HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-9, Page 8+•frw•.�w,xm
7G1'11> T
Apure IL
"0anvetitian is the Trade,"
they say, but unfortenetely it bee a ten•
elenoy tows,xds aniiplying a cl)voper grade
of geode, It le 'particularly unfortunate
that this slieuld ever ,ufluonoe the pain
obese and Salo of pure dings, For the
sake of a' few opts it is the utmost olly
fora druggiet to salt en inferior article or
a patio]}t to buy 1t, 12 we aro to get bene-
fit ,fioui the use of drugs we want the
beat wo ,oan get, uotbiug abort of thea
should eatiefyy:ne. Take for example such
a eireple luedichlo as Epsom Salts, there
le a great difference in 1t and the cheaper
,grade not Duly contains more moisture
but arsouie as well, maldng it dangeroue.
to nee While we like to buy well, ae the
old saying fs a true one, "geode well
bought are belt eold," yet Wo never seer!.
floe quality for quantity. Wo endeavor
to buy the bust and yon one therefore de•
pend upon us supplying you wftll a good
article at a reasonable prise.
Druggfet, Booltseller and
Graduate Optician,
0017022112 EXTENSION 2. G. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South as follows:
GenieSpnTa, Gantt Seam.
6;50 a,m. Jj Mixed 0:44 man,
Oxprees 11:00 a.m. I. iliail sae p.m.
lfixed......,.. 9:00 p.n.11 Express 0148 von.
r, .a.cal. l.eivs item•l;.
o A. ohiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it..
Bnesezx e races 19th and 20th.
8cnooL Board meeting9rid ay evening
,of this week,
Aueuso 19 and 20 are the days of the
Brgeele races.
FLAG pulling' le completed and the mil!
,will start next Monday.
Ovnn $210 have been spent in gravel by
'Brussels Council this year.
Exam Toae's CADIN show is among the
probabilities in Brussels in the near
A New tight board fence is being put
along a portion of the East side of the
Fair grounds.
MESSRS, OLEGo &,DAnuss shipped a ear
of hogs to Buffalo on 'Tuesday and a carr
of cattle on Thursday.
A WEDDING will take place next month,
so rumour sayeth, and BenBsels will
supply the petite bride.
THE beautiful flowering plants in A.
•Currie's bntoher shop window come in
for a large share of admiration.
held t. pio.nic, near Sunshine, last Tue.-
day afternoon and spent a very enjoyable
GEoxeos Came: was struck on the head
by a .failing scaffold pole, at the new
'school house, and a nasty woundon hie
head resulted.
'4•PAwe AGGREGATION,' as played by
Brussels Band, is pronounced afirst•alass
number. "Rooked in the cradle of the
deep'' is another good one.
Cnas. WARE and Ed. Grimoldby were
-at Teeswater this week painting the
;school house for Messrs. Roddick &
Wake, who bad the contract.
WATSON AINLEY was at Saaforth last
tweak putting the ter and gravel roof on
the new Commercial Hotel It will be a
:ixne building when completed.
LABOR Excursions to Manitoba on
Tuesday of nest week and Tuesday, 20th
'inst. The fare out ie only $10.00, with
an $18.00 rate homeward on pertain con.
Massae,'Omens & SonTt, private bank-
ers, of Teeswater and Brussels'
are open-
ing a: branch office at Gorrie. Oapt,
Kaine, who baa conducted business there
for a number of years, is retiring.
SIXTEEN fine horses were sent from
Brussels an Wednesday for the British
-market by Messrs. Parker, Birkby &
Richardson, P. Lambie was in charge.
'The horses will be shipped on Friday per
steamship Hurons.
SEVERAL Bruseelites drove over to
Wroxeter on Wednesday afternoon to
witness the base ball match between the.
"'Unions" of that village and the "Alerts"
of Guelph. The score was 15 to 10 in
favor of the "Unions."
A LETTER from. Couooillor Gerry, In-
diadHead, Assinaboia, states that a see.
tion of that country suffered ooneiderably
from a hail storm, the crops of Messrs.
Mooney and Garry, among othere being
naught. Mr. Gerry says there is a fine
prospect for a big and bountiful harvest.
They were going to the Fall Exhibition
at Regina, intending to camp out during
their stay . at the capital.
Tae ebronio kicker who never 'thinks
the market scales weigh heavy enough
was rather taken bank last Tuesday by
awing the scales tested, immediately
alter hie hogs were weighed, by the Gov-
ernmeot Inspector and found to 130 oor-
rect. Every fair.minded individual
should remember that it would be adverse
to the intermits of Brussels to breve the
scales anything but right. With this
objeatin view the old set was disposed
of and the present new ones put in their
place at a large expense.
OssTueux.--The followingfrom the 80.
Marys Journal will be read with sym-
pathy by the friends of, the family here,
Mr. Franco being atone time pastorof
the M. E. church, John street, Brussels :
Mrs, France, wife of Rev. G.A. Frances,'
of Toulon, Ill., and two children, have
been for the past few weeks visiting her
mother et Tborndale, and other; friende.
in this locality, While et het sister's,
lOire. Moeip'e, in the township of Thane -
herd, she was taken euddeuly ill and died
'at an early hone Monday morning from
Bright's disease. Deoensed wag 49 years
of age, Ear husband a ,d a fatally of
two children survive her. Jas. Harrison,
of the North Weed, is te brother,: the
other brothers being Geo. Harrison, of
Glencoe, and Thosf Nsepawa, and the
Piglets, Mrs. 0. Hata,udLondon town.
ship; Mrs. W. Efeeston, Thorndele;
and Mrs. Thos. 101oesip, of Blanshard.
Her Obildren are Roy, 14 years, and
eharlie, 12 years of age. Rev, Me.
•i+rences was wired and arrived: before
her death, while her mother, Mrs. Eliza.
beth 41arrison, of Thorndale, and aunt,
redehaw, of London, were else
et side. The relatives and'frionde
have the sincere sympathy of the come
enunity in their eudden bereavement,
Eeepuenie to 'flrimeby Pant Saturday
of liege week, 17tii, Good to return on
o da.
AIn Fu' .0
Fere 2
y o$ 0.
A, 6TB4 Ld$'e i'eeidenee, Thema at.,
has bon greatly improved jii eppeaaailee
bye new dress of paint,
"Mann a L2W0" teak 1st money at Elan
raves tit Orangeville on Thuredey of last
week and end lit Qwen Sound,
Aa soon ae the red stone erriVea for the
erohee in the fawnt well a the new selaool
house the briakWerls will soon bs own.
INeneetroe Naeem a Wes in town this
ween paying ax1 official Visit in oannoe
tion with tie lnapeotion of weights and
Peeeee BAinital: bag closed up bueinose
in oonneetion with hie bakery and will
remove from Brussels. Three bakeries
were too many in a phos this size
AUCTION Soon,—Mee, Geo. Barkley will
hold an anotien sale of household fgeni.
ture, at her resldenoe, Weruborry et.,
Brussels, on Friday afternoon of tbie
week, at 2 p, no. F. S. Scott is the
a uotioneer.
TRU Pose extends hearty oougrate-
latione to, the suooeaefnl pupils of Brea
sale Public echee! over their 800880s in
the Primary examinations. Principal
Cameron deserves and also receives a
share of the honor,
BASE B4r0,'--A bgse ball match will be
played between Pahneraton and Brussels
it is expected, on Victoria Park next
Monday afternoon, The Palmerston
nine is taking a tour going from here to
Goderioh, Stratford, tete
I2 is with exceeding regret that we
learn of the low condition of Miss Addie
Best, who has been ill with fever. She
took a bud spell of hemorbage of the
bowels Wednesday night and the doctors
hold out faint hopes of her recovery,
AOaxoENT, .Wednesday of last week
Wm. Mooney wag tbrown off a load of
heading while returning from Seaforth
and had one of his arms and bis back in.
jared. He does not know whether the
wheel ran over hie arm or a bundle of
heading fell oe it, ae the violenoe of the
fall rendered bim unconscious for a little
TEE Exeter Advocate says •—Tans
Bnussons POST has passed its 22nd mile
stone, and like the sparkling wine im
proves with age. Bro. Kerr has the
faculty of getting up a good, clean and
newsy sheet and it in a credit to the town
in wbioh it is publiebed.—The Atwood
Bee remarks :—Tat Bnosasr,s Pose hag
celebrated its 22nd birthday, and looks
better as it gets older.
Teens:—one aflornoon last week a
tannic. matob was played on J. D. Ron-
ald's court between. the Bachelors and
Benediots of Brneso1l, which was won by
the former. The following was the
scare -Dr. Davidson and R, M. Dick-
son defeated 11. Dennis and A. Strachan,
6.3, 4.6, 6 1. Wm. Stewart and J. H.
Cameron defeated Jas. Stewart and D.
C. Rose, 6.8, 0.5. W. M. Sinclair and
Jno. MoBain beat G. F. Blair and E. J.
Morden, 6.4, 0.3.
RACES.—The program for Brussels
races, to be held on the first -aloes half
mile track, Monday and Tuesday, Armed
19 and 20, will be as follows :—
2.40 Trot or Pace, Parse, $175.00
Open Trot or Pace, 250.00
Half mile run, "• 100.00
2.29 Trot or Pace,
2.24 11
" 200.00
Local named Race, " 75.00
Horses eligible July 30, entries close on
August 13111. F. S. Scott is the Secre-
tary. .
Oe Tar Diear0ND.—Aceordina to an•
nounoement in last week's PoeT the
Godericb Base Ball Team came to Brus-
sels last Friday afternoon. They were
fresh from their victory at Palmerston
on the previous day and in their mind
had another succese °beaked down, but
that was the only place it existed as our
boys, although out of practice, not having
had an organized etob here for several
years, won easily by e. snore of 22 to 13
and an innings to spare, The visitors
went to bat first and soored 3 rune, fol-
lowing it up by 1 each in the 2nd and 3rd
innings, and 5 in the 4th, the latter large-
ly owing to W. Grewar's arm giving out
in pitching. In the 51b Jack Grower
was put in to do the twirling and to the
sabiefaction of the spectators and the
discomfiture of Godericb he blankedthem
for two successive innings, and by good
pitching and sharp fielding the 7th only
yielded 1, the 8011 2, and the 9th a goose
egg. Special mention of excellent oatohes
by A. Currie, Geo, Halliday,
J. McBain and A. Williams,
Robb. Rose behind the bat was
quite at home, and rendered excellent
servias. D. C. Ross did business at the
old stand, let base, in his old time style;
Noble Gerry cared for exerything coming
to 2nd, and Alf. Williams, of Gorda,
played a fine game at 3rd. "Tob" Coal).
rane hadn't on his batting clothes but
did good work as short stop.
Godericb started out with H.
Robertson in ' the pitcher's box
and. Malcomson a9 catcher but the
game was not advanced very .far before
Judge" Doyle was snbetitnted for
Robertson, and ere long the old reliable,
"Dud" Holmes; formerly of Brussels,
was calied upon to stay the onslaught
made by the batter.. Eight rune were
made in the 2nd innings, D. C. Ross
and A, Williams making a home run
each. Brussels was blanked in the 1st
and 5111. Maloolmson oaugbt a splendid
game but several of the visitors were con
siderably:off Dolor, and with the same
practice our nine could shot them out.
Jae. T. Rosa, who is looked upon as one
of the "reliables" wee off duty owing' to a
boil on his nook, but be, nevertheless,:
umpired the game with seeisfaction to
both nines. The appended score will
furnish additional particulars of the
metal :>.'
nunseEns,' et.. 0 oonnnrcu, R.0
N, Gerry, and b ,..a 3 meecomeon, c ,.,2 4
A. Currie, lit 2 4 - ThompBson, let. b.,.3 8
J, Monain, of 2 4 H, Robertson, p .,,2 4
A. Wintame,81.db 0 0 A. Robertson,rl,.2 4
R,Ross ,a 4 1 E, Tilt, 3rdb....„.,.2' 8'
G.rfalBday,rf 2 2 D. Holmos,2ndb 2 1
B. Ooehrane, es 0 4 Hooper, es.,... 0 4
W. Grower, p 2 Doyle, of 0 4
J, Grewar, p 0 1 Dalin, If 2 1
D. c. Ross, let b..,2 8
Total 22 24 Total 18 27
Soore by Innings, 1 2 8 4 5 8 7 8 0—Total
Brussels 8 1 G 0 0 .11 x 22
Godericb1 0-13
There was a large attendance of spec..
tators who were not slow to, applaud a
good hall by wbomsoevor played. Brns•
eels has a worn side for a good game of
base ball, Quite a number of 'Wroxeter•.
iter were in attendanoe. The Godorioh
team, which by the way id composed of
n gentlemanly lot of young men, went
from bare to Sttatford to play there on
UU. 9, 18961
Tnn smoke }leek blain dawn at the
Peteepelee Salt Werke and rnenufaotnr•
t6 oi&
r lBng
aolexelenteieRene hg boon Wising
about the patriaroli Job this week ited
bee been oaring 100 000 of 1116 "comfort -
BuSr esS Locals.
Lord, clear bacon at 11•ieCraeken's.
BLe22 note forme ler sale et Tug PoeT
Publishing House,
Fon flno shoes, 'eneap and good, we take
the lest• I. 0. Richards,
Smelt harness, fine range of them and
very ebeap, I. O. Rieberde,
IleFAms fn eltooe and Intrudes attended
to promptly. T, 0.. Richards
eine NELLIE Buneeee is prepared to do
Dressmaking at her home or et the rest..
Ono of her patrons,
leVene ruga on children's wagone at
Tug POO Book Store. 2 boy'e umbel•
,pedes for sale. Call and see them.
Do you want to atop tieing tobacco?
If so, pee No -To -Bao. We refnud your
money if not as stated. G. A. DEAnnrei.
I2Anz,'e Olover boot, the great Blood
Purifier gives freshness and dlearnsse to
the complexion and oures ,constipation
25 ole, 50 ote and 91,00, Sold by James
Pax, Druggist, Brueeele,.
25 CENTS ve, 'KIDNEY Tnopnnn:—ltor
two years I woe dosed, pilled and plaster-
ed for weak,baak, scalding urine and
constipation, without benefit, One box
of Ohae's Kidney -Liver Pills revived,
3 boxes cured. R. J. smitb, Toronto.
SAILOR'S euro is sold on a guarantee.'
Ih aurae incipient consumption. It is
the beet cough cure. Only one sent a
dose, 25 as., 59 ole. and $1,00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Yemen Prows.—Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the necessary
repairs.Call at Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
MRs. T. S. EawmINe, Chattanooga,
Tenn„ says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life," I consider it the beet remedy
for a debiliteed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia,. liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Prise 75 ole. Sold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Brusseis.
MS, at considerable octet, putone of them
into his restaurant and oan now put up
the best Summer drinks known. He
has reduced toe cream' 10.30 cents a quart
and will give very special rates in fruits
anrI ecnieetionery to pio.nio and evening
Wont-DxcGING AND Datum/el.—George
Birt has all thehecessary machinery for
digging and drilling walls and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells gleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms reasonable. Residence
soma door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st„ Brueeele. 34.22
15 YEARS of ITonixo.—Wm. Golding,
oommeroial traveller, 130 Esther et., To-
ronto, says : For fifteen years 03 suffered
untold misery from itching piles, Bome-
tintes called pin worms. Many, and
many weeks have I had to lay off the
road from this trouble, I tried eight
other pile ointments and so called reme-
dies withno permanent relief to the in-
tense itching and stinging, whioh irritat.
ed by scratching, would bleed and ulcer-
ate. One half a box of Cbase'o Ointment
cured me completely.
BRUSSELS Oia nTERY.—To whom it may.
concern :—Having been appointed care-
taker of Brussels cemetery, I' wish to
make it look as respectable as possible.
This, however, oannot be done without
the co-operation of those who have rela-
tives or friends buried therein. Now is.
thetime to show yourrespect for the de-
parted and also to improve the property'
you hold there by fixing up your lots and
by straightening the monuments or tomb-
stones erected to the memory of your
departed. For the paltry sem of 25
tents I will straighten all tombstones,
that do not need cementing, and for 50
cents will straighten and cement those
that require it. I will also for 50 cents
straighten all monuments that need it
and keep them straight for 000 year.
Lots also fixed up and taken oars of at
reasonable rates. Address all communi-
cations to ROBT. ARaloTnoNG,
Look box 44, Brussels.
Sir MacKenzie Bowel! and Hon. T.
Daly are in Vancouver.
Thos. Balls, son of the Deputy Reeve
of Storriugton, was tnrown from a horse
and killed.
The first oar ferry for service between
Port Dover and Conneaut was laaathed.
at Toledo.
The body of Capt. Oox, who was drown-
ed in the Ottawa River, has been for.
warded to London.
Miss Jessie Gibson, of Waekada, Man,,
was burned "to death, her clothes catch.
iag firs while baking.
Alex. Wilson, recently arrested for rob-
bery in Chatham, was removed to the.
London Asylum for the Insane. '
0. A. McDonnell has accepted the
nomination for Montreal Centre in oppo•
altion to Dr. Guerin, the Liberal candle
date for the vacant seat in the Quebec
Legislative Assembly.
A sad affair took plane near Niagara..
some time Saturday evening, in which a
young man named Frank Rodgers lost
hie life, while playing a prudent joke on
an Italian, employed by Mr. Havens as a
farm hand. The two young men were
cooking hay when Rodgers lefb the field,
and, going to the house, returned with a
sheet, intending to frighten. the Italian,
who has a mortal tear of ghoate. En-
veloping himself in the sheet, he hid be•
bind a peek of hay, and,, as the Italian
came along, suddenly sprang up before
him. The Italian, being nearly frighten.
ed to death, quickly thrust his pitchfork
into Rodgers' eyes, inflicting fatal in-
juries, from which lie died almost im-
mediately. Nothing bag been done with
the Italian.
WELLS—BeeneuN.—At the Baptist parson.
age, Owen Sound, on Aug.. 5th, by
Rev. W. E. Norton, Mr. Thos. A.
Wella, of Portage-la.Prairie, Mani.'
tabs, to Mise Jane Bateman, of the
township of Grey, Huron Co.
Fones!Tit.-In Sullivan township, Bruoew
00.,00 July 8101, Ann Anderson,.
beloved wife of Roderick Forsyth,'
(eider of Quintin Anderson, Morris)
aged 50 years and 6 menthe.
Gann. ---In Detroit, on July 12th, 1895,
Mre, Mary Gorne, sisterdn•law of
D. Frain, Brussels, aged e8 years.
6$2I4XD%ZW.%W & ,7VI ae C4X"t .1D4t
ASSRT'S, (Seven 5i#111oa Dollars
CAPITAX. (Authorized), ) $1,400,000
eleencieein aiF rxincipal, dints in ()Mario, Qioir00,Moniolar17nitefStates iGF
• dd9tWSW S esa1V07 .
A General Conking Business Transaotod, larmei's'
Drafba belted and Collections de, Nates Diaoaunted,
ma on all poIuts.
Inbel'est allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dot of dopeat to d f
withdrawal and O0mpounded -half yearly, l o date o
Seamen AwenneroI GIVEN TO eurm Coeueo0zole 00 Mumma' Sem; Nom.
Ilvory faoility afforded Customers liviug ata digtauoe,
3. A. STEWART M4104020,
Transact to General Banking Business. Drafts Bough and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
r O'Id1 GS Dad6'Dl'_aJ,T Pt y'�°. m?•
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current hates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
!9'e area to write enenenueo in old English or Canadian Companies, ob in Mat•
nal Companies as may be desired.
'FAS,S� seA0m3:
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 2.14
...The Western, London " 12.21
Provinoial, Montreal, " 12.21
Hay, at Zurich, " 23-24
South Huron, Exeter, " 23.24
South Perth, St. Mary's, "- 24-25
Mitchell, at .itlitchell, " 24.25
Clinton, " 25-20.
Turnberry, Wingbatn, " 25-26
East Huron, Brussels, " 26.27
East Wewanosh, Belgrave,
Sep. 30 & Oct. 1
Territorial Exhibition, Regina,
July 29th to Aug. 7
mx.vwssmx,ti zaAx��a~res,
Fall Wheat
70 72
Spring Wheat 70 72
40 45
Brley'......, 40.
Cate 80 82
Wool 18 18
Butter, tubs and rolls ..: 11 12
Eggs per dozen 9
Flour per barrel 4 50 500
Potatoes (new) ... 50 60
Hay per • . ... . 10 00 00 12 00
Hides trimmed 3 00
Hides rough 2
Salt per bbl., retail - 1.00
Sheep skins, eaoh .: 20
Lamb skins each15
Apples per bbl ' 1 52
Hogs, Live 5, 00'
Wool `18 02
e 25
INor•.nsonn, Aug. 6.--Cheese—Offerings
today, 4,060 boxes, principally' let half
July make ; one lot of 625 boxes, last
half of Jone and first half of July make,
sold at 75c ; market •dull ; 790 the high-
est bid. Liverpool—Cheese quiet; de -
mend .moderate ;, finest Amerlean white
and. colored (new) 28e 6d. Butter -Finest
U. S., 70s ; good, nominal. Belleville-
At the cheese board to -clay 2,710 boxes
white; end 60 colored were offered. No
sales ; 7}o was bid for board,
TORONTO, Aug. 0.—Market very quiet.'
Wheat—Old winter in some demand.
west, at 78o ; new offered rather more
Iiberolly at75o ; No. 1, ,Manitoba hard,
offered west, . at 92c. Flour—Straight'
roller, Toronto freights, offered at $8.60
for small lots of Manitoba bakers; $4,25
being got here, and 94.60 was paid for
patents. Peas,—Exporters bid 56o for
car lots west. Oats -Mixed sold high
freights weal, at Nett ; and wlxite at 315o.
Barley—None offering.
Rem: BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug.'6.-Cattle—
Receipts, none. The ge0eia1 outlook' for
immediate futures is favorable. Bogs.
Receipts, about 8 cars ; Yorkers, 95.50
to 95.55 ; mixed pokers, $5.15: bo 95.20
good mediums, $5.15 to 95.25 ; . common
to good, $4.50 to 94,75 ; rough, . 58.80 to
$4.35 ; pigs, 95.50 to 95.60 ; Stags, 98.50
to $4. Sheep and lambs—Receipts, only
Iwo cars fresh arrivals, and all of 18
loads held over from yesterday ; export
ewes and wothers, $4.25 to 94.50; good
to prime, 98.75 to 94 ; fair to good mixed,
52.60 to 98 ; common to fair, 91.75 to 92.
25 ; culls, 92.25 to 93.25 ; fair to choice,
03 to e4.
John Swan. & Sons, Edinburgh, in
their weekly :report of July- 26, say:-
Supplies of fat cattle have not been quite
so large, and the general quality not up to
the average. Best descriptions met an
motive trade at slightly higher prices, but
secondary nieb a slower market at rather
lees money. Sheep and lambs have been
shown in less numbers. The best made
previous prices, but secondary' were
cheaper. Calves and pigs a fair show,
and made fully last weok'e prices. Store
catttle were in slightly better demand,
and nearly all those on offer were dis•
posed of at fully higher prices.. Store
sheep also continuo to sell fairly well.
Milk cove -A small show, and again,,
made lower prices, Beet beef, 8s 6d per
stone ; beet mutton, led to quite 8d per
undmtorro, Aug. 6,—Cattle.—Trade was
better at the Toronto cattle market to.
day. Reeeiphe were heavy, 79 cars in.
eluding 1,227 sheep and lambs, and 027
host. Trade in export cattle was fairly
brisk, but no higher price! were realized.
Very choice loads of cattle sold at 4eo per
ib., but most of the salol were at 4o to 4,1c
per pound, and lots sold at 850 per lb.
There was fair trade done in butchers'
cattle, ago was the bast price paid for
choice, and 25o to 35o per lb. for medium,
while common sold at 2eo per 1b. Sheep
and Iambs were firmer. Good export
sheep sold at 850 to 85t per pound.
Lambe at 92,50 to 98.25 each. Bunke
sold at 30 per lb. Calves were steady at
$5 to $6 each for choice, and "common at
92 to 94 doh, Stockere and feeders were
sone and Blow. No light fenders were
offered. Stockers sold at 92.50 20 $2.60
per owl. Mitch cows end springers were
off, selling as low ae $15 each, but few
choice sold at $20 to 980 each. Hoge
were in good demand, and the market
was firm for everything but stores. Six.
teen oars are now on the way from Mani.
toba for this market. Best lots sold to.
day at 95.45 to 95.50 per cwt. Thick fat
hogs sold at 41c to 5o per lb. Stores sold
at 45o to 4eo per Ib..; sows at 85o to 4o,
and 'stags and rough hogs at 20 to 25o.
8ALE. —C1lester White Breed,
JAMES SPEIR, Brussels P. O.
4-02 Lot 80, Con, 0, Morris,
savings Bank tapes Deposita ' from
31.00 to. $1,000 and allows 3f per Dent,
interest, T. FARROW,
87.3m - Postmaster.
House for Sale situated on Turn -
berry etroet, Brnesels. Immediate possess-
ion, Good stable, well, einem, i- acre o1
land, fruit trees, &•o. Apply to
91- No, 81, John Street,
' rano of 0310 undersigned, Lot 21, Con, 8,
Grey, about July ;15th, two ewes and three
lambs, (2 ewes and 1 ram). One, ewe has a
wire ring in right ear. Any information
leading to their reoovery will be thankfully
4.8 _ JACOB WOLF, I'lthel P. 0,
1 018421i GRINDING OuTL'IT Fon GADD.—
An Abell Engine travelled Pour years; a
ed two yoare,er Threshing nearly as good as. nhlne ew. A.
Waterous Engine works twenty inch French
Buhr etone for grinding grain, only done oat
owe grinding, better than new, our two
847.00 will buy rthe price
or will sell
separate to suit a purchaser.
52-�... MA,us0EN SMITH,
Brussels P:;O,
730100501030 -lino several good Farms:f or
Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. P S. SOOTT,Brussels
able X00 acre farm being Luot G, Con. 1, his Grey,,
for sale. 70 acree cleared, balance) good pas-
ture land. There is on the premises a good
brickhouse, bank barn, 8 sore orchard and
other modern limprovements. The land 15
in prime eondltioa. Possession would be
given in November. For further (partioulare
as to price, trona, au...epp]Yy to
12.11. (Mine , Proprietor,
Jamestown F. 0.
- Dansxuaeo offers for sale his 00 acre
farm being West half of North half of 10114,
con.. 8, Morris. There is a good log
house, with frame kitchen r' bank barn ; 01-
chard well, dm 98 acted Cleared and under
good. state of cultivation. Possession given
next November,- For further particulars as
to price, terms, &c., apply on the promisee
to,. ROBER7' HUGOIEa,Proprietor,
44-tf _ or Brussels P.0.
�' SEA
111 bbo Township of Morris.
Pursuant to the Judgment of the Queen's
Dench Division of the High Court of Bustle°
in an cotton of Sample VII ISamp10,I Will of-
fer for sale by Public $notion, on
SATURDAY., AUUU$T 24thyl81)6,
at the hour of Two O'clock in the afternoon,
OF BRUSSELS, in the (Jaunty of Huron, the
following valuable ,property, namely:—The
West hail of the North half of Lot twenty-
nine in the Fourth Co0oeesion of the Down-
ship of Morris, iu the County of Huron, eon-
teining Fifty soros of land, lof which about
Forty -duo are cleared mud well fsnood and in
a good state tof cultivation, the balenoe io
hardwood bush, Upon the promisee there is
oppair. Theog soil is 0 0,0* clbarnay loam an
is well suited for grain growing and general
farming. The farm is situated on n good
gravel road about three miles from the -Vil-
lage of ]3rueeals,
'''910198,—Toa per oat. of the purchase
moneyle to be paid to bbd Vendor's dolioltor
at the time of sale and the balance in ono
month thereafter, without interest, into
Court to the 00003 of this action. ,
The property will be offered for sale sub-
ject to a reserve ,bid, also subject 10 a lease
terminating on the let May et April, A,1),
1800. The other :conditions of sale aro the
standing conditions of sale of this Court.
Further terms and conditions will be mado
knoWo at the limo of gale, or can be had up-
on applloation to ME8503. CAMERON,.
HOL'1 &HOLMLES,Barrjstors, Godorioh, or
to G. F. BLAIR, Vender's Belfoitor, Brussels,
Dated s.MAnct oreeeeei; L000t Maga r tGodoriob,
Pure Ualnlittion Insect
Powder to interrupt the
festive ilause-iiy in his
destructive course,Gc, per
oUnee, 60c per pound.
Davis' Fly Felts, 5c..
Wilson's Fly feels, l,0c,,
Tanglefoot Sticky Paper, 5d,,
Fox's Drug Store,
Orraen'I, Queer'l Hoene,
. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collet.
tions made, Of1oe—Vanetone'eBloa:.m
r, Brue•
els, 21.830
• Solieltor, Oonveyanoer ,No tart' Pub-
Ilo, &o. O00ae—paaetone's Block, 1 door
north of Genteel Hotel, -Private Funds to
GF. G. Solicitor, &a. (late of Garrow &
Prondfoot's.Office, Godericb.) Mee oyer
Gillies & Bmith'e Bank, Brussels.
Money to. Loan. 97
Honor Graduate Toronto Mayoralty,"
Lieenbiate Royal College Dental. Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
ato Fees. Batiefaotton Assured. Office over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St„ Brus-
tl • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals In a com-
petent manner, Particularattention paid
to va 6rinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to, office and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge 'Turnberry at„ Brussels.
el S. Oat..' Ee idenoe and Edinburgh, in Wilson s
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste.
V • - Phyeialan, Surgeon Acooueher,eta.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Oct, 00Irr0R—Next door to
McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont.
stills Grocery,, Turnberry street. Brus els.
Tonsorial . Malley
Shard are door
south of o M. MaBay & Oo'e hardware store.
Ladle sand obildrons hair cutting a apeoialty
leerier of 'Marriage Licenses,
No Witness Required.
T. PLETCHER,'Brussels.,
sunerralc Oo, lletabllehed1&10, In-
surances effected on ell Town and Farm
2001)001y at very'•low rates.
m _ J. A. 013)1911000010,
Agent, sele.
Clerl, of the Fourth Division Cour
00. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publics
Land, Loan and /neurone° Agent. Funds
Invested and to loan. Colleotione made
Offioo in Smale'e Block, Brussels
Teacher of instrumental mush) on
Plano or. Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tues-
day and Wednesday of eaelr weak. Rosi -
donee on Princess Street, Brussels.
TA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Organist in St. John's Church, Drug
gale, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A.
W. Thayer, Mus.l)oc., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either on piano or organ,.
at his parlor over A. R. Smith's store ,Brus-
sole. vocal lessons also glued. Terms mod-
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Forma and farm
stock a specialty. Order! left at Ton PosT
Publishing House,Bruasele, or sentto Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
• IBM, will sell for better prices, to
better men in lege time and °bargee
than any other Auctioneer in. East Huron
or he won't charge any1bieg. Dates and
orders oan 'always be arranged at this oleos
or by personal appHoatiou.,,
Amy quantity of Building,. Corner, Bubble,
Sill and Bridge Stone for Sale, Quarried
and ready for loading at Brnseels Quarry.
For prion and terms apply to
87.tf Bo JNt). MITCHELL,
Box 100 Brussels.
Wm to 05150 from 015 to :921 weekly,
It oan bedonoselling our hardy,guaranteed,
Canadian growth Nursery Stook. Salary Or
oomUiisslon paid weekly, lIxolusivo terri-
tory, Handlomo °atilt 11'eo, Write Mr at
oneefor tonne.
41-14111. 0.. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, but,