HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-9-20, Page 3Town Directory.
MaaLvomu Ouunou,-Sabbath Servieee
at 11 a m .and 6;60 p. m, Sunday Sghool
ab 2:$0 p rn. Rev, John Rose, X3 A,
ST. Jautz's 011unen,-Sabbath Servieee
at ika m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool
tit 2:80 p, in, Rev, A. K, Griffin, inoum.
hl30Uon1$T 0110011. -Sabbath Servieee
at 10;30 a m and 6:30 p m, Sunday
Sohool at 2;30p m. Rev, G. H. Cobble -
digit, M A, 13 D,astor,
ROMAN OATaioz p . Owuneu.-. FJabbatll
Servide third Sunday in every'month, at
10;80 a m. Roy Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION Annir.-Servloe at 7 and 13
m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at
the barracks,
Ona Far.rowe' Lonox every Thureday
evening, in Graham's block,
MAea io Lonoo Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block,
A 0 W LODGEon b
a 110 8C
- Friday evening of eaoh month, in Blas
bill's block.
C 0 T' LODGE 2nd and Met Monday
evenings of oath month, in Blashill's
I 0 F, and and Iaet Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L O L let Monday in every month
In Orange Hall,
Solve of SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tues.
days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. LoDoa, let and 3rd Thurs.
days of eaoh month, in Vanston° bloolt.
Hoang Oxoor r, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
Ings in Blasllill'e Hall.
Polar Os'FIOe Ofuee hours from 8 a.
in. to 6:80 p. m.
Maculates' Ineolrume.-Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays, Mies Dolly Shaw,
Town Cot eoza,-W. H. Kerr,. Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R,
Leatherdalo and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month,
Soaoor, BoAnD.-Rev. Bose, (ohairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. ,Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo..Treae.,
10. Rose. Meetings and Friday evening
in each month.
Punnxo Sonoon TBAonvns.-3. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mies
Downey andMise Cooper.
BOARD os J3sar,rn.-peeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. NMI
Bendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medioal
Health Officer.
A. grasshopper ones bad a game of tag
With some crickets that livednear by,
When he stubbed hie toe and over, he
In the twinkling of an eye.
Then the oriokets learned up against the
And laughed'till•tlreir aides ware sore,
But the grasshopper said, "yon are
laughing at me
And I shau't play any more."
So off he went, tho' he wanted to stay,
For he was not hurt by his fall,
And the gay little crickets went on with
the game,
And never missed him at all.
A bright-eyed squirrel called out as he
Swinging from a tree by his toes,
"What a foolish fellow that grasshop-
per is ;
Why, he's bit off hie own little nose."
Nothing to do but work,
Nothing to eat but food,
Nothing to wear but clothes,
To keep one from being nude.
Nothing to breath but air,
Qniok a8 a flash 'tie gone,
Nowhere to fall but off,
Nowhere to stand but on.
Nothing to but songs,,
Ah, well ! Alas 1 Mack l
Nowhere to go but out,
Nowhere to dome but back.
Nothing to read but words,
Nothing to oast but votes,
Nothing to bear but sounds,
Nothing to sall but boats.
Nothing to oemb.buthair,
Nowhere to Bleep but in bed,
Nothing to weep but tears,
Nothing to bury but dead.
Nothing to see but sighte,
Nothing to quench but thirst,
Nothing to have but what we've got,
Thus throughlifewe're °urged.
Nothing to strike but a gait,
Everything moves that grows,
Nothing at allbat oommou sense
Can over withetend'these woes,
(Road at the spring oonvention of the.
Morris Oounty,N. 3,
oN ,W 0, T. U, May,
Sing a song of ways and means,
Nice, good-natured man,
With an empty pocketbook,
Hits upon a plan.
Gets a paper and a pen,
Writes an application ;
Gets it signed by twelve nide men,
Of decent grade and station.
When the paper's opened,
"Lie clearly understood,
The whole thing is "conductive
To the public good."
Fellow buys hie licenee,
Pays his money down ;
Isn't that an easy way
Of lightingup a town ?
Make the siewalks wider,
Make 'am Wide and straight ;
Sometimes men come reeling
Homeward rather late -
Once were babiee cuddled tight,
As though the love would smother;
Xen't this a pleasant eight
To set before a mother ?
Sing a gong of broken hearts,
1doartQ that break for sorrow ;
ilyes that leek through blindfogtears
For a better morrow,
When the polls are opened,
The votes and drink go down ;
Isn't this a preoions eight
TO sot before a town ?'
Sing a song of ships afloat,
Starry pennants wearing ;
For a dietant heathen port,
See them seaward bearing.
Traots and rum oneks both aboard,
Whiskey and salvation ;
'Tis a most oonsiatont dish
Before a Christian nation.
Sing a song of woman's worst,
Women's faith add prayers
Four and twenty duties,
Four and twenty Dares.
Girls with sunny faces,
Women with white hair ;
Unioue in the Fast and West,
Unions everywhere.,
Working for a Qhriobien cause,
Men that cause delaying,
Women with their ribbons white,
Hoping, trusting,, praying.
When the Book ie opened,
Where Dread and sot aoaord,
Won't this be a pleasant sight
To set before the Lord?
In parts of Peru taxee are paid in
cocoa leaves and Peruvianbarls.
One pound of oork will support a `man
Of ordinary nine in the water.
The rate of taxation has nearly quad.
rupled in Franca einoe 1880.
It is planned that 146,000,000,000
meteorites fall annually on the earth.
' Crosses erected a statue of gold to his
baker in memory of his bal'ents.
France grows and consumes more
wheat.than any other country in Europa.
Until the seventeenth century there
were no bakers in France except in the
In a speech at Chicago Archbishop
Ireland ationgly condemned saloons, and
said he hoped the day wag near when, the
name of a Oatholio would not be seen
above the portals of a saloon.
The Queen. of Roumania, otherwise
"Carmen Sylva," hag been visiting the
Empress Frederick at Friedrigheof.
These two royal personages are perhaps
as cultivated and acoompliehed as any
other of their sex in Europe.
In a. oar load of ootton opened at Bid-
deford, Me., recently, seven tramps. were
found. They had been there two days
without food, fresh air or water. Their
only complaint wee that "it wee 'as hot
as the devil.
Readers of the Fliegende Stetter will
heneeforth miss the oontributious of one
of their favorites, Franz Bonn, whose
work was signed "Von Mirle." He died
in Begeneberg, Germany, a few days ago.
He held an office under the Prince • of
Thug and Taxis. Herr Bonn had also
written a number of stories for ohildren.
Somebody who. speaks with authority
says Prince Von Hatzfeldt doesn't worry
his father•indaw a little bit, and his
gambling propensities are not worse than
another man's fanny for the turf and race
horses. When the Prim* married Miss
Huntington the inoome of 62,000,000 was
settled on the wife, and with about $100,-
000 a year this happy pair -for they are
that -manage to get along.
Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian author,
loves to keep his Bair in disorder. This
is said to be his one vanity. He always
carries a little toilet case, says a Danish
writer, containing a looking -glass and a
comb, attached to the lining of his gray
hat. He often removes his hat to look
into the mirror to see how his hair is
lying. If it is not rough enough to suit
Lie fancy he ages the comb to give it the
requisite tangle.
A suspended city has been discovered
off Glacier Bay, Alaska, by a party of ex,
eureioniste. This curious phenomenon ie
seen regularly after full moon in June,
and ab no other time. It is said to be a
beautiful mirage of some unknown oity
suspended directly over the bay. A
photographer has taken pictures of it
four times, but no ope has been able to
identify one of the ghostly buildings out-
1. The Creation of Man B.C. 4004 '
2. The Deluge 2848
3. The DisPersion " 2268
4. The Call of Abraham1941
5. The Deeoent into Egypt" 1706
6.. The Exodus from Egypt " 1591
7. The Law given on Sinai" 1490
8. The Passage of the Jordan " 1451
9. The Period of the Judges1451.1095
10. The Kingdom Inetitated un-
der Saul B.0:1095
11. David's Reign 1095 1015
12. The Dedication of the Tem-
ple B 0 1006
18, Tire Division of the King-
dom ' 975
14. The Fall of Samaria„ and
end of Kingdom of Israel " 721
15. The First Babylonian Cap.
tivity of Judah " 606
16, The Destruction of Jerusa-
lem " 686
17. The Restoration of the Jews " 686
18.. The Temple Completed" 517
19. The Reforms of Ezra " 450
20. The Rebuildingof the Tem,
pie of Herod " 17
21. The Birth of Ohrirt ' " 4
22. The Ascension of Christ A. D. 30
28. The Conversion of Saul" 36
24, The Council at Jerusalem" 50
25. Tho Destruction of. Jerusa-
lem, , , . " 70
A true bill has been found at Montreal
against Napoleon Demers for wife mur-
Patrick, a eon of Thos. Capin, of
Stapler, fell from a load of hay and
broke his neck.
Rev. Father Mackie, of Belleville, re-
ceived a stroke of paralysis that will
probably prove fatal,
Wm. Ward, formerly iespeetor of the
Toronto police foroe, has been appointed
Chief of Police of Vancouver.
Marmot' IN Sar Houne,-Diatrenefng lsfd.
ney and bladder diseaees relieved in six
hours by •the "Great South American
Kidney lure." This now remedy is a
great surprise and delight on tneount of.
its exoeoding promptness in relieving,
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and.
every part of. the urinary passages 50
male Or female. 11 relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately: If you want quick relief and
euro this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, drnggial,..
A small tree may bear good fruit,,
What eoleng(1 eayn le man's beet guess,
I•Ifetgry le what nheraoter has written..
If we knew more we. could fgrgiys)
Thol. peaoemalser le one who does God's
Thera is still a Ilene' don foe ever
Tho devil taught mets how to mak
Do to -day what you would do on you
last day.
Gqd loves to look into the heart that i
Weeds grow feet when a lazy man hoe
the gotn,
Tgdrink a little is to drink a grea
deal too muola.
Whatever ossa is wrong, trusting Go
fs always right,
An bout spent in bad company oa
never be blotted out,
The clouds God sends are always bright
on the top side.gole
Hill oil the f ,and you will throw
the lawyers cul of work.
Faith in God is the only thing that
can kill worry stone dead.
A chorus in which many love to join
"Didn't I tell you so ?"
Self-assertive men often do a large
business on a small capitol
We meet give Christ oar burden before
he will give us hie yoke.
The manwho would go to heaven alone
if he could, isn't fit to go.
So many people are not at home when
a golden opportunity kneeing.Our loyalty to ()haat is best tested by
the way we treat our enemy,
Whoever is like Christ will be found
trying to make earth like heaven.
A civil tongue is a better protection
than steel armor an inch thiols.There is nothing the devil makes much
ore use of in this world, than a tattling
on sue.
Pray for your enemy, no matter
whether be is trying to kill you with his
tongue or a gun.
The devil is still making eonse people
believe that they oaa serve God without
belonging to church.
No matter what else he has done, the
preacher has failed :when he hasn't mov-
ed anybody toward Christ.
The man who can pay his -debts and
won't do it, would steal, if he could do it
without being locked up.
.Somepeopleshow that they are not on
the way to heaven, by what they tall
others they must do to get there.
It a common temptation with the
Christian worker, to think that God has
palled him to raise the dead to begin
The devil will not be long in making
some kind of a flank movement against
the preacher who Takeo sinners feel their
need of Christ.
Don't live ssingle hour of your life
without doing exactly whattis to be done
in it, and going straight through it from
beginning to end. Work, play, study -
whatever it is, take hold of it at once and
finish it up squarely ; then to the next
thing without letting any momenta drop
between. It is wonderful bow 'many
hours these prompt people contrive to
make of a day ; ft is as if they picked up
the momenta wbioh the drawlers lost.
And if you find yourself where you have
so many things pressing upon you that
you hardly know where to begin, let me
tell you a secret. Take hold of the very
first one that oomee to hand and you will
find the rest all fall into file and follow
alter. .
Crutat,ctlaxa ,lNcws
Dr. V. A. Brown, of London, Duo of
the beet known physicians and surgeons
of the Province, is dead.
The mutilated remains of Norman
Ferguson of Dunvegan, were found on the
Oanadian Atlantic. Railway near Alex-
Private 3'. Smith, of the Twenty first
Essex Fusiliers, won the Montague oup
at the Dominion Ride Association meet-
ing at Ottawa, with a eoore of 198.
Mrs. Sanford, of Hamilton, reeigned
the Presidency of the Ladies' Committee
of the Wentworth Horticultural Society
and sent a cheque for $100 to the funds.
ural: All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
goieklycured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose oonvinoes. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
The St. Thomas Journal has been
served with a writ in the Daae of Palmer
vs. Brierley, the plaintiff claiming dam-
ages to the extent of 62,000 by reason of
alleged erroneous statements made in
reference to the dispute between the
Aylmer Furniture Company and the
town of Aylmer.
Joseph Robinson, a moulder in. Stew-
art works, 'Woodstock, was etruok by on
explosiou of molten iron Friday. His
feee•and ebeat will be disfigured for life,
J. P. Thomas, justice of the pekoe, of
Encino, hasapologized
to r Boas, of
that place, for calling
him, (Ross) an ass
at a meeting of the^ lato local board of
+ �. NES'E
C. 4
r3Gr pr.
Sold by Druggists ors sent by Hn Aeeable Latave and all. Sas., Soo.,
and $1.00 per package. Samples free. q
KO J O for t7Je 'eabb and0Bzastbw'00a
Sala by .1,13. EON, Drnael&I, Iti'aasela.
Any Amount of
Money t
o Loam
onFarm or Village Pro.
petty at
6 & 6,1 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Certain in 110 ea'C0te and never bnetera.
Read proofs below ,
Ba, dst.aJlCsarmanbo. at
Dear,9lra-Ftenplease 0000 me one or your Horne
Books and obllRs, Ihave Niggled a groat dent of your
wonderful Oe. wltb good 0000000 it Is a
wonderful mod+clne, i onto sad a mnn ti,at had
kan erleoulttleonh and nvo battles ernst 1,0,. 1
keep n bottle on hnatreall the time.
Yemretruly, Unna. Fowacr„
Dr, B. J.15SNDALL Co. CAnxoa, bto., dpi. S,'0&.
Dear etra-I have used severalbetties of your
think it tL beet Liniu,ent I evernusseed. Hare re
moved one Curb, one Mood Bdavtu and killed
two name Spavlm,. Have recommended It to
se-roraa of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep it.. Resp"
Sttally,.R. hit, P.O, Bosa11.
For Sale by all Drumlins, or address
{11{ Da•..20. s, ZC.EIID. L0L o02[ra2vr,
Summer Zonings,
1895 ,
Prom Prom From
Liverpo7 ST1AaraEnPe. "Montreal Quebec)
Daylight. 9 a m.
1 Aug. Sardinian 17 " 1e '
8 Laurentian 24 " 24
15 " Parisian 91 " 1 Sap.
22 " Mongolian 7 Sep. 7
29 " NumiUinn 14 " 15 "
RATES or PASSAGE. -Cabin, $60 to $90 ;
return $110 to $162. Second Cabin, $30 ;
return, 559. Steerage, $15.
I ''Paesengere may go via Montreal
and return by New York or vioe versa.
For .further :information as to rates,
50., apply to
rie5 of Toronto,
I-1 Ca
Izi E,
03 M
X9 7 1 let , at-
y 8
.Q ` P IRpt 1. a ir
toT 1i4�', s' ;n17y€'f8 '�t: o o
0 0
W o o
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
'W".. . IZEMII►, Agent, Brussels.
We are prepared to take 'any quantity
of Wool 1 either for Cash or Trade.
We have a large Assortment of.410....-,
Tweeds, Flannels, Carpets,
Blankets, Yarns, Knitted
Goods, Sec., to choose from...
We arc also prepared to take in all kinds of
Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spinn-
ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, &f.c_
MATE & Co.,
Next doer to 31a,ehill's Butcher tShop,
portatio s
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stook of
Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish
Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' and
Children's. Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing ex-
ceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have
a fine line which are very popular just now. Ladies''
Misses' and Children's Button Boots in. endless variety, at.
prices to suit the times. In Gents' wear we have all the
leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys'
and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy competition..
Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords.
Rips Sewed Free of Charge.
Wit..16.161:0111..11108001M6116. 6.10111.41.111
Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jas., 190.
and combined it with my own, I have now the
Largest, Cheapest and Best
Display ever macre in Brussels,
Special Bargains Given during this Month
To save trouble of moving in O011ueOo
tion with the erection of new store.
You Caro save Dollars by dealing with me in
Wall'Papers, Borders and Window Shades.
Paper Ranging done In First-class Style.
W. i4OObI .,.