HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-2, Page 61 Wee1=e eMTPOSanuMhiti - romer st nerorr'h•a°.t,^;: TEIB BBIJss]LS PO$T BY-LAW NO. (36, Of the f, owfi3ttijp of Grey, in the County of Huron, A Bylaw to provide for drainage work le the Township of Grey, in the County of Buren, lleiu9 part of a drainage scheme originating in the adjoining Township of Mcl illop, in the said County, the initiating 11t',uniolpality, and for borrow• ing on the oreclit Of the raid the Munioipallty of the Township of Grey, the sum of $244,00, being the proportion of the total sum of $6,493.00 wltioh the Bald draipage scheme Ie to coat, to be oontributed by the tail last named Munloi. pality for completing the same. Brovisionally adopted the Twenty-third day of duly, A. D. 1895. Whereas, the majority in number of the resident and non+resident owners (ex• elusive of farmers' epee not actual owners) as ehown by the last revised aeseasnlent roll of the property hereinafter Bet forth to be benefitted by drainnge work in the said two Municipalitiee of the'Townebipe of McKillop and Grey petitioned the Ooun- oil of the said Township of McKillop praying that a drama might be made to drain the fallowing lands, namely ; Lots nambers 1 2 8 4 5 9 7 and 8, all in the 14th con• cession, also Lott numbers 1 2 9.4 6 and (i, and the North one-third parts of 7 8 and 9, all in the l8tb concession, also Lots 1 2 and 8, all in the 12th oonceselon, all in the said Township of MuKillop, Also the Town Line or highway between the Town. ships of McKillop and Grey, the highways between the 18th and 14th oonoeaaiona, and between the 12th and 13th oonoessione, and the side road or highway between Lots 8 end 6 in the 14th concession, also all in the said Township of MoKillop.. And whereas, thereupon, the said Council of the Township of McKillop procured an examination to be made by James A. Bell, C. 11., being a person competent for such purpose, of the areaproposed to be drained, and the mane suggested for the drainage thereof, and of other lands and roade liable to asseeemeut under the pro. visions of "The Drainage Aot, 1894," and oleo procured plans, specifications and ea- timates of the said proposed drainage work -to be made by the said James A. Bell, and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefitted by such drainage work and of other lands and roade liable for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he could the proportion of benefit and outlet liability (there appearing to be no injuring liability( which in his opinion would be derived or inourred 10 conse- quence of such drainage work by every road and lot or portion of lot, the said Assess- ment so made in so far as it relates to lands and roads in the said Township of Grey being the assessment hereinafter by this Bylaw enacted to be assessed and levied upon the roads and lots or parte of lots hereinafter in that behalf specially set forth and deeoribed, and the report of the said lames A.. Bell, C. rl„ in respect thereof and of the said drainage work, is as follows :- ST, TnOsrAa, JANUARY lITI, 1896. To the Xteeve rwlrl Council of the Township of 31cIallop ; GxNTLEunnr,--Aobing under the instruotions received from your Clerk in August last, 1 beg to report that I have made a survey for a drain in the North East part of your township, with a view of affording an outlet to, and benefitting the swamp lands in that locality. After examining the territory to be benefitted, I have located a dram commencing on the North side of the road allowance, between the 12th and 18th oonoes,ions, and at the limit between lots Noe 1 and 2. It thenoe runs North- erly along the limit between said lots Nos. 1 and 2, to the South side of the road al- lowance, between the 18th and 14th concessions, and thence Westerly along the Southerly side of said road allowance to the easterly side of road allowance, between lots Nos. 5 and 6, and thence Northerly along the Easterly side of the road allowance between said lots Nos. 5 and 0 to the boundary between the Townships of MaKfllop and Grey, and thence continuing on the same course into lot No. 22, in the 18th con• cession of the Township of Grey a distance of 500 feet, tbenoe North-westerly to the head waters of Beauchamp Creek, sand thence following the Beauchamp Creek to the road allowance between the 17th and 18th concessions of the Township of Grey where it intersects the junction of what is known as No. 2 Government Drafn and Beau. champ Creek. The total length of the proposed drain is 20,020 feet. The location of the drain along this route will materially benefit the lands and roads adjoining it, and will serve as an outlet for the construction of lateral drains, so that the whole of the swamp lands East of lot No, 8 can be effectively drained into it and rendered fib for cultivation. I find the swamp land in this locality very level, with a slight in- clination towards the Beauchamp Creek, the inclination being greater in the 14th o0nceasion, and in order to give the drain as much depth as possible in the 18th con. cession and serve as an outlet for the swamp lands in the 12th concession, it is neces- sary to oonstructthe drain through the 14th coneeasion, deeper than would be neces- sary for lands in that concession alone, but as the swamp lands in this looality are covered with a growth of moss and vegetable deposits, which will burn off, a deep drain is very desirable. I have specified that the drain be oonstruoted in the outside limit of the road allowance so that it will interfere as little as possible with the tra• yelling public. I have provided and included in my estimates the clearing up of the road allowance along the drain, the grubbing of the centre of the road 16 feet wide, and the grading of the earth thereon. I have also provided for the construction of bridges for the use of the owners of the lots adjoining the drain. The a000mpanying plans show the location of the drain and the Lands effected thereby, and the profiles show the size, depth, inclination, etc., of the proposed work. My estimate of the cost of the work in the Township of Grey, is as follows :- Section No. 1, 2852 cubic yards 2, 2044 " Total .. 4806 oubio yards at 13 cants, One half of culvert on boundaries, Private bridge on lot No.22 in 18th non., Private bridge on lot No. 21 in 18th con., $686 48 15 00 10 00 10 00 Total cost of work in the Township of Grey, $671 48 Estimate of cost of work Pt. Section No 2, " No 3, " No 4, " No b, No 6, " No 7, " No 8, in the Township of McKillop :- 3040 cubic yards 5553 5788 " 4745 " 4258 3429 2125 Total 28,892 oubio yards at 13 Dente, .. 93755 96 Clearing, grubbing and grading the earth along road allowance between lots 5 and 6 in the 14th con., 300 00 Clearing, grubbing and grading the earth along road allowance between the 13th and 14th concessions, 240 00 One half cost of culvert on boundary, 15 00 Culvert on road between 13th and 14th cons., 25 00 Private bridge to lot 5, in 14th con., 10 00 Private bridge, N 9 lot 5, in 18011 con., 10 00 Private bridge, E,7 lot 4, in 13th 000,, 10 00 Private bridge, W 9 lot 4, in 13th eon., 10 00 Private bridge, N 9 lot 3, in 13th con., 10 00 Private bridge, E 9 lot 2, in 13th con., 10 00 Private bridge, N _ lot 2, in 18th con., 10 00 Cost of work in McKillop, Cost of work in Grey, Total cost of work, To this add for surveys, examinations, plans, pro- files, estimates, specifications and assessments, Superintending constructions, Publishing and registering Bylaw, twp. of Grey, Publishing and registering By -caw, twp. of McKillop, Clerk's fees, twp. of Grey, Clerk's fees, twp. of McKillop, Assistance in survey, Making a total of 94405 96 671 48 35077 44 160 00 100 00 20 00 30 00 10 00 45 00 50 00 95492 44 This I aseess against the lands and roads that will use the drain as an outlet, or will benefit thereby as follows ;- ASSESSMENT IN TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Lot or pt. of Lot. 21 22 28 24 25 Con. 18 18 38 18 18 No. of Acres. 08 f]3 63 63 63 Asst. for Benefit. $80 00 60 00 Total assessment on lands, One half assessment in town line between Grey and McKillop, $75 00 Total Assessment in Grey, Lot or pb. of Lot. Np0N91 SptN91 S9 1 2 8 4 5 6 N;7 E9 S7 W 9597 S 9.8 98 W92 Asst. for Total Outlet. Assessment. 98 20 9 83 20 5 40 65 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 0 40 $167 80 91 20 70 20 $244 00 ASSESSMENT IN TOWNSB:IP.OF lbcKILLOP. Gen. 14 14 1.4 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 No. of Asst. for Acres. Benefit. 60 48 98 .9 20 00 185 50 00 184 60.00 182 60'00 181 180 00 180 160 00 899 449 44e 80 89 150 150 00 75 150 00 75 25 00 Asst, fcr Outlet. 9 7 60 0 45 189 60 144 00 132 80 110 85 108 90 84 00 18 50 18 60 13 50 0 70 6 70 800 00 112 50 106 00 Total Assessment. $ 7 50 6 45 150 50 194 00. 182 80 160 85 288 90 284 00 13 50 13 50 18 50 6 70 450 00 262 50 180 00 Lpt or pt. No, of ASO, for of Lot, Con, Acres, Benefit, N 9 8 18 75 9 50 00 129839 18 25 W.528 18 60 X 94 10 00 W 9 4 18 100 84 00 N:-... 6 18 137; 50 00 N' 9 6 ' 13 1000 18 00 X98 13 60 N 0 13 50 E1 12 25 W 1791 12 25 E9 W91 12 25 W 9 1 19 25 18 00 2 12 100 W 18 12. 50 Assessment on lands One half assessment on townline between McKillop and Gray,' Road between lots 5 3i 0, con 14, Roadbetween 00115, 15 and'14, Road between none, 12 and 18, Assessment on roads, Total aesessmenb in MoRillop, Total assessment in Gray, Total Assessment, AUG. 1895 Agee. for Outlet, 9 97. 50 82 50 09 40 57 00 104 40 74 80 4126 BO 48 00 12 00 12 00 00 00 60 00 0000, 00 00 240 00, 150 00 25 00 Notal Aeaesameut, 9147 50 82 00 62 40 78 60 188 40 74 80 91 25 8 30 00 00 12 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 78 00 240 00 100 00 2500 93473 55 9 75 00 It 1 45 9, 76' 45 860 00 10 00 870'00 720 00 19 00 789 00 75 00 15 00 90 00 91775 45 $5240 oo 244 00 14 .$5493 00 That portion of the drain within the limits of the Township of. Grey is to be ]rept in repair and maintained by the Municipality of Grey, by assessments on the lands and roads in the Townships of Grey, and eloKillop, and in proportion to the assess. menta above, leaving out all assessments for benefit, That portion of the drain within the Ifmits of the Township of Moltillop is to be kept in repair and maintained by the Municipality of the Township of McKillop, by aesesements on the lands and roade in said Township of MoKillop, :and in proportion to the above assessments ie said township, leaving out all assessments for benefit. All of which is reepeotfully submitted. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your Obedient Servant, JAS. A. BELL, 0. E. And, whereas, the said Council of the Township of Meliillop, after the reeeiptof the said Report and upon consideration thereof, decided that the drainage of the said area described in the said report was desirable and thereupon by Bylaw provisionally adopted on the 25th day of March, 1895, adopted the said rspore,plans, epeoifioations, assessments and estimates and declared and provisionally euaoted that the drainage work as therein indicated and set forth should be made and oonatrooted in aoeordanoe therewith and authorized the borrowing by the said Municipality of the Township of 1113E010p of the money required to be contributed by the said Township for the said work and by the said By-law duly assessed the said lande and roads to be benefitted in the said Township of MoKillop in accordance with the said report. And, whereas, the said By-law being By-law Number 82 of the said Township of McEillop bas since been flintily passed. And, whereas, pursuant to the provisions of the said "The Drainage Lot, 1894," the Oounoil of the said Township of McKillop duly served the Reeve of the said Township of Grey with a dopy of the seta report, plans, specifications, assessments and estimates and the same were not appealed against and are now binding on the said the Municipality of the Township of Grey, and the said last named Municipality is now required to raise the Bald Bum of $244,00 being the proportion to be contributed by the said last named Municipality for the said drainage work, and to pay ovar the same to the Treasurer of the said the Municipality of the Township of MoICillop for the purposes aforesaid. Therefore, the said Municipal Oouneil of the said Township of Grey, pursuant to the provisions of rho said "The Drainage Act, 1804," enacts as follows :- 1st. The Reeve of the said Township of Grey, may borrow on bbe oredit, of the Corporation of the said the Township of Grey, the sum of 9244.00, being said Mun- ioipality's proportion of the funds neoessary for the said work, and may issue deben- tures of the Corporation to that amount in sums of nob less than $50.00 each and payable within twenty yeare from the date thereof, with interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, that is to say, the said interest at the rate aforesaid to be payable annually on tbs first day of January in each and every year during the our- renoy of the said debentures„ such debentures to be payable at the Standard Bank, Brussels, Ont., and to have coupons attached to them for the payment of interest, and upon receipt of the said sum of 9244.00 the same shall be at once paid over to the Treasurer of the said the Township of McKillop for the purpose aforesaid. 2nd. For paying the sum of $140.00, the amount charged against the said lands in the said Township 0f Grey for benefit, and the sum of $27.80, the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality. (there being no injuring liability), and for oovering interest thereon for twenty years at the rate of four per centum per annum, the fol- lowing total speoisl rates over and above all other rates shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected.) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots and the • amount of the said total special rate end interest against each lot or part of lot respectively shall be divided into twenty equal parts, and one suoh part shall be nesessed, levied and collected as aforesaid in each year for twenty years -after the final passing of this By/dew during which the said debentures have to run. O 13 18 18 18 18 18. • 1.4 8.8 oa acs 31 22 23 24 25 o,m 63 $80 00 63 60 00, 68 08 63 Total for Benefit, 9140 00 Total for Outlet, 27 80 Roads of Municipality, 70 20 Total ., 9244 00 ay o e 'a .N 93 20 5 40 6 40 0 40 6 40 927 80 H p U � H 00 939 08 80 72 3 00 8 00 8 00 d •;1 0 o d a, 0 mm 441 9122 28 90 12 9 40 9 40 9 40 q N -des 1., 96 12 4 82 47 47 47 3rd. For paying the sum of 970.20, the amount assessed against the said roads of the Municipality of the Township of Grey and for covering interest thereon for twenty years at the rate of four per centum per annum, a special rate on the dollar sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefor shall over and above all other rates be levied and colleoted (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the said Township of Grey in each year for twenty years after the final passing of this By-law during which the said debentures have to ran. 4th. This By-law eball be published coos in every week for four successive weeks in TIE BRUSSELS POST newspaper, published at the village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, an adjoining Municipality, and shall come into forts upon and after the final passing thereof. i sear,. j THOMAS STEAOHAN, Reeve. WILLIAM SPENCE, Manx. NOTICE TO ALL PARTIES CONCERNED, Take notice that the foregoing is a By-law proposed to be finally passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Grey on the 17th day of August, 1895, at the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon at the Township Hall. Any one intending to apply to have the,eaid By-law, or any part thereof, quashed, must not later than ten days after the final passing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve and up- on the Clerk of the said Municipality of the Township of Grey, of his intention to melte application for that purpose to the High Court ab Toronto during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the said By-law. The Court of Revision for the hearing of Appeals or other oomplaiots against the said By-law and the assessments thereby made,, will sit at the Township Ball, in the village of Ethel, in the said Township of Grey, on Saturday, the Seventeenth day of August, 1895, et Eleven ()'()look in the forenoon, at which time and place let all parties interested attend. WILLIAM SPENCE, Township Clerk, Township of Grey. C7 P !' e�epeyp',pjgeii3�'�,"c,rN.�v'Pnwp°•50,G,,t� yy w. 1: of i tm� [7 Ftri d rgi d' p: g m :si m 5 , 0, Mil - g 1 m p " A+ : P, b g 0 p. E, R0 s `4. -i 8 pp O w �° � P l' p o � w y � Sg�8 Feolitg'�o H �y n?:H' yam b o o "3' al 1 o in 0451Vacmgbg, w 195 5 .b * " �lh'gruoOi Cwam ,.1"gAaOc w 0.40 pp6o1,1F" qSaooya g" YdMKphib a,P3' - dppp.,1 ,v MrM`l PiEgg' 0' ��awpa0� 8«w°�R �rog�,P��o�q' :m. Lisi.viEL IN 0 L 4.mr ILL s 5ti11 to the front and this Season want more WOOL 1 WOOL ! WOOL ! For which we will pay higher Prices than Last Season Big Bargains in "Wmc)c)11en Goods Tou can depend on ns' paying HIGHEST 01SH PRICE POSSIBLE, or injex, ()banging Wool for Gal we will pay a few cents extra, and guarantee to sell goods at Cash Prioes, See our choice tango of TWEEDS, made from medium fine wool, wltioh wo offer at 40 oente per yard,This is a soft snap.) We bays lowered our Soutbdown Stocking Yarn and all wool Bed Blankets 5 cents per lb., also have re. aimed our prices in other lines.Before diepoeing of your Wool we invite you to call or make enquiry and you will find that the Listowel Woollen Mills offer the beet value, Oar stook is the Largest, Beet Assorted and Cheapest in Canada, Come and try our apeoial line of Fine Wool ,i+lannele at 25 oonts, ,will not ebrink in washing. Give us a trial and we feel satisfied that you will find you have oome to the right fac- tory with your wool. We pay special attention to our Ouetom department in Card- ing, Spinning, etc. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you and your neighbors this season, we, remain, Yours truly, 'tmtatz SON'. t P. S. -Remember we do not employ any Peddlers and our goode oan be got only by galling at the Factory; so do nob be led astray by Peddlers' travelling; through the oountry claiming to have our Goods, of T011011t0, Established 187I• b 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE, It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor- mation furnished on application. W. IL ZEna, Agent, Brussels. MI CA ANID e Creamery Cans We have in stock a large assortment of Milk supplies of every description. If you want a good article we can give you the Best that's made. If you require anything in this line call 011 us. All I(ids of Jo66iug Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously. EAVETROUGHING, IRON ROOFING- AND OOFINGAND FURNACES Our Specialty. Ail Work Guaranteed Satisfactory, Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We handle Cook, Coal and poz Stoves of the Best Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention given to-`- - 7 -Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian Coal Oil, Castor Oil araclJk'aeh irie Oil. A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for. WILTON & TURNBULLU