HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-2, Page 3e&Th . 2, 1895 Town DiXCQtory. Mnr,W01.11 dancers,-.,Sabbabil Servleea ab 11 a m and 0:80 p.m, Sunday School et 2:30 p m. ROY, Bohn Bonet 13 A, pastor. ST. Jorn'a 013unott,—Sabbath Ssrvioos at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Selteol at 2:80 p. m Rev. A. K. Griffin, lnoum. bent, MATnoplse CUoaoil.-Sabbath Serviaea at 10:80 e m and 0:80 p m, Sunday Sobaol at 2:80 p m. Rev, G., H. Cobble- diek, M A, B D, pastor.' " Reno CA'rnonm Clues ll, -Sabbath Servide third Sunday in every month, at 10,80 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SAtivA.xSON Antcr,—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m' on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olock, at the barraoke. ODD FELLOWS' Lonolt every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MAsoruo Lawns Tu$eday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lown on the Ord Friday evening of each month, in Bias - bill's block. O 0 F Loners 2nd end last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaebill'e block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall, L O L let Monday in every month In Orange Hall, SoNe ot,• Soowrann, 1st and Brd Tnee- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0, T. M. LODGE, let and 86d Thurs- days of each month, in Vanetone bleak. Home'Oxnaro, 2nd and 4th Friday even - Inge in Blasbill'a Hall. Pose Ovistor.-Oftioo hours from 8 a, m. to 0:80 p. M. MEoaAttice' INeTIITarE,—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays end 8:80 to 5 and 8 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows] Couvem.-W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H, MoOraeken, Robert Graham, It. Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; 1'. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer i D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. Sonora, Bo. w.—Bev. Roes, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sec.—Treas., 1t. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PUBMO Saucer, TEAoaEBs.-J. H. Cam- eron,Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey andMies Cooper. BOARD or IIEALTE. Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughtou, Medical Health Officer. 1:S±rh.t .etc . Gorx•iss. ihioLanghlin & Co. have bought W. J. Perkins' stook. S. T. Fennell left on Wednesday of last week for Toronto. A number of the Gerrie Workmen at- tendect a special meeting of that order in H t vi fa lai by al ws Ile yo ag ate to on 011 inc On tie so pr lar wi fe atb Th an ail Co all ex of no oar to c0u to ter the to leve an Ile not thu wh ha Co Da in t lig the for two ria the 11 bat but the wor not plc one stri ran Til. ing by 900 bag bei be due oau the • arrl■ on. 090 Jae. Leech left on Tuesday of last week urn for Manitoba, where he intends spending ions a few weeks. entl W. Doig, having completed .arrange. meets to go into another line of business, is closing out his entire stock of watebes, clocks, jewellery, silverware, Ra. DIC TliiJlop. ally adv $1 Axon= PIONEER GONE. -One by one MR. they fade away, and in the plate where they were once well known and familiar figures they are seen again no more for. Pae ever. The latest departure in this neigh- 1 borhood is that of Mrs. Cowan, widow of the late John Cowan, of MoKillop, who ' paeeed away on Wednesday 2418, inet., after a short illness. About 45 years ago Mrs. Cowan cams to McKillop and set. • tied with her husband on the farm where she died, and which has been her home Fro] continuously during all these years. She L was an exemplary woman in every re- bleu spect, possessing intelligence, and ex. etrei emplifying a moral and religious standard brow far above the average. She was possess- lessk ed of a good memory and could repeat apps long extracts from the standard poets of the her day. Only a couple of days before to al bar decease she repeated a member of tree her family to read to her a, pertain poem this by Mies Havergal, and to which she lie- ship tened intently and followed to the and minutest word. Although a woman of aide: wide synlpathiee, ever neighborly, and and always hospitable to the wayfarer and vest stranger, her affections were singularly pros centered in her owe family. For their comfort, welfare and eduoation she . was unceasingly solicitous, and she wee the confidant of the family, and the wise and judicious counsellor of husband and children Mrs. Cowan hal attained the age of 76 years It ie just 10 months since her husband died. The family consists of three sons and five daughters They are John, of the firm of Lister c% Cowan, barristers Sarnia ; Hector, of Paisley, also a practicing barrister ; Jas., on the home farm Mrs. Thos. Calder, 1t of Grey township , Mrs. Habkirk, who resides in Winnipeg ; Mrs. G. Doranae, of IlTeBillop. and Miesee Aggie and Kate, both of whom have been teachers in Sea- I) forth public school. e esiesslortltt. Johnson. Bros. are putting a mgtallio shingle roof on the oatmeal 1ni11. Wm. Hargan and family removed to Ingrsoll, where they purpose to reside permanently. A large number of Seaforthitee are oaknpiug along the lake shore and basking in the sun at Bayfield. The bowling olub have had eleotrio lights placed at their green and can now play at night as well as daring the day. Mrs, Coulter left for Ingersoll, thence to Muskoka, where she will spend etvelal weeks rusticating nnoong the lakes and groves. J. A. Clark, who has carried on a bak- ery itnd confeotionery business for some years past, has disposed of it to. David Traciceell, of Shakespeare. Witbert Fulton, a young boy who ,wae working in Broadfoot's planing mill, had big left hand frightfully jammed. He wag working at the gander, when his hand got naught in the rollers. The older residents of Seaforth will recollect Frank Paltridge, who conducted a. photographing business here some years ago, and will lie sorry to learn of • his death, which pothered in California on tbe 21st alt., of ooneumptien. '8 ed f wilt lyze kno forte avai muff con of t will no r The othe he h ing phy ume he e in a littl an 0 felt Wife his atin Whi S.: 7',RB BRUSSELS POST Miga Campbell left for a several weelse' obeblyfall tressed w t Deputy pbem ar wed the d y notable The agaiusb Lceable t, cession ng me erect 'fiat! oared the lie nee titem oe0lelent bo hobble 1 lib at 010 Orebi ncl, one of the most Summer resorts On the At. 'M9810 OW, She wag joined at Stratford , and ' Illrand AZ's. Taylor, of Strathroy, Daniel Daniel Moran name down en the epee, from Ooderoh on Wednesday of last :els and spent the day in town. He a p inile•etone and looks Liegeseeand fresher than he did 20 years Dwing to the , 107. C. A. and the amehip company:being unable to soma terms, the proposed trip to Goderioh August let and moonlight exeureion .be ,coeld angst the hOklas and .doer yard, but if 1.0 Undertook to walk to the stable be would be o0niined to hit bed for a week alter, Hie limbs grow numb aura acid, Dining the hottest Summer days he wag obliged to tilt with his feet and legs in ahot gven, wrapped in flannele and 110t olntbs until the elfin would oome off In smith, id •. Little bellevod that hie physician wee' doing all that oogld be' dorso, and has nothing but kindly feelings for the treat,! meet he received at his bands but he is certain that the doctor had no hope of his r000very, HO had tried an odor, j I , Ii I : \ i,,,l l11:;,1,1,�t9 .I 111 }III, I 'I irCi1C14 III , "-'Y li i, .,A)*Pa i, {.1) liI111 i ■ A r/ a al Pj 1 t r CIO q �jlp 110 i]re take aro prepared to lY Wool for p q of ofeither, U U , . �Wy 1 1I l�� . any j,1,1t1 I 181ytZ l or Trak 0 the lake have been postponed for an lelinite time: tieed mineral water, taking in all Hoven, gallons ca it, but failed to obtain relief, After We have a large Assortment of. .,,,, r oclea•ich.. L'here was no general exodus from town Thursday of lash pvicek, only some 250 frets being sold at the G. T. R. station, that tbe Brantford exoursixn will short of expectations. A, 8s' number of both sexes and all ages the base -ball game, and nota went 00 pfo-nie partiesto the many indive resorts adiacont to the tow., d weatherut in the afternoon veforenoon r damp foggy very Sheriff Reynolds, who with notable John Knox, took Geo. Davie, as Dr, Lockhart, 00 Kingston bad an suffering for two and a Half yearn, Mr, Little, in the Summer of 1898, read of a ease similar to his own, that had beenoured by the uee of D. WsiUlame' Pink Pills, Grasping et this last hope, he sent for a few boxes and began taking them. Before the second box wale all need, Mr. Little was satisfied that he had found a remedy that would cure him' of his exceedingly painful and mrderi• cue ailment. Mr. Little continued the and'waspee Of te ablen to gok gls for out and do lig hbmworii about his farm, which he had not been able to do for over two years. He eon. Untied taking Pink Pills a while longer,- when he was fully recovered and was II!O�IIIIII I IQIIIIIIIIIPJII 111111 u lll�ll�l�l��llill➢I llil�11 U IIIuIIIIIIuUuI(I 11 Ifl 1h• �III�I 111g1111 ll NI41_IIIII I 11 iIl1Il I� I'I IIW�����Iil y�_1Il ���I�ICII�I(u 1 pp 11I1 111 utllllu „Ill„ i:11 I I , 1 i II II Tweeds Flannels Carpet% 7 1 Blankets YKnitted arn , , Goods f 8 I GoaaS, p C. to choose� W e' are also prepared. to take in all kinds of- Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spine. Ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, &a. "� ar with the prisoner which When om are likely to remember. When work a his able ,ono any of bbe lte r time farm, and in the Winter time worked al- most steadily at saw•logging AI II 111111111111111111 1! 11:1111_1 7� �q y �y _ � FI,Y,9 ed�'I e: �d✓�,��11 co(�.J; Soarboro, Knox went forward in the and Davie asked the deputy to be al-, a drink of water. The latter of I$0 consented and followed the doctor rear end of the oar, when the .lot- surprised him by making a dash for and wood- chopping: During the past Fall, he says' be was frequently otLLlght out in heavy rain storms when away from Home, but he had so far recovered that his exposures have not brought any bad During the NII Ilp� IIII IIII 1 °'- li111111111111111'N111l111111 11;lipll�lili II II llllI11I11111� J 1 9 r•, Next t door to Blaahul1 S 'utoherSlurp' door and onto the platform; thence the ground, the train going slowly. oh" was equal to the emergenoy how- r, and niokl landed on his risoner, they had a tough tussle for it, bet holds' final! of his man' subdued,Mr, Y gQ however without getting one of his mbs badly bitten by the soallawag, o had managed to release one of his fie from the handouffe in the oar, Knox arrived shortly after and vie was eventually safely landed with- results. very sold weather of toed Windsor, a distanceregent Winter .offifteen wood s He looks at.present as' if he had hardly seen a sick day in his life time. Little feels deeply grateful to D. Wil'liama Pink Pills and cimime that his complete recovery is entirely due to the use of the pills. He gives his testimony for the benefit of others who may be similarly aftlioted. Mr. Little's wife who was present at the interview, oorroborat• Mr. l� rfl ►� ""I 114 111111111111 )' !1 11111 (11111111 11!1111 lIll11111 '1 m 1111!1 i h II III IIPp i a „_ �, m. ` $ XJ:. ,,? Jr d7, 11 , IN ' ' 1 `u ®f 'b ns a, dl/µ , .* , he stone walls. As his sentenoe fig tere 110 will be added than he deserves to lvery t is tomaterbe iollly this last exploit, ball game'Tbureday afternoon be- ed Little's testimony and believes use of Pink Pills, The entire fpsd he owes his entire eto t milylook upon. the Ohe g d and father as' one resound from the grave by the timely use of Pink Pills. (/) r " �, "ems We have received the !eater part of our Spring Storkol g Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most StPfr'eb en the Unions of Wroxeter and Gor- and the Goderioh boys was meet exalt- ,,;r ....,, ,,:: ,n,n,,.,�.. On enquiry among Mr. Little's neigh - Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' and Children's Black to the finish, and very creditable to Roma team, the sclero standing a to them. The Unions are heavy tars .and veterans of many seasons, they almost met their match with Goderioh team, who did brilliant k on the field. Perhaps the most features of the local club's was "Dodge" Doyle's pitching- in innings he put three Unions out on tree in quick e000eeeion-and the fleet Mug of "Dundreary" Hooper. Bart. too, deserves mention for his catch-,, bore, we dud that be is'a man of un- doubted vacuity. He' has lived in Essex r 1 count all his lifetime, and on his11(�VEY TO L01�.N• y pre -a sent farm in Colchester North, about _— four years. He is the superintendent of the Edgar Mille Sunday school, and hie Any Amount of Abney to Loan ease is too well known iu that district on Farm or ne Villag Pro- be disputed. His neighbors looked upon hie cure as a most'' •miraauloce one, his party at death having been expected among them 1 for many months before be began the use 6 6. 61 Per Cent., Yearly. of Pink Pills. a and ceptionally cod value. 1 fine line which are Misses' andChildren's prices to suit the times. g leading styles in Dongola a y , and Youths School Shoes Call anti see our Ladies' Tan Oxford Ties In Ladies' very popular Button Boots In Gents' b ' Shell Cord at prices that White Canvas +• e f eve Gaiters, just in endless wear Oxfords. are we and defy v showing ex - 8±0., we P kPa now. Ladies variety,al have 211 the Calf. &ys' competitit111, i s on the right field, two of the best bite the visitors being neatly caught in *Cs e%vs. Straight Loans ivilege of CNwith pr repaying when required.. `>,•.••{ ), i{C S r '*" n - fa a. '�,,,,,+' , 2 t„ t 1;1 P • L 'yiy +; 1 . >) s. w in the fifth innings. A three- or by "Daddy" Dahns, the circuit completer! by a terrific !mint for whish landed him in a olocd of tjust a eeoond before the ball was silt et that point, was deservedly to the echo. There was an un -e el amount of kicking over some of the Bright wants electric light. AugApply t ka In ersoll's civic holidayis 1s" 1�l Peter Stuart, Ingersoll, has a broom neer, plant in blossom. Q • Hunter, A. L. Squires, of Blandford, caught Dieision Court Clerk, Bt -assets.' trout weighing over four lbs. Stratford citizens will hold a nublio -"--`•- - i discuss A BRUSSELS._ Rips Sewed Free of Charge. fires' -De'. Shaw, of Clinton-deols- meeting to the sewage dkffiaulty _ ---_�� ' , and the crowd of apsobe lugiasm and sympathiese wel's, whose were omen- keen or "our boys," were decidedly arse t0 oh0 umpire.-Star.tr., existing there. The new Glbuilding at Toronto will g Youst ng street of $4 feetriuve a frontage on HEART DISHA9E RELIEVED IN 30 MIN• Nv i:a s ltdy j.•ts- t�,ddyi f r �A„ tik , / w t 1j C -- _,. ...-��....- -. � p (y ry 1p� �V h GREAT Vl �L f 1�� �A�i L�I1V 1� IN s Paralysis Curable ? ETES.—All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and[ quickly oured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure }• / K£NDALLS L' is sraiY1%C7i14E ' �'1 4 4 1 -• f 4 GEORGE LITTLE, OF ESSEX COUNTY, SAPS IT IS. for the Heart, One dose oonvinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Dundalk Herald says :-"The funniestt4 case at the Division Court last Fridays° : ' , -T n 1 , r p AK ` �vley<a ili4. d j as ' f`.L, 't' t ", }" Inerlimi Gives ills Dalt Terrible EEDerienee t0 "rove the Trani of Two Assertion— tuireref For Over Years -!meth was a aet•off against a sister's husband for meals, coal oil, eta., for 4 ears, y while he was courting his then prosper- I THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. i• Himself and Family Thought Thal Y g tray Death conal find Ills Anirerutes -Again EnJeylag ti messinn of found Health. ntkeEseoaFraoPraea. Lie is trulya burden to those not ted with a full measure of Health and agth, but when a strong man is fight to the verge of almost utter help. MSS, when doctors fail, and there is krentiy nothing left to do but wait arena summons that comes bat once II, the case assumes an aspect of ex- le sadness. In each a condition asElgin, did Mr. George Little, of the town- of Colchester North, find himself, recently the.Free Press, hearing in- five wife. The bill amounted to $223.76, He was allowed one dollar for a turkey." RBsuowresoI OonED is] A DAY.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- demand Neuralgia radically oureein 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the a stem Y yy is remarkable atouce and mysterious. 10 re-:MesPsaragetnsi000 moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman, Shortly after noon Friday of last week, the body of John Cole, of Southampton, was found with a bullet in his forehead. Ooro.er Paterson, of Port uewas immediately notified and an inquest was held, when the following ,verdict was brought in :-"That John Cole game 10 Certain in its e0eets and never busters. Rend proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREHaving ■ Boras Csrmsn IIendorson Co., 1..,Feb,ei,'lL Dr. R, a.tiaxo.,LLhe. Dcar Strs-Plesse sand mo one of your Horse Booke,md obilgo, Ibnvoneedegraetdcal oryoer ¢oodBeeuet Sties l+'onde,,Itmedlobie. Ioneb to maretbntbad ke 000 ttleonb nna nvo time. cured her. i troop o bottle on bund all the time. �/ lourstruly, stale. Powimn. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. CANTON, Ole,, Apr,3,'99. D 3. Esta ii vo�iee<t several bottles of your ',Smilers Spaeth Cure" with mush success. I tldak It oke beet Llalmout I ever ueod. H vs' rr teavedone Onrb, mm flood epavin and lelnto s'8.01city"'pi•'ionnifsrviiokremucapeas recommended andkcopit lteapeelfull , 'alt. re.., P. O. Borsis, purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jath Fox A and combined it with my own, I have now the f� Largest, Cheapest and Bed ] tit Display ever made in BroosseIB , Special Bargains Giver during this llonth To save trouble of moving in COis - o otally that he shad recovered health strength, a reporter was sent to in- igate. When seen, Mr. Little ex- his death by a wound on big forehead, caused by a pistol shot, but whether self.. inflicted or not we are unable to say."ssOssURGH Por Sale by all Druggists, or address D'`• Is. J. X.EYDI4LZ ooi0.n4YT, FALLS, VT. tion with the erection of new steres You can Dollars by dealing in sed a willingness ie case, and his l , , II1 S ' - \, (t- to state the story is as follows _ b �w , , '•'T ki.l •�� `• 1 ,� ,f nature0 :-. �i ''� a i1 - _ RELIEVED= e To through the .- OA hortIIff02the One short puff of the breath through the —"'" - -' -'---` Blower, eupni ed with each bottle of Dr. ly a n p o o g Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this la }3 " w: °o A Cotta"door Powder over the surface of the nasal iv 1 g 3 °n m o°- �v passages. Painless and delightful to F a •' re use, it relieves instantly, ant permanent. al t g `c O e• a ly cures Oatarrah' Hay Fever, Colds, i 2' q C m p s" a ';y • '11; IIetedaoh e, Sore Throat, Tousilftie and a 3 m . Deafness GO rents at G. A. Deadman'e. m save with me Wall Papers, Borders ancl Window Shades. 1 5' 3r Paper Hanging done in First-class Style. A (yi' d/ o ROD/CIC _Ai H p 1. a e An Australian parachutist named m n q . '•.,.••. .•.. "~. rt p 1i k 11 III I'�-_ _. i// 1� - �y l,+ O h• Campbell met with a fatal aaoident Sat- O P - C, 7 t1 a " 0 was p < a n ...,y rr a ill •o � a /'`� /� 'j' 'T]'p�..,{'�1 �i SPECIAL cendiurdaugatin his balloonnand had to yi"• 5 $ " d 5 c g Q C/2 "g' 1��.9_I l l��1 L .1 C LIt� V �J F� nln '` J % /ii the height of 50 feet, when the oar at- 5 a 019 1 a p 8 o w P 3" 1 taohed to the balloon shuck a chimney, y , o o l3 e ? a e m K K '0 �.. Campbell was thrown out and fell to 2 O �'- ON ALL LINES OF LINES tJ S' r ze v3�'. 4' .1' �, s, 1 1,. s,1 y a° f; o r �'> P-11 A theground, revolving injuries from whioh Fit �r� S a v gm ms' b G 1 / ` to sit with feat in n kat Duan." me four years ago Mr. Little suffer- he is dying. a �typ,gE sE�ekw z RELIES IN SIx Hoon. -Distressing kid• of 0 4 a se 5° e n 2' p F) a—,-- nay and bladder diseases relieved in six ` , a y _ a g o bonne by the "Great South American , F m w s X o c cti w cam- Kidney Cure," This new remedy is a i', t I�'.';1�:'. u c+ 1, r A 31 OT „ ERI, � i1y rIG' 14; �, rem a seven attach of la grippe, M left his lower limbs partially para- d. He called in one of the best Bases county, p great surprise and delight on account ofAle its exceeding promptness in relieving 1`l ea LE O D ' S pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every of the urinary in j . !: I R1 .t wn physioians of who to do all that lay in his power relief of Mr. Little, but to no 1. For two 'and a half years he part passages y� male or female. It relieves retention of System neno�saatc�r water' and pain in passing it almost im- .Y mediately. If you want quick relief and AND Parasols Reduced in Price, trod the most intones pain and was fined to hie bed for the greater part time. The dootor was puzzled 1 his ease and as he seemed to obtain elief, he changed doctore fora period. second debtor did no better than the r; and Mr. Little returned to the one ad firth oalled in. Finally, deepair• A ever obtainog relief, he told the aioian that he did.not see any further of taking his medicines, and believed 091I1119 -- care this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. TESTED REMEDIES A CURIOUS INemrNT.--1 correspondent in the Hampshire, Eng„ Oheoniolo re•p��l Wee the following curious incident :- SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Will you kindly allow me a short epaoe,.q to state that on Tuesday last Mr. Jones For Impure, Woalr and Impoverished brought his threshing machine from Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, Canada (by Hasley) to J. S. Moss' farm tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- at Sparsholt. On its starting work on algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohftio, Con. Thursday morning the men were much eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney Summer Hats and Fancy Stra WS Reduced in Price, Ligllt Weight and Summer Dress Goods Reduced .in Price, Summer Gloats and Vests, and Suits Reduced in Pricer Flannelette Shirts Reduced in Price. Je....—! hold die if he 818 nob obtain relief short time, He bad wasted away to o more than a mere skeleton, and was hied of pity by hie neighbors, and himself a burden to life family... Hie and family had given up hope, and neighbors all thought it was merely eation of tftne when Mr. Little's 11 warrelieve the suffalzysd le his limbs were partially paralzyed surprised to see a hen tomo tumbling and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe, over the maobino. Poor thing, it had a Female lrregnlaritiee and General De- nest of eggs, which were also thrown bility. out end all were broken but four. The hen, however, kept close by all day, as LABORATORY GDDE6lGNa ON T. if waiting for the machine to stop for J. M. McLEOD, her: 10 go on her nest meth. Rather a Prop. and Manufacturer. funny thing this for a hen to Dania all arevres ing Canada on a nest of eggs in Sold by JAMES. DOSg threshing machine. Druggist Brussels. — No room! to Enumerate Articles and Prices. -"'e•Call and secure a Bur 61111.�- g A