The Brussels Post, 1895-9-20, Page 6RFAAIa np BITIMY FRIDAY MORNING (in thin for theleerly mails) at "The post', Stearal Publishing House, Tuannnnnx ST., Blineenri, ONx, Vanua 'or SvarsoanerioN.-.Ona goo. a Year, In advance. The,date to wiaiolti every aubsoription is paid is denoted by the (tate OP the address label, Anvsna;Iornet Itpmns,—The following retire will be charged to those who advertise by the year. sreoii 1 1 xri. 6 niq. d mo One iumn 360,00 835,0Q I $20.QQ Halt . WA 20.00 12.00 qquarter a II 20,00. 12.001 8.00 signal " . 12.O0 8,00 6.00 Bight cents per line for arab insertion, and three cents per line for each eub$equent borbipn, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch, 2usinese Oaths, eight Lucie and under, e6 per annum. Advertisements without spacing direc- tions, will be inserted Plll forbid, and °barged accordingly. Instructions to.ehange or discontinue an advertisem ent must be left at the counting. ream of Tau Pose: not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative, W. Tx. iEIi1 , Editor and Proprietor. Before the Law Lords. SU Oliver FlQayst acid the 1"rehlb/tlon !fest Cabe Interest in the prohibition test i creases, and the return of the advocate Ontario's right to outlaw the liquor tr 0e, Dr. J. J. Maclaren, Q. 0., has into sifted the anxiety of the temperance lea ors in Toronto as to the outcome. T rapidity with which the nese reached gument before the Privy Council, is n the least remarkable feature of this u ique and remarkable case. Although was not until this Spring that the S preme Court of the Dominion render their judgment, the efforts of the 001108for Ontario and the co-operation of t Dominion Government law offioere,it w placed on the Privy Council list in Me This, it is understood, is the first i stance on record of an appeal to the la Court of the empire in such a short tim The unexpected, however, allhoet fru traced the efforts to secure an immediat argument, for when Dr. Maclaren arrive at Moville, the news reached him of th defeat of the Rosebery Government t Parliament, and the consequent under tainty of public events. On reaobin London he soon ascertained that as on Lord Chancellor was being euoaseded b another, and a dissolution of parliamen decided upon, there would be no possibil icy of the Daae being reached until site the general elections. Two of the conn sel in the case too, the Hon. Edwar Blake and Mr. Haldane, were parliamen tory candidates. The interval affords Dr, Maclaren an opportunity of visiting the continent, and, accompanied by Mrs Maclaren, the eminent Canadian Queen' Counsel made a most .enjoyable tour o France, Italy, Germany and Belgium visiting en route Paris, Rome and Venice Thus invigorated for theforeneio fray, he met Sir Oliver Mowat, Mr. Haldane and the solicitors for Ontario, for consultation in London. The details of the case coy ering the seven test questions submitted, were considered minutely, Sir Oliver Mowat giving the aid of hie great know- ledge of constitutional law. Dr. Maclar- en states that the present Oourt or Com• mittee of the Privy Council is beyond Court eotitled to be considered a strong court. The 'court' in which the case was argued, and in which all Privy Council appeals are heard, is a government office in Downing street. The room is n large one, with walls partially hidden by book shelves. At the chief table sit the fain. ous judges who compose the committee. As 11 is held to be a meeting of the Privy Connell, the chair at the head of the table is by a legal fiction presumed to be for the Crown ; that is, during the pros. ent reign, los Ier Majesty the Queen. On the Ieft of the table, next this always vacant chair, sits (the Lord Chancellor, two others sitting on the same side of the table, and three opposite to them. At the foot of the table is a rained desk, be - bind which the counsel addressing the Court, bas to stand. A railing forms an enclosure for the lawyers engaged on the ease. The law lords sit at the table in ordinary attire, but the counsel address- ing them are required to appear in gown and wig. 'Yes, we had to wear wigs,' said Dr. Maclaren, smiling at the recol- lection. The Court included the new Lord Chancellor, Lord Halsbory, whoprev- ious to his elevation, was Sir Harding Gifford ; the ex -Lord Chancellor, Lord Herschel], for all ex -Lord Chancellors during their lifetime are entitled in due course to form part of this committee of the Privy Council. Usually the Privy Council appeals are only attended by those absolutely engag- ed ngae ed in the ease, but again was the test case an exbeption to the rule, for at one of the sittings no less than thirty eminent Can- adians were present. Thie was a great surprise to the officials. Not only was there present Sir Oliver Mowat, Premier of Ontario, the Bon. Edward Blake, Dr. J. J. 1Vfaolaren and the Deputy Minister of Justice for the Dominion, Mr. New- combe, engaged in the oast, but also a further array of visiting Canadian legal lights, inoluding three high court judges; Judge Burton, J edge McLellan and Judge Street; two comity judges, Judge Mor. son, of Toronto, and Judge Finkle, of Woodstock. Other Canadian Queen's conneel present were Messrs. Christopher Robinson, Aemiliue Irving, Charles Moen, Laidlaw and Marsh, Among the well- known Canadians who visited the court were D L Shepherd, publisher of "Sat - =day Night" ; Mr. Dan Rose and Mr. Pettigrew, of Winnipeg. At detailed in the Witness the case was opened on Thursday, August let. The press was furnished with reports by the official reporter, and the representative Of the London Times. It is a rare thing for the London papers to report the ar- gument in Privy Council appeals, but the Times considered it of so great interest and importance that it devoted two bol- umne a day to the argument and proceed- ings. Each nonnsel in turn had to go through the ordeal of being continnally interrupted with questions. The law lords seemed to vie with each other in opposing pleas and arguments with ob- jections. Authorities were pitted against authority, but the Privy Conned judges of af- a- he a of 0- it ed et he as 9. sb e. 5. • n a e g y a d a THE BRUSSELS PAST' dict nob take numb aacauat of any depict mm ^ lona other than previous judgeeute of the 1 ,. rlvy Cornell itself, The judges meal• felted a go.arvellaue familiarity with and grasp of the questions of beim, For over a day Dr, SON= stood subetantiabing Point by Point and meeting argument with autheritioe, 'Mr. Haldane followed him far a couple of hours in support of the provincial claim, While the counsel for the province were malting their plea the point was pressed against them in oountises forms. It is settled, ie it not, that the Dominion Government hoe the power to prohibit? Is nob that power exolueive 7 Hat not the Dominion Gov, ernment this power because the province bee it not 2 The argument of the prey ince was threefold ; 1., That so far as localoption was eon. earned ib bad that right ;• it having form- ed part of the municipal ipebitubione pre- vious to Confederation. 2, That probibitipn wee a local matter, 8. That it was not regulation of trade and oommeroe end was not given to the der Dominion th d un at head. Mr. Nal m eInc Dominion, von t o 0 b f e m n made a brief reply, controverting Dt•. Maolaren'e position and the Hon. Edward Blake argued for a whole day, as couneel for the Dominion Distillers and Brewers' Aseooiation, that the jurisdiction to pro- hibit was exclusively a Dominion right. The result will not be known before the meeting of the Privy Council in Novara- ber. There appears to be a oonoersus of opinion in legal circles that the exolusive jurlsdiotior of the Dominion Government will be definitely declared, the right of municipal local option remaining with the provinoes. KILLED BY A TRAIN. The Listowel Banner says when Mrs. Hamilton, who lives just at the place where the Kincardine line crosses 2nd of Ima, a couple of miles from town, looked out at 6 .o'clock Thursday morning she saw a tramp lying on the roadside beside the thank. Mr. Hamilton went out half an hour afterwards to get him a little further away from the track before the morning train came down, and found the supposed tramp to be the body of David Martin, stone dead with the head and shoulders badly out up. He sent word to his people in town at once and Coroner Watson and Constable But - mer went out to investigate. A bottle with about three inobee of whisky 're- maining was found in his pocket. He had evidently been standing or sitting on the road at the edge of the track as the late mixed name from Atwood. He was struck by some part of the train and kncoked about ten or twelve feet to the road -side. So badly was be out about the face, head and shoulder that he must have been instantly killed. His cap and the cork out of the whisky bottle was found on the road where it is supposed he was first struck. Martin bad been in town Wednesday afternoon wibh hie wife and family. He took them home and re- turned in the evening to town. He was refused liquor at several planes in town bat had managed to obtain a bottleeome. where and no doubt was stupid with whisky when the accident warred. Au inquest is being organized as we go to press, and no doubt the full faote will come to light. Martin was a young man and leaves a wife and two small children. Ole bas been drinking heavily of late years and sellers bad been notified not to supply him with any liquor. It is some- what remarkable that the train men do not appear to have known anything about the affair, ab toast they said nothing about having killed a man when they came to the station. BITS ON INFORMATION. The annual profit of the Suez canal le $15,000,000. The railways of the world are worth $30,000,000,000. Americans drink eight times as much coffee as tea. Nearly ten per Dent. of European flow- ers are scent giving. The empire of Charlsmague covered about 600,000 square miles. Ice will keep better with the blocks packed on edge than if laid flat. Missouri raised in the census year 190,. 099,016 bushels of Indian corn. Java and Arkansas are of nearly the same size -53,000 square miles. The fiorietestimates that $500,00%000 a year are realized from flowers. Some Yale geologists are visiting Mount Mioa, the great natural treasure house of Maine. The force .Iof waveg breaking on the shore is equal to seventeen tons to the square yard. Four hundredweight of sealing•wax per month is used by the great; seal of whioh the lord chancellor is the official custodian. A crow, the pet of Belfast, Me., fam- ily, has acquired the hobbit of attending church regularly. It is said that there are over 70,000,000 needles made each week within the limits of the town of Redditob. Tin is said to have been dienovered in auerfano County, Col., in better paying quantities than any other place in the United States. A child born in the northern suburbs Omaha last week has finger nails an inch long and a thick growth of hair all over his body. The Christian scientists have acquired sufiieiont strength in Providence to erect a place of worship, whioh will soon be commenced. WPINKLES. Worry and the grave digger get on well together. When wo go out to meet trouble we never have along walk, When the devil oan't get behind the preacher in any other way he sometimes joins the choir. Anybody can be pleasant to pleasant people, but 11 takes grace to be pleasant to unpleasant people: If you want to get in a crooired path, just follow the direction of a corkeorew. There ars people who hate a thief who borrow books and never return them, He who is hunting a wife without a fault ebonld remember the spouse he is seeking may be eearnbing for a husband of the same sort. The man who is only concerned to speak the exact truth ie not apt to be garrulous. Die as well to take warning from the silly as earned from the wise Sir Charles Rivera -Wilson Visited the G. T. R. shops at Stratford. ball, 1411 fIrtUtWts, yesterday, sa s the Goderieit Star Sour of the Oldest known. settlers .of 7,duran County loot in lawn and had theirhoto, taken in a group, Theon wore Sheriff Gibbons, of town, W,ln, Young,Ch sr' as. Girvin and Joiln Morris, of Colborne township, Their united ogee reach 328 years, an average of 82, and alt are still vigorous and hearty, worthy representatives of the good stook that turned this oonntry from a: wildernees of forest into the riob agri- cultural garden ib to -day. Comparing notes as to their reepeotive aohieVements it was found that three are ex -wardens of the oounty, 8 were sergeants in the rebel. lion of '87 and 2—Mesers. Gibbons and Girvin—.were Dietriot Qounsillore in the old' days of the united Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce. Ib was agreed they should be accorded the following phaco. pionships ; The Sheriff, ohampiou chop- per of the county ; Girvint . chairman of church socials ; Young—well—what was it ?—oh, yee, temperance, and all tonna good fellow a Morrie --oh, w and A'i r Ola, John 1 -- the ladles fsvarite I May they each and all enjoy for many rap yet the fruits of their industry and integrity. 11. (Retailers Are Showing Checked silk beltinge. Writing desks of violet wood. Laos -Striped colored grenadines. Mohair skirts having silk ruffles. Bouols tweeds in orosswise stripes. Silk orepons for aoetumes and waists. Boa; of narrow crimped blank ribbon. Jet buttooe set in a rim of rhinestone, Fine weaned baregee in glans colorings. i passages. Painless and delightful to [trepans in two colors in undulating use, it relieves instantly, and permanent. 0801 (ATV 1S1.Piluta NN8 8N 11 A`. " No is N a boo a poor to take his local newspaper, says an exollange, and it is tales economy to get along without it. Hardly a week passes that eametllfng dose not appear in ibe oclmmite that will Lea finano(al beeefib to the subeoribsr and by the end of the year he has made or saved from one to twenty time bbe subscription pride. The city papel's do apt bake the place Of your Weal pagor, although some people seem to think they do. The oily papers are all right in their way,but they don't give you what you are ost interested in—your Wool and oounty news, You moot learn froth them when public meetipg are to be held, who are dying or who are marrying ; who are moving out; court proosedinge, who wants to sell land—in foot handreds of items which might be of particular im, portanoe for you to know, Such matter city gapers cannot furnish, but. your local paper can and does, Two Y0un Young women at London named Bong were poisoned by canned salmon. They may recover. General Gascoigne, the new oommand. er of the Canadian forces, sailed from lingland on Sept. 19. Donald 1VZoNaughton, near .Lidootte, Kent county, loot 150 bushels of barley and 90 bushels of wheat by lira last week. A spark from the threshing %gine cane- sd it. CAThnn no Ingrain 0 rN 10 To 60 A1INn1Ee.— One abort puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with saab bottle of Dr. Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffpses this Powder over the surface of the neea1 Thin blank orepons dotted with jet beads. Steel hat ornaments showing the tur- quoise. Yokes of lace and spangled satin ribbon bands, Nubia rugs in Wilton, moquette and velvet designs. Toques of bleoll satin trimmed with lace and jet. Percale shirt waists having a pointed yoke, Prenoh front. Tailor gowns having bishop sleeves and turnover Guth. Raised spots of black mohair on a black orepon surface. At Bradford hank McAfee dropped dead in front of a doator'e office, where be was going for medical advice. The Hamilton Board of Eduoabion bas agreed to the conditions for the removal of the School of Pedagogy from Toronto to Hamilton. The Dominion Trades and labor Con- gress meeting at London decided to ad- mit the membership' representatives of the sooialistio Labor party, directors of the Industrial Brotherhood, and the Patrons of Industry Executive. The de- cision met with strong opposition. RnEauarlsu CURED ne A DAO.—South American /theumable Curs for Rhenma- tism and Neuralgia radically oures in 1. to 3 days. Its cation upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the oauss and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dente. Warranted by Cr. A. Deadman. ly cures Cabarrab, Hay raver, Colds, Ileadaoh s, Sore Throat, Tonsilftis and Deafness 60 Dents at G. A. Deadman's, oott'S arsaparilla THIS SPRING TAI E THE NEW MEDICINE AND NEXT SPRING YOU WILL Take No Other. cott' artsaparilla 7 F arra-v, FURNACES, S, RANGES. If you want a good Stove of any kind or make, See our Stock, Tinware and. Granite'are Y A Complete Stock al ways on Hand. Hardware d In Hardware we keep everything in the Trade, including Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints -- ready mixed and dry, Oils and Varnishes, Out- lery, etc. Prices low clown to suit the times. SILVERWARE! A fine line to choose from. SEE OUR LAMP GOODS, We have also a quantity of Shingles and Lath for Sale. Eavetronghiig a Specialty.. N. & N. Gerry. SaaZ'2. 20, .89fi ILK CANS Creamery We have ill stock a large assortment of Milk diesof everyi supplies description. If you want a good article we can give you the Best that's made. If you require anything in this 1'iie. call 011 118. All K!nth al Jo66i� Attended ,to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously. EAVETROUGRING, IRON ROOFING AND FURNACES Our Specialty, Alf Work Guaranteed Satisfactory, Full'line of Shelf Goods, Cutler Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. �, We handle Cook, Coal and Box Stoves of the Best Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention given to—'44110.- -Ow—Ordered o- - 'Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian Coal Oil, Castor Oil ancdifaoh ine O. A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for. WILTON St TURIBULL. rr STORE, ssels 17, Just to hand 12 doz. bottles of STAFFORD'S Well Known Ink. Try it. 2 dozen Children's Lar a Tin Cups Only 5c. each, to clear out Stock. Large Stock of Scribblers And All Other School Supplies. Nice Assortment of Bibles and Hymn Books. 6 • Dozen PEN AND "JOHN" KNIVES From 5 Cents up. POST Bookstore, -- RUSl.7E�.,S• —ear lit rap for res RI all wi hit th. wi da cot BE Ye, ref we on, ad be lac ha he f hu ca H' aR n it ee Li th m Cr TS b 10 ai 0I of 111 ki na P 1 d g b h p 11 ,r a n b c n d a c f