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The Brussels Post, 1895-9-6, Page 8
T ItU•StS. xtS P•UST • SEPT. G, 1895 �tl^ ��•©i�,� t(��y�pi+��+�i M' Oke i 0Q M4NWd.eitO■ Tian Pon will bake its atinn al holiday next week MMUS..Oblle4 as D4Eu Shipped 00 live Boge an Thursday front $russela atetion. � Tin salmi Rate will be about 7 mills gate year; owing to rental preka_ration of rooms after Piro, fan, Too paeeengei• trains from the 'East) yreate' this week,ae . on apnnt of the To. 'Moto Fan', it is said, Tum wedding party in town 00 Wed- nesday nearly gave some of the ypung ladies palpitation of the heart, A. yam 'interesting letter On Halifax y ins despeg a pf Tug Pon this ewe61c, the Seam they oome—sew eubaaribera to Twe POSO.' S conte in advance for bal.of coma of 1805. Don't borrow any 'longer, Mass 0 Oounoa �d her pupils, by well known outside talent, will give a 00n0ert in Brussels Town Hall in the near futere, Tine week will about finish up the threshing at the flag; mill exoepting sono 40 or 50 tons of late flax. A large Matt is bast' Sprsaght tturning eiand lifting. TVIDsnAy night the Doli se's# the moon mime off as per ann0uneement, The at- tondanae of epeotetore was unusually large and the performance was a dsoided sROaess, NO money retained et the door. Tun Exeter paper refers to a former reeidenb of this locality in the following fashion t—Dr. Anderson, of Exeter, on Tuesday afternoon extraoted sixty three painlessly infourfourteen fwhich he mmutes, for one pea non. MAYOR BIMOKEisHIRE, Of Wingbam, Who is also the Grand - Mad Templar 0# p Ontario in oonneotion with the Independ- ent Order of Good Templar., was in town making arrangements for the eetab- lGoren 5 pial nt of a Temperance Lodge. Ill a plebe the eine of Brunie there certain-' ly should be room for such an organiza- ti„. : PRAM= Soma—Dr, A. McKelvey, who baa practised his profession very success- fully for the past 12 years in Brussels, dis- posed of his practice and residence last week to Dr. Proctor,' a young. gentleman of Niagara Falls, who takes possession at once. It is said Dr. Monelvey will not remove. from town for a month when be may remove to Now York city, Onrr.—Last Friday Sarah Ann; below ed' wife of, John Putland, or., Stratford, passed away fromearthat the age of 61' years. She had been ill: for the past three months, heart failure beingthe Danes ordeath. Mr. Talmud, two sons three daughters survive.The funeral took place on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Williams conducting the ,aervioe. Mrs. Putland was the mother of Jno. Putland, of Brussels, and had visited here at different Limes, Mr. Putland, sr., will come to tow,, t0 live. IT MAY i11EAN You. -If the farmers. ever had reason to be thankful for good Drops that occasion has arrived. While we all rejoice over the abundant harvest it is still necessaryto refer to the fact that many readers of Ton Pose are in arrears for their paper. If you are one of them, dear reader, kindlyremember that we too, are longing for a good har. vest, and hope to garner the dollar.' due us as exon ma possible. Will all readers whose subscriptions are due remit at once and save us the expense of a person- al oall p Bo.= or Hna rn.—A. meeting of the Board of Health was held in the Oouaoil Chamber on Wednesday evening at 7.80 o'olook. Present, Chairman Farrow, the Reeve, Clerk and Sanitary Inspector Wright. It was decided to send an ap• .woantof51.75 for sanitary work done about bbe apple evaporator to Mahler Bros. An aoaonnt of 51.00 for a livery rig required by Sanitary Inspector was sant to the village Council. After some conversation on disinfection of premises where typhoid fever has been it was agreed that the Chairman seethe Medio-LITTER.—In al Health Officer. Charges were made that two water closets were not cleaned out. - The Inspector was instructed to see that the work was done forthwith. Board then adjourned. CHALLENGE REPEATED.—We -hexeb ohOEA a the lar a Marr, •weather f re bn g g Y gine to another public teat for national supremacy on the Fair gronnde during the second week of Toronto Fair, to con. 8191 of, first to throw a fire stream 160 feet dietanoe, •both lighting fires same time .an naittg not lees than 500 to 750 feet lines of hose 1 this is reckoned pram- tical flee duty, and continnin which ill g throw farthest and highest, both engines to use ex¢otlysame guhntity of boas and no taste with lees bban above, also same sized nozzles. We ask no allowance for 1llerryweatber s 1,400 pounds extra weight . ours. The cityto purchase the winning engine ; practical meohanios to the judges, say, the master mechanics from Messrs. Massev.Harris'; Gurney's, 'Abell s, Polson s •and Grand Trunk :Karl -7.8 way the eb Suit also to report whish ea- gine ie best suited for Canadian require- menta. Ronald. Fire En •ine Works, Brussels, Ontario. M.TRInoNL]L.—One of those social events that sets society all in a flutter took plane on the. evening of Aug, 22nd, at 9 o'olook, it being the oobaeion Of the marriage of Mise Tillie Lucas, of Mid. ;Remiss, Elgin Oo., to Harry Baltzer;, of Berlin. Tbo marriage ceremony, wliiob y, was performed by Rev. E. T. Harrison, took plane in the Methodist ohuroh at Melbourne. The bride, Who woe, given, awn byHer brother . William looked y ' very handsome in a dress of •ivory horded .ilk with chiffon lace trimmings, her tulle veil bein fastened with a bunch of white roam. she also carried a shower bemire; of white. roses, the g gift. to the bridegroom. The bride was assisted by Mise Beooa Lucas ; her neics; and, Mrs. 0. H. Lucas. They were prettily attired in white silk and Dream satin trimmed with lace and ribbons and oarried coquets of while carnations, The groom wee supported byhie brother George and Pn g Cbaa. l3. Lucas, and Harry and George Graham anted as ushers. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Chas. Lobes, Middlernise, and about 50by guests partook of a daintilly prepared supper and g ant a most enjoyable even- PP Pon ing with musk), games, &c. The Tooumsah Band wae out ill full fordo and diseoureed sweet mimic; for an hour or so on the lawn. The next morning Mr. and Mre. Baltzer left under a abowee of rice and good wishes for a trip up the lakes, The presents were Shady and nnmerousi, exhibiting the high esteem entertained for the fair bride. Those fromadistance noticed amongthe guests were Mas. Chas, Marks, of Saginaw, Miss Lottie Smile, Mrs. Bell and Frod. Bell, of Lon- don, Mrs, Baltzer, Geo, Baltzer and Mre, 0. Walker, of Berlin, lirrUi9A•^ l?avid Martina sof 4j W. 'MOM, Elmo, woe killed 11y the =welling acogmedation on ti'hneeday at the 2nd non, arOeaing ie that township, Aeenreee,—At the Special- n)aatieg of the Bi•uesole School Beard :held' bureday fArenapn, the Offer by the Ooanoil pf the bell, now in the Town Alan tower, to the Trustees for the new eebbuilding Nag aceepbed and it will be moved tp its new 10001100 about Nov. let. Tho Town Connell will purphase a now and larger bell to meet the requirements p# the • flderwiitera Aas0Oiatibn. A Patent fire mli8a ai es Aoon,aea,—Wednesday morn. ing of this week Lew, Rid, youngest eon .Raid, l3ruasele, who ie working with Dineen, Taylor, Grey tQwneliLp, was as. Meting In hauling out manure,. He lead gathered up the lines and mounted the load to drive out to the field when in 00100 way be slipped or was pulled 00 in front of the wagon and the front wheel passed over hie body, leaving a very plata mark morose his shoulder, The his head and body but hind wheel got the Mr. Taylor for qt Glia Horses stopped in time to prevent it going Over him. Lew, was brought to $russela as quickly as poseibla and medical aid sought. There are tip. patently no bones broken, bot. the patient le very sore from his injuries. 1 was feared that he might have suffered in. ternally by the aooldonb but auoh ie not the ogee and we hope he will soon be about was a very oloaeiell. ' ___ �i�/ 71/�j'/� ^� � y �t�r Tt,N�i!l d rrJ 11Y L1 yc�r'Y 4 -ail r =0�',A.,r�X.,xs;szanxa c.e7, HEAD Q 1 Et T O R C,1 N "I. O. ASSETS, • • (1 evUn Million Dollars) 07,000,0(!0 CAPITAL i3O•uthoriseat 02,000;OQ9 ,,, "00l 4.#014'000 in QFt.'�1rtn'af,,.Pal,l)Pi1Lte fit Onferie, Quebec, NZ'ewi$obe, Un'ttca Brows f.0 R1Lp1[a1tf� l NEW_, "t -r 1 �1/'yry�- �'•�/� '�^ b7 t! L7. VlJ.l_ l .. Is going to be a dandy,to but it isnot quite Og111^ - XDleted yet, but of emu:se School books will be need- ec1 illi the same, Only 1 another I Ween or so U11d• you „'Ili be nagging some - thingnew 'in bohgo1 Slip - 1 plies, We leave some leaders .47.---....,_ PoxsD Lug sure 9 Orroexoo Queen's Hoyer. +rr • 7aoW many people there are who by Ito. oident Imre broken one or both :glasses in their FM004,0106, Vile ie generally PM. eidered a great luiefOrtune, pat'tioulaziy if they are high prised Ones, Or if Vadat- ly imitable to the person wearing them. Now, there is no heed tO Worry over it, or injure your eight by wearing a epee,. taelowith one broken or tweaked lens, 1 nab. re .laps any 000h broken glass by One sa g what kind o ebrength 4a may be. I have, and nm malang:a study of fitting epee- taeloa to noir all the v o'loua dffterenaea in vision, and have wayn1) meansl off knowingthe strength and 1 1 of g_as required or that you Have boon wearing• required Simply bring down your spectaolee and see how quickly and.°lioaply ahoy man be fixed, If desired I will test your 0750 and see if your glasses are the, strength and kind yen should wear. This is 1m• portant, as it would Uo lolly to replace a brgkan lona if from any zeasau your epootaoles do not suit you as well as they oo Eli . or should, I make no oharge canoe G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist,. Bookseller and Graduate Optician. --, a-dti',1°ia<i"A °','40 AMMO, A General Banking Business Transacted. Fo i arena rs' Notes . D soonnted, Drafts Issued and Colleotione made on all points. SAVINGS L3 D pea BANK DEPARTMENT; Interest allowed on dspoaits of 0.1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to dap of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. penmai ATTntiexon m yea eo ma Cormeoeme or RUINERS' BALE NOTRs, Every faoility afforded Custo)nere living at a dietanoe. •. J. A. STEWART Maurine. , o /y It�• t�tE yi )t• �q /� �0se �"1 ■ I d �q y ear a$�hi y Rol 9 13 . R. S L Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on. all points in Canada,United Stately and Great Britain. raliBIERS NOTES •DISCOUNTED, ' SALE IQOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECL'LTY, LEG LL AND NVBARRCINQ, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, - $1IS1It (:SS Locals. ��•,17+ollee. ���� /r� Damp XJt���_' �°. �°n'li��• Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tba end of the Months of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. WO effect to write- IIrtanrance 1n old English or Canadian Companies, or. in Mut. d , •y„Baal Oompantea as may be desired. AOIDNT. FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATHa : TEE CANADIAN BANK OF f)UDiLtIDROE TAYLOR,Iso BARRISTER; • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Cellae.- tions made. Oaioe—Vemetoue a Moen, Brue- eels. 21.8m, • sonTHERN EXTENSION w, e, & a, � , Lora, clear bnoon at MoOraoken s. TIaIO'THY seed for sale at Mo0raoken's. TOMATOES for sale, fresh from the vines. T. t Kelly. BLANK note forms for sale at Trip Pon Publishing House. � RHrAlas,ln boots and shoes very pheap. I. O. Richards.%:4_ Fon good shoes at low prices we take the lead. L O. Richards. SMems harness at reduced prices for oaeh for thirtydays. I. C. Richards. • Y LIVELY run on ohildren'e wagons at Tao POST Book Store. 2 boy's veloof•' pedes for eels. Call and see them. Do you want to stop using tobaoao 7 If so, use No -To -Bac. We refund your money if not as stated. G. A. DE41E:AN< . RED and blank woollen shawl lost on Turnberry or Thomas streets, Brussels. Pinder will db akindness byleavingit at Mrs. Hattie% BnaoK cape lost between Brussels and lot 28. ren. 5, Morrie, a short time ago. • Thb, ,'itr will a °ally oblige by leaving it at TEE rota Publishing House. LAaa'e Clover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion • and Cures constipation. P P 25 cls, 50 ole and 51.00. Sold by James For, Druggist, Brussel.. Sermon's core is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption.. It is the beet cough onre. Onlyone Dent ag g dose. 25 ate., 50 cte, and 01.00. Sold by James. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. FLEumaYPuows.-Hu h Williams&Son g are the Agents for the well known Fleury plows. They also keep all the necessary repaire. Call at Williams Livery Stable, Brussels. The Fleury plow received the gold medal and diploma at the World's Fair. Mae. T. S. Mamma, Chattanooga, Tenn;, says, "Shiloh, Vitalizer "saved mylife." I consider the beet tamed for a debilftaed .ystem S eyes used. y For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it Prioe 75 ole. Sold byJae. Fox, Druggist, Bruseale. Tins is CONCENTRATION.—One pill a dose, one box 25 cents. One pill relieves constipation. One hos sures an ordinary case. One pill taken weekly neutralizes formation of rule acid in the blood and Prevents Bright's kidney disease and diabetes. True onlyof Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. SonA WATER FOONTJIN.—T. McAlpine has, at considerable cost, put one of.them his restaurant and can now mat a p P the best Summer drinks known .`• He nae reduced fes cream to 80 cents a igaart' and •will glue very special rates in Sruita and confectionery to pio•nie and evening parties, "FARAfERs' CHNTRAL" Li.n0ANOE• 00: This new and very prosperous Fire In- euranoe Co. daring the past ; year issued over 800 policies in Carrick owiok, $ Culroea.mnd Greenock. Rates on farm property very low. J, A. ORaxouooN, Agent for Morris and Grey.. A RENAnllABLE CURE.—J, W. Jennings, Gilford, spent between 520D and 5800 son- suiting doctors ; triad Dixon'. and all other treatments butgot no benefit. One box of Chase's Catarrh Cure did me more good than all the other remedies. In fact I. consider myself,,eured and'with a. cent box at 'that. 25 WELL-DIaaINp_ axn.DRn,LINa.—Gaozge Birt has all the'neaeesary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is peeper- ed to attend to all work ontrustad to him in a way that will insure satisfaption. Wells cleaned out andput in proper. shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 84.0f BonasELs OREETHBY.—To• whom it may concern :-Having been appointed bars:. taker of Brueseels cemetery, I wish to make it look as resectable as p possible. This, however, cannot be done without the oo•operation of those who have rel.- liven or friend. turfed therein. Now i. the time to showyour respect for the de- P parted •and Liao to improve the property you hold there by fixing up your lots and byabrai htenin the monuments or tomb- sones ereoted o the memoryof your departed. • For the 'paltry Sum of 25 cents I will straighten all tombstones, that do not need Dementing, and for 50 cents will straighten and cement those that require ft. I will also for 50 cents straighten all mouaments that need it and keep them straight for one year. Lots also fixed n and taken oars of at P reasonable rates. Address all oommnni.. cations to Rosi. AR3rs1noN0, Look box 44, Brussels. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; SMOTE. Goma Non4a. Unit 6 0 a.m. Mixed.............0.45 a:m. B Teresa 11:69 a.m, Mail 6:19 p.m,. limed 9:00p.m. ExProse ....., 9:46 p.m, [](] M. SINCLAIR, lial', 9'&s,.,• g 01000--Va et no ssnBlo Block, door north of Central Hotel, Private lnunds-tie Donn. F. $LAIR, BARRISTER, VI • Solicitor, &o. (Oslo of Gairow 018oe, Gorierieb.) O00ee aver Gillies& Sm 1Shi'eBank,Brueeels, Money to Loan. 47 y, g,. Ali r �' {(���� •� p•iyr,4 c•,i�� ••t• �l'.,b.�A1,1 .4A•114Aa John Blair,' West Zorra'e well•known farmer, harvested 45 tons of. flax from: 16 sore.. T. B. Howard, of the Y. M. C. A., Woodetook, walked to Galt, 40 mile., last Tbnreday. The body of Benj. F. Pietzel, the first of Holmes' victims, was taken from its grave at Philadelphia for further indenti- - fliabion, - - 0. Leggett's little girl, of Kingsville g g , who was hurt with a croquet mallet three weeks ago; is not improving, and it is difficult to tell what will be the results of her injuries. Dr. Adams has won- the new hat offered by the Embro Courier for the farmer growing the most oats from one seed. The Dr. from one blank Gennette oat grew 4280 grains. Foxes have been playing havoo in the poultry yards of Geo. Tttaker; eon.. 8, East Oxford. Recently they carried' off twelve geese, and now the have token all Y his turkeys and a number of ducks. The Dnndae Banner, wbose editor is a oom arativelJA008 P l young aysedict, is m "President Cleveland Say. that his mar. ried life has been one grand, sweet Bong. Grand, sweet songs are all right lin their place, so long as the singing is not all done by the baby from one to four, and after that by the rooster. Recently the G. T. R, established an uptown baggage room at Hamilton, .and announced that the ba a e would be baggage called for and taken to the station - free. The O. P. R. followed suit, and the T. H. &.B. goes one,better and Bays it will call for passengers at their house, and will convey them and baggage to, their depot free of oharge. . GUNS FOB SAI. .-1. DOT7— SALE.—I 13013 0Borrel bre Gun, along 01105id 500 er, only ae.50 ; ono breech loading Shot gun with reloading tools, &o:, or ¢ is shooter taole Uallab mouldti&o , bo h nearly nero forg 812,60. G. DEADMAN Druggist, Bookseller & A.raduate Optician. A Dhiel's among ye talon' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. DENTAL• Holiday Nett Week, THE Poss will take a holiday next week. The next issue will be on the 20th inst. Office open for the receipt of job work, advortisemente or subscriptions. Will P oar correspondents kindly note the above. fJEPTE3rBER.and A. WEnnlNo or two next week. Poozm.y is coming to the front again. Look' out fax oysters, there's an "r" in this month. Tamsx Brusaelite's went to Listowel ' an Tuesday to see Sell's Sirens. Doter forget Brussels Fair on Thum- day and Friday, Sept. 26 0.0 27. RAR EGULmeeting Of Brussels Bohm] Board Friday evening of next week. "hapax Leap" went lame in his race at Detroit on Wednesday and had to be drawn, Jno. R. 01450, the Bootblack Orator, • , in the Town Hall, Brussels, Thursday evening of this week. SET oat your Pall advertisement. The oalums of THE Posr is good Boil for them to thrive in as far as results are concern. ed. A. HEW furniture wagon, bearing the Hama of the owner an the side of the box, bas been called into service by R. Laatherdale. Tan Blyth Standard has enlarged its borders. Under the management of Edi -excels. g tor Bradwinthe paper has improved toa marked degree. TramBDAY evenlllg Of last week a flash lfght photograph was taken of Western Star Lodge room and the 20 or 28 Odd Fellows gathered there. A nu mEn of Bruaselites will take in the Toronto Fair during the coming g week. Tuesday and Thursday ars the npecial excursion days, when the return fare will be 552.60, good tothe16th. yinto Mrs. LEE waited on Judge Doyle Thursday of last week when be was here attending court and presented her case, 10 writing, to him relative to the ."elan- dere" of the Town Hall bell, &a., &c. The Judge has taken time to consider the question,. OmERnue SEEa0sirrrIONs,--All who are owing Tan Poll for overdue subeeriptiona aad transient job work or advertising, will 'oblige 7 by promptly peg' fog the -Same. The amount in every ease . is very small and on this' account immediate payment is all the. more pressing. We have to press most urgently on our eubsaribere the uecessfty for squaring up all aeoounta without further delay. Snbsorima n rates are low and it regciree that all be in order to enable fie to turn out a paidbe re11 paper each week. _ the Cana- dinnHbaee hall pennant p ant ,for 1805: -Sea- forth, senior lacrosse championship.— Listowel, a citizen who sells cfeterne, and a rank smelling oreek.-Fordwich, a man who advertises, "Coffins always on hand." —Wroxeter, a base ball team, Natio al- though oriented honest, are known to steal Mame at every match they p1,lay.—Clinton, the House of Refuge.—Waterloo, lager beer.—Toronto, the "boss" Fair of the Dominion.—Brussels, the finest Alain street in Httron 00. IT is elated that John Putland lies secured the contract for currying Her Y g Majesty's mail from Brussels to Vex eta and return for the nest four'ears, y IIie duties,commence ort Oct. lab, THD.. Johnston, near Walton, hae the "Brussels —Seaforth route for the same term, Meagre. Edgar & Musgrove, who are now doing the work far the whole distance, Have attended to their work well and given splendid satisfaction to the public enerallp during the' four P generally g years loeing with this month. Mr: Putland will also become the express mes.enger on his part of the -trip. B,EGAnDrNo ANISIAL. i10TRAY.—The law. provides that a person taking up astray stook shall give notice that auoh animals are on their premises by publiebing ltree times in a new paper published within the ..ctton whet • the estray was and if the props -y id not called for within three weeks after the insertion of the notice the finder shall , go to a jpetle° of the peace and make oath to And- Ing and advertising. If the property is not claimed within a year and should not exceed 060 in value, it then belongs to the party on whose premises it stray. ad. If worth over 050 it shall be adver- Beed by the justice and sold, and the taoesa of all expeneee shall be paid 'over 0 the county treasurer, Any person faking up an estray and neglecting to wase the same to be advertised and ap° ;raised shall be liable to a flue of 520. R. DAV D S 0 N, D Houox Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal Oollege Dental Surgeons. Oxown and Brldga work a epeatal'ty. Dboder- ate Pees. 8atietaotion Aeeured, Office over Barrett's bather shop, Turnberry Bt„ Bras - eels, O M F U R T A $ L E BRICK V Rouse for Bale situated on Turn- berry Street, Brum” ie. Immediate poeease- ion: Good stable, well, cistern, 8 noxa of land, fruit trees, da. Apply to MRS. R. WALKER, A1- - No. el, John Street, 0le - - ' VETERINARY. T Tenders rs Wanted. Tenders will be received by the undersign- ford ed anti] Tuesday,t. 815110 at hp.mouse the dehecl 8. of the old school house and woodshed, 8. S. No, 7, Grey,(Oranbrook.) The highest or din tendernoton - removed inside of a month. Tire purchase money will be payable an Jan. let, 1806, on approved joint: note ; 6 per mint, off for Das p pb• Tenders may be fax the whole or part of building, BRAT/TER, eSubxooky, 7.8 Oranbrookl!.0. T D. WARWICK, Ve Honor Graduate o1 the Ontario is prepared to treat all Veterinary domesticated diseases of domesticated animals in a cora- patent manner. Particular attention paid tveterinarydentistry, Calle promptly at - tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'PiirII erry et„ Bra set MEDICAL CARD& - Dissolution of Partnership. T : A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. to • a. M., L.R. U.P., Edinburgh, If.0. P 8. oat. Residence and office in WUeoO'e Block, Lerner of Mill and Turnberry as, given shiotliex000foiebenthat' botwoan nrtaer- undersigned, as grocers subsisting the village the Brussels, has this day been diesolved by mutual oeneent. The business will be continued by Mr. Smillie, to whom all debts owing to the late firm are to be uaid and by whom all the arm's liabilities have been assumed.- Dated ab 'nasals this 15th day of Auguet, A. D. i996. wit : WM, TAYLOR, 6.9 G.F.BLAER, 7AG.SMILLTE. j M. ARMSTRONG M. D. . , • 1 hyeiolan, Burgeon A000noher, etc • Graduate of Toronto Uniyersit Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OPrzoE—Neat door to McDonald &A0•, Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS ■ Tr ,/Y U— CE --. Notice le hereby given that a B y.law was eased by the Municipal Donnell, of the ownship of Grey, on the 17th day Of August A. D. 1695, providing for the issue of deb°n- totes to the amount of, 0244.00 for the pur-• pose of draina8e" ork, and that suer By-law Con xtgi 0 H�r in oe Registry Office far the county of H ncm,us on the 22ua dayr s t aside A. D:1905. AnpmOtion to quash or Set aeida the same or any part thereof must homed° trilta ntA ei o nnoteb ma iohe date of Bogie- Dated the 80th day of August,1606. • ' 7.9 WILLIAM SPENOE,Clerk• aoRrz_. Mn.aAn.—In Bios, on Aug. 27th,. the wife of Mr. Jae. Millar of .'son, Elma, on Aug.An22n5, the wife of Mr. Michael Little of a daughter. -Hor.ozsa.—In Gbderieh, on Monday, Aug. 26th, the wife of Mr. D. Holmes bar- t sister, of a non. HEtiewoa is.—In Ethel, on Aug. 30th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Hemsworth of a son. BAR,,.—In Ethel; on Sept. lot, the wife of Mr. Robert Burr of a daughter, BELL.—In MaI{fllop, on Aug. 20tb; the wife of Mr. Jae. Ball of, a daughter. CLARK•—In Grey, on Aug. 9th, the wife of Mr. Enoch Clark, of a son. H. MOORAOKE IseuroroYlVtarriageLioonse.. Moe at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door 80001000., AI...McKay & Oo'e hardware store. Ladiee'and chfldrene hair nutting a apeeiait7 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- UNNINGHAM-atbending T - 200una000, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• - NOTICE / -- Notice to beret given that Dy -law was passed by the Municipal Council of .the Township of Grey, on the 17th day of Au uat.. A. D.1996, providing for the issue of deoen- tures to the amount of 02,100.00, for the pur• pose Of purchasing a new site and building a new sokool house n Schoopl Section No. 7,in 3ydaw woe resl00 xsd ill t110 1redGiebr bOfiuicae for the Count of Huron, entire gen day 00 q August. A, D.1995:. Any motion to quash or bB mod titin same or n utlartfrhemroolmuatr of registration and oannoti Lo made the date after. Dated the Nth day of August, 1805. - WILLIAM OPEN OE, Clerk. T. FLETCHER, Issuer 0 , f Marriage Licenses - Orrron AT JEWELRY Smite. 1.. ie Witoeee Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. — �•a.RRx a, MooRE—McGavntt:—At the residence of , the bride's parents, oil. Sept. 4th, by Rev. D. Porreet, of Walton, Mr. Jas. A. Moore, of Morrie, to Mille Ella, daughter ,of Mr. Robb. McGavin, g Grey. BALTEER—LueAS.—At the Methodist church, Middlemies, Elgin Co., on August 22nd, byRev. E. T. Harris. on, Mr. Harry Baltzer, of Berlin,. to lilies Tillie Luoae,'formerly of Brus- eels. ELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- V V sdDaxoE Co. Established 1640, In. suraacea' effected on all Town and Farm Property at very 1�7 0.,mQREIGHTON, 16.9m Agent, Brussels. r A LEX.. HUNTER, 13 Clark of the Fourth Division Oour oo, Anion, Couveyaneer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds ions made and to loan. Brussels Oilice in smale'sBleak, Brussels REAL REAL ESTATE. WHALRY,—In Ethel, on Tuesday, Sept.invested y. 8rd, Janet, beloved wife of Robert Whaley, aged 58 yearn mod 2 months. WonK,—Di Gray,. on Monday, Sept. 2nd;. Beteg Cootie, relict of the late Robert -Work, aged 76 years and 0 days. Goenoo,—In MoBillop, on August 22nd, Robert Gordon, aged 80 yoare, g MOINTo0H,—In McKillop, 00 August 200h, Harry BRRce, youngest son of James Molntoab; egad 2 ycare and 21 dnye. - MoTaeoane.—ln Usborne, at the reside endo of hie eon,. on August 23x5, Samuel J, McTaggart; aged 87 year. and 5 month.. LEKo .nab Gerrie g on August Mar- egret Ann, wife of James Lesch, aged 67 years, PDTLANn,—In Stratford, on Aug. 30th, Sarah Ann, beloved wife of John Putland, sr., egad 61 years. VARMS FOR SALE.—`THE UN- 1.' Dnnn e-NED has several good Farms for Bala 5.55 to rent, easq terms, in Tbwaehi1is or Morris and Gray, P B, BOOTT:Brasss,e ATISS O'CONNOR, R. T., 1v1. Teacher of instrumental muafo an Piano or Organ. Will visit Wlnebam Tuee- day and Wednesday 0f each week, itoei- dance on Princess Street, Brussels• 7 (l 1 1�o ACRD FARM FOR SALE. —The undersigned offers his vain- able 100 Sons farm, being Lot 6, Con. 1, Grey, for Salo. 75 aorea cleared, balance goad Pair tore land. There is on the promises a good brink liohse, bank barn, 8 5005 orchard and other modernUmprovemente. The land is in prime condition. Possession would be given in November. For farther ppartioulars as to price, terms, &c., epply bo 1t.H.uUl°Oemooprietox 8.0 Jamestown P.O. A. IIA5P1iINS, M. O. S. M. T Organist in St, Johne Ohuroh Brue eels and pnli il, in thg Art Of Teaohin , of A. vp.� boyar, tion ,Doo., New York; w l giyq lessons to pupils Silber on iavc 00 crgan, pp at his parlor Over A.R. smith a atore,Brus- sole. Vocal lessons also given, Terms mod - °rate. AUCTIONEERS. '�y OUSE OF REFUGE: xi 7 EORGR KIRKBY , Bales obndnot Licensed Auctioneer. benne.. on , opeal reasonable berme.. Parma and farm etook Public inggE-sue, Orders left at THE Post Publishing House;Brussele orsentto Walton P.0 ,willreceive prompt attention, 000101Y OF HURON. ► ,THE PEOPLES COLUMN. Tenders for Furnishings and Supplies 000 pp the Houee of ltofuge nt Clinton, fir the Oman- ty of Heron, '0111 be reeoivodin 'sealed. onvol• opoe addressed to H. Either, Esq.' Orediton P.O., marked Tender Huueu o1 Refuge, not later thud Saturday, September Mist, 0811, The lowest or any tender not n0q•esarily as. ()opted. tail and ale forme of teuderf furnishings hadid ° s y be application to any of the following pur- sono: It. C, Sperling, Wingham ; Davin Sanders, T, B. Dan u, Wrmxet5r ; Wioxet' I3, B. Gunv, ,'Boaforth ; Jameslturu§, Bay951d; N. H. Young, Blyth ; W.H.Oanll Bruseale; - Thos, Carling, Exeter; Philip Holt, Gpoderieh ; it, Either, Urediton; Geo.Moliwan, Henson; win. Lane, Goderieh ; II, 8. Oook, POrdwleh ; A, T. Mo0tnald, Auburn, H, EIEIDE h, Cihairuia n, Dated, 24thAugust, 18b6, 6�'++ YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE W - cheap, Chester White breed. Also Cheater White sow.5 months old". 7-tf JN Lot 110,0 n, 5,Grey. , 5. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- L • mut, ill sell for better prise., to better mon will lose time and lass charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron ordenee an 'acharge rias ed al) Dates as sgbe anything. i oaud personal y g s aloe 01 by application. Arandeaeon Wolfe sends a despatch from Fob Chow denying the rumor of riots there.y The Queen of the Belgians while hunt. Ing near Liege, wag thrown freta her horse and received slight injuries. ' Chloe, has agreed to pay an indemnity of four million francs for the outrages on the French missions in Sze Chuen, A wildcat engine on the New York Sea Beath Railroad ran away from the Bay Ridge depot and ortehed into the tear car of the 8:10 p. m. train to Coney 'eland, which was standing at Wood. lawn Park. The oar was badly smashed and ten ersone were killed and 40 in- 1 orad, pox WELL BRED SOW AND SIX V I „ young pigs for sale cheap. SIMON GRANT 7•tC - -- . Lot 4, Con, 6, Grey; EUSSELS POST OFFICE j,.1 Savings Bank takes Deposita from Bdram 91,00 t0 41,000 u0d allows 91 per esot. interest. T. PARestm 97.9m Postmaster. G'IIIOICE h YOUNG DIGS FOR BAY.>t,—Oh 8 8050h1, Breed, 7/101013 SPEER, Brussels P. 0. 440 Lot 80, Con. 6, Morris, STONE STONE 1 - Aifir ILOH COW STRA•S.ED ON ..l. a, ' the premises of the undersigned, lot 17 0010,4, Grey, On Or about August 20th, Tian owner is askod to prove preperty, pay oases and take her away. 7.4 SAMU10LdME9,Ethel 1',0. Amq quantity of 135110i00, Conner. Bubble, 8111 and Bridge Stone for Bale, Quarried and ready for; loading at BrnseelsQuarry. For price and tarns Imply -�to WO', MIT(1HELI00 U7•tf Box 110 Brtmeaib,