HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-9, Page 3SFT vo. 0, 1.80 TATA Directory. MztrvlLru Ozlitnolf, —Sabbath Stirvicas At 11 a m and $18Qpp�,m, Sunday Scheel at B:30 ii m. 7lev, Jahn Roes, B tl, paskPr. S r. Jaurt'e 0uonan. -Sabbath Ssrvioes At 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday $chool at 2;80 p, m. Rev A. H. Griffin, moan• bent, MBThlonzor Ctluuon,�-Sabbath Servloas at 1Q:60 a m and 6:00 p n:, Sunday School at 2;80 p m, Ilav, Cr. Ti. Cobble, diets, Af 0,, B D, pastor, RotrAN OATnoLza OzzpnaR, —Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, 4 10180 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION Annir,--Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and'8' p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at . 9'olook, at the barracks, ODA Pommes' Lenox every Thursday evening,1 i Grahame block. MAaoaxo Loan Tuesday at or before full' moon, in Garfield block, 0 77 Lotion on AW L n the 3' h td a evening Friday oon ng of each month, in Blae- hilPs block, C O F Louoit 2nd end last Monday venin f sae evenings h month, 'a ae1 il' gz BI 3 la block. 1 0 F 2ndand tae P t Friday in 084 Fellows' Hall, L 0 L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall, Solve al SCOTLAND, 1eb and Ord Tues• deye of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Nail. K. 0, T. 87. LooaE, Lit and 8rd Thurs. days of eaph month, in Vanatoue block, Holm CIaoiit, and and 4th Friday even. inge in Blaelhill'e Hall, Poen 00110E.--OOice hours from 8 "a, m.'to:6:89 p, m. MEo:ANlcs' INsrivowl.—Library in, Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 p o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 6:60 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Straw, Librarian. TOWN 0ouNOIL.—W. H. Herr, Reeve ; W. H. MoOracken, Robert Graham, R. t,eatherdate and Z. Gerry, Councillors ;' F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ;'D. Stewart, Assessor and d. • T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. Sonoco Botha.—Bev, Boas, (m, Dr. McKelvey, Dr, Graham, A. Robaireid, anA). Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., le. Roes, Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month, PUBLIo S°nooa TEAo3IEns.-7. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mies Downey andMies Cooper.. Bounty or Thomen.—Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Henden. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. 3xsta±.cl .CRDs, Rev. I. B. Walwin preaolted a temper. ante sermon to the W. C. T. U. on Sun- day evening. The voters' list for the village has been printed and is now in the hands of the village clerk, Mr. Morrison. The list contains 220 velars in the Northern Division and 143 in the Southern, a total of 862. A petition ie being circulated in the vil- lage asking the Reeve to proulaimFriday, Aug. 16th, as a aieio holiday for the riti- zene of Luoknow. That is the date of• the -monster -excursion, under the auspices of the Luoknow Orangemen to Owen Sonnd. Molienzie de Harris, cattle dealers, of Ripley, shipped a load of rattle to the Old country a few weeks ago. Mr. Mo - Kenzie hits reoeivedword from Montreal • that the vessel "Mexico," on which they were aboard, bad gone to the bottom of the ocean, togetber with all the stock. The Ripley exporters had their cattle well insured. , 0 E xe-Cer, A few days ago a vatua6le beagle : pup fell from the judges' stand on the driving park and broke its leg. Our band went to St. Marys totirna- meat not to make points, but to get. points, and they got them. The Exeter baseball team were de. feated by Clinton team at Clinton. They were also beaten by a team from London by aeooreof13to8. The town olook, which has been in poor running order for some tiros, was removed to Zurich by Fred. Hees, who will give it a thorough remodelling. Mary, daughter of Thos. Hatter, Ex- eter North, acoidentally slipped from a swing while up in the air and in the -fall 'struck her head oneome hard subetanoe, rendering her unoonsoioue, and she iit• now suffering severely from the effects. While driving along the townline of Stephen and McGillivray, on Tuesday of last week, a resident of Exeter saw a welbknown farmer horse raking his wheatfheld costumed in a straw hat, bean:' ulster, end heavy woolen mitts. On'july24th Deputy Game Warden Gill of Exeter, went to Carlingford, Fullerton township, Perth Co., and bad a respectable farmer (name not given) be• fore the J. P. there for killing quail out of Benson. The offender wee fined 05 and 61 costs. M O1i11to11. Will, Coats is an applicant for the vacant Registrarship, Rev. Y.. Stewart bee been located in Clinton for 17 years. P. Oantelon, sr,, is again confined to , his room, and is eeriouely ill. A few deye Since T. 0. Ooopee passed his 87th birthday, and he ie nearly as active and hearty ae he was ten years ago. Mrs. (Mope ie only a few years hie junior, and also looks to be just, in the prime of life, • A, white bull terrier, belonging to john Ritnsford, has a habit of running at the oow•oateber of the passing trains.. Wed-, needay morning ile triedeonolusions with the 7:a0 a. an. brain as it paseed Staple- ton at a fine rate of speed. Some pro- jecting bolt must have struck the dog on the head, for he was, found insensible at the side of rho track, with a hole through his skull felly an inch and a quarter deep. Dr, Bleokail removed the ;prey sure on the brainy by raising the bone, and left, expressing his belief that no animal could survive such an injury. Thureday morning, however, the dog in question was walking around with ap. patently tawny years of life ahead of him, if he bas only been taught to Leave trains alone. I7, A. Coombe, M, A., who has been Ono of the Caliegiate Inetitute Staff, has raeignod, baying attempted, the principal,. ship of Itlohmoud Hill Kigb Wino), at a aalary of $1000 a year,. Rev, M, Tries[, of Toronto, le hong on a visit ; it is expected that tae goes to India as a missionary in October, The Canadian Baptiet states that he will be Married before lie gots, In :that event he tray "relth" Clinton of one of its abasing daughters, atio1efew°l"t%A. Carrie Illltehell, who is ill lvithtyphol4 fever, is improving, ,Tag, MaOatl tot's children, we are sorry to report, are ill With diphtheria..• D. McDonald had the misfortune to I hurt hie arm;lgain, but he is recovering. Geo, Reymann, photographer, of'Oran, brook, took a few photos, ie our village one night recently. Geo. El1iott'e house is being built. This new briok residenoe will greatly im• prove the appearance of ihi5 farm. DUCia R6 v. Mr.Bal lan4yne sabsen o0 on his vac orlonis t h pulpit as mount by Mr. Fowley, a student from mcin. ed Mise B. I,augbeed, accompanied by f Miss Johnston, are vieiting Imre and in- tend tend remaining for a couple of months, Gag, faangater met with a severe coat• dent recently. As las and his eon -in-law 1 were driving to Gerrie fn a wagon, the g board on which they were seated brake, and Mr. Sangeter fell backward, the wheel striking him a severe blow on the p bend. He was unconscious for over an it hour, brat slowly revived. It was neage 1 sexy to put several stitches in his ear, wbioh was almost completely severed. He also received a severe cutin the head. notioeable'and lien wag joy in that entail houkebold, and no more persuasion was needed to continue the treatment. The woo of the Fink Fills was then cop. tinned for eome months, by wlhioli time the Young girl had completely recovered her hsahlh and strength, 3'o•day she le kho very pioture of health, and. the 00lar in hon obeeks 10 as bright as it was before her llluesg QPutlnaagad' '1'P thole Who saw her during the Says of hoe illness and Buffering, her recovery la little short of a miracle. Af'rs. Dore freely gove the Standard reporterperrlseien to iiublish an a000unt of her [laughter's Magee and reo0very, She said, she could not find wade ebrong enough to express the gr'abi. tude for the teireenlon5 ogre this great ffe.saving medioiue had effected in her daughter's rase, and he hoped bee testi` Peony might be the means of leading others similarly afflicted to give them a trial, After writing the above, the reporter again called on h'ir'e. Dore and read it to ler, asking her if it was entirely eorreot, She exa replied that s ho would like to give even strap s ex r'e ' r salon to h r g p e apprema^ tion of dile wonderful medicine. She anther said that fink Fills had greatly l head herself, p x 47f. Stto had been suffering nom the effeolo of an attack of la grippe,, and the Pink Pine had restored her to leahh. Tier daughter also expressed her ratitudofor the extraordinary change hie medicine had wrought in her health. In the case of young girls who are ale or sallow, listless, troubled' with a uttering or palpibatioo of the heart, weak and easily tired, no time should be oat in taking a course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, which will speedily enrich be blood, and bring a rosy glow of health o the °hooks. These pills are a Positive ure for all troubles arising from a Plated condition of the blood or a ghat. ered nervous system. They are a specific for troubles peculiar to females, correct• ng suppressions, irregularities, and all Gode i-toli. 0 The river has been remarkably low of t larabl, but the rain has swelled it oonsider. The four h, d p Sq are I v cauls tared in the u are all ready for use and there clan now be no excuse for big, burnt up patches of grass in the park. Mise Aline ;Sharman has seoureii a position in the public sobool at Prince Albert, N.'W. T. She leaves for tit plane from Chicago, where sheds visitin A union It. T. of T. pic-nie was hel on Thursday, d,ug. 8th, at the river nea 'Tlotmeeville. The Councils included are Clinton, Varna,H.olmesville and Gode- rich. Aeheet and pillow rase: party was given at the Point Farm • on Satat'day evening in honor of A. G, Fraser: and A. G. Calder, of London, whose vacations have expired. The curling and skating rink on West street is now beginning to aeeum8 proper - bions, and when completed will form an addition to the town buildings of a high- ly .,ratifying oharaoter. There is a merry little war 00 in the. local coal trade, and the people of the town will got the benefit in the shape of cheap fuel.. As the old woman: said long, long ago, "It's an 111 wind blows nobody good." One day Capt. Gibson, of the Bayfield Road, disoovered half -a -dozen young skunks frolicking in his bark yard, hair- ier; apparently come frorot under big barn. Just then the mother slcunk undertook to take roe of the captain's obickens into clamp, and the captain took a stick and gave chase, 'dually placing the animal hors de; combat. The next day he killed five of the litter, and one day recently succeeded in finishing the last members of the family. As a skunk exterminator the cnptaai n ie a success. '.Near Tie:e Darlc "Valley, forms of weakness. Manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine -Con Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and sold in boxes (never in loose form; by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or 'six boxes ab for .02.50. May be had of all druggists dordireot by .mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine'Compaay at either address. A YOUNG GIRL RESCUED FROM AN EARLY GRAVE. 3 a1c, Lietleeo slid Weak, the Victim Or a Iincktng Cough: She Was Apparently Going talon Rapid. DDeeline—A Case of (Deep Interest to Every Mother In the Lend. L'rnm the Cornwall Standard. It is now a oommop thing in this loom!. ity to hear people aokoowledge the won. derfal beuefit they have derived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and it is not to be wondered at that the druggists find the sale of this remarkable medicine so large and yet constautly increasing. We could give any uumber of instances Of splendid results following the use "of Pink Pills, but so many of these are well' known to many of our renders as to not need recapitulation. However, now and again It case of more Than usual interest arises, nnd'we will give the partioalare of one of thwart for the benefit of the publio at large. Some years ago a young girl of 14, a daughter of Mr. Leon Dore, a well knownand respected reaideut of Corn• wall, began to show serious symptoms and os sled her mobber great anxiety. She was just at the critical period of her life, and mediattl aid was oallsd in and everything done to help her. But it ap- 91Vas nnerelya abutfaw of liar formai. self!, peered to be ugslees, and weep after week she oontinned'to grow worse, until it wag evident she was Nat going into a decline. A backing cough get ill, and the poor girl, who was 'formerly phunti and healthy looking, with bright, rosy oltartts, began to waste away, and me, few mouths was metoly n Window et her former self. Her mother had about lost all hope of saving the young girl's life, the doctors being apparently unable to do anything to check the ravages of the mysteriotts disease, At length the mother's atten- tion,was directed to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, rind she derided to give thorns, trial. A box woe taken, and, Re the girl did not show any visible shine of improvement, her ,nothnr was ort the point of disoon- tiuuine the medicine when a neighbor pereuaticd'ber that to simile box was nob a fair trial, nod fudutod ben to acarine the Pills. ilk the time a second box wad completed there 'was eome improvetnont Iffr COne vat wiv, The woman mayor of Ouohanga, New Zealand, is said to have made a great suc- cess of her first year. Wm. 7. Robertson, who has just oom- pleted a term is Montreal jail, is report- ed to have inberited 075,000 from an aunt in Toronto. Archbishop Gannon, of Oaxaca, Mexi- co, has inherited from an English rela- tive the eau[ of 818,000,000 in gold. The archbishop was already very, wealthy. HEART DIstDASE BELIEyjte IN 30 MIN•. vias.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. A patty of five Eoglishmsn, while try - Melo ascend, without a guide, Mount Ortler, the loftiest mountain of the Tyrol and of the Austrian Empire, sheeted in the Rhaetian Alps, fell over a precipice and were seriously injured. Cue al the party is dying. Chicago is going to build a tower to eclipse Eiffel's member. It is to be 1,- 150 feet high, with four platforms, and telescopes, camera obsouras, .and many other attractions for sightseers. It is said that practical steps Save been token to insure the carrying out of the project. General Booth has derided to: proceed immediately with;the survey of his over - Bea colony, Mr. Lawson, surveyor nt Basingstroke, Eng., arrived in Toronto last week, and in company with nom. mandantBooth and other Army officials, are now in the Northwest laying out the territory. One more test is requested as to the navagability of Hndaon Bay and Straits. This question has already been settled. There may be an occasional season suf.. floieotly open to lend plausibility to a demand for a wild -oat enterprise at the public expense, but permanentnavigabton even for a short season during each year, cannot be depended on. RmouatArlsn CmtEt IN d Der. -South American Rheumatic Ogre for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The frost dose greatly' benefits. 75 oents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Thos. Keehn, of the township of Arthur committed enioide Friday night by banging. He procured a rope, and attaching it toa beam, placed his neck in noose, and suspended himself by raising his feet from the ground. Hie knees were only a foot from the barn floor when found. He was a well -to do farmer and no cause can be assigned for the rash act. Coroner Jones, of Mount, Forest, .held an it:west. QATAttnAtt nnT ttcvgn IN 10 TO 60 btxgtyrns,•— One ohort puff of the breath through the Blower, supnhed with omit bottle of Dr. Agnew's On.terralh Powder, diffneee this Powder aver the anrfaoe of the mural ase e s, Pa r l se a a I l e anddelightful tc p g ass, it relieves instantly, and permanent• ly euros ratarrah, I3ay Fever, Odds, 3 oda 1s Sore T nsibri e and Deafnbse 6990ntSaGG 'mn G. Deal u's. TheWar Deportment De,i4 ertof ah , • l at ,I'1 its J report on the war with Mina, gives the aotual lighting strength of tbeexpedition- ary force whiob dirt the campaigning as follows :—Fir •t army corps, 30,097 ; sec- ond army corps, 19,919 ; o, her troops, 1,908, Or total of 60,979, The losses were :—Killed in battle, 734 ; died of wounds, 283 ; died of disease (inotnding 1,602 by cholera), 9,143. Rtrnttg Tri Ix tIaons.—Distreesiag kid. nay and bladder diseases relieved it six hours by the "Great Scotia American Kidney Cure," This new remedy ie a great surpriee and delight on account of its exoseding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder,' kidneys, beak tend every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. 12 you' want quiokrelief and. cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, drui Piet, 11. R• flerriman Hist li tine yearling cattle Inst week. It seems that in order to escape the flies they had wandered to 'one of his carps. The door beteg open they went inside, and ity some means or other the 'doer p•,shed ehut. Here the six nettle remained—how long is not known. When found four of them were deed and the other two died shortly after. haying been starved to derail. This means quite a 10.5 to Mr. Herimenn, ae he keeps a goad outs of imported stock, Mauibonlia Island Expositor. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certsht in its effects and never blisters. Ileadproofs below, KENDALL'SSPkVIN CURE. not t2 Carman HOnderson Co., til., Seb.2t, '91. Dr.ea,iim—Pir.L bo.. or Horse Books and oblige Sim—Pima egmet deolroffyour TrondalPa Spawn Ouzo withgood success • tt to a wonderful modtnlnn. I onto had a more that had na Occult SpooI,, and lion bottles cured bar. 1 keep a bottlo on hand all the time. Yours truly, Cans, Powers. KEl8flf WS SPIV! 1 CURE, Dr. B. T. I{sannzr, Co. OASx09 , Mo., Apr.2,'52. "%exnd,�l'e Sp vin Oiiae'.Nlth Pen i, eaucoe005.' I tht rho best r3nim5nt I ever. used. Elate ra- 0nonrd•oa0 Ourb, run Blare apavtu and 091,0 ,00 Rnne Spaotne. .8000 re0ommeedSd it to recast or my rrioude who ars much plaasod with Pad k5Op ib. lreopeotfuB S. R. RAY, P, O. Hox91S. 8or Salo by an Druggists, or address .Dr. I3..T. SDNDdL.7i' CO71IPdN.F, ONOSae5GX FALLS: VT. 5.1 rg E n it1 pry C 1r',4�ge O;R o'�r' �,.i, 'o ° o o . 7 d ti �8 5'g fa kn7 .\ '.. ry� •anti n� FOiro • w 0 �11 bm 111 rile III m :"! -nagffOhbCR.0ejlViwj�o 111;11411511111r10,14 Sold in Brus,els by ' G. A, DE AIEO tN, tpruggtst. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES OI? 1.T WEA0 Parasols Reduced in Price, Slimmer Hats and FancyStrams Reduced in Price, Light Weight and Summer Dress Goods Reduced in Price, Summer Coats and Vests, and Snits Reduced in Price, Flannelette Shirts Reduced in Price. • No room to Enumerate Articles and Prices, "tp•Call and secure a:Bargain-1s' A. , CHE111T. LIP E °THAT. WPITH. 1.1 Lc) a. i S 2B oaa," $l rte, and r 0 Ono cent a dose, 1 ) sea '0✓'.. ant a It to soldona guarantee by all druggists. It cures Inelpient Ooneumptlon and la the. beet Cough and Oronp Ours. Sold by .7A0. I;O;�,, Drsoslst, Brussels. 1RV11EI TO LOAN: Any Amount of Morley to Loam. Farm on I'al In orii 'Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6 Per . Cent„i'Eclr 1. q Straight Doane with privilege GE repaying when required. Apply t0 A. Hunter, Division Court Clark, Emmett We are t `1 prepared to take ally (wan 1° � J quantity of Wool either for Dash or Tradat We have a large Assortment of -.0420, Tweeds, Flannels' Carpets, t Blankets, Yarns,Knitted Goads, &o., to 'choose from. Weare also prepared to take in all kinds of•.gago,...„ Manufacturing, Rolf Carding, Spinn- ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, &c. OWE & C� , Nest door to B1aehi11's 'atoher Shop Imp .s stations We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock ah Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish Footwear that the market affords, In Ladies' plisses' an& Children's Black and. Tan Oxford Ties we are showing ex- ceptionally good valine. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have a fine line which are very popular just now. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety, at prices to suit the times. In Gents' wear we have all the leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys • and Youths' School Shoes at. prices that defy competition. Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords. NING BRUSSELS. Rips Sewed Free of Charge. GRED AT BARGAINS IN Haring purchased the Wall Paper stock of J vSO altd combined it with nay own, T have now the Largest, Cheapest and: Best Display ever made in Brussels, Spemal Bargains 1V al � Given during this lfintll _ To save trouble of' moving conne - tion with the erection of new stoles You can save Dollars by dealing with Me in Wall Papers, Borders ioncl-Wtndow Shades: Paper Hanging done in First-class Style.' W. RODDICK.,