HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-9-27, Page 3Bn. 27, 1895
Town Directory
M1GLYlfI,Llt Oii o' ,-Msabbath Servioss
At 11 a m and Q:SO p,zn. Sunday School
at 2:30 p m, Rev, Joha Roes, 13 A,
ST. 3 onN'e Cannon, --Sabbath ServiCeti
at 11 a m and 7 p Iu. Sunday Sebocl
at 2:30 p, M. Am, A. K. Griffin, ineum,
MnTnonrsw Crouton,—Sabbath Serviees
at x0:30 a m and 6:80 p m, Sunday
flehOPl at 2:90 p m. Rev. G. B. Cobble.
diol, M A, B 1), pastor,
Hoak awl:tom: CnwRon.—Sabbath
tiervioe third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a in. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
13ALVAr;Ion Ai .'-Servioe at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clook, a6
the Darraolse,
ODD FALLPwa' Lono11 every Thursday
'evening,ii Graham's block.
PlasoNlc Lonon Tuesday at qr before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 TJ W Loner on the 3rd
Friday evening of each monbb,in Elmo
hill's block, •
O O I' LODGE 2nd and last Monday
eveningo of each month, in Blaehill's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Rall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.
Sons or SCOTLAND, let and- 8rd Tam.
days of mob month, in Odd Fellows'
$. 0. T. M. LODGE, let and 3rd Thurs.
days of eaoh month, in Vanotone block.
Hoare Croon, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
Inge in Blashill'e Sall.
POST OiFxoa.-01iioe hours from 8 a.
m. to 6:80 p. m.
MECHANICS' Iusmrmo're.—Library in.
Holmen' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw,
Town Couoolti.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R.
LeatherdaIe. and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer D. Stewart, Aeseseor and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meete the 1st
Monday in each month.
Smoot, BONtD.—Rev. Roes, (ohairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo..Treat'.,
R. Ross. Meetings and Friday evening
in each month.
PUBLIC $on:ooj.Tca.oacae.-J. H. Cam-
eron, Prinoipal, Mies Braden, Miss
Downey andMies Cooper.
BOAR» or 15/31,1.111.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
`Oo eirg, ,
r -
Upon the level field behold
A gathering of Pleasure's court,
To emulate the Greeks of old
In friendly rivalry and sport.
Swift from the pitcher's hand the ball
Flies till it meets the bat, and then
Upward till it scales the sky's blue wall,
Trembles, and drops to earth again.
Then lifts a long and lusty shout
That seems to shake the very sun;
Who knows the score 7 Is it an ',out,"
Or did the player make a "run 2"
So every afternoon their'play
Makes tougher musolee, redder
And keeps our sturdy boys to -day
The rivals of the ancient Greeks.
How can they grow a pillowslip
In the midst of a feather -bed,
And how can a horse -fly over a ship
Or an ink -stand on its head 7
How eau a wheel -barrow anything,
And when does a butter -fly 7
Will the garden -rake itself heat Spring ?
We pause for a reply.
Does the apple -sauce the oanvas,back,
Or the ourrent.jell out loud 2
Does the:raspberry-jam the hasty snack
While the peach -preserves the orowd 7
And what will the homeless oyster -stew
When the eerie have all gone dry ?
These things concern both me (and) no—
We pause for a reply.
He seems to be several boys in one,
So mach is he constantly everywhere 1
And the mischievous things that boy hart
No mind ono remember nor mouth de-
He fills the whole of his share of space
With his strong, straight form and his
merry face.
He is very cowardly, very brave,
$e ie kind and cruel, good and bad,
A brute and a hero 1 Who will save
The best from the worst of my neigh.
bora lad ?
The mean and the noble' strive today—
Which of the powers shall have it's way 7
The world is needing his strength and
He will make hearts happy or make
them ache,
What power is in him for good or ill t $
Which of life's paths will hie swift feet D
Will ba rise and draw others up with him,
Or the light that is in him, burn low and
dim ?
Ane day, in huokleborrytinlol while little
WeilnuY b'tailt'
And half a dozers other boys were etartiag
with their palls
To gather borrlea, Jolleny'e'58i to talking
With him said
That be could tell him how to pick 00
he'd Dome out ahead,
"First find your bush," said 7ohnny'e pa,
"and then stiol1 to it 6i11
You've pinked it glean, Let 'thole go
phasing all about who will
In search of other bushes ; but it's Moll,
Mg tulle, my Bon—
To look at fifty bushes doesn't count Pike
picking one."
And Johnny did 38 be was held ; and,
sure enoh,foule
By stioktpg to hisebushd,while all the
others calmed around "
In search of better pinking, 'twat' as his
father acid ;
For, while the others looked, "he worked,
and so came out ahead.
And Johnny reoolleoted this when he be,
came a man
Arid fleet of all he laid him out a well.de•
termiued plan.
So, while the brilliant triflers failed with
ell their braina and push,
Wise, steady -going Johnny won by "etlok,
fag to his bush."
To steal a kiss, that's fair.
To buy a Wee, that's stupidity..
Two girls kissing, that's waste.
To not kiss at all, that's bad taste.
To kiss another man, that's nasty.
To kiss your sister, that's a necessity.
To Stat your wife, that's punishment.
To kiss the baby, that's uosatiefaotory.
To Rtes an ugly woman, that's courage.
To kiss the chambermaid, that's
To kiss your mother, that's the purest
kiss of ell.
To kiss the girl you're engaged to,
that's expeoted.
To kiss a'rioh old maiden aunt, that's
To kiss a blooming girl cousin, that's
peaches and cream.
To kiss another man's young and pret-
ty wife, that's nice, but naughty,
To kiss three girls the same evening,
that beats a pair.
To kiss a girl when her pa is watching,
that raises you -clear over the fine.
To kiss your mother-in-law, that never
The following maxima are given by a
periodical issued by a manofactoring firm
in the United States :
Thou shalt not trust a man to whom
thou would'et not lend ten dollars.
Thou shalt not put more sail into thy
business than thou bast wind to fill.
Thou shalt not sell goods for less than
cost, unlese the market has gone back on
Thou shalt sell goods but six days of
the week, and on the 765 thou shalt take
a rent.
Thou shalt not blame thy olerk for
thine own mistakes nor tax him for thine
own negleote.
Thou shalt not covet thy competitor's
business, for be may be nearer bankrupt
than thyself.
Thou shalt not use thy business capital
to speculate with nor borrow from thy
friends for that purpose.
Cnaiad Ian Ne was.
Henry M. Stanley is at Winnipeg.
Hamilton now proposes to terrace part
of the mountain.
Delhi eohoole are closed became of a
scarlatina outbreak.
Wm. Bich, of West Zorra, has fallen
heir to 515,000 in England.
Robert Peters fell off a bridge at
Kingston and was drowned.
The Delhi canning factory has purchas-
ed 4,000 bushels of peaches in Michigan..
The body of the young man who killed
himself at Fort Erie has been identified
as that of Victor Fesseuden, eon of the
Rector of Ancaster.
Over four hundred of Winnipeg's Citi•
zena attended the farewell reception at
Government Home given by Sir John
and Lady Schultz.
Lord Dufferin has acceded to the re.
quest for his portrait for the National
Gallery 86 Montreal, accompanying it
with a very complimentary letter.
It is said on good authority that there
are 100 oases of typhoid fever in Brant-
ford, and that the dootore are keeping it
quiet.' Bad drinking water is the clause.
"!For years," says Capt. 0. Moeller, "I
have relied more upon Ayer'e Pills than
anything in the medicine chest, to regu-
late my bowels and those of the ship's
crew. These pills are not severe in their
motion, but do their work thoroughly."
The dredge Ontario, of the Chatham
Dredging Co., has commenced work on
the Raleigh. Plains drain. Under the
centred the drafty is to be finished a year
from next January. It is a gigantic un•
dertaking, involving an aggregate ex'
penditure of 514,775. The dimensions of
the great drain are 90 feet wide by eight
feet deep, and the length is about eight
Oexe,RAH =LIMED IN 3.0 To 60 n1INuTF.a.—
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses Ude
Powder over the aortae° of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent.
ly aures Catarrab, Ray Fever, Colds,
eadaoh s, Sore Throat, Toneilitis and
eafness 60 dents at G. A. Deadman'..
A peculiar inoident 000urred on the
ranch of William Bennington, some
miles West of Ukiah, U.S., the other day.
Mr. Bennington had placed a Dow and
her yonng oalf in the barn on bis ranch
in order to protect the latter from an at.
took of wild animals, which are numer-
ous in that seotiou. The barn is on
hillside, and a night or so ago the rancher
was awakened from a sound sleep by en
unusual uproar in the farmyard. He
Mind ` his rifle and rushed out to the
bard. He no eOdner opened the door of
the outhouse, than the oow sprang out,
followed by the calf. The rancher enter.
ed the barn and discovered the body of
a large bear lying in the corner. The
dead animal had been shookingly mang-
led • by the horns of the oow. Upon ex•
amination the rancher discovered that
the bear had entered the barn through
the roof, having eprnng upon it from the
hillside. The oow had evidently attacked
the bear immediately as it fell through
the roof and before it recovered from the
shook of the fall.
But what is my neighbor's boy to me
More than a nuisance ? My neighbor's
boThough I may have some fear for what
he may be,
Is a source of solicitude, hope and joy,
And a constant pleasure,. Bemuse I pray
That the beet that is in him will rule
some day.
tie paeee4 me by with a smile and a nod,
He knows 1 have Lope of him—guesses
That I whieper his name when I ask of
That men may be righteous, Hie will
to do,
And I think that many would have more
If they! ed, and prayed for 8neighbor'e
d,boub 1200 tolls of Dorn have been
planed in the silos of I7, D. 'Tillaou, Til,
1iev, Dr. Babbieby, Chatham, has lir.
rived home Irons the Rely Laud.. The
reverend ge0tlelln30 0098 absent soar
bwolve weeks,
Andes Smith,. of lot 28, son, 4, here.
barn, has a turnip of the Grsyabune yeti.
sty on exbibitipn measuring 86 inches in
eircumferenee and weighing 221be.
0 W. Melr'e warehonae at fort
Dathouafe and the ateamor St. Maguire,
of Hamilton, were bathed, Captain
Booker, of the St. Magnus, wag badly
burned and died afterwards,
IhntottawIeu Cotten In A 2aa.•—South
Amorieaa Rheumatio Cure for Rheums,
tiara and Neuralgia radically aurae in 1
to 8 days. Ito action upon the system
is remarkable and myeteriona, 16 re-
moves at once the cause and the dieeaae
immediately disappears, The first dose
greatly benefits. ' 75 conte, Warranted
by G, A. Deadman.
Brookville was throw,; into a great
state of excitement Thursday morainal)),
a report that Policeman Alex. Wright
bad been idiot and was dead, Investig-
ation proved that Wright was dead, bub
that he had died from heart failure, amus-
ed by over exertion. When Jas, Curran,
grocer, went to his etor•e on Bartholomew
Street Thursday morning he discovered
that burglars bad been at work during
the night. The door of the safe had been
forced open and the safe blown up with
powder and about 6500 in money taken.
He at once notified the polios station and
Wright, the only policensan on duty at
the station, went down. After viewing
the premises' he and Curran prooaedad
towards the east end of the town Ineeareh
of the burglars. Noticing three tramps
some dietaries away, they pursued them.
They had gone about a mile, when Wright
in getting over a fence, fell dead. Cur.
ran at once returned to town and gave
the alarm. The body was brought in and
an inquest was held Thursday. Wright
has only been on the police force for about
seven montbs. He leaves a widow and
four young children, one of which is ill
and not expected to live. The large
amount of money in Curran's safe is ac-
counted for by the fact that Wednesday
was pay day on the Grand Trunk and a
great many of his ouatomers had been in
during the afternoon and evening eeitling
their amounts, The three tramps that
were chased have been arrested, but it is
not supposed that they are the burglars.
John Clark, who is said to be the son
of one of the richeet men in Toronto, and
Mise Ada Ganthony, an actress, who
gave her reeideuoe se Surrey, England,
were married at the City Hall, Marriage
Burma, by Alderman Shilling, at New
York Friday of last week. Miss Granth-
ony bas been with a company in the west
for some months. She is 80 years old,
and a pretty brunette. The groom, who
gave his residence as the Hoffman Rouse,
is 81. The Toronto Star says :—The
principals in the above announoemeat
are believed to be John Clark, barrister,
whose office is in the James block, corner
of King and Yonge streets, and Mies
Nellie Ganthony, the English elocution•
int, who bas on several ocoaeions enter.
tained Toronto audiences. They met for
the first time under somewhat peonliar
circumstances, and a friendship that was
commenced amidst legal strife, quickly.
merged into a reciprocal affection that
led to the bridal altar. Mr. Clark, who
is looked upon as a barrister of great
legal aoumen, came to Toronto a little
over a year ago from St. Mary's, where
his wealthy fatherreeides. Several years
beforehis a arrivel here he formed an at-
tachment with a young girl and the two
were married in Michigan, but the men
riage was not a happy one, and after
complying with the requirements of the
law, Mr. Clark secured an absolute di.
voroe. He returned to bis home, but
later came to the wider field of Toronto,
and has already established a lucrative
practice. Miss Ganthony, while giving
an entertainment in Toronto, became in-
volved in a legal dispute, and Mr. Clark
wart retained against her. While en-
deavoring to bring the oase to an ami-
cable conclusion, Mr. Clark and Mies
Ganthony met, and while the former
won his snit for his client, he lost hie
heart to Mise Ganthony.
,^.i•'J NESS
•tea =1,:sq" .SKIN,
An Agreeable Laxative and NLIBYB TON10,
Bold by Druggists or Bent by Mail. 26e„ e00.,
and 51.00 per package, Saniplee free.
KONO Tho Favorite i0076 Pteeli8
Al for the Teeth and reath, 2110.
Sold by JAS. BOX, 05rn881st, Brussels.
Fe ttherbone Skirt Bone
Serle and Shape
A light, pliable, elaatlo bone made -
from quills. Itis soft and yielding,
conforming readily to folds, yet giving
proper shape to Skirt or Dress.
The only Skirt I3one that may baa
wet without injury.
Ladies ° Drosses, The Celebrated Featherbone Cel*.
Sets are corded with this matetlal.
10-21 For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
Dr. le: F. 1!forrltt.
No Other Medicine
AYI3 Rs pailla
Statement of a Well Known Doctor
• "No other blood medicine that I have
ever used and 2 have tried them all, le so
thorough in its action, and effects so many
permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."—
Dr. H. F. MlonILL, Augusta, Me,
Admitted at the World's Fair.
dyer's Pills" for liver and bowels.
Oerhdn in its effects and never blisters.
Read Proops below:
Boa 52 Carman Beodereoa Co., DL, Feb.21, '01.
Dear Bire—Please sendme one of your Horse
Rooks and obllgo. Ibavaused agreet deal of your
Itendall's Spavin Dere withood eaceete. 11 le a
wonderful medicine. 1 once mare d a me that bad
as Occult Sp •L, and ilve boitles cured her. 1
keep a bottle on band all the time.
Yours truly, Cans. PowELL.
Dr. B.1. BIEND,r... Co.
CANTON, Mo., der, 3,'82,
Dear Sirs I have used several tin/068,0f your
'Bendall'. Spavin Cure" with much esteem I
Mink it the best Liniment I over need. Rare re.
ranee lent' Curb, ono Blood Searle and killed
two Bone Spavine. Karo recommended 51 to
LDne eral of my friends who are muoli pleased with
Land keep it. Beepeattanv.
S. R. RAZ P. O. Box 318.
For Salo by all Druggists, or address
er. KEND ZZ 001141.4.2.Y, !
'ail Egan
1. EF -16,52.,....45 �
oPA.^f1,. 0S o^a A'gV
glleag,:l :1
°P1 5:0044§4SI8.rel°
h'ryn"�e Fh,ra effi`a• m,�
pginbOa±po gyil^ylmpnnnrvd'e ^
t' t,?""F>nB a?les F'
Sold in Brussels by
G. .1, DEAD -MAX, larngetet.
Now is the Time for
And to prepare for the Cold and Wet Weather. We
invite inspection of our stock which will always be
found right as to Styles 'and Prices.
Dress Goods,
Tweeds and Suitings,
Readymade Suits and Overcoats,
Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes,
t'Agents for Standard Patterns. New Fashion
Sheets to Hand; Call and get one free.
4E)) 41000
We are prepared. to take any quantity
of Wool either for Cash. or Trade,.
We have a large Assortment of. ,.,
Tweeds, Flannels, Carpets,
Blankets, Yarns, Knitted
Goods, &c., to choose from.
We are also prepared to take in all kinds of—
Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spinn-
ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing-, &c.
HOWE & Co.,
Next door to Blashill's Butcher Shop
Confedeiati rat
ife of Toronto,
Established l871•
° ..
rs 00
IND�+ #A 0,
05'. C1 e
O 0 05
O � 0
it :rii =l2ui? ( e'l, cis' fi .ltf fit's, Q CM
0 0
o o
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
W. IE. zER%, Agent, Brussels,
Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of :as. Fox s.
and combined it with my own, I have nowithe
Largest, Cheapest and Best
Display ever made in Brussel.,
Special Bargains Given during this Month
To save trouble of moving in "Oo1n1w"'
tion with the erection of new Stogy,..
You can save Dollars by dealing with mein
Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades.
Paler Ranging done in First-class gyre:-
tyletW. RODDICK,..,..