The Brussels Post, 1895-9-20, Page 8T1SSEI PAST
FoieOne do not always produce fatal
/exults in a clay, Tido depends upon the
amount takou and the Rower or ability of
the oystetn to resist their action, Pees.
one clay he token withoab apparent en.
ury, at least for time. ley-and•byo,
however, it beeline to manifest itself fa a
broken down oonetitutlon, disease or
death. Now thio truth applies to illtittod
epee:males, You may be wearing e, glass
wWoh you have thought uotbfug mere
could be desired, when all the time nor•
toile muscles are being poor taxed in over•
comiug a glace not Om proper Strength or
the proper glass not let the right size
Mame, The effeot, however, is sore and
the ovor•taxed muscles conenduro the
straiu no longer; resulting in woalluess of
violon, often accompanied by beaclaohe
and permanent injury to the eyes, I
have and am malting a study of the prop..
or fitting glasses and speObaoles, I Care.
fully test both oyes, take meastuemout of
frame required afid supply accordingly.
1 chtuge yon nothing for testing • your
sight 80 if your oyes aro troubling you
cell and have them tested..
Druggist, Bookseller and
Graduate Optician.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follow
GoraGsoura. ODINoNost ll.
trail 0:50 aro , rimed 940 a,m:1 Goderfob, last Monday. Tho business be•
anted— 5......11:50 a.m. Mail800P.0. fore the Committee was the Morris bridge
1)lm. ExpressP.M.0'1 case. It was deot•
ded to accept of. Justine
Meredith's judgment, with the reotifioa-
tion of date from Sopt. 5 to May 5,'1894.
If this is agreeable to Morrie Council ehie
long winded case will he brought to a
close, the county paying s large amount
in coats in addition to the 40 per cent. of
coot of bridges.
GEORGE, the Hatter, and atravelling
ora anion name
?AMMO= openiiige.0.91111 week. Read
the advts, for dates, and go tend, flee the
now etylee.
Tulp 4.0. U. W„lose another "double.
heador"`for September, Three tie 0119fn sueoodelgn.
Wono ie benpushed along at the new
atone tank to ke la0o•tbo woolen qua
near the Revere House,
Tun House of Refuge Ooln enttee will
meet at Clinton nest Tuesday at 7 p. rn,
to open teedoro for fnrelehiuge far the
new building,
Tint Sobool Board hat purchased a
copy of the new Standard Pietionary
pubiiohed by Funk & Wagnell, The book
wilibe utilized by the teltehera.
J. W. Rune, who hoe for eight or ten
years condoled the 11qu05' etoro in 011n.
ton, has disposed of the business to Look
Kennedy, The new owner took poeess-
eion last week.
Tun men who doesn't road Tun Peer
is simply "not in it." If you want to
know what's going on around here sub.
scribe for Tut Pose, 26 oeuta gets it icor
the balance of the year.
Moos Poona has tendered her resig.
nation as teacher of the Primary Depart,
went in Breseele Bohol, the same to
oome ,info effect next Jaupary, Arise
Cooper ie an eaoellent teacher.
Mooehreze.—The following ace the
Modelites in atteadacoe at Olinton Model
sobool :—Misses Aitoheeon,'Bell, Benbley,
OHO, Consist, Caves, Doherty, Jamie -
Son, Johnson, Higgins, Murch, Mo.
Naughton, MaGotohean, Mo/allure, Pear.
eon, Padfield, Sheptlei'd, Turner, Van.
stone, and Messrs. Breckenridge, Brad -
win, Oourtioe, Oresell, Campbell, MK,Hartley, Hogan, Jesltell, Russell, Snaith,Whidden, Dunlip.
Tuio Reeve attended a meeting of the
Warden's Committee at the Court House;
'focal ffebas (rms.
A chiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Exuma Fall Fair Thursday and Fri•
day of next week,
To School Board minutes are crowd•
ed out of this issue.
Miss BRADEN treated the pupils of her
department to pears last Friday.
Co:.nrznemeze there are no files
Upon the man who advertise.
THERE is quite a water famine existing
in Brussels owing to so many wells going
A eiECLeL meeting of Brussels Council
will be held next Monday evening to
strike the rates for the year.
Beer Zoo Fall Fair has the best
prize list in the county. Fair on 26th
and 27th inete. Don't forget.
Poor•. E. STONE Wiggins says that the
conditions are all favorable for a great
etorm on the North American continent
between Sept. 17th and 21st.
Gus. GCEREL's "Mise Delmaroh” took
2nd money in the 8 minute pace at the
Western Fair, Loudon, on Tuesday.
She gave "Nellie Bruce," of Ailsa Craig,
a close shave for lat.
Acrox will vote on a Fire Engine By.
law on Oat. 5th. Mr. Ronald has tested
a steamer there and if the people esti.
mate its value properly they will not be
long in making a choice of rite fighters,
IT is proposed to have a suitable
demonstration on the opening of the new
sebool house. Rev. J. Rose, J, N. Ifen•
dell, A. Reid, and Principal Cameron
have the matter in hand. It is a good
idea. Zion. G. W. Ross, Minister of
Education, will be invited.
Rearm; should take notice that the
open season for ducks is from September
lot to December 10th ; partridge, wood-
cock, snipe, rail, plover, gray and black
squirrels and hares, Sept. 10th to Dec.
Lith ; quail, October 15th to December
Tun oyster season opened no Monday,
Sept. 2nd. This year the crop is the
largest and beet for years. On account
of the dullness of trade last year, there
was a comparatively small demand upon
the beds. Dosing the past four months
without the "r" the spawning has mnl-
tiplied a millionfold, and in consequence
the output will be the largest for many
PRESENTATION, — The Goderioh Star
says :—The Godericb base ball club re.
Gently acknowledged in a very handsome
way their appreciation of the recent ad-
dition to their membership. They pre-
sented the new member with a handsome
silver mug bearing the following ihsorip•
tion ; "Presented to Dudley Elwood
Holmes by the G. B. 13. C." As the re-
cipient is as yet not very fluent in the
English language, hie father made a
suitable response, acknowledging the gift,
but expressing regret that the new arriv-
al would not be able to play in any
matches this Season.
ATTneenoes,—At East -apron Fall
Fair, to be held at Brussels, the following
specialties will be on the program on Fri-
day afternoon :—Beat trained Collie dog,
exhibition to be given on Fair ground,
let 82.00, 2nd 81.00, 8 entriee or no prize ;
foot race, 100 yarde, professionals barred,
1st 82.00, 2nd 61.00 ; boy's race, under 12
years, 50 yards, let 9L.00, 2nd 70e., 3rd
500., 4th 25e.; glee race, under 16 years,
50 yards, 1st 75c., 2nd 500., 3rd 25a., 4th
'25e. ; sawing match, two cuts off beech
log, 1st 83.00, 2nd 92.00, 3rd 81.00; en-
tries to be in three days before the show.
Owing to the change in the law the epeed-
ing events have been cancelled. Attend
the Fair, Admission only 15 conte.
Oniemure.—On Teesday, the 10th inst.,
Robs. Nott, of Tuckersmith, passed over
to the great majority, at the ripe old age
of 80 years and 7 months. Mr. Nott
emigrated from Devonshire, Eng., in
1882, and settled near Toronto, where he
remained for two years, then he moved
to this county and settled on the farm on
the London road, where he died, having
lived in this county 61 years. He was a
staunch member of thech
Methodist ohur
and a Conservative in politics. He
leaves a wife, three sons tnd two daugh-
ters. He was married twice, bat had no
family by hie second wife. Deceaeed
wag buried in Tuxner'e cemetery, follow -
•ed by a large number of friends. He was
a man of the strictest integrity and np.
rightneee. He has always had good
health, but his age prevented him getting
about with moll comfort, so he has re-
mained at home of late. We are sorry to
learn that his aged partner le oleo fn
delioate health, and her recovery is very
doubtful, .; John Nab, V. S., of Kansas,
and Robb.. Nott, of Obio, both former
residents, of Brooks, are sons of demo.ed.
o p d Charlie, a Batoohe
hero, who now dontore ailing umbrellas,
were "doing" Brussels this week. The
Listowel Banner says :—The genial face
of Geordie the Hatter is vieible on oar
streets again. He struck town the other
day with a working partner, whose line
of business is a little higher up than
head -gear, reaching np to umbrellas. The
partnership arrangement is a good one,
Geordie working one day end his partner
the next. Geordie thinks the partner is
even mare festive than himself, though.
the Palmerston Reporter libelled them
when it referred to them as 000apied in
sampling liquor, This is wrong ; a sam-
ple would be no use to either of them.
Geordie hes requested us to deny the
charge and we have much pleasure in
doing so.
BASE BALL.—Wednesday afternoon an
exciting and closely contested baseball
match was played between the "Browns,"
of Harriston, and the Brussels slob on
Viotoria Park in this place. The visitors
went to bat first, with Jno. Grewar in
the box and W. Grewar catching, and the
battery did such work, booked up by the
basemen and fielders, that 2 runs was the
highest number scored in any innings,
and this figure was only touohed twice.
The 9 innings totalled Harriston 8 runs,
8 ',whitewashes" being administered
during the game. Brussels trade a fila
start out, getting in 8 runs,but the 2nd,
Ord and 4th only brought egoose-eggs"
and the 7th ditto. Their total was 7.
Hamilton did good work in the box and
Boyd caught in his usual form. "Tot"
Cochrane and A. Ooneley umpired the
game. The errors were about equally
divided between the two olubs and it was
only by the oloseet shave that Harriston
won. The following score will supply
other particulars :
E10009EL5. DARnXBTOx,
J•, Rnes, 2b, 1 4 Stewart, 21), 0 S
W. Grower, e. 1 4 Lennox, et, 2 2
N. Gerry, of. 2 8 Hartley, it. 1 8
D. Roes ib. 1 2 Bradley, ss. 1 1
A. Currie, 1f, '1 1 Angos,ib. 0
G. Halliday, es. 0 4 Boyd, e. 1 a
5', OloBain, 1'f, 0 4 Lemon,eb, 8 1
C. Shaw, eh. 1 1 McGrath, rt, 0 2
J, Grewar, p. 0 4 Hamilton, p, 0 4
Score byianings-188456789 827
Brussels 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1-7
Harriston 122011010-9
The Harriston boys left on the night
train for Wingham, en ronte for Olintoe,
Goderioh and Stratford, where they are
to play matches, W. Grewar aacom-
panied them and will offioiate as umpire.
SODDEN DEATn.—It was a matter of
very painful surprise to the relatives and
many old friends of the late Peter
Thompson when a telegram reached
Bruseels announcing his decease. He
died at Dorset, near Huntsville, of pleur.
ley, the doctor who came 30 miles to see
him could do nothing for him, as the
trouble was too deep seated before he
arrived. Mr. Thompson was a resident
of this place for many years and few
men were better known, He was a con•
tractor and builder by trade and on re-
moving from Brussels to Toronto follow.
ed the same line. He was a very effrol-
enb man and well known as being faith-
ful and painstaking in bis work. Among
bis contracts in the Queen's oily was the
present Arlington hotel, which be remod-
elled and built from the old hospital,
which formerly occupied the site. Four
years ago he entered the employ of the
Provincial Government, being engaged in
bridge work on the oolonization roads,
and from there he was transferred to the
management of the Algonquin park,
which be bad since 0ooupied. He spent
a year in Winnipeg during the boom and
wog interested in real estate there and in
mining property in this province. Mr.
Thompson war a widower, and leaves a
family of four daughters—Mrs, H. J.
Whitley, of Kincardine ; Mrs. Jae. goose,
Bruaeels ; Mrs. Jas. Humphries, Toron-
to ; and Wise Clara, also of that pity.
The remains wore accompanied from
Dorset by a Mr. Simpson, a Deputy -
ranger, who was with Mr. Thompson
when be died, and on arrival at Toronto
were taken charge of by Mr. Humphries,
who brought the body to Bruesele where,
from the residence of Mr. Jones, it was
interred on Monday afternoon of last
week. The service was concluded by
Rev. A. K. Griffin And wee under the
aU5pioes of the Canadian Order of For.
esters and Ancient Order of United
Workmen, of which deoeased wag a mem.
bet, Brussels Band headed the long
prooeeeion to the cemetery, playing the
doleful strains of the Dead March. The
membsre of the family have many sym-
pathisers in their bereavement,
LAM week the Want eine of Wul, Pen•
bow died end :watt bgriod on li'rlday after.
On. The mote are eyulpathized with
in the loss of their baby boy, Id's wee 7
months ol(1,
Ti,Aalirus,.'-Tiro L'isa0utire Commit.
:leo of West Flexon Teitehere' Aesoelatlon
met at Goderioh and oomploted arrange,
meats for the Fall meeting of the Aseooi-
aMion. Ib will be held in Godsriolt en
Opt, 8.4, the fieeb seselon to ootuneen05 at
7:30 p, m;
00 xaotonene,—Ab the last meeting of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, in
conneotl0n with the 1llethedlat ohurch,
Bruesele, the following °MSioira were
elected for the current year ;
President, Mrs, 11. Paul';
Vlce•Proeideut, kfro, J. L 1?:orr 1
Cor,.Ses,, Mire Cr. H. Oobblediok
Rep: Secretary, Miss D. E. Iim'r
Treasurer, Mrs. W, F. Stewart,,
PaessNTATror,—Tlrie week the neem.,
bees of the Methodist church choir and
teaohsrs and oiuoers of the Sabbath
soltool fortvarded a fine, Teachers' Self-
Prono.unoieg Combination Bible and an
extra morocco covered Hymnbook to S.
le, Wilson, who removed to Petrolia a
short time ago. kir. Wilson's name was
in/eribere in gilt, on the outside over of
eaoh book, The Bible and Ifymo-book
were veined at 810.00.
TEN thousand - people attended the
games of the New York Caledonian Olub
on Sept. 3rd. W. F. Scott, of Bruaeels,
Ont., won first prize for throwing heavy
hammer. In putting the light stone, 0.
J. Currie, of Parkhill, Ont., won first
Hize ; distance 47 feet4 inches. J'. P.
Watson, of Toronto, won the prize for
running, hop, step and jump ; distance
45 feet 7e. inches, Watson and Sootb
tied at ten feet in the pole 7oult. Our-
ris won the shot, with a pot of 48 feet,
Ewen, who is engaged by the Provincial
Sabbath School Aseociabion, will hold a
Normal Institute in Brussels nest Mon.
day and Tuesday. Afternoon and -even
ing sessions, at 8 and 8 o'olook, will he
held in the Methodist church, excepting.
Tuesday evening service, which will he
in Melville church. All Sabbath 'school
workers in Brussels and the adjoining
townships are cordially invited to attend.
Mr. MoEwen has met with great euows°
in this department of S. S. work and he
is well worth hearing. He will address
the S. S. teachere of Brussels in the
sobool room of the Methodist church
Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'olook. The
topic's discussed at all the sessions of the
Institute will be of a very practical nhar-
aer,,. e,•A ConseonSII try very ueeful to
every Sabbath school worker.
Business Locals.
Coal oil 14c. at McAllister's, Ethel.
Lose, clear bacon at McCracken's.
TrtiooHY seed for sale at MoOraoken's.
TotrATOEe for sale, fresh from the
vines. T. Kelly.
REPAIRS in boote and oboes very cheap.
I. 0. Richards.
Fon good shoes ab low prices we take
the lead. L 0. Richards.
Sneeze harness at reduced prices for
cash for thirty days. L C. Richards.
Lrvir.e run on children's wagons at
Tar•. POST Book Store, 2 boy'e veloci.
pedes for sale. Dell and see them.
Do you want to stop using tobacco ?
If so, use No -To -Lao. We refund your
money if nob as stated. G. A. DEAnaLur.
Ken's Clover Root, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and oures constipation.
25 ole, 50 obs and 91.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
SEn oa'e cure is sold on a guarantee.
It ores incipient consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose. 25 eta, 50 obs. and 91.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
FLEURY PLOWS.—Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the neceseary
repairs. Call ab Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
HEED THE WARNING,—The common and
ever-present warning of kidney trouble,
bask -ache and weakness in book, are
quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Pills.
The original and only 25 cent Kidney -
Liver Pills, When all other remedies
fail they mire.
Mas. T. S. ,HAwnnve, Chattanooga,
Tenn., rays, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it; the best remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever treed."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
expels. Price 75 ole. Sold by Jae. E'ox,
Druggist, Brussels.
has, at oonsiderable cost, put nus of theta
into his restaurant and can now put up
the best Summer drinke known. He'
has reduced toe Oreane to 30 cents a quart
and will give very special rates in fruits
and confectionary to pio-nio and evening
"Famine' CENTRAL" INsvoux or Co.—
This new and very prosperous Fire In.
suranne Co. during the past year issued
over 800 policies in Carrick, Howiok,
Culross and Greenook. Bates on farm
property very low. J. A, CREIGHTON,
Agent for Morris and Grey.
WELL -Dream AND DRILLINs.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and le prepar-
ed to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
s000nd door norb'i of the bridge, west
eide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 84-tf
YARNS.—Just recovered a lot of Lieto-
Wel yarns fn two or three ply. Black,
grey, and mixed colors to arrive. Mitt
yarns in various colors. Also received
imparted yarns, Gloria Saxony, Book
German, Andalusian in black, -red, etc.
Berlin and Zephyr wools. Fanny goods,
toys &o. Specialities ladies' hoods in
Toe wool and Saxony. Knitting done
any size at Mrs. Kirke.
SALTON.—In Stratford, on Sunday, Sept.
8th, the wife of Rev, G. F. Salton,
Pk. B., of a son.
1iINa.—In Turnberry, on Sept. 001,,. the
wife of Mr. Wm, King of a daughter.
MOCASEY: —In Cincinnati, Ohio, on the
12th of August, the wife of Mr, D. J.
MaCasey of a eon,
Benno,—At Carthago, on Sept, 2nd, the
wife of Bev.: B. H. Barnby, B, 13., of
a daughter.
Wr1eos,—At "Maple Grove," McKillop,
on the llbh loaf., the wife of Mr.
John Wilson Of it daughter.
MoBPAllusX •—At Winthrop on the 8th
ineb., the wife of Mr, W. G. M,oSpad.
den of a eon,
20, 18961
•T4Y #17)4 .?.,i.I'. B.1,1, t' Y ,1.•1. OF C✓.7.1%Y ./,1,. el ,
ASSI'ITS, (Seven. t1illivu 79ollare) 97,000,000
OAPITAIG (Authorized) , - 92,000,009
riponnfos 4as all principal Nino its Ontario, Quebec, Afanitoba„
0111ArF+l t'!bta litewrow.
A Otanel'al BOliking Buelnees Tranaaobed, ' Farmere' bates Discounted,
Drafts Jostled and 0ollegtiens mado On all pointe,
feterest allowed on deposite of 91,00 and upwards from coat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded lralf yearly,
Every facility afforded Cusbolnere living ab a dietanoe,
urs Drugs,
a et Mediates,
nitotb Stento f0Etlylo ul TOILET
ILiyL1E8 $5i c'3 ME, dnprd W.V > $ateW8'
B US i .0I1 ►s� , 1
Transact a General Banking Business, Drafts Bought and Sold on
ail points in Canada, United States and Great Britain,
Interest Allowed on One Dollar andU'pwards at Current Rates.' Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Montle of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
08'e sheet to write llnanr,rnce in an English m• Canadian Oompanlee, or ler ►Itit.
ua1 Companies as may be desired. . .
Br.Asmo-In Brussels, on Sept. 14th,
the wife of Mr. James Blashill of a
DAVIDeen,—In Trout Creek; Parry Sound,
on August 22nd, the wife of Mr.
Thos. Davidson, formerly of Ethel,
of a son.
M.9321. 2f7b,
KmLoueH=EfoaRu.—ln Auburn, at the
residence of the bride's brother, Mr.
John Hoare, on Sept. 11th, by Rev.
Wm. Baugh, Mr, Wm, Killough, of
Grey, to Miss Luoy Hoare, of Au -
barn, formerly of Brussels.
LAIR1—BOANCHIARD,—At the parsonage,
Stratford, on September 4th, by the
Bev. G. T, Salton, Mr, John Laird,
merchant of Seaforth, to Miss Mary
J. Blanchard, of Toronto.
distehurch, Nile, on Sept. 8rd, by
the Rev. J. W. Pring, Mr. Francis
Hawkins, merchant, Kincardine,.
to Mise Ida Maud Hetherington,
daughter of Mr, Joseph Hetherington,
of Colborne Township.
FLEUTY—BYRNEs.—Ab the residence Of
Mr. John Shaw, Goderich, on the
10th Sept., by Bev. J. A. Anderson,
B. A., Mr. W. J. Flsuty, of Wing.
ham, to Miss Elizabeth Agnes Jane
Byrnes, daughter of Mr. Henry
Byrnes', of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
KELLY—MonnleoN.—At St. Augustine, on
the 18th of Anoint, by Bev. Father
• Quigley, Mr. Patrick Kelly, of Mt.
Forest, to Mise Florence Morrison,
of Wingham.
DRAM—Moons.—At St. Paul's church, on
the 4th Sept., by Bev. L. G. Wood,
Mr. W. Dean, of Toronto, to Miss
Maggie Moore, second daughter of
Mr. Thos. Moore, of Wingham.
ALLAN—HANNA.—A1 the residence of the
bride'e parents, Wingham, on Sept.
4th, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. Robs,
Allan, of Wingham, to Miss Mary,
eldestdaughter of Mr. John Hanna.
MOTE—Soorr.—At the residence of Mr.
Robt. Aitken, Owen Sound, on Mon-
day, Sept: 2nd, by Bev. Alfred
Brown, Rev. Henry Mote, D. D.,
pastor of the Congregational church,
Wingham, to Mrs. Letitia Scott, of
Owen Sound.
Bose—KNsouTEL.--In Brussels, on Sept.
10100, at the residence of the bride's
parents, by Rev. G. H. Oobblediok,
B. D. Miss Tillie, daughter of Mr,
Wm. Kneobtel, to Mr, Wm. ROBS, of.
BOTaAN—DONAEUE.—In Eima, on Sept.
10th, at the home of the bride's
mother, by Rev. John Ball, Mies,
Mary Jane, daughter of Mrs. Sarah
A. Donahue, to I%Ir. Matthew 26 -
ward Botham, all of Elmo.
HILL—Ro0ERTeoN.—In Atwood, on Wed-
nesday, Sept. 11th, ab the residence
•of the bride's father, by Rev. T. 0.
Robinson, Miss Helen G., .second
daughter of Mr. 0'. 0, Robertson, to
Mr. Stephen H. Hill, of Weston.
Dmesow.—In Brussels, on Sept. llth,
Wm. Charles, the infant son of Wm.
Denbow, aged 7 months.
H'rsLor.—In Grey, on September 11th,
Catharine Sillere, beloved wife of
John Hislop, aged 66 years, 5
months and 18 days.
FORGnt.—In Wingham, on Sept. loth,
Agnes, beloved wife of Alex. Fergie,
aged 77 yeere.
NETanRY.—Iu East Wawanosb, on Sept.
8rd, Elizabeth Nethery, aged 01
Kee.—In Listowel, on Aug. 81st, Ann.
Kay, aged 78 years and 10 days.
THODirsoN.—Ab Dorset, on Sept. 511,,
Peter Thompson, of Brussels, aged
62 years.
NoxT,—Io Tnokoremith, on the 10th root.,
Robs. Nott, aged 86 years and 7
aignodwi5hesto notify the people
of Brussels and surrounding country that he
is now prepared to attend to the ;weaving of
carpet, ANDREW MaliAY,
gees** Olitonks St, Brussels
10'4 West of 0.100):08Hotel.
I-, zeros of the undersigned,. Lot 14, Oon, 0,
Grey, on September Ebb, a two-year-old
heifer, gray in color. TheOwner isrequest-
edto prove properby,:pay expellees and take
hex away,
RLE Barrel Shot Gun, splendid ;boot•
er, only 80.50 ; one breech loading Shotgun
with reloading Mole, &e., or a 10 shooter
Winohe0ter Repeating Rifle with reloading
Mole, bullet mould, 05., both nearly new, for
912.50. G. A. DEADMA21
.Daugglnt,Bookseller & Graduate optician,
on the 12th Con. of Grey, Owner
may have the same by .proving property and
payiu for this nobles; application to Tun
POST, Bs brussels. •
Douse for Hale eituatdd on Turn -
berry street, brueocla,' Immediate possess-
ion. Good stable, well, cistern, d Dore of
laud,' fruit trees, &o. Apply to
No. 81, John Street,
4L Brussels,
Notice is hereby given that a By-law was
Passed by the Municipal Commit of the
Township of Gre 0n the 17th day of August
A. D.1805, providing for the issue of deben-
tures to the 00100118 01 9244,00 for the pur.
1)059 of drainage work, andtbat 5110h. By-law
wet registered in the Registry Odi00 for the
Oouuty of Enron, on the 22nd day of August,
A. D.1805.- Any motion to gnash or set aside
the same or any part thereof must be made
within three months from the eats of Regis-
tration,and menet be made thereafter:
Datethe 30th day of August, 1835:
Notice is hereby given that a By-law as.
ponied by the Municipal 0ounoil of. the
Township of Grey, on the 17100 day of August
A. D,1895 providing for the issue of deben-
tures to the amount of 22,000,00, for the pur-
pcee of purchasing a new site and building a
new school house in School Section No. 7, in
the said Township of Grey, and that such
By-law was registered in thRegistry Office-
for the County of Huron, on the 22nd day of
August. A.D.1895. Any motion to quash or
set aside the same or anyart thereof moat
be made within three months from the date
of registration and.oannot be made there-
Dated the 30th day of August, 1895.
nEnerGNED has several good Forme or
sale aadto rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SOOTT.Bruesels
—The undersigned offers his valu-
able 100 acre farm, being Lot 6, Oou. 1, Grey,
Mr Salo. 76normcleared, balance good pas-
ture land. There ie on the premisesa. good
brick house, bank harm 6 acre orchard and
other modern :improvements. The land le
in prime condition. PooS0881021 would be
given in November. For further ;tparttoulero
as to prise, terms, &c., apply to
R.H. ()DTP, Proprietor,
8.8 Jamestown P. 0.
00173410Y 00' 100710013.
Tenders for Furnishings and Supplies for
the House of Refuge at Olinto u,in the Couu-
tY of Huron, will be received in sealed envel-
opes addressed to H. L1iber, Esq., Crediton
P.O., marked Tender Rouse of 1t01nge, not
later than
S, lortley, September 21st, 1805,
The lowest or any tender not esoasearly ae.
°auted. A list of supplies and furnishings in
detail andalso forme of tender may bo had
on applioation to any of the following per-
R.O. Snarling. Wingham ;
David Kennedy, Clinton ;
T, 13. Sanders, Wroxeter ;
D.B. Gunn, Soaforth ;
James Burns, Day&old;
N. U. Young, Blyth ;
W. H, herr, Brussels ;
T1208. Carling, Exeter;
Philip Holt, GodorIeh ;
H. 'Silber, Orediton;
Geo.leloltwan, 0ensall;
Wm, Lane, Goderioh •,B, S. Cook, FOrdwieh;
A. T. McDonald, Auburn,
EI GSE it,.
Chair man,
Dated, yAth August,1805,
Prescriptions AND
Family Recipes
• Carefully Compounded
FOX'S Drug Ston,
0529617E QUEEN'S HorNL,
e Solicitor and Oonveyanoor. Oolloo-
tions made. 05100—Vanetone'o Bieck, Brus-
sels. 21.8m .
i Ir • Senai'tor, Uan
lin, &o. Office—Venetone!s Block,1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
• 8olioitor, &o, (late of Garrey &
Proudfoot's cillos, Goderioh.) Office. over
Gilbos & Smith's Bank,i;russele.
Money to Loan. 44
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Lie initiate Royal Oolloge Dental Surgeons,
Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
rSBeBart'e barber shop, b,, u-
0) • Honor Graduate o, the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a oom-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. . Galls promet1y ab -
tended to, °Moe and Infirmary—Foto doors
north of bridge 'Purnberry et., Bruesels.
• 0, M., L. R.O,P, Edinburgh, IL O. P
S. Ont. Residence and Wilco in Wileon'e
Block, corner of Mol and Turnberry Ste..
rJ • Physiolan, .Surgeon, Accouohor, etc.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty, Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons Ont. 0935108-10020'door to:'
McDonald & do., Walton Ont.
Issorer eararrl0geLfoensoe, Office
MIAs Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels.
Tonsouth ofd. Df Malay Artist. Co's hardware tdoor
Ladies'and ahidrens hair cutting a specialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
l"No Witness Required.
T. PLETCHER, Brussels.
6URANCE Co. Established 1640,. In-
surances off ;toted on all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates.
ls•am S. A. 01tEIGHTON,
Agent, Brussels,
Oroof the Fourth DivisionCour
Huron. Conveyancer, liotPublicto; Lan and Insurance Agent. Fundsinvesed and loan. Colleotiona made
Teacher of instrumental ruuslo on
Piano or Organ. Will. visit Wingbmn Tues-
day and Wednesday of each wook. 11081.
dance On Prinoces Street, Brussels.
TA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Orgaaiet in St. John's Oburob, Brno
Sets, and pupil, in the Art of Teaohing,
W. Thayer, Mus.Doo., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either on Diane or organ,
at his parlor over A.13. Smith's otore,Brus-
sele. vocal lesson also given. -Terme mod-
Notice to Creditors.
J. Berens, or mora Tonsure! of MoniIm,
Notice is hereby given. pursuant to. Chap,
110, IL S. 0., and amending cots, that 011 ore-
ditors and others having claims against the
estate of the above named .Francis J. 13afhe5,
deceased, who died on or about the nine.
teenth day of August, A. D,1805, aro requir-
ed to deliver or gaud by post prepaid to G.
lt', Blair, Bruseols, Solicltorfor Martha Ann
Baines, the Exeoutrix of the will of the de-
ceased, on or before the 5th Day of October,
A, 0.1805, a statement in writing ;met aim-
ing their names, addressee and desoript ions
Dud full particulars of their claims and' the
nature 01 their soouritios (if any) held by
them, and in default thereof ;and se neon at.
for the said Firth day of Ootobor as the same
can conveniently be done, the Said Exeau-.
trix will prooeed to distribute tbo ase eta of
the d000aood among the panties entitled.
therotobaving 055Ord only to the clef me of
which sue shad then have bad nolle° and
She will not be liable for lute meets of said
eetato or any part thereof so distributed, to
any person of whoa° claim sue :has not had
not100 at the timeof ouch distribution,
Dated at Brussels, Sept. 18 1for ,Exocutris,
Licensed Auctioneer, Sales eondnot
ed on reasonable terms, Farms and farm
stock a specialty, Or dere lett at Tan Poep
Publishing Hou se,Bru smile, or eontto Wal ton
P. 0., Will receive prompt attention,
• EER, will sell for bettor prince, to
better men, in less time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in Eaob Huron
or ho won't charge anything Dates and
orders aan'aiways be arranged at this Oleo
or by personal application,
Savings Bank taker Deposita from
81,00 to 31,000 end allows 84 per cont.
interest, T. FARROW,
87'9m "'' Postmaster..
Amy quantity of Building, Corner,. Rubble,
Bill and Bridge Steno for Halo, Quarried
and ready for loading at BIIru08ols Quarry,
For price and termsOppIyto
87.10 Boa 160JN0, D¢ITOII I ruosels,