HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-2, Page 8T E
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Fir POST isindebted tothe l�ailYSignal
for the obituary notice 4f Rogistrnr Diolt'
au Earles Std ocal5,
AS?'.�1..% . vIRD .13.4! .E OF C4X4Dt r
''� '' 'l�AC{ 137 .
��,... .,.,. «.,
d Logo, Ohm i b Creekeli n,
ale8M`•�aPT. �e l 4.O72.
°"Competition is the Life of TraSe,"
itliley say, but unfortunately it alae a telt•
dopey towards supplying a °limper grade
goods, 14 ie pai'G 4ularly unfortunate
that this s11Otlld ever Mallen%) the Eur..
MEsead, OLBuo :Pe Aa[ne 5alippod a Aar
of hogs from Brls Tnedday of th1d.
Tum summer delivery of sena ie being
mads by N. # N. Garry and Wm• Mar-
tin. The price i6 $5.50 a toil..
BLd It dote form(sfor gale at Toe ROM
Publishing Uouue,
Fen flue atoms, Clew and geed, we tent
the les d• I.0. Rieearde,
SrxoLm baritone, fine range of them and
Ipea Iii
°Vmnx ey cheap.
ASSETS, {5avatt • iiliola Daliard) . $7,004,000
0e.peTAL (Authorized $2,OOO,ROQ
Agencies in aiillrieeile? pints •Eta Ontario, QnebOul Aranitoba, 17nitea Stoles d.',L'ngland
1161X1111t1s 118
that the
luteebeid, sale of pyre drugs, For the
mare of a few route it is the utaaoeb folly
fora druggist to sell au inferior attisle Ol
at patient to buy it, If we are to get bens'
fit from the Use of drags we want the
heat we eau got, nothing short of this
tlhoul5 satisfy we. Takefor example sttoh
&simple medicine ae Epsom Salto, there
1e,a great difference itt it and the cheaper
gwd.o not only eoutaiva more moisture.
to use. While weslike tO bu i well, es mite
rid Baying is a true one, "geode well
bought are half sold," yet we never seri.
Liao quality for quantity, We endeavor'
ta'buy the beet and therefore de.
TIME Pool wave Amok tie this week.
Testicle), and Wednesday the weather was
mare like November than July,
glnaE a number. Of Brusselite(s o
went tnea0ted.
Stratford en Teesaay t0 eee the live
lion" in ooaneetiou with Barnum & Bai.dasfre
lay's show,
Tula mbetieg of the Grand Orange
Lodge opened at Halifax T aesday. the
Go. Master of North Huron • represented
thBemisx ce 3:Seem, IL M, Diokson and
W. H. Kerr atteuded the fmaral of the
late Registrar Diokaou at Goderish. en
Tuesday afternoon, •
Tim name of May Deadman was omit:
• , beet Tveatere at I. e,
ailpm a, Brussel(s, for $10.00,
Renate inshoes and harness attended
to promptly. e. 0, Richards:
Mies Neuter. Bann eee is prepared to..do
dame of her at on home brat the ras -
dance of her patrons,•
I IVBLx run on ohildi'en's wagons s'6
'THE PQM/ Book Store. 2 boy's' velooi•
edea for sale. Call and see them,
Do you went to atop usingttobacoo i
1R eo, use ATo Z o lana We r9 tnd you
money if not as stated, G. A. Dicer atie.only
SnuoN a Cure, the great cough and
croup Dore, is in great demand. Pocket
,, , Nessus f, (may,
A General Banking Buoineee TraYemeni' Noted Didoounted,
Drafts Issued and Ooileotioue made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on depodite of $1.00 and upwards from sat of deposit to data of
withdrawal and oompounded half yearly,
Snorer, ATTDNarozi elm Fo maim OoLLmoTroN tie i'knalnns SALE No
Every faoillty afforded On(stomore hying at a distance,
est Retitle
qr- _.o..
ie close eit hand
to remind you
this Beason, the
that oan be
We guarantee
to hs 4henrfaally
per pound,
and we
that we
gory Pup.
you oan
panel upon us supplying you with a good
nrtiel0ata reasonable puce,
ADrt�J D/P/1 AIN,.
DGruggist,aksellor dna
ted from our list of au°aeesfut Entrance
pupils last week. This was owingto her
oard beingdelayed a dayin coing to
her Isom the Ie pootor,
Tian Ronald Fire Engine Works, Erna•
eels, is about forming into a joint stook for
size eontaineren l y=five doses ; a'nly 25
Dente. Children love it. Sold by Jae"
Fox, druggist, Bruaeols,
TNELD waterproof Dost found fu Brus.
seas on Tuesday, Jely 23rd. Owner may
ug °fo nth a notice property
Pubs sq g
aiL4i•dIrituilS Stdgi{a•i• or2r, II' ERS
. -p-'
r� R s g.J �� J r� 5
Transact General Banking
Fox's Drug Store,
E um
Q nN'b H°TEL,
traveller enjofEo wlioi would
a Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
' -
take active and fivanaial interest in the
nr',,Clover Rootmwill unify you
blood, y P g
head Weer
all in rennin u
p, lutea States and Great Britain.
Ar the Wingham races last • week
"Wanda" and eMeple .Leaf" won first
your owels and make your as
a bell. 25 ote., 60 oto. and $100. Sold
byJas. Fox, druggist, Bruodele.
n .
• Solicitor and ' .
Conveyancer. Collect.
'1'rain8 leave BYUSSMIe 'Station, North
place in their respective rases. are
owned' by Beattie Br09•, and Jas: O'•
"Saranac" took 2nd it
a the x PLOws,-•Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleurylr
� �� �`�1 �Jl �?$�eT°4L1�0aG'�'•
tions made. Office--Vanstone'S Biome, $rue•
0015. 23 -em
Isms South, as follows;
MA s GO a.m. Mixed 0 4" a.m.
u0piees 11:59 a,m. I mail see p.m,
taxed .....,.. 9:00 pa -i. Express 9A9.p,p1,
Leary. money
the' raoe with "Wanda.' -
QDITD a number from IIcua and
locality will go to Detroit on tbe' 'oreet-.
ere' excursion ou Saturday of this week.
The fare is 1.75 from Bel rave,
Plewa: They also keep all Cha neoeseary
repairs. Call at Williams' Livery. Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
1r P -
Interest Allowed on One Dolini and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com.
pounded 'Twioe a Year,Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
g p
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
p - g. p
M. STNOny0yan
us,• Soiioitor Conveyancel•,NOtnryPub-
&o. Ottico-
n0rtb Of Cen rat Hotel onPrivateBlock,or
Lean. t
r �y t'_
germ I l•t.W s' tains'.
return g
going by rail to Sarnia and from there
per steamboat down the St Clair•
Tun Clinton New Era has jogged past
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal.,' says :-"Bhiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine' I have over found
that would do me any good." prise 50
We effect to write Insurance in old English or Canadian Colillranics, or in Mut•
nal Companies as may lie desired.
•` • Solicitor, .4°. (late of Garrey &
Proudfoot'6 0100e, GOderioh.) OMMoe aver
felines & Smith's
A °hieYs amang ye takin' notes,
another mile stone. As a newegatherer
the Era can't be beaten and we presumeMoney
the Editor. sleeps with one eye open,'
cents. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Brus'
EaeG WawanOsh, Belgrave,
best Canadians, 54s to SGs ; best sheep,
Bank, Brussels.'
to Loan, 47
An' faith he'll prent �,
Clinton business men give loyal support
THE WAItNINO.-The common and 0 t, 1
TH t warning of he Dom trouble,
Bed to 8,}d per pound ; secondary, 7d to
AowErST, -
-and reap good harvests' for their inv95t•
Territorial Exhibition Regina,&
-ever.phack-she and weakness in beak, are to Aug.74d
July 29th to A7
•, lambs, top, 94d to -105 ; moond`ary,
; 840 t4 9d.
menta. ,.
GotNG To TEHSNATEIi. Jno. Shaw, a
quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Pills,
Moo'rninAD, July 29th. -Trade at the
BROssELe Oouu°il will meet next Mon-
well known citizen of Teeela, has been
chosen Principal of the Teeswater Pablic
-The original and only 25 cent Kidney- -
Laver -pill. When all remedies fail they a�zvsmrns zvxa>zs> 1rs,
Pofnt St. Charles Horse Exchange ily
past week wre about as' null as fti possibly
DR. S 0 N,
goner Graduate Toronto IIaiveraity,
Licentiate RoYal College Dental Bur� 8sone.
' Y•
llnussBis School Beard will meet Fri-
.an evening of next walk•has,
BEATTIE_Bnos. omnibus is undergoingthe
school aaa'will assume duty as soon as
the holidays are Over. Mr. Shaw has a
Teeewatex TrusteetBo knowledged have made theo
1 Fall Wheat 75 78.
at considerable Dost, put one of them Spring Wheat 75 7gthestweekBarrett's
into his restaurant and oan now put 119 Barley. 40 45
best Summer drinks known. - He
could be. Shippers have .been operating
very cautiously ; in foot, their purchases
a nothing. h Acelvieesufro n ttho erother
Drown and Bridge work a epseialty, ldoder-
ata Fees. Satietaetton Assured. Omce over
barber shop, Turaberxq. St,, Brus•
repairs and will re -painted.
WCL. Ross' Carlisle mare presented him
with aflee Sidney foal this week.
mistake in engaging him. Mr. Shaw's
family will not remove from town in,the
has reduced foe Dream to 30 oents a quart Oats' .... 30 8i
and will give ver special rates in fruits
and aonfetionery to ie•nia and avenin Wool 18' 18
Y p g Butter, tuba and rolls 11 12
side for the most Bart been of an
unfavorable nature, and offered little in -
easement to shippers. In a local way
Six or eight loads of new wheat have.
dean marketed already. The sample is
AnouT a dozenof our residents took in
the Palmerston celebration on Thursday.
of this week.
THE fever patients are improving nice-
ty, some of them being able to get out
now for short walks.
Reoss.-The. program for Brussels
races, to be held on the first-class half
mile track, Monday and Tuesday, Aeguet
19 and 20, will be as follows :-
2.40 Trot or Pace, Puree, $176.00
Open Trot or Pate, 11 250.00
golf mile run, ! 100.00
p" ;""� Egge per dozen ... 9
FArtnises .vane ing hardy, native stook Flour per barrel....:4 50 5,00
to plant this coming Fall or Spring may potatoes new 1 00 00
payfor it in work, We want men with ( )
r ithout experience on full or part Hayper ton os'"' • 1'0 00 12 00
.... •. •8 00
time. Salary and expenses or commis. Hther infor-ideo rough 2 2}
m tion�rite at once for Brown Brothers' Go., Oonti• Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00'
(skins, each. 20 40
trade'bas also been veryslow, the demand
for driving and work horses being at a
standstill: The feelin ,however is that
will be au improvement of in the near
future, and in anticipation. of this prices
were well maintained. About four cars
of through nettle were at the Point this
'morning, three of which same from West-
t/ • Honor Graduate � of the Ontario
College, le prepared to treat all
dieeae0s bf domege, °d animals is a nom -
patent manual, Partioalar attention paid
to vOEarinary dentist Oalle promptIL:
te0n�eato, rimae sed nfirmary-Four dvoore
north of bridge •1`urnberry et., Brussels.
H. ELLS5,of Heepeler,has temporarily
2.29 Trot or Pace, " 200.00
mental Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 48-3m Lamb skins eabb 15 40
Donnelly, proprietor of the well.
located in Brussels with his wagon work.C
Bbop.' He makes stencil checks, &c.
Local named Raee, 200.0075.00
Apples per bbl..., 1 62 1 26
known and popular Windsor Hotel, Al. Hoge, Live 4 25 4 50
FRIDAY evening of Mast week a draw
Horses eligible Jul 30, entries close on
Beton, Ont•, was troubled for years with Wool 18 02,
'tubing He was persuaded by Jae.
game of football was played on Victoria
Park between the town team and the 9th
Oen. of Grey club.
since roadside has be•
August 18th. F. S. Scott is the Score-
McGarvey, Alliston, livery man, to use
Chase's Ointment, which h9 did, wasRUSSELS
TORONTO'JUIy 36. -Market dull and UIl-
cured, and has has had no return of them changed. Wheat. -In the local market
Saviaga Bank takes Dbpoolte from
81.00 to 81,105
tJ • 0: M., L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P.
s. cot. Residence and Moe in Wilson's
Block, corner of 3'111 and TaYnberr Sts,
Now pasture
some so abort the roaming cows are be-
coming an intolerable nuisance to gardens,
menee this item in legal phraseology be-
cause Lawyers Sinclair, of Brussels, and
Prondfoot, of Goderieh, are responsible
and highly reoommendethfe Ointment as No. 1 Manitoba Gold at 93c, and offered
&sovereign sure for galas. late at 920 ; Ontario at 74o, and holders,
and allows al For cent,
interest. T. FARROW,
57.3m Postmaster.
tJ • i+bysielan, Surgeon, Aoeotvnoher, ate,
green grocers, &o.
SEE the base bell match between God°.
rich crack nine and Brussels old timers
Friday afternoon, on Victoria Park.
for the arrangements of a lively base ball
contest to be played between the clubs of
the above mentioned towns on Victoria
Park, Brussels, on Friday afternoon of
WELL•DmOlxo AND DamLINa.-George 0, T. R., west, asked 75c for new white.
Birt has all the necessary ma°binary for Flour -Straight roller, Toronto freights
digging and drilling wells and 10 ` prepar- are quoted at 93.75. Peas -Nominal, at
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him 560 to 57c, west. Oats -White sold high
0 M F O.R T A B L E B R I O,Ii,
C House for Sale situated on Tura-
berry street, Brussels. Immediate p0eee-
ion, Go etebie, well, cistern, ear°e°of
land. fruit
Fmoulty, MomUor BY OcIIII Besot T'h eioMedical
and Surgeons, Dut. OrEion-Neat door w
McDonald & n
OO.. WalteOnt.
Game called at 3 o'olook.
THE town Pound was doing r good
business this week by cattle' impounded
this week. The Goderieh team is away
on a tripand have consented togive ns' a
game here so be on hand to witness the
in a Way that will insure satisfaction. freights, west, at 33c, and held middle'
Wells cleaned out and put in proper freights west at 334c_ Barley -Nothing
shape. Terms reasonable. , Residence offering.
trees, &o, Apply to
No, 81, ,john Street,
41- Brussels,
for trespassing on the G. T. R. premises. '
I:f the Pound•keeper chargee full fees the
owners will soon spend the prioe of a
season's pasturage•
°outset. The visitors have Only been
beaten once thie Summer after a busy
season, The Brussels nine is slightly
rusty but will give a good amount of
ebaond door north of the bridge, west Toieomr°, JuaY SOTn.-Tieceipte at the
side of Tnrnberry et., Brussels. 34-tf cattle market to -day were light -50 cars,
Bn100EL0 CEMETERY. -TO whom it may'' Little demand for export cattle, with
concern ;-Having been appointed mire. . sales et 34c per lb. to $4.40 per own. But-
' -
An Abell Enginetravelledfour years a
1 r • Iseurer of MarrlageLiceaeee. Oifce
at his Grocery, rurnberry street, Brussels.
Bauss1Le Summer rases will be held
on. Monday and Tuesday, 19th and 20013
haste. The Change has been made from
September so as to suit horsemen in son -the
I.ectian with the Northern circuit. A
themselves, no doubt. Game called at 8
o'clock. Admission only 10 cents, to
cover expenses, Ladies free.
A.O. U. W. -Leet Friday afternoon
taker of Brussels cemetery, I wish to chert' cattle were rather better •in tone,
make it look as respectable as p°seible. but prices were no higher. Sales of best
This, however, cannot be dons without at 890 per lb., and four loads of butchers'
oo•o oration °E those who have rela-
pCattle sold for Montreal. 'Common cattle
tives' be friends buried therein. Now is sold at 24o per lb. Sheep and lambs .were
ed two years nearly as goew.. travail -
' Waterous Engine Works twenty !nab French
Buhr etonefor grinding grain, only done our
own grtading better than nett', aux own
make of elevai0re. price' at th510,w0s 8300.
edns,00 will buy the
R, TanaorialArtist. Shop -Noah door
south 0f A. M, Mattey& Co'e hardware store.
.Ladies' and ohildrene hair cutting a specialty
mod program will be presented, the par-
tioulare of whiob, will be announced in a
few days.
GAiDEN RAIDEne.-Several have
Grand Organizer Milne paid she A. O.
U. W. of Bruseele a visit on bis way
homeward from an official call at Kinoar•
dine. Along with Master Workman
the time to show your respect 3 or the de• steady. Lambs Bold from $2 to 92.50
parted and also to improve the property each, and export sheep at 84o per lb.
You hold there by fixing up your lots and There are few lambs going to Buffalo.
by the or tomb- Hogs in demand, roe
whole outfit Or ,vile sell
separate to suit a pur°baser. R O B ERjf C 0 N N I N G H A M -
53-02 Brands P. O. INBDndNOE;
complained of boys and young men raid--
lug eir gardens and stealing fruit and
Smith he took a brief tour around part of
the town, explaining the objets and aims
of the Order' to prospective candidates.
straightening monuments were good at per
stones erected to the memory of your cwt. higher, the best sslliug at 95.40 to
departed. For the paltry sum of 26 $5.50, and $4.75 for thick, fat hogs.GUELPH.
vegetables in addition to destroying
In the evening he and Deputy District
cents I will straighten all tombstones, Bear Burnnt°, N.Y., July 80.-Oattle-
property. The names of some youths
have been mentioned and if caught at
these shabby pranks again they will not
escape so easily. A word to the wise
should be sufficient.
Master Workman Patterson, of Seaforth,
made short addresses in the A. 0. U. W.
Hall, after which two oand'idates were
initiated into themyettries of the Order.
that d° not need Dementing, and for 50 Receipts, ono load; market gmel ; feeling
:cents will straighten and gement those firm ; good handy fat cattle would sell
that require it. I will also for 50 ceute well if here. Veals in light supply and
straighten all monuments that need it firm, at $3.50 to $5for light to good ; n0.
and keep them straight. for one year. °hoioe here. Hogs -Receipts, 4 oars and
'sale a oto a nS nest' several O00 Farms/ tr UN -
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
02 Morrie and Grey. F S. SOOTT.BTAasels Orrin AT JEwELar STORE.
PROPERTY PUROiiasED.-Alexander Ellis,
who recently_ moved to Brussels from
McKillop, exchanging his farm for prop-
Mr. Milne is evidently the right man
the right place and hue the financial
position of.Sooieties and Insurance Oom-
panies down to a science. Brussels A. 0.
Lots also fixed up and taken oare of at ', 8loade held over ; market ruled with a
reasoVable rotes. Address all oommani• fairly good demand for corn -fed Yorkers ;
Oat10n5 to RODT. ABaissnoso, heavy hogs dull and slow ; Yorkers, light
IVO AMR FARM FOR SALE: l No Witness Required.
Lal -The undersigned Deere his velu- T. FLETCHER,-Brussels.
able 100 acre farm, being Lot 0, Oon, 1, Grey,
art on Queen and William streets, has
y Q
also become the owner of the three acres
U. W. Order has 3G mbmbers. Theytureland.
meet in the Blashill Hall. -
Look box 44, Brueaels, togood corn -fed, $5.35 to $5.40 ; mixed
packers, 95.10 to $5,15 ; good mediums,
for ssle. 70 agree cleared, .balance goosipas-
There is on the premises a good]ELLINGTON MUTUAL IN-
braekhouse, bank barn, 3 orchard
of land on whish are two houses, stable,
&c., belonging to Thomas Town, former-
ly of Brussels. This purchase is located
on Albert street, just East of the Mait•
S. 0. 8,-A correspondent to the To•
route Globe last Saturday says :-At
Wroxeter,, in the County of Huron, an•
other Dam of the Sons of Scotland Ben-
The Tor onto Rowing Club won five $5 to $5.10 ; good to choice heavy, $5 to
races and the Argonauts one at the 95.05 ; rough, $5.80 to $4.05 ; pigs, $5.20
Northwestern Regatta. to $5 25'; stage, 93.50 to $4.15. Sheep -as
The new abode f or 'Woodstock, and lambs-Reaerpte, 70 care ; market
sore and t' sunANaZ 0°. ,Established 1840, In.
etrier modern !improvements. The land is surancea eroded on all Town and Farm
In limo condition. For Posfursessionwouldrase P1005rty at very 1°w rates.
to price, op 1 to fp - J:_A. 0 gent330010,
p ile.am Agent, Brussels.
1;.H. UT T, Proprietor,
land river. The price paid is said to 'be
evolent Association was opened this week
outside of ar°hiteot's fees and other ex- ruled with a fairly good demand for good
0.8 JamOstorw P.O. LEX. HUNTER,
$545, which, if eorreet, is very low con-_
siderfng the quantity of land. Mr. Town
removed from Brussels about 10 years
stgo to Buffalo.
Son Or 'THS Ere. -There is 8010000
by Grand. Organizer Nimmo. This brings
the number of omens in the association
upto 171, and new camps are being open-
p g p
ed almost weekly. The Grand Organizer
was assisted iu the services incident to
penees, will cost $8,771. handy sheep, which were 10o to 16c high-
The average daily cost of maintaining er. Export ewes and withers, $8.50 to
a prisoner in St. Thomas jail duringthe $4 ;good t0 rime handy withers, $3:75
p 1 P
laet quarter was 5 3.5 Dente: to $4 ; fair to good mixed ebecp, $8,05 to
Charles Camidge, J. P., of Niagara, 95.50 ; common to fair, $1.75 to 32.25 ;
1ARNI FOR SALE. -THE UN- A Mark of the Fourth`Diviet°n Cour
Iio0, Huron. Conveyancer, rotary Public
0En0IGNst offers hie 75 /tan farm for Land, Leen and'Iusuranos Agent. Punde
Bale, being East part 0f Lot23, 0bu.13, Grey.. lnvesl in and to loan, C°lleetlons made
About 60 aeras shared, baln.noe bush, Good ohne to Sma1e'eB1oek,Bruoe0ls
frame house, bank barn, 45x55 feet,orcbard
and skill required in the proper fitting of
speota°lee ea well as in setting a brokenP
bone. At least this is the opinion of G.
A.. Deadman, who left for Toronto on
Monday for another course in Opti°e.
the institution of a new nam bychief
�MOAlpinO of Ben Lomond Camp, it
Brussels, and chief Henderson, of Gale.
denim •amp, at Wingham, together.
with a number of the officers and mem-
committed enioide at hie residence byculla, common to fair, $1 to $1.60.
shooting himself with a revolver. BI7LLEVH,r,E, ONT.,JUIy 80th. -Cheese-
Blenheim Soots wit) pio•nio at Erie At the cheese board to -day 2,225 boxes
Eau on Aug. 6013. A Cleveland regiment were boarded by 80 factories. Sales: -0-4
of kitties will be one of the drawing Warrington, 150 white at 73o ; highest
well, &o. In good mato of cultivation and MISS O''OONNOR R. T.,
further feared. Possession after baiv0et, For >
further partioulaxe as to price, forms, Teacher of instrumental music 0n
&a enplyto Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tees -
31oiNNES, Proprietor, day and Wednesday of each week • Bost.
50 4 Oraubrook P. 0, deuce on Princess Street, Brussels. .
It will be remembered Mr. Deadman
graduated last Winter at the Canada
Institute. The course he is Oak-
lag now, however, while it covers the
same ground goes much further and
teaches the use of both the ta a
and'optbalmaecope. These instruments,
when understood, reveal the true condi.
bers of these latter camps. Piper Bal.
lantyne, of Ben Lomond Camp, enlivened
.the proceedings with strains 'from the
bagpipes. The following efficient staff
of officers were appointed
pp 'oliand
Smith ; Paet Chief, Robt. Millar ; Chief.
toin, S; B. McXelvie ; Recording Score-
tary, Jas. D. Forsyth ; Financial Beare.
°arcs. bid, 74c. Peterboro.-Ab the adjourned•
Charles Goode hild, a farmer, near meeting of the Peterboro cheese board
Amherstburg, was kinked by a horse and held. here to -day the first half of July
killed by a rib being driven through his make was again offered. The highest of.
heart. • far for selections was 7$c, which 100.5 re-
At the meeting of Patrbne and Prohi. fused. The board adjourned for 0110
bitioniete of North Oxford, held to ratify week. Buyers present, Fitzgerald, Cook,
Hugh' McDonald's nomination for the Wrighton, Madden and Jones. Liver-
L' DEBUGS= ,Offal's for solo his 50 dors • Organist in St. John's ChurchBBrut:Optical
farm being West half of North half of lot 14, sate, and pnpil,tu the Art of Teachin,g, of A.
°0n, 6, 13orrls, Those lea ood log W.Thayer,Mue.11oo„Now Yorlr; will l;Ivb
house, with 130mekiteben; bask barn; or- leesbne,to pupils either onpiancororgan,
; well, &c. 40 soros cleared and under at his parlor over A: R. Smith+s store,Brus•
good state of cultivation. Possession given sale, Voeallessons also given. Terms med.
next November. For further particulars as state,
t° price, terms• &c.: a�gply on Elle premises
tion of the eye and enables the optician
to decide as to the lens re ufred to over-
defects. He is determined
tory, Robert Black ; Treasurer, Donald
Fisher Ohaplafn, John Davidson ;
Commons, resolatione were passed ton. pool„ -Cheese steady ; demand moderate;
damning the Government for the ex. finest Amorfaau white, now, 'SSs Gd •
to 4 TSOBERT RDCxHE ?Proseole r.
4441 or BraBsels P.O. i AUCTIONEERS.
Dome various
to spare neither timenorexpense neoee-
eery for the work end purposes going oleo
to Chicago to take a four weeks coarse
physicians, Drs. Brawn and Smale 1
Marshal, Gavin Davidson ; Standard-
bearer, Peter McTavish ; Senior Guard,
Thomas Baird Junior '
travagance of another session, and ren. finest American colored, new, 88s 6d.
curing both parties for their treatment Butter --Finest United States, 70e ; good,
of the prohibition question. nominal. , Ingersoll. -Offerings, • 2,713
boxes June I(854 July's
Notice to Creditors. Licensed Auctioneer. KIRKBY,
at the.. Opthalmic College ,and hospital
; Guard, James
Knox, -
make, and ; no
O3eR>_v- .sales ; 71c prevailing -bid ; good' attend-
once of sal esmen, but the number' of
ed on reasonable terms. Forms and farm
lie Mg SURROGATE ,Counts or gun CotmTY BtOales specialty. Orders left at TBE POET
Or HURON, IN THE amen °r ALE1400- Publishing House Bmososls,Or ssottb Walton
Hay is plentiful at 94 ton in Mani-
Prince Albert, N. W. y
T., bu ors in attendance wen somewhat limit.
on July 17th, the wit° of Mr, A.
ER - MCDONALD, Or THE T0wbsnis Or P.O., wee receive prompt attention,
Tun BnuasELB P05T ie twenty-two years
old, and under the able management of
W. H. Kerr hue become a power in East
Huron. Continued mouse to ib, say we.
-Goderiob Signal. -Tam Bnnssnos Pose
Complaint, involving uncommon Marg.
50, has been made against Henry J. Ship-
man and Wm. H. McKinley, letter oar-
niers, of the Buffalo poet office, It is
ed and those present were evidently not
Haldenby, formerly of Brunie, of a
dru blah• anxious to do business.
g Messrs. Roberoil, John tori and Robber-
Donsov.-I• Ethel, on Friday, July 20th, ton, Glasgow, write as 'follows, under
the wile of Mx, H. Demon of a Son, date of July 17th: -This week the supply
GREY, FoRninn, en pnrED,
Notice ie hereby given pursuant to Chan. S: SCOTT AS AN AUOTZON•
He, re S. O., and amending ante :that All ere. •• man, • will sell for better priees,to
ditoxe and °there ]laving otalme against fhb batter mon in 1°s5 time and lose °barges
.9134:.9, 01 02 t1 Abceaeod ediod an o�abo t o ebe any
thehsxge°tangtliing, E Drytoe mud
airs passed Its 22nd mile post, and with
age Lt improves. THE Powe 10 a splendid
represeotablve,of the town in which it is
alleged that the two carriers, on July
12th, went to St. Catharines, Ont., and
participated in the Orangemen's celebre.
sxax0: of States cattle WAS small, while the sup -the
Dicxeon.-In Goderioh, on July 28th, ply of Canadian, cattle was about an
-James Dickson,Ra istrar, 80 average. Trade was considerably better
Twe'nt loighttl day of 30515, A. D,1805, orders can 'always be arranged a this °Moe
arorequirb�to deliver or Band by post pro- or by personal appfioabion.
Eel s to G,r,.Blatr, Brut/eels, Solicitor for
published, and we trust teat Bro. Kerr
and POST will continue co prosper.-
tion as members of that or anization
parading the streets and saluting. with
g 1
years. than est weals, and prima wore from 200
to 30s per head higher. Iu t°•dey'e
Thomas terashan anesasedander belolt,
the executors o the deceased, on or before
the Flret'tlny of August, 1895, a statement . STONE 1 STONE If
Wingham Times. -Last week TRE Bnue-
ems POT entered upon its want -third
o p y
ear with ever prospect of long euro of
h r P t g Y
cogreae and prosperity before it. Like
any other things' THE Post improves
ith•age, and we hope brother herr will
apparent patriotic pride Her Majssby'a
flag. TO be a memberof tw
g that organi-gy
nation the oandidate has to take the
Orange oath, swearing allegiance to the
British Crown. By taking this oath sea
going to Canada and partlmpating in the
market home cattle wore a very short
FAii, FAIRS. As there as' a large turn-outA
0 of
Industrial Toronto, Sept.2.14 ' town and countrybuyers, agood selling
r Y , e
The Western, London " 12-21 fleas was experienced,taro moot of the
Provinmal, Montreal, " 12.21 business being,done at laet week's, prices.
Hay, et Zurioh,' " 23.24 Por good sheep there was some enquiry,
10 writing containing the names, addresses
t d ll artrnlare of their
and dental ion an to
p p n quantity of Bufhlin 77- Corn Rubble
y g, er,
m03') b and the. nature of their suit Cher (if 5111 and Bridge Stone. for Sale• Quarried
and} hold by diem, end iiiadafault thereof and read for loadilf at Brussels Quarry,
and as soon after the said let day of August For pries and terms a� apply to
15iid x9ouiteo can
will enon seen tentlyo done, the JNO, MITCHELL,
aaeete of fhb said deceased among the par. 874E .. , Box 150 Brussels,
Ill continue to grow old, consequently
)minae to improve.-Seaforth Exposi•
ter. -Tian Bung= Pose 'wee 22 years -
old last' week, and the Acton Free Press
21- the week before. Both are good news.
papere, manly in tone, pre: in purpose
and well worthy the support of their re.
etteotfve Ioaalimer.-Clinton New.Era,
celebration at 18 believed the carriers in
question have denationalized 'themselves
and are no longer citizens: of the United
States. The poetmaoter will conduct an
investigation and forward the result t0
Washington., Shipman was born in the
United States, while McKinley. was
formerly a British eub)eat.', 1
South' Huron, Exeter, " 23.24 but for se°0ndary quality and for Amen-
South Perth, St. Mary's, " 24.25 can sheep trade wee very (till, aarid' a
.Mitchell, at Mitchell, .1 24.25 ' clearance was difficult. The` better ' elms
Clinton,'. 28.26 of lambs Bold at 'prices ae good as last
Turnbsrry, Wingham, " 26.26 Week,while those deficient 1n • quality
East Haran,Brussele, ' " 26.27 were °ashen iu buyer's Payor, Best
Northern, Ailsa Craig, " 26.27 Scotch cattle, 64s to 668 por cwt 4. second.
girkton, Oct. 1. 2 ary, 60 s to 620 ,best States, 66s to 6801
tine entitled thereto, having regard only to
tee atuims of 0w111°11 they shall then hays GENTS WANTED WHO Do-
bad nttice and they wlll not be liablb tar Ole eLRE to Baru from510 to 325 woekby,
assets 0f said estate Or any part thereof ed It can bodone selling our hardy guaranteed,
dletrlbuted,to any p01000 Of 'whole) claim Canadian Wroath Nurlooy Stook. Salary or
they have not had notice et the time of eueh cordon salon paid Weekly. Exolaslve tetra•
dletribution. Eery. Handsome bnt8b ir00. Write ue at
need at Brselala, Ja1 1311,1840. Mace for torn$,
1-5 16, F. await, E. 0. GRAHAM, Nuroerymnn
Waiter for nx000tore 41-14 Taranto, bat,