HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-2, Page 44 TR•J BRLTS3gLS PO r1r AuG. 2, 1.895 New Advertisements, Travelling-0.'Ji. 11,, Cool Tours—C 'P, 1Z. Judicial Hale—G. E. Blair. ROM for oaks R, II, Outt, Impure Drugs— G. A. Deadman. 1Q Days Sale• --W, 1 . Mo0raekee, Iresemalimg-- Mise Nellie Burgsae. is Paralysis Curable—Dr, Williams, FRIDAY, AUG. 2, 1895. Joule S. Ewxw., q. 0„ has written an- other letter on the Manitoba school queer tion. Many people thought the Imperial Privy Council was the last court of re- sort,. but Mr. Ewart appears to think that the people of Canada oonstitnbe the final tribunal and he has carried his appeal to them accordingly. The appeal from the decision of the Superior Court of Canada to the effect that the Provinces oannot enaot a pro. hibitory law was argued before the Privy Council in T,ondon Friday. J. J. Me Laren appeared to represent Ontario, Hon. Edward Blake the Dominion and G. T. Blackstock the liquor interests. If the decision is reversed theDomioion Al. Hance will urge Sir Oliver Mowat to bring in a measure for Ontario to establish prohibition. Wrrn all the talk over secular educe,- tion in this Dominion the Kingston School Board is marking out a new track and have resolved to adopt the inter- national series of Sunday school lesssons for use in the schools, as most contribut- ing to the study of the scriptures, topic- ally and systematically. The school management committee was requested to arrange for the reading of the lessons each morning, when they resume after the holidays, and that the devotions be variedby the recitation of the apoetlos' creed, the Ten Commandments, the Be- atitudes or psalms, preceding the prayer prescribed by the Education department. Tito question whether or not Major- General Herbert will resume his duties in Canada has been settled by the receipt of the. General's resignation, which has been accepted, and his connection with the Canadian militia foresistberefore termin- ated. Humors as to his probable succes- sor have been revived in consequence of his resignation. The names most fre- quently mentioned are those of Col. Johnstone, a Canadian by birth, who has been frequently mentioned as Major- General. Herbert's probable successor, and Col. Gascoigne, commanding officer of the Scotch Grenadier Guards. The chances are in favor of Col. Gascoinge being Major-General Herbert's successor, but the matter will not be settled for some time. yet. Nnavrom DLaan's new tariff is au ex. ceedingly onerous one. The duty on n and u on taco u •'s cents a pound, snail 6 , 8 P hams 8 cents a pound, on oleomargarine, 3 cents a pound, on flour, 25 cents a bar. rel, with an additional 75 oents a barrel on flour coming from countries that levy a protective duty on Newfoundland flab find fish products. On coal oil the regu- lar duty is 60 a gallon, with about as much more in retaliation ; on tobacco, 20 gents a pound with 5 cents more in retaliation ; on oats, 7 cents a bushel, with seventeen cents in retaliation on bay, $1.80 a ton, with66,80 in retaliation; and on dressecilnmber, $5 per thousand feet. Such duties will make the coat of living in Newfoundland very high, indeed, and will tend to increase the stream of immigration which has flowed ever since the troubles became acute. In spite of their height, the increased duties will not yield revenue enough to relieve the finan- cial embarrassment of the island, and how Newfoundland is to permanently re- cover her position is a problem that has yet to be solved. Cossn,aan a the avalanche which has overtaken the British Liberal party, the defeat of leaders like Harcourt and Morley, and the melting away of great majorities, the Hon, Edward Blake is to be congratulated on the honor of an elec- tion by acclamation in his old constitu- legislative work is becoming too great for Connell the British Parliament to manage, .and sooner or later relief must be sought by transferring korai business to local bodies, whether of a provincial or lnunieipal character. The result of the present election, on the surface disaetrous to the b,,,tple of Home rule, is au argument 0 mobs,. $12.00 ; Robt, Goutte,. gravel, 118.00; Wm, Pollard, gravel, 820.. 58 ; Jas, Martin, gravel,, 88.06 • A•, Mo. Biohol, digging award ditch at 16* 108 22, 000, 11, Engineer's oertifloabe 817.20 Robert Lang, putting 15lank mi Laird'a bridge at con. 8, $0,50. Moved by Wm, prima, seconded by Jae, Lindsay that -• _ M\YO11TE ANI? CCHESTER T4WIUI'E BOARS EOR SERVICE, For the general principle of to oration, the shove accounts be paid. -Carried. TheunderelTted win keep for servioo ou a 7 d burro' bradTamwellb Roar,. reeeutly lalrohased tram the well known brYedJer,ser Hell, Amber, Akio a Oliveto White Bear. Perms. $1,00 to be paid at time of servioo with prix We find Scotland, Wales and Ireland ar- The Oounofl then adjourned, bo meet North H , elf of 20. Oo i, Hems, r rayed on one side, and England on the. abler, a cleavage , wbioh can hardly be regarded as in the best interests of the empire, and which in all probability would disappear if each country were al. lowed t0 manage awn locala al affairs.-- Globe. ffairs.—G1oe. Grey Council Meeting. Council met at the Township Hall on July 23rd, 1895, pursuant to the nail of the Reeve ; membere were all present, the Reeve in the chair.; minutes of last meeting were read and peered. Bylaw, No. 66, for draining lots No, 21, 22, 28, 24 and 26,. son. 18th (being part of a drainage sebeme originating in the Township of McKillop) and for burrow- ing 00 the credit of the muniaipaiity the sum of $244.00 for completing the same, was introduced and was read over by the Clerk. Moved by Jamee Turnbull, sao- onded by James Lindsay that By ,law No. 66, as read, be provisionally adopted, that the Clerk be instructed to publish. the By-law once a week for four mites• sive weeks in Tim Baosaeos Pose, the firet pablioation to appear not later than the 26th. of only, 1806, that the Court of Revision for hearing appeals against the aesesement on said By-law No. 66 be held at the Township Hall on Saturday, the 17th day of August, 1805, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Carried. Dr. McNaughbon presented an account for $7.50 for attendance and medicine to the child of Mrs. E. Fox ; no action was taken. Petition of L. Raymanu and 83 others praying that aid be granted to Allan Lamont, who is affiicted with a serious disease of the eye, to send him bo some hospital for treatment. Moved by James Turnbull, seconded by Jas. Lind- say that the Reeve be instructed to com- municate with the proper officials and ascertain the probable cost of keeping the said Allan Lamont in the hospital during treatment, and report. Carried. M. Morrison presented an account for $26.- 73 for ditch and tile on gravel road in the village of Walton ; Messrs. Sbraaben and Hislop to examine the premises and re- port at next meeting of Council. Car- ried, Applications :—Wm. Duke, for ditch on read in front of lot 34, con. 4 ; Mr. Brown to attend to it. Henry Woods, for gravelling to be done on side road between lots 15 and 16, con. 16 ; moved by James Lindsay, seconded by Wm. Brown that no notion be taken. Carried. Wm. Brown, for grading on boundary of Grey and Elma, con. 17 ; Mr. Hislop to attend to the matter. Jno. McTaggart, to have Government Drain No. 1 cleaned out from centre of lob 25, eon. 15, West, to the head of drain ; moved by Wm. Brown, secondee. by Jas. Turnbull that Messrs. Hislop and Lind- say examine the premises and report at next meeting of Council. Carried, Petition of Wm. Smith and 15 others for gravelling on side road between lots 80 and 31, con. 2 ; moved by Jae. Lindsay, seconded by Jas. Turnbull that Mr. Brown attend to the matter and let the contract. Carried. A number of En- gineer's certificates under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, filed with the Clerk, were examined and passed. A communi- cation was read from Mr. Garrow re suit Broughton v. Grey. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Jas. Lindsay that the Reeve be instructed to have By-law accordance with No. 63 amended in ae cord judgmentgivenin said suit and write to the Reeves of Elmo, and McKillop urging them to have the By-laws passed at as early a date as possible. Carried. Mov- ed by Arch. Hislop, seconded by James Turnbull that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed and authorized to borrow from Rachel Spence the stun of five hund- red dollars for Township purposes until taxes are paid. Carried. Movedby Wm. Brown, seconded by Jas. Turnbull that the monthly allowance granted to Mrs. Wm. Shine for keeping Wm. Far. qulfarson's two children be reduced to $5.00 and that the Clerk notify Mrs. Shine to that effect. Carried. The fol- lowing accounts were presented, viz.:— Municipal World, Iwo collectors, $2,00 ; Ironstone & Backer, gravelling on bound- ary of Grey and Morris, North of Brus- sels, $60.31 ; A. Raymanu, attending to equalization Union S. S. 170, 11, Morris, Grey and McKillop, $8.00 ; Alex. Me- Laucbliu, inspecting gravelling contract at boundary of Grey and Morris, $4.00 ; Albert Ashton, gravel, $0.66 ; James Houston, repairing Logan's bridge at cons. 15 and 16, $11.75 • Samuel Dunn, gravel, $32.60 ; Wm. Arnett, ditch on boundary of Grey and Elmo, at lot 35, con. 8, $1.00 ; John Hanna, culvert on boundary of Grey and Elmo, at lot 35, con. 8, $2.00 ; Henry Fogel, gravelling on boundary of Grey and Elma, con. 7, $4.- 40 ; John Beirnes, culvert at lots 3e, and 31, con. 8, $8.60 ; Andrew Sharp, culvert at lot 24, con. 8, $8.45 ' Samuel Klein- sobroth, culvert on mill'road, con. 6, 88.- 15 ; Wm. Slemmon, drawing plank to repair bridge at lot 20, con. 9, $2.00 ; Wm. Willis, filling hole on road at lot 24, con. 8, 25 cents ; Haack & Co., 23 6 inch tile for culvert, 78 cents ; Jas. Harris, re- pairing culvert at lot 12, con. 16, $8.00 ; David Shine, gravelling on aide road at lots 16 and 16, con. 15, $11.45 ; David Taylor, inspecting gravelling on side road at lots 15 and 16, con, 15, $1.06 ; Richard Jaeklin, putting plank on White's bridge at con. 2, $2.50, and repairing culvert et lot 14, con. 2, $6,00 ; Wm. White, re- moving flood wood from White's bridge, con. 2, 50 cants ; Smith & Moray, barb wire far Worlc'e fence, boundary Grey and Morris, $7.30, and wire spikes for bridges, $8,68 ; A. Gibson, plank for White'e bridge, con. 2, $27.45 ; Henry McNaught, gravel, $8.34 ; Jas. Colclough, gravel, $8.40 ; Richard Alcock, gravel, M Milne, 5.00 lumber fforJohn lbridges, $gravel,1.06 John Eensuld,spikes for bridges at lob 24, con. 8, 66 cents ; Patrick Blake, planking andrepairing bridge at lot 6, con. 14, 84.- 00 ; Michael 11Sullin, gravel, $8.22 ; john Barr, gravel, $2.68 ; Wm. Ellis, digging award ditch at lot 2, con, 11, $17,15 ; Thos. Strachan, gravel, $6,84 ; Jas. Greig, gravelling on boundary of Grey and Elnan, South of con. 12, $211.88„ Geo. MolIsy inspecting gravelling on bound Dry of trey and Elma, 51.00 ; Peter Sinclair, gravelling at 1ot.13, con. 4, and repairing:auh'ert South of Granbrook, John 4,$7.5; John Ellie, culvert John ency. No fair-minded man who has watched his career of three years in British politics will deny that in that comparatively brief period he has ad- vanced rapidly in the confidence not only of the Irish party but of Liberals all over the Kingdom. The offer of the Liberal nomination for Islington was a result and a reeognition of the splendid work Mr, Blake has done in the English con- stituencies. We have from time to time given our readers samples of Mr. Blake's work as a popular orator, and they must have seen that ho was of a high order, Mr. Blake never gives his bearers any- thing cheap, slovenly or superficial. Everything that he says shows thought and care, appeals to reason and stimulates reflection. In continuing his connection with the Irish Parliamentary party after dissolution bad been announced he identifiedhimself with what he must have seen was for the present a failing cause. He must have seen that the' hopes of those who advoeabe home rule for Ireland at least in the form in whtch the project is now before the British public, have been indefinitely deferred. But, so far as one map aonld do, he has lessened. the force of the blow by placing the question on s, broader basis. He has urged nob only for home rule for Ireland, but for the application of the federal principle to the whole of the United kingdom. if the project comes up again it is not et all unlikely' to take that form, The mass of again .on Saturday, the 17th day .of A.ugnat, 1805, ae Court of Revision of drainage asaoaslnent. Wet. Bannon, Clerk, LAW GP w:o 1(, Joseph Wilson hashie new l.ively in running order. J & 3, Livingston have finished their new flax mill at Palmerston and it is now one of the best equipped mine in the country, While Hector' Aitobison and some other boys were playing behind the sboree on Wallace street on Saturday, one of the boys caught Hector by the wrist and twisted it so as to break bia arm, widely probably would have withstood the etrain bad, it not been broken only three weeks ago, A representative gathering of the friends of Miss Bolton, who has for the past eeven months filled the position of leader of Rnox church choir with much success, met at D. Wateon'e on Tuesday night of last week and made her a pres- entation of an address and a purse. Miss Bolton is leaving town to accept aposi- tion in Brockville, where her home ie. The Listowel Driving Park Aeeooia- tion have decided to give a ra00 meeting on the 13111 marl..l4th of August text, They are putting up 81,300 in purses, divided among the following classes Aug, 18.-2,45 Trot and Pace $200 2.18 " 200 2.27 200 Aug. 14.-2.82 Trot and Pace $200 2.22 0 " , 200 2,10 " " " 800 35 now members were added to the A. p. U. W. bore last week. The Lodge has 120 members now. JUDICIAL SALE VALUABLE ram PROPERTY In the Township of 31urris. Pursuant to the Judgment of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of justice in au adieu of Sample vs 1 Sample, I will of • far for Bale by Public Aaotiou, on SATURDAY, AUSUS`I' 2411,1895, at the at the QDIIEN 6TwTOTEL ik n the the VILLAGE OF BRITS8E18,1u the County of Huron, the following valuable ,property, namely : The, West half of the North half of Lot twenty- nine in the. Fourth Concession of the Town- ship of Morris, in the County of Huron, 00n - twining Fifty acres of land, of whisk about Forty5ve aro cleared and well/ snood and in a good state ref cultivation, the balaaoe is hardwood bush. 'Upon the premises there is a small log house and log barn in a fair state of repair. The soil 10 a glen stay loam and is well suited for grata growing and general farming, The farm is s-tuated ou a good gravel road about three miles from the Vil- lage of Brussels. TE11MS, Ten per cent. of the purobase money is to be pard to the vendor's Solioltor at the time of sale and the balance in one month thereafter, without interest, into Court to the credit of this aptlon. The property will be offered for sale sub- ject to a reserve bid, also subject to a lease terminating on the 1st !Day of April, A• D. 1890. The other conditions of Sale are the standingconditions of sale of this Court. Further terms and conditions will be made known at Um time of sale, or ran be bad up- on emplication to M1540145. CAMERON, HOLT Fe 330111135, Barristers, Goderich, or to G.S. BLAIR, Vendor's Solicitor, Brussels. Dated at Goderioh this Mud July, 1805. x Loral Master at Geduld). S. MAnaon[so b , ALLAN LINE. Surumer 1895. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY & MONTREAL SERVICE. From From From Liverpo'l STEAMSHIPS. Montreal Quebec Daylight, 9 am. e duly Laurentian 20 July 20 July 11 " Parisian 271 " 38 18 " Mongolian 8 Aug. 3 Aug, 20 " Numidiau 10 ' 11 '1 Aug. Sardinian 17 " 18 ' 8 Laurentian 24 " 24 ' 15 " Parlstau 81 " • 1 Sep. 22 " Mongolian 7 sen. 7 20 " Nurnlilan ...,,,,. 14 15 BATES or PASSAGE.—Cabin, $50 to $00 ; return $110 to $162. Second Cabin, $80; return, $60. steerage, $15. t 'Passengers may go via Montreal and return by New York or vice versa. Tor further information as to rates, &o., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. DAY'S CH .'0.P SALE B liege Of returning if noaosearv, 3941 - B. WALESA,Proprlelor, _ g s • R FOR RV1CF, T D 0 A {3111 Undersigned will keep for servioo on Lot 20, Omr, 0 Morrie, the Lhuro' Ur ed d whit Y kohl Roa 'Selected ' bred from d. 10,13rutiiour a eweepgstalres sow at Chleago Pair. Terms 8100 to be paid Buie ab the Be of servioo with privilege of TS - fuming if neoeesarv.. Pedigree may be seen on application. 110130. jNICHOL. The undersigned intends of- fering to his numerous customers and general public a Cheap Sale of his well assorted stock of Gro- ceries, Crockery and Glassware, to commence Saturday, August 3rd, and extending over Saturday, August 10th. ,Prices and qual- ity of goods will be sure to suit, so save your money and give us a call. No Credit on Above Cheep Sale Cash, Eggs or Butter 4Vi1l be taken in exchange for goods. W. H.1VIcGracken,, • BDLL FOR SERVICE,—THE undersigned will keep .for ss vleb on Lot 7 Con. 0, Morris, the there' -bred Dur- ham bull Bed Robin.' Terms -51.30 to be paid on December 1st, 1000. J.' OLEGG, A. G, 1040.000, 11-0m Proprietor: - Lot 7, Oon, O. ]TOOK FOR THE DATt:Y.—IN S reeding for min 1 ' r butter do not waste time on anything short of the best, No charge for the service of my Jersey 13011 it his dam will not make from 70 to 100 lb e. more butter in a year, than the dam of any bull of any breed wibb,n three miles. G. A. DEADPAN, Brussels, (GIVES' FRESIh NE$s 11Y.. CL EPlR' _m SKiN,. CORES C.2IVSTIPA119N' IN010SSTIOV,DIZZINE55 �RUpT10115,oN. T H E ,, SK.I tV. BE'AUtirtg i. C,OMPLE,XION. OIMPHAsra I .NOT au:s:• An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 201., 00o., and 81.00 per package. Samples free. NO NO The Favorite 10015 $OWOFR for the Tooth and Breath, 200 Sold by JAS. BOX, Prussia, Brussels. To i. a,akers To meat the wishes of their ouetomere The Geo. E. Timken c& Son Co„ Ltd., Hamilton, Ont„ have placed upon the market - .A. Plug of SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, ora 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "TE3" brand of pure Virginia To- bacco. The tin tag "P & il" is on every piece. 011't Slioiit I It will soon be known I am tak- ing all kinds of Photos, Cray - One, Pastells and Water - Colors. Pictures taken as natural as life M of Fathers, others, and Babies, Grandfathers and Great -Grandfathers, and Gentlemen with their Ladies. Pictures of your houses and stook, Lawns, Groups, Pic -nit Par- ties, in fact all kinds of out and indoor work i11 the Highest Style of Art. H.R. BREWER ARTIST, BRUSSELS, v t!i! When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- • ware, Paints & Oils, HU —'0ALL,AT-- Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, gat a DISCOUNT of EVE PFR CENT, Off all Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stock. A. HUNTER. SPRING Summer 1 You want a New Suit this Spring ! 0f course you do. The one you have been wearing for the last year or two is beginning to look just a little bit seedy. When you decide ,to buy call in and inspect what we have in SCOTCH., IRISH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, SERGE and WORSTED SUITING -S. If Good, Honest Values count for anything we think you will buy from us. Perfect Fit and First-class Work Guaranteed in Every case. n M ``> 4e ain, ® .� , .<il . i MERCHANT TAILOR, BRUSSELS. ,FIRE ! FIRE! The undersigned is prepared to Insure all kinds of Village property at the lowest rates in the following first-olasa companies, vis.:— "s Lnneaslire,3, of Manchester, . Capital 0 Million Pounds Stirling. g "81001," of London, Established A. D. 1710, - Capital 7 Million Dollars, "Wellington 3lutual," of Guelph, Established 1840. Also 620,000 to Loan on good Farm seourity at 6i and 0 per dent. for a or 10 years, 03.4 J. A. Creighton. LIME! LIME! The undersigned will keep on hand a constant supply of White Fresh Lime suit- able for all Building and Plastering purposes. Also North Shore Pine Lath and White Brick for Sale. D, A. Lowry, BRUSSELS. White W: Line. ItOTiAL HAIL STEA31S!'1PS: Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. the Dames of this line oars onlya striAs h steamers 81800tly limited cumber the ante ag passengers rsnrs eidedthat accommodations, intending passenonn f rre reminded is necessary that as early ea - son.For for rates, oto., apply to this sea- son. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. HINCL.ES British Columlbia Red Cedar Shingles A\'D— Nortlr Shore Pirie and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Willis Also Doors and Sash of all Pat- terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and orkman- shipand Material Guarranteed. J. P. A1EL11 If you want to Travel NORTH SOUTH EAST or WEST —TA= THE___ Grand, Trunk. For particulars apply to • J. N:I TNOALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels, Can give you a Choice of a Cool Tours for August E'tavm t, AND Call upon or write to any Agent of the Company. 7° FARROW, A.GENT,1BRUSSEL