOm°, Leoode---R. Imathereele, Iiaotala -Ilx, J. 0. Ayer. Farm for 0410-41100, NOM, Mantles. -ea, AlaGowan lb OP, 'Neaten) l Xenreiees—G. Cottage for sale—Dan, h olteneie. Timber Sato..-Andreve Govenlock, A favorite prescription. --1)r. tY llisms, Saved math eufiering—Dr. W8iliame, Rupture---Porenwend 17iootrio Beit aid Trues Co. r e M xit s.4 3 FRIDAY, SEP`!, 27 1896. Ilam, EDWARD Bram has declined to be banquotted by the Toronto people owing to hie old troehle—insomnia•—bothering Line and rest is prescribed as the remedy. Ir is hinted tbab the Dominion Paella. .went will bold a session beginning in November or December and with this ob• jeob in view the staff of the Printing BM, eau in Ottawa is being largely increased in the preparation of necessary reports,. &o. Sin QLIvem Mow sailed from Liver- pool on Thursday and is expected to ar- rive in Toronto in two weeks. From letters received by the family during the past few days it is learnt the Premier is in excellent health and greatly benefitted by his long holiday abroad. . As already stated there has not been the slightest foundation for the alarmist reportsas to his health which have appeared in some quarters. Tan prospects point to the brightening lip of Fall trade. With a very fair bar - vest, and we hope a rising market ; the advent of oold weather, and the neoes- sari purolasing :of Winter supplies, we look for a general livening of besidess, It is time it was arriving as the past season has been a quiet one. An effort on the part of everybody to pay as they go will put many dollars in circulation and prove a blessing to not a few. TnE Wingham Timee correctly says:— The Patrons' organ, the Farmers' Sun, says the Patrons in East Huron are ready to contest the riding for theseat in. the Least Legislature, if rhos. Gibson re- signs to accept the Registrarship. The Sun may speak for the Patrons, but it is wide of the mark when it says there are hundreds of sturdy Reformers who will vote against their party if Bir. Gibson is appointed Registrar of the county, We don't believe there are any, and we think we know the feeling in the Riding as well and better than the editor of the Farm- ers' Son. Tan Industrial Fair is a mammoth concern no matter from what standpoint you view it. One of the surest gauges is its financial results. Last year the total receipts were 065,000.75 for the eight days. This large sum was exceeded in 1805 by over 82,000, the Treasurer report. ing 868,035.55. The largest sum taken in on one day was Wednesday's receipts, Sept. 11th, 816,407.15. Of course the ex- penses are large but with 868,000 from admissions, plus membership and en- trance, stand privileges, grand stand, &o., the Directors should find no difficulty in steering the Industrial al to a safe harbor without running against the rooks. AxoGa North Pole hunting party has returned home after the expenditure of thousands of dollars for no purpose, The Peary party was rescued and brought to Sb. John's, Newfoundland, after an. during severe hardships, These fool errands may win a little glory for the commander of the expedition but as far as any practical good is concerned they might better toboggan, snow -shoe and ice boat it nearer home and with much less expense. A despatch says :—Full details of the dreadful sufferings of Peary, Lee and Henson are now becoming pub. lie. It is cause for wonder how they survived. No other case is known where Arctic explorers deliberately took their lives in their hands and ventured upon a most exacting enterprise, with the full knowledge that their supply of food was insufficient and that they would probably perish in the attempt. Peary's dieap. poiotmeet over the unsatisfactory ter. mination of the expedition is unoonoeal- ed, but all admit that he is nob respond. ble for the failure. No human being could bays done more to make the ea. pedibion a success. Had be had more men or even sufficient provisions he would have accomplished much. Tris is,the age of Conventions with a vengeance. Between Provincial, County, District, denominational and party gatherings there le such a round of gath. stings that no person can begin to attend all he would, like to without seriously ne- gieobing the plain and practical duty of minding his own business. To awaken enthusiasm, make acquaintances, receive pointers as to better methods, &a., Oon- venbione may be all right, but .we have come to the oenelusion if a little time were now given to work out a few of the advanced ideas in the hone field, the church and its intereebs generally would be greatly benefitted. If half the money opera in attending the many public gatherings could be utilized for a few years in some channel where it ie badly required a good would agorae far out- weighing the "nice time" enjoyed by those of its who s,btend,;or take part, in. the ellnoet innnmsrabls iueetinga, One way we would soggeet toward overooating the difilloulty oonoplaieed of in IlMMS Optlnty would be an ;rnalgarnation of the A ebbe bb Seheol 4seooiation and.Qlaristiah endeavor i7nton under 000 set 01 o ieere tont haus a !felon 0411081 400vention, oo^ oopying two days, at wbiab APpropriato toplos ooul4 he interspersed to suit the existing condition of -affairs. To 4 very large extent the same individuals attend, or try to, both of there gatherings notV, p0 tbat an anlalgamatiou would out o5 the neoeeoity of two Cenveubione. We see na reason why the ,Exemptive Com. mittens of the orgauizabions named should not meet and make. an effort tee ward union. No interest would suffer by an arrangement sf this kind and from oonversabion with a aerobe): of the lead- ing workers io the Oaunty we believe the majority would heartily fail in wibh the idea. Perth County. Knox Church mama are, Stratford, has donated the fire brigade 825 in reoogniti• on of its service during the regent fire. Thee, Steele, of Delvin & Steele, brew. ere, Stratford, is the possessor of a out lass whish was oarried'by his father on the tragic field of Waterloo. Sunday night two young men, Chas. B. Heath and Herbert Pitcher, were crossing the G. T. R. tracks on Downie street, Stratford, between a divided train, When the engine whistled, causing the horse to make an extra spurt. Heath PM driving, and hie companion grabbed the lines to assist in bolding the horse, and a collision with e, telegraph pole was the result. The buggy was demolished, and, both men were picked' up in an un- conscious condition. Heath is serioue• lyherb, the worst injury befog a fracture of the base of the skull. He io also in. jured iubernally, and his recovery is doubtful. On Saturday a woman who gave her name as Miss Annie' 0. Oorman, Presi• dent of the Dominion Y. W. 0. 4.. T. ronto, visited a number of oitizene in Stratford soliciting subsaription5_on be. half of the Associnbioa. ' Her list pur- ported to be beaded by W. .1. Ferguson, who is well known, and on the strength of his name others were induced to sub. scribe. It afterwards transpired that Mr. Ferguson's name had been forged, and suspicion WAS aroused, which was ieorsased by the subsequent dieoovery that the woman bad registered at the Windsor Hotel under the name of E. W. Graham, Toronto. The polioe were notified, and she was arrested on the eve of leaving for London, for which plane she had purchased a ticket. On being taken to the police station she acknowledged her misconduct, and was remanded to jail pending a formal hear. ing. The prisoner volunteered infor- mation ae .to having similarly, worked other towns, and her intention of doing London. She is about 25 years of age, rather good looking and very ladylike. Saved Ruch Suffering. REV. FATTIER BUTLER'S INTEREST. MG EXPERIENCE. Suffered Froin an Abscess in the SIde 'Which Dr. rink Pill Cured Airier Other Medicines Pall. Caledonia. N. 8., Gold Hunter. Faith leads many to believe, yet when one has experienced anything and has reason to rejoice, it is far stronger proof than faith without reasonable proof. About four miles from Caledonia along a pleasant road, passing by numerous farms, lives Rev. T. J. Butler, the parish priest of this district. Reports having some to the ere u of our reporter about er p a wonder- ful cure effected Ur. Williams' Pink nk Palls, he called on Mt. Butler to seek in- formation on the subject. Mr. Butler spoke in very high terms of the Pink Pills, and said they had saved him untold suffering, and perhaps saved his life. The reverend gentleman felt alittle hesi- tancy at giving a public testimonial at first, but after our reporter remarked that if one was really grateful for a re- markable cure, he thought it was his duty to give it publicity for humanity's sake, be cheerfully consented. His story in his own words is ae follows : "I was led to take Pink Pills through reading the testimonials in the papers. I was troubled with an abscess in my side and bad tried many different meal - 'nines without avail. I took medical ad- vice on the subject, and was told I would have to undergo an operation to euro it which would most me about 8100. At last I determined to try Pink Pills, but without a great feeling of faith of their curing me. One box helped me and I resolved to take a three month's course and give thorn a fair trial. I did so, and to -day I am completely oured of the abscess in my side through the ase of Pink Pills, and I always recommend friends of mine to use Pink Pills for dis- eases of the blood. 9.s Father Butler is well known throughout this county his statement is a clincher to the many wonderful testimonials that have appear. ed in the Gold Hunter from time to time. On enquiring at the stores of J. E. Cush- ing and N, F. Douglas, it was found that Pink Pills have a sale second to none. Mr. Cushing, on being asked if he knew of any euros effected by them, replied that he had heard a great many person. ally say that Pink Pills had helped them wonderfully, If given a fair and . thor- ough trial Pink Pills are a certain cure for all diseases of the blood and nerves, s11011, as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St, Vitns' dance,' nervous headache, nervous proe- tration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of la grippe, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic eryasipelas, oto. Pink P111e give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a epoai- fie for the troublos peculiar to the female system, and in, the case of men they af- feat a radical euro in all eases arising from mental worry, overwork or excessee of any nature. Sold )iy all dealers or sent by mail, poet -paid, at 50 cente a bar or 0 boxes' for 82.50, by addreeeing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brock- ville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Be- ware of imitations and substitutes alleg•, ad to be "just as good," 13elgrave, Sop, 80 & Out. 1 iiirllton, Ont, 1. .2 Wroxeter, Oot. 1.2 Gaderieh, " 1 8 $ibbert, Staffs, " 7, 8 Biddnlph, Qeapton, Oet. 1. 2 Blansbard, l6irkboll " 3, 4 Haat Niesonri, !{fetors, " 8 Northern, Walkerton „ 1. 3 IIlin a, Atwood, " 1. 2 Morris, atElytb, " 8. 0 a7r-vT'J'f3 7n77 -ate 7tTAZgaz .7'2'S. Fall Wheat, 80 56 Spring Wheat, 05 06 Barley 80 34 Peas 47 48 Pats .,..,••.. 21 22 Wool 15 18 Butter, tube and roller 14 16 Eggo per dozen 11 Flour per barrel 4 00 4 00 Potatoes Mew) , 20 25 Ray per 6ton,...,.,,..., 10 00 10 00 Rides trimmed 8 00 Hides rough.,, 2 2i Salt per bbl,, retail.,,.., 1 00 00 Sheep skins, each 20 . 40 Lamb skins soh 15 40 Apples per bus.... . 1 00 Hogs, Live 4 00 Wool 18 20 0ng4su MeniCE19. t iverpool—Oheese dull ; demand poor ; finest American white (new), 37s; finest American colored (new), 87e 6d." Butter—Finest U. 8., 70s ; good, 55e. New York—Butter— Best grades, firm ; State dairy, 12o to 20o ; do. creamery, 21 o to 22o ; western dairy, 9,}o to 18a ; do. oreomery„ 13o to 220 ; do. factory, 8a to 12aa ; Ligios, 22o. Oheese firm ; State large, 5ie to 740.; do. fancy, The to 7 o ; do. small, 6e to 88a "; part skims, 4o to Oa ; full skims, 2o. Tonoxro, Sept. 28,—Market quiet, Wheat—In the,local market values were about steady, due to soarsityof offerings; winter wheat west, quoted at OOa to Olo ; No; 1 Manitoba hard is quoted west, to arrive at 70o, Flour quiet and rather easier ; for straight roller, .Toronto freights, 52.80 seemed to be the beet price. Millfeed quiet and unchanged. Peas.—Oar lots of peas, north and meet, offer at 50o, and 49a is bid ; feeling is rather easier. Oats—About same ; de- liveries are light and demand is fair ; mixed are quoted at 23e to 230, north mad ,west freights, and white ab '240. Barley—Oar lots feed sold, west, at 32o. Bye—Offerings practically nil ; quoted nominally at 400 to 41o. NONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro per tyt 6 & 6i Per Cewt., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Rupiurod, Deformed and Ailing ?crow take notice that the representative of The Dorenwend Electric Belt and Truss Co.,. Toronto, will be at the AMBBIOAN HOTEL, - BRUSSELS, WEDNESDAY, OCT.. 9. McGARRY'S HOTEL, •.LUCIIINOW, THURSDAY, OCT. 10. ALI, RUPTURED PERSONS should see our improved i TAII68n p s combiningnow ap. not found�im tee to !dyrop fres w with greaters we guarantee and c m ortand less pros - sere sanely more comfort and lose Prase suae and effect mfea radical - versa. We make a specialty of Query noes... Oar BL1]OTRIOAL APPLIANOD8 for the self application of electricity have a groat record for the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Paralysis, Indigestion, *Kidney Complaint. lame back,. Nervous Debility Sexual Weak- ness, :do, Electricity is Life" and aeap- plied by our method relieves and cures when other treatments fail. For PHYSIOAL DDFortnorlbs and'iN- ODRn76 we make all kinds of instruments: *Knock knees. bow legs and club feet straightened ; Spinal Curvature. corrected; White Swellings cured, and meltorotation in general readied by purely mecbanfeal means, We nave also afulilino. of shoulder braces, suspensories, de, Mothers of you have a ruptured or deform- ed child have it attended to at once , and save it a life of 'altars,. It will cost you nothing to have an inter- view with our representative at above places. You will find him courteous andpleased 58 make any explanation. N. B.—lbw-fog purchased Chas... Olathe's Bankrupt Stock of Trusses, de, we are oirer- iug it at lese than, cost of manufacture. hr o P� 0 m y .93 111 • r N n 8 11J MOW 0.0111 fii,IIXWORTI) AND CI IBSTEIZ 14 WIXTTE )OQABS V0)1 SRZ't'v)osl.. tIlbo undersigned win 400P for pperv100 ou North 325110ot d0. Con, 9, Morris, a thorn' bred'i'aenwortb near, r'euently purchased from the well known breeoe Mon,.Sell, Am- ber, also a ()heater Witlte near, Tomas, 81.09 to be paid at timer e f service with Priv. i loge 01 reWrote 0If necessary, 99.51 e, W@Lr 0/19, Preprletcr, Po,krt FOB STB'V1OB.--q°EE' umiv,vsigoed will keep for condos on Lot 20 Osn,%Morrie, the there' bred imi proved White Yorlksiiliro Boar ',Selected," prod from 3.10, Brothour'a sweepstakes sow at chicane Bair. Teres, 8190 to be paid at the Mine of service with privilege of re., +urnine if necessary, Pedigree may heseou On application, nova%N'To'ron.. LIME! LIME! The undersigned will keep on hand a constant supply of White Fresh Lime suit- able for all 13uildingg and Plastering purposes, Also North Shore Pine Lath and White Brick for Sale. D. A. Taovny, BRUSSELS. v VI When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, --CAL', AT -- HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a- DICCOVNT' of FIVE PER CENT, Offal) Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stock. A. HUNTER. ANYWAY YOU TAKE IT ForQ u y Style, tilt t le. _ Material,. rlal Workmanship, Fit or Price, you can't' beat the sorts of Clothing we sell. It will save you money to see our' stock of Boys' Cloth- ing. 4 Special Lines in Men's Suits at $8.50, $5.00, $7.50 and $9.00. • As a pure matter of business all men ought to know of our Men's Furnishings stock. TTn laundried Shirts for 40c. worth 50c. Heavy Twill Cotton Night Shifts for 95c,, worth $1.25. Men's 4 -ply Collars for 12ac., worth 20c. Fine grey Half Hose for 20c., worth 25c. Silk Pour - in -hand Ties 250., the best value we ever offered. Harci and Soft Felt Hats, new goods, good values. Reliable Boots and Shoes. We handle only such Boots and Shoes as will prove a comfort to the Wearer and a credit to the Seller, not necessarily high pric- ed but always reliable. Highest price paid for Pro- duce. SMITH 8o 1V,LOLAREN MILLINERY and OPENING MES. E. ROGEES begs to announce that her 11lillinery and Mantle Opening will take place on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, SEPT. 25, 26 :1 27 .When we most cordially invite ,every lady to call and see our Neat/ Styles. Miss Mc- Lachlan has been. engaged for the season and is now very busy at work preparing for our opening days. Our 116w lvilafi,tlee Have arrived and we aro showing all the lat- est Styles and the prices the very Lowest. Any lady requiring anything in this line should inspect our stock. No trouble to show thele, Our stock this season will be the most complete we have ever shown in these lines. MISS ' MOORE, As usual, will boon hand all the time to attend to / all requiring her services in the Mantle Depart- ment.' E. R0eERS6 BRUSSELS, Sept. 16, '1895, FERG[SDi & HALLJDAY, AL WAYS THE CH.BA PEST. e Auiicipale Your WM l During the past week we have been busy opening up and passing into stock NEW FALL DRESS GOODS AND MANTLES. Probably you are thinking of going from home this month and would like to get, before going, a new Dress or Mantle, if so come to us now and we can supply you with the correct things in New Pall Goods, and already we can promise you that you will be better pleased with the New Dress Goods and Mantles for Pall, 1895,than you have been for . many a season.. They are decidedly Novel and Pretty, No doubt you will want one as soon as you see them. As we see the different Iines opening up we are filled with enthusiasm and we pare certain you will be the same. SPECIAL CIA, . 10 pieoes 45 inch all wool Serge, all shades and black at 29 CTS. WORTH 40 CTs, Come and see the Correct styles in Mantles for Fall, 1895, and select one before our Stock is broken,