HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-23, Page 3Wefri ASG. 23, 1895 Town Di4t ylCto " ', tduviooA eupnea,—Sabbath $ervioo0 All 11 a m and 6:30 p.m. Suuday Suhool at 2:30 p mt Rev, John BOO, 13 pastor. , Sir, Joan's Onuocl —Sabbath Serviaea at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:80 p. m. Rev, A, 11. Griffin; imam, bent, MDrnooiae Ouultoi%:--Sabbath Services at 10:30 a m and 0:80 p m, Sunday Sebool ab 2;80 p m, Rev, G. H. Cobble- diok, M. A, 13 D, pastor. Rohe OAxilenro Quunoli.—.Sabbath Servtoe third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m. Rey aoeeph Kennedy, priest, SamatrrQN AnciT,—Service at 7 and 11 ni and 8 and 8 p m en Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clook, at the barracks. Om) Fennowe' Lenon every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook. MASONIC F,onola Tnesday at or before full moon in :Garfield blook. A 0 'O W Lucie on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Bina. hi11'3 blook. O 0 F LonOit 2nd and last Monday eveninge of each month, in Blashill's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in oda Fellowe' Hail. L t1 L let Monday in every month In Orange Hall. Sons oe SCOTLAND, 1st and 8rd Tues- days of each month, in ea. Fellows' Hall, K. 0. T. M. Lona t, let and 8rd Thurs- days of each month, in Vanstone blook, Home Omonn, 2nd and 411i Friday even- ings in Blasbill'e Hall. POST OFFros.—Office tours from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. M. M>ldnONtos' INerlrure..—Library in Heiress' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wedueedaye and 3:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Satnrdaye. Miss Doily Shaw, Librarian. Town Oouxoin,—W. 13. Kerr, Reeve W. H. McCracken, Bober) Greham, R. Leatherdale and 13. Gerry, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomae Kelly, Treasurer i D. Stewart, Assessor and 3. T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. Sca00» Bo.1nD. —Bev. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr: Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter. and 3. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., 1t. Bose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening. in each month. Pun»ro Bonen TDeorrnns.-3. If. Cam. eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey andMiee Cooper. BOARD os HEALTH.—Reeve Herr, Clerk Soolt, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. IN MEMORY OF BERTHA HERITAGE, LOVINGI.T DMDIOATJID ro 11Ra. nmrmAan, nT.Armenia. One day a oall from heaven name And angels hovered o'er our home, And took our loved one from our midst And left us weeping here alone. But Jesus wanted 'Hie -beloved" To place among His jewels rare,, And though our hearts with grief are torn We give our Bertha to His care. In early life she loved her Lord And followed in His steps through life, An angry word abe never spoke, But would make patine inetead of strife. 011 God 1 we mourn our Bertha dear, As parents, sister, brothers, friend Our vow we make, to meet in heaven Our Bertha, when this life shall end. In siolmess oft' she suffered pain, In death, bravely the battle fought And clung to Christ, her refuge sure, Who weloomed home the soul be bought. Oh I would we weep for our beloved 7 For she has only gone before She waits for us at God's right hand To meet us where we'll part no more, Did she "go and empty handed 2 Did she "meet her Saviour so 2 Not one soul with which to greet Him" We can truly answer, No 1 By her life and bright example Jewels for her Lord she won, Sowing seed in quiet byways, Where her feet were wont to run. '%Vith her latest breath she praised Him, Sweetly wafting to the sky "Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly." One more struggle. Life is over. Over ? No 1 Life just begun In the glorious light of heaven, Where the Saviour is the Sun. Where all tears are dried forever, Where all pain is banished tduite,. There she strikes her harp, rejoicing With the ransomed robed in white. God our Father may we trust Thee, And our lives perfected be, That at last We may worthy To meet our Bertha there with Thee, T. D. TN ME4IORFAM. One lege on earth 1 Ite pain, rte sorrow, .and Ile toll to 3llare i Ons less thepligrfm's daily cross to bear; One more the orown of raneomed Soule to wear At home in heaven. One more in heaven i Another thouglab tobrighten cloudy days, :Another theme of thankluineee and praise, Another link on high our souls to raise To home and heaven, One more at home l - That home where oeparatiou oannet be, That home where ' none are missed eternally. Lord Jesus grant no all a placewitb Thee At biome in heaven. —F. E, Sroerm. In Deep Despair, A MONTIREALER' RELATES HIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. Ise 1iO4 Tried Foreign and imettl Physic', ane tool was Operated Been without 9naeess-Ur. W11ilanis' 1'1115 Pills Cured .\Vilen nil Other' Medicines Failed. From the Montreal Herald, Instances of marvellous cures by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Rale People are numerous, but the one related below is of epeoial interest, owing to the peaulierity of the filmes, and also to the fait that in the present instance the gentleman is well known in Montreal. Mr. Charles Frank, inspector of the me. chaniaal department of the Bell Tele- phone Co., at, 871, Aqueduob street, and who resides at 54 Argyle Avenue, in an interview with a Herald reporter, related the following wonderful oure by the -use of Pink Pills. Mr. Frank, who is 25 years of age, is a -Russian by birth, ex- ceedingly intelligent, speaks several languages fluently, and ie.now apparently, in good health. "My Illness came .about in a peculiar way," .said Mr, Frank. "Up to three years ago I was in the beet of health. About that time; while in Glasgow, Scotland, where I was employ- ed as a olerk in a hotel, and while scull- ing on the Clyde, a storm carne up, and I bad a pretty rough time of it for a while. I evidently must have injured myself in- ternally, although I felt nothing wrong at the time. On my way home, however, I fell helpless on the street, and had to be conveyed home in 8 cab, as my lege were utterly unable to hold me up. I wee confined to bed for'eevera1' days in the same helpless condition, when I rallied, but found that my urine was of a strange reddish hue. I called in a physician, wbo prescribed, but didme no good. I then called on Sir George McLeod, M. '1)., who also prescribed and advised me Oue loss on earth 1 A dear, familiar face Missed day by day from its accustomed place, Bub atomised, and saved, and perfected by grace 1 Ono more in heaven 1 One lose at home l One voice of welcome hushed, .and ever. more One farewell word now spoken ; on the shore Where parting somas not, one soul land- ed more -- One more in heaven.1 One lies on earth 1 Chill as the earth -borne mist the thought would rise And wrap our footsteps 'round and dim our eyes, But the bright aunboam darteth from the akin— One more in heaven 1 One more at home 1 This is not home where, cramped in earthly mould, Our eight of Christ is dim—our love is cold, But there, where fade to face we Shall behold, Ie home and heaves, 'fiE BBUSSEIl "I am willing," said Mr, Frank, in eonelusion, "to 000 anyone Who wisbee to verity this interview, tie I consider it my duty to my fellowman and a matter of gratitude to the marvellous euro thole medicine lase effected, I Have mune t0 the oonolneion that Rink Fills are the beet blood builders ie oxietenoe., and 3 think everyone should try them," POORER AnU W.LSllf. An old bub rattler slick mane was sue oeoefnlly worked en a well-to-do farmer near Gait, Friday of last week, which just Dost that gentleman $1,600. A few days ago a very allots young man palled en Angels Maw, the owner of 0, YOU fine farm within a mile of Galt, and represented himself 00 a eon of Mr. Bing, of the Canadian Bank of OOlnmeroe, Berlin. Fie bad been sent by -Aire. Mo. Arthur, a wealthy lady, who had taken a liking to Mr, MoBean's farm, to negotiate for the preheats. He wee shown over the farm, and was apparently satielied. Mr. MoBean was not anxious to sell the plaoe, but finally agreed to do so, the prim asked being 320,000. Thio suited the agent and he was to report to his client and return if eatisfaatory to her and complete the purohaeo. He arrived on Friday and at ono proceeded to close the deal. He was quite willing to deposit 35,000 or $10,000 to bind the bargain, bub Mr. MoBean was also bo deposit a certain amount,ae a guarantee that be would stick to hie agreement, and $1,500 was what Mu. MoBean wee to deposit. Both men went to Galt, got the money and went batik to the farm, where the money was counted,—$6,600 altogether—and placed in a tin: box, which Mr. MoBean was to hold until four o'clock, "when the purchaser would return with the balance of the purchase money. The purchaser hi the meantime was to hold'the key of the box. While these arrangements were going on a second party put in an 8p pearauoe, saying he had walked from Galt to see Mr. Kin;, whom he had heard was at Mr, Moliean's, The new arrival was anxious to oath the train, and Mr. King agreed to drive him to Galt. The parties drove away, leaving Mr. MoBean the box, asbo supposed with the money. They had not been gone long when Ibtr. MoBean decided to open the box. He secured: a key that opened it, and to his great surprise all it ooutained was some worthless papers. He immediately prooeeded to town, in- formed the police and telegraphed to different pointe, but so far no trace of the parties bas been found. "0085711 in a Storm 08 the 0100," to go to the hospital. I wits averse to doing this, and he advised me then to try a change of olimate, telling me that my bladder was affected. T acted onhis sug- gestion as to, change and came to Mont- real. I did not do anything for about a yeac, as I wished to got oared. All this time my urine was tainted with blood, although I was suffering no pain, but this abnormal condition was a source of con- tinual anxiety. I finally went to the General Hospital, where the physician in charge advised me to stay, which I did. After remaining there for five weeks with no benefit, a consultation of physicians was held and an operation suggested, to which I this time agreed. After the operation was performed I was no better, my 000dition remaining absolutely un- changed. From this out I was ooutinu- ally trying medicines and physicians, but benefit f ar- nofrom anything of derivedr one. I was in despair, as the physicians who had operated on me oould not decide as to my trouble. I visited the hospital once more, and they said they would operate again ; but I did nob pare to ' on. dergo a seoond and perhaps equally un enosessful operation. Some physicians thought my trouble wag Ooosnmption of the bladder, others that it was Bright's disease, but could nob cure that strange bloody condition of my urine. "Finally I went to work for the Bell Telephone Go., some two years ago, where I worked myself up to my present posi- tion. But I was iu' a state of constant anxiety, as I felt myself getting weaker all the bhne,'and was. listless and eleepy, and weals in the legs. I was also pale and ill -looking, no doubt owing to loss of blood. From a naturally obeerfel man I became a morose, and gave up all hopes of ultimate recovery. One Saturday,. some months ago, while walking along Bleary street, having seen rho advertise- ment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the Montreal Herald, I stopped at John T. Lyons drug store and bought a box. I` had tried so many mediomes that I said to myself "If they don't stirs me I Clan') be any worse off than before,' After taking the first box I felt stronger and more cheerful, although there wire no change in the bloody condition of my urine. But I felt en000raged and got three more boxes, determined to make a thorough trial of Pink Pills, After I had finished the second box I found my urine was getting clearer, so I continued the nee of the pills, taking .two after eaoh meal. When I had finished the third hog my urine was quite clear, for the first time in three years. I was delight• ed, and continued taking the pine until I bad finished six boxes, I ani strong now end have had no recurrence of the trouble,and as you can see, the flash of health shows itself in my facie. To think that I wee cured by the use of 38,00 Worth of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after trying a number of physicians and un. dergoing an operation in vain ie a puzzle to me, and I am sorry that I didn't know about this grand medicine before. I would have willingly given 3200 'or 3800 to have been guaranteed a tore by any- one," nyone," G-elaorat lYovvs. Sir Oliver Mowat has decided to re- main in England until Oot. 1st. ' Took strewera are again at work- in Ingersoll and bicyclists are in arms. F. S. Thomas, a prominent member of the original Jubilee Singers, is lying dangerously ill at Kingston. The Oebholio Total Abstinence Union meeting in New York passed a resolution attaoking liquor sellers, and supporting a strict Sunday saloon law. The corner stone of the new Masonic Temple for Manitoba in Winnipeg was laid last week by C. N. Bell, grand master of Manitoba. Dr. McCarty, of Paris, has paid his fine -of 3140.37 for practicing medicine without a license, and was released from Brantford jail Friday of last week. George A. Ponsford, of St. Thomas, has oompletod his contract of the mason work of the Munaey Institute. -The building will ooet 320,000. "Diamond" Smith, a wealthy but ea, centric Now Yorker, formerly resident in Montreal has been missing for some days end foul play is suapeoted. The only daughter of Reeve Hutchin- son, of Saugeen, Bruce county, died from nervous fright Thursday of last week, caused while being lost in the woods while picking berries. She was 21 years of age and much beloved. Nearly 20 people were injured in a street oar accident in Indianapolte, Ind., the wreak being the result of a misplaoei. switch, which caused a heavy motor to plunge into a trailer loaded with people returning from a pro -pie. Rnitun,ATrstr Ounen IN A Dor.-South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its motion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first doee Warranted greatly benefits. 75 oent s. W by G. A. Deadman. , A eteamer running on rails is a caricas sight to be seen near Copenhagen. Two lakes are separated by a narrow strip of land, on which rails are laid, running into the water on either side. The steamer, which is 44 feet long and ear - ries 70 pasaongers,4e guided to the rails by piles like a ferry slip, it has wheels on either side which fit the rails, and is driven full speed upone side of the in- cline and down the other into the water on the other side. QST A. farmer named Kennedy, on the 4611 eon., Bruce, had it well into which sever- al fowl fell and died. Hie lloreoo drank of the water, 'Three of them Bled and two more aro aiok. Kirohineki, who 10 charged with the murder of Joanuerettat Breslau, has en. gaged lawyer Mowat, of Guelph to defend him. The gathering of evidence, both in defence and proseoution is going on, The bores-oanning industry of Oregon is bringing the abate ,into disrepute and injuring the otter canning ludustriee. The people are objecting to it. They. don't want people to say or think "dead horse" whenthey see the brand"Oregoe" on canned heats. The horse oanoery bas started work, but little is known of its business yet. Rimier In Six Houns.—Distressing kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six houra by the "Great. South American Kidney Cure." ` This now remedy is a great sarpriee and delight on account of its exceeding promptness iu relieving pain in the bladder, lcidoeys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost i1n- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this ie your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. One 0)1fton is preparing for journey up the Yukon river, in Alaska, which he intends shall extend 1,000 miles further into the mysterious Northern region than any white man has yet reached. He bat hired 20 Iadiane to accompanyhirn, and bas bought several peaks of doge for use in sleighing. It is said his expectations as to the results of hie trip run to greet gold discoveries as much as to geograpb- ioal glory. ,1 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL RE,VEDY FOR MASI OR BOAST. Certain in its effects and never banters. head proofs below: KENDALL'SSPMM1N DUDE. Dox52 Caiwan Henderson Co., 111., Feb.24,'M. Dr. R. J.11155, r. bo, Dear Sirs-1'lenee send me one of your Horse nooks and oblige. Ihaveused a great deal of your Irendalf's Spavin Cora withod success, it is a wonderful medicine. I once had a mere that had an Occult Sony in and ave bottles cured her. 2 heap a bottle on hand nn thetime, Yours truly, .01100. POWELL. KENDALL'S SPAM ORE. CANTON, 210., Apr. 1,'62. Dr. D. J.Irxmc.r. Co. Durr Sire—I have used several bottles of your •' Rendail•s Spavin Cara', With much success. I think it the best Liniment.I over used. Have re. eo,noVeto„e Ounxl one pined oa nvrn and hitt trope y'arms.. Move .8011 1000d it and el pf t. ftleuds who pre amh plenaed with and kaon it. Reepootfnll S. R. RAZ, P. 0.Doze43. For Salo by a1lprugs,sts, or address Dr. 73. X. ICER D4LL COMPANY, CNOSSUe0H FALLS, VT. Eggs�aeM 5.2811.5-14 g, 0'0 A4!a ,3P'd,^>E74Mp .,P13o a- ,� ?qlp. m� S m t3 Q �, iiee44,1'8a b 5.. '* 3 oem M O x.1° � o. a o t a r•' 0M ,,$ n W S ng. Y ,t0 Pm 04mos r °yt}i�cs tl GFd mdpmap tld ,a i,t1> '4'll,�{,�� Sold in Brussels by 0 ti 8 fsl G. A, DEAIMIAN, Druggist. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES OF !EATEOOIS �l$ Parasols Reduced. in Price, Summer hats, and Fancy Straus Reduced in Price, Light Weight, and Summer Dress Goods Reduced in Price, Summer Coats and Vests, and Suits Reduced in Price, Flannelette Shirts Reduced in Price. No roont to Enumerate Articles and Prices. —"No -Call and secure a Bargain...0' . .. ST A r . A 25 oto., 50 oto, and $1,00 Bottle. One Dent a dose. Itis sold on guarantee by all druggists. It wares Iaoiptent Oonaumption sad ie the beet Ooush and Oroap Ours. 30111 by JAS. EON, DrusSisl, brussels. NONE/ TO LOAN.. Any Amount of Money to Lssis :,o•. on.Farm or Village Pro- perty' at G' ' 62 Per Cent., Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege fey repaying when required.. Apply to 4. Hunter, Division, Covert Clerk, Bruar •, -'. Y7farWSAMIr. ..+ 14 000 _ •c4.4,i,•a1100 We are prepared to take any quantity A, of Wool either for Cash or Trak al.. We have a large Assortment of al , Tweeds, Flannels, Carpets,.. Blankes, Yarns, Knitted Goods, Sec,, to choose froom,:.. We are also prepared to take in all kinds of Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spinlrlr - ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, HO E & Co., Nest dou to Bl:ashiul's Butcher $h m t a tY/ tri s We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock. mil" Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Styrt Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' vemil Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing zsc-- ceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, ete., we ham: a fine line which are very popular just now. Lail'ias' Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety,'tot prices to suit the times. In Gents' wear we have all Than leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Bays' and Youths' School Shoes e,t prices that defy competitst a.. Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords. BRUSSELS. Rips Sewed Free of Charge. 1 namtitmran,maamsur:,,.. GREAT BARGAINS IN Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jas. Prob,;. and combined it with my own, I have now the Largest, Cheapest and Be::: Display ever made in .Bru;.tilik,. Speoial Bargains [liven during this llontk To save trouble of moving in colt;- >- tion with the erection of new Sites.. You can save Dollars by dealing with me in Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades. raper Banging done in First-class Style. W ROOD/CARP-