HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-23, Page 4New Advertisements, Lopal—Thos. Belly, 7 xoureiono—Q,'R.Ile Nxcuroions--O. P. R. Local—Dolioeetor Pub, 0o,. In deep despair Dr, Williams. Disselution of partnership --Taylor t2 ;Smillie. CDT Nrusstl$ gust FRIDAY; AUG. 2S, 1895. IT is expected that the Soo canal will be opened on September 2nd. '.Bala Nei tweet Legislature will meet for the traceaetion of bueinese at Regina on Thareday of next week. Taupe has been a slight frost in Mani. toba, but not enough to cause Barletta damage. The outlook ie very hopeful and the prbepeote better than for many years. Tuoae does not appear to be much doubt but that Hon. 5, 0. Patterson will be the next Lieut. Governor of Manitoba. Moo the probabilities are a bye election will be on the carpet in West Huron. Sonia lively times are antioipated in the British Parliament. Hon. Edward Blake, according to newspaper reports, is held in high esteem by many in the Old Land both in and out of the House. A STRICT and searching enquiry is be- ing made into the recent massacre of missionaries in China. It is feared that the rioting is not over yet and warnings have beensent to various mission eta. Cons to that effect. Those cowardly, blood -thirsty abtaoke should be sternly dealt with by the other nations represent- ed if Ohina does not do her duty. AN odd thing occurred at a funeral on Coney Island: a few days ago. A minis- ter couldnot be got conveniently so a phonograph was brought into use. First the Lord's Prayer recited in a slow, im- pressive manner. At the sound of the familiar words a spirit of calm seemed to come into the room. Then a shrill voice, unlike the other, announced that the Amphion quartet would sing "Near- er, My God, to Thee," and four well blended voices Bang the anthem. Then a passage of soripture announcing that all flesh is grass was heard There was a buzz of the cylinder and then a deep voice pronounced the words .committing the body to the grave. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord," were the words which rang out with greater die. tinotness than all the rest. and then fol- lowed the benediotion. Grey Council Meeting. Council met at the Township Hall on ,August 17th, 1895, as Court of Revision of the assessments in By-law No. 66, for drainage work in the township of Grey, pursuant to advertisement ; all themem- bers were present and subscribed the necessary oath, Mr. Strachan took the chair and the Court was opened. There being no appeals entered against the as- sessments in said By-law it was moved by Jas. Turnbull, seconded by Wm. Brown that the assessments in said By- law ylaw be sustained and that the Court of Revision be closed and general Council business be taken up. Carried. Moved by Jae. Turnbull, seoonded by Jas. Lind- say that By-law No. 66 for drainage work be read over a second time. Carried. Messrs. Strachan and Hislop reported having examined the ditch constructed on the gravel road at Walton village and recommended a grant of 610.00. Mr. Straehau stated that be had paid Allan Lamont, an indigent, the sum of 315.00 to aid him in going to the Toronto hospi- tal to be treated for a diseased eye. A. number of oommunioatione were read by the Reeve from Garrow ,i Proudfoot re Government drain No. 2 and outlet ; Shepherd Bolton applied to have ditch at lot 35, con. 5, cleaned out. Moved by Arch. Hislop, seconded by Jas. Lindsay that Messrs. Strachan and Brown ex- amine the premises and report at next meeting. ,Carried. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded. by Arch. Hislop that By-law No. 66 for drainage work be read a third time and finally passed. (Decried. By-law No. 66 was then read for the third time and finally passed. By-law No. 67 for sohool loan to trustees. of S. S. No. 7 was also read over three times and passed. Samuel Holmes and Daniel Byers applied for aid to Wm. Rowchamp, an indigent with a broken leg. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Jae. Turnbull that the sum 01 610.00 be granted. Car- ried, Moved by Jae. Turnbull, seconded by Wm. Brown that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed and authorized to renew the note in the Standard Bank, Brussels, for three months, when it be- comes due. Carried. Bylaws to assess and levy rates toe County Municipal and Public school purposee were introduced and read throe times and passed. Moved by Sas. Turnbull, seconded by Wm. Brown that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow of Rachel Spence the sum of $800.00 for township purposes until taxes are paid. Carried. Tho fol- lowing aocounte were presented, viz. ;— Sas. Harris, repairing bridge at lot 11, con, 15, 64.50 ; Jae. Pearson, culvert and award ditch and spikes at lob 20, con. 4, 36.85 Sohn MoCueh. culvert and ditch on eide road at lot 20, con. 5, $2,25 ; Jno. Beirnee,:filling up culvert at lot 36, con. 4, $11.00 - Samuel Matthews, grading and gravelling at lot 26, con. 4, 611.05 ; Edward French, cleaning award ditch at boundary of Grey and Wallace, Groy Aare, 310.25 Sohn Ridley, culvert at lot 50, non. 1, 622,50Robb. Docket, award ditch on side road et lot 20, con. 4, 612,89 ; as. Lynn, gravel, 65.04 ; David Sinclaireulvort at lot 16, con. 4, grading and ditob at lot 17, con. 14, $12.. 75 ; Shepherd Bolton, gleaning ditch at lot' 35, con. 6,;$7.60;; Sarong Kleinechroth, cleaning award ditch at lot 26, con. 14, 00.00 ' Weevil L^ilnie; oulvert' at lot 10, eon. 12, $18.00 ; henry POgel, putting calling on award ditch at lot 35, eon, 8, $2.67 ; Thoe. Sohneton, ioepeeting ggravel' ling en boundary of Grey and Molfillcpp, 38.50 ; Albert Aelitcn, gravel, 61.05'; Robt, Close, gravel, 08.00 ; Thoe. Pavia• eon, gravel, .$89.10 ; Wm, Cook award ditch at lot 15, eon. 4, 321.00, 'ditch and oulvert at lot 11, eon, 8, $0.45, and the drain at lot 14, eon. 4,$3.00 ; caan, Bishop, gleaning award ditoh at let 14, coo. 4, $2.. 40, oleauing ditch and, repairing euivort at lot 4, con. 4, 65,00, and ditch and oil. wet at lot 14, con, 7, 32,40 ; Geo, Bok- mier, rag bolts for culverts, 50 cents ; Wm. Granger, widening road with stones et lot 14, eon. 2, 35,00 ; Alex. MoLauoh, lin, inspecting gravelling on boundary of Grey and Morris, $7.00 ; John Dougher- ty, gravelling ah lots 34 and 81, on side road, cone. 10 and 11, 67,00; Alex. Mo - Kay, award ditch at lot 32, con. 14, as per Engineer's certificate, 393.00 ; Hugh Ramsay, gravelling on side road at lot 5, con, 17,$15,07; Wm, McAllister, inspect. ing gravelling at lot 5, con, 17, 31,18 ; Ann Ritchie, eup lies to Logan family, charity, $24.00 •,-Hugh Ramsay, gravel, $7.56 ; Geo. McSpadden, gravelling on boundary. of Grey and Morrie, $44,50 ; M. Morrison, ditch at Walton village, $10,00 ; Allan Lamont, to aid him to eon. suit a epecialiet regarding his diseased eye, charity, 315.00 ; John Holmes, put- ting props under briige at lot 26, con. 2, $1.00 ; W. H. Herr, publishing By-law No, 66 four weeks, 318.00 ; Wm. Spence, registering Bylaws 66 and 67, $6.00 ; Wm. Rowelramp, oharity, 310.00 ; Robb, Lang, fence in front of TownshiHall, 616.50 ; W. A. Peet, drain on boundary of Grey and Elmo., Fidler award, cone. 13 and 14, Grey share, $7.25, and clean ing out award drain at boundary of Grey and Elmo., cons. 14 and 16, Grey share, I $4.7.. Ohne. Clever, gravel, $4.00. Council thenadjourned,to meet again on Saturday, the 12th day of October, 1895, at the Township Hall. Wm. Srnecn, Clerk. i.irztowel. A number from here attended the horse races in Brussels Monday. Sells Bros.' "greatest circus in the world" will appear here on Sept. 3rd. The Methodist Sunday eohool held their annual pio-nio Wednesday after. noon of last week. Mise Marshall, who bas been spending the last four or five weeks at her home in Montreal, has returned. The (rioket match between the Chicago Wanderers and the Listowel club, which was to have been played Wednesday, was declared off. During the storm here on Saturday a house on Mill street, occupied by 13/Er. MoLanghlin, was struck by lightning, the ohimney knocked off, and the roof slightly damaged, but no one was bort. J. W. Treleaven, B. A., whe: has been olaseical master of the High School here for the past three or four years, has re- signed his position to aooeps a similar one in Clinton Collegiate Institute. Mr. Treleaven has been very popular during his stay in Listowel, and leaves(Iwith the beet wishes of a large circle of friends for success in his new home. Last Saturday morning while John Phillip, who resides on the outskirts of the town, was running a reaper, hie foot got caught in the knives, and was badly out abouttbe ankle. He was brought to town,_ and his injuries, which were pain- ful, attended to by his father, Dr. Phillip. He is now doing very nicely, though it will be four or five weeks before he will be able to get around again. Samuel Edison, father of the invent- or, celebrated his 92nd birthday on Fri- day. Archduke 'Franz, nephew of the Emperor, Francis Joseph, and heir to the throne, is dangerously ill. The statement that Lord Wolseley will succeed the Duke of Cambridge as Com- wander -in -chief of the British army is confirmed. Jas. Duneeith, of Downie, near St. Paula, hes corn 10 feet high and it is still growing. The measurement was token on Aug. 14th. Itis said Republicans in portions of Spain are taking advantage ofdespatch of troops to Cuba to make uprisings for the overthrow of the monarchy. The English and American commie. Bion for enquiring into the massacre of missionaries in China have arrived at Suoheng. A number of arrests have been made. Lord Shand, one of the law lords of the Privy Council, who delivered jndg: went in the last Manitoba school appeal, ie visiting Sir William Hiogeton at Mon- treal. ontreal. 13R:r7"M6,33I 6 S6AR,= =1T9, Fall Wheat 65 68 Spring Wheat 65 68 Barley......... .... 35 40 PEAS 50 55 Oats 28 80 Wool 18 18 Butter, tubs and rolls 13 14 Eggs per dozen 9 Flour per barrel4 00 4 50 Potatoee (new) . 40 Hay per on Hides trimmed Hides rough 10 00 12 00 8 00 2 Salt per bbl., retail..... 1 00 0 Sheep skins, eaoh ...... 20 40 Lamb skins each 15 40 Apples per bbl 1 62 1 25 Hoge, Live 4 50 Wool 18 02 Bpavevn:LP Aug. 20.—Cheese.—Ab the cheese board bo -day 1,230 boxes white only were offered. Sales 140 at 790 ; 60 at 78/1Oc ; 60 at Bac ; sellers looking for 80. Ingersoll.—At the cheese market held here to -day 1,684 boxes,' balaune June make, was offered for sale ; 660 sold at 73o ; small attendance ; market quiet. Madoo—Madoo cheese board of- fered 863 boxes here bo -night; sales, 791 boxes at no and 7 i6/16c. Tonoxro, Aug. 20,—Market quiet. Wheat—In local market, Ontario winter quoted at 69c, middle freights, wast Manitoba's offered lo loss ; No, 1, hard offered G. Tat. west at 880. and 0. P. R. west, at89d. Flour—Straight roller, Toronto freights are quoted at 33.80, Peas.—Exporters talking 60o. Outside for the new crop. Oats.—Offeringe are liberal and demand quiet ; new white, high £reighte, west, offered • ab 27o. and new mixed at 20/c buyers bid about lo lege, Barley. --•Only a few odd tote , of. feed moving ; car lite went quoted nomi- nally at 86o to 370, The press in Ste weekly review of the dSr1bieh grain trade, says :—Etlglisli wheats have been sluggish, In now w1ieate, reds were noted at 94,e to 270, land white r 28e, Foreign wheat was 66 lower. Tide deolino was awing mainly 60 the report of the Amorioau bureau prov- Eng bettor than had been expeoted, Corn te werefirin. The markets today wore weak. English wheats are slow at 36 to 66 decline. Foreign wheats deolined Oct.. Ordinary English, and fine American flours dropped 05. Barley is. negleoted, Corn is 65 lower' Cotton seed and cot- ton sake are scarce, and prices aro in eel• ler's favor, EAsx Burenao, N. Y., Aug. 20,--Cat- tle—.The freeh arrivals were eight, only one car and but few kept over from yea. terday. The market was regarded about steady, Hoge—Receipte 8 Dare ; market fairly aotivo; Ygrkere $5.10 to 35.15; mixed packers' grades, $5 to $5.10 ; heavy grassy ends, 34 to $4,25 ; rough, 68.75 to to 34 ; stags, 33 to $3,50 ; pigs, $4.50 to $4.75. Sheep and lambs—Receipts only 1 oar ; market fairly steady ; lambs, choice, 34 50 to 34.7$ ; spring lambs, fair to choice, $4 to $4.35 ;. pulls and com- mon, $2,50 to 38,75 - olipped sheep, choice to eeleoted export wetbers, 33.25 to $8,75 choice to good bandy weight sheep, $2.40 to 32.75 ; fair to good mixed sheep, 31.75 to 32.294 Dulls and common Iambs, 61 to 31.75. Tonowxo, Aug. 20.—In export and butchers' cattle trade was quiet at west. ern yards to day. Hogs and lambs took a tumble, Sas. Eakine, the only buyer of ebippers, paid from 340 to $56 per head, or about 99c to 41Io per lb., the lat- ter for extra ohoice. Butchers operating slowly, many common cattle unsold ; prices ruled from no to 2}o for fair to choice 810 to 4o per lb. for medium to good ; 3o to 8 o per lb. for good to i n 3 o for one or o fancy. Dr. chocea d f w Y MoEaohin, of Montreal, is here looking around for 500 head of stockers to send to hie ranch in the North-west. Territory. Sow° feeders bought for Walkerville dis- tillery buyers at no per pound. Hogs off fully ito per lb. Best bacons brought 5o per 113. Prospects for 5o per lb. next week ; stores, drug on the market, sel- ling few at 44o per lb. Fat hogs dull, 4}c to 99c per lb. Lambs demoralized by having offerings fetching 3,3 to 3- o per lb., or about 32 to 32.50 per head;. 400 unsold. Shipping peep dull ; 3c for books ; S/o to 390 per pound for good ewes and wethere. Butchers' sheep not wanted. Calves quiet ; too many in ; prices ruled mostly $2 bo $6 per head. A somewhat better tone to miloh cows and springers, 325 to $48 each. Grand Trunk E .L, iWA.''. EXCU SIGNS NIAGARA FALLS and return, 32.00: Saturday, Aug. 31st. STRATFORD and return, $1.50. Tuesday, Aug. 276h. KINGSTON, 36'35 OTTAWA, 7 35 MONTREAL, 9 85 QUEBEC, 11 85 August 80, 31 di Sept. 1 85 2. Good to return 1711) Sept. MOUNT FOREST and return, $1.00, August 27th and 2861). SELLS' CIRCUS, LISTOWEL, Entrance to Circus.inslnsive, Sept. 9rd. For particulars apply to J. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND - North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Saeh'of all Pat- terns on hand or made to order at ShortNotioe. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J.& P. AP4'EN'T. EE When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware, Pants Sr Oils, —own nx— HUNTE CsS Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a DISCOUNT of FSE PER CENT. Offal! Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists'. Can- vas in Stook, A. HUNTER. TAMWOMOSI AND °MIESTER L WHITE BOARS 3'0A S3RVI0]il. Tlle-audoreiiigqnod will keep for eprviee on brpdT5miworth 2Apar,a'reeentlly 1purabaeed from the well kupwn breeder, Ono, Bell, Ana. bei, Also a Cheater White Boar. Teemn, $1,00 to be paid at time or nervier, with welt. ito o pf returniug if necessary. 8i-tf 6, WALKER,Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.---THEL Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 28, Onn, 0, Morrie, the there' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boas -"Selected," bred from J. p. Brothour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair, 'Terme, $1.00 to be paid' at the time o1 service with privilege of re- turning i1 necessary.: Pedigree may by 0000 on application. BOAT, NIOHOL STOOX FOR THE DAIRY.—TN Breeding fon milk or butter do nob Waste time on anything short of the best, No °barge for the service of my Jersey 13011 if his dam will not make from 70 to 100 lb e, more butter in a year, than the dam of any bull of any brood within three miles. G. A. DEADMAN. Brussels, White Star Line.. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Between- Ne57 York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every WeJ.needay. As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number in the rum and esnoen WIN ansommodatione, intending passes ers are reminded that an earl leabion for berths is necessary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, . Agent, Brussels, FIRE ! FIRE The undersigned is prepared to Insure all kinds of. Village propertyatthe lowest rates in the following drat.elass companles,vlz.:— "Lancasldre," of Manohester, Capital 8 Million Pounds Stirling. "Sun," of London, Established A. D. 1710. - Capital 7 Million Dollars. "Wellington Mutuni," of Guelph, Established 1840... Also $20,000 to Loan on good Farm security at51 and 0 per cent. for 5 or 10 years. 88-4 J. A. Creighton. ALLAN LINE. Summer Sailings, 1895. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY MONTREAL SERVICE. From From From Liverpo'1 STEAnffiarrs. Montreal Quebec) Daylight. 9 a m. 1 Aug. Sardinian 17 ' 18 " 8 Laurentian 24 " 24 ' 15 " Parisian 81 " 1 Sep. 22 " Mongolian - 7 Sen. 7 20 " Numidian 14 " 15 BATES OF PAesnoe: 0abin, $60 to $90 ; return $110 to $162. Second Cabin, $80 ; return, $56. Steerage, 315. f 'Passengers may go via Montreal. and return by New York or pine versa. For further information as to rates, dec., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. LIME LIME! The undersigned will keep on hand a constant supply of White' Fresh Lime suit- able for all Building and Plastering purposes. Also North Shore Pine Lath. and White Brick for Sale. D. A. Lowry, BRUSSELS. Harvest Excursions TO . Manitoba Northwest Aug. 277 ober _Good.20tto hretmv until Oeb- , Septr , smiler S Good to return until Nov- -T0— felorNne Onion Estaystevan 7t nscarth Meosoluln Regina 111eeetJaw Yorktcn Prince Albert Calgary Rod near Ld,nonten }$28,00 $30, 00 }$35.00 }s4o.0 0 For further partboulare apply to T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Atm, ; 23, 13311, To Smokers - O D'S ;. Te meet the wishes of their customers The Geo, E, Tuokobt ib Ben Co„ Ltd., Hamilton, Oot,, .have planed open the market 9 A Combination Plug of 19 • SMQKINO TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 net piece or a 5 omit piooe of the famous "T& B" brand of pure Virginia To. ba000, The tin tag 103'& IP, le on every siege. S "titer rfenovator Tli SSTED 11 5,1EDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplesenese, Palpate. Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, LOBS of Memory, Brouohitie, Con. eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diemen, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bllity. LABORATORY OODERICH, 'ONT._ J,• M. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist Brussels. SPRING SuMffier Mt You want a New Suit this Spring p g Of course you do. The one you have been wearing for the last year or two is beginning to look - just a little bit seedy. When you decide to buy call in and inspect what we have in :8.4Ht':'iF SCOTCH, IRISH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, SERGE and WORSTED SUITING -S. If Good, Honest Values count for anything we think you will bey' from .us. Perfect Fit and First -Class work Guaranteed in Every case. Jno. McBain, MERCHANT TAILOR, BRUSSELS. .4 Cure without an Operation. An Entirely NEW System Of treating Rupture, adopptedto all forms, ages and conditions TELE HERNIA 18 MELD 8EOORELY and WITH 00M00RT during hardest work or severoet strain, ander all rea- sonable oireumetances, (even horse -back riding.) Then a cure follows ; ,,.. CHILDREN in 4 to 8 weeks, ADULTS from 7 to 14 weeks, --ac- cording to severity ;of the case.' EXAMINATION AND ADVICE FREE. • My last and greatest invention in Hernial Appliances is the result of a careful study,. continued throughout a nrofen Mona' career extending over a period cf 27 year0, 22 of which have been devoted exnlusively to Rupture treatment in Toronto. This -instrument re- sponde-to every motion of the body, coughing, sneezing or lifting,and NEVER SLIP8, from its position, up or down, as all others do, by STAYS WHERE PACED, Knowing the true cause of Rupture and having discovered a treatment which is found only le my appli- anoe, instantaneous relief is afforded, safely assured and a oompleba our° is efeeted with but little expense, No pain, lose of labor or time, without iuourring the doubtful, hazard - ma and over costly expedient of au operation, - ll /I.OTHIiIRS, look to your children now. Be advised or you may •,LYJL have cause to regret this negligence when boo late to remedy. AGE of person or $urabion of Rulr6ure, making. no difference in our treatment. Evideneo that proves every case a aucc00s. This is positive, as I have convincing twit: monyfrom physicians, parents and Sumo declared by so-called surgical machinists to be hopeless, among whom may be found com°_ of your ,neighbors, Do not abandon hope, be- cause of the severity of your oase,withoub ooheultiug 200 Wo t ueen t s 8. 4 iT. -5r. "PIG AN", .Toronto, Ont. THE ONLY RUPT0RE SPECIALIST IN tun DOMINION. VISIT =-- PETROLIA.—Tecumseh House, Friday, August 16th. SARNIA—Bellehambet House, Saturday, August 17617, T'OREST—Dillon House, Monday, August 19th. CLINTON—Grand Union, Wednesday, August 21st. BRUSSELS—American Hotel, Friday, Aug. 23. fi r, 6i 0 b 9' b a •o 1l h v h a 0 0 f