HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-8-2, Page 1Vol. 28. No, 8, RE 4.01 St Diol high two id, h aara s b ter 1 had stria The puce Ja of 1d was. and Hie f yonn of river Ruth daug prim Mr, gram was Ediu 11e lei TTppe In • the. • two than Dame andh On .ptnoh three ship and wont his y tb sur hese oomfo For mark there of far labor those' can b the pr comb aanan actual lent in an ly raw in life' culhies thee• been a fel flet But by clew an anti lig age, he was and w old dis the u bent an with t ford, a small rown s, to advorsi life, an lowed) place i live gra ly of, ill ltintlne gotten. bey.bet In 18 homest 200 ear Tucker hey. I cad bus of Egm on shoo sold it. Wil Dickso reeve o he eery active i ship anc improv pwitio his foot expend provem houor o ci1 the road so famous fouude He al militia, and wa rank of his first 'Ace 0n, trouble also the establis embraci Tuokers In 18 Canadia tive. of t Brace• qualitie forcible iudofabi 1711E jovi vulvas hers, a liament among t member His p may be general by awls, labion of and Bru Some id efficient' capacity his the the sole ed in the bwelVe r In hie BRUSSRL,S, `ONTARIO, FRIDA,Y, AUGUST 2, 1898 W. H. KERB, Prop, 3/8TRAH DICKSON DEAD, ---- iron tee. Pioneer 'Widely /(norm and )highly acealatCt(d. - goad ogle a Glerlswood, hear ng' Dickson e remaining brothers of gong cceeded et artily mod ly uabties ominsnt rivilegs cue sited ie l• debt 85° ler se f ed emoats• n tmboney ed motion ;erne d s g a1 al cry opuldaritiy ni epresentativeo.oral lira% • nadministration711etathimself wot would s proh i Yo according to imam-aregiving P g pp ThisQ was of the burning questione at that tine, Mr. Diclteon, amoug'others, believed that Beotipper Canada majority Was being geverned a Lower Canada minority, by y and that it wee only tlirotigh leptesenta• tion acoordieg to population that his Province, as well as the large and pope- lout constituency he represented, would receive their just share of the public ex. penditaro, This principle having been recognized, in the sgheme providing for the Coufederahfon of the Provinoee, Mr. Diekoon gave the Coalition Government, formed for the carrying etaof that scheme, hie unfiiuclifug support until Confederation wits an accomplished feat. At the 01080 of his parliamentary career in 1866, Mr. Dickson was appointed Reg- istrar of the County of Huron in room of the late John Galt. Mr. Dickson will long be rememberedY for the active part he took in proino6fng the bast interests of the new settlers in the backwoods. Eo knew from per onal: experience bbe many difficulties and die. oouragemgnte they had to contend with, in Clearing away the forest and making homes for bhemselvte and families, Ho also knew that the provinceatlarge would be greatly benefitted by heir sue. cess, and 1110002000 warmIgy advocated in Parliament a liberal policy towards them, nt is moreos of l "Crown Lands," vvliiob took lace at Goderioh in Se tem. place p her, 1864, many of the lots upon wbibh settlers/ _had entered a year or two pre. . vionely and improved, were purchased by s balatore, who had no intention what• p ever of complying with the conditions of sale requiring "immediate and continuous settlement" Inmost of the eases of this kind brought under his notice, Mr. Dick. eon succeeded in getting the Commission- g er of Crown Lands to ounce]. the salsa to the speculators, and the axial settlers, PFor to their great relief,left in undisputedpos• session of their lands. Mr. Dickson also materially assisted fn obtaining a large amount from the "Improvement Fund," which he drew and transmitted to the townships in his county entitled to the same. Three sone, Samuel, of Seafortb, Robt,, of Tuckersmith, and John T., deputy. registrar, Godsncb, one daughter, Mrs. J. E. Tom, of Goderioh, and his second vvffe, whom be married in 1884, survive bo mourn his irreparable lose. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the late residence;of deceased to Maitland cemetery, Rev. Jas. Wilson, in the absence of Rev. Mr,:Andenson, 0013- ducting chs cervica The pall•bearera were J. T. Garrpw, M.P.P. ; Wm. Young, ex -Warden ; Chas. Girvin, ex -Warden ; Judge Doyle, Henry Horton and M. Hut• obinson. The floral tribntee were beauti- and;neke6s ting mottoes,a cross, wreaths — — Perth County. 'N'1 .tMJ❑ ANI!!1'IUNPXCf A __ We publish below the p onndtdates that have eueeeeded the Vibrance and Public ing Examinations in that/astern of Huron: The members 36esing at the vartoua centres ' 10 the accompanying table,-- ENTRANCE. L7%AAIIN• e names of the in passing Sallee' Leas/. Division aro given r, 0., mime.a Mgib tlS, 827 Blszmx, MAcazn No. 869 Cone, MAY " 643 Bielby, Louise " 482 Smltb, Ida " T'ea°her, George Bielb g Y 678 0°Raw, RoDSna 474 Wheolsr,Altars ,...•.,, 1'saober,111aloohn Black, 620 Allison, Dungan " +; 522 Watson,li'tJ Teacher, A. 0, Ruoeei. 614 MaCiymonb Ma „ ' Y 480 Proctor, Mina .... . .. . . .. . Teacher, lriaeMary Oornya. 428 Bosman, Ida " 8 '” 487 Paul, Maud I, Teacher, Mise Lizzie Kinney 426 McCall dames M " Q Paschall Reuben Jewitt. 678 MoDoxnY,D MAGGIE ? alt• EMI, &UNE 672 FinteDeON JENNIE ;. 764 Been/mac, GEORGE a t' 622 1l uA tehlfa Jamas " 471. Me9rter, Baxter " , Principal, 49th, Kerr, TQRNBERRY. 760 FRASER, Woe. D No. 2 724 k1oE wI N 2 EAzzmiS " " 540 TictTt'la,1i'va. Chester Teacher, Douglas Fraser. rdaM'B 44 i Aitken, Mar " Y8 • Teacher, Rolston Dunlop, 747 JLoaeeo JEIiNIE u 4 620 14L°OnnaREx, Bm02 614 R°DERTsON, MA00TE + +, 542 Ale, Ruby „ „ 7Vrro, eH a 5948 McCracken, , Taclameosle to " 502 k'c0it eenJe ale +. " 586 Acott Frank ,, " Principal, Ales. MaIll wen. •, 470 Weir, Robert 9 Teacher , Wm. Walker. WROXETER, PunLtc SCHOOL LEAVING, 708' Gibson, Edith Pub. School Exert/recut ON Fume 5013 00 LEAVING 484 Brawn, John " " 507 Hazlewood, Latta " 437 Simmons, Byron " ENTRANOE. 484 Robinson, Katie " 427 Smith, Tena C Principal, James Neilson, BLYTH. PUBLIC S°H000 LEAPINe. 680 Anderson, Ella Pab. Sobool 828 Barrett, John:q 723 Carder, Edna 666 Olarke,Florence 44 727 ltar, Clara Joseph Principal, A. H. Plummer, • WINGHAM, Poem° Senora; LEAVING, 875 Blackwell, Laura Pub. S°bool 754 Clegg, Frankie 794 Plaid, Daisy .,,. ,...," " 824 Forster, Frank " 654 Jackson, Sadie " 615 McDonnell, Robert ,' 630 McKinley, James " 704 Morton, Morton ..., .., " 615 Park, John e " 660 welsh, Cassie " ENTnboox ON Purim SawooL LEAPnee. 588 Bradwin, Lorne +• , 566 Galbraith, Alfred" " 594 Maxwell, Maltby " ,+ 545 Ross, Minnie " 643 Stewart, Alex. M " +, Prinof al, A. H. Musgrove. P g , IIiliani LE , 520 Collings, William No, 1 454 Dale, Arthur " Teacher, Miss Daisy McGregor. 486 Proctor, Richard " 3 425 Anderson, Robert " 486 Thompson, Wm " " 472 Willison, Maggie " " Teacher, J. W. King. 564 Smith, Arthur J ,+ 424 27iompson, James .. Teaoher, 1. H. Lower „ 8 760 MCGREGOR, OL/VE d. 863 IExox, EFNIE E .. . . ..... . ... " 9 725 SPRUNG, Mnsine M " " Teacher, Howard Fowler. 620 BASICA, FLIMSIER 17 5 700 STRAOiAN, CRARLES• ,. Principal, D. weir, HOWICK. 793 Seen, 0x1150 ... • ., ., , ,No. 2 014liIAHOOD " , STARLET 719 NAY, Samar +• +i 560 ilanaitton, Delbert +' 569 McConnell, Robert it " .T000115 , John Darroch. 74411i[mNE, Eva „ 5 622 WAITER. LIZZIS , 657 LAIRD, EnwIN ' " ++ 822 Aikins, Mabel Edna ,+ ' 562 Laird. I7ossie " „ 478 Montgomery, Maggie " ++ 466 Nay, Adelia Maud „ „ 615 Wilson, Blyth „ „ 456 Padfield, Jane „ church Ogg Millen, Martha „ " faithfully Teaoher, Thos. G. Shearer. 567 Mason, William 6 year, 441 Henry, Maud " " leave 423 Pitohard, Maud " " Teaoher, Henry A. Wright. teacher 881 BRroxim, SAXES , 7 Sabbath sag Catiwroen, ALFRED •+ .+ secondary 669 DANE WILLIE a ,+ Gal EvANe, HERtivA S. '• a Bean En, EVA " ,+ the Bean, Edna .. " a in 1CJtZatt4Aliva, Frank •. " Ing 'rate, Lit ," a Ethel, Y • • Lawrie, Ralph •• Moore, William ........ +• a EIAvSEeAL. Principal, John B. Campbell. Monday amitotic, I4nntuo» 8 worth composed Teethe; George Hectics, were Littlejohn, Mckenzie ., ....,." 9: momenta Teacher, Ohm. If, V. Braden. Crawford, Minnie Comm FORS " 11 Misses 'Teacher. `V. R. Mahood. 41.4,..4 682 Candle, Isaac tames " 12 1 Teacher, Milton Carter, 011 0o26l b qI, .,,,,, e ,,,,,,,,'! 13 "' 496 McMichael, Charlotte .... , " " 487 1lTndeewood, Joseph .,„„,,” , Tewaher, John Hartley. 8 „ 478'Grainger,Bevin , ,,” 16 4D9 A Teat er, M ,, ,, ,, , , ,, , ,,,,," Teaoher, Mise Bella Aildere0n. 5 428 Donaghy, Frank " 17 027 Edmunds, Frederick " +c 5G0 Mahood, Louis „ 168 Wiggins, Victor „ ,+ 491 Cook, Janet „ Principal, William waters. 470 Sperling, Albert c; 18 Teacher, Thomas liutohie°n, The :lovelorn in Melville ehmroli last Sabbath were oondnoted by Mr, Cameron and both discourses were listened to with ", attention and profit. The otnv wed of „ the 33a'iiin n woman wee tho. subject I,1 the wording and at the evening service "The Love of God Its ower and • nada- p thee." " Gornma Bentley the will beee the new officer in commend of the Brussels corps in eon. section with the Salvation: Array. The welcoming meeting will be held next been „ beth, Captain McDonald, who has been baro for the past b months, loaves et Friday for Petr°iia, where Ue will assist +feign hunter in the District Head• quarters. Lieut. Hancock will go to Tsar• lin. DEArtEl. ear P 5ion f Tho Englisharch, Murcia S. S. Convention for the Deanery of Perth was held on Tuesday of last week at S6. Mary's. There was a good atee from the various churchesine bila Deanery,viz. ; Stratford, St. Mar 'e, Mitchell, Atwood, Kirkton, Listowel, Millbank and Sebring. ell's, partook of the Lord's supper to. gather in St. James' thumb m b at 11 a, m., at wbimh Revs. Cooper and Deacon rsee ofaweloomehb is wthe rentor, as followed bP.ev. address Taylor, and the convention then settled downagin address on "Religious usiness, Rev. 11. Ed Cooperan g g in Day Schools," bat want Se time pre• vautad any dieonsaioa. After adjourn. mens the convention met at 2:30, when the recon ing papers were read and much Intereath dismission followed upon each. g The e12log ebie all well received, walling forth eulogietio oomme8. from the at- tending clergy, "The S. S. Teaoher at Home,' written Mra, Mine of y, StratfordMrs.; "Feed and read Lambe, written bySe Mrs. Mason, by Mr. Boyar of Sebringvilki ; "The Work of the 8. S. Teacher, Other Than Teaching," written Davis.by Mies Leg, the read by " ws Mabel Mof Mitchell ; "Atoms," written by Mies in S. . writtnMary's "What to 10 Teach in 9. S." written by ][fes Horner, of Stratford. In the evening divine eery. ice was held in St. Jambe' church, Rev. T. Ridley, Rural Dean of Galt, preached a moss excellent eermonon the duty of parents and teachers, It was a sermon which will not soon be forgotten by those who were favored to hear it. A oint worthy of notice at the evening service was that the three °ler gymen, viz., the • Rev. W. T. Taylor, Rev. T. Ridley and Rev. J. T. Kerrin, were all familiar figures to the Mitchell delegates, the two former having been rectors there, and the latter being the present reotor. Since Mr. Taylor has taken charge of the St. Marys perish (four and one-half years ago) it has made much progress, and, judging from the appearance of the grounds surrounding gs and rectory (they are all in one lot) hepends bis spare momenta among his flowers. The grounds have undergone a complete transformation. The convention was a great enocess, and the delegates left for home meth pleased and edified by the meeting. Next year P. V.) the cosecs• tion will be held in St. Jamba' church, Stratford. •-- llda3 at noon the s frig of bniee g, sou, Re Ietree of Huron, took its t to the Great Beyond, Per about Y pais he had been a opnarmad hovel- cueing originally been ,strimkec with lysis, but he fought death as stoutly. endured the privations of pion- e, and it was not until two years passed that he gave,up the unequal mad Tested from life's labor. following epitome of his career will e of interest to our readers ; nee Dickson,icregistrar of the gooney and a p100000 in the county, native of Roxboraehire, Scotland, was born on the 2651i.of May, 1816. ather, Archibald Dickson, was the gest eon of Robert Dickson, farmer, near Dryburgh, on the Tweed. His mother, Elizabeth erfoi'd Turnbull,, was the oldest of demos. Turnbull, an tutor- and lending farmer in Teviotdale. was educated at Jedburgh mar sahgol, and his education there supplemented by one term at' the burgh Univereity. In August, 1833, lb his father, oatno to what was then r Canada, now Ontario, and settled county of Huron. the followingyear, hie mother and Y members of the family, and five sisters, all younger himself, with one exception, also to this bounty, and joined himself Y' is father in their wilderness hAme, arriving in Huron, M. Dioksod sr., aced from the Canada Company, y hundred soros of land in the tow.-Pbyefolo MoKillo Floerooted a to house P• g' commenced to clear his land in the 1 of September1833, Here, with family, holedmany difficulties mount and hardships to endure,erg P in hewing out of the forest a rtable home for himself and them, many years Goderioh was the only for the Huron Tract, and even it was frequently difficult to dispose m produce at any price, while the of transportation over the roads in days, 32 roads they could be called, be imagined by the people of tache generation. But, industry, g y with perseverance, will enable to overcome difficulties which seem insurmountable, and these excel. Mr. Dickson, sr., possessed degree. He was ultimate- arded for himself and his partner lived to see all these pioneer difli- P overcome, and were vouchsafed of viewing what had once "forest wild" converted into fruit- de and a highly cultivated farm- his time was not entirely 000upied ring and tilling his land. He took ve tori prominent part'in the pub- ire dins neighborhood. In 1843 comftliseioned aJustice of Peace, for litany Years a member (Atha triot council, repleeentingg therein townships of McKillop, Rib -having P p, d Logan. He was also associated late Dr. Chalk and Henry Rans• s district commissioner for settling cases. • the partner of hie joys and sot- she who had shared with him lir ty and in prosperity, departed this d iia three years afterwards he fol- bo the tomb, his death taking , ,1865. Their memories will long in the hearts of many, espeoial• o older settlers, null their acts of and generosity will never 130 for- They are interred in the Harper• netery, one mile west of Seaforbh. 39 James Dickson left the family end in McKillop and purohaeed ie of wild land in the township of smith; one mile eolith of Harpur- n 1851 Mr. Dickson also cornmeal. inose es a merchant in the village ondville. Thisbnsieesshecarried ossfully for eleven years, when he o a resident of 'Tuakmrsmfth, Mr, I was Gloated to the position of the township, in which capacity from 1856 to 1860. He tools au nearest in the affairs of lis town. I instituted many needed public: lig oleo took a leadiea a fn the County Oo&o 34 During0 a no leas than $400,000 was by that body for public im• gine, and Mr. Dickson had the 1 1 drawing up and moving in conn- upon which the vast gravel which has made Huron so throughout the Province, was 30 served for many years in the having held several Commissions, allowed to retire, retaining the Lisutenant•Colnej,. He received commission while in active ser- the St. Clair frontier during the is times of '87 and '88. He was first clerk of the Division Court, bed in Harpurhey, the division ng the townships of McKillop and mith, 11'Mr. Diakeon was elected to the a Parliament, as the representa• be united counties of Huron and Hero he soon developed spacial las alegislator. He was a fluent, speaker, a good reasoner and an able, tireless worker, His em g689 disposition ale° made him a favorite with 112sfellow mem- id before the end of his lint par- .Wingham term he occupied a position ks tis leading and 'most influential i of the House,. with his constituents Judged . from the fact dud at the election of 1868, he was returned nation. At that time thepogo- aessnsion the united counties of heron 00 wag at least ninety thousand. evening ba of the labor whit% Mr. Dickson ive y pebfornwd in his re rseoutatfve Y judged demonstration constituency,. #r of Which he was decoct representative, s now ropreebnt• g grliameut by from P rusty address to his constituents, in great o e a. W o Y, t1 o, W es 8 ee •a °e a ,, es a O m Clinton .... , Wingham,.„ , Blyth Seaforth Bouseele Wroxeter Fordyuioh , . „ At the Public nation Edmund Sobo, Clara ehulobtained Arithmeticoutof MGI%ay, of No. marks ;Edmund and Ica Gerry,ebra 180' marks ; Maggie Morrie, 113,mar out of 150 ; Blackwell each ole MoEwan, of marks in English and Frank Habkirk, The best' paper P was physiology No G, Iter p read a better paper We have arranged in to schools g convenience the names are names of those Leaving placed Entrance on a ere laoedsecond, candidates last. In the townships School Leaving MI CarlTALe, Leaving papers trance in the ordinary To pass Public didate must obtain on each subject, marks. The aggregate Entrance standing, marks on each Entrance examination papers a candidate the marks on each aggregate marks.. Entrance is 845 All Entrance sant, Public School will bo sent in a soon as blank forms epeeist. BRUSSELS. Ponta° 618 l oLennan, 673 McLauchlan, 678 webater, Emma 747 Cousley, Kennedy 645 Gilpin, Fred 662 Gerry, Ira... 700 MaOraoken, 691 Wilson, Fred, 636 Watt, George ENTRANCE ON PDRLIC 603 Howe, Georgie 560 Duuford, Lorne - 470 Deadman, May 481 Dennie, Mary 432 FieudeUip, 584 Hingeton'BelCarrie 513 Laidlaw, Bella 429 li0 11100hli0, b17 Dennis, Herbals 4S0 Hayoroft, Fred. 467 Hunter, Fred 546 Ma'auehlin, 467 Pringle, Lorne 467 P010019ai, 762 CALDER. MACGIE 783 ORERAII, Sateen Toamher, 688 Ilea, ,JA LL 735 tamper, ALLAN Teaoher, 938 Br e,a 0 egts,-tnnie Y Teacher, 4Ga Pollard, Benjamin 681 FiJL'roN, EDWARD 580 Pewter, Dell Teaoher, 437 Davies, Alice Principal, 892 Mrromir.r CAERsm 615 Mitchell, C. 483 San ster, John- g 426 Cummings, Jennie ' Teacher, MaKTLLOP, 486 Flaherty, Mary+ 465 McQuade, Ma .Feather, 8604 y, Wfllis Teacher, 420 Dorsey, untie Teacher, 472 Evans, Emma Teacher, Govenloak, Mabel Mur die Mary Teaoher, Morrison, W. Grieve, Dizzfe ,Love, Dora Somerville, Minnie Teacher, haps, William Dickson, John McMillan, Walter Gordon, Annie Edge, Penny Teacher, 97 48 25 40 48 32 20 65 29 18 29 28 17 12 29 82 10. 41 20 10 9 . 18 16 10 1 19 10 7 7 12 0 27 G G 2 v Peop10 We $11OW. Mrs, Gill is visiting in BayCit Y• Mrs. A. Good is visiting in town. Mies Dolly Backer ie visiting at Zurich. Ross Beattie, of Clinton, is visiting in town, A, Cousley and wife Sundered in Sea- forth. oMine Jannis Howe is visitingrelatives at Paris. Mies Matey Ingram is visiting Mrs. George Lowry. was in Go G. .Blair derfaU for a few Y , thisweek. R Ross is assisting in the poet• office this week, Miss Nellie Smith, of London,le visit. ing at Bishop ward's. ie J. Bozell is taking enforced holidays owing to a sprained ankle, Yng has been on the sick Jamge Ballastby lice but is improving nicely now. Mise Lizzie T,Grey dale has been visiting friends in Grey township, Mrs. Amos and children, of Hamilton, are ph. holidaying at lowlem lod d • Epel Downing is now employed uonb the staff of the Watohmau, Lindsay, Oat. Mise Cassie Good and Miss MeDonald,. of Wingham were in town last week. Mrs. J, M, O'Oonnor is on the sick list and has gone to London for treatment. Mise Maggie Rose, of McKillop, is visit- ing at Mrs. John Sinclair's, Princess et, Howard Steele and sister were visiting old acquaintances at Kirkton this week. We regret to hear of the illness of Miss Addie Beet but hope she will soon be bon- vaslescent. Jno. McNaughton, optician, has one on a combined pleasure and business t rip to Petarbors' and vicinity. Mies Lilly Kendall is home on a holiday visit from Detroit, arriving here on Wednesdayof last week. Jno, Ferguson and Mies Lizzie Fergus- on were visiting in Teeewater this week, Theymade thejourneyson tic nles. My Miss Lowry as oloed her millinery store in Brussels for the holiday season and is enjoying a visit with relatives. Matthew Varooe, wife and daughter Flossie, of Orangeville, were visiting at Rev. R. Paul's, Prinoess et., daring the pest week- George Brooks and Miss Alma Brooks, of Exeter, were visiting at Division Court Clerk Hunter's. Miss Clara Hunter re• turned home with them. R. W. Tuck, of Shelburne, former] a well known resident of Brussels, was in town for a few days. He 1°oke as if Grey Co, agreed well with him. Willie Backer arrived home on Wed- seeder afternoon from his trip to London England. He enjoyed the voyage ver gy moo) and 11x5 not eta sick. Be thinks he will try it again this Summer. S. T. Plum, wife and children have gone on a pleasure outing and will visit Hamburg, Paris, Galt. Dundee and other places, driving all the way. D. Strubb is taking Mr. Plum's place in the shop. Robert Dickson and wife, who recentlyOrillie ]emceed to Detroit, have gone on pleasure trip np the lakes to Duluth and will probably visit relatives in Dakota and perhaps Winnipeg before returning. W. K• Ireland, of Owen Sound, spent Sunday in Brussels. He was an old time resident of this place and found many changes from the days of his real - dente here. Mr, Ireland was the guest 0, Jbhn Wynn. Rev. G. H, and Mre. CobUlediok left on Tuesday for a holiday of a few weeks. They will visit at Burlington, Toronto, Grimsby Park end other places. Mise Nellie Prise, Ea, sad Douglas Cobble- dick will visit at Rookwtod. Ward Farrow left on Tuesday for his new rum as mail clerk between Hamilton and Palmerston. .His headquarters will be at the former plate. Mr. Farrow has been in Her Majesty's service on the C. P. R. line in Manitoba for several years and was home for hie holidays when the change was proposed and accepted. 311 School Strong, a 10, Strong, of Brussels a in Frankie obtained No. Grammar, P putbyDlc tt. and of em arranged passing first, Public candidates Entrance in School and subject must subject marks, certificates couple 3013000 Lizzie Edith John F S ENTRAN0E Bloc, Mary Jessie Duncan ... GREY, W. D. Tames Mabel E. j Teaoher, John . W 'Miss ogle Miss M Miss , E H O , Mise - F.. 178 of he poeslbie Tuakeromfth, out Bielby, Clegg Clegg, 2, of SeaforEh, cm temperance in The on that the municipal printing the those and the names it ileo, y oharaotere. one-third half is one-quarter obtain The to Leaving of are sent LEAVING. ..., ..,... ...... SCHOOL Helen „ •,., R H. G. 1 B George Ella J Ma Maggie Miss Aunis Miss Herbert 0 Maggie , Private Miss 168 Leav of 3 195 186 of a Dublin 109 marks Tnrnberry, P Wm. aet subject. subject, names P and cue to Public passing School purelyEntrance are on Public and Leaving the 1225 To on and aggregate pass, months, to Pub. LEAPING. .. • . ., J. H. Stewart, J. Dodds.' McDonald. . A. Stewart. • Dobson. MoNeil. to Bella Nellie Lawrence. _•..., Anna 80 ng Dumf. yt h 9marks 200 ; marks School, ssible of Literature, and out of 102. Mason, cur accord. divisions. reference have Leaving of printed the a the aggregate ; to of pass Entrance one-third half 422. have certificatesKelly, just the School " " „ " „ " Cameron. No. Hill. " U " " " No. „ J Peirce. " Mnrdie. Killoran, " Evans. " " „ " +, " J. Scott. " " Tuition Brown. 60 Pubil blin e Wm, 194 in 160, No. 1, Laura ; An. 104 150, and of never the School the Public in School En- can• marks obtain the the the for been as In• • " " " „ " „ " " 1 „ 3 " „ ' a " 8 n " 11 4 " '' 1 „ 2 9 5 10 642 e 606 571 12 486 ++ 436 „ 406 " 797 18 " 432 " 626 Dr. J. G. Yemen, dentist, of Stratford, was arrested late Friday night charged with performed an abortion on p an unmarried woman sawed Alice Dunn, at resent livingin Mount Forest, On being taken befre the Police Magistrate he pleaded not guilty, and was admitted to bail in $10,000 bonds and remanded friday next. Miss Dom was employed employed re aa domestic; here come tour or five years ago, but since then has been living in Mount Forest. The alleged of. fence is said to have been committed here on the 26th of June last, and since then Miss Dunn bas been ill. Latterly she has been getting worse and fears for her recovery were entertained, but at last accounts she was improving. Yeman declares his innocence in the matter, and claims the charge is a trumped up affair, and feels confident of his ability to olear himself of any criminality. FtREatEN's TounxmtExT.—The firemen's tournament and band contest at St. Mary's, Thursday of last week, was an unqualified access. Extensive prepare• tions had been made by the energetic committees in charge, business men join. ing heartily in the undertaking, and the stone:town was resplendent with hunt. ing, the streets covered with arches and decorations of public` and private build- into the finest ever attempted in St. wasarfll ]!nom as early hoar the town filled ted visitors,cubo and at noon it was estimated that about 4,000 visftore were in town, The trades prooession at 10 a. m. was over a mile long and was participated in by the great majority of merchants and business firms of `the town. At 1 p. m. the visiting bands and firemen formed a prooeseion to the fair grounds, where the afternoon perform- armee were given' -before an audience of over 6,000 people. In the band contest the competing bands and pointe awarded by the judges were as follows •—Musical SocietyBand of London, 92 ; Woodstock, 87 ; Forest and Ingersoll, ties, each 87 ; Exeter, 25. The judges were Frank Al- len, of Sb. Marys, and Wm. Gorden, of Berlin. A protest was entered by the Forest band a ainst Woodstock and Lou. g don bands nn the ground that they were not amateur bands, and objection was, pith taken to the London band in violab. ing'the rules of the contest, which elated that all members of a tom b' Land had to have been connected with the band for at least three months. The name of one'I)tvyer was mentioned as not being a bona -fide member, The hose reel' obmpetition resulted as follows :— Company, 1 Stratford aim. pany No. 4, 2 ; Stratford 'company No. 8, 8 ; Ailsa Craig, 4 ; Ingersoll, 5. Time+ keepers, J. Stafford, J." Fitzsimons, Geb. 488 Henry. The farmers race was won by 424 R. Marshall, Ailsa Craig ; 0. Stewart, Wingbam, 2 ; W. Roberts, 8. A balloon and high wire performances 445 were features of the afternoon. In the .471 a bicycle parade was an attract- 467 feature, and a grand display of fire. 480 works fittingly dotted the most suooeeoful ever held in St. Mary's. 466 Canadian .Ne va r,. West Lorne is to have a nublic library, Watford's debenture debt is $22,973 24• A Y. M. 0, A. has been organized in Berlin. Mr. Seagram's Saragossa won the handicap rase at Saratoga. Hamilton's reception to Private Trey - huret will be a citizens' fanntioo. Seventh Day Adventists are holding forth in Violas with little success. Thos. ale of man, Tilbury North, got 300 bushels of Wheat off nine sores. a now municipal building will be lighted by 250 incandescent fights, A Leamington market gardener sold 3400 worth of raspberries the otter day, Another big strike of gold in Br itish Columbia, North of Trail Creek, is c sus• ing a rash• Thos. Peat, of Blandford, has a goose has produced two broods of goslings this year. R. A. ceche], of East Zorn., has a acre field from which he harvested 1.4 Meda of hay. The Ontario Agrioaltnlnl College has just made a profitable sale of live stock to Strachan m White, Oharles Teaaf, of Hamilton Beabh, has made three unsuccessful attempts to kill himself in the last week. Governor and Lady O'Brien have ]aft nor oNewf term having expired.nd, the Geyer - A Belleville boy named Barnhart was on Friday sentenced to three years in the reformatory for stealing Y g a tricycle. At Grimsby Park Alex. Logan dived off a pier into shallow water, and shatter- ed his opine, dying a few hours after. 4pbils James Bradley, of Oherville, was hunting a few days ago, hie gun burst and shattered his left hand bad] The Brantford Electrgrossic re Railway Company willg give its hepreceipts hospital. an Tuesday, Aug. x, to the Exhibition, whhs The Re ins 13i.pwhich was g a bo a spaced on the Lyth alt., entries ready b Nearer 5,000 entries nape al- ready been resolved. A meeting of the Hamilton Board of Trade has been °ailed to protest against the superannuation of Mr. McKenzie, of department. the eu years math ht ago Dcr, Scudder, marsh land on Pelee bought He bas had t welld drained and it is now worth $150,000. John Bolton, of Waterdowu, deposited in bit barn for safe keeping. Than- day night some one who knew of the fact into the barn and parried off the money, The eapreme body of the A. P. A,, with which the 0, P. A. is in affiioblon, will meet in Toronto in J502' 6 nest year. Members of the order say bh{yt 25,000 will be in attandnmce. D. Tyeharet, of Leamington, the best fruit prospects in Essex aid Friday the peach crop on Island never as better. B i' err es the county aro a good Stop. Apples scarce. 0. Mussell shipped 3400 worth of ras berries from ouch Esex _ . _. p S ClIURCR Viit31S' . Rev. Fr. 0 Oonnor held confirmation service in the R. O, church here last bion- day.Y• Mien i Minnie Moore has taken charge of the hodi t. League in connection with the Methodist church. "Longfellow" was the topics J the Young Thursday evening in Si.SJohn's Thersday evecing b# last week. Rev, T. L. Armstrong, who has e0 filled the position of rebtpr of Trinity Ohuroh, Bayfield, duringthe pact nae decided to resign his sflargeand for Dungannon. Miss Annie McKenzie, formerlya in the Luokmow Presbyteian school, has been accepted as missionary and companion to Mies Goforth to China. 340 Rev. R• Paul veil occupy the pulpit of s abss fat oburoh berg nest Sabbath, broke the absence of the pastor. Thefollow• Sabbath Rev. W. J. Weddell, of will preach morning and evening. „ "AN to."—TG WITH Fiumetopic, This was the topic tf last 0! laeb the Bp- dolegstes evening's program hymns League. All the hymns need were by the lady named. Readings authorityon given by Will. Armstrong, "Our county, kept for Jesns" ; Mies Clara Pelee "The „ , Great Teacher , Mise in McNaughton, "Oompeneatien." are Moore sang a pretty duets en. an,..i ...ni a..-,. _... _. __ .. . • 424 Mrs, Robt. Meek, of Fingall,is Buffering 483 lockjaw, the result of stepping on a 407' nail, which piereed the ball of the 566 too -L- fly.